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tv   Today  NBC  November 24, 2011 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning. holiday tragedy. a small plane carrying six people on a thanks giving trip, including three young children, crashes and explodes in the mountains near phoenix, arizona and rescue crews say there is no sign of survivors. disturbing new allegations. jerry sandusky now accused of molesting a member of his own family. this morning, the attorney for the former penn state coach responds. and high hopes. the balloons inflated, marchers are ready, and millions of people are getting ready to line the streets, as excitement builds for the 85th macy's thanksgiving day parade today, thursday, november 24, 2011.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television welcome nphoto ,ob "today." i'm savannah guthrie. >> and i'm carl quintanilla. that is the sight near the start of the macy's thanksgiving parade. >> and matt and ann are 43 blocks south therefore at macy's in harold's square. >> happy thanksgiving. >> here is the question of the morning. where you can find 800 clowns altogether in one place? not the "today" show control room. here in manhattan. we have the 85th macy's thanksgiving day parade. an american institution and by the numbers, it's huge.
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you've got 27 floats, 11 marching bands, 15 huge helium balloons, 44 balloonicles or balloon heads as we call them and they'll make their way down a three-mile parade route before 3 million people here, 50 million at home. >> i'm trying to wrap my mind around the range of guests here. we have c-lo greene and sponge bo square pants, but not together. we have avril lavigne, the much pets, daniel radcliffe and a lot of broadway shows. >> the cast from "how to succeed in marriage" doing rehearsal behind us. "sister act". >> how to succeed in business. in marriage? that would be a much longer play. >> that's actually an oxymoron. "spider-man: turn off the dark."
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a lot of great performances. the question, other than the clown question? what about the weather? it will be perfect for a parade. somewhere in the 40s, maybe 50 by the end of the parade. and 0% chance of rain. >> and a light wind. not a big wind. all good from here, you guys. very excited. >> a lot to be thankful for in terms of the weather. >> at least you didn't say "spider-man: turn off the marriage." >> yeah. dr. freud, please call your office. >> reminder, catch the macy's thanksgiving day parade starting at 8:00 right here on nbc. let's get a check of the top stories. natalie has the holiday only jeff rossen is at the news desk. >> happy thanksgiving to you and everybody else. we begin with a plane crash near the mountains of phoenix that happened late last night in apache junction, arizona. the aircraft, a small twin
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engine with three adults and three children on board, headed to a thanksgiving get together, just after the impact as you can see in this video, a huge fireball and flames that burned overnight. search teams still on the scene, but no sign of survivors. firefighters are back on the front lines near reno, nevada, fighting a dangerous wildfire there. it's still burning at this hour. 2,500 acres of brushland have been destroyed. luckily, no buildings damaged yet, but firefighters trying to get the wildfire under control before it reaches homes nearby. shocking new developments this morning in the sex abuse case at penn state against former coach jerry sandusky. two new alleged victims have come forward and now sandusky's lawyer confirms one of the new cases involves a member of sandusky's own family. his attorney calls the accusations ridiculous and unfounded. police in kansas city insist they have not given up the
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search for baby lisa irwin. the missouri infant has been missing for almost two months. officials have shut down their baby lisa command post so they can devote more resources to other cases, but eight at the detectives are still assigned to finding baby lisa. egypt's military this morning, refusing to immediately hand over power to civilians this after several clashes with protesters overnight. nbc's eamon mohadein is in cairo this morning. >> reporter: despite the deteriorating security situation, elections will go ahead ahead as planned for monday. this coming against the back drop of skirmishes that took place late last evening. human rights agencies say the death toll has risen close to 88. american students that are being
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held by officials are continuing to be investigated by the american prosecutor. we understand from american officials they have been in touch with the families and students here in prison. jeff. >> eamon, thanks. u.s. troops in afghanistan enjoyed enough down time to dig into a thanksgiving feast. >> reporter: happy thanksgiving from kabul's military airport this is the heart, the main hub of the u.s. mission here. and it's a microcosm of the international efforts of 4,000 service members from around the world, including about 1,000 u.s. troops, who live and work here. their primary role is training. training of the afghan army and police to take over the fight by the ends of 2014 so u.s. forces can go home for good. today, the mission tempo slowed down so these troops could enjoy the best meal of the year, thanksgiving lunch. the staff goes all out. roast turkey with stuffing,
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honey roast ham, ribs, roast positive at the same time ctata potatoes, corn on the cob. a group of scandinavian soldiers said they don't get thanksgiving, but they loved the turkey and cranberry sauce. thanksgiving afterall for richard price. stranded on the roof of his car wednesday when he drove right into floodwaters in pennsylvania. just call for help, right? no big deal. he couldn't get a cell phone signal. sow waited, waited, waited some more until a rescue boat finally arrived. apparently no one could hear him now. 7:07. back to savannah and carl. i'm amazed by the extent to which people will make excuses to not help for cooking on thanks giving. >> he'll be home in time for the dishes. let's get a check of the holiday forecast.
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>> mr. roker on new york's upper west side near the starting point of the macy's thanksgiving day parade. good morning. happy thanksgiving to you. >> happy thanksgiving, carl and savannah. a picture-perfect morning. even more important than sunshine. the winds for the balloon handlers for the 15 giant character balloons. light winds. not more than 5 miles per hour. they should be flying high from sponge bob to spider-man, making their way down central park west. much of the country seeing good weather. where they are not seeing good weather is the pacific northwest. a mess there. looking at very rough weather from northern california up into the pacific northwest. secondary front offshore. that will bring rain along the coast. from san francisco all the way up into the puget sound. cascades, looking anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of snow before >> good morning and happy
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thanksgiving. we have sunshine across the area as high pressure is in control. and that's your latest weather. savannah. >> all right, al. thank you. now to more on the child sex abuse scandal that has rocked penn state university. and those new claims of abuse at the hands of former assistant football coach jerry sandusky. nbc's jay gray is in state college, pennsylvania, this morning. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. it may be thanksgiving, but it's clear with new allegations the
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holiday will not provide much of a break if any, from the scandal here. this morning, jerry sandusky faces at least two new disturbing accusations of abuse. both alleged victims currently under the age of 18. in an e-mail to the media, sandusky's lawyer confirms a report in the local newspaper that one of the new allegations is from a member of sandusky's own family. in that e-mail, amendola goes on to say "the allegations are ridiculous and unfounded." >> sandusky's attorney needs to come up with a theory of defense for each and every allegation. >> reporter: attorney david schwartz is not involved in the penn state case, but says it doesn't take inside knowledge to know what could come next. >> if the new charges are filed, sandusky will be brought back to this judge, the judge could either set the same bail conditions, the judge could raise the bail, or the judge could remand sandusky, which would mean he would go directly
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to jail. >> reporter: former pennsylvania governor ed rendell argues new charge s ss could have an even broader impact. >> everyone in this process didn't act swiftly enough, courageous enough. why this happened, we look at it, it's just unbelievable. >> reporter: as the search for answers continues, the future of the charity founded by sandusky is unclear. there are reports from an attorney from one of his initial accusers that filed an emergency motion, asking a state judge to block the second mile charity from transferring or dissipating assets. authorities with the second mile are considering options as they continue to deal with fallout from the scandal. let's get back to the new allegations for a moment. jerrian sandusky's attorney are quick to point out both allegations came after the initial grand jury report in this case. savannah. >> jay gray in state college, pennsylvania. thank you.
