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tv   11 News at 11  NBC  October 14, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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>> to net it baltimore city police officer is charged with domestic pilots. -- domestic violence. he is accused of assaulting his wife inside the baltimore city home. >> police responded last night after a text message set off a violent argument. it is only the latest round of trouble for millions who is awaiting a federal extortion charges. >> unions posed for this muttonchops thursday night after he was arrested. his wife called not one after he accused her of cheating on him and became upset because of a text message.
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he then slapped her twice on the left side of the head and grabbed her by the here. police booked a 34-year-old nunez. he has been suspended since february when he was implicated in a kickback scheme along with 16 fellow officers. >> i personally took the badges of every one of those men who were ever arrested. >> nunez pled guilty and is awaiting sentencing. he is the latest of several officers accused of domestic violence. brian eaton was started last week. in june, jume p [hillips was accused of killing his girlfriend and baby. women abused by police officers are often reluctant to seek help. >> this is somebody who carries a gun and those were the shelter is.
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>> an aggressive attitude can backfire at home. but he can't put that aside. you want to call the shots at home. if you believe a can that you get to be in charge in control, then the reaction can be violence. >> half he was stripped of his bats. he was arrested back in february. he faces up to 20 years imprisoned. >> police hope surveillance video will help them find three men who forced their way into a west baltimore hole before robbing people inside. this is video from martin luther king boulevard. that is where one of the suspects tried to use a stolen atm card. if you recognize this person, you are asked to call baltimore city police. they have arrested one of two inside a hotel. 25-year-old stephen harris is
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charged with assault and reckless endangerment. he and another man forced their way into the motel 6 while two men were asleep inside of their route. one of the victim the state, and the other was robbed. police are still looking for the other suspect. text messages any secret record a conversation took center stage today in the murder trial of a baltimore county man. the body has never been found, but that is not stopping prosecutors for making a case. thefts >> this is the initial videotaped interview as police began the investigation. >> he admits talking to battle on the phone on an adult chat line. he planned to meet her on the boomers bar.
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case prosecutors are relying on technology, phone records, surveillance video, and gross's own words to prove that he took her to the house, killed her, and burned her body in an incinerator. he said this text message to his friend. i saw you friday night. i need you to tell them you had a drink with me around 8:45 or so and left. investigators say the text was sense surely after the interview. police say shortly after, he agreed to wear a wire. fjurors heard him discuss the
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investigation. >> he told me there was one girl missing. >> [beep] was underage. that is what i was getting cold. i had no idea. >> but was taken show battles getting on the no. 23 bus and writing from out of baltimore 2 sx. cell phone records show her and grows in the area at the same time. later, in his neighborhood. gros denied ever seeing her. police searched but never found her body. the defense claimed there is no physical evidence linking gross to the crime of murder. fiscal >> this is baltimore county's second murder trial in which nobody was found. last october, the convicted him of the murder of his wife, tracy. we have the details of the shooting in the parking garage. a source familiar with the investigation tell us that the
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shooting victim was stabbed in march in a home invasion. the victim pulls the condition is improving for mr. de's attack. some students and workers returned to the area today little understood. >> always worry for our city. we worked in the city. >> it is a dangerous part of the city. there are a lot of police around here. i feel safe around here. hopefully that does not happen again. >> police are not sure if last night's shooting was a random attack or if the man was targeted. the tonight -- a move -- police say a man who was gunned down this evening has died from injuries. shots were fired in the 1500 block of east put in nine straight. all police can't tell us is the victim was in his early 20s. the gunmen is still on the list. he is already charged with killing his wife. police are questioning curtis lopez and his stepson's disappearance.
