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tv   11 News  NBC  February 6, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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>> live, local, late breaking. >> the table is slowly turning in egypt. some protesters asking for stability. good evening. day 13 comes to an end, but slow and steady process is happening
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in europe. we have the latest. >> for the first time in two weeks, what is happening outside of tahrir square could affect them. cairo is going back to work. a sense of normal life is returning. people are coming out and returning to their shops wondering if this may have turned a corner. government salaries are delayed more than when we can have been paid. the money was transferred to direct deposits where crowds lined up. they want a return to stability, says this man. they supported the uprising for more democracy. now the government is promising to do it and they believe the demonstration in tahrir square should stop. we believe stability and reform are more important now, he says.
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many egyptians are encouraged by the park -- the promise of president mubarak not to run again. negotiations today between sulyeman and include the muslim brotherhood. a close u.s. ally is emerging as the defacto leader until elections next september. one teacher told us that the school board even met this morning to determine if it was safe enough to resume class's. >> we will be opening again and things are improving. >> it could take months for egypt to recover. the pyramids are still empty, tourists critical to the economy have left in droves. there are still the open questions about tahrir square where several thousand protesters remain camped out. they held prayers for the 12
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people killed in the violence. >> we stay here until the president of the job leads. >> protestors worry if they leave the square the the government will just move on and try to forget this unprecedented uprising ever took place. >> this evening, president obama spoke about how the u.s. is walking a diplomatic tightrope trying to convince a long allied that he is overstepping. brian mooar has more from washington. >> celebration in relative frost after the new vice president began a dialogue with opposition leaders. president obama is trying to turn up the heat on hosni mubarak without fanning the flames. >> the president wants change. he wants it immediately. he wanted to meaningful and orderly. >> is devoted to know where egypt is headed because it is not clear who is in charge.
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-- it is difficult to know where egypt is headed. >> they are trying to get the right speed. >> a resolution may drag on for months. here in the states, demonstrators are still speaking out in a way most egyptians cannot. >> we are echoing the horses -- voices of those egyptians. >> plenty of reminders that change is inevitable. senator john kerry, chair of the foreign relations committee, says it will not be as important when mubarak steps down as how. brian mooar, wbal-tv 11 news. >> more coverage on our website,, and you can look at the impact all across the world. you can click on the link on the top of the home page. >> and nice recovery from yesterday.
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we had all of that drizzle, clouds, and all of that. temperatures above average for the season. we got into the upper 40's. to the west, a few clouds and some rain and snow in kentucky and in the great lakes. that is shifting this direction. it will not fall apart rapidly, but we will see some changes at least by the end of the day monday. we will detail that coming up in the insta-weather + forecast. >> of an alleged victim of an anne arundel peeping tom is speaking out about the incident. charles d. novak is being held without bail on burglary, theft, and a peeping tom charges. they found videos of women he taped as well as undergarments in his home. kiley stevenson says she was a juvenile when he began filming her. >> he was filming me for most of
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the time in 2008 and he had shown up in my bedroom. my that -- my dad notice the door was unlocked. he was just standing there. we do not know how long. >> i wish just in shock. i am worried about the entire thing. i did not know. it was just so awkward. >> tonight at 11:00, more from the victim and the communities reaction to his arrest. the search continues for the person who stabbed a man in west baltimore. a 39-year-old man was found unconscious in the area of north avenue shortly after 8:30 p.m. last night. the police believe man -- two men got into an argument on windsor avenue. new schedule changes for nt a bus lines go into effect today. 14 will be affected -- changes
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for mta lines. these are about passenger destinations. for a look at which the lines will be affected, you can add to our web site, a train derails the sending a huge fireball into the air and it is all, are tape. we will introduce you to someone who never would miss a super bowl game. a look at the life of former president ronald reaga
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>> taking the get this. a plane derailed in ohio. the huge fireball could be seen 15 miles away. some of the cars were carrying 15,000 tons of ethanol.
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no injuries reported. nearby homes and businesses were evacuated. investigators are trying to determine the cause of the accident. one college student dead after a shooting in ohio. the 25-year-old man was killed after shots were fired in youngstown, ohio. a number of fraternity members lived at the home but it was not a fraternity house. police said they have identified the suspect, but no arrests have been made. the ronald reagan presidential foundation held a major event today marking the former president's 100th birthday. and celebrated the life and accomplishments of the former president and introduced new artifacts from his personal and professional life. an emotional moment when nancy reagan was at his gravesite as fighter jets flew overhead. >> i know that ronald would be thrilled and is thrilled.
