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tv   11 News at 11  NBC  December 8, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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a community that is still healing from the single deadly a shooting rampage in u.s. history. good evening, everyone. that's our big story tonight. police say it started with what they describe as a routine traffic stop on the campus of virginia tech. tonight, two are dead, a university police officer and the suspected gunman. the shooting set off a wave of fear and shock and disbelief across the campus. >> several tense hours on the virginia tech campus have turned into shock and sadness. >> tragedy against drug virginia tech in a wanton act of violence -- tragedy again struck virginia tech. a police officer was murdered. >> it was just after midday when a virginia tech police officer pulled over a driver in a campus parking lot. witnesses told police that another man walked up and shot the officer and then ran toward a nearby building. later, police observed a
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suspicious man in a different campus parking lot about a quarter mile away from the shooting scene. >> we returned to that area to make contact with the shooting suspect. >> investigators say the campus and community are secure. in the moments following the shooting, the university sent out an alert saying stay inside, secured doors, kallman 11 for help. tactical teams and local and state police swarmed to the campus, searching for the gunman. >> they came through, a whole team of them, like swat team guys, with their guns drawn and everything, clearing out the entire building. >> the community wide warning system went into place following the 2007 attack that left 32 people dead before the lone gunman killed himself. today's shooting stirring emotions and memories of the massacre.
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kurt gregory, wbal-tv 11 news. >> students at virginia tech were not in class today. many of them were studying for exams that were to begin tomorrow. the university has postponed those final until a later date. since the 2007 shootings that left three people dead, virginia tech has activated an emergency alert system. today those alerts reach the campus community within minutes. virginia, texas, washington state, and pennsylvania have mandated such a system. you can see the report released after the mass shootings four years ago on anne arundel school teacher remains in custody tonight -- the allegedly had sexual relations with three students vote on and off campus.
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jeffrey sears has been an english teacher and boys' basketball coach at the school since 2006. school officials are working with police to ensure the safety of the students. >> when the first allegation against mr. sears arose, we immediately rem -- remove him from the classroom and placed him in a position where he had absolutely no contact with children. >> school officials have sent home letters to parents, and counselors are on hand to help students. sears is being held on $3 million bail. experts taught sex abuse victims also suffer long-term damaging effects. shelton dutes joins us with more on the story. >> the lingering effects of sexual abuse can manifest themselves and destructive behaviors as adults. even if a victim is in their teens, experts say it is still concerning because their brains are still developing. as the investigation continues into the allegation between
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several glen burnie high school students and teacher jeffrey sears, experts warn that cases like this could create emotional stress for victims. >> there will be shame and possibly guilt. i am not sure what the relationship was with her peers as well as the teachers. there will be killed, whether it was her that exposed the relationship or someone else. >> -- there will be guilt. >> when you put yourself in the hands of a teacher in a school relationship, you don't always want to see that as someone being nice to you for sexual gratification. there will always be an issue of trust. this is not what they are going for. >> pretty nelson's as victims of sexual abuse are more likely to face depression, early pregnancy, or sexually transmitted diseases. the three students at glen burnie high school or 16 in 17 years old.
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>> that is why we categorize them as children. the synapses in their brain are still creating and they are still learning to form the right decisions that will affect them later in life. >> child sex of burke's -- child sex abuse experts say the road to dealing involves therapy and counseling. police said there might be more students involved. anyone with information is urged to call authorities. shelton dutes, wbal-tv 11 news. >> in the wake of the penn state scandal, changes are coming to the way sex abuse cases are reported at the university system of maryland. beginning tomorrow, the systems employees, staff, and students will be required to report any child abuse or neglect that witness. the new policy mandates oral and written reports to police, the part of social services, and the state's attorney's office within 48 hours of the incident. >> every citizen in maryland has an obligation to report, and what we have done is to take
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that law and recast it in the context of a university environment. >> system administrators say staff and students will be trained on the new guidelines. you can review the new policy on the education page of our website, the teenager who was hit by a car in lansdowne has died from her injuries. it is a story we brought you as breaking news at 5:00. we are told the 16-year-old girl was hit near the intersection of annapolis road and ohio avenue around 4:45. she was rushed to shock trauma where she died. investigators said the driver remained on the scene. there is no word on who was at fault. new tonight, another baltimore city police officer pleaded guilty in the kickback scheme involving a rosedale of repair and towing company. officials say it raphael feliciano pleaded guilty in --
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pleaded guilty. 17 officers were arrested in all. feliciano faces up to 25 years in prison. his sentencing is now set for march. harford county police are searching for a suspect after a 21-year-old was found dead in a car. investigators say christopher alves was shot a number of time when a woman found him in edgewood this morning. deputies do not believe the shooting was a random act of violence. anyone with information on the incident should call the harford county sheriff's department. the man who falsely promised area school appearances by ravens players in exchange for money is free on bail tonight. ill -- investigators say he promised to have a player from the baltimore ravens talk
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to the students at assemblies, but it never materialized, and he never refunded the money. he was released on $10,000 bond this morning. senate republicans reject the latest democratic plan to extend the payroll tax cut. the plan would have cut the text that workers' pay in half and place the new tax on incomes over $1 million. house republicans will vote next week on an alternative proposal that will combine a payroll tax cut with unemployment benefits, and a provision to speed up the keystone oil pipeline project. president obama said he will reject any measure that ties that project to the payroll tax extension. it is less than a month until the critical iowa caucuses, and race for the republican presidential nomination is heating up. newt gingrich is surging in the polls. sally kidd has tonight's
