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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  December 31, 2010 12:35am-1:35am EST

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[ cheers and applause ] "jimmy fallon" happening right [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew.
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and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome, everybody. hey, that's a crowd, right there. that's a great new york city crowd. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody. hey, congratulations to gebre gebremariam, who won the new york city marathon. that's right, he's from right here in queens. [ applause ] i'm just kidding, he's from ethiopia, but still. [ laughter ] you know what i don't understand? you show up to cheer on these marathon runners, and everyone thinks you're nice and supportive, and then you go to the gym and watch a stranger on a treadmill and everyone thinks it's weird. [ laughter ]
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did everyone have a good end to daylight savings yesterday? [ cheers and applause ] that was fun. not the same -- not the same now that your phone changes the time automatically. you know? it kind of takes that feeling away. you know, one of the best feelings in the world. you're like "it's 8:00. oh, wait, no, it's actually 7:00! no, it's actually 8:00. [ light laughter ] yeah, it changed. bummer. that's a mind bender." well, george w. bush is on the big book tour this week. during an interview with "usa today," bush said that he was, "blindsided by the financial crisis." bush said he was also blindsided by the fact that he knew the word "blindsided." [ laughter ] i don't know if you saw this on his trip to india yesterday. president obama said that he has to make some mid-course corrections if he wants to win over frustrated americans. yeah, and then people in india were like "you think you have to deal with frustrated americans. please! did you unplug it, sir? did you unplug it!?" [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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"of course i unplugged it. what the heck do you think i did." "i'm trying to help you, sir. did you unplug it?" check this out. it's rumored that sally field is going to be in the next "spiderman" movie. yep. this is the one where spiderman fights his old nemesis, decreased bone density. [ laughter ] it's in 3d, which should be really exciting. listen to this, a new study found that kids who use the internet right before bed are likely to suffer mood problems. yeah. and kids who don't use the internet right before bed are amish. [ laughter ] this is cool, the queen of england just got her own facebook page. that's right. she says she joined mainly to see what all her old flames are up to. "so, lord wesley finally came out. i knew it! [ light laughter ] who was the queen all along? you were." [ applause ] this is exciting news. [ applause ]
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this is exciting news, you guys. disney just signed a deal to build a disneyland theme park in shanghai. >> audience member: yeah! >> jimmy: yeah, thank you. [ laughter ] it's just like our disneyland, only in china, goofy and pluto are items on the concession stand. [ audience groans ] [ applause ] they eat dog in china. >> steve: it's cultural. >> jimmy: you've got to deal with it. >> steve: yeah. cultural thing. >> jimmy: thank you, higgins. i'm not sure what to make of this. there's a new internet application that makes you take a sobriety test before you can use your e-mail or go on facebook. it seems like a great idea until people start going, "if i can't e-mail her? well then, i'm just going to drive over. [ laughter ] hey, wake up! you made a mistake. i'm a winner! [ laughter ] you made a big mistake! you're never going to meet someone like me." finally, a couple from michigan
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is suing the waldorf-astoria hotel for giving them bedbugs. yeah, you can tell the bedbugs are from the hotel, because after they bite you they're like -- [ clears throat ] [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show. give it up for the roots! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey. i just want to give a quick shout out to adam sternburg and everyone at "new york" magazine for putting us on the cover this week. look at that. there you go. [ cheers and applause ] my big -- go pick it up. my big, fat, dumb head there. great article. he wrote a great article, i think. i think he captured what our show's about. it was a good -- good stuff. go pick that magazine up, the "new york" magazine. also, this is big, you guys. very exciting, today we officially launched our new "late night" iphone app. [ cheers and applause ] we're mobile. we are mobile.