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7:11. here is carl. >> savannah thanks. now to politics and the presidential race. gop field taking a brief respite for the holiday not stopping some candidates from feeling the heat. kristen welker has details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, carl. the first family will be celebrating thae ining thanksgit the white house. republican candidates are pausing to observe the holiday. but on wednesday, time to talk turkey. >> you are hereby pardoned. >> reporter: president obama pardoned the national thanksgiving turkey on wednesday, but not as kind to congress. >> recently, i've been taking a series of executive actions that don't require congressional approval. well, here is another one. we can't wait to pardon these turkeys. >> reporter: the first family later reached out to those in need at a local food bank. the images, a stark contrast to the combative tone on the
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republican campaign trail. >> iowa is wide open, and anybody who tells you it isn't or they know what's going to happen is blowing smoke. >> reporter: stomping in iowa, mitt romney took a shot at the latest front-runner, newt gingrich, for suggesting that he would not expel all long-time illegal immigrants. >> those people who have come to the country illegally shouldn't have a special pathway. >> reporter: romney's first campaign ad came under fire by critic who's say this key line takes a quote from the president out of context. >> if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose. >> reporter: here is the original. >> senator mccain's campaign actually said, and i quote, if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose. >> reporter: romney said the ad is fair game. >> the ad before it went out was sent out with press releases describing that -- what the president had said about john mccain was now going to be used to be said about him, so there was no hidden effort on the part
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of our campaign. >> michele bachmann. >> reporter: michele bachmann criticized nbc wednesday after her recent appearance on jimmy fallon, when the show's band played a title that's offensive to women as she walked out on the stage. >> this is clearly a form of bias of the hollywood elite. >> reporter: in a tweet, fallon apologized, saying i'm honor thad michele bachmann that was on our show yesterday and i'm so sorry about the intro mess. i hope she comes back. > and the roots bands leader says that the performance was a tongue in cheek and purr of moment decision. the show was not aware of it. i feel bad if her feelings were hurt. that was not the intention. nbc apologized for the incident, calling it unfortunate, but also unacceptable. and went on to say that the roots bands has been seriously
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reprimanded. jimmy fallon also called bachmann to apologize personally. the gop candidates will be back on the campaign trail tomorrow. carl. >> kristen welker, thank you for that. john harwood, chief nbc washington correspondent. let's pick up on that michele bachmann story that kristen ended with. we heard about the apology from fallon and nbc. bachmann suggests there would have been a swifter response, say if this had been the first lady instead. are implications more personal than political? >> probably would have been a swifter response if it was the first lady. she's more high profile. ultimately, though, we got to the place that we ought to get to. everybody knows that jimmy fallon is a funny guy. the show is edgy. if you are going to have a presidential candidate as a guest in your house and you need to treatxd them with respect. the way she was introduced was
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ou outrageo outrageous. >> newt gingrich, in iowa, among republican caucus goers in first place. 27%, romney at 20%. how significant is this? does he has the organization in iowa to leverage that? >> very significant, and,çó no,e doesn't have the organization. the question is, can he in the six weeks remaining before the caucuses develop one? newt gingrich is the most interesting of the candidates who have risen and falling because he has such a long track record with conservatives that will help him withstand some of the heat over immigration comments at the debate. but newt gingrich has been running a solo campaign really with no infrastructure at all. and can you in a sort of flash fire situation develop one very quickly? we're going find out. the advantage is that the rest of the field is fairly weak. mitt romney has been a consistent presence, but he's not been able to break out. although everybody considers him
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easily the front-runner in the race when you look at it in totality. newt gingrich has a challenge ahead of him. >> you mentioned challenges about immigration during the debate. open to the possibility of illegal immigrants becoming legal residents looking for legality in his words. does that come back to haunt him? do you think he actually really believes it or pandering to voter who's might be with him in the general election? >> i think he believes it. he's got a long track record of articulating similar positions and the question that kicked off those comments from wolf blitzer was about his vote in favor of a bill that accomplished a similar goal during the ronald reagan administration. newt gingrich will lose some support over this, but he's better positioned than rick perry was to withstand the heat from conservatives. he has a record of having led the republican party back to control of congress. and a reputation among conservatives that i think will help him. the other thing that helps him
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in an underlying sense, carl, is that even people who take a hard line on immigration understand that we're not going to kick 12 million people out of the country. it's why you haven't heard a plan from mitt romney about how he's going to execute that. everybody is a little bit vague on what you actually do with those people. newt gingrich, a little more specific. and he'll try to defend that position. >> you mentioned milt rom mitt romney, he criticized it as an magnet for illegal behavior. he made an appearance in 2007 when he appeared to have a different view. let's take a listen. >> my own view is that those people who come here illegally and that are in this country, the 12 million or so here illegally, should be able to sign up for permanent residency or citizenship. >> how much of a reversal is that? >> mitt romney has a problem on this issue and many other
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issues. he appears to be on all sides of some of these very controversial and core issues, depending on what point he was in the political process. newt gingrich has responded to criticism from romney, by saying he's been on both sides, because of romney's reputation for having taken multiple positions, that will be an effective counter for him. romney's position is clearly the most popular one in the party at this moment. >> thank you. have a great holiday. >> you too. thanks. >> and now here is savannah. >> let's check in with matt and ann, a few blocks downtown  getting ready for the macy's thanksgiving day parade. >> we're listening to "sister act" rehearsing behind me. we're joined by the executive director of the thanksgiving parade. all dressed up. how are you feeling right now? >> i'm feeling great. >> the countdown has started. >> feeling fantastic.
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uptown, seeing the energy of everybody coming together. the bands are starting to a. the clowns are up there. all of the chirldren being put n the float. a magnificent morning. >> some things people have grown to expect. macy's likes to add new things every year. what will we see the first time? >> you are absolutely right. we add new balloons and floats this year, three new balloons this year. sonic the hedgehog, celebrating his 20th anniversary. julius the sock monk key, and t aflac duck. the new york police department, we have a new balloon, harold the policeman, wearing a nice nypd badge on his belt. >> also have a free app available this year, and it tells you, for example, where you can go to the bathroom if you're standing by. >> a great app. at 9:00 this morning, the parade is going to go live on the app. you'll be able to see when everything is going to come into
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camera. if you're in another state and your kid is in a marching band or you want to know when santa will arrive, you will track that on the app. >> you have been giving up your thanksgiving for this for a lot of years. this is your first year as executive producer and grand marshal. how will it feel when you cut the ribbon? >> i don't feel like i'm giving up thanksgiving, i feel like this is thanksgiving as it should. it's not lost on me, 87th year history and only the seventh person to have this job. it's an extraordinary day for me. i feel great. >> you better get going. >> yes, i got to go up there. thank you very much. >> and "sister act" performing behind us, follow "how to succeed in business." savannah, back to you. >> we'll check back in with you later. ahead, police release a new picture of a florida mom who vanished mysteriously after appearing on "the people's court." does what she's wearing hold a
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clue to her disappearance.
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just ahead, struggling with your holiday menu? who me? no. bobby flay will walk you through the entire feast. >> after your local news. a huge impact by shopping smalle on small business saturday. one purchase. one purchase is all it takes. so, pick your favorite local business... and join the movement. i pledge to shop small at big top candy shop. allen's boots... at juno baby store. make the pledge to shop small. please. shop small on small business saturday. 4am! get the brands you love and over 900 doorbusters! buy tires, get a $100 award card. this 50-inch 1080p tv, $499.99. craftsman c3 drill, just $39.99. real deals. real savings. sears.
