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tv   11 News Sunday Morning  NBC  November 20, 2011 5:00am-8:00am EST

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>> coming up, a protest start makes a pit stop in baltimore as occupy wall street protesters. >> another victor for libyan revolutionaries in the capture of gaddafi's heil parent. >> "11 news sunday morning" starts right now. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] >> good morning. welcome to "11 news sunday morning." i'm lisa robinson. >> and i'm jennifer franciotti. we'll get to our top stories in just a moment, but first let's
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go to ava marie with the weather. >> a lot of clouds in the forecast. that's something to keep in mind, as we could have a chance for rain later in the day. for now, we're talking about a few clouds out at the airport. 53 degrees the current temperature. winds out of the southwest at 8 miles per hour. winds will be warm throughout the day, helping us reach up to a high of 62 to 66. a lot of clouds in the sky as we have an approaching chance of rain. we'll talk about whether or not that will affect the game for the ravens. stay tuned. >> occupy wall street protesters make a pitstop in baltimore on their trek to the nation's capital. >> they visit an occupy baltimore encampment here. >> on bee of occupy baltimore, we welcome you!
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we love you! job well done! >> protesters got a warm resepping. their journey started november 9 when protesters left the county park determined to walk the entire way to washington, d.c. >> it has been nice. support from the people on the street has been really nice. it has been nice to travel down the east coast and meet different communities. >> actually walking these streets, meeting americans as they tell us we meet americans that they say don't exist. >> this meeting is now in order. >> the meeting was stopped short when police said they had to
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break up the meeting. approximately 25 to 40 protesters are walking to washington, and participants say they are traveling about 20 miles a day. some say it is symbolic of a pilgrimage. >> we are planning a big action in correlation of the release of the budget that the super committee is releasing, their recommendation. >> the decision they are going to make on wednesday with all these budgets and stuff like that does directly affect me and my co-workers and the people we take care of. >> protesters will stay with the occupy baltimore movement until they leave for washington. despite the sore feet they have encountered along the way, the protesters feel passionate about their mission. >> i think it is exciting for people to get together to discuss alternatives to what we have now. >> protesters will spend much of the day rushing. they will hit the road on monday to head to d.c. reporting in downtown baltimore,
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dutesdeputes -- sheldon dutes, wbal-tv 11 news. >> faculty members in california are calling for a resignation of the university chancellor after police are shown pepper spraying protesters. in the video an officer displays pepper spray when the protesters are just sitting still. >> things are just as chaotic down under. protesters were arrested. a city council officer ordered them to remove equipment, but shortly after they arrived, they removed protesters. >> we think it is harassment.
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we have seen the police here today maybe over six times. >> officials say all six of the people arrested were without charges. protesters moved them knot treasury garden site two weeks ago. they were forced out of melbourne city square. >> plugs in the inner harbor. firefighters set up block cadse to keep syrup from reaching storm drains. a private contractor has been called in to clean up that mess. >> baltimore county police investigating an overnight stabbing in dundalk. we're told the victim arrived suffering from stab wounds. investigate -- investigators say was robbed by several people as he walk ad long lans down road. so far no suspects. >> the man convicted in the
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deadly robbery, john wagner, filed an appeal. he insists he had no part in the murder of steven pitcairn last november. his girlfriend testified against him in that case. she was sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to robbery charges. >> as news of his capture spread , tripoli and other libyan cities were seeing gunfire. >> rebels in libya say today they finally caught the son of muammar gaddafi, the 39-year-old. he had been hiding in the desert apparently hiding with bed withins -- beoins. he surrenered without firing a
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shot. he had only a few thousand dollars with him. he was wearing traditional clothing, including an elaborate turban that covered his face. the rebels flew him to a mountainous down. when that plane arrived, it was surrounded by a mob. some people very angry. they wanted to kill him on the spot. very similar to the way that his father, muammar gaddafi, was killed by rebels. the rebels however formed a human chain around him. they say he will be treated as a prisoner of war. he will likely be transported to libya to be tried inside a libyan judiciary. when that transfer takes place remains unclear. ist e wbal-tv 11 news, istanbul. >> 300 people dead after intense clashes in egypt.
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protesters angered by the slow pace of reforms set a police vehicle on fire. just days before egypt's first election after hosni mubarak's regime was overthrown back in february. >> the time now is 5:08. 52 degrees. not bad here on tv hill. an online company is taking advantage of grieving families. a casket scam ahead. >> everyone knows about the five-second rule. as long asing in isn't organize more than drg on the ground more than five seconds, you can eat it. we'll show the results in "medical alert." >> oh, know. >> oh, know. and [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone
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for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. this holiday deal is only for a limited time. so don't wait. get fios at this great price. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, go to fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. hurry, go to what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi.
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our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business.
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>> good morning. we'll start you off with a live view out doors from the skycam. the twinkling lights were at b.w.i. temperatures mild at with winds from the southwest at 8 miles per hour. mild temperatures will be the story for today. temperatures getting above where they should be this time of year.
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a little colder out toward the western tier of baltimore. in frederick, 39 right now. depending on where you are, you may or may not need a jacket when you step outside. we have a few clouds across the area. maryland, delaware, northern virginia as well. can you see a thin band of sprinkles trying to make its way into western maryland. we have rain being appointed in west virginia. this is a pattern ahead where we have a chance for rain. mostly it's a thin band of showers that stretches all the way back into kentucky and ohio. this is out ahead of the cold front that is going to move our way. ahead of that front, warm moist air pushing in from the gulf of mexico. that will help increase our chances for rain later in the day. eventually this front will pass by, and we'll see a better chance of rain the next couple days. as for the forecast, mostly cloudy skies. temperatures starting off warm. warmer than normal in the
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afternoon. highs 62 to 66. winds from the southwest 5 to 10 miles per hour. let's put the futurecast in motion. there is a chance for sprinkles this afternoon in baltimore. i think it is a better bet as you get into the western part of the state. that's where the rain is coming from. it could be heavy at times. the rain may even linger into tomorrow morning. what does that mean for the ravens? they are in town today. they are home at m&t stadium. mostly cloudy skies. minimal rain chance. chance for rain. more chance for rain at the end of the game. hardly a jacket needed as we start off at 63 for kickoff. better chance for rain later into the night. temperatures in the low 50's to mid 40's. seven-day forecast goes like this. only a high of 53. better chance for rain tomorrow morning.
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we'll keep rain chances through wednesday. keep that in mind. thursday looks dry, but much cooler for thanksgiving day. >> firefighters and safety personnel had a training exercise day. it provided them the opportunity to practice in a safe environment. howard county's safe practices sms -- practices. >> they can look for smoke behavior when they fall into the structure. >> live fire training had been put on hold for more than five years two to safety concerns around the region. >> in baltimore firefighters were out checking for working smoke detectors. fire officials went door to door to install inpectors.
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if you live in the city and need a smoke detector, you are encouraged to call 311 to have them installed. >> and they do it for free. that's a good thing. >> maryland teens using tobacco products. >> a little luck and the maryland lottery add up to a trip of a lifetime for a group of ravens fans. that story coming up. >> first a programming note for you. ken you will man will be our -- ken ulman will be our guest this morning on "q & a." if you have a questou
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[ female announcer ] from the very first moment we arrive... we're on the move. ♪ and we don't want anything, ever, to slow us down. so it's surprising that most women aren't getting enough calcium. but thankfully, with over 25 great flavors, like strawberry cheesecake and blackberry harvest, only yoplait original gives you 50% of the daily value of calcium and vitamin d in every cup. yoplait. it is so good.
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>> in this morning's "health report" maryland has a new campaign to stop kids from using tobacco. a campaign will educate teens on
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the harmful of effects on not just cigarettes but tobacco in general. use has shot up due to attractive packaging. >> taking something that is toxic and has poisons and chemicals and put it in a wrapper that is attractive and make it inexpensive and accessible. >> we have tips to help people quit smoking at wbal-tv 11 news. click on "medical alert." >> always talking about the problem of childhood obesity. here is a new way to get kids to workout. make them pet l to watch tv. it is called 1, 2, 3 go tv. a bike trainer attaches to a television. to keep the tv going, the wheels have to keep spinning. when the wheel is moving, it powers a transmitter that attaches to a bike rack. as soon as the wheels stop, the video signal dies as well.
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>> a model of being able to get your kids to exercise in order to watch tv. so to do something that they really like to do, and maybe something they don't want to do but have to do. >> heck, i'd do it. >> margey says she invented 1, 2, 3 -- go tv. to get her son moving. >> just about every parent is familiar with the five-second rule. if you drop food on the floor, it is ok to pick it up and eat it as long as it hasn't been there longer than five seconds. no big deal, right? well, maybe. our reporter investigates. >> four kids, busy mom, and snack time. what do you usually do? >> if they drop a plate of apples, i don't want to cut a whole new apple. i will give it back to them. >> everybody knows it is the five-second rule. >> most of my friends do it.
