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tv   11 News  NBC  April 10, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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>> live, local, late-breaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news tonight. >> a message tonight from baltimore city police after a quick arrest in the city's most recent murder. crime cameras help police track down a suspect in a deadly shooting in a barber shop. shelton dutes is live with this story. >> police said this was not a random act of violence, but they are trying to figure out why this gunman walked into the barber shop and opened fire. >> when they did, they took my son.
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for them to do that, [unintelligible] >> he was waiting to get his hair cut when two men locked in an open fire. >> it was really crazy after that. -- walked in and opened fire. the cause would not let you walk down the street. i cannot even get to work yesterday. >> police say dwight taylor was shot multiple times and died from his injuries. >> don't take money away. i made him and i love him, and i want him home with me. -- don't take mine away. >> we are trying to determine what the relationship was. >> according to court records, dwight taylor has a court record that date back to 2007 and includes assault and drug charges. the surveillance cameras help them track down one of the suspects. the cameras on saratoga street
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were rolling as the suspects came out of the barbershop. >> if people are going to try to commit violence in baltimore, there is a pretty good chance you are going to get caught. >> he is a good father, and we just want justice served. >> the search continues for that second suspect. if you have any information that can help police, call metro crimestoppers. we are live in downtown baltimore, shelton dutes, wbal- tv 11 news. >> city police also tillis they have to people in custody in connection with an early morning stabbing in fells point. police said 23-year-old man was stabbed a around 2:30 a.m. the victim was reportedly stabbed multiple times during a fight with the suspect. there is no word tonight on his condition. a 21-year-old man was shot in southwest baltimore. police say the victim was
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walking just before midnight when someone opened fire, hitting him in the stomach. the victim remains in serious but -- serious but stable condition. hundreds gathered today to honor murdered and missing crime victims and their families. family shared stories at today's 22nd annual state what moral service titled something beautiful remains. among those honored, lacrosse player and cockeysville native yeardley love. nearly a year after she was murdered, a preliminary hearing is set for tomorrow in virginia. the prosecution will let out case against former lacrosse player george huguely. george huguely is not likely to appear in person for the preliminary hearing. the 23-year-old is charged with first-degree murder and felony murder in the death of his
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former girlfriend, 22-year-old yeardley love. 25 witnesses have been subpoenaed for the hearing, three for the commonwealth of virginia, all the rest for huguely's defense. >> of the commonwealth has to do is establish probable cause. >> love and huguely were members of uva's lacrosse team. her body was found in her apartment on may 3 of last year. huguely told police they had an altercation and that he shook her and her head repeatedly hit the wall. she died from blunt force trauma to the head. a glimpse of the defense can be seen in witnesses for the preliminary hearing. some were his teammates, a woman who lived next door to love, and a manager from popular teen hangout are on the list. >> it is very unusual for the defense to put on evidence that a preliminary hearing.
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it now enters a new phase with this circuit court in charlottesville virginia as the backdrop. >> jayne miller will be in charlottesville for the preliminary hearing. she will have the latest tomorrow at 5:00 and 6:00. state lawmakers have little over 24 hours to hammer out details on a bill that will increase the state's alcohol tax from 6% to 9% this july. the senate wants to gradually increase the tax, but late saturday night the house changed the proposal to one increase. it would raise about $85 million in the next fiscal year with most of the money going to local school districts. the chambers also have yet to come to agreement. the general assembly adjourns tomorrow at midnight. stay with us on the air and
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online at for any late breaking details out of annapolis. we'll have live coverage tomorrow as lawmakers wrapped up this year's big session. it is far from the end of the budget crisis. those in washington say there is a bigger budget battle on the way. >> now comes the hard part, bringing down the country's soaring debt. today some say -- you have to look at medicare and medicaid and see what kind of savings you can get. >> you are talking about our spending and our programs. if there can be a program about how to strengthen social security in the future. >> republicans already have their own plan that would dramatically reform medicare and medicaid. >> we have to get our spending under control. if you get deficit reduction and
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control, that will help the economy today. >> the threat of a government default could wreak havoc on the economy. today the national debt is $14.28 trillion and rising. in about a month it will go above $14.29 trillion. that is the limit set by congress. in the past when that limit was reached, congress simply votes to raise it. speaker john painter says republicans will not agree to raise the limit without a concrete plan to bring down the debt -- speaker john boehner. >> democrats call that playing politics with the economy and warned of a catastrophe if the limit is not raised. >> a formula of playing with fire that could actually have the credit markets stop taking u.s. debt and creating a recession. >> a day after his surprise trip to the lincoln memorial, aides
