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tv   11 News  NBC  February 6, 2011 11:10pm-11:45pm EST

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of names and my name was there. >> stevens said the alleged filming happened several years ago when she was underaged. >> he had actually shown up in my bedroom. my dad just noticed the doors were unlocked, came upstairs and he was just standing there watching me sleep. >> although he doesn't know the specifics of novak's case, he said peeping tom cases can evolve to more serious attacks. >> sometimes they do. sometimes they like to go around looking at females and getting their jollies off and sometimes it could escalate to rape and even murder. >> novak faces charges of burglary, theft, and peeping tom. according to the anne arundel police department, novak is being represented by state senate thomas miller.
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>> nearly two dozen sick passengers will be returning to baltimore tomorrow after spending days sick at sea. royal caribbean says at least 23 passengers became ill with a stomach virus during a vacation to the bahamas and cape canaveral. the ship will return to baltimore tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. the crew says it's not required to report illnesses to the center for diseases unless more than 2% of passengers fall im. >> we had an interesting weekend. yesterday, it was dismal with all that drizzle, clouds and whatnot. today, very nice. temperatures well into the 40's and a lot of sunshine. we're beginning to see high thin clouds move in and there's evidence of a few flurries new pennsylvania and a few sprinkles and showers back in kentucky to the west. this is all the next storm
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coming our way. doesn't look like a particularly strong one and tomorrow will be a transition from the nice stuff we had today to something we consider some rain in our forecast. we'll talk about the forecast details coming new a minute. >> all right, thank you, john, and you can track storms anytime using our interactive radar on wbal and upload storm photos to our new local page. the baltimore mayor will deliver her state of the city address on monday and she gave up a sneak peek. >> a lot of different areas, things we have going on in neighborhood development, economic development, public safety. >> tune in to wbal plus on monday for the live state of the city address at 2:30 or log on to for a live stream of the event. if you ride the bus, make sure your route is still the same because new scheduled changes are in effect.
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in photo 14 bus lines will be affected. the m.t.a. says the schedules are adjusted based on data it collects on on-time performance, running times and passenger destination. go to our website,, click on local news. for the crisis in egypt, demonstrators, it's already early monday morning in egypt. gunfire could be heard near the square and demonstrators were out in the streets. egypt's president met with opposition groups today. mubarak has refused to step down until scheduled eelection in november. this morning president obama talked about the tight rope the united states is walking. the story from washington. >> in the streets of cairo,
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celebration and a sense of relative calm as the country's new vice president began a dialogue with opposition leaders. president obama is trying to turn up the heat on egyptian president has any mubarak without fanning the flamings. >> the president wants change immediately and he wants it to be meaningful and orderly. >> it's difficult to know where egypt is headed because it's not clear who's in charge. >> it's like driving a car and you have one foot on the brake and one on the accelerate and they're trying to get the right speed. >> tool resolution may drag on for months. in the states, demonstrators are speak out the way most egyptians can't. >> we're echoing the voices of people back home. >> in egypt, plenty of reminders that change is inevitable. >> god bless america and i'm
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happy to be here. >> that's retired american nurse mary thornberry safely back on u.s. soil. she was rescued friday night from her apartment in cairo. mary had been forced to fend off rioters with a rolling pin. she says the entire process was exhausting. our coverage of jifment in crisis continues on our website wbal there you can look at the protests as well as the impact the incidents are having around the world. the ronald reagan foundation and library marked the former president's 100th birthday. the event celebrated the life and accomplishments and exhibited artifacts from his personal and professional life. an emotional moment when wife nancy reagan laid a wreath on her husband's gravesite as
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fighter planes flue -- flew overhead. >> and i know that ronnie would be thrilled and is thrilled soft all of you share in his 100th birthday. >> president reagan died in 2004 after a battle with alzheimer's disease. and here in baltimore a celebration for babe ruth's 116th birthday and sports fans were able to hold the bat the babe used when he set a single home run record. proceeds go for a charity that cares for more than 400 babies each year. >> babe ruth loved kids and i think he would have wanted us to be here today. >> this is the first time the bat has been on public display. for ravens fans it was easy to root against the steelers but an incredible facebook
