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tv   11 News  NBC  April 3, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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>> >> live, local, late- breaking. >> the orioles are flying in to byrd land after a sweep sweep of the tampa bay rays on the road in a very strong season opener. pete gilbert with more on the game in a moment, but the orioles are not the only ones gearing up for tomorrow's home opener. it could be of busy in profitable day for local businesses. shelton dutes is live in the studio with that part of the story. >> if the orioles can keep this momentum and excitement going
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all season long, it will be a grand slam for local economy. groundskeepers are putting the finishing touches on camden yards. pickles pub has a prime spot across from the stadium and they are expecting some grand slams of their own this season. >> opening day is a big kick start. you might have months were you are just about even or maybe struggling a little bit. opening day comes, and a sales boost just carries you through. >> over at the inner harbor, they are also excited. >> it is a huge impact. our sales drop in the wintertime and then boost in the spring and summer time here. we go from $9,000 saturday in the winter to $45,000 saturday. >> a local consultant predicts
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the strong start this season could have lasting effects on our local economy. >> a typical year they will have $200 million impact. opening day is typically valued at around $3.5 million impact. >> out of state fans in did not let their rivalry stop them from getting a jumpstart on boosting the local economy. >> he happens to be a baltimore fan and i am a tigers fan. >> downtown businesses may not be the only ones to cash in on the orioles success. businesses in the surrounding counties may also profit. >> this just feels good, doesn't it? >> when you look at where we have been, i know it is only three games, but considering 13 consecutive years of losing, last year's terrible season,
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this is something special going on around here. let's enjoy it. >> with 30 friends and family members, six strong innings, giving up just one run. reynolds enjoyed his best game as a bird. baltimore won today, 5-1. they enjoy first place all by a their lonesome. also tomorrow, gerry sandusky night will have live team coverage from camden yards, starting with our expanded, 1- hour at noon news. i will have more later in sports. >> here is a picture from ulocal member wendy.
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>> today we started a little bit of a trend with the weather that may favor the game tomorrow. 59 was the high today at the airport. temperatures have finally reached something typical for this time of the year. we are not colder than usual. warning lows were typical, rider on 38-40 degrees. we'll take a look at radar right now and see what is going on. some showers and thunderstorms from just south of the city, westward across tarrant county. following the line along i-70 up toward frederick and a little beyond that. this area of grain is moving mostly to the east now. this one area should end tonight. we will tell you when it will happen and if it will affect tomorrow's game, coming up in the forecast. >> a howard county police officers power suspended tonight
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after he allegedly assaulted a baltimore city police officer. baltimore city police say the 23-year-old is charged with assault and resisting arrest. he was arrested around 2:00 a.m. outside a bar in canton after police say they were screaming obscene remarks at a baltimore city officer and it -- physically attacking her. lechter has been a probation officer since august. there are two incidents involving people being struck by trains. csx said the train was heading from detroit to philadelphia and shortly afterward continued on its way. the victim was pronounced dead, their identity not released yet. a short time earlier, a person was rushed to shock trauma after being hit by train in southwest baltimore.
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it happened near m&t bank stadium. that person's condition is unknown. the investigation continues. seven people recovering after an early-morning crash and sell these baltimore. fire officials say least two vehicles crashed around 8:20 a.m. this morning. all injuries are believed to be non life-threatening. that crash is still under investigation. the battle of the nation's budget rages on in washington. lawmakers let their voices be heard on sunday morning talk shows. republicans are seeking a $61 million cut, but democrats, including president barack obama, disagree. both sides cannot reach a compromise by midnight friday, part of the government will shut down. >> if liberals in the senate would rather play political games and shut down the government instead of making a small down payment on fiscal discipline and reform, i say shut it down. >> republicans say an agreement does not appear to be in sight.
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president obama cautions such deep cuts at a time when the nation's economy is starting to recover. the initial findings in that investigation into what caused the whole to rip open and the southwest jet of the markers of the jet requiring new inspections to sleep. >> ntsb investigators remove the damaged section from the crippled southwest jet sunday. it would join the flight data recorders in washington d.c. where the investigation continues into what cost the skin of the aircraft to rupture, ripping a five-foot hole in the roof and forcing the crew to make an emergency landing. >> we did find evidence of widespread cracking across this entire refractor surface. >> damages along one of the lap joints that were not detected during an earlier maintenance check. >> along this particular lap joint, it was not known in the industry that this was an area
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on airplanes of this number of cycles that those lap joints should be inspected. >> boeing is drafting a service bulletin to require special inspections of the lap joints in all of its 737s with comparable takeoff and landing cycles. southwest airlines has returned 19 of its grounded 737 300's to service after extended inspections following friday's incident. three jets were found to have cracks similar to those of flight 812. over the weekend, airline was forced to cancel a lease 600 lives. >> i would rather get in later than take a chance to have something really bad happened. >> those cancellations could linger into the coming weeks.