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say the deal could be a model to head off the coming fight. >> will have tough disagreements. we have to find common ground or we cannot move forward on education and growing the economy and reducing our deficit. >> the state comptroller says the recent budget deal allows his office to continue processing tax returns in a timely manner. this morning he said the state has given back almost a billion dollars in tax refunds and officials hope to return another billion in the next 10 days. >> file electronically because it will not only save the state money, it will speed up your refund. these are tough economic times. >> remember you have an extra three days to file your taxes this year. they are due monday, april 18. chances are if you are due monday, it will help ease pain at the pump. gas prices continued to soar. maryland's average right now is
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$3.75 a gallon. for tips on how to get the most mileage, log on to our website, libyan leader muammar gaddafi has reported excepted a road map to end the violence in his country. he met with several african leaders today to find a solution. the proposed roadmap calls for an immediate cease-fire, talks between both sides, and opening a channel for humanitarian aid. nato air strikes helped rebels gained ground today. air strikes on six trucks killed nine loyalist and prevented the convoy from making its way into the city. rebels' call it a victory. it was seen as the gateway to the opposition stronghold of benghazi, libya's second-largest city. in japan, it has been 1 months since the devastating earthquake
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and tsunami. sunday, thousands marched the streets of tokyo chanting no more nuclear plants. officials are still trying to stabilize the damaged power plant. >> we have had enough. that is why people are here. >> thousand people are sorting through debris and japanese police say they have seen an outpouring of honesty as people turn in strangers belong meats, including money. it is a cultural practice japanese children are taught at a very young age. one person is dead tonight after a plane crashed into a home in maine and burst into flames. police say no one was home sunday evening when the plane came crashing down. the victim is believed to be the pilot. there is no word on what caused the crash or the plains ultimate
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destination. a medical examiner has yet to rule how to students died while diving off the california coast. the 217-year-old boys died in monterey bay. officials say 195 -- 19 diners went underwater but only 17 surfaced. a disturbing story, a toddler is mistakenly serve alcohol at a restaurant.ebee's he was acting strange, and that is when his parents realized it was not apple juice in his cup. police say margarita mix was mislabeled as apple juice. he was taken to hospital where doctors say he could have died if he had dragged the whole cup. if you feel like absolutely need that daily cup of joe, you are not alone, but find out what scientists believe may be behind
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those urges. the latest on raging wildfires in texas. >> get back, get back. cut several tornadoes spawned by a strong storm caught on camera. a look at the wild weather across the nation, straight ahead. >> the clouds finally broke and we got some sun and the temperatures finally went up. the forecast is just ahead. with clear skies right now, it is 54 at the airport, 57 is 54 at the airport, 57 7 your lawn is a living, breathing thing. it depends on you. it needs food. you have to feed your lawn. that's a must. i use scotts turf builder. it makes the roots really strong. [ man] the stronger the roots, the stronger and healthier your lawn's gonna be. hearing the roots, like, "i need food. i need nutrition." [ man #2 ] do i think feeding makes a difference? look at my lawn. this is healthy. it looks good, right? it's strong. look at this. feeding makes all the difference in the world. it's a no-brainer. [ male announcer ] scotts turf builder. feeding pays. it is the best thing you could do for your lawn.
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if you heavily rely on a couple of joke to start your morning market through an afternoon slump, your genes could be to blame. if you have one gene, you are more likely to consume 40 milligrams more of caffeine
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every day, the equivalent of about a can of soda. some baltimore city lacrosse players are learning life skills. the baltimore sit matt -- baltimore city middle school were joined by a national lacrosse hall of famer and members of the baltimore city police academy to practice new skills and participate in drills. there are 10 city schools that compete against each other. >> what we are really trying to teach these young men is about teen and commitment to hard work. on the other side, what i am hoping people in the committee will hear is, we need help to support these young men. we need equipment, we need resources. >> today's festivities were held at the baltimore city public safety training center. raging wildfires still consuming thousands of acres in texas. dry air and strong winds killing more than a dozen fires that covered nearly four hundred square miles across the state.
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war than 100 homes have been destroyed there. firefighters from 25 states have been called in to help fight the fires. state officials say could be the worst fire in the state's history. forecasters warned of severe storms may be just the beginning. francisco has more. >> the tornado slammed into mapleton, iowa, without warning. >> before we knew it, we had a tornado on the ground. >> blocks of the small town were shattered. a different system brought in drenching downpours, baseball sized hail, and a sunday full of cleaning up to parts of the carolinas and southwestern virginia. >> it is incredible. >> the violent storm followed days of unusual heat in some places.
