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tv   11 News  NBC  December 19, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> saints fans like shouting to opposing teams and their fans.
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tonight is the raven. what a game. the ravens take it to the defending super bowl champs. >> good evening. ravens find themselves with a 10 in 4 record. the last time the ravens had a 10 and 4 record was 10 years ago when they wound up going to the super bowl. the raven not off the same, a complete victory as they needed all three stages of the game to pull in its off. -- to pull it off. a 17-yard perfect toss and catch. 21-14. the saints came back in the second half. fourth quarter, watched this pass. it is deflected but caught by his teammate, who kept his feet down in the corner by the end zone. it tied the game at 24.
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fourth down, the past is deflected and picked off, and that seals the win. the ravens put themselves in playoff position with their 10th win of the season. >> they came in here. our guys did a lot of talking, but they came in here, and that is the way they play. they want to intimidate you. our team is not going to have that very good >> i huge afternoon for re right. he was the leading rusher and receiver. we will hear from him a little later in sports. >> thank you. there was probably a lot of
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warmth following the game, but before the game, some true die- hards were out enjoying the frigid weather. sheldon joins us live. >> it is going to take more than cold weather to defer some of the players from tailgating, but it was all worth it. an earlier kickoff time did not stop raven's fans from squeezing in a full tailgate experience. as early as 9:00 a.m., fans gathered to have a good time. the colder temperatures, some of them off guard. >> i have two layers and everything. i am a little sick, but i am still here for the ravens. >> it is cold as can be, but we are having a great time. >> ravens fans braved the chilly temperatures with the help of portable heaters and a hot soup.
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>> we are feeling a little warmer, but when the sun comes in, you have to bundle up. >> the weather is delightful. i think it is great football weather. what do you think? >> it is great. the food is great. >> we are from the delaware eastern shore area, so this is the lifeful weather. >> although they are used to weather like this, some will be out of their comfort zone. >> let's go, ravens. >> the temperature feels a little colder than it did this afternoon. i am sure they are a little more focused on the big win. >> what kind of conditions where they dealing with?
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we head over to tony. >> it was a cold day today. the temperatures are below average. let's take a look at temperatures for this afternoon. at least the sun came out. the normal high is 45. 32 right now at the airport with clear skies. it is going to be a cold night. temperatures are going to drop into the teens in the suburbs. we will test -- check the seven- day forecast when i come back in a few minutes. >> a developing story in mexico. a pipeline explosion has killed at least 22 people and left dozens injured. the fires are affecting about three-mile radius outside of mexico city. the pipeline was apparently state-owned. in addition to the death, 100 homes are said to still be on
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fire. one witness told a fire station that rivers of fire are running through the area. a government official says the initial blast was caused by thieves trying to steal crude oil. the fire department is ending under budget. plus a woman's body found yesterday. it has been ruled a homicide. the winter weather causing
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>> still no word on what sparked a deadly fire yesterday in east baltimore. flames tore through a home just before 7:00 a.m. cruz had a fire under control in minutes, but they found the body of a man officials have yet to
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identify. >> i saw the flames. i saw them pull out a body bag. >> they pulled out nobody from inside. we believe that person expired from smoke inhalation. >> it is not clear if all home had working fire departments. meanwhile they spent much of the weekend checking for working smoke detectors. and another fire took six lives last week. three children, their mother, and grandparents died when flames tore through their home. they will be laid to rest later in the week. speaking of the baltimore city fire department, it has apparently ended the year under budget. department officials have defended policy lately, saying none of it was the result of rotating closures, and with
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ending the year and under budget, they could avoid closures altogether. now they will pay overtime costs, allowing them to reduce closures from three companies a day to only two a day. as for next year, fire officials are hoping the budget will prevent the need for rling closures in 2011. the investigation surrounding a body found yesterday has now become a homicide investigation. a woman's body was found on 29th street. yesterday afternoon, the body had been wrapped in plastic. today it has been ruled a homicide. hopefully, you do not have loved ones heading in from europe. details of the ongoing nightmare as in europe ahead, plus would you believe the record snow in new york? just how much are they dealing with, we will let you know. >> we have a bit of holiday snow
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in the forecast. mostly clear skies right now. temperatures are in the low 30's. the weather is coming up next.