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challenge that. new olay smooth finish facial hair removal duo. first a gentle balm. then the removal cream. effective together with less irritation and as gentle as a feather. new olay hair removal duo. that stays even after i treat... [ male announcer ] truth is, most sinus formulas don't treat a cough. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus sinus liquid gels fights sinus symptoms plus cough. you're good. [ male announcer ] thanks. that's the cold truth! it's all crossed out... it's 'cause i got everything on it. boom! thank you! [ male announcer ] black friday's here. why wait outside when walmart has over 2 million tvs in stock? deals start thursday 10 pm. more electronics at midnight.
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>> good morning, everybody. the time is 7:26 and here is a look at a couple of top stories. a drug kingpin reached a deal that could put him in prison 20 years. steven black wefpl pleaded guilty to a laundering conspiracy that prosecutors say he led drug operations in maryland, new york and dominican republic. his illegal activity culminated
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with a mass shooting at an east baltimore barbecue in 2009 in which a dozen people were hit by category. he apparently was the intended target. was also in the news the year prior when his that brothers were kidnapped. police believe he was the intended victim there. sentencing is set for january 12. the man accused of killing a baltimore bar owner pleads guilty this week. officials say robert gardner was a hit man hired by lee martin's wife. he was the owner of hop's inn at the time of his murder. let's check the forecast with ava. >> happy thanksgiving to everyone. a chilly start. we had clear skies and it is 31 at b.w.i., 41 inner harbor, 32 at college park. a chilly start but we will have plenty of sunshine into the afternoon and that will help the temperatures warm to where they should be this tim of year.
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58 the high in baltimore, 57 st. mary's county. 51 for the western mountains and around 55 in york county. we will keep the sunshine around even into tomorrow as we warm up to 65. 65 on saturday as well. a few clouds building in saturday. sunday increasing clouds, high 64. a chance of rain sunday night. looks like rain in monday then a significant cooldown next week as we expect temperatures only in the 40's by wednesday.
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♪ 7:30 on this thursday morning, thanksgiving day, november 24, 2011. that is the cast of "sister act: the musical" rehearsing as excitement builds for the macy's thanksgiving day parade. right now, the real fun on the plaza we'll step outside to say hello to the fine folks in a bit. first, inside studda yada 1 a, carl quintanilla with savannah
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guthrie. >> we have bobby flay with last-minute pointers, how to carve it, and a few desserts or two. >> we keep making dinner for 50 or so. i want to ask, what time should be there? find recipes on print them out and cook right along with him. the latest on the search of a florida mother who disappeared one week ago after an appearance on "the people's court." we have details from miami. >> reporter: good morning, savannah a new development in the mysterious disappearance of this mom and popular bartender. a necklace that michelle was wearing the day she went missing. missing mom was wearing this necklace, featuring a large crucifix. they are asking the public, have you seen it? >> possibly if someone has
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gotten a hold of it, might be wearing it, might be trying to sell it, something like that that's a new direction in a way that could lead us back to my sister. >> reporter: the 33-year-old mother of three, a popular bartender, disappeared one week ago today, just hours after appearing on "the people's court" arguing with the father of her 3-year-old twins over a lost engagement ring. >> he gets mean and vin delicious, and he gets mean when he's been drinking. >> reporter: he has a violent history. >> i felt somebody grab me and yank me around. >> reporter: in 2009, she sought a restraining order against him that was later resolved. and before they met, smith plead guilty to aggravated battery, but police say he's not a suspect. michelle's family says he was the last one to see her on thursday afternoon when she dropped off her twins, they say there is no reason to think he's involved. their theory? >> she got carjacked. i don't know if dale had something to do, but he's been
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cleared. >> reporter: michelle's hummer suv recovered in a neighborhood her family says she never visits. now the area is a meeting location for search crews. >> i got a grasp of the big area we're searching. >> the 11-year-old son, the first to notice there was a problem when hshe didn't meet hm after school. >> he was blowing up our phones. have talked to mom? >> reporter: this family was planning to spend the day at grandma's, now they are in an abandoned parking lot, searching for answers and clinging to hope. local restaurants in orlando have offered to take family, friends, and volunteers at the command center a thanksgiving feast. savannah. >> thank you. clint van zandt is an nbc news analyst and former fbi profiler. good morning to you. >> hi, savannah. happy thanksgiving. investigators say this necklace
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may provide a clue. is this a good tactic? >> it really is. when we see a piece of jewelry like that connected to a victim, if she was actually a kidnap victim, one of three things may have happened to it. obviously, she could still have it. but number one, if it was stolen, it could be by the assailant, who is going to pawn it, try to get rid of it for money. or he may hold onto it as a trophy, something that reminds him of this terrible act he may have committed, and, number three, savannah this is the gift giving time. many times we'll see an offender steal a piece of jewelry like that and give it to somebody else. a girlfriend, wife, mother. when they see that person wear it, it helps them relive the crime they actually committed. for the police, finding that could lead to the disappearance of this woman. >> as we know, she disappeared within hours of the airing of this episode of "the people's court." an experience she told her mom
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she found had you mailiating. the family thinks this disappearance has nothing to do with the airing of the show. do buy that? >> law enforcement, fbi agents, others, we don't like coincidences. we want to know why things happen in a sequence like that. but realize that show was airing no more than two hours before she is alleged to have gone missing. that's an awful tight time frame. does law enforcement have to consider that? they do. what is more important is her last 24 hours and the last 24 hours of any potential suspect. boyfriend, somebody she encountered at her job, and as her parents say, she may have been the victim of a random hijacking. these are all theories that law enforcement has to consider as they try to close in, try to find out what happened to this young woman now a week later. >> let's quickly talk about her ex-fiance that she described asthmalicious and vindictive behavior on his behalf.
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he has been ruled out by police as a suspect. do you believe they are done looking at him entirely? or did that happen too fast? >> to rule somebody out, they have to know where he was positively the day, the evening she disappeared. number two, you have to look at his computers, cell phones, bank accounts, to make sure if he wasn't involved that he didn't have someone, a surrogate, acting on his behalf to do something for him. all of those things need to be done before you can rule somebody out. but as you know in these cases, savannah you have to rule out the person closest to the victim in this case, he was the last one known to be withç?dher. you have to rule him out so you can move on and start looking at the other possibilities you and i have talked about. >> clint van zandt in washington this morning, thank you. >> thank you. let's get another check of the weather from al. at the starting point of the macy's thanksgiving day parade here in new york. good morning again. >> good morning, savannah and carl.
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picture-perfect morning. temperatures in the upper 30s. great day from mr. rodney atkins, country star. good to see you again. >> happy thanksgiving, al. >> you too. your album, take a back road. the single off of it, number one. you got a lot to be thankfulxd r this year. >> i definitely do. count my blessings today. and then to my family, be home this afternoon and all the military, everybody think of the military families home and ñi abroad. >> absolutely. you were on recently talking about performing for the veterans and our troops. when -- you will be on the woodland creatures float. you're singing, going down central park west, you group watching this parade. what does it mean to you today? >> you close your eyes, and i can remember, you know, being 6 years old and smelling the food coming from the kitchen and watching the parade, it's magical. even more magical than i realized here.
