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tv   11 News  NBC  December 26, 2010 11:30pm-11:55pm EST

11:30 pm
>> when you wear your best, i no trouble is coming. >> some snow this evening before it all ends. we will celebrate tomorrow with 32 degrees the high. still windy. 38 on tuesday. around 40 degrees for the rest of the week. >> thanks for all of your hard work and thanks for joining us. the wrap up is coming up right now.
11:31 pm
>> with a 10 point lead, it is in the barn in cleveland. that means the ravens are in the playoffs for a third year in a row. first time in franchise history that they will go to the post- season with a third year running. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> this is a ravens rack up presented by miller lite. -- wrap up presented by miller lite. >> the ravens had a 20-10 when. i am gerry sandusky. have you thought out yet? >> i am feeling better. >> yes.
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a chance of winning the division in the finale next week. >> ray lewis made some comments. one player missed the game due to a hamstring injury. one player intercepted inside of the five. >> the areas has played outstanding football all year long. great position. great job of getting it at its highest point. >> the quarterback and finds brian in the end zone. >> making a play of this. talk about brian. doing some wildcat trickery. >> 7-0 rounds. a completion to derrick mason. flacco got a 10,000 yard career passing mark. second quarter, second brown turnover.
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a great job with chris getting the ball free. >> from syracuse doing an excellent job of getting the ball back. >> even in better weather, the day after christmas, joe flacco threading a needle. 10-1/7 ravens. -- 10-7 ravens. they would have the lead to the rest of the way. a huge play near the end of the have with a pass, a 28 yard pickup. cleveland settles for a field goal. >> third quarter, onside kick, the execution lacking. the ravens start at the 38. joe flacco, plenty of time to throw. to derrick mason.
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>> a play action pass. we have seen their raising do this time and time again. great touchdown catch. >> more on that in a moment. a very nice catch for this player. a 42 year -- a 42 yard into the in some. offensive pass interference was called. i don't know if i agree with that. only highlight of the fourth quarter. in other interception in the game. as reed wants to do, a decision. a recovery. the ravens double of against the browns, the 20-10. we put the ball on the ground. >> a dumb decision. we were up and we were looking
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to get a turnover right to bear. just hanging deep in doing my job. reading the quarterback. being in the right place at the right time. this is the most important thing. you cannot put yourself in jeopardy to lose. >> the beginning, it is what i told them. this is where it starts. we are trying to accomplish what we dream and what we work for. we knew we needed to go 11. now we need 12 to have a chance to win the division. we know the chances are not that great, but we also know we have a good football team that we just played. we need to be a good football team. >> john is never satisfied. take a note of the data of ray rice. very effective. 25 carries, 92 yards. it helped them keep control of
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the temple this afternoon. the best quarterback rating of the day, one for 1 passing with a 20 yard touchdown pass. 35 yards, the running back the shredded the ravens for 144 yards in the first meeting earlier this season. >> not a day a beautiful place in cleveland. when chills in the single digits. there was one moment that made as gas. a pass to derrick mason in the third quarter. take us for the masterpiece. >> going in motion, gives them an opportunity to free the linebackers. derrick mason, one on one. he does a fabulous job handling the football. that is trust in anticipation that you like to have a from joe flacco to derrick mason. just beautiful chemistry with
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the quarterback in the receiver. >> which makes the play most remarkable is sheldon brown had excellent coverage. he never makes a play on the ball. >> being in the nfl, you realize this is being wide open. there is a trick to the trade call late hands. if i have my eyes get wide open and my hands sticking out there prematurely -- >> my hands go to your hands as a big. >> exactly. if you are a veteran like derrick mason, he has this technique where he shows no expression on his face in waits for the ball to get there the last minute. his hand catches it, secures it, and you have no con defense.
11:38 pm
>> well played. still to come, a closer look at the playoff picture after some week 16 surprises today. our miller lite play of the game. joe flacco to david mason. the only saw -- derrick mason. here is our play of the game. >> it is brought to
11:39 pm
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11:40 pm
>> let us get back to the ravens wrapped up. >> 11 sports over the year and online. follow me on twitter.