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i have seen them do it. if it just dropped you think how much dirt would be on it. >> we wanted to know, too. we took pacifiers and crackers. two common culprits that go floor to mouth. we decided to test them on the kitchen floor of katie's floor. five seconds each. >> next we head out to the driveway. >> got something for one or another and carrying arms full of their stuff. so things fall all the time. >> the same process. depresh pacifiers and crackers hit the ground. we also try to stop away from the home. a place where you have little control over the cleanliness. we head to a busy diner at lunch hour and try out the five-second rule there. this time we place the pacifiers under the table, ignore the gum
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and our crackers in a walkway. when some of the people wondered what on earth we were doing, we asked their reactions to the five-second rule. >> no way. the floor is filthy. i would never do that. >> as long as i pick it up and there are no hairs, it is good. >> i would be torn. my dad told me to never waste food, but you never know what's on the ground. >> to find out what's on the ground and what happens in those five seconds, we took our samples to richards laboratory in -- >> the results? >> the kitchen was the cleanest. >> the crackers dropped on the kitchen floor showed light amounts of bacteria along with yeast and mold. the outside pavement? not just bacteria. heavy amounts of mold and yeast were present. what about our diner? light amount of bacteria growth on one of our samples. none tested positive for serious
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stuff like salmonella or strep. most of what was measured was common bacteria, but that could still pose a threat to children. >> even common bacteria can make you sick if it watches you in the right condition. >> the most interesting finding essentially undermines the premis of the five-second rule. >> five-seconds, one-second, it is all the same. as far as bacteria is concerned. it is all the same. >> i think we're still going to do the three-second rule in my house. >> when we come back, meet the lucky winners of the cash ravens fantasy. here's a look at events going on around town this weekend. [ mom ] hey guys.
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guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents?
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>> a once in a lifetime trip for a group of ravens fans. they are heading on the road thanks to a little luck and the maryland lottery. rob roblin has their story. >> on december 4 the ravens will go to cleveland to play the browns. playing with the team will be a group of very lucky fans. and here they are. 9-10 winners who are going with the reeves when they play the cleveland browns. for many, it is a trip of a lifetime. >> i can't think of anything that can top this for me.
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i have been a ravens fan since the ravens have been, and i'm ready. i wish it was today, right now. >> once in a lifetime. you can't put a price tag on that. >> it is a wungs in a lifetime trip. you couldn't ask for anything else. it is nice. >> this is the third year for the ravens cash fantasy game. the lottery says it has always been a big success. >> people love the experience for prizes, to go to the game, to have a sky box. this is the premiere prize, the away trip with the team. but certainly there are so many really fun prizes they can win and be a part of. it is different than many of our other games. >> many of the ravens didn't believe they had won. >> my wife told me she had woon a trip. >> i was he can static. >> she started screaming. i came back, and she said, are you ok? i said yeah, i am now.
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it was exciting. >> i was exstatic. it was my husband's birthday. he turned 50, and we won. so it was even better, i didn't have to purchase tickets. >> the ravens get a chance to review fans. >> they load in with the plane like the team and media does. it travels with us. we're going to see it the way we see it, which is a privilege this week. not everyone in the ravens' organization has been able to fly on the team. >> the reaches will play the browns on december 4. rob roblin, wbal-tv 11 news 11 news. >> they are going to have so much fun. i hear that team playing. they are going to have a ball. >> what are they going to eat on the plane? >> i have heard everything from filet mig known -- mignon -- it
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is going to be awesome. >> i hope they don't eat off the floor. >> it is the two-second rule. >> coming up, pen state university finally has something to cheer about. >> and we have seen light sprinkles more into western maryland. a wet -- better chance for rain tonight. the insta-weather plus forecast. stay tuned.
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>> welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thanks for joining us. >> let's take another look outside with ava. it is mild out this morning. >> you step outside, and it is surprising after how chilly it's been for the morning for the past couple days. enjoy it while it lasts. as you step out this morning, you are seeing temperatures in the upper 40's low 50's. currently 53 at b.w.i. marshall. winds out of the southwest at 8 miles per hour. southwest winds are helping to warm us up. a storm system approaching from the west m helping produce a couple light showers. we have seen a few sprinkles make their way into western maryland. more cast today, there could be more showers in the western mountained at any point today. i think for central maryland that holds out to late evening. for the ravens game there is a
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slight chance for rain. it is a better bets we look tonight. 65 in ocean city. we'll be talking about rain chances when we come back in the insta-weather plus forecast. >> covering the nation this morning, police are questioning the driver of a u-haul truck after a woman was hit and killed during a tailgating party. it happened before the yale-harvard game. witnesses say the truck entered and then suddenly accelerated. tuesday others were also injured. >> the knit any lions have give -- lions have given penn state something to smile about. their victory does little to lighten the load of the scandal. jay gray has more. >> for the first time in two weeks, the team from happy valley has something to cheer about. a win against rival ohio state in the lions first road game in
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decades without coach joe paterno. >> they will keep fighting, you keep fighting, and everything is going to be great. we all come through this with flying colors. >> paterno's son scott battles what he calls a treatable form of lung cancer. the same day the ncaa launched its own scandal. >> we will we are all concerned about the young children involved in this. they have to get to the bottom of it. >> part of that effort could include f.b.i. agents and federal prioritization. -- federal prosecutors. they could open their own investigation forced on allegations that jerry sandusky traveled to ball games with young boys that he abused. this community continues to search for answers. jay gray, wbal-tv 11 news. >> still ahead, an i-team
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investigation in a casket scam. how one online company is taking advantage of grievence of family members. >> helping kids enjoy the national aquarium for free. >> i love jellyfish. i'm looking forward to that story. across the area we are seeing mild temperatures. for now, colder air out toward
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♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours?
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>> good morning. starting you off with a live view, it is 52 at the inner harbor. the winds out of the southwest at 8 miles per hour.
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it is still dark. when the sunrises you will notice a couple more clouds in the sky. temperatures mild. especially to start off the day. we're at 50 degrees at edgewood. 52 at the inner harbor. 54 at college park. colder toward the western smurs suburbs. frederick at 39. westminster at 48 degrees. we're seeing more clouds built in across the area as a storm system approaches from the west. some light showers starting to make their way into western maryland. most of these have fallen apart as they moved in. we have seen a couple more showers hold together in west virginia. the western part of the stay could see a little wet weather. as for baltimore. that's likely to hold off. this storm system tracking in from the west. ahead of it, mild air. behind it, a cold batch of air. that cold air will push in for the thanksgiving holiday. before that happens, we will be riding along this cold front, in which case we'll see multiple rounds of wet weather into the upcoming work week. we're talking about mostly dry
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conditions. mild start for the day. we stay mild into the afternoon with highs from 62 to 66 helped by those winds from the southwest around 5 to 10 miles per hour. let's put the futurecast in motion and help to time out some of this rain. clouds around through most of the day. showers in western maryland first. there is a chance some showers could pop up in baltimore. most rain will hold off until the night. that pushes in overnight into your monday. then it is going to be an on and off period of rain for the next several days. how does that affect the ravens game? they are in town at m&t stadium. it looks like a mostly dry game. during the end of the game, there may be a sprinkle. temperatures mild. starting at 63 for kickoff. into the 50's toward the end of the game. tomorrow mild, dropping from 52 to 46 across the area. there is a better chance for rain into the night into monday morning. it is going to be an on and off
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rain chance. it is a big week for travelers. that's something to keep in mind. you could be facing rain into the early week, especially on wednesday. the busiest day of the year could be a wet one. temperatures could be in the 50's. once this passes by, we try into thanksgiving, but it could be much colder. 54 by the afternoon. >> thanks ava. it could help someone else if you buy a new cd called "c notes" and it might strike the right cord with you. ♪ >> it is one of the most popular exhibits at the baltimore aquarium in baltimore, and it also has its very own musical score. off actionis was created by a baltimore -- "oaxis" is -- "off
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axis" is a piece that is in the production called "c note." >> it is very moving. >> une evening, too, is the go-behind p every day, they receive requests for critically ill children and disabled citizens. >> the money for this cd will help that happen. >> every display is an inspiration. everything seems to be in slow motion, and it is just graphiccally beautiful. there's an awful lot to work with here. >> david stinson photographed the jellies for the cover. and says it is a project that will help sick kids and veterans to enjoy the aquarium from free
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is special. >> it is fantastic to do what you love and hopefully raise a little money. >> the c.d. itself go to help that admission. can you get it ad barnes & noble and you can find a link from our web site. >> after her mother died, a cherry hill woman bought what she thought was an affordable casket. >> but it never showed up making a stressful situation worse. the i-teams explain what happened next. >> first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. hey guys, what can i get for you?