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on wednesday, 51-year-old body was found inside her germantown home. when police found a lopez, the also located the car. the boy is nowhere to be found. an update to a story we first told you about last night at 11:00. the have impounded the pit bull that attacked a 6-year-old girl and rosedale,. a dog burst out of a neighbor's door and latch onto her leg. the owners were given $700 in fines. authorities have yet to decide what to do with the dog. into naipaul's the education dollar, baltimore county is officially looking for a new school superintendent. dr. harrison has plenty to say why he is leaving and what is next. >> he thought about bailing out of the job as early as 2005. today he give time off to give a
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farewell speech. >> harrison spent plenty of time going down memory lane. >> the only thing about being successful in winning, it feels good. i want as many people who have been a part of this to feel good about what they have done. >> he tried to spot more of the successes. >> 12 years -- that is a pretty good run for anyone. 12 years in a school system with over 100,000 students as diverse as we are with 12 consecutive years of academics is unheard of. i'd like to go out on top. >> i would like to take advantage of the -- the support and mentoring of those who prepare themselves for this for
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now he would be willing to help the school board is replaced it. he was careful not to close the book of his current career. >> this is not a week. [laughter] my board members remind me of that all the time. they are going to hold me accountable to show up every day. there are more to make sure i -- the 70,000 employees do the good job we are doing with the children perplexed especially the class of 2012 which began their careers his first year of the job. >> he made the call to set down with his wife's blessing. she is a baltimore county schoolteacher pretty spent more than 30 years in education. >> has 11 news has learned all of the proposals to change the congressional map will convene. the redistricting plan put forth by governor o'malley's advisory
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committee has been criticized by lawmakers on both sides of the opera most issues with the change that is a large portion of montgomery county to western maryland. the governor has final say before sending the proposal to the general assembly. >> today i offer a plan that will create more than 1 million good pay in american jobs across every sector of the economy. >> governor rick perry says that plan is to tap into an american energy. the texas republican was in pennsylvania today. he put forth his first policy speech. he vows to issue executive orders to expand energy exploration in the gulf of mexico and alaska. >> it can be done without been mired in washington gridlock. a president has all of the authority he needs to roll back those interests of regulations, to create energy jobs, and it to
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make our nation more secure. creating jobs, in america it is simple as changing presidents. >> and perry says it would keep energy production from army the environment. herman cain touted his rapid rise in the polls. the latest poll has him in first place for the gop nomination. today, he told the enthusiastic crowd that average voters are cutting to the campaign quarter and buying it to his message. he fired back at those who said his flat tax plan won't make it through congress. >> you see, politicians put together stuff that they think can pass. businessmen put together if plans that solve the problem. >> which had met in the same poll that has herman cain as the
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gop frontrunner hasn't trailing president obama by 11 percentage points. you could follow it on if >> we do so much volunteer work on trails as well as picking up trash. i look at its s advocates for taking care of this place. >> that is his son, officials who oversee the reservoir recall a different story.
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>> baltimore officials say that about 19 -- mountain biking at the reservoir races and our mental questions. they say it is unfair and unnecessary. >> i have been monitoring for over 20 years. >> -- i have been mounted biking for over 20 years. >> i use it for exercising. i feel like i am in great help because of mountain biking. >> mountain biking is not really what the reservoir is all about. >> we are not really set up to be a part. that is our primary function. >> it serves 1.8 million people in the region with drinking water. there are in charge of keeping that clean and safe. that means minimizing where roche -- the russian.
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centrals are approved for writing, most of the more popular trails are not. >> it had not been enforced for so many years. just in the last two or three years at most, there has been some department of public works activity warning us. >> in some cases, writing tickets for those not following the will -- the rules. >> we are not giving total unfettered access to recreational activities of any kind. >> city council president and a state senator met at the reservoir. mountain bikers say that compromise does not go far enough progress we do so much volunteer work of prose as well as picking up trash. i look at our group as advocates for taking care of this place. >> right now mountain bikers are
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allowed to use 12 miles. officials plan to continue their discussions with coming up with a solution. the start to baltimore's marathon is hours away. more than 20,000 participants are expected to run to baltimore for tomorrow's races. many stopped by the convention center to register for the event. whether they are first-timers' or veterans, one thing they have in common is the excitement of tomorrow pose the biggest event. >> it is a really fun thing for me. we call this our therapy time. it is my first one. my first marathon ever. this is my first one. >> are you nervous? >> yes. i am hoping to finish. i will, if i have to crawl. >> it kicks off tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.. you can watch complete coverage right here on wba ltv.
