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tv   11 News  NBC  February 27, 2011 11:10pm-11:40pm EST

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maryland is $3.31 a gallon. that is up 20 cents from last week alone. >> there is a problem in the middle east and it reflects very quickly in united states in gasoline prices. >> the president of the mid- atlantic petroleum distribution association says it will cause us to pay more at the pump. >> they are trading crude oil and gasoline and say, i do not know if i will get a supply for our will bet that i will not get a supply, and prices will rise. it is a difficult to project where the prices will be. >> industry analysts predict we could show out up to $3.75 a gallon in the next few weeks, which already has some drivers considering sacrifices to save money. >> i may take the light rail or metro to get to the baltimore area. getting through the city driving a truck is an unpleasant thing. i have to make a change somehow.
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>> [unintelligible] >> you can find the lowest gas prices in your neighborhood by heading to our website and clicking on traffic economy. >> a similar threat to family budgets this time a couple of years ago. gas prices rose in the warmer parts of the year. no word on what the prices will be in the summer. the fight for libya's power continues. anti-government forces are 30 miles from the country's capital. the new protest site -- we have the very latest from there. >> the government wanted us to see traffic jams downtown in tripoli and the president's going about their normal business. -- residents going about their
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normal business. when we approached one area under government control, the mission of gaddafi backfired. we found the rebels killing one area. shots were fired in celebration. a gaddafi flag flew over this, chants of "gown with gaddafi." this area is protected by soldiers who have defected. [unintelligible] the tide turned of last thursday when gaddafi forces fired on and on all armed libyan -- at an unarmed libyan. it was enough to make some
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troops switched sides. the son of gaddafi appeared on state tv calling this a minor problem. he said he would pull back troops if the people compromise. government himmler's found a demonstration outside of town -- government handlers down a demonstration outside of town. these people are willing to die for their freedom. nbc news, libya. >> here at home, talk about a wild weather week from snow, wind, to spring. many are anticipating spring. we caught up with some families who enjoyed a day at the park. >> it is great to have a nice day to be out with the children to enjoy the park. it is a nice start to spring.
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>> here is a live look on downtown baltimore. this is a calm before another round of storms. the details are coming up in a few minutes. ♪ the fight for same-sex marriage continues in annapolis this week. last week the senate passed a bill which is now under review by a house judiciary committee. a decision could be made as early as wednesday. those that disagree with the bill say their fight is not over. we spoke with a family law lawyer to find out what it means for same-sex couples. >> in terms of the marriage itself, it is for same-sex couples getting no more legal protections than those of their heterosexual married counterparts. there is nothing more that they gain. >> we will work to get the
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petition. it will go to referendums and on the ballot. i do not think maryland burris will accept it. >> gov. martin o'malley says he will defend the bill if it passes in the house. police say a man was found in the 2800 block of clifton avenue before 1:30 this afternoon. his body was discovered by a relative. no word on a suspect or a possible motive. police are investigating a stabbing in edgewood. they received a call for a shooting shortly before 3:00 this morning. during a traffic stop, a 27- year-old man, who had been shot, and a woman, who had been stabbed, were found at the vehicle. they do have several leads. wisconsin governor says 30 days of protests have not swayed him. the newly elected republican governor plans to move forward
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with this program this week. many refuse to put down the signs and stop fighting. here is the latest. >> after 13 straight days of protests at the state capital, authorities ordered demonstrators to pack up and move out. they may be up -- out in the cold, but their union rights are still pretty hot. >> here is our problem, and here is the solution, act on it. >> the governor wants to slash the budget and cut collective bargaining rights for teachers and other state workers. democrats went awol and delayed the vote. union leaders say the governor has made what seems to be a threat. >> you either accept a loss of your rights, or i will lay you off. >> there are coast to coast
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protests. as the nation's governors meet here in washington, many are facing problems just like wisconsin. new jersey's governor is ready to sign a contract that is great for workers, a little too great. >> 7% increases. >> who pays the price? wbal-tv 11 news. >> a looming deadline in washington. lawmakers have until midnight friday to hammer out a budget plan or face a government shutdown. republicans and democrats are pointing fingers at each other. if a compromise is not reached, the shutdown will be the first in more than 15 years. perhaps you know someone who is suffering from the flu.
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a news photographer who shot this story returned to work only to be sent out on this story. at st. joseph's medical center, he joins a list of patients miserable with the flu that they dragged themselves to the emergency room for help. >> this morning i got a very cold and crawled underneath a bunch of blankets and hung in there for a while. >> he was surprised that he got so sick, because he got the flu shot months ago. >> sometimes the shots to not cover the flu that is going around currently. i still figured i did the right thing. >> doctors say an annual flu shot is the right thing. it cannot projects -- protect against all strains. in flu season has peaked the last week to 10 days at st.
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joseph's. >> headache, fever, cough, congestion, body aches. >> there is not much you can do but wait it out. >> there is not a whole lot of medication for the flu. there are some anti-viral agents, but there is a symptom onset for these 24 hours. >> we wanted to know when you should contact an emergency room. >> it is the very young and very old where their immune systems may be compromised because they are diabetic or because of chemotherapy -- you have to watch out for those. >> we will take a look at the big winners at the academy awards show. and the highest-paid star on tv is telling his story. that is straight ahead. >> it looks like february --
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february will go out like a lion. at the moment, it is not raining. raining. temperatur
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♪ my daughters and i were going to see their grammy and grampy, but amber fractured her leg and we had to change our flight. then that airline added a 150-dollar change fee per ticket. i sure did. 450 dollars. 450 bucks. 450 bucks is a lot of money. that just ain't right. that's just plain wrong. it's an honest dollar, your honor. does his momma know what he's doing? [ male announcer ] don't pay a change fee on top of a fare difference. fly southwest, the only major airline that never charges change fees.