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look at this. just go on there, you can see other videos. things that were on last week. you got that. you got lewis black, you've got things. it's super fun. the one fun thing you can do on this too is we built our own app into the phone, if you press jimmy's phone -- there you go, on here. it loads up and you have these fake apps. these aren't real. we have -- there's "axl rose relaxation tapes" right there. you can -- take a nap, go to sleep with the soothing sounds of axl rose. let's listen to "gentle rain," and see how that goes. ♪ gentle rain [ laughter ] gentle rain, yeah it's so gentle when it's drip and dropping ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ take a nap! >> jimmy: there you go. that's it right there. [ cheers and applause ] you've got our blog, our blog posts, you've got photos, all
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sorts of cool stuff. all this awesomeness, the best of all, it's totally free. [ cheers and applause ] it doesn't cost no money! one last thing, if you take a photo, a picture of yourself, using the app in your favorite place and send it in to us, you just might win a new iphone 4, so please do that, go to latenightwithjimmyfallon/ iphonecontest for more details, you guys. there it is. [ cheers and applause ] our own app. we're finally mobile! so psyched. i am so excited about tonight's show, you guys. the talented, the beautiful, actress, scarlett johansson is here. [ cheers and applause ] can't get sweeter or cooler than that. >> steve: no, you cannot. >> jimmy: we're also so happy to have one of my super favorites, he's a director, chris morris is on the show tonight. [ cheers and applause ] he is -- he's one of my favorite british comedians ever. he has a new film called "four lions" in theaters now. this guy, if you know "brass
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eye," or any of that stuff, "the day today." oh, man, he's one of my favorites. i'm so psyched to have him here. and, if we couldn't top it even higher, or harder, i mean, the icing on the cake, toots and the maytals are here tonight! a little reggae. [ applause ] you got to turn up the bass and listen to that. it's going to be good times tonight. oh, man, i love toots. toots and the roots. [ laughter ] toots and the roots. yeah, that's a good idea. hey, you guys, there's a lot of tv shows about vampires. "true blood," "vampire diaries," they're really popular right now. and the crazy thing is, we've got our own series about vampires, or "suckers" as we call them. and it takes place right here at our show. it's also a musical. it's kind of like if "twilight" and "true blood," they were crossed with "dr. horrible sing-a-long blog" and "rocky horror" and then met our show for coffee, struck up a relationship, started a boy
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band, broke up, went solo -- >> steve: right. >> jimmy: -- then got back for a reunion. >> steve: and is this the reunion? >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] you guys, sit back, and enjoy the first installment of our newest "late night" series "suckers." ♪ >> steve: so it's like a food court mixed with like an italian market. >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: mixed with, like, every street in naples. and it's got, like -- there's, like, a separate section for everything. there's, like, a pasta section, a pizza section, a bread section. >> what are you talking about? >> steve: italy. the italian grocery store. the one i've been talking about all week. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> steve: it's like disneyland for fat people. >> oh, hey, guys. this is angelique. she's a new writer here. this is bashir, our director, and our production assistant, morgan.
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and, oh, and this is our host, jimmy fallon. jimmy, this is our new writer, angelique. she just started today. ♪ >> steve: well, enchante, miss angelique. >> jimmy: i'm so sorry. this is steve higgins. >> steve: hello. >> i was showing her around the studio. >> jimmy: great. the place is awesome. you're going to love it here. we're just about to start rehearsal. >> steve: can you guys -- you know what? can you start without me? i have to do a check on the progress of my dressing room. >> jimmy: you're getting a new dressing room. >> steve: there's a little construction, a little plumbing. the men's room is very far away, and i pee a lot. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they're putting a bathroom in there? >> no, just a sink. see you later. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so the economy is a big issue in the news, and everyone is tightening our belts which leads us to a new game called "tighten your belt." >> then we roll the animated
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graphic, we play short scene. and higgins announces the contestants. >> got one super long belt. i'm going to loop it through like this. and we pull it kind of tight. >> tight like that. >> kind of like we're connected at the hip. >> jimmy: i don't think -- i don't think -- >> i don't even know. >> really? >> steve: wait. [ talking over each other ] >> that works. angelique is giving us the answer. >> jimmy: oh. >> yeah. there we go. >> oh, come on. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's perfect. >> perfect. >> jimmy: that is exactly have to be. very nice. >> thank you. >> jimmy: very nice. angelique, very nice. the new writer. that's good stuff. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> that's too much. >> jimmy: that is exactly -- that's exactly what i want. that's exactly what i want. >> steve: hey guys, check this out. come here. i found this box in the wall of my dressing room. must be left over from when they just did radio here. its got photos in it, and check this out. tell me that doesn't look like you. look at that dude. look at him.