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i wish everybody could see just -- james taylor played on the same float i'm on two years ago. i got to meet him the other day. and he carved his name on the float. i'm going to sneak and carve my name. such an honor to be here. happy thanksgiving to everybody. >> so good to see you. all success. and have a great time. enjoy it today. >> you too. thanks a lot. >> rodney >> good morning and happy thanksgiving. sunshine making for a beautiful conditions all across the area today.
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and that's your latest weather. savannah. >> al, thanks so much. what do you do for thanksgiving if you're the leader of the free world? inside the white house kitchen. but, first, these messages. ♪ [ drill whirs ] [ male announcer ] during lowe's black friday event, you can get an 18-volt dewalt drill for just $99. was $189. ♪ [ squeak! pop! ] or get a 14-gallon shop vac for only $29. was $79.
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shop online starting thanksgiving day with free shipping through monday. lowe's. never stop improving. with free shipping through monday. chase freedom gives you 1% cash back. and the largest cash back card only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year. but you know, it's your choice, so... don't' get short changed. get your cash back. chase freedom. that's what people could say if you're still using a liquid foundation that can settle into your lines and wrinkles and make you look older. covergirl and olay floats above lines and makes you look younger. can your anti-aging makeup do that? simply ageless from olay and easy, breezy beautiful, covergirl.
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sinesses are the lifeblood of our communities. on november 26th you can make a huge impact by shopping small
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on small business saturday. one purchase. one purchase is all it takes. so, pick your favorite local business... and join the movement. i pledge to shop small at big top candy shop. allen's boots... at juno baby store. make the pledge to shop small. please. shop small on small business saturday. back at 7:42 on this thanksgiving morning. nbc news correspondent martin fletcher is trying something new. writing fiction. new book called "the list" and he sat down with tamron hall to talk about it, beginning what his title refers to. >> that was a list that i found after my father died in his papers and it was a list of his family and my mother's family who went to the concentration
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camps. and the idea of his list, my father's family on the one side, my mother's family on the other side, was to tick off those who survived and cross out those who did not. as it turned out, everybody was crossed out and when i funound that list, everyone died in the holocau holocaust, i thought i need to write about this. >> you have been in some of the most perilous situations you can imagine, documenting the world around us. to have this journey and turn it into a novel, that had to be an incredible personal effort for up. >> different from writing a tv script, that is for sure. >> i bet it was. >> the trouble, i did so much research on the book, totallyñr based on fact, but i found that, you know, we in our world, it's all about facts, events, analysis, and i wanted to talk about emotions and relationships and people. and i think in fiction, you can get to heart of what it was really like, the experience, more than in nonfiction. that's why i wanted to write a
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novel. wasn't easy, but here we are. >> your main characters are george and edith. loosely based on your parents. tell me about your characters and the comparisons on how they relate to your parents. >> same names as my parents. i didn't intend that. i intended to replace the name, but i just couldn't bring myself to replace at the ends. so it's their names. they lived through these experiences, but it's not really their story. it takes place in london, last three months of 1945, about refugees coming to terms with the past, the holocaust, trying to build a new future for themselves their babies. but it's really about immigrants anywhere. it relates very much to today to anybody. >> used a lot of historical facts. what was your research like? these days with the internet, people love to go on, check outliout lynn lineage, who we are.
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what was your research like? >> the best part of the book. the fun for me. i read all of the local newspapers of that part of london for over a six-month period. i found out things i didn't know about. changed me completely. >> for example? >> an emotional roller coaster for that refugee couple. there was a petition in london, 1945, five months after the end of world war ii, to throw the jewish refugees out of london. a petition, by the mayor, going to be presented to parliament. and they were worried about terrorism going to be imported to palestine fighting the british. and they were afraid they would bring it to london. and the mi-6 released a file saying there was a plot to assassinate the prime minister at that time. it was amazing. up next, an inside look at
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the first family's thanksgiving, and matt and ann get you set for the macy's thanksgiving day parade, right after this. [ female announcer ] ornaments are not for decorating. dad. did you know it's 22 days, 11 hours and 2 minutes to christmas? [ mumbling ] ...enny days, 8 hours, 9 minutes... 18 days, 17 hours... [ mom ] let's go, young lady. [ female announcer ] they're for building excitement for christmas. 12 days, 18 hours... come on. it's no days! [ female announcer ] the hallmark countdown to christmas ornament. 5 hours and 59 minutes and 41... 40...39... 38...37...36... [ female announcer ] it's time for the annual shareholders meeting. ♪ there'll be the usual presentations on research. ♪ and development. a few distribution issues will be resolved. some new members of the team will be introduced.
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as usual the i.t. department is always there to lend a hand. the chairman emeritus will distribute his usual wisdom. and you? well, you're the chief life officer. you're responsible for liquid assets. and employee incentives. you just need the right professional to help you take charge. because you don't measure your success by the size of a pie chart, but rather by the quality of the pie. ♪ ♪ [ gasp, girl screaming ] yeah, i know it's pretty cool; it starts at midnight. [ girl screaming ] is this the right way? [ girl screaming ] i take that as a "yes." [ girl screaming ] [ girl screaming ] i guess you're excited, too. [ girl screaming ] [ female announcer ] get justin bieber's
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someday gift set and we'll donate two dollars to the make-a-wish foundation. only at macy's. the black friday sale starts at midnight. only at macy's. ♪ hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in a little drop of chocolate. pure hershey's. what's thanksgiving like at 1600 pennsylvania avenue? david gregory, moderator of "meet the press" sat down with assistant white house chef sam cass for ab inside look. >> this first family in particular is so committed to nutrition on a national scale and certainly in their own home.
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does that also pertain to thanks giving, or is it as much a celebration of historical eating as it is for most families? >> thanksgiving is about a celebration and enjoying food and family and coming together process. so we really just have fun and enjoy really traditional dishes, just like dishes eaten all over the country and same way they have been eating in their family long before they got here. for us, being in the house, we had a great harvest with a bunch of kids in the area and the first lady, we'll use that produce for the thanks giving dinner here. it is about tradition and about togetherness and eating as a family and celebrating all we have to be thankful for. >> is there a standout food for you that you would like to eat or cook or both? >> i'm a stuffing and gravy kind of guy. >> there is mr. fitness right there. >> look, it's thanksgiving. we got to enjoy ourselves. blow it out. >> what is the secret to your
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stuffing and gravy? >> oh, well, i keep my gravy real simple. you know, just take the drippings from the turkey, flour, herbs, shallot and onion, and good to go. i love in stuffing, cranberries, nuts, like pecans and any herbs. >> what is a house favorite, a standout, that you cook? >> that's top-secret information. a standout. i don't know, what's a standout? to be honest with you, we try to cook balanced meals. always a vegetable on the plate and always needs to get eaten, that's for sure. nonnegotiable and try to keep balance and make sure we have fun. we have kids in this house, so we -- we throw them a bone once in a while. give them something fun. >> keep anything in the kitchen for late-night snacks or the
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left ov leftovers? >> they have to fend for themselves. >> thank you very much. >> it's a blupleasure. >> see the entire interview at let's check in with matt and al. >> was that an exclusive interview from david? welcome down to 34th street, just blocks from where you are. on the day of the 85th macy's thanksgiving day parade. the weather? absolutely perfect. >> zero chance of precipitation and we're expecting sunny skies. in fact, we're seeing them. blue skies and the crowds have already filled the stands. hello! very excited for the big parade to start. so am i. >> 3.5 million, 50 million at home. we'll see you in a little while. >> see you at 9:00. >> the parade, right here on
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nbc. >> next, your local news and weather.
