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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  November 11, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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>> live, local, late breaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news at noon in hd. >> president obama taking the lead in honoring our nation's veterans. our big story on this veterans day, the president is saluting america's service members and honoring our nation's fallen
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heroes. while in south korea, the president to come to speak to korean war veterans and active duty service members stationed there. it is the latest stop on his tour of southeast asia. we have more from seoul. >> the president finished his first full day in seoul, south korea, but a deal both sides are hoping for on a free-trade agreement did not materialize. once again, the sticking points were u.s. automobile imports and u.s. feed imports to the u.s. wants to see korea open up its markets more. apparently the two sides cannot agree. both sides are sending negotiators back to the talks, hoping to get some kind of deal in the coming weeks. the president said it would not be months, it would be weeks. >> we think getting this korea/u.s. free trade agreement done this so important. we have discussed this. our instructions are we do not want months to pass before we
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get this done. we want this to be done in a matter of weeks. >> the other issue, the president met with hu jintao, once again pressing him not to keep the value of china's current artificially low, which the president thinks hurts u.s. business by keeping china's goods so cheap. back to you. >> the president also delivered several warnings to north korea today, the country's pursuit of nuclear weapons will only lead to more isolation and less security. the first lady stopped in germany on her way home from asia to observe veterans day. she helped serve food to the soldiers and their families before speaking to a group at the air force base. the first lady also met with injured u.s. soldiers at the nearby one install medical center. and of course, today's veterans day. we like you to help us on our veterans and service members serving here at home and abroad. we invite you to share your welcome home experiences and memories to those who served.
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share your photos and videos on just click on u local. there are holiday closings today. including banks and all post offices. as for offices throughout the state, there closed along with banks. and there's no trash collection in baltimore city. ♪ >> we take a look at the current conditions outside right now. not bad. not quite as warm as yesterday at this time. still very nice. the temperature is 56 degrees. humidity way down. 32%. the barometer way up. a combination of low humidity and high pressure giving us great conditions. today will not be quite as warm as yesterday. winds are not from the northwest. they are from the northeast. 18 miles an hour -- 8 miles an hour, wind gusts up to about 18
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miles an hour. in harford, 55. ratings are down from yesterday. not quite as warm as still terrific. details on the forecast and temperatures for the weekend coming up. >> thank you. our investigative reporter conducted an investigation looking into snow removal in the wake of last february's historic blizzard. that story featured on 11 news last night focuses on the city's plan of attack in case we're ever blanket by massive snowstorms again. if you missed it, we posted it on our website. it was anything but splendor for the 4500 passengers aboard the cruise ship after an engine room fire left them stranded at sea. finally, the massive ocean liner is now ashore. our reporter has the latest from san diego. >> at daybreak thursday morning, officials began the daunting
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task of maneuvering the disabled cruise ship into san diego's harbor. >> it will come through the channel in and get to the base in which is in front of the terminal. the woman never as necessary and bring it into the south side of the pier. >> the ship was surrounded and went to report. it has been a four-day nightmare for the 3300 passengers and 1100 crew members on board. the ship left long beach on sunday for a seven-day cruise on the mexican riviera. but on monday morning, and engine room fire left the ship disabled, without power. nauert -- no air-conditioning, no hot food, and no phone service by tuesday, a call was made for help and food and supplies were airdropped on to the deck. >> you wait in line. when you get the food, it is almost like a diet crews. >> by wednesday afternoon, cell phone service was intermittent. carnival supplied satellite phones for guests. passengers were finally able to
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call loved ones and talk about their ordeal. >> sabrina was actually woken up by the smell of smoke. they grabbed their life jackets and ran for the that. >> after a luxury cruise that was not, passengers are anxiously waiting to reach dry land. once off the ship, many passengers will be taken by shuttle bus two hours north to the port of long beach, where this ill-fated cruise first set sail. in san diego, wbal-tv 11 news. ♪ >> a quick turnaround for the ravens this week as they are now in atlanta for a prime-time showdown against the falcons. the ravens coming off a commanding 26-10 win over the miami dolphins have a short week to celebrate and another reason to celebrate, by the way, as number 92 received the afc defensive player of the week award. his second four tackles led a strong defense of shelling,
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which also included three interceptions, one from a former university of maryland standout. the ravens up to continue that dominance tonight in atlanta. coverage begins right here is 7:00 p.m. with a pre-game reagan's special. the countdown to kickoff with our sports director envoys of the ravens adding up the broadcast team in atlanta with a preview. then you can catch the game between the ravens and the falcons right here on wbal-tv 11 beginning at 8:00 p.m. should be a great game. how did your health inspectors rate your kitchen? the hidden dangers that can harm your family. plus, our thursday pat question segment is coming up. you can e-mail your question to us. and we're getting a closer look at the suspects in that video store robbery. store robbery. or
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♪golden morning family's smiling♪ ♪gonna be a special day anncr: for the perfect start to the perfect day, i always choose land o'lakes all-natural eggs.