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asurvival of two friends, now brothers. >> facebook of all things. >> for years, 34-year-old saku, an only child had a distant memory of a young boy, a half brother. he made a friends question -- request on facebook, even though he saw a steelers jersey on his facebook page. >> i'm very much against pittsburgh so when i saw that picture initially i was like just because this person is a pittsburgh fan i'm not going to even send this request. >> the two hayes man began to talk. are we related, saku asked? minutes later kiran tell phones his birth father, leroy hayes and then tells saku online the
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whole story. >> replace to me you are my brother and leroy is my dad. it wasefinitely had and come to find out i had two other brothers. >> one of the brothers is a new york actor named abiku hayes. all the brothers are in the arts, music, and theater and saku andkiran have little babies. looking for one brother, saku found a new family and connected with his birth father leroy. >> i got to speak with my birth father and i had to ask him a bunch of questions to make sure i was talking to the right person. >> a family reunion is in the works this summer. >> we're hoping to plan some type of reunion in pittsburgh. >> in pittsburgh? >> in pittsburgh. but it's in the summer time out of football season so i'll be ok. >> saku and his hatch brothers
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continue to search for one still unfound brother named david. and more than a dozen of our facebook friends weighed in on this story. janette said can't wait to see it. discovered my half brother and got to meet him in past summer and diane says she found audiotape about a hatch brother when her dad sent her an email. and this from derek. that is so cool. good luck to all involved. and don't forget to stay connected with us and share your stories or comments. head to the wbal facebook page and click like. still ahead, a national anthem do-over plus a celebration for ravens fans as the packers take home the big win. but after dishing out a lot of money for tickets, hundreds learned they had no seats. >> and later in sports how the packers accomplished what the
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ravens and jets could -- could not in the playoffs. beat pittsburgh consistently, th ♪ i may be mud, but i have standards. mops? please. some of them have bacteria. ♪ and they try to pick me up? ew. i'm really hard to get. uh! ♪ what about love?! [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. used mops can grow bacteria. swiffer wetjet's antibacterial solution eliminates 99.9% of bacteria that mops can spread around. i like your pad! [ male announcer ] swiffer cleans better than a mop or your money back.
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oh yes hi. can you put my grandma on the phone please? thanks. excuse me a sec. another person calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs. she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. can you enjoy vegetables with sauce and still reach your weight loss goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce.
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>> ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight what so proudly we watched at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ >> that's going to follow her for a really long time. in case you didn't catch it, they really weren't the correct lyrics. actually tweeted that
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christina aguilera's performance was wonderful. there was a reveb rating cheer throughout the baltimore area tonight as the packers take home the title. but in north texas today disappointed fans arrived at cowboys stadium to learn their seats weren't ready. >> in a week that had been plagued by problems for the super bowl there would be one more. the snow and ice was gone and the skies sunny but for some football fans a shock beyond belief. >> the tickets are no good. the fire marshall apparently didn't approve them. >> ticketholders, some from across the country, were told their tickets were no good. >> this is crazy! >> just hours before kickoff as many as 1,250 fans were told their seats, which were temporary ones added for the game, were deemed unsafe by the fire marshall.
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>> it's not right. it's unfair. we spent a lot of money to get here and now they tell us our tickets are no good? >> most fans had paid $900 for them but some shelled out thousands. >> i was dumb founleded. how can they "gameday" realize the seats aren't safe? >> tonight the nfl says only 400 fans will not be accommodated. they will receive $2,700 for each ticket. 850 fans got similar or better seats. >> tonight a number of ravens players tweeted their congratulations to the green bay packers and he wants to know your thoughts on this year's big game. leave your comments on our facebook beige. >> the future of football is tonight still uncertain. owners and players in the middle of a labor war and it could result in a lockout if they don't come to an agreement. owners want more money and games. players disagree.