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smal l bu sinesses are the smal lifeblood of our communities. on november 26th you can make a huge impact by shopping small on small business saturday. one purchase. one purchase is all it takes. so, pick your favorite local business... and join the movement. i pledge to shop small at big top candy shop.
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allen's boots... at juno baby store. make the pledge to shop small. please. shop small on small business saturday. it's barnes & noble's fastest, lightest tablet, with my favorite streaming movies. is it weird that i watch myself? there's got to be a jane app in here somewhere. introducing nook tablet by barnes & noble.
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there are tools to be had. starting at 5:00 a.m. friday, the sawdust-makers, the hole-drillers, and the get-it-done machines all cost less. a lot less. so let's load them in our sleighs and call them by name. on ryobi. on dremel. on dewalt and makita. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. here's what the early bird gets. an 18-volt, two-piece ryobi combo kit for just $49.88. ♪
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>> good morning. happy thanksgiving. i'm sarah caldwell. 7:56 and a baltimore drug kingpin has reached a deal with prosecutors that could put him in prison for 20 years. 27-year-old steven blackwell pleaded guilty to a drug and money laundering conspiracy. prosecutors say he led operations here in maryland, new york and dominican republic. his illegal activity culminated with a mass shooting in a barbecue in twain in which police say he was the target. a dozen people were shot then. was also in the news a career prior when his two brothers were
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kidnapped. police believe that he was the intended victim there. sentencing is set for skrpb 12 and now we want to look at the forecast. >> we are waking up to sunshine. the storm system offshore and we have had mostly clear skies. that kept it chilly. 35 at b.w.i., 41 inner harbor and 34 in frederick and 36 in gaithersburg. center freezing in oakland and frostburg. with the sunshine we warm up to where it should be into the afternoon. 58 for baltimore, 56 ocean city and 57 in southern maryland. 51 in western maryland. there is a look at the seven-day forecast. we are warming up more tomorrow. 65 for the high with sunny skies. 65 saturday. the next storm system creeps in sunday where we've a chance of rain sunday night into monday
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and then a significant drop in the temperatures. 50 tuesday and 40's into wednesday.
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8:00 on this thursday morning, november 24, 2011. it's thanksgiving. our crowd at rockefeller plaza, in the thanksgiving spirit. waving hello on this brisk thanksgiving morning. i'm savannah guthrie withxd car quintanilla. matt, ann, al, getting ready for the big 85th annual macy's thanksgiving parade. we'll check in with them and get the forecast for the parade in a couple of minutes. >> if you are getting ready for thanksgiving dinner, feeling overwhelmed perhaps? chef bobby flay is here to walk
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you through the process. how to make the turkey, carve the turkey, talk about the mouth watering side ditches that yodis will loved. >> his help is much needed. we won't use any names. and a special meal for those at st. jude's research hospital and we'll talk to marlo thomas, here to join us on thanks giving. >> first, a check of top stories. jeff rossen at the news desk this morning. good morning, savannah and carl. happy thanksgiving. new developments at penn state. two new allegations of child abuse against former football coach jerry sandusky. and one of the victims is said to be a member of sandusky's own family. sandusky's attorney says the latest accusations are ridiculous and unfounded. search crews on the scene of a fiery plane crash in arizona. they don't expect to find any
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survivors. the small twin-engine plane taking three adults and three children to a thanksgiving celebration. the plane crashed wednesday night in a huge fireball in the mountains east of phoenix. major movement today in the uk phone hacking scandal. rupert murdoch's son, james, as the parents of madeleine mccain testify in the case, has resigned. michelle kosinkski with the latest. >> reporter: many said that james murdoch should resign. he has stepped down from some responsibilities but remains head of the board. how did the press, police, and politicians conduct themselves here? it has not been pretty based on the testimony of parents missing toddler madeleine mccann. remember the mccanns? their daughter madeleine disappeared from their apartment
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on vacation in portugal in 2007. now they are taking a stand against the way the press covered it. >> lives have been harmed by these stories and something has to change. >> back then, as time passed with no development in the search for madeline, the paper started to turn on jerry and kate mccann. screeching headlines like she's dead. parents' car hid a corpse. even this one from "the daily star." maddie sold up by hardup mccanns. >> that's nothing short of disgusting. >> reporter: all they say completely false. one day kate found excerpts from her diary in "news of the world." they were not victims voice mail hacking, but their spokesperson believe they were. is a ena mi sienna miller is talking about how pieces of her voice mail
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became stories. >> it is baffling. information came out about private information that only a select group of people knew about. >> reporter: j.k. rowling is some of the examples of bad press behavior have been jaw dropping. sienna miller said at one time she was lying on the floor playing with a sick 6-year-old, but a newspaper cropped out the child and said that sienna miller was drunk and embarrassing guests with her boozy behavior. none of which was true. that newspaper later apologized. jeff. >> nbc's michelle kosinkski in london. thanks. a truce today between police and protesters in egypt. after five days of deadly street battles there. the military still refusing to immediately hand over power to
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civilians. it has issued an apology for the deaths and vowing to bring those responsible to justice. a big american celebrity on the witness list for silvio berlusconi's sex trial. george clooney. clooney is willing to testify, that he visited the italian premiere's villas only once to seek money for darfur, not to attend one of berlusconi's famous bunga bunga parties. now a look at what's trendsing today. a quick roundup of what has you talking about online. katy perry, "teenage dream" on the midst of breaking the record for the most number one off one album. tied with michael jackson, but the sixth single, i one that got away" could be the tiebreaker. we'll watch that. tmz reports the ever-expanding duggar family will have a crowded house with at least 50 people over for thanksgiving. you thought your house was
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crowded. among those shchowing down, the1 duggars and the neighborhood family of 23. just one day after drawing huge crowds to rockefeller plaza, jump bieber's new macy's commercial is going viral on youtube. >> is this the right way? i'll take that as a yes. >> that scream heard around the web has had more than 1.5 million hits by this morning. 8:06. to al roker with a special guest. al, i'm happy to see you getting some voiceover work. >> thanks very much. i understand that that actually is your scream, jeff. but that's okay. i appreciate it. we are joined by a legend. another legend. we have neil diamond. good to see you. >> thank you, al. >> a heck of a year. lot to be thankful for.