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avalanche. see that guy, look, he looks just jimmy. >> jimmy: man, oh, man. can i see that? this is phenomenal. these are great. >> steve: isn't that crazy? >> jimmy: we've got to frame these. you know what, we've got to frame these. can i have these? >> steve: oh, yeah. sure, sure, sure. take them. here, take the box. >> jimmy: thank you, no, i know just what to do with them. >> i really like jimmy and bashir seems like a wonderful director. he's going to go over the "tighten your belts" script with me later. >> that's awesome. that's great. i mean, i think that's just great. you know, i think it's just awesome that you're getting along so well and that -- angelique, i do think that it's awesome you're getting along so well, but i don't think that you should be getting mixed up with someone like bashir. >> miles, frankly, i'm surprised that you would let somebody's race -- >> no, no, no. angelique, it's not about him being black.
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it's about this show -- damn. i didn't want to have to tell you this. but they're suckers. [ laughter ] >> suckers? oh, my god. just -- what does that mean? [ laughter ] >> blood suckers. vampires. the undead. yeah. jimmy, bashir, this place is full of disgusting, dirty vampires. >> vampires? like -- like in "true blood" or "vampire diaries." >> yes, exactly. exactly like "vampire diaries." >> and "twilight?" >> yep -- >> and "twilight saga: new moon." >> those are also -- >> or "twilight saga: eclipse" or "buffy the vampire slayer." >> again, another show about vampires. >> or "angel," which was like, a spinoff of "buffy." >> oh, with the guy from "bones." >> yes. >> wait, is "bones" about vampires? >> no, no, no. that's like a medical procedural kind of like how -- >> oh. well, anyway -- this place is full of vampires.
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>> vampires. >> yeah. >> oh, my god. ♪ ♪ >> i have your messages. >> jimmy: gosh, you scared me. >> sorry. >> jimmy: you have to tell me when you're standing behind me. >> sorry. >> jimmy: you can see where -- thank you. thank you very much. >> i brought you blood. ♪
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>> jimmy: see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> i like to come up to the roof after a show. it's quiet. it's private. >> i think i'm really going to like it here. i'm so glad the show tapes at night. i'm kind of a night person. bashir, are you a night person? >> i'm definitely a night person. ♪ the night is where i feel alive i can smell her mortal veins pumping all that blood ♪ ♪ i want to show her how it feels to never die
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i'll never die am i afraid ♪ ♪ i feel like i should be but something about him makes me want to be a part of this ♪ ♪ whatever this is i was trying to know in the late night show i was barely holding on ♪ ♪ she came from nowhere with her long brown hair and now i feel like a new day has dawned ♪ ♪ it's hard to produce it's like disneyland for fat people the -- was exceptional ♪ ♪ will you show me how it feels to never die to never die ♪ ♪ am i afraid i feel like is should be in a late night show
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something about him ♪ ♪ never die makes me want to be a part of this in a late night show ♪ ♪ whatever this is never die in late night show something about him ♪ ♪ never die in a late night show whatever this is never die ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: you stay away from up here, you hear? [ laughter ] >> i interviewed with just over 200 guests. i'm bashir now. >> jimmy: then why don't you act like bashir? we're part of society now. vampires act like humans! >> then why are you? i never said you meant that long. i'm not ashamed to be who i am. i'm proud -- oh, snap, she got
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away. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: nightmare. ♪ ♪ >> steve: oh, hey, anchorage, hold the door for a second. no, it is a grocery store. no, it's not -- it's like a grocery store, but it's not. it's like a grocery store -- >> okay! >> steve: there's pockets there i haven't even heard of. and then the grout -- you can't even see what kind of -- ow! >> sorry. ♪ >> miles, it's true, they're vampires. they're all vampires! >> don't say i didn't warn you.
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[ screams ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: when we come back, scarlett johansson joins us. come on back! ♪ could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance? does a former drill sergeant make a terrible therapist? patient: and that's why yellow makes me sad. i think. sarge: that's interesting. you know what makes me sad? you do! maybe we should chug on over to mambie pambie land where maybe we can find some self-confidence for you. ya jackwagon! tissue? crybaby. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
12:59 am
i won't. ♪ [ female announcer ] clear some snow. ♪ or spread a little warmth. maxwell house gives you a rich full flavored cup of coffee so you can be good to the last drop. one fatty fat, please. so, two fat fatties. i dunno, the lady wants a fat, fat. will that be all? some fat fatties with that? it's ok, i'm good...