11:41 pm
ravens coverage and a list of my weekly ballots for the top 25 poll. payton will likely make his first pro ball. when you get yourself noticed, something usually follows. [unintelligible] >> it is just the way it happens. it will not happen again. >> ray lewis is known for responding to trash talk, but really he fires something unprovoked. in an unknown second year fullback ran over the ravens for a touchdown. they backed up all talk and then some. he took shots early and often, getting his big motor going.
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ray lewis after 15 years, he knows what buttons to push. he knew the player did not understand what would come his way on the frozen turf of cleveland stadium. he may continue with a pro bowl tight of career. he learned a -- type of career. he learned a tough lesson today. >> it has been an awful season for the top draft pick for sergio kendel. it got worse sunday morning. he fell down flights of stairs before training camp opened. then he was arrested for driving under the influence. he suffered skull damage in his sudden fall. we do not know if he will be cleared to play again. he said i do not know what is going to happen from here. still to come how peyton manning
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broke my heart again. and the next opponent for the ravens. a couple of key injuries on our injury report. morgan cox, likely done for the year due to a knee injury. stay tuned. hurry in.
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11:45 pm
>> championship week for mr. rogers. a 75 yard touchdown was caught for the chiefs. you will see that later on in tonight's show. no fancy failures. it is still the holiday season. everybody remains in a good mood.
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you can follow shield on twitter and on our web site. gotta have a solid if you want to hang. >> the playoffs logo on a sweater this week. a very classy. >> the ravens wrath of the regular season against the cincinnati bengals' next week. >> a former ravens defensive coordinator has a chance to get a win streak. >> carson palmer and the bengals face san diego. a tip toe touch in the end zone. third quarter, ryan mathews those the scenic route for queens city. you thought san diego was one to
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win this game. >> they should have won. >> but there is an interception. cincinnati upset san diego 34- 20. it eliminates the chargers from the playoff picture. a look at the afc north picture, the top spot is still head -- held though tied with the ravens. it depends if the ravens and the steelers win next week. to the ravens have to beat cincinnati and cleveland has to beat the steelers. if that takes place, the ravens will go to the playoffs and get a first week by. next, exhibit a in the case against weather conditions with things always sunday in philadelphia. >> some pressure. a pass to the in some.
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11:50 pm
just look for a business with the superguarantee® shield. you'll get the job done right or we'll help to make it right. protect yourself with the superguarantee®. only at®. >> ravens coverage throughout the week on can also harbaugh our shshow be caught. if the playoffs were to start next sunday, the ravens would start with indianapolis against
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peyton manning in the colts. i do not know if i like that scenario. >> i think they may be ripe for the picking for the ravens defense. >> they have peyton manning. >> he is getting hot again as the weather gets cool. look at the raiders. al davis still hanging around. so are the raiders today. 99 yards down the sideline. 7-0 raiders. maybe they have something going. 6 yard touchdown pass from peyton manning. 31-19. the colts put the game away. peyton manning fulling everyone. those -- fulling everyoooling e.
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look at this slide. >> i did not like him before and i do not like him now, jamal chars. first quarter to charles. 14-0. how good is he? >> very good. done an outstanding job leading his ball club. a fantastic job of running after the catch. a great receiver in this league. >> defense gets a little bit of love. collins offering. >> top pick for the chiefs this year. >> 34-14. >> and donovan mcnabb in
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washington against the jaguars. jacksonville ends of losing. the game is tied. in overtime, a disaster, under pressure, a poor decision on this road. -- ferro. -- throw. >> very low over time passing rating. >> washington office of jacksonville. their playoff hopes are flickering now. >> a cold weather south? seven point lead for the jets. 40 yards to john a. knox. -- johnny knocks.
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the game is tied at 31. butler is on. he can play. >> he certainly can. he has shies said in his veins. -- is in his veins. if -- ice in his veins. >> a questionable decision not to throw. >> you do not throw it to their in coverage. >> do your homework. and the colts need a win against the titans next week or a jacksonville loss. it looks like the ravens are traveling to indianapolis for the postseason. patriots have not clinched home field in the playoffs. field in the playoffs.


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