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national greatest hits tour, tickets go on sale december 5th. greatest hits come out on december 6th. back on "today" next week, on wednesday. this has been a heck of a year. >> and i got engaged too. just to keep me busy. >> congratulations. >> a heck of a year. >> i am kind of shocked. your first parade. >> that's right. and i'm very excited about it. i -- i do, unfortunately, have a fear of clowns, but -- >> we have 800 of them for up. >> i'll try and get through it. >> and you'll be on mount rushmore float. >> mount rushmore float. my spiritual home, i go down there all the time for the harley davidson rallies in sturgis. always visiting mount rushmore. >> what are you singing as you head down? >> waving and playing music, but i'll be singing "america" when my time comes. >> good morning and happy
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thanksgiving. we have sunshine across the area as high pressure is in control. want to find out what your weather is going to be on the way to grandma's house go to or the weather channel on cable. coming up, bobby flay shares recipes for the ultimate thanksgiving feast, right after this. oh, ha. the target 2 day sale starts early friday,
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there's got to be a jane app in here somewhere. introducing nook tablet by barnes & noble. [ sponge ] you've suffered some real damage. cheesy crusting. 3rd degree noodle trauma. the prognosis is bleak. you may need to soak overnight. nurse...! dawn power clean? it'll never work. [ female announcer ] dawn power clean with micro-scrubbing enzymes can give you the power of an overnight soak in just 5 minutes. [ sponge ] i give you a sparkling clean bill of health. it's a scientific miracle! [ female announcer ] dawn does more. [ sponge ] so it's not a chore.
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it's here! it's here! tittering nervously] back now at 8:12. this morning on "today's" holiday kitchen, bobby flay helps us create the ultimate thanksgiving day feast. first, how to get the golden brown turkey. good morning, happy thanksgiving. >> so glad to be here. my favorite day of the year. >> i know you are basically c k cooking all day. >> i'm actually cooking this
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meal that i will show you today. >> the turkey. goes without saying, if you haven't thawed it by now, it's too late. >> you should buy a fresh turkey anyway. people talk about brining a turkey, not brining. i'm not a briner. i don't think it's necessary. brining is good for people who overcook the turkey. cook it correctly and you'll be fine. >> how do we do it to cook this turkey. >> here we are what i do, i brush this with butter. some softened butter, and you want to put chicken stock in the bottom. >> why is this so important? you are big on this. >> it will create -- when it starts to heat up in the oven it will create steam and make the turkey nice and moist. going to create steamy liquid and the butter melts down into the liquid. >> a little salt on there. >> and pepper, lots of pepper. salt and pepper. and vegetables right in the cavity. this just gives it some aromatic
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flavorer. >> how long do you put this guy in the oven? >> this is a 16- or 17-pound turkey. this will take about two hours, maybe a little more, maybe a little less. check itxd with a meat thermometer. put it right between the leg and the breast. >> stuff it down in there. >> well, you don't have to jam it in. just kind of like -- it will go in nice and easily. when it gets to 165 degrees, take it out. 165, and then you want to let it restlose to an hour. >> what about basting? a lot of people love to baste. opening the door, the heat gets out. >> that's okay. you take your baster, go into the delicious liquid. chicken stock and butter and baste it for like two minutes, not even two minutes. 20 seconds and close the oven. i baste every 20 minutes after the first 45 minutes. >> i know we'll talk about the glades you put on this later, but we want to carve as well. >> everybody has uncle harry who
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comes out once a year he hits the table and messes up your turkey. we don't want to do that. what i like to do, i like to take the whole breast off, both sides of the breast let's say. what i do, make an incision like this. >> how long did you rest this? i forgot. >> close to an hour. a very, very big bird. i will follow the bone right down, take the entire breast right off the turkey. see how juicy that is? amazing. >> yeah. >> okay. there we go. and put it on the cutting board. now, we're going to make nice slices, trying to keep the breast in its same shape. >> you're doing like chunks, not slivers. >> not chunks, but very thick slices. >> okay. everybody gets a piece of the skin. so beautiful this way. >> what about the dark meat? did you put that back in the pan? >> here's the deal. the breast cooks faster.
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the dark meat has to keep cooking in my opinion. i take the leg and thigh off, and put it back into the same juices in the pan. >> all right. >> and i cover it, and i braiz it in the oven, just cook it about 350 degrees for like another half an hour. >> wow. okay. >> pull it like pulled pork, pull the dark meat and serve that on the side. >> bobby, thank you so much. even i understood this lesson. he'll be back actually to tackle the all-important sides. bobby, thanks. but, first, these messages. as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. the fig's going to be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to the only thing better than our tasty, good-for-you products is when they're on special. here's this week's grower's special. find ocean spray on sale at your local store. and for thanksgiving recipes, visit
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back with our special series, thanks giving, focusing on the work of st. jude's children can be notoriously picky eating, but for a child with cancer, just eating can be so important. giada de laurentiis is seeing how the hospital is making fun. >> by dinesign, there is only o cafeteria to serve all patients, doctors and visitors to the hospital. the chefs on staff can prepare almost any meal for patients. a salad station with ingredients picked from the hospital's garden. do the kids eat sal ahead they can get comfort food, gelato,
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and even sushi. food isn't always appealing for a sick child. >> one of the first things that happens when a xhild child is i they lose their appetite. and nutritional intake is so important. >> they don't feel well, and you have to get them motivated to eat something. that's part of the healing process. how do you do that? >> a lot of times, we let them make their own food. we have pizza. we give them a pizza crust with sauce, cheese, and sausage. when they make it themselves, they will try. one bites or two bites ahead of where we were before. >> we have chef nick here. >> nice to meet you. >> and this is denise. >> hi, denise. nick and denise volunteered to cook a special thank you meal for doctors and researchers. >> i thought we could start with mac and cheese cupcakes i love to make. do you like it? >> i love mfrp a krnc mac and c.
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>> nick has been undergoing chemo therapy for bone cancer. this month, the bone in his left leg has to be replaced with a titanium rod. >> getting chemotherapy, it changes the way you feel about food. right now, i have three or four weeks without chemo and i can actually taste stuff now, and actually eat normal foods. >> sometimes, patients won't eat at all. >> i didn't eat a lot because of the way the stuff tasted. so i lost a lot of weight. >> what did you end up eating? >> nothing. just drinking water. >> really? >> yeah. >> denise was diagnosed with leukemia at age 11. she received a bone marrow transplant, but two years later, the leukemia came back. this summer, denise's mother donated bone marrow in a procedure pioneered by st.
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jude's and she's now on the road to recovery. >> she was just so frustrated. some days she would dry because she didn't have any taste for anything. but she wanted it so bad. >> despite intense treatments. denise craved one specific dell cassie. >> pig's feet. >> no way! come on! >> yes. >> that's what you dream of? that's what makes you smile, is pig's feet? >> yeah. >> come on, chefs. come on, friends. with more hands on deck, we were really cooking. you want to try it. across the cafeteria, 80 hungry medical staff and family patiently waited. one of the little chefs surprised me with an early treat. >> i made these for up. >> you did? it was finally time for to us serve up our appreciation. >> you want to go give it to somebody. >> you did this? you know what? >> what?
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>> this is really good. >> sometimes the gift of food thanks.the sweetest way to say mar . >> marlo thomas, the national outreach director for st. jude's children's hospital. thousands of visitors come to st. jude all over the world. one cafeteria. >> kay cafe. donated by kay jeweleers. my dad's idea. everybody eats in the same place. it really puts a face to the cancer. that's a huge help. and also the children get to see their doctors and scientists in a very, you know, family setting. u. it's the culture. >> nick, the young man in the story, had bone cancer. tell me the story and the significance behind the titanium rod. >> what happens, they take out the cancerous bone and put in a
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titanium rod and remotely through the years as the child's leg grows, we can lengthen it remotely. most importantly, these children have both legs. that's the fabulous part of this that we've pioneered. >> why is this time of year so important? >> this is it. nonprofit. costs $1.7 million to run st. jude's. no child pays, we have to raise the money now. all of the children's stories, you're paying for that. the public is paying for it. it's an exciting time for us. help us raise the money. >> we'll see you tomorrow. >> with the kids. looking forward to it. when we come back, we will cheek in wi check in with the macy's thanksgiving parade.