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[ male announcer ] instead try a subway egg white muffin melt, less than 4 grams of fat. build your better breakfast. this is android, which powers the evo. this is something nice someone said about the evo. so is this. ♪ and this. and all this. and this is something really, really nice that someone said about the evo. well, we thought it was nice. this is the htc evo 4g. with speech disabilities, deaf, hard-of-hearing and people only from sprint, the now network. access
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♪ >> jimmy: our first guest is a tony award-winning actress and big-time movie star. this weekend she hosts "saturday night live" with musical guest arcade fire. please welcome scarlett johansson, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hello. >> jimmy: welcome to the show. >> oh, my gosh, this is my first time here. it's very exciting. >> jimmy: yeah. thank you. yeah. it's exciting for us, too. >> thank you. >> jimmy: usually when i -- last time i saw, you we were -- we were playing quarters in the -- [ light laughter ] >> in a dingy -- in a dingy hotel room. >> jimmy: a dingy hotel room in baltimore. >> was that you?
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>> jimmy: yeah. that was me. yeah. i had longer hair back then. no, we were all hanging out. i remember this, like, my wife produced this movie, "he's just not that into you." >> right. >> jimmy: and we -- were shooting this movie. >> it was kevin -- kevin connolly. >> jimmy: kevin connolly? it was his room? >> it was his room. well, it was two rooms. i feel like it was two. we were there in baltimore and, i don't know, we were trying to find some late night fun in baltimore which i guess we didn't have the skinny as to where to go exactly. >> jimmy: yeah. yeah. >> so we ended up having this party -- [ laughter ] it was horrible. it was kevin calling the front desk, and he's having people come up to --. didn't he complain about our own party? >> no, that's not what happened. what happened is he had two separate rooms, and we were getting actual noise complaints. and so we just kept moving from one room to the other, like -- [ laughter ] that's right. yeah, yeah. they would knock on the door and we --. >> i was like, "go, go, go!" >> jimmy: we'd go in the other room because it was connected by that closet in the middle of the --. >> it was like 507 and 509. and we was like -- >> jimmy: and we were all taken there and everyone was like -- and then kevin would be like, "what?" and he'd pretend he just woke up. like, "it's not this room. i don't know where the party's going from next door." and then they would go next door. [ laughter ]
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and we would be -- the party -- >> the party move over. yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. they're like, "not funny." you third graders, yeah. they were mad. [ laughter ] >> we spoiled them. >> jimmy: yeah. you're hosting "saturday night live" again. number three. >> yes. i'm very excited about it. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: i love it when you host saturday "saturday night live." >> thank you. me, too. >> jimmy: you are a great host. >> thank you. it's so much fun. i'm really, really excited about it. and arcade fire is the musical guest, which is -- which is just awesome and -- >> jimmy: their phenomenal. does it get easier the third time you think, or no? less nervous? >> well, yeah. the second time i did it i was -- i mean, the first time i thought i was just going to drop dead right before the show. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i was totally nervous. and i -- >> jimmy: is there any sketches that you see that you're going to do again? >> i -- so far nothing has been pitched to me that we would do again. although, there are a few -- there -- we have a couple of running sketches that seem to be popular. >> jimmy: marvel columns is always good. >> yeah. marvel columns. marvel columns, which was chandeliers which is porcelain, felt and --. we'll see what else we can pitch to people. >> jimmy: yeah. exactly. i haven't seen you since your broadway debut. you won a tony award. >> i did. i won a tony award. >> jimmy: congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: major. >> yeah, it is.