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i would like a decaf 360 calories please. and for you? i'll have a triple iced 410 calories please. you want the 40 whipped calories on that? uh, you know what... i'll have this instead. [ female announcer ] swap one thing a day for a yoplait light. with 33 flavors all around a hundred calories, a swap a day adds up to amazing. now you can add some crunch to your creamy. yoplait light with granola. try it today.
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>> a grieving family prepared to say good-bye to a community activist. something went terribly wrong. >> the casket they purchased was never delivered. this morning they turned to the 11 news i-team for answers. barry sims investigates. >> vanna johnson strolls through cedar hills cemetery. johnson was responsible for carrying out her mother's final wishes. emotions were raw. she was vulnerable. one decision about the funal radical still leaves her bitter. >> you have your loved one sitting there, and my mom had made all of her plans. i felt like i failed. so i don't know what else to say about it.
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it was devastating. >> devastating because her mother's funeral had to be postponed three weeks. >> her mother passed away in june. she was the matriarch of the family. a $5,000 burial policy was all the family had. to keep costs down, johnson went online and found a web site called johnson picked out this pink model for $1,500. >> my mom was a cancer patient, so pink was the color she wanted. >> after working out the details, johnson wired the money to an account affiliated. she was reassured the pink casket would get to the funeral home in plenty of time. it never arrived. >> i was floored. >> her mother's funeral had to be postponed. >> he sounded so concerned and
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really interested in helping us out. >> johnson's cousin tried to intervene. we found him on facebook. >> i said will the casket be here on time? he said, yes, the casket will be shipped overnight. >> johnson said he called back asking for another $600 for shipping and handling. she sent a total of $2,100 but still no casket. a funeral director then intervened. he said i owed like $475 more for a shipping and handling fee. >> but you had already paid that? >> i had already paid all the money that i owed him. >> johnson said the casket was sent back to the warehouse because she hadn't given him shipping information and then there was going to be a 35% restocking fee. johnson eventually purchased the casket from someone else.
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>> the casket i brought from him was blue, and that was devastating because she never ever did like blue. >> johnson said the company reviewses to give her -- refuses to give her money back. we took a closer look at mountain high funeral home. we confirmed it is a line licensed funeral home but not what you would expect. we spoke with a property owner who said no dead body as ever been in the place. checking records, we discovered lusinich claims this place in florida as his home. he said he deals -- todd
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bacinich said he would have to make a note of it, look into it, and get back to us. >> we never heard from bacinich again. a spokesperson said we do not have any affiliation with >> the safest thing is to not prepay for anything. >> vice president of the regional chapter of the consumer alliance. he says while most people have no problems shopping online -- >> if you prepay there is nothing to protect you, other than the honor of the businessman who mope hopefully is ethical. >> diana johnson and her family just want to put the whole ordeal behind them. >> do you think you will get your money back? >> i'm hoping. yes, i do believe i will get justice. >> for the 11 news i-team, i'm barry sims. >> the johnson family has
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compilede filed complaints with the federal trade commission and the attorneys general in maryland and florida. according to one online report a new york family had a similar experience with a $600 urn that they ordered from another one of bacinich's companies. they never got their money back and their credit card company reimbursed them. >> we'll tell you where he plans to pay ball just ahead. >> coming up in sports, we'll talk about a -- ray's toe. talk about a -- ray's toe. plus matt
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the best place for a vacation is mississippi. you mean louisiana. florida's where folk's want to be. alabama's got you all beat. no matter which state you choose, everyone agrees the gulf is vacation at it's best. mississippi outdoors, louisiana seafood, florida beaches, alabama shoreline. so come on down to mississippi, louisiana, florida, alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business.
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>> game day for the ravens. the biggest question, will ray lewis play today? many reports say he is out not only for today but also thursday. we'll have to wait and see. people i'm talking to say he will test his toe to see if it is readsy to go. that will be your question. ray lewis, a 12-time pro bowler, granted, his skills are not what they were a decade ago, calls the defense out, reads the plays, communicates with everybody. his absence will be critical. john harbaugh on friday made it clear they are going to get by without ray, but they sure would like to have him. >> he has done 35 push-ups -- his hamstring has been torn off the bone because he went where he shouldn't v the injury is not any kind a serious thing or career threatening. i think i asaw a report that was career threatening.
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i think it is something he could play with possibly. but we are confident in our line backers and our defense. >> one thing we know for certain, matt stover will be honored today at half time. it is the greatest honor a team can give a player, we will see his name unveiled. why not? 18 years in the nfl, all with the same organization. 14 of course right here in baltimore. 2008 his last year. 14 times he entered a game winning field goal. he was flention in the ravens super bowl win. a game winner in the playoff helped define his career. here's matt talking about going into the ring of honor. >> it is a privilege to be put into the ring of honor with the other guys here and the guys yet to come. i was with the organization with 18 total years. for it to culminate into this, what a privilege it is. >> make sure to join jerry --
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gerry sandusky tonight at the game. >> what a great honor for him. >> and we hope he ices his toe. he will need more than ice. >> following in his father's footsteps. they are big shoes to fill, especially if your last name is ripken. >> cal ripken, jr. said growing up is something he wants to do, not something he has to do. rob roblin has that story. >> today four gilman seniors announced they will play division one baseball. one of those players last names is ripken. >> my dad couldn't be prouder of what we put together here. >> lots of people think he looks more like his mom than his dad. he's son of the ironman, cal
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ripken jr. today ride ryan and three of his teammates anoungesed they are signing to play baseball at division 1 schools. ryan will go to the university of south carolina. >> i love playing bainl. i love playing sports. it will be my last year here at gillman playing basketball. but i get to continue a passion i've had since i was a little kid. i'm excited about the opportunity. >> for ryan's mom kelly, it is a proud moment. it is something she knows wants to do. >> both of our kids are individuals. i mean, growing up as you know being in the spotlight. they both are grounded and know what they want. and this is something that ryan is aspiring to do, so i think he's going to have a great opportunity at the university of south carolina. >> ryan's coach and teammates are happy. >> what kind of kid is he? >> he's a trippy kid. he would have all the right, i
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guess, to be different than the other kids, but he's not. he goes about things the same way. he doesn't want anything different than any other kids. >> he's a great kid to be around. he keeps us in great spirits. we look up to him as the leader of this team. >> he has been a great teammate and always positive, looks on the positive side, and i wish him the best of luck. >> ryan will be attending south carolina next fall. rob roblin, wbal-tv 11 news. >> good for him. >> that's neat. making his own way out there. >> i remember him as a little kid when cal broke the record. boy, he grew up fast. >> 52 degrees on tv hill. >> here's a look ahead to our next hour of "11 news sunday morning." >> protesters from the occupy wall street movement have made their way to the charm city. i'm sheldon dutes. we'll have that story straight ahead. >> a local man's amazing story of how a vet helped save his life when he went into cardiac
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arrest. >> so far starting off with mild temperatures and a lot of clouds. plus a chance for rain later. we'll find out when we come back in the insta-weather plus forecast. >> nationally recognized as one of the 10 pest college presidents, richard her man, is
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one -- he has a long list of accoladed. the charismatic leader has spent 19 years at the school's helm advocating for low income and minority students to succeed in engineering studies. umbc is one of the leading authorities in the nation for science and engineering and almost half of their graduating seniors go to graduate school. he will use the carnegie grant to help the freedom fund for academic innovation. it provides an annual income for similar projects. his goal is providing first rate research across all disciplines research across all disciplines will be helped by the grant.
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get studio quality sound for music and hd video at verizon 4g lte speed. the first smartphone with beats audio™ and beats™ headphones included. exclusively at verizon.
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>> good morning.
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welcome to "11 news sunday morning." i'm jennifer franciotti. >> and i'm lisa robinson. our top stories in just a moment. first let's look outside with meteorologist ava marie. it is pretty nice. is it really fall? >> a mild start to the day. mormly we get colder as we get toward sunrise. wind out of the southwest. bringing in the warm air. at 52 earlier on. now at 54 at b.w.i. marshall. winds out of the southwest. that's a direction we would like to see. we are going to have mild winds as we go throughout the day helping temperatures warm throughout the state. 61 at the mountains where there is a better chance for showers at any point in the day. as for central maryland, i think showers will hold ovulate in the night. you may see some during the late evening. keep that in mind if you are heading out toward the ravens game. we'll see that forecast when we come back. >> our big story this morning, occupy wall street protests make
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a pit stop in baltimore ahead of their trek in the nation's capital. >> they joined demonstrators in a show of support at the occupy baltimore encampment. here's sheldon dutes with more. >> on behalf of occupy baltimore we welcome you! we love you! job well done! >> despite the chilly temperatures, protesters got a warm reception. their journey started november 9 when protesters left new york city determined to walk the entire way to washington, d.c. >> it has been nice. the support from people in the streets has been nice. it has been nice to travel down the east coast and meet different communities. >> actually walking these streets meeting americans that they tell us don't exist.