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to have all of you share in his 100th birthday. >> president reagan died in 2004 after a 10-year battle with alzheimer's disease. here in baltimore, is celebration took place for the 116th birthday and sports fans were able to help the the actual bat when babe ruth said a record. proceeds from today's events will hope to purchase equipment for mercy's nicu. we have a feeling tonight will be a good night for one musical group. hear from the super bowl performer is next. a man who has never missed a super bowl does not to break tradition of. he plans to still be at today's game. that is coming up. >> another storm brewing out to the west. we will see how that will affect our week had in the install plug
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it -- insta-weather + forecast. a scattering of clouds and it is mild. 42 at the
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>> i will be tweeting from the stage. >> that is the black eyed pease 14 minutes will define the next 15 years of their lives as artists. this green bay packers and has attended every super bowl since 1967 and the loss to the famous never miss a super bowl club. this big game will not be the same. >> he is the packer backer who has been to all 44 super bowls. he is part of the never miss a
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super bowl club featured in the inspiration of the sec commercial. >> it meets the never miss a super bowl, but. >> we had the pleasure of sitting down with him that. >> it looks like this year, the senior his beloved packers will be playing in dallas, he will not make it. >> my father was sick over the holidays. it caught up with him again. he wound up in the hospital and set of on the plane to dallas. >> a. kroll twist of fate. for years, the nfl had set aside tickets at face value. late thursday night, he asked his daughters to head in his place. >> we will wear his mask so he will be at the game. >> it is bittersweet. i am excited to go, but at the
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same time we wish he was there. >> tonight at 11:00, the facebook reunion of a ravens fan and a steelers stand, two long- lost brothers who found each other and found even more through a simple friend request. an incredible game day story tonight. >> 11 insta-weather + forecast with meteorologist john collins. >> it was a nice day today. a nice recovery within 80 degree turn. we got close to 50 degrees, sauna, and now we are starting to see this development out to the west which is the next storm that will be coming at us from the southwest. it is not the wettest storm in the world, but a chance for something to come our way. let's see what happened today. 47 at the airport and the inner harbor. morning lows were 34 and 38. typically we would be at 43 for
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the high, so above normal. that is pretty nice for this time of year. just one year ago, 25 inches of snow fell over a two-day period over february 5th and sixth. this is where got most of the snow out of the big storm. fourth snowiest storm in baltimore. not the case this time around. 36 cambridge. 40 on the boardwalk. westminster 40. 10 degrees colder in oakland. here are the satellite pictures. a few scattered clouds. more clouds to the west. most of the elements of that next storm will be coming in. the printed near chicago, little rock, and back in texas. -- the front near chiccago. that will keep us dry during the
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day tomorrow. we do not expect any rain until tomorrow night. the college will start to fill in leaving the room the wind will be calmed, 29-35 for the overnight lows. mostly cloudy during the day tomorrow. the best chance for sun would be in the morning. a chance for some rain and then maybe before daybreak, temperatures will get colder. south-southeast wins 5-10 with a high of 45-49. the breeze will bring in some nice. we are hoping to get temperatures up to where they were today. here is the insta-weather futurecast. we start off fairly dry beer is the weather out to the west. it is closing in on us. here you can see on the rain to the south. a lot of these will pass off. most of the merger will go to
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our south, we will still be involved in some rain monday night into tuesday morning early. -- most of the rain will go to our south. by wednesday morning, beginning to come in from the west. tomorrow, we go pick up some clouds. 47 for the high tomorrow. tuesday, the high is only 37. any rain or snow would be before daybreak. we will spend tuesday trying to get rid of the clouds. wednesday and thursday will be kind of cold with morning lows in the teens with ties only in the mid 30's. maybe a chance for some moisture on thursday. all the facts are not in yet on this storm.
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it looks rain or snow free. >> 400 people who thought they were going to the game find out dad tickets and temporary seating are now ready in time. >> they will be refunded three times the ticket price amount. a lot of things going on on super bowl sunday. the biggest rivalry in hockey. not a great idea to try to stop
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through the family." and the future of the family rests upon the foundation of a strong marriage. unfortunately, today the sacred institution of marriage faces numerous challenges. we must work together to defend it. join the catholic church as we seek to build a culture that promotes and esteems marriage. our doors and our hearts are always open. . . . . . .
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>> 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> you are without a doubt left with only one sporting event to ensure it. before kickoff, n.c. state.
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a rough start for the all-acc candid it. -- candidate. on the baseline, barrett. maryland should win convincingly. n.c. state not convinced. wolf pack up 33-21. the helper dig the hole, but they're climbing out. 18 second half points. rogers on the break. starting with an 11-0 break and they trounce n.c. state. 20-3 overall. renewed.ty as rivalry washington capitals hosting the penguins. they did not like us and we do not like them. and is the way it should be. shaky in december.
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from the point to the shot, allows the rebound. washington 1-0. faceoff. not saved. instead by the head of mike green. that hurts. he would not return from that 85 m.p.h. slap shot. tripped. and a trace the cheap player taking him out. -- a notoriously cheap player taking him out. capitals win 3-0. frost delays have backed up the fields forcing a monday finish. who would not mind sticking around an extra day? not this guy. of that i am certain. in contention despite the fact
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is packers are in the super bowl. phil mickelson stock -- trying to stay in the hunt. this is third round action. a birdie to be 10 under par. the former reality television star from golf channel's ko'd big break. -- "big break." the pink panther, his approach. no putter required. evolves in the beginning of the fourth round. -- he folds in the beginning of the fourth. mickelson is seven shots back. we will check the forecast
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>> we went into the sea to the newest member of the wbal-tv 11 family. she weighs 6 pounds, 11 ounces to our photographer. we are told mama, baby, and big brother are doing fine. so skewed. congratulations to them. what do you have? >> today was a nice day. we will pick up some clouds. tomorrow night, we might see some rain. and does that look like a big deal. a few cold days there. highs are in in the 30's. thursday, no final word on that
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so we will just give it a chance. >> that is it. think for joining us. "nightly news" is next. we will see you again at 11.
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