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commitment 2012 update. >> this is a real shift in strategy for the romney campaign, and it suggests that brahney considers newt gingrich a real threat to his chances -- romney considers new gingrich a real threat to his chances of winning the nomination. it is turning into a two-man fight between newt gingrich and mitt romney. >> newt gingrich has a real shot now. people thought of him as this dark horse that maybe could make a quick outburst, but now people are looking at the possibility that he wins iowa and the momentum carried him through new hampshire and florida. >> mitt romney spent thursday fund-raising. campaigning in south carolina, gingrich and his attacks at president obama. >> the president is creating all these problems became his
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attacks at president obama. i think he has no clue. >> he carries more baggage than a luggage store. attack politics was not romney's strong suit, and it may not go over all that well with the republican base. >> time is running out. with the iowa caucuses less than a month away. analyst say we will likely see more negative ads targeting gingrich in the coming days. sally kidd, wbal-tv 11 news. >> the latest political tv ads are out and they are getting more aggressive. mitt romney common it newt gingrich, and rick perry all have new ads targeting iowa voters reject mitt romney, newt gingrich and rick perry all have new ads targeting iowa voters. a new era in baltimore city government began today. [applause]
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jack young began his first elected term as city council president. he had some fresh faces on the council this morning during a ceremony at city hall. new members include brandon scott, nick mosby and councilman william weld from the ninth district. -- william welch. the new council got right to work, starting its first meeting tonight. on the agenda items, resolution that requires collected officials to post their financial disclosure statements on line. coming up, new development about baltimore grand prix race and how owners racked up where than $12 million in debt. >> right now we are hiring one or two people a week.
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as we get closer to the time, there will be hundreds. >> what you should use to land a position at one of the state's newest gaming facilities. -- what you should do to land a position. >> why some birth control pills may soon contain new warnings. >> another cold front headed this way as we move into friday and the upcoming weekend. right now, 32 at the airport, 40 downtown.
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x intern's out the organizers of the baltimore grand prix are more than $12 million in debt. the baltimore sun -- it turns out to the organizers of the grand prix are more than $12 million in debt. executives believe -- felix dawson wants to take over the development group. he had plans to make the race profitable for organizers next year. if you are one of those who are looking for jobs, you might want
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to head to arundel mills. merrill like casino will be hiring 1500 people in the coming months -- marylanders live casino will be hiring 1500 people. interested applicants do not need prior gaming experience. livecasino.comand and liv and you can pre register for an account. you can set up e-mail notifications that will let you know when it jobs become available. >> you can apply for jobs at the new casino on the website. we have posted a link to the website on be sure to click on local news. some are control pills may need a stronger warning labels. that is the decision from an fda commission panel of experts that met here in maryland today.
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studies show the so-called new generation of birth control pills could be more likely to have dangerous side effects. kai reed joins us live in the studio with details. >> you may have heard of the birth control pills yaz and yazmin. studies show they may be more likely to cause blood clots, but medical experts in maryland today decided the benefits of these pills outweigh the risks. the newer generation of appeals -- of pills contain a new type of hormone. several studies have suggested that women who take these birth control pills have twice the risk of developing blood caught compared to those -- and developing blood clots compared to those taking older pills. 18-year-old michelle was taking yaz when she died from a blood
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clot in her lungs last year. >> i need my daughter back, and you cannot give her back, but you absolutely can prevent other mothers from coming here with broken hearts. >> medical experts say the overall risks for blood clots are low, about 10 out of every 10,000 women will experience the complications. it is estimated that more than 12 million women in the u.s. and more than 100 million worldwide have taken yaz. they are particularly popular among young women. >> when you think of the millions of women in the u.s. taking contraceptive, the effective benefit translates into a considerable number of women. >> the majority of experts noted that the warning labels should be revised, but no decision was made as to what the revision should be. some critics insist that a change in labeling is not enough. >> i am very concerned that if they don't take this drug off the market, there is going to be
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even more girls and women harmed in the future. >> the maker of yaz says experts found no increased risk of clots during pre-market testing. experts have warned of an increased risk of blood clots regardless of the type of bill for decades now. it is important that women who smoke or have a family history of clocks educate themselves about that risk. kai reed, -- a history of clots. >> now, your insta-weather forecast with chief meteorologist tom tasselmyer. >> yesterday was a mild day and a record-setting wet day with a little bit of snow today. dry and chilly across the region. instead of hitting the '60s like we did yesterday, we had a hard time getting out of the mid-40's today. normal for this time of year is 47. the record high was 74 on december 8 back in 1980. the record low was 10 degrees in
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early december of 1882. 39 now at the inner harbor. 34 around cockeysville. temperatures below freezing in central pennsylvania. western maryland is already seen temperatures dropped into the 20's. we do have some cloudiness across the region that might prevent the temperature from bottoming out tonight, with this blanket of then cloudiness across the region. not significant as far as precipitation goes, but it is going to be a cold front morning. light winds at sunrise, which comes at 7:14. there is a little weather system cutting across the ohio valley with a little bit of snow and rain out ahead of it. another cold front will get through your tomorrow evening and reinforce the chilly air. tomorrow, temperatures might get close to 50, but behind it there is very cold air.