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from hens fed a rich, whole-grain diet with no added antibiotics or hormones. ♪pure and simple always natural♪ ♪our best eggs say land o'lakes♪ land o'lakes all-natural eggs. where simple goodness begins. >> we're getting a closer look at the suspects of saturday's armed robbery of a game stop store in bellaire. this video shows the suspects as they take over the store. it's been like a father and son in a storage closet and took off with cash and dozens of copies of the newly released video game with the same men are believed to be behind a robbery at the game stock in aberdeen last month. in both cases, the suspects got
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away in a white minivan. anyone with information is asked to call metro crime stoppers, 1- 866-7-lockup. baltimore county police made an arrest in a troubleshooting. 17-year-old is accused of shooting and killing a 16-year- old on twins are away. two others were shot in the incident and treated for non- life threatening injuries. matthews is charged as and galt with first-degree murder. he is being held without bail at the baltimore county if the tentative. if a fire at a glen burnie business turns deadly, claiming the lives of two workers. fire officials said the blaze broke out around 9:30 a.m. yesterday morning in an industrial park. the two-alarm fire forced the walls to collapse and brought 60 firefighters to the scene. investigators say a 45-year-old man, , and 17-year-old died in the fire. the two worked overnight at the body shop and often slept there.
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>> there were two people in there sleeping. nobody else could find them. >> it is a very sad thing. it is very hard. >> because of that fire remains under investigation. >> police said the death of a university student was the result of a heroin overdose. the 20-year-old junior philosophy major and rugby player died in his campus apartment back in september. his rugby coach expressed his disbelief in an interview with the campus newspaper and hopes the students tragic death will serve as a lesson to others on campus. a national magazine pains quite an unflattering picture of baltimore residents. what some of you have to say about being ranked second ugliest in the country. and this from ugly people to dirty kitchens. a closer look at what could be lurking in the very place you prepare your meals. plus, we had the doctor here to
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answer your pet questions. so e-mail us your questions. >> a lot of clouds on shore. a lot of sun here. a weak start to the west. we are in the sweet spot. the insta-weather forecast is just ahead. just ahead.