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>> new york protesters arrived at patterson park for a brief assembly. their meeting was cut short when city police told them to leave because the park was closed. protesters were hosting an event to raise awareness about the homeless problem. protesters say they are traveling 20 miles a day. some say it is spolic of a pill grammage. they are planning an action in correlation with the release of the budget of the super committee's recommendations. >> the decision they are going to make on wednesday with all these budgets and stuff like that does directly affect me and my co-workers and the people we take care of. >> protesters arrived at mcceldon square and will stay until they leave for washington. despite the sore feet then encountered on the way, they
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remain passionate about their mission. >> i think it is time for things to change, for society to change, and for people to get together and discuss the alternatives that we have right knew. >> protesters will spend much of the day resting up and spepping time with the occupy baltimore movement. they will spend time monday to head to washington, d.c. >> reporting live, sheldon dutes, wbal-tv 11 news. >> faculty at the california university davis are calling for the resignation of the school's chancellor after a video surfaced showing police pepper spraying peaceful demonstrators. in the video an officer displays a bottle on pretesters in a sweeping motion. police say they warned protesters repeatedly that force would be used if they didn't move. the chancellor called the video chilling and said she's forming a task force to review the
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event. >> things chaotic down under when six people were arrested when police raided a city park in melbourne. a city council officer orered them a camping permit, but shortly after police arrived and moved them out of the park. >> we have soon them here over six times. >> officials say all six of the people arrested were released without charges. protesters moved into the treasury garden site two weeks ago. they were forced out of melbourne city square due to violence. >> hundreds of gallons of corn syrup leaked into the inner harbor. westway feed company is responsible. 300 gallons flowed into the harbor. a private company called in to clean the mess. >> an overnight stabbing in
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dundalk. a victim suffered stab wounds. develop investigators say he was robbed and attacked by several people as he walked along lansdale and 54th street. no suspect many custody. >> the man convicted in the deadly stabbing of a johns hopkins researcher, john wagner, filed an appeal last week. he insists he had no part in the murder of stephen pitcairn last year. his girlfriend testified against wagner in the case. she was stened to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to robbery charges. >> muammar gaddafi's former heir apparent has been captured just over a month after his father was killed. celeb tri -- celebretory cannot gun shot.
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>> rebels say they finally got the son of muammar gaddafi. the 39-year-old had been traveling in the desert traveling with bedoins. he surrendered without firing a shot. he was wearing traditional bedo in clothing. when the rebels took him, they flew him to a mountain town. when that plane arrived, a russian cargo plane, it was surrounded by a mob. people angry. they wanted to kill him on the spot. similar to the way muammar gaddafi was killed by crowds of rebels. the rebels this time, however, surrounded him and protected
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him. they want to send seif al-islam el-qaddafi for trial. >> in taff irsquare -- violence in egypt days before their first elections following the overthrow of the egyptian regime in february. >> thousands of products with pack tral contamination. >> plus why the ravens want you to bring food to the game. >> that is a live picture outside. ava has your insta-weather plus forecast next. don't go away.
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♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now, get a safeway frozen turkey 8 to 24 lbs, for just 58 cents a pound. cook your thanksgiving turkey perfectly with our free chef assistant app. it's foolproof. safeway. ingredients for life. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call baltimore home. from funding to help a local business expand their operations... to financing for an organization which provides affordable housing for artists... and partnering with a local hospital to help expand patient care. because the more we do in baltimore,
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the more we help make opportunity possible. >> good morning. we're seeing temperatures warm up as we head into the second half of the weekend. they have stayed mild overnight. 54 at b.w.i. marshall.
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slightly cooler west of baltimore. 39 in frederick. hagerstown 10 degrees warmer. about 48 degrees right now. overall we've seen a lot of clouds in place overnight. that's one reason temperatures have stayed warm. we have also seen winds out of the southwest. that's bringing in the warmer weather. so for that reason, it is not going to be too bad of a day. with a slight chance for rain, a few showers popping up in the western half of the state. it looks worse than it is. most of this has hardly reached the ground. there is a more substantial line of showers into west virginia. this could translate into wet weather in western maryland today. eventually the rest of the state has a better chance of rain into the night. a cold front out toward the plains. that is areas we will be
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watching later into the day. in baltimore, a rain chance once the front moves in. behind it, a cold batch of air across the northern plains. you can see temperatures chilly. single digits out toward pierre, south dakota. 19 in minneapolis st. paul. it will eventually head our way toward the thanksgiving holiday. a lot of people might be traveling across the nation as we head toward thanksgiving. if you are doing traveling today, it will be cooler in chicago. denver at 48. hours across parts of the mississippi valley. there is say threat for thunderstorms ahead of that front. as for us, much milder today. 62 to 676 the high. 63 for kickoff. a minimal chance by the end of the game. better chance for rain tonight.
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temperatures stay mild. seven-day forecast calls for on and off rain showers through tonight through wednesday. keep that in mind. if you are traveling, there may be slowdown for the wet weather. we slow down. 54 for the high but dry on thanksgiving day. >> howard county officials have reinstated its live burn training. safety personnel were on hand. saturday's exercise provides first responders the opportunity to practice in a realistic en environment. >> they can actually experience smoke behavior and fire behavior and be taught what to look for when they fall into the structure. >> live fire training has been put on hold for five years due to safety concerns. >> in baltimore fire officials were out in force checking for smoke detectors.
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they went door to door. the neighborhood sweep just one week after a deadly fire in southwest baltimore killed a mother and her adult son. if you live in the city and need a smoke detector call 311 to have one installedor free. >> smuckers is recalling one of its peanut butter brands. >> the last time this man walked in a mall could have been his last day of life. his remarkable story ahead. >> first, a programming note. howard county executive ulman will be our guest in morning. e-mail your questions to e-mail your questions to we had a mouse.
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what? where? don't freak, it's gone. how? who did it? i did. with one of these. this is a mouse trap? yeah. it's a different kind of mouse trap from ortho home defense max. it's guaranteed to kill the mouse. just push down this little lever right here and it does the rest. nothing to see, nothing to touch. you just throw it away. no mess, no drama. we can do without drama. ♪ excuse me? ortho home defense max. defend what's yours. hey! hey, baby.
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[ car starts ] were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! no. could have gotten me one. i did. try the unmistakable flavor of dunkin' donuts new smokehouse breakfast sandwich, with smoked sausage from hillshire farm. america runs on dunkin'. don't miss the bold taste of the new smokehouse sausage sandwich from dunkin' donuts. >> "consumer alert." smuckers recalling 16-ounce jars
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of chunky natural peanut due to possible salmonella con tam mation. they would have been purchased in the last week. they have a best of used by date of august 3, 2012, and august 12, 2012. >> kimberly clarke is recalling co-text natural balanced unsented tampons. contamination was found that ca can cause pelvic inflammatory disease or other life-threatening conditions. the box 15063 and 15068 on the box. you can find details at click on "consumer alert." >> chase is doing away with a test run ever a checking account that charged customers a fixed $10 fee. it is a test the bank began this year in order to gauge how customers would respond to
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various pricing structures. a source familiar with the information said the test will end this week. they said they will end the plan in wisconsin that charged customers a $3 fee for debt uses. bank of america and wells fargo also ended similar plans. >> a new report shows how much money and energy the people of maryland are saving. the maryland public interest research group has been tracking state-wide energy efficiency for the past year. here is what they found. programs that reduce electricity consumption up $-- helped put $50 million back in marylanders wallet. for every savelings savings, 29 year-round jobs are created. what about the average home owner? >> reduces energy consumption 30% after a home energy audit shows modest ways to improve the efficiency of the home. >> they say the state should be prestoring funding for
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eefficiency products and coordinate programs state-wide. >> fime for a look back and a look ahead at the week on wall street. the "weekend bloomberg business report." gentleman this past week was not too hot for stocks. we had a few big selloffs and now down the major independent sizz posted -- indices posted losses. we did have good news emerge. the labor department says fewer people filed for unemployment benefits dropping to the lowest level in seven months. on friday analysts predicted the economy could end the year growing at its fastest pace in more than a year. a 3% rise in g.d.p. in the fourth quarter. as for what's coming up this week, a shortened trading week. the markets closed nurs. trading stops early on friday. big reports coming up. traders looking for home sales and g.d. p. man time, long-time mall staple
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mrs. field ss trying to have a second plan to avoid its second bankruptcy. it can still file bankruptcy if it doesn't secure the restructuring. they also own tcby yogurt. >> elsewhere, the next ipad. apple plans to launch an ipad in march. a new high resolution screen. we may get a sneak peek then. on top of that, rumors around the next iphone. the iphone 5 will be longer and will come in aluminum. that's a look at business. at the new york stock exchange, the bloomberg on the weekend business report for wbal-tv 11 news. >> stay with us. much more news coming up. first a look at events going on
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around town this weekend.