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it was -- it was kind of an incredible thing. i sort of took -- i needed to take a break from that for a while when we finished. it was just -- you're kind of like thrust into the -- into the real world again and i went on this horrible bavarian holiday which was a disaster. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what happened? >> everything that went wrong went -- could have gone wrong. i mean, also, we were sort of lying -- like, you know, we haven't been able to really come -- we haven't really admitted to one another, my husband and i, the we --that we both hated the holidays so we'll say it to other people but then not together. you know, it's just -- >> jimmy: reminiscing. looking at good pictures on your phone. that was fun. >> yeah. that was charming. that snitchel that we ate. >> jimmy: snitchel? yeah. >> snitchel for two weeks. and you know -- >> jimmy: how is married life? >> it's --it's good. it's good. >> jimmy: married to ryan reynolds, don't know if you know. the great ryan. [ cheers ] we love him on our show. i love that guy. >> yeah. yeah. yeah. he's good and -- you're enjoying it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're -- you're a superhero in "ironman 2." >> yes. >> jimmy: you're one of the
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avengers. and he's also going to be a superhero. >> yes. he's -- he's played a superhero before. now he's doing "the green lantern" as well which is very exciting. >> jimmy: it's almost like "the incredibles" at your house. [ laughter ] like the husband and wife -- you have secret thing you go down in the basement and get into costume. >> yeah. that's all -- that's what we do. you know how it goes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm so good at this, man. i'm so good at this. i want to ask a question, i don't know if you will be up to this. when we come back i wonder if we can play a musical game? >> a musical game? >> jimmy: yeah. because i know you're -- you're a singer and you're down for fun. >> i -- i'm very excited to play a musical game. and i will say that i cannot believe how did you get "he roots? how did you get them? >> jimmy: yeah. i know. they are the greatest. [ applause ] >> how did you get them? [ cheers and applause ] crazy. >> jimmy: you're laughing at before -- they're just -- >> i remember when you first -- when you were first doing the show and i was like, "what, are they the musical guest every night?" and you're like, "no, no they're -- they're the band." it's not -- how is that possible? >> jimmy: it's not possible. >> what kind of deal did you strike with the devil to get the roots every night? >> jimmy: it lasts three more years. i'm so psyched. [ laughter ] this is going to be great. when we get back scarlett johansson and i are playing a little musical fun.
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come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all americans. rethink possible.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. i'm here with the great scarlett johansson and a bunch of musical instruments for a game. here's how it's going to work. we have all these instruments which neither of us have any ability to play. correct? >> it would be amazing if we did. >> jimmy: that's true, yeah. but, so here we have super simple songs, okay? neither of us have seen these songs and we have to pick a random instrument to play the song with and the other person has to guess what song it is. [ light laughter ] so we're going to have 45 seconds each and we'll both go twice, playing as a team, so we want -- we're going to work with each other and see how many we can get out of the four. the current show record is one. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so, we have to crush that record. [ cheers and applause ] all right. >> i don't feel -- i'm not confident at all. >> jimmy: me either. but it's gonna be fun.
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i'm going to guess a bunch of songs. okay, here we go. you go first. you have to pick a song and then pick an instrument. and i won't look. >> i pick this first, right? >> jimmy: yep. >> all right. >> jimmy: i'm not looking. i don't see anything. >> oh, okay. >> jimmy: the audience can probably see -- >> can you see it? can we see it? [ scattered applause ] >> jimmy: -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: now pick an instrument. here we go. >> good lord. >> jimmy: which one is it? [ laughter ] >> the trombone. >> jimmy: there you go. [ scattered applause ] the trombone. here we go. there it is. >> why are you laughing at me? okay, wait. >> jimmy: all right. here we go. i'm gonna guess. >> i can't even get a noise out. [ trying to play trombone ] >> oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, ready? you wanna go -- 45 seconds on the clock. you have 45 seconds. i will guess the song. here we go. [ playing trombone ] [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: happy birthday. [ playing trombone ] >> jimmy: -- [ playing trombone ] >> jimmy: jingle bells? >> no. no. wait, wait listen. [ playing trombone ]
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>> oh. how do you get it to make sounds out of this thing? [ playing trombone ] >> jimmy: hey, that's it. you're learning how to play. [ playing trombone ] >> no, this is impossible. >> jimmy: -- >> i don't remember a time i wasn't playing this. >> jimmy: that's it, we're out. [ buzzer sound ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: was i that close? >> no. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: okay, that was that. what one was it? >> that was -- it was so becoming "round the mountain." it could have been anything. it could have been anything. >> jimmy: okay, here we go. audience -- oh like it matters. here we go, ready? four? okay. okay. okay. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: mini-harmonica. [ laughter and applause ] all right. i'm gonna play mini -- tiny, little harmonic we have over there.
