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tv   11 News  NBC  April 17, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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constellation energy group] >> it left a trail of destruction across at least six states the epic storm system spawning more than 200 tornadoes killing dozens. video shows the widespread destruction from that storm system. multiple members from families killed, entire homes ripped to shreds and communities left mourning the worst storm in more than two decades. we go there. >> from the air a first look at the massive scars cut into the north carolina landscape. it is on the ground you get the best picture of how powerful this massive storm system was.
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>> you see pictures like this and we have seen them all spring of towns devastated by tornadoes and you never imagine the scope of the damage. >> it started in oklahoma on thursday as it spread east the destruction and death toll grew in one of the worst spring storms in decades. these are homes that have been peeled away and what people found is greater. a sense that even in all of this there is a lucky one. >> material things we can replace but life you can't. >> at a nearby mobile home park a reminder of just how precious life is. three children died in the storm. >> they were loving kids, beautiful kids and -- >> it is with grief and thankfulness that the clean-up begins, knowing just how much has been lost even as they vow
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to rebuild. >> not all of those tornadoes that touched down created such destruction. some it takes a not investigate and confirm a tornado touched down. >> it does. you get a real mixed bag when you are dealing with weaker tornadoes rather than stronger tornadoes and it comes down to evidence and putting the evidence together. what i have done here is try to best explain what the national weather service goes through when they survey the damage. there really is no set criteria for what they go over. it varies from local office to local service. when you talk about weak, remote, brief tornadoes or possible tornadoes they really rely on spoters and chasers on the ground and local news reports to put together information to see if it was a tornado and go from there. but when you are dealing with strong, violent and kill are
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tornadoes, they are basically dealing with ground and aerial surveys and dealing with engineers and putting the damage together, then once they have the information they use this, the enhanced fujita scale that tell you what type of tornado you had. it is a very complicated process coming through this. they go with 28 different types of damage indicators and then they match those up against a degree of damage as far as the winds might be concerned and come up with this. e.f. zero through five and you are dealing with anything from minor roof damage on zero up to homes levelled and wood blowing through homes like missiles where you get into the ef-4. they calm the ef-5 downright incredible. it is interesting how they come up with this. i will provide a couple of links on both facebook pages for the weather center and the wbal
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sites so you can look at that. i will have more in the forecast in a couple of minutes. >> a meteorologist with the national weather service spent part of the day investigating damage from a possible tornado in carroll county. we see the damage there. >> the buzz of generators could be heard throughout the kraerl county neighborhood. whatever came through saturday tphaoenight packed a punch. this shutter used to be on that house and if you pan over to the back yard you see a tree snapped in half and to the right a trampoline that was no match for the winds. just down the block on arbor drive a tree crushed the front of this house. residents here tell us the people inside are ok and in a hotel. two doors down it shows the unpredictable nature of mother nature. this unscathed. >> very lucky. wind picked up, gradually got
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more fierce and i heard the train that people talk about, this whooshing and it will be a palm sunday to remember. >> in new windsor the high winds had their way with a large shed on this farm. >> blew the shed up on its roof leaning up against the fence. the fence was not damages or the horses would have gotten out and we would have been in a pickle. >> the national weather service sent out teams to see if the damage pattern was indicative of a tornado. meteorologist chris strong noticed a defined path. >> it looks like what went through tornado or wind damage was on the weaker side. >> that path barely missed jeff fritz's house where the only damage was the homeowner's nerves. >> we were fortunate. >> are you a religious man? >> i don't know but i might. they want me to go to church now. >> so far county officials say there are no reports of major injuries from this storm.
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>> you can share your weather photos with us on this shoals the galloway creek flowing into back yards during yesterday's storm. thanks to a member for sthaeurg that. a call for help as wildfires continue to consume thousands of acres in texas. governor rick perry wants president obama to declare the state a disaster area. at least 31 homes have been as high wind and dry conditions fume the flames there. two small communities were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke blanketed a neighborhood near austin forcing dozens to evacuate. wildfires have burned in all but two of the state's 254 counties. this week america will mark the one-year anniversary of the gulf oil spill disaster. it will be one year on wednesday since the deep water horizon rig
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exploded killing 11 people and spewing millions of barrels of oil into the gulf of mexico. it caused extensive damage it and wild life and the nation's fishing industry. effects were felt here in too.and, less than 2,000 responders are still working to clean up the spill. the goal is to get the beaches back to the pre-spill luster. ray lahood announced new rules after a seventh air traffic controller was suspended for apparently napping on the job. the government is giving them an extra hour off between shifts so they don't doze off at work. >> it has been a rough few weeks for aviation with air traffic controllers sleeping on the job while pilots circle. >> we may have to land. >> now transportation secretary ray lahood says controllers will not be paid to take naps at work. announcing them have a minimum of nine hours off between shifts instead of eight minimum and
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that will apply when they swap shifts as well. >> controllers need to take penalty responsibility for the very important job they have. they need to understand that when they go to work they need to be well rested and they need to be alert and they need to put all of their good skills into use in guiding planes. >> the f.a.a. has acknowledged a wide spread problem with tired controllers with workers dozing off while on duty. the latest incident was saturday on a late nate shift in miami, florida. new rules also mean more managers will be on duty during the early morning hours and at night to remind controllers that nodding off is unacceptable. >> controllers need to take personal responsibility for the very important job that they have. they need to understand that when they go to work they need to be well rested, they need to be alert, and they need to put all of their good skills into use in guiding planes in and out
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of airports. personal responsibility has to become a part of the whole safety program that controllers do when they come to work every day. >> now to the treasury, the treasury secretary says there's been a breakthrough in the latest budget belt. republicans say they will make a deal to raise the debt limit if democrats will cut up uncle sam's credit cards. tkpweurpbt calls in a private breakthrough lawmakers must raise the credit line within a month. republican lawmakers hope to gain ground with big cuts but behind closed doors they understand what must be done. >> i sat there with the president and they said we recognize we have to do than we won't play around because we know the risk would be catastrophic. >> congress also face as showdown over next year's budget. republicans have vocalized their thoughts and president obama has answered with a reduction machine. soaring gas prices continue to fuel frustration.