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>> the ravens watching for more than just the purple pride in the stadium today. they are hoping fans will help them provide for the needy during the holiday season. >> the ravens want you to bring more than your voice and enthusiasm to the game. they want you to bring food. the 15th annual ravens family
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food drive. you will see the baltimore ravens collecting food items and money for the food bank. tasha says everybody can and dollar helps. >> raised emergency food services for the holiday time. 25,000 pounds of food. i know we can do more. >> they are seeing needs increase and donations decrease. nusom said getting fans to give is important. >> the one fans said we can donate $70,000 in three hours. >> look for volunteers wearing orange vests to drop off your donations. also you can participate at local giant stores.
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>> if you are not going to the game and do not shop at giant, you can still donate by going online to the ravens virtual food drive. >> coming up, a look at our top stories. >> including in good news for penn state after they take on ohio state. >> there were a couple sprinkles early on. that looks like it has dried out. another chance for rain as we look into the night. insta-weather plus forecast coming up.
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>> welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thank you for joining us. >> i was surprised how the weather felt this morning, ava. >> it is, of course, heading toward the winter season. it is a nice change as you look at today. 54 at b.w.i. a few clouds in the sky. the humidity increasing as we head throughout the day.
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across the state, mostly dry skigses until you get to western maryland. there were showers across oakland this morning. they were light. mostly sprinkles. a better chance for showers in the western part of the state. it looks like that could be in baltimore by the evening. overall temperatures in the 60's. we're looking forward to that. back to the seven day in just a few minutes. >> covering the nation, the driver of a u-haul truck, a woman hit and killed just before the yale-harvard game in new haven saturday. witnesses say the truck entered the tailgating area and suddenly accelerated. two others were also hurt during that student. >> the lions have given penn state something to smile about for the first time in two weeks following the child sex abuse scandal. their victory does little to lighten the load of the scandal at the university. jay gray has more. >> for the first time in two
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weeks, the team from happy valley has something to cheer about. a win against ohio state and the lions first win in decades without joe paterno. >> we're all going to come through this with flying colors. >> yesterday the son scott tornado his father is suffering what he calls a treatable form of lung cancer. >> we're all concerned about the children involved in this. they have to get to the bottom of it. >> a part of that effort will include f.b.i. agents and federal prosecutors. nbc news has learned federal investigators could open their own investigation focused on allegations that former coach jerry sandusky traveled to ball games across state lines with young boys' bused. allegations that can't be eased by the lions win as this campus
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and community continues to search for answers. jay gray, wbal. >> coming up, a local doctor has a story to tell. >> he collapsed inside a small due to cardiac arrest. due to cardiac arrest. thanks to something he was [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable
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and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. this holiday deal is only for a limited time. so don't wait. get fios at this great price. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, go to fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call baltimore home. from funding to help a local business expand their operations... to financing for an organization which provides affordable housing for artists... and partnering with a local hospital to help expand patient care. because the more we do in baltimore, the more we help make opportunity possible.
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>> good morning. a big change as we head throughout the rest of your sunday. it is 54 at b.w.i. 53 at baltimore and the inner harbor. 48 in gatesburg. 44 in college park.
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a few -- 39 degrees the current temperature. we have seen a lot of clouds overnight. as we start off the day, we see quite a bit of clouds. most of this isn't reaching the ground. there were light sprinkles in garrett county early this morning. this has dissipated. there is a chance we could see more showers in western maryland as we head throughout the rest of the day. there is an approaching cold front we are keeping our eye on. this will head toward the area as we look into the night. ahead of that is warm weather. a lot of clouds. eventually the cold front will bring a chance for rain into tomorrow and cause a new storm system affecting us in the early form of the week. a milder change today but a wetter change into the next couple days. temperatures mild across the east. mostly cold as we head into the northern plains. single digits now into parts of south dakota. if you are doing traveling for
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thanksgiving, something to keep in mind, while it is warm here, not too warm as you head out across the rest of the nation. 44 in chicago, 48 in denver, 44 in seattle. delsdels dallas, high temperatures up. a threat of thunderstorms. there could be slow travels from texas all the way to arkansas as stronger thunderstorms are a threat later today. let's take you back to our area in case you are nch doing traveling ahead of the holiday. mostly cloudy skies. a bit of a milder day. highs 62 to 66 in the afternoon. winds oust -- out of the southwest. i mention the storm system. it mostly holds off until after the ravens game. good news. forecast for today. minimal chance by friday. mostly a sprinkle of anything. we are talking warm temperatures. 63 for kickoff. nice toward the event of the game. better chance for rain. temperatures mild. 46 to 52. mostly cloudy skies. the seven mf day forecast.
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we cool down. high 53 tomorrow. we're going to see a chance for rain in the morning. then again into the night. a new storm system approaches. more rain possible on tuesday, even into wednesday. the early week of thanksgiving. travel problems out there. by thanksgiving day it dries out. a high of 54. >> a baltimore doctor says he owes his life to a little known medical device when he collapsed inside a local mall. a special medical alert. >> last june dr. jerry marty went into cardiac arrest. he knew how serious the situation was, and he ended up with a triple bypass. when he was dischargeled his heart wasn't pumping as much as it should. >> you could be discharged from the hospital.
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you don't need to hear it for an -- a pacemaker at this point. you could, perhaps, wear this light vest. >> this is what dr. marty was talking about. it is a vest worn under clothing that can shock a patient who suffers cardiac arrest and maybe save their life. >> what did you think of that when he said wear this vest under your clothes. >> i wasn't convinced. it is something new, novel. >> it sounds strange. >> but he wore it religiously every day only taking it off to shower. >> and dr. marty were taking his cardiac rehab seriously. they walked every day at the mall. >> we were going two miles every day. >> you have been wearing the vest for 4 1/2 weeks. >> yes. >> and were you starting to think this is silly, why am i wearing this? >> i asked myself that. and i only had three or four
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weeks left. it is a prescription. they only prescribe it for so much time. >> then something they could not have predicted happened. >> at the end of the walk. >> i didn't feel my heart skip a beat. i was feeling a little bit queasy, light-headed. >> we were just finishing up, and we were right over there. all of a sudden, i see jerry put his hands to his head, and he's standing perfectly upright and then he stands down. >> then everything went black. >> put simply, jerry's heart stopped twice. >> electrical shock possible. >> it says something like patient in shock. stand back. stand back. i had remembered what the woman who said to me, don't touch them. so i didn't touch them. >> that's your first inclination, of course. >> it shocked jerry not once but twice. >> you could see it.
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>> his arms went like that and he got really stiff. gentleman after the second shot, jerry was conscious again after being clinically dead. >> i remember opening my eyes and feeling a little groggy, but asking my wife what had happened. i wasn't sure what had happened. >> what had happened was cardiac arrest. this is what a normal heart rhythm looked like. within seconds he lost consciousness. his rhythm changed to a more dangerous form called ventricula fibrillation. but the life vest restored his normal heartbeat again. >> if i had a patient who i diagnosis that has a weak heart and they needed a defiblator, we
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like to treat them three months. some of those patients may be brought back to normal heart function. >> in which time, the vest is an insurance policy of sorts. >> you were telling me for a couple weeks there was a sound you could not get out of his head. >> his head and his elbow hit this marble. the sound was amazing. it took about two weeks before going to bed at night to close my mind off because i could hear it, bang, bang, bang. >> it has been a trauma for both of you. >> yeah. >> dr. marty continues today with cardiac rehab with an implanted pacemaker on guard for any problems in the future. he counts himself fortunate. >> if you hadn't been wearing that? >> i wouldn't be here.
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>> you are sure of that? >> i'm sure of that. >> donna hamilton. >> it has been prescribed to more than 50,000 patients. >> aplacing. really amazing. >> well, you can be a part of a fashion conscious crowd and still make a difference at the same time. >> the gift that gives back to charity when we return. >> first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers.