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we have the latest on this labor war. >> now, your insta-weather plus forecast. >> look at our dopplerer radar. high thin clouds are streaming up from the southwest west of the mountains, some of those producing sprinkles, shower activity, snow in arkansas. at the moment we have a big area of high pressure sitting overhead that will protect us for a little while. today was nice. that area of high pressure gave us dry air and sunshine. it hit 47 today. 43 is the typical high this time of year. and the low so far -- that has to be adjusted a little bit. a new attempt came in for 11:00 and 33 is the low so far. 38 the low at the inner harbor. no rain today. of course, last year we were just winding up a big storm.
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a two-day storm that produced 25 inches of snow officially at the airport. some of you got close to three feet. nine inches fell on the fifth and 16 inches fell on the 6th. fourth snowiest day in baltimore. annapolis, 32. 32 at park ton. and westminster. temperatures are dropping a bit as the skies have cleared over us but you see some high thing clouds and some have a few sprinkles or flurries in the ohio river valley. this storm will be moving in slowly but we have this high pressure overhead and that has to move out first because this other stuff can move in and
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that will take another 24 hours or so. we don't expect any real moisture until tomorrow night. seasonably cold overnight tonight. 27 to 31 the attempt range and most clouds will be the high, thin variety. daytime clouds tomorrow, they'll get thicker, heavier and lower during the day and a chance for rain or snow primarily overnight, though a sprinkle or two late tomorrow afternoon wouldn't be out of the question. tomorrow's high similar to today, 43 to 47 degrees. the future cast shows the progress of this thing. we're generally clear or fair weather right now with cloudiness to the west coming in and we see more by the afternoon on monday and again, maybe a sprinkle. primarily the rainfall will be overnight. it will be slow to cool down
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tomorrow night and early on tuesday so most of this will be a rain maker and not very happy. -- at daybreak everything starts clearing out then another storm will be coming in by wednesday evening. seven-day forecast. 47 tomorrow. after dark monday and right up into the pre-dawn hours on tuesday, rain and maybe a little shot of snow at the end of the thing. 37 on tuesday for the high and kind of windy and then wednesday and thursday, cold airplane continues. wednesday looks dry and thursday, another weather system coming in and probably that will be south of us for the most part. >> pretty cloudy in pittsburgh tomorrow, i'm sure. >> and for the foreseeable future as well. pretty good game. high in drama, particularly in the second half. but pittsburgh, you can't turn but pittsburgh, you can't turn the ball over and expect to
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yeah, dirt? do you think the two of us will ever find the one? well, we've been left behind by so many mops and brooms... aw, man! ...but we have got... see ya! ...each other. ♪ what about love?! [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. the 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to trap and lock more dirt than a broom and uses dirt dissolving wet cloths to clean better than a mop. you're quite the pickup artist! [ male announcer ] 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper gives cleaning
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>> super bowl xlv looked an awful lot like the ravens and steelers' divisional playoff game three weeks ago. pittsburgh came out terribly. roethlisberger gave off defensive touchdown. also, in super bowl xliii pittsburgh needing a last-minute touchdown to win. but the past is no guarantee of future results.
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that's why they're celebrating in green bay tonight. a battle of quarterbacks for certain. ben roethlisberger thinking about a third super bowl title. aaron rodgers the next best thing. first quarter packers strike first. rodgers, perfect to jordy nelson. 7-0 green. still in the first, roethlisberger under pressure from howard green. hit as he throws. nick collins. that's an easy pick. the return, though? this is where the degree of difficulty rises. into the end zone he goes. 14-0 packers in control. late second quarter a 21-3 game. steelers get back into the game. roethlisberger buying time, finds hines ward. 21-10 at the break. third quarter, a break in the game. and the league honor staff sergeant, a medal of honor winner. yeah, that is certainly worth honoring. fourth quarter, 21-17. rashard mendenhall.