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this is the 26th straight day the price has gone up. six states and the nation as capital top over $4 a gallon. new york is the latest and michigan can follow suit. the average price is $3.95 there. here it is $3.82. just one cent below the national average. there is no doubt a tax return help ease the pain and frustration at the pump. tomorrow is the deadline to file and as odd as it may sound hope springs eternalor retailers because they hope those that get refunds will spends it. >> retail sales were up in march and analysts can't help but tax refunds had a lot to do with it. >> this year about two-thirds of americans expect a refunds, about the same as last year. >> what is different from last year more people are willing to spend this year's refund even on big ticket items like furniture
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or electronics. >> guess who just bought an ipod with their tax return. >> i couldn't. >> ellen davis vice president at the national retail federation says a survey finds more americans in recent years things like pay down debt this year plan to treat themselves. >> because people have done such a good job of being prudent with their money, it is nice to have a few hundred bucks from uncle sam you feel like you can do whatever you want. >> lake consumers, remainers are keeping a weary eye on gas. >> when gas increase it is means people have less of their paycheck or tax return to spend on other things. >> it is the retailers who sell the other things who hope to get a cut of the $3,000 the average american will receive in tax refunds. >> still ahead investigators continue to search for clues after dozens of bodies are found on long island.
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>> this was a calculating stone cold killer. >> one victim's parents say they had contact with the killer. we will explain. the u.s. reaching out a hand to troubled japanese officials. details on the partnership. >> we can't be the police for the world. >> donald trumps has not officially announced a run for the president but he shares how he would handle the crisis in libya next. >> after what we went through yesterday there is more severe weather in the force for next week. imtell but it coming up. i am a sneeze whisperer.
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i am an allergy analyst. bermuda grass. ragweed. willow. i am a dander decoder. chihuahua. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about allergy relief.
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immense power. scorching speed. the first phone strong enough to run on the fastest, most advanced 4g network in america. >> military officials have confirmed five u.s. troop deaths in afghanistan. they were killed saturday in a
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suicide bombing. all five are from the 101s airborne division that lost six last month. intense fighting continues in lybia as rebels begin to question nato's mission there. muammar gaddafi's forces spent the day firing and rebels have been able to prevent government forces from entering. they responded to reports to halting air strikes due to weather concerns accusing nato of finding excuses. weighed in on the crisis today on "state of the union." >> somebody said what would be your theory or what would do you. i would do one thing. either i go in and take the oil or don't go in at all. >> trump said if he decides to run he won't make an official announcement until this season of "celebrity apprentice" wraps up. as many in general continue to rebuild after the disasters in
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march. hillary clinton today pledged continuous support. she made her away to tokyo to meet with japanese officials. they have created a partnership for reconstruction. she said that aid to japan honors their legacy of assisting others in crisis. >> we pledge once again our steadfast support for you and for your future recovery. very confident that japan will demonstrate the resilience that we have seen during this crisis in the months ahead as you resume the very strong position that you hold in the world today. >> more than 20,000 u.s. troops have joined japanese forces in operation friend, a massive humanitarian mission. a serial killer wanted for killing four women is alleging
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haunting their families. he is calling his victims' families and allegedly admitting to the murder while torturing the families with details of the attack. the hunt is on for the killer who has dumped bodies along a weed forest in hraeuld beach. authorities are finding it difficult to find evidence let alone a suspect. >> you can pull off the side of the road, open your trunk and take something out and never be seen. >> i believe 100% it is him. the calls have come from high traffic areas lake times square where authorities are unable to trace the signals. >> now your 11 insta-weather plus forecast. >> a nice night tonight under partly cloudy skies here in the greater baltimore area. a good night to head out on the town and have a little dinner or something like that, walk around the harbor. doppler showing pretty much partly cloudy skies and upper level trough here with a
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stationary front that is wreaking a little bit of havoc in the western part of the state dropping a little rain that. could give us a little bit of a headache tomorrow afternoon. speaking of that, i want to let the folks know in harford and cecil county there are some flood issues the national weather service is watching. right past the dam associated with the rain we have received the past week combined with what we got yesterday. that flood warning is in effect through tomorrow evening. so be aware if you are in the low-leg areas. currently the temperatures 65 degrees in downtown baltimore. good it get out there. 60 at b.w.i. ocean city 62 degrees. even way out to hagerstown at 59. parkton cooler at 51 degrees. as far as the rest of the night