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>> welcome back, everyone. we're joined by fashion accessory designer debbie brooks with must-have gifts. >> it is fashion with a cause. if you can buy yourself a gift and do something great. we are here at shipley's jewelers in maryland and we're excited to be here. >> show us some of the things you designed. >> these are magnets. you can interest chay the artwork to match your outfit. >> these are the magnets. if you are wearing a different outfit and you want something to match, you don't need a new bag, you can change the look we even have jewelery for your iphone and your ipad.
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>> this is topped out. then you can put a different artwork in there. then you have a completely different look >> my husband is the most frugeyalingal man on the planet. this changes the outfit and makes it fun. >> this works on something i enjoy. it is the back of the iphone. when you are on your phone, you look like a hot chick, jewelery for your phone it is really pretty. >> just don't do it in your car. >> this is great because your cell phone fits in the back.
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this is a man bag. my husband carries a murse. >> the murse is to carry things like your ipad. >> you know, his keys, his eyeglass, chepser, so i don't have to put everything in my bag. >> you need to start putting stuff in his murse. >> i can see him carrying my lib lipstick and stuff. at shipley's, this is a hot selling bag. you can e-mail us and we will make it for you. >> and again, you have a web site? >> debbie they are trying to get me to do the plunge. did you do it? >> i've done the plunge. >> i think you're going to have to do it. >> i guess i could dunk and run out. you don't have to swim, right? >> you do have to swim.
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>> thank you for having me. >> we'll be right back.
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>> game day for the ravens.
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will ray lie wiss play today? most people say he's out. we'll have to wait and see. the people i'm talking to are saying he will try to test it to today to see if he will be able to go. ray lewis is a 12-time pro bowler. granted, his skills aren't what they were a decade ago. the fact he is the unquestioned leader, reads the plays, communicates with everybody, his absence would be critical. john harbaugh on friday made it clear that they will get by without ray, but they sure would like to have him. >> shizz -- ray's shoulder has been torn away from the bone and i've seen him do pushups. so that's ray lewis. the injury is not a serious thing where it is career threatening. i think i saw a report that it was career threatening. i think it is something he could play with, but we are confident in our linebackers and in our
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defense. >> one thing we know for certain, matt stover will be honored going into the ring of honor. it is the greatest honor a team can give a player. 18 years in the nfl all with the same organization. 14 of course right here in baltimore. 2008 his last year. 14 times he nailed a game winning field goal. absolutely remarkable. he was so instrumental in the ravens super bowl championship run. i love the fact that his final field goal afement was a game winner in the playoff. that well defined his career. here's matt talking about going into the ring of honor. >> it is a privilege to be put into the ring of honor with the other guys that are here. the fact you can look back, for this to actual my nature into this, what a privilege it is. >> make sure to join gerry sandusky and myself for a "ravens wrap-up" here on sunday
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football. >> and we'll switch up the birds a bit. there is a new o's bird in town. >> the new bird looks a lot like the bird of the 70's and 1980's. the bird is not the only thing knew for the o's. >> the orioles are changing the look of their uniforms. things are going to look different. >> the bird is back. the cartoon bird which made an evolution through the 70's and 1980's. we have come up with the best composite of all of those. >> the orange jerseys are back. >> we thought in the 0th anniversary of the ball park it would be nice to bring something featured in the first season.
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>> major league only allows uniforms every three years. >> the o's decided this is the year to do that. >> you can't start changing your jersey every year. every three years you are allowed to make dramatic changes like we've done. but then every year we've allowed subtle changes like add ing or removing a patch p >> the uniforms will have this patch honoring that anniversary. >> all four of the jerseys, the white homes, the road grays, ask the black alternate and orange alternate will feature the same patch which is a 21st anniversary patch. we say it is the ball park that forever changed baseball, and we think it is a nice tribute so what is hopefully a source of great pride for the people of baltimore. >> uniforms are not the only changes. in the next few weeks, the o's will announce changes of the stadium itself which should make next years games even more
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enjoyable for fans. >> enhancement to the utah streets, new restaurants, and a tribute to the six greatest orioles of all time is something we think the fans will be excited about. >> rob roblin, wbal-tv 11 news. >> and there have been a number of different looks on the team they have taken throughout the years. you can see them all at the orioles and their evolution p whatever helps them win is what we say, right? >> and there are super winning powers in the uniforms? >> it may be. hopefully. >> the time is 6:54. here's a look ahead to our next hour of "11 news sunday morning." >> what is and when you eat plays a big role in avoiding independent jest yun. -- indigestion. >> grab the kids and see our quick and easy festive crafts for turkey day. >> how to make the most of the job fair so you are the next person hired. not somebody who has hired.
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>> our career pro is going to be here at 7:36. >> plus more news, weather, and sports when "11 news sunday morning" continues. >> it is a stellbration, the likes of which baltimore has
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never seen before. beginning this weekend and running through new year's eve, it is a light -- events for the entire family. a $400,000 light, laser, and music show will illuminate and provides fireworks on some evenings. the parade will wind around the harbor prom nade at sunset. and there will be reindeer rides and the "let it snow" celebration featuring ice carving and a snow machine to help mother nature. either way, there will be flurries. evidence of what can be done when different entities come together for a common cause. the pooling of resources and unified approach has produced dozens of events, activities, and wonderful ways to enjoy the holiday season by strolling through the water front. through the water front. go to wbal tv
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or creates another laptop bag, or hires another employee, it's not just good for business. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $13.2 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year. because the more we help them,
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the more we help make opportunity possible. >> welcome to "11 news sunday morning." i'm lisa robinson. >> and i'm jennifer franciotti. we'll get to ourton top stories in just a minute, but first a day worth taking a look at. >> it is mild out there. we are only going to get warmer as we head into the afternoon. we are seeing more clouds in the sky. we are the at a temperature of 53 l right now at b.w.i. humidity increasing as well. it is a milder more humid day as we look into the afternoon.
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65 in central maryland. 65 for ocean city. 62 in southern pennsylvania. a threat for showers. we'll talk about that when we come back. >> our big story this morning, occupy wall street protesters make a pit stop in baltimore ahead of their trek to the nation's capital. >> they join protesters in a share of support. >> on behalf of occupy baltimore. we welcome you, we love you! job well done! >> protesters got a warm reception their journey started
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when they left new york determine to walk the entire way to washington, d.c. >> the people in the street have been really nice. >> it has been nice to travel down the east coast and meet different communities. >> it has been wonderful meeting people they say -- don't exist. >> they gathered for a brief general semireply. >> city police told them they had to leave because of police. protesters stopped at city hall to meet with local college students hosting an event to raise awareness about the homelessness problem. participants say they are traveling 20 miles a day.
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>> we are planning a meeting with the release of the budget committee's recommendation. >> the decision they will make on wednesday with budgets directly affects me and my co- workers. >> protesters will stay with the occupy baltimore movement until they leave for washington. despite the blisters and inclement weather. >> i think it is time for society to change and for people to get together and begin to discuss alternatives to what we have now. >> protesters spend much of the day resting up and spending time with the occupy baltimore movement. reporting in downtown baltimore, sheldon dutes, wbal-tv 11 news. >> nearly a dozen people were arrested in washington, d.c. after breaking into a vacated building. they are upset with the housing
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for the homeless. >> 11 protesters arrested. >> this is one more thing we have to be prepared for. i can say as the city, one of the people working on thrks we are prepared. >> protesters were on the roof of the building. the fire department had to break down a door to let police in. >> protesters are believed to have gotten in through a second story window. >> they could be offered a plea deal or pay fines. it doesn't necessarily p mean they will go to jail for this. >> the franklin home was last used as a homeless shelter.
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protesters that dalled the demonstration "free franklin" wanted to call attention to the need for helping the homeless. >> stop selling public lands. >> many from that movement supported occupy wall street. some got stopped by police cars. >> protesters were arrested during a sweep of the building. two more protesters were discovered in the basement and taken into custody. >> that was darcy spencer reporting. >> dozens in california calling for the resignation of the berkeley chancellor. they blame the university of california davis chancellor for
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authorizing police force to clear a pro occupy protest. in a sweeping motion. police say they warned protesters force would be used if they didn't move. the chancellor called the video chilling. she is going to review the results. >> six people arrested whether rated a city park. shortly after police arrived they ghana resting demonstrators in melbourne, australia. >> we have seen the police here today maybe over six times. >> all six of the people arrested were released without charges. >> protesters were forced out of the city square because of violence.
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>> a cleak discovered at the inner harbor at wesley feed products in south baltimore. firefighters had to set up blockades, but 300 gallons flowed into the drains and harbor. a private contractor has been called in to clean up the mess. >> baltimore county police are investigating an overnight stabbing in dundalk. a victim was stabbed, taken to the hospital. so far no suspect in custody. >> the man convicted in the murder of a johns hopkins man is appealing. wagner says he had no part in the killing of pitcairn.