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>> i feel like that's easy -- some how -- i just -- [ laughter ] i feel like that's kind of easier though. >> jimmy: -- someone's -- playing the trombone. ♪ >> wow, there's not a lot of look room. >> jimmy: i know. >> good i'm not playing it. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. here we go, ready? ready? 45 seconds going. >> yup. ♪ ♪ >> oh, "row, row you're boat." >> jimmy: yes! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i don't know how to play it. i've never played a mini-harmonica. how do i know? >> please. >> jimmy: oh, come on. >> that was piece of cake. >> jimmy: i've never played a tiny harmonica. >> whatever. >> jimmy: i didn't even know -- like it worked. all right. we tied the record. >> we're on the same team. i'm happy. i'm happy for us. >> jimmy: yeah, you really are. >> all right. here. >> jimmy: okay. >> oh, good lord. again, another good lord. this is -- [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: all right. pick the instrument. >> i actually could have used the trombone for this one, i feel like it would have been -- you'll see what i mean. >> jimmy: okay. marching band song. >> all right. the violin. what? [ scattered applause ] >> jimmy: have you ever tried to play the violin? >> i don't want to talk about it. >> okay, wait. hold on. ♪ ♪ [ scattered applause ] that's about all i can do. ♪ ♪ no? ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> come on. that's all i can do.
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>> jimmy: bum, bum, bum. [ light laughter ] oh, man. i'm sorry. i know, i'm trying to help you. i'm trying to think. >> jimmy: once -- >> no. look. ♪ ♪ no. >> jimmy: new york, new york. [ buzzer sound ] >> "who let the dogs out." >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> maybe i should have gone for a longer like -- ♪ who let the dogs out but i didn't. >> jimmy: that was perfect. now i know it's the song "who let the dogs out." audience? nine? all right. all right. i'm feeling good about this. >> okay. >> jimmy: i think we can beat the record. okay, here we go. melodika. melodika? >> oh, is it that -- that one, of course. >> jimmy: we kind of have the same type of instruments. [ light laughter ] is this going to be like -- all right. wait. ready?
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♪ ♪ >> jingle bells. >> jimmy: yes! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we did it. yes. >> i hold the record. >> jimmy: scarlett johansson hosting "saturday night live" this weekend. chris morris joins us next. there he is in the bud light lime green room. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ don't forget mrs. collier.
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i won't. ♪ [ female announcer ] clear some snow. ♪ or spread a little warmth. maxwell house gives you a rich full flavored cup of coffee so you can be good to the last drop. >> man: delivering a 200-pound ice sculpture means i don't have any margin for error. one wrong turn, and i could end up unloading a puddle of water. >> gps: turn right ahead. >> man: so i make sure i have the right guidance to get me exactly where i need to be. it's the same with taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me step-by-step. automatically double-checks along the way and even lets me talk to a tax expert so i'm never alone. which helps me know it's done right and get to my maximum refund, guaranteed. >> try turbotax online now. you don't pay unless you're satisfied with the results. can i get one of those breakfast sandwiches?
1:17 am
one fatty fat, please. so, two fat fatties. i dunno, the lady wants a fat, fat. will that be all? some fat fatties with that? it's ok, i'm good... [ male announcer ] instead try a subway egg white muffin melt, less than 4 grams of fat. build your better breakfast.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. our next guest is one of the funniest writers and performers on the planet. he's created master pieces for british television. from "the day today" to "brass eyes," to "nathan barley." you can find them all on dvd or check it out on youtube. you'll love it. he has a new film called "four lions." it's currently in theaters and it is hilarious. please welcome a talented man, chris morris everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: chris morris. welcome, welcome to our show. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: "four lions" i must say one of the funniest movies i've seen in a long time. >> ten years? >> jimmy: well -- >> okay. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: say like -- >> just put a number on it. >> jimmy: eight. >> good. i'll go for eight. >> jimmy: eight years.