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is concerned it will cool down a little bit but it will be clear, breezy, winds out of the west 10 to 15 miles an hour. temperatures from 42 to 49 degrees. but if they are looking like they are now it could be a little warmer than what we are seeing. the current weather just a little bit of cloud cover that will move on as we head into the early morning hours into monday. there is that trough front this i was talking about that is kind of settling in there and then you have the stationary front that is extending from a system that is giving grief to folks way out in the midwest and i think unfortunately this is going to bring us cloudy and unstable conditions over the next couple of days which could lead to a severe weather future cast will show you right now. we see the cloud cover around 3:00 in the afternoon monday. then tuesday not much to worry about. but then into wednesday i paused it here at about 4:00 and you will see this system right here
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is what we are worried about. when that moves through we could see similar weather to what we saw yesterday and that of course could mean possible tornadoes, possible hail, things like that. not a good situation as that will massive through the area. it will also be very warm wednesday which could really make things ripe for severe weather conditions. as far as tomorrow is concerned we will call it partly sunny, afternoon clouds, 20% chance of rain. variable wind five to 10 miles an hour. 64 to 69 degrees. should be a great day until the afternoon when the clouds start moving in. as far as the seven-day is 30% chance of thunderstorms on tuesday, about 69 to 0u7 degrees. wednesday will be great in the early afternoon and then when the thunderstorms massive in it could get a little nasty then back into the mid and upper 60's by saturday. >> thank you, lowell. hopefully coming back home will help the orioles turn things
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around. >> i hope so. it can't hurt. their offense is better than a year ago but you wouldn't know it judging by the last seven games. you will hear what buck showalter is saying in sports. s. welcome back to geico radio, it's savings, on the radio.
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>> the orioles can't wait for their 10-game home stand to begin tomorrow because this road trip was a disaster. s straight losses where they
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managed a total of just 17 runs. my division is right that is about 2 1/2 per game. they crossed the plate only twice as they got swept by the indians. third inning bergesen to grady sizemore his first game since mast may after undergoing knee surgery. his knee looks good and so does the swing. that made it 2-0. top fourth, runners at the corners but derrick lee grounds into the double play. brian roberts scored but it took the birds out of a possible big inning. bottom half the indians strike back that. is travis with the hit and cabrera scores. the runner is out at second but cleveland gets tsd run home to it 3-1. then accardo and hafner .354.g solo blast it make it 4-1. orioles lose their seventh straight 4-2. they drop to 6-8. buck, what is the deal with the
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losing streak? >> we have had some bad luck hits. had the right people up and we are going to be a good club before there is over and just trust them and know better days are ahead. everything had gone the capitals' way the first two games against the rangers but today in game three in was new york who got the lucky bounce and what saved them from the brink of elimination. the caps were hoping to put rangers away but it was not meant to be. second period eric christiansen from an impossible angle. he scores to give new york a 1-0 lead. just an amazing shot by him. second period, caps would respond. arnott fires on net and obie deflects it in. caps down by one and backstrom the shot and knuble puts home the rebound and it is tied 2-2.
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with under two minutes left the rangers answer. dubinsky in front and the puck bounces off three capitals and that turned out to be the game winner. rangers win 3-2. caps lead two games it one. the lakers are the two-time defending nba champions but you would not know by the way they played today. they could not control chris paul. as a result, the hornets took the buzz out of the home crowd. kobe bryant and the lakers going down in game one. kobe sweet jumper from the corner and it goes. he crashes into the seats. talk about up close and personal. chris paul was the story, 33 points, 14 assists, 19rebounds. they take game one 109-100. in boston, carmelo anthony's first playoff game facing kevin garnett and the celtics. under 20 seconds left boston down by one. ray allen for three. money. he gives them a two-point lead.
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the knicks still with a chance to pull this game out. melo trying to be the hero. tough three with two guys on him for the win and no. doesn't go. it is short. celtics escape 87-85. tough game for melo, 1-11 the second half. spurs and grizzlies. manu ginobili in street clothes because of a sprained elbow. under 30 seconds to play. shane battier for three like he used to do at duke. he drains it to give membphis a one-point lead. spurs get a final chance. duncan well covered and to jefferson wide open. jefferson for three and the win. but if is too strong. the grizzlies shock the top seeded spurs 101-98 for their first playoff win in franchise history. what a finish at talladega. jimmie johnson, khrpbt bowyer, jeff gordon three wide battling
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for the stripe and by the smallest of margin johnson wins the race. how close was it? the official margin 2/2,000 of a second the closest since they went to electronic timing. we have the seven-day coming up after the break.
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