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his girlfriend said he did it. she was sentenced to 15 years in prison following that robbery. >> penn state's victory does little to lileten the load for the scandal at the university. jay gray has more. >> for the first time in two weeks, the team from happy valley has something to cheer about. >> a win after the first road game in decades from joe paterno. >> they keep fighting, you keep fighting, and everything will be great. >> late yesterday joe paterno's son said he's suffering from a treatable form of lung cancer. the same day they launched an investigation into the child abuse sex scandal. >> we are concerned about the young children involved in this. they have to get to the bottom of it. >> a part of that effort could include f.b.i. agents and
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federal prosecutors. nbc news has learned federal investigators could open their own investigation focused on allegations that former coach scan -- jerry sandusky traveled across state lines and abused young boys he traveled with. gray jay, wbal-tv 11 news. >> the time now is 7:07. 52 degrees on tv hill. still ahead in medical alert, tips to prevent independent jevt jest yun, and which -- independent jessyun and which foods to avoid. >> right now you are taking a live look from skycam. ava up next from your
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>> good morning. starting you off with a beautiful sun rice. the sun came up 15 minutes ago. it is 54 right now at b.w. i. 5 at the inner harbor. humidity increasing. up to 59% right now. we have warm winds in place. that's also ushering in a little
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more humid air. colder in parkton. warms up as you head back to the northwest. i mention the clouds in place. there are a few speckles of green showing up on the radar. overall, a better chance for rain. a storm system approaching from the west. more rain in kentucky right now. cold front will eventually pass by tonight. chilly air coming in. single digits out toward rapid city.
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a cooldown set to come tomorrow. if you are heading out early for the thanksgiving holiday, today a high in chicago. tampa so much warmer. 85 degrees with sunshine. milder temperatures than what we're used to this time of year. skies turning humid. as for a chance for rain, a better bet as we get into the night. keep that in mind. can't rule out rain drops falling from the sky. down into the upper 50's toward the end. better chance for rain through the night into tomorrow morning as that front passes by. we're going to sew on and off rain chances through the next couple days.
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keep that in mind for all your holiday travel. you may see slowdown. 56 on wednesday. biggest travel day of the year. sunshine with a high of 54. >> up next, what holiday foods can trigger indigestion. >> plus, our craft expert is here with table deck rages and more. >> and attention job seekers. making the most of the job
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>> the time is :15. be dareful, holiday meals can trigger indigestion.
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dr. andrew is here to talk to us about heart burn. what causes that? >> quh people overindulge and get acid reflux. acid causes a bloating seansen sensation that people have throughout the holidays. >> very unl comfortable. >> what kind of foods trigger this? >> a variety of foods trigger reflux. the foods that causes it can do so for several different reasons. alcohol, grapefruits thailand to be acidic foods. the acid wash yizzes up and causes heartburn. other foods, such as cheese, crackers, and cake are fatty foods. fatty foods keep the stomach full longer and a full stomach allows whatever is in the stomach to washington up and cause -- wash up and cause heartpurn.
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>> that full stomach can make you uncomfortable and ruin your holiday season if you are not careful. >> what do you do? >> the key is moderation. you have to keep portion sizes small. it doesn't mean you can't enjoy certain foods, but you should eat in moderation. if you do that, you will have a better time. one of the big things, you want to keep portion sizes small. >> another thing is, lying flat can be bad if something untoward comes up late he on? >> absolutely. >> position is all physics. peply at night time. >> maller portion control.
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there are over the counter things you can do. >> absolutely. tums are fairly effective. if you have had a great time with family and friends, you can take tums. you can take acid like mylanta, and they are effective. >> when did this move past basic indigestion to something more serious. >> half the population had heartburn. we don't worry about it too much. if you have painful swallowing or blood in your stool or you don't respond to over the counter antacids, you should -- >> can be all those fatty foods. >> it can be a sign you don't get checked out. >> you want to bring this up.
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>> for everybody to understand, this is the stomach, this is the esophagus. >> there is a set of miscellaneous lts here which try to prevent reflux. >> things will cause heart burn. >> it is like chemistry. >> particularly if you lay down and have a full stomach how whatever is in your stomach will move forward is cause heart burn. >> we want to enjoy your meals. >> appreciate it. >> don't go away. crafty decorating ideas. first we want to show you some of the events going on around town.
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at bank of america, wee lending and investing in the people and communities who call baltimore home. from funding to help a local business expand their operations... to financing for an organization which provides affordable housing for artists... and partnering with a local hospital to help expand patient care. because the more we do in baltimore, the more we help make opportunity possible.
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>> welcome back. simple and effective ways to add a touch to your thanksgiving celebration. >> my feeling is, if your table is beautiful, they won't remember if the turkey is dry. the first thing people ask, bring wine.
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>> i like to decorate a wine bottle. >> what i do easily, and take some scrap booking paper and cut it. >> i want to use the burlap. >> i figured you can take these
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leaves on to your wine glass with double stick tape. >> am i putting everyone's nirbles on there? >> no, everyone haze different colored leaf. it gives it a pretty fall look, too. i used glitter glue with fabric leaves and put that on there. and then you solve the problem. what i can do is took the straw cornucopia and decorated it. i put a paper plate in there to give it a falling out look. then i put a napkin, a paper napkin to keep reusing it. i call it my cookie-copia. it looks pretty on a dessert table. >> napkin rings. it is for the holidays.
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paper towel roll. >> you put this like this. >> wrap it around and glue it. >> you want to make sure you have people with heated conversations not sitting next to your phone. >> you can put some leaves on there. pick out names and stick it in there. >> you take corn. >> i do like the frame. >> and -- >> and then i put it all in there. >> if you are going to someone's house, you should bring a hostess gift. you wrap it pretty and i do a
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brown paper bag and put some leaves on there. now with the kids, while the turkey is cooking, you want to did a craft with the kids. hang this. >> i've seen it on people. >> you hang that down. >> i actually used a sleeve to turn it inside out and wrapped it with ribbon and beads. >> these are my hal een wean pumpkins. so i just did -- a little gold. give it less of an orange pumpkin look.
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>> a piece of fabric. i sprayed the edges. rather than going out and buying a whole new -- >> thanks a lot. >> more ideas from >> we have much more news coming up. stay with us. you are watching "11 news sunday morning." ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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>> welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thank you so much for joining us. >> i think the biggest thing to notice is it is unbelievably mild as we start off the day. it is only going to get better as we head into the afternoon. 53 the current temperature at b.w.i. marshall. winds out of the southwest at 7 miles per hour. not only is it warmer, it is much more humid. 71% humidity right now, and that is rising. now, throut the day, expect highs in the 60's. we're talking 61 in the western mountains. 66 in southern maryland and 62 in pennsylvania. baltimore a high of 65. we are going to see a lot of clouds throughout the day, and there is a chance for showers in western maryland throughout the day. i think that hold holds off in
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baltimore toward the afternoon, afternoon, and then a better chance for rain tonight. we'll talk about that when we um back in the seven-day forecast. >> time for a look at what's coming up on meet the press. david gregory is joining us live. good morning. >> good morning, jennifer. >> time is running out for the deficit super committee to reach a deal. the big sque, can they do it? >> it doesn't appear that they can. we'll talk to senators kyle and kerry, two key voices on the committee to find out whether for sure they can do it. in are automatic spending cuts that go in effect. defense and other programs at the federal government. are they willing to let that happen and are they going to find some work around or some way to salvage a deal. there is say question about the payroll tax extension, emergency jobless benefits. there ray lot of people that have a stake in this. politically, too. the president is the one that said back in the summer, look we'll have this bipartisan
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committee and we will stay on top of it to make sure we get results. another failure is increased competence in washington. >> especially going into the holiday season. a tough time for a lot of people. >> listen, this penn state scandal continues to grow. more alleged victims now. information that coach paterno may have known this was coming by getting finances in order. now possible f.b.i. getting involved. what are you hearing about this? >> well, i think additional investigations are potentially happening. also the ncaa may look into this. i think there is say lot more to do here. i think the criminal aspect of this, if you think about it, is actually limited in scope to jerry sandusky. i think we have not heard the end of this by a long shot. >> on a lighter note, happy thanksgiving to you. >> thank you. to you as well. >> and just real quickly, we want to know what is your favorite part of the thanksgiving we'll meal?
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>> i think the museum itself. i love -- my wife is a wonderful cook, but i love the canned cranberry sauce. >> i like it, too. don't mess with canned cranberry. >> don't forget, you can watch "meet the press" following 11 news at 9:00 a.m. howard county executive ken ulman will be our guest. if you have a question for the county executive, e-mail questions to sunday questions at -- it is easy. you take the can opener, lay it out, slice it up. >> i do it. nobody eats it. >> it is a nice break. >> still ahead, b.a.r.c. skrks joins us with a shall -- baccs joins us with a bet looking for
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a good home. >> when to contact a perspective employer after submitting your resume. >> and busiest travel day of the entire year days away. we'll talk about
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>> good morning. mild temperatures across the state. north and west, westminster 48. frederick at 49. overall temperatures above where they should be this time of year. normally high temperatures get into the 50's. that's when our low temperatures are starting off at for today.