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>> before americans celebrate the best of the best, a look at the other end of the spectrum. the worst of the worst, the zzies, were held. "airbender" one for the worst picture in worst director. now to the oscars. >> under sunny skies but chilly temperatures, the a lister's of carpet for thered coppe
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academy awards. >> i am happy to be here, and the matter what, i will have a great time. >> nicole kidman wore white, while amy adams and natalie portman had purple dresses. the latter is expected to take home the award for best actress for "black swan." melissa leo won best supporting actress for her role in the " fighter." christian bale also won for best supporting actor for that film. "toy story 3 " won best animated
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feature. the night top honor, best picture, is still to come. nbc news. >> actor charlie sheen was the punch line of one joke at the oscars. he will appear tomorrow morning on the news for a sit-down interview one-on-one. >> it does cbs have a right to shut down your show? they talk about you abusing alcohol and taking drugs. >> no, after reading all of that, they see the guy i nail every line every joke with a full house screaming. >> that is tomorrow morning at
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7:00 a.m. right here on wbal-tv. >> we start out with a look at our doppler radar. there is the bay. out to the west, some rain. some thunder and lightning near winchester. the rain comes in the yellow .reas som there are some heavy rain shower certain areas. let's take a look at what happened today. pretty nice with sunshine and a south easterly breeze. the temperature was at 61 degrees at the airport. a very nice day. the temperatures were nicer than we thought they would be.
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the temperatures dropped off a little bit tonight, but not to extremely cold. a 45 in eastern. what was a warm front has now dropped to the south as a cold front. it will be coming north again on these steadily breezes. a mild air ahead of this storm coming near the southern plains right now. 24 hours for all of this to move our way. mostly cloudy tonight. showers and thunder possible. 41-45 is the overnight lows tonight. we will not be as cold tonight as the word this morning. southwest winds around 10-15.
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66 -- 66-70 degrees is the expected high. we are under a slight risk for severe thunderstorm of -- activity. most likely damaging winds will be a result. a small chance for tornado activity. tomorrow on the bay, south to southwest winds. small craft advisories are out. here is the first band of rain coming through. then we take a break. a lot of rain north of us. probably some sunshin breaking through. it will help drive the temperatures up. a cold front will get closer in we will break up with standard shower activity by the pre-dawn hours on tuesday. most of the rain will be out of the picture then.
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the seven-day forecast, 68 degrees tomorrow. a little stormy by the end of the day. sunny and breezy on tuesday. well temperatures on wednesday. 58 degrees on wednesday. down to 43 degrees by the end of the day on thursday. cloudy and maybe a few sprinkles on friday. rain chances next weekend. >> thanks. try the new features on our interactive radar. read the bulletin on our website by clicking on weather. >> and we have a sports. [unintelligible] we
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>> in a season in which the n.c.a.a. expands the field, it still will not be enough for maryland this season. the turks chance to influence the committee came and went. a freshman is ridiculous. a career high, 28.
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this was sent away by jon hansen. harrison barnes is a tall freshman. lining up that 2. the steal and a slam. tied at 13 a piece. another big, tyler zeller. 25 points for him. you cannot beat carolina at home when certain things happen. a reverse layup. williams had 16 points and 19 rebounds. maryland falls 87-76. the orioles begin their spring training tomorrow. you can hear their game against the pirates on wbal radio.
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mark reynolds made his presence known, first at bat. he hit a grand slam. what about in the field? reynolds comes to baltimore committing 71 errors in 2008. his error total has gone down in the last three seasons. we showed you some of the great sights and sounds from wednesday earlier in the show. the greyhounds hosting st. peter's. the most successful senior class in school history, trying to go out in style. first half, erica open in the wing. 20-18, loyola. oil could not stop this player. -- loyola cannot stop this player.
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under 20 seconds to play. a one possession game. meredith those for the tie. a great effort comes up short. st. peter's beat loyola. the maryland terrapins and tony smith put of one of the best points. terrell scott, the fastest time for running backs. 4.3 seconds. one player shine during the interview portion of the,, but slowed on sunday. he hopes the combine workouts means little. [unintelligible]
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one athlete unleashed a hail storm for this camera guy. and this person blue timer away. this athlete never trailing a single hole in six matches. and fresh office is at daytona -- off his win at daytona 500, does not do well. jimmy johnson was in third place. miami and boston no longer alone in showcasing true star power. evidence of that is in miami. carmelo and companies still
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trying to click. d. wade had 27 points. stoudemire rocks the rim. anthony finds billy walker. a buzzer beating 3. 91-86 is the final. stay with us. 11 news after this.
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>> what do you have? >> close to 70 tomorrow. you may have to take cover, because there may be some thunderstorms. >> some weird things going on. >> temperatures will be up and down for the rest of the week. >> thanks. we will have news tomorrow morning at 5:00 p.m.. have a good night.


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