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>> poor weather is being blamed for an extension of u.s. air strikes in libya. u.s. combat aircraft were to stop strike mission saturday night unless specifically requested by nato officials and approved by lawmakers. military officials a heavy cloud cover over libya last week slowed rebels advancement. the 48-hour extension is intended to roll back the progress muammar gaddafi forces have made over the past few days. anti-american violence has spread to major cities. the demonstrations are filled other recent torching of a koran by florida pastor terry jones. he also threatened to burn the islamic holy book last september. men ran for the streets chanting death to america. military analysts warn these recent events have damage american efforts and say the mission is at risk nearly 10 years in. today general david petraeus
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condemned the burning of the koran, calling it an tolerant and disrespectful. were grim news from japan. search and recovery operations for the thousand still missing following the earthquake and tsunami have been suspended. comes as japanese officials warn it could take months before workers are able to control leaking radiation at the fukushima power plant. engineers at the plants that they do not have sufficient equipment to monitor such high levels of radiation, as it radioactive water continues to spill into the pacific ocean. additional u.s. marines arrived in japan today. officials are now weighing several options, all of which seem to create more problems than solutions at this point. and i'd full blast to help raise money for relief efforts in japan -- a night full of laughs. i've comedians came to the
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comedies -- 5 comedians came to the comedy staged event. >> i would like to raise enough money to save the entire world, but i am not sure if i am that concerned with the money. i just like to show our support. >> pete is back with more on the orioles' squibbing start to the season. plus, charlie sheen store is receiving mixed reviews. hear what some audience members of. picture show the charred remains of 4500 square foot home. the latest on the investigation, and the family of a 92-year-old woman, morning her bizarre and shocking death. find out what happened, next. >> on the leading edge of the warm air, we have had some thunderstorms this evening. we will talk about what happens tomorrow in the forecast.
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49 degrees at the airport, 51 i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions.
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>> a fire that started on the deck of this harford county home quickly spread throughout the home, causing more than $1 million worth of damage. firefighters responded shortly after 4:00 this afternoon. it took about 45 minutes to bring the fire under control. fortunately, no one was injured. the cause of the fire remains under investigation. the cause of a three-alarm fire is still under investigation tonight. we are told no one was inside and no firefighters were injured.
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covering a sad story of iowa tonight, a 92-year-old woman has died after she was hit by a car that crashed into her nursing home. she was drinking her coffee when the 84-year-old driver came crashing through the front door of visiting his wife. she died saturday on her 92nd birthday. no charges were filed. officials believe a medical problem caused the driver to lose control. another tragic accident in illinois where a 3-year-old died after falling from a rollercoaster. police said the toddler was writing the python skit roller- coaster at an indoor amusement park when he freed himself from the safety bar and became wedged between cars. he then fell about 4 feet. the right is reportedly the darkest in the park. anticipateden's much- 20-city tour got off to a rocky start saturday night.
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after making jokes about drug use on his show in detroit, the star was booed and many audience members walked out. so for tonight's audience in chicago was reportedly less rowdy. springtime not only means ward temperatures, but for baltimore, the farmers' market and bizarre opens as well. it will be open every sunday through december. the market features fresh fruits, flowers, plants, and vegetables, and also craps. -- also crafts. baltimore city master gardener'' were on hand today to kick off the event and give people advice on how to get their plants and vegetable gardens started. it is located on saratoga street.
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>> we heard some rumbles of thunder this evening as the weather system is moving in. it is a warm front, and the air ahead of that war mayor has gotten saturated and we are squeezing some moisture out. -- the warm air has got unsaturated. right here over glen burnie we have some heavier rain. lightning and thunder from arnold westward out toward frederick. his little arm of brain activity, it is all thunder and lightning out here heading to the east, slowly but surely -- this little arm of brain activity. -- brain activitrain activity. once this moves further eased we will get into some drier air and that is where we will be most of the day tomorrow.