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>> good morning. happy thanksgiving. i'm sarah caldwell. it is 8:25. here is a look at one of our top stories. a man is dead -- we will go to this. the city state attorney has decided to hand over the case on a baltimore court clerk and an outside prosecutor will decide whether to file charges following an altercation between him and a blogger in which police say he may have pulled a gun. former ehrlich aide paul schurick has subpoenaed elijah cummings to testify because some
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say he received a different robocall. he is charged with using robo calls to suppress the black vote. he denies any claim that he broke the law. a baltimore drug kingpin reached a deal that could put him in prison 20 years. he pleaded guilty wednesday to a mult multimillion dollar drug and money laundering conspiracy. prosecutors say he led operations here in maryland, new york and dominican republican r republic. now we want to look at the forecast with ava. >> happy thanksgiving to everyone. it has been a chilly start. we have clear skies overnight and it is 35 at b.w.i., 41 at inner harbor, 37 frederick and 45 cambridge. temperatures are bouncing back as we have the sunshine in place and it will be here all day and it will be pleasant into the afternoon. mid it upper 50's with winds light out of the west around
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five to 10 miles an hour. the seven-day forecast gets better. mid 60's friday and saturday with sunshine in the area. sunday a few clouds return with a chance of rain, rain possible on monday and major cooldown on monday and major cooldown expected in the middle of next i'm drinkin' dunkin'.
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i'm drinkin' a dunkin' latte. i can't think without my dunkin' iced latte. it's a real latte. i love it. i run on dunkin'. get a premium latte without a premium price. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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8:30 on thanks giving morning. 24th day of november, 2011. a great crowd gathered at rockefeller plaza. no doubt, many of them will head over to see the macy's thanksgiving day parade later this morning. the last-minute touches being put on the floats. matt, ann, and al's coverage of
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the parade gets set 30 minutes from now. savannah guthrie and jeff rossin join me. i'm carl quantinilla. bobby flay is going to finish our thanks giving meal. >> we can't quit talking about the turkey. >> you said it's a good turkey, bind isn't bad either. 18th annual troy drye. coming out here. bring toys, gifts, clothing, books, whatever you want to bring to help the needy. starts monday on the plaza here on "today." we've done it for 18#ryears. jerry seinfeld, celebrities involved as well. >> if you can't go to the plaza, visit our website,
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>> and drop toys off at nbc experience store across the street. let's get another check of the parade forecast from al, on the upper west side. t-30 to the parade. >> weather is perfect. blue skies no, wind. temperature around 40. mary j. blige, a little chilly this morning, mary? >> yes, a little. >> you'll be on the big apple float. first time in the parade. >> first time. i watched it for years as a child. and just growing up. and i'm here right now. it's amazing to watch all of the floats before they come down. all tied down. just nice. >> your new album is out. film version of "rock of ages," coming out 2012. and you were just cast as legend nina simone. >> very thankful. i'm just thankful, period. every day i'm thankful. >> and after the float, what are
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your thanksgiving plans? >> spend it with family. that's it. eat good. love, laugh. you know, play. >> there you go. that's great. is that like the rest of us. after the meal, do you unbutton the meal on the pants? >> i have to. i am going in, eating everything on the menu tonight. >> happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving to you too. >> let's check the weather. as we look ahead toward the weekend. beautiful weather along the eastern seaboard. rain from texas to the central plains. wet weather in the pacific northwest, sunny and mild in the southwest. for tomorrow, for saturday, a nice day for you, along the east coast, rain in the mississippi river valley. and clouds in the pacific northwest. sunday, sunday, sunshine along the east coast. and the rain starts moving into the ohio river valley. cooler in the pacific
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>> good morning and happy thanksgiving. sunshine making for a beautiful conditions all across the area today. and if you're worried about travel weather, don't worry. we have you covered. weather channel on cable. weather p weath online. >> not sure they are available everywhere. check it out. my mother has a fabulous new jam and jelly and called orchard finest by smucker's. happy birthday.
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you won't believe it. i'm not just whistling dixie. and ann blooumenthal, of lawren, new york. 100 today. never looked better. loves arts and crafts and enjoys playing the piano. oh, people playing the piano cultured people i always thought. katherine lach, aurora, illinois. 100 years old today. loves to eat. likes to eat barbecue and listen to polka music. i love polka music. there is a place in baltimore we can go polka. theo cruse from moline, illinois. another illinois lady. life long cubs fan and loves, loves to have family dinner parties.
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and she likes to play poker too. yes, sir. keeps her sharp. louise willoughby of dallas, texas. 100 years old. lovers to visit the ranch and see the animals running around the place. that's nice. texas, good, beautiful land. and margaret fuisz. bethlehem, pennsylvania, 100 years old. a proud member of the survivors fund for cancer. bless her heart. isn't that something? still very, very strong and healthy. god love her. and tillie hein. from tampa, kansas, not florida. tampa, kansas. 103 years old. and enjoys baking all kinds of czech pastries. those people, incredible. that's it. that's all. don't go away. more to come next week. >> willard, thanks.
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when we come back, using food to give back on this thanksgiving holiday. jenna bush hager explains. first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ [ female announcer ] have you ever seen a glacier while sunbathing? why not? have you ever climbed a rock wall in the middle of the ocean? or tried something really wild? why not? it's all possible in the nation of why not. royal caribbean's floating nation. where you are free to do anything you want. which may be nothing at all. royal caribbean international. why not cruise from baltimore? visit today.
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back now at 8:39 with on this day of giving thanks, we're highlighting an organization in minneapolis that gives back through food. here is "today's" contributing corresponde correspondent, jenna bush hager. >> butternut squash, apple pie, roasted vegetables. dishes to celebrate the season. but this table full of food celebrates something more. the spirit of giving. and the meal is as much about
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community and generosity as it is about food. >> our mission is to raise money and awareness for different organizations that raise information about inequity. >> reporter: benefit dinners with a cause. >> the first eat for equity was for 12 of my friends in my house. and at that time, i said if you like this, bring your friend next time. >> reporter: today, monthly dinners serve up to 150 people. >> it's really grown, because it's tapped into this need we all feel to give and to contribute. >> reporter: she's neither a professional chef nor a party planner. >> we try to have fun. and we try to use local, organic whenever possible. and make everything from scratch. >> everything from scratch for 150 people. >> we make everything from scratch for 150 people. >> reporter: now a graduate student in minneapolis this is how emily gives back. she asks for donations between
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$10 and $20 which is donated to a particular organization of the group's choosing eat for equity has raised close to $50,000, proving small tepz can make a big different. >> i don't have a lot of money. i can't afford a $100 black tie dinner. but i can give my time and energy to worthy causes. >> reporter: most everything is donated. and volunteers donate time. >> people are longing and are starved to engage in a way where they are contributing something. and that's why eat for equity matters to so many people. they show up and they give and it feeds them in so many ways. >> reporter: this meal supports sisters camelot, an organization that skribts meals in needy community. >> we cook a full organic meal out of this bus and feed it to anybody that wants to. >> reporter: you park this bus and feed anybody who wants it
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for free? >> yep. for free. >> it gets really sweet when you bake it. >> reporter: i shouldn't eat it right here, right? this is a bus where team of volunteers prepare a feast for 230 people, their largest group yet. >> we'll put it in hot water so the pesto deep frosts. >> hard work. >> reporter: after an hour or so i finally get the hang of it. i'm really sorry. i really should just skip to the scooping. emily hopes the idea behind eat for equity spreads to other states. >> a really simple idea. the uniqueness in the approach is come as you are, give what you can. >> reporter: yeah. cooking with care and for a cause, confirming what emily believes hearsay most in this season of giving. for today, jenna bush hager, nbc news, minneapolis.