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pittsburgh had all the momentum at that point. he fumbles it on the hit from clay matthews. packers recover. greg jennings, a pair of touchdown catches. 28-17 but, of course, back come the steelers. you know they would. to mike wallace. nine catches, 9 yards for wallace. 28-23 game. steelers go for two and go old school. roethlisberger, the option pitch to randle el. 28-25. the packers on third and 10, still the three-point lead. how great a throw and catch? rodgers to jennings. that helped set up a field goal, making things much more difficult for pittsburgh. they need a touchdown. they need a game-winning drive. ben has done it before. not tonight. aaron rodgers is your super bowl m.v.p. green bay celebrating tonight. >> this is unbelievable.
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i mean, we -- it's just the way our year has gone. we go into halftime and all of a sudden come out without donald driver and charles woodson. guys had to step up and play. that's what it's been all year. unfortunately for them i guess there's no other way to win it. guys stepped up and plead plays across the board. >> we created the bed. we had to lay in it a little bit. i thought the group did that but we fell up shortful >> the nfl named its walter payton man of the year award. the recipients is honored for excellence off the field and charitable efforts off it. the man is ladew williams. the vikings' safety has truly made his mark with the center for global health he created through the university of maryland. williams also had 96 tackles this season for the vikings. the 10th ranked maryland women
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today looking for excellence on the court against n.c. state. keyser, her full gruche on to start. going well for the terps. on the break. barrett, baseline jumper is good. it's a game maryland should win but n.c. state apparently not aware of this. wolfpack up 12. second half, kaiser, early foul trouble. helped dig the hole deeply but clipele -- climbing out. 18 second half points. kim rogers capping off an 11-0 run to start the second half. the terps never looked back, trouncing n.c. state. kaiser, 22 points. maryland improves to 20-3 overall. that's it for sports. the forecast with john coming up right after this.
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>> hougs the week look? >> kind of a mixed bafplgt there's a cold spot in the
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middle and we have a little thing coming in tomorrow -- tomorrow night more properly. we pick up clouds tomorrow. 45 the high. a little shot of snow at bay brake on tuesday. wednesday looks dry. thursday we've been talking about the possibility of a storm there. looks like now most of it may pass south of us. and then temperatures rebound as we go into next weekend. >> we loved the sun today. >> it might be there next weekend. >> it was a great game tonight but now we have to wonder what is going to happen with the labor deal looming. you think it can't end now. surely. >> different season, maybe next year. >> it's been a joy watching the game with you guys tonight. thanks for joining us. join us in the morning. have a good night.
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yeah, dirt? do you think the two of us will ever find the one? well, we've been left behind by so many mops and brooms... aw, man! ...but we have got... see ya! ...each other. ♪ what about love?!
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[ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. the 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to trap and lock more dirt than a broom and uses dirt dissolving wet cloths to clean better than a mop. you're quite the pickup artist! [ male announcer ] 2 in 1 swiffer sweeper gives cleaning a whole new meaning.
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shot to death for mouthing off to mom. >> the mom accused of murdering her two teenage children. >> the dad breaks down. >> please don't forget how they lived. then, halle berry custody battle. her ex speaks out. plus, the angry message he once left. >> i don't know what the [ bleep ] you're trying to do. >> then, charlie sheen 911. >> he was very intoxicated. >> plus, the masseuse and the quarterback. her shocking claims about a
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superstar quarterback, and how "dancing with the stars" cheryle burke bravely faced down the monster who molested her. plus, sextuplet family split. inside their home he says there is turmoil. >> my wife has been having an extramarital affair. now, "inside edition weekend." >> a mom accused of killing her two children for talking back. >> what the grief-stricken dad is saying. i'm paul boyd. >> i'm diane mcinerney. there was no mention of the mother at a memorial service for the two teens. as friends and family struggled to understand how this could have happened, her husband made his first public appearance to pay tribute to his dead children. ♪ amazing grace >> a moving and somber memorial service for the two teens allegedlily murdered by their own mother for mouthing off, organized by


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