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westminster is at 46 degrees, frederick is 48. for western maryland got rained earlier as the same batch of moisture has been moving across the region. here is the satellite imagery. you can see the thunderstorms moving across our area. there is also some rain up to the north of us, and then we get some good activity out in the midwest. this is where the actual cold front is. we get into this dry area here during the day tomorrow. it is not until tomorrow night after sunset that this cold front approaches the area. we could see some strong storms when this comes through as well. in between, tomorrow is setting up to be really nice day with some warmer temperatures. overnight tonight, the warm air still push again. we will steeg -- we will see clouds and showers and storms. southeast winds at 5-10 miles an hour. during the day tomorrow, here is
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what the futurecast is calling for. 11:00 this evening, our computer had this rain a little further to the east, but we will dry out. by monday at noon, we should see some sunshine at least for a while. it depends on what part of the day you are talking about. 72-76 for the high. if we get a lot of sunshine tomorrow, we could even push it up to 78 or 79, especially south of us. there may be some showers before daybreak and then thunderstorms break the out after sunset. in between, it looks like it will be pretty nice. there is a slight risk for severe weather tomorrow with that front coming in, but it is of to the southwest and a little closer to the gulf of mexico. we do have thunderstorms in the forecast. we will see how that plays out. there are wind advisories out
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around the delaware bay and new jersey and delaware coastline and parts of the eastern shore. things will be a little breezy during the day tomorrow. gusts of 25 from the southwest with that three-foot shop on the open waters of the day. dry conditions right up until 1:00 in the morning. that is when the next band of showers and thunderstorms will come through the area. the forecast for baseball tomorrow, partly cloudy skies, a high of about 72 degrees. that is great baseball weather. here is a look at the seven-day forecast. dry in the middle of the week, more rain on friday. >> you could not ask for better date for tomorrow. the opening weekend could not have gone any better for the orioles. we will look at all three games and how they have had theirha
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let's see you fly now! [ laughs ] look, more frequent flyer red tape. not on my watch. let that family fly! [ tires screech ] i just wanted to use miles to take my family on vacation, but -- let me guess -- restrictions through the roof. that's right. not anymore. rapid rewards has your back. [ male announcer ] join rapid rewards and enjoy unlimited reward seats, no blackout dates, and no red tape. ♪
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>> for the first time in 14 years, the orioles began the season 3 and 0. probably not a coincidence. it may not last, but in the meantime, let's enjoy a look back. the opener offered a giant steaming cup of awesome for the orioles. jeremy guthrie dazzled with eight shutout innings. he works so effective and
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efficiently, many called it the best part of his career. the orioles pitcher -- that reminded everyone that they comprise the core of the offense, and they delivered. robert, despite missing almost three weeks of spring training games, proved his bat remains quick. he brought in a pair of runs. the result, a convincing 4-1 when over the reigning champ. game two brought another orioles win. again, a great start. chris tillman at 6, not only shut out but no-hit innings. the defense behind him made all the routine plays and a few extras, too. brian roberts, what an incredible opening weekend. jeremy enjoyed some help in the field, too.
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they put up wall they could have kept east germany's communist. robert supply the offense in the eighth, following the formula pitching defense and three-run homers. it was 3-1 in the ninth with kevin greg struggling in his orioles debut. a rocket to write. in al it took the orioles 7 tries to win a series back in 2010. they went for this week on sunday. six strong innings for the young leftie. six strikeouts and just one run allowed. mark reynolds smoked a double left for his first baltimore rbi. party added two more in the seventh. the orioles' first road suite to
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start in 41 years left but showalter incredibly anxious. what will transpire monday at camden yards? >> whiteford to our fans giving us into it emotionally. it has been a good two months for a lot of them. >> greeting the orioles tomorrow, the detroit tigers. the second home run of the day, 5-2 detroit. a double, and the tigers get the win today, 10-7 over new york. johns hopkins facing a top five team. trending in a positive direction for the blue jays today. one of the few hopkins seniors
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is williams. he drives in unassisted, giving johns hopkins of 5-3 lead. that is getting it done. late in the fourth, coppersmith, your game winner. hopkins will surely move into the top five. when tiger woods jumped the shark a year and a half ago, most expected phil mickelson to fill his role. after injuring his own injuries plus helping his wife and she deals with breast cancer, he was not mentally ready to excel, but he might be now. he flat out ran over the field. it is indeed marvelous. he set up a birdie that killed any thoughts of catching him. mickelson wins for the first time since augusta last year. that is where he is heading
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tonight as master suite now begins. how about dale earnhardt jr.? is he ready to win again? he stared the lead 15 laps earlier. the track normally dominated by jimmy johnson, instead the hottest drier continue -- hottest driver continues his winning ways. bernhard moves into the top 10. stay with us for another check of the forecast, right after this.
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