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he's shown you how to roast the perfect bird. still ahead, bobby flay puts unique twist on classic side dishes for your thanks giving feast. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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today's american story with bob dobson comes from parker, colorado, where a wounded g.i. is celebrating something special, a normal life. his battle didn't end when he came home and his family has been struggling ever since. >> a baby will find a way to make us feel better. matt kyle may be paralyzed from the waist down, but his daughter knows the path to this dad's heart is through his thumb. >> good morning! you wake up thinking you're having a bad day, and you come out, see those beautiful smiles
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and it lights up your world. >> reporter: army staff sergeant matt kyle had been married just six weeks when an iraqi sniper shot him in the neck. >> felt like somebody kicked me right in the back and i fell forward. >> reporter: he had flown to war before his honeymoon. >> hey, matt. >> reporter: his wife almost passed out when she heard. >> i remember my mom catching me when i got week in the knees. >> reporter: matt came home a hero in 2007, wondering about his new bride. >> i asked her if she still loved me, and she looked me right in the eye and said, of course i love you. you're stuck with me. >> reporter: matt and tracy were determined not to let that war wound limit their lives. they longed to have a baby, but were told that might not happen. still, they tried. even as matt was battling his way back to health. one day their doctor heard three tiny hearts. >> look at the little arm. >> reporter: lots of them.
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two boys and -- >> girl? >> no way. >> it's a girl? i told you it was a girl. >> reporter: doctors had implanted two embryos. one split. tracy was pregnant with triplets after their first attempt to have a family. >> very close to being born. >> reporter: seven weeks early. >> i'm really excited, your mom is back there. >> that's me. >> hi! so i already love you and i can't wait to see you. >> reporter: but he would face another fight, with casualties. >> oh, i'm sorry. >> reporter: one boy died. the other weighed just three pounds. >> hey, buddy. you want to be on me. >> reporter: their sister, an ounce less than that. >> hi, big guy. >> reporter: like dad, the babies would have to struggle to survive. >> it was hard. >> reporter: so they named their
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daughter faith. >> you making funny faces at your dad. >> reporter: she was stronger than mast matt jr. left intensive care after seven weeks. oh, my goodness. you look totally freaked out. matt jr. finally went home after 2 1/2 months. tod today, both babies are doing well. did you ever lose hope? >> never. no. >> reporter: do you ever regret? >> no. no regrets. not at all. >> reporter: life no longer in tim dates this family. they have beaten bad times before. >> we tackle them and move on. >> reporter: matt kyle has limited use of one arm, but doesn't dwell on what he cannot do. he finds the fun in what he can. >> whee! >> he's here. that's all that matters. he's a part of this family, part
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of our lives, and he's the same guy that he was when he left. he just has cleaner shoes. >> reporter: there's an old saying, if you want to see god smile, tell him your plans. he's got to be grinning now. >> boom! >> reporter: for today, bob dobson, nbc news, with an american story in parker, colorado. >> and we're back, after this. this is "today," on nbc.
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back now at 8:51 with more of today's holiday kitchen. chef bobby flay helping us out. the turkey roasted, carved, and partly eaten. now time to tackle the side dishes. good morning again. >> good morning. we should move back here to talk about the side dishes. >> stuffing, my favorite dish. let's do it. have you some twists, tell us about it. >> i'm make a cornbread and chorizo stuffing. makes you smile, huh? >> i love the spicy stuff. >> carrots, celery, onion, sauteed. and cornbread, i let it out, stale for the day. >> stale food, i might have that. >> you use your cornbread, but
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you can use regular? >== to the store, buy cornbread, take it out of the package, rip it up a little bit and let it get stale. a little egg to bind it, and fresh herbs, thyme, parsley, and sage. >> someone should write a song. >> no rose mary? >> put it in a dish, put it in the oven. and lots of chicken stock. lots of chicken stock so it's nice and moist. >> how long in the oven? >> 35 to 40 minutes. >> is this dressing because you didn't stuff it? >> this is dressing. i like the crispy. like to cook it on the side. i can control the cooking of the bird itself and control the cooking of the dressing as well. all about -- i'm a control freak. >> where would you normally find the chorizo? anywhere? >> go to a butcher, tell them you want a spicy pork sausage. they'll have it. >> and we'll do a cheese sauce.
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>> we'll start with a classic cream sauce. flour, butter, and milk. >> who didn't know that? >> add monterey jack cheese, parmesan for natural saltiness. and then goat cheese. >> wow. really cheesy cheese sauce you have there. >> this will be a cauliflower andñi goat cheese gratin. melt into the cream sauce. pour this over raw cauliflower, and put it in a dish like this, in the oven, 35, 45 minutes, and it gets nice and brown on top. >> can i ask a crazy question? can you do it with broccoli or something? >> the broccoli will probably turn not such a great color. use cauliflower, it's great. an underrated vegetable. >> and you topped it off with goat cheese as well. >> goat cheese on top for garnish. >> are you making this meal today? >> making this meal, plus a
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mashed potato dish for my family and friends. >> can we bring anything? >> wine or pumpkin bread pudding, something like that. >> okay. what are the other dishes you've got going? >> this is my cranberry sauce. cranberry/brach berry sauce. fresh ginger, orange juice with fresh blackberries when it's almost done. brussels sprouts with pomegranate, and sometimes i add wall nuts and pecans. it wakes brussels sprouts up. sweet potato gratin, smoked chiles, cinnamon. turkey with the tangarine glaze. our stuffing and cauliflower gratin. and for dessert, pumpkin bread pudding with caramel sauce. i have to put pumpkin in the meal somehow. >> have you lucky guests. have some wine. start drinking now. okay, there you go. >> not that you have to be drunk
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to enjoy your food. >> it helps. now that y now that you know how to carve the turkey, here is the knife. >> you start with the knife. >> let's serve it up, taste it. bobby, gapass it over. are brussels sprouts the most loved vegetables? >> brussels sprouts and cauliflower, made a huge comeback. >> i was going to say every man himself. but decided to share. >> it's thanksgiving after all. >> you want to feed me? >> this is weird. >> happy thanksgiving. full coverage fortunate paradof parade. >> i'll regret that one. happy thanksgiving.
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>> good morning. happy thanksgiving. i'm sarah caldwell. it is 8:56. here is a look at one top story. a man is dead after a police involved shooting in southwest baltimore. investigators say he had two knives when he confronted office officers. we are told an officer shot the man after he refused to drop the weapons. no word on what led the suspect to attack police. up next ava
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>> the day has been off to a beautiful start although it was pretty chilly. now aware moving into the upper 50's as we look into the afternoon. 58 in baltimore, 51 western mountains and winds light. looks like the clear skies last in the night but will drop into the 30's for
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