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>> her children are home school which means more time in the kitchen for mom. >> macaroni and cheese is always a favorite. >> that is were many problems occur. a new study says 14% of home kitchens with bail set the standards. >> wow. >> is that surprising? >> yes. >> and did you know that what you do or did i do in the kitchen may be contributing to whether or not you're making your family sick? >> food that looks perfectly healthy may still have pathogens. >> ec's formal cases of food borne illness per year, many the result of dirty kitchens in homes. >> you might be preparing raw meat and then cutting it on a surface with a knife. and then you do not realize that you put your lettuce on it afterwards for your salad. >> he advises keeping the refrigerator at 41 degrees or less, replace cleaning sponges off didn't -- often, and always
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clean your sink of the washing different types of foods. >> washing meets before you cook them, it is a good and healthy thing. the same time, you're releasing the bacteria into your sink near your dishes. >> it is food for thought for this apparent it wants to make the grade. >> i have six children. it is important to me that they stay well. no fun when somebody is sick. >> now your 11 insta-weather + forecast. >> look at our radar. nothing going on locally. just a lot of sunshine. clouts off shore. there is a storm to the west producing a little bit of rain along the cool front. just showers. not a powerful storm. further west as the colder air. higher elevations, parts of northeast colorado and out in wyoming and nebraska, they're getting some snow out of this. things changed rapidly from the great stuff we have here. once across the mississippi river, things start to fall
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apart. it generally, the weather in the western part of the u.s. is pretty good. let's look at our temperatures. right now, we're not as warm as we were at this stage yesterday. yesterday, were already getting into the 60's. we're stuck right now. only 56 at the airport. annapolis, 51. salisbury, 55. edgewood, 54. frederick is almost 60, 59 degrees. only in the 40's to around 50 in far western maryland. yesterday we had a northwest wind. today, we have a northeast wind. so the air that is coming at us is coming from a slightly different place. instead of the warmer midwest, it is coming out of the slightly cooler new england. it is holding temperatures down. but it is still very nice. no clouds overhead on a satellite picture. there are some clouds offshore. they're connected to a storm system which is still spinning off shore but far enough away that it is not influencing our weather other than helping to provide for a northeast wind.
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here is the high-pressure and here is that weak cool front to the west. we have relatively mild conditions. west to different gets chilly. eventually this will drift in. the low pressure center, the storm offshore, will move further away, allowing high pressure to move further east. and then what is out west will eventually come in. notice the temperatures in the west, really quite chilly. readings in the '30's in the mountains in wyoming and montana. veterans day forecast is a nice one. even though it is slightly cooler than yesterday. 58 to 65 is the range. sunny and unseasonably mild conditions. here is the forecast for the next seven days. close to 70 on friday. 60s to near 70. this would be the highest we have made. we will ship your toes again. plenty of sunshine on friday. saturday and sunday will be in the 60's. showers possible with the front on sunday. does not look like a big deal. most of the day should be all
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right. by tuesday into wednesday, range chances go up and temperatures go down. -- rain stance is go up. >> a little background noise. we have the doctor from the animal hospital. we have two husky mix is. adorable. >> they are singing a little christmas carol. >> and they are giveaways. >> they have had their first seven shots and have been dewormed a couple times. you can call amy or call the animal hospital. 443-220-6112. their precious little things, and they need a home. >> they really do. while everyone is looking at them, let's answer some pet questions. we have a 14-month-old son and want to have a dog to our family. we want one that will be good to children and low maintenance. with a husky be good with children? >> yes, there would be great with children but not low maintenance.
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huskies are runners. a lot depends on where you live. if you have a york, you can get certain dogs. in an apartment or condo, you did certain dogs. another thing is your lifestyle. if you're not around, it is not a good idea. ultimately, you'll be raising this animal. consider your environment and consider what your child is like. i liked smart dogs. in any breed, there is a smart dog. if you take time and talk to the breeders and find a smart dog, you'lle so happy. some dogs just cannot learn and cannot get house trained. every breed has a good one. people will go online to or something like that. >> good suggestion. my gecko has a swollen eye and has stopped eating. what should i do about this problem? >> i will not go there because there is so many gecko commercials. it could be a lot of things.
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it could be a local problem. something could be wrong with the eye, obviously. it could be something like a tumor. you have to get to your veterinarian. there are gecko vets. you've got to get to the vet. >> all right, doctor, we have got to go. thank you so much. if you have a question for the doctor, e-mail it to pat questions at, posted on the family page. you can also send your question to pet questions and mail it in. it is the topic of our water cooler question of the day and causing quite a stir. and new report from travel and leisure magazine ranks the people of baltimore second on the was the most unattractive cities. the magazine says the survey take into account factors like culture, fitness, friendliness, intelligence, and food. we want to know, what to do you think of the national