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three degrees in bismarck right now, 15 in minneapolis. some of that cold air will slide in an hour weekend temperatures will run a touch below normal. 45-52 degrees, south wins at 5 miles an hour. snow showers near the legs, and a band of clouds near pittsburg tomorrow afternoon. we will see a little bit of cloud cover near here and it may get close to 50 or even the low 60's in spots. as the front most -- moves off the coast early saturday morning, the clouds will give way to clearing skies and it will be chilly of saturday and sunday. south wins on the bay tomorrow, but then the wind shifts to the northwest tomorrow night. partly cloudy in the mountains tomorrow, then some snow showers and cold. highs in the mountains on saturday only in the 20's. a chilly december weekend shaping up. on the lower eastern shore, a
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little warm up tomorrow, then windy and cold on saturday. great football weather for the ravens and colts on sunday. sunday and a chilly 44. over 40's to near 50 with partly cloudy skies on tuesday. the next chance for rain coming in on wednesday, and some scattered showers on thursday as well. >> ben roethlisberger knocked out of the game tonight in pittsburg, only adding to his legacy of toughness. details coming up next in sports. >> the maryland lottery, let yourself play. tonight's multi match jackpot has an estimated and duty of $525,000.
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-- an estimated annuity. 42-43-19-18-25-21. if no one magic is all six numbers on one line of a ticket, the jackpot climbs to $550,000. the next drawing is monday night at 11:22 here on wbal-tv 11. the maryland lottery, let yourself play.
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dax now, 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> the ravens and called on sunday, a game which many assume would be a walkover for baltimore. manning told at some point to play this season. it is not going to happen this week for sure. if you fall asleep, you can do something. jim caldwell understands this
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week he faces a defense far less likely to get sleepy. >> they give you all kinds of problems. they don't just do it one way. they do a great job of stopping the run, but maybe you cannot defend the pass or vice versa. >> roethlisberger took a shot tonight that make you cringe. he certainly can take some pain. a play in which roethlisberger had all the time in the world to throw. finally sandwiched, his right ankle turned away it was not intended. it is the kind of sprain that has to out four-six weeks. roethlisberger instead returned for the second half. he threw the game ceiling touchdown for the pittsburgh steelers. they now lead the cleveland browns 14-3 late in the game.
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and 80 yardbird to antonio brown. no favors done to the browns by the ravens. duckett said many checks on the shopping list were made. not exactly a blockbuster deal. he is described as a met bought -- a qualified major league player. he did win three games in september for los angeles. a slightly splashier week for the los angeles angeles. pujols has a 200 sycamore million dollars contract with the angels. -- $254 million. taking a page from the yankees
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budgetary pawloski, the yankees also took c. j. williams 47 $5 million. -- $475 million. >> an easy put back for 13 points. a little bit of maryland defense. turn around, going the other way. eight players in double figures for maryland. terps win 108-33. new orleans point guard chris paul was sent to l.a. for a showdown with kobe bryant. things should be copacetic. wrong.
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the deal died after several owners complained to commissioner david stern that this was exactly the kind of deal that caused the five month lockout. oh, well the deleveraging soon to be free agents from less well the teams. -- a wealthy team deleveraging soon to be free agents from less wealthy teams. >> stay with us, tom has the seven-day forecast right after this.
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>> so far, not that bad. >> it is little bit chilly, but not as bad as it could be for december. we might even hit 50 in a few spots tomorrow, depending on how much cloud cover moves then head of the next cold front. into the weekend, sunny to partly cloudy skies. closed sunday morning in the low 20's. it will be great football weather in the afternoon with lots of sunshine. >> that is our news this evening. thanks very much for joining us. good night, everybody. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captionin
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featuring rickey minor from nbc's "whitney,"


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