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the warm, dry air in texas fanning wildfires. and then there was a foot of snow in arizona. >> the jet stream is moving from the winter mode into the summer mode. the battle between the warm and cold is what is helping to fuel the severe storms. >> forecasters warn the danger is not over yet. a strong storm front is expected to move across the midsection of the country over the next couple of days, bringing the potential for danger is whether to about 40 million people across 20 states. >> now, your forecast with john collins. >> with that last three in mind, here is what the storm risk is for monday and tuesday morning. starting tomorrow morning, the slight risk category running from new york state. most of it is to the north and west. down through west virginia into
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kentucky and tennessee and on toward the gulf of mexico. to the west seems to be the primary area. we will see what develops monday morning through tuesday morning. let's see what the storms of doing right now. some storm cells moving across the northern great lakes, not quite as violent as it was yesterday, but a very strong cold front moving in with a huge contrast in temperatures between minnesota and the dakotas and the ohio river valley. some of that mild air finally got here as soon as we got some sunshine this afternoon. 63 was a high at bwi marshall. the high temperatures are pretty typical for this time of year. the lows this morning or 50 and 53. the current temperatures right now at bwi marshall is 54, and
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57 downtown at the inner harbor. it is conceivable that these readings will be our lows and temperatures could start to rise again. is a little warmer out to the west in fredericksburg and even out in far western maryland right now. it is in the seven's in pittsburg, charleston, and down at dayton, ohio. 76 in chicago, but the warmer air is really beginning to come in. some of the warning may even start overnight tonight. the warm front is just to our west dow and will start to edge a little further eastward. with the cold front just behind it, we will be in this pocket tomorrow, but by tomorrow evening with the cold front approaching, we could have a few thunderstorms. whether that will be severe or not, we will just have to wait and see how it develops. there may be some patchy fog. 51-56 with a light southerly
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wind. temperatures will rise overnight by daybreak and then boost up into the low 80's 4 highs. a little cooler on the eastern shore and there may be some more stubborn cloud cover. 79-83 for the temperature range with partly cloudy skies. southwest winds at 10-20, so there will be a bit of a breeze. a 3 ft. chop with south winds gusting perhaps as high as 20 knots. we are basically clear, or at least partly cloudy during the day tomorrow, allowing us to warm up. it is not until tuesday morning that we expect a rain to come in. that will be with us tuesday and likely into wednesday as well. 81 tomorrow, any storms tomorrow
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should be after dark, overnight into tuesday. the stunt -- the thunderstorm part of it could even get into wednesday morning. next weekend we do have another chance of some rain. >> a surprise winner at the masters. >> charl schwartzel, not exactly the golfer everyone was rooting for on sunday. we'll show you why tiger woods we'll show you why tiger woods host: could switching to geico really save you 15%
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or more on car insurance? host: would foghorn leghorn make a really bad book narrator? foghorn (stammering): it was the best of times, it was the wor - i say worst of times. and by worst i'm talkin' as bad, i say, as bad as my aunt ginny's corn puddin'. that stuff'll sink you like a stone. engineer: ok that was a little... foghorn: you gettin' all this in there son? i just added that last part it's called "adlibbin..." was, i say it was... vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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>> now, 11 sports. >> it is the final round of the masters, and tiger woods could have pulled off the greatest comeback of his illustrious comeback. the magic he found on the front nine disappeared on the turn, leading the quest for the green jacket up for grabs. what a wild sunday at augusta national. tiger woods already with three birdies. here he is on no. 7. that is another one. now we go to the eighth hole. this is a tiger for eagle. he erased a seven shot deficit in nine holes, but he shot even par on the back nine, finishing at 10 under. not good enough. adams got heading to the par-3 16th hole. he had seven wins on the pga
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tour and zero majors on his resume. it look like this would be his first when his tee shot break toward the hole and lands just a few feet from the pen. that put him at 12 under par. out of nowhere came south african charl schwartzel. he took the lead out right at 13 under. on 18, all he needed was to make par. instead, it is history. becoming the first masters champion to close with four straight birdies, a 60 to 1 shot, charl schwartzel wins the masters. the only other time jeremy guthrie face the rangers derrick holland was four years ago. the birds wish they had that same success today, but holland luck out. guthrie coming back strong from that fever he had last week. it helped get some great defense
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in the third. markakis taking it away from george hamilton. a solo blast to make it 1-0. it is the only one what -- the only run guthrie gave up in the inning. three-zero, derrick holland paged 6 -- pitched six strong. the birds lose 3-0. they face the yankees on tuesday. >> i played three pretty good clubs, the american league east, the american league champion, and central. that is life in the american league. we know what the yankees bring and i don't know if anyone is playing better than the cleveland indians' right now. stay tuned, you have to keep
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trying. >> tonight, the yankees and red sox at fenway. a tough night for joe girardi's gang. a little dribbler here by david ortiz. the run is able to come home, making it 1-0. the final score was 3-0, red sox. joe madden on the right, he is, for now, but that would soon change. -- he is calm for now. the red sox are up 5-0. gavin floyd is covering. the call was safe, then it was overturned and that set off madden. he is ejected. rays lose, 6-1. no wonder madness going berserk. many believe it will be the celtics or the heat that will
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play for the conference title. those two teams square off today in miami. there is lebron james. he would have a monster game. ray allen is one of the best in the business. lebron doing his thing. he had 27 and he dominated the celtics, 100-77. john collins has the game. he has the forecast coming up, after this.
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