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you can see a few areas of green on the radar. it is mostly dry right now. that is just sprinkles, but it is something to keep in mind as we go into the day. there is a better chance we could see more substantial rain. a storm system off to our west producing showers in west virginia and kentucky right now. in fact, heavy rain in the western half of ken -- kentucky out ahead of this cold front. cold air in place ahead of this storm. ahead of this warm air ushering in humid air. >> this is the time of year everyone is looking to travel to their holiday destinations.
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denver 48. we have areas of showers and thunderstorms ahead of that cold front. it is turning humid. winds light out of the southwest. a lot of people heading to the ravens game. it looks like it will be fairly cloudy. minimal rain chances. if there is a chance for rain, i think it will close off toward the end. most likely a sprifpkl of anything. temperatures mild. 63 for takeoff. upper 50's toward the end of the game. chance for rain beginning late and that chance could last into tomorrow morning. the seven-day forecast. if you have travel plans, b.w.i.
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could be running slow. temperatures into the 50's. by thanksgiving day beautiful and sunny. especially chilly thanksgiving morning. >> you sent out your resume, now what? you are all ready for your holiday? >> so ready. i wish it was yesterday. >> we'll get to that in a moment. >> let's talk about these job fairs. >> the important thing to remember is, you want to stand out. there is a horde of people. you are trying to get the company's attention. the first thing you need to do is be prepared.
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you need to understand who is going to be there and start to get your information together so you can make that great first impression. >> you are saying, if it is something for health care workers -- >> yes, job fairs are specific. you want to transition into a certain area, go to where the people are hiring those kinds of things. >> most companies post the jobs. find out something about the company so you can ask good questions. >> and don't just hand in the resume you haven't looked at in three years. >> thrts. our companies can show someone can take six minutes looking at your resume.
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type owes, all that kind of stuff. you can tailor it for the type of work you want to do. if it is customer service, have a customer service resume. >> and you love this elevator pitch idea. >> i do. you should be able to say everything they need to know about you in 30 seconds. you need to practice that. there is nothing more uncomfortable than when somebody says, tell me about yourself. well, you know. you came to the job fair. that's something good to say. 30 seconds. practice it, be good at it. >> and dress the part? >> mommy said you never get a second chance to make a first impression. so look good. nobody ever didn't hire somebody because they looked too nice. >> that's a good point. >> we have gone to the job fair,
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we put our resume out. once you put out a resume, what do you do to follow up? >> i think follow-up is important. 81% of the managers say they expect people to follow up in less than two weeks. e-mail not so pushy. that's a good start. >> only 1% said don't follow up, so we'll ignore those people. ju mentioned e-mail. that's a debate that's out there. >> do you do a handwritten note or a formal business letter. >> i think all of them have their positives and negatives. i would argue, don't over-think it, just do something.
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>> you are able to express why you are good for the job. don't send a four pair gravel letter. nobody will read it or a 16 paragraph e-mail. no one will read it. here's why i visited your company. >> so i short e-mail is good? >> and follow up with a handwritten note says i facebook the time. >> it makes it seem like you are not sending out 10 e-mails and changing the address. >> and again, what should i say. >> tell them what you bring to the table. >> let's say you hand them out. don't hear anything, do you keep bugging them? how frequently do you follow up? >> i think two follow-ups is the
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maximum. so if you send some correspondence, let's say an e-mail, and like you said, maybe a handwritten note another week and a half later. if you haven't heard anything by that point -- you don't want to be a pest. you know? it is unfosht. we have all seen it. sometimes the company calls back six months later and says are you interested? so create a positive impreags but don't overstate your welcome. >> because it may be fitting in the pile at the right time. >> exactly. >> thank you, john. have a good thanksgiving. enjoy that turkey. >> stay with us. barcs joins us with a pet looking for a good home. first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. ♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪
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[ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. sweet & salty nut bars... they're made from whole roasted nuts and dipped in creamy peanut butter, making your craving foa sweet & salty bar irresistible, by nature valley.
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>> welcome back. we're joined you now by barcs. >> this is zelda. she is a terrier mix looking for a good home. >> she's bven with the family for three years. apparently they had a baby aallergic to her so they brought her back to the mr. shelter. >> poor little zelma. >> what kind of home is good for dogs? >> i think she can fit into any home. she'd be a great dog for a someone home alone. >> she is so sweet. she breaks your heart. we hope 0 zelma finds a home.
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>> we have a special today and through the end of november we're running "take a friend home for dinner" to include a pet into their feafment adoption fee is obstacle $10 for the next two weeks. that will include all the shots and having a dog spay or neutered. if you are a resident have you to pay $10 for a license. >> what a wonderful thing it is to bring a dog into your family. >> we would love to see our pets home for the holidays. >> it is wonderful to bring a friend into the family and help out an animal with a friend. >> if you would like to help out barks and adopt a pet call them after 11:00 this morning. the number is on the screen. 410-396-4695. thank you for being here. >> zelma is cute. thank you, guys. >> the time now is 7:47. 52 degrees on tv hill, the 11
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news kitchen for sunday brunch. >> ava has another look at the forecast. you're watching "11 news sunday morning." in
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>> we're minutes away from nbc's sunday "today show." lester has a view at what's coming up. >> protest outrage sparked by this video of a police officer pepper spraying what appear to be passive students at a university campus. explosive reaction. also reopening the case 30 years after the death of nationally wood. -- natalie wood. we'll hear from her sister. >> plus the people's court mystery. the question is, is her disappearance connected to what she said on a broadcast? >> prince harry pays a visit to las vegas. his wild weekend on the strip.
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those stories and more on "today." >> joining us this morning the historic omni bedford springs resort. >> how far away is the omni resort. >> we have our steak and chob house. we have a little tavern. >> and you are doing a thanksgiving special? >> this week we are doing our thanksgiving brunch. we have a nice little spread going. we're doing an apple cranberry stuffing. >> we use all of this butter? >> no. >> this is basically two sticks
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or one stick? >> about half a stick of butter is all we need for this. we're going to melt this down. we'll saute shallots and garlic. >> how far in advance can you prepare this? >> we usually prepare this two or three days in advance. what we will do is make it, roll it up, and bake it the day of and slice it. >> you bake your stuffing like you would a pumpkin roll? >> yes. >> well, that will be interesting. we have that cooking up there. >> we're going to cook these up. add a little salt and pepper. >> we wanted to focus on the fruit. >> this is dried apples we've
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soaked in rum. now we're going to add this. >> i'm going to stand back. >> that's nice. i can feel the heat. >> can you do that? >> you can do either. we bought apples. >> i can -- you can get cranberries from ocean spray. you want to make sure you have your fire extinguisher nearby. what was that? it literally came down from the camera, this tag right here. i think we're ok. 6 about 30 seconds left. >> it smells wonderful.
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>> we're going to add our crew tons in. >> what kind of bread do you want to use for this? >> cornbread. >> we want to let people snow they can get the recipe by logging on to a self-addressed envelope to 3800 hooper avenue, baltimore, maryland 21211 21211. >> once this cooks down, how long do you bake it? >> 10 to 15 minutes to get it dry. >> that is not fruit cake, that is stuffing. >> what are you miking for us at 9:00? >> a peach cobbler. >> well, we'll talk about the wimplet
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>> it's so warm. thanksgiving day sunny. >> the ravens game today, make it up and down and have it out there for tailgating. >> that's all the time we have now. the "today show" is next. >> have a great day.
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>> nationally recognized as one of the 10 best presidents, he has another honor. this includes a $500,000 check. the president of the university of md many, baltimore county, is a recipient of the academic leadership award from the carnegie foundation of new york. this is one of the largest cash prizes given in recognition of higher education. while he has a long list of accolades, the charismatic leader has spent nine years at the helm advocating for minority students to succeed in science education. u.m.b. is now one of the largest sources of science academics. he will use the carnegie grant to start the fund for academic innovation with plans to grow the fund so it provides annual income for similar
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projects. his goal providing a university that has first-grade research across all disciplines will be helped by the grant. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call baltimore home. from funding to help a local business expand their operations... to financing for an organization which provides affordable housing for artists... and partnering with a local hospital to help expand patient care. because the more we do in baltimore, the more we help make opportunity possible. [ female announcer ] have you ever seen a glacier while sunbathing? why not?
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