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we will have a team of reporters on the court. live coverage starts at 7:55 tomorrow morning. i understand @ tom tasselmyer -- tom is running in the marathon. if you know somebody who is participating, show them some support. send a text. we will be broadly your messages at the bottom of the screen throughout our coverage. morning off the because i will be here tomorrow night. >> , is resting up. what did they call it -- car bloating? >> -- carb loading? >> here is what -- rain is
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falling this evening. raid, then it around here. -- rain, not a round here. a little unstable atmosphere. there is a big storm over eastern canada hoping to -- helping to generate that. things look pretty quiet here. we are getting some false echoes here. we have partly cloudy skies. today, it turned out all right once we got some sun and the picture. not quite a quarter inch of rain at the airport. to see over one-quarter of an inch at the inner harbor for rainfall. rain totals over the past two days -- 3-4 inches of rain just west of the washington, d.c..
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if even montgomery county got a little more than that. close to the bay, the rate totals were a little lower. everybody got something. we are sick of it and we are done with it for a while. temperatures have cooled down. it is 43 at oakland. here are the scattered clouds and a little isolated showers here in there. nothing significant pretty cold fronts, there is still a big storm up in eastern canada. it continues to spin it around. some of the winds are getting down to our area. it will be a breezy day tomorrow. what should be essentially dry. winds will be diminishing. 50 degrees, when set 5 to 10 miles per hour. the forecast for the marathon, a
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lot of sunshine. 62 by 10:00. in the mid to upper 60's by midday. fess gusting winds as high as 30 by lunch time. -- miss de gusting winds as high as 30 miles per hour by lunchtime. west to southwest winds tend to 20 miles per hour. here is the storms and canada. by sunday morning we will see a little disturbance. a disturbance running around at the front. we are still in good shape. as we get toward the end of the day, that front comes in and hit the disturbance -- we could get a sprinkle or shower overnight into monday. things are fairly quiet. there are things out to the west of us. as we go into the seventh day
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outlook, we are not done with the rain chances. there is the football game. we expect partly cloudy skies at the stadium. 60's to perhaps 70. southwest winds at 10-15 miles per hour. good weather through the weekend. monday in the pre-dawn hours, we will see a lot of clout on monday and tuesday as well. monday and tuesday in the 70's. higher rate chances on wednesday. we cool down. temperature's only in the mid 60's. >> theft the deliver again tonight. high school football and maryland magic coming up next in sports.
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>> maryland man is under way and college park. a new era for the terps. they celebrate the past. alumni game tonight. steve francis -- the one year would appear in all-time scorer. the smile is still there. terry williams, they are about to take the court and begin the festivities for the current price. he takes his job series. he does not take itself too seriously. this combo. >> i have been in a lot of places that put me in a position
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to be here and had allowed the right way. there will be good days and bad days. i understand that. don't get too high and it don't get too low. that is all you can do. ' i think the matter where you cuts. if you prove you can win, you can prove anywhere. i think there would be a better coach the day i took the job. we will see if that happens. that is the plan as we sit here today. we know how important baltimore is. i hope baltimore produces a maryland player every year. three inches of fitting in at the right time. i want to look at the mirror and say a cut everything out of the team i can get out of that. the last six or seven years, hopefully i can do the same. >> i suspect he will. the ravens will not have their services of leaked evidence sunday -- lee evans on sunday
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against the taxes. -- against the texans. >> we all know, we all want the ball. that is why i made the decision to commute. the 10 other guys want to intimidate. that is fun to be a part of. >> if football juggernaut on the way. the blue jays ran their record to 6-0 this year over dickens it. they have outscored the opponents 250-44. high school football this afternoon, pauley visiting south western. big money out there. holly with a fumble recovery. he scoops, there is a long way to go. 84 yards all the way to the and
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so. untouched. engineers with a 20-0 lead. late second quarter, let it fly to dennis more pretty somehow comes down between two defenders. this sets up a touchdown. however, the engineers could the win by a final 34-7. looking around, trying to find something. 77 yards down the sideline. wildcats with a seven-zero peak. on fourth down, a gutsy call thatays off. 20-10 game. he is gone 80 yards for the touchdown. another win the 31 bit 634-31.
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>> good show tonight. terry bradshai is here. with
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>> and desperate for the weekend. it will be in the 60's. -- nice weather for the weekend.
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thank you for having me on, >> jay: well, it's such a when spoken with a british


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