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>> the whole country grants to a halt when there is a little snow. >> it was diverted in manchester and kept on the tarmac until 7:00 last night. >> hopefully, you are not waiting for people flying in for the holidays from europe. snowe has stranded tens of thousands. delays continued in london, france, germany, and even at this hour, there is no word on when things may begin to clear up. syracuse is known for getting a lot of snow, but would you believe it has already been the snowiest december on record? they have recorded more than 71
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inches of snow, beating the previous mark by about half an inch. they are enjoying it. the cities in upstate new york are close to breaking the snowfall record. >> now your weather forecast. >> december is going to end up being a record-setting month in a lot of ways. we will see what happens, but it certainly has been cold to start with. we are going to continue that trend over the next 24 hours. the skies have cleared. the air is dry, so that is going to allow things to clear up quickly. the good news is the storm we are watching this does offshore. we have pressure coming in behind that. no problems expected on monday. we did have a few snow flurries in the morning, but it moved out
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quickly. now the temperatures will drop off pretty quick. mostly clear and cold is the forecast. temperatures will range in the mid teens to low 20's. we might see some snow flurries in western maryland. the system will be coming across the plain states. we will watch that on tuesday and wednesday. until that time we did not expect any precipitation. it is going to be a chilly day with a high temperature in the low 30's. the average high is 45. interesting things happening tuesday. tuesday is going to be an interesting day. we are going to see a total lunar eclipse starting at 2:41 in the morning. that is something we did not
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often see around baltimore. you will be able to see it. that is a pretty neat thing if you can stay up that late or get up that early. in the evening, we have the winter solstice. winter starts at 6:38. a chance for some snow showers and flurries in the afternoon as well. there should be some flurries on wednesday. thursday and friday look drive. by christmas eve we have the possibility of some christmas know. a 50% -- christmas snow. a 50% chance of snow on christmas day. >> did the ravens reestablished their identity
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when my husband got sick and couldn't work anymore, it was up to me to support our family. [ male announcer ] karri danner went back to school, to become a nurse. my education made all the difference... [ male announcer ] but now some in washington want regulations restricting access to career colleges and universities, denying opportunity to millions of people like karri, letting government decide who can go to college. it's my education, and my job, it should be my choice. [ male announcer ] don't let washington get in the way.
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>> for the ravens, it feels like almost perfect status. 30-24. the game has everything. stressful moments, but it adds up to the biggest win of figure for the ravens. >> it feels like 10 degrees out here. ultimately, it was the ravens getting it done in the fourth quarter, finishing the game as well as they have. they got the job done. kind of a strange day. he got some moves as a 34-yard touchdown. he tied the game at 7. they rice, the breakout game
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they have been waiting for all season. he takes it from 10 yards out. 14-7, raven's lead. 10 completions on the day. this one is the prettiest. 21-7. the defense did falter, allowing a 93-yard drive. >> the ravens have a chance to throw out a knockout shot. the ravens settle for a field goal. the pass protection breaks down. watch the end of this. no penalty flag forthcoming. he was livid. the ravens settled for a field goal. fourth quarter, drew breeze in the come back. you knew he would.
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one of the greatest catches you will ever see, and it ties the game at 24, but the ravens were up by three. cory once played on the detroit lions. he feels like a man on top of the world. they win it, 30-24. >> i think we developed our team mentality, because everybody has to sacrifice for one goal whatever he brings up is one mission, one team, one heart. we played like that today. >> i am proud of our guys. i have so much confidence in our guys, and i tip my hat to our fans, but our players consider
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great job this week. >> this was loud and rocking. >> the next two weeks, the raven stay in against the browns and the bengals. they are meeting in cincinnati. they are getting the wind, and they like this. 20 yards. it is a 7-0 kleveland lead. he gets a burst into the end zone. that ties the game at 7. it ultimately came down the field goal. >> redskins in dallas. it was john kit men from the
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cowboys getting the 14-yard strike. wrecks grossman -- his fourth touchdown pass all tied and 30. 39 yards, it is not his day off. he is on the money as the cowboys beat the redskins. >> eagles and the giants. michael vick, you watch it, he will give way behind the rally. 31-31. then the most unbelievable and into the game. he kicks it to the most electric player in the game.
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as time expires, sean jackson raises to the goal line. the eagles get the win, 38-31. tom went right up to matt non--- dodge. >> he was letting us know when his next flight out of the big apple would be. it is absolutely costly. it is what turned out to be a much colder day than expected but a bigger win a than most expected this week. we will have more, sir do not go we will have more, sir do not go
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>> this week looks very busy in your department. >> especially as we get to christmas. in the short term, it is going to be quiet tomorrow. at the end of the week, christmas eve, christmas day, the temperatures are going to stay in the 30's all week. >> we will see you back here tonight after the game. >> follow breaking news and weather in a time at,
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>> this is an editorial by our president and general manager. >> a people have lost their lives, and nearly a dozen more have been injured by carbon monoxide poisoning and fire. immigrants to our country hope to capitalize on the american dream. the other is three generations of one family living under one roof. when we hear these stories, we are reminded how important carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are. you are reminded to change batteries. each time we suffer tremendous
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loss, people are urged to make sure their smoke detectors work. it is something inexpensive that remains on the priority list. we are quick to buy batteries for the toys that may be left under the trees and spend hundreds of gifts to our families. take a moment to gather a battery for yourself and a few for the people you love. for the people you love. the moment you feel run down or achy nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. t oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud.
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