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it is fantastic. explain the premise because this is very tricky. >> it's better than saying -- some people say it's the funniest film they've seen about jihadi terrorism. and - there's not many. but that's the subject. that's what it's about. it's about omar who is the leader of jihadi group who is stuck really with a bunch of guys who couldn't make a cup of tea without smashing a window. and they set off on their jihadi mission and i would say one by one the wheels start to fall off their wagon. that's the plot. >> jimmy: they're trying to be terrorists. sounds like a three stooges movie about wannabe terrorist. >> but it comes to you -- yeah. no. >> jimmy: in truth that's what this movie is about. it is insane. it's so funny. >> but it comes from real life. you know, i wasn't just thinking "yeah, what's the funniest subject on the planet at the moment, oh, yeah, terrorism." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that wouldn't be the first thing that comes to your mind. >> no, it was third. [ light laughter ] but what struck me is stories from real life where funny things happen where you didn't expect them. the first thing that i noticed was a bunch of yemenis wanted to blow up a u.s. warship by ramming it with an exploding
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boat and they assembled on the key side at 3:00 in the morning. they put their launch in the water, filled it with explosives and it sank. and i thought, "okay, who spoke first and what did they say?" >> jimmy: yeah. >> it felt like a cut away or you know a moment in a caper. >> jimmy: there's that one story about the guy who tried to hide a rocket. >> i knew you'd come to that one. okay. the man who turned himself into a human bottle rocket, yeah. you remember the trouble with the ink jets ten days ago, the man that designed that bomb, persuaded his brother to blow himself up on to should we say a saudi prince. he wanted to assassinate a saudi prince. and the bomb mechanism was a large --. so he went in. >> jimmy: he hit it. >> yeah, but he went and they got the explosion dynamics wrong. so, he went in to meet the saudi prince. he said, "hello prince." he pressed the button and fired himself 50 feet through the ceiling. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that just makes me laugh. i think that's just so funny.
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>> then the prince was fine. he was unscathed. >> jimmy: well, this clip from the movie, it's called "four lions" is the name of movie. this clip is called -- it's called i should say -- it's called "brother crow." >> yeah. >> jimmy: and just watch what this guy does. >> i know it's coming as a bit of a shock to you, but everything will be all right. >> yeah. >> you see that er there. that -- that's a sex shop. all right. u.s. embassy. >> all right. wait there. when i say you fly to the target. when i dial this, you go to heaven. you go to crow. [ speaking foreign language ] [ explosion ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thanks to the great chris morris. go see his new film "four lions." we'll be right back with toots and the maytals. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] this is the evo 4g. this is android, which powers the evo. this is something nice someone said about the evo. so is this. ♪ and this. and all this. and this is something really, really nice that someone said about the evo. well, we thought it was nice. this is the htc evo 4g. with speech disabilities, deaf, hard-of-hearing and people only from sprint, the now network. access
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grease on his back ! i totally missed it, another shirt ruined. good thing the power of resolve is now for laundry in our new in wash stain remover. try this. just treat the stains you see and add to the wash for the ones you miss. the stainseekers will find, penetrate and lift away the toughest stains.
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wow ! trust resolve. forget stains. check your sunday paper for your high-value resolve in wash coupon. ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests are the inventors of the word "reggae." tonight they're here to perform their classic track "pressure drop." please welcome toots and the maytals. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ ♪ oh yeah uh hmm hmm hmm ♪ ♪ yeah hmm hmmm hmmm yeah hmm hmm hmm yeah ♪ ♪ it is you oh yeah it is you oh yeah ♪ ♪ it is you oh yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah i say pressure drop ♪ ♪ oh pressure i say pressure's gonna drop on you
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i say pressure drop ♪ ♪ oh pressure i say pressure's gonna drop on you i say and when it drop ♪ ♪ oh you gonna feel how much you were doing wrong i say and when it drop ♪ ♪ oh you gonna feel how much you were doing wrong it is you oh yeah ♪ ♪ it is you oh yeah it is you oh yeah ♪ ♪ i say pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure's gonna drop on you i say pressure pressure ♪ ♪ pressure pressure pressure's gonna drop on you let me tell you now it is you ♪
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♪ it is you oh yeah it is you it is you ♪ ♪ oh yeah it is you it is you oh yeah ♪ ♪ i say pressure pressure pressure drop pressure's gonna drop on you i say pressure pressure ♪ ♪ pressure drop yeah yeah yeah yeah i say pressure pressure pressure drop ♪ ♪ pressure's gonna drop on you ♪ ♪ i say pressure pressure pressure drop pressure's gonna drop on you i say pressure pressure ♪ ♪ pressure drop yeah yeah yeah yeah i say pressure pressure pressure drop ♪
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♪ pressure's gonna drop on you i say pressure pressure pressure drop ♪ ♪ pressure's gonna drop on you you yeah ♪ ♪ ♪ pressure's gonna drop on you you yeah ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: toots and the maytals. right there! [ cheers and applause ] see them live wednesday in boston. see them thursday at the brooklyn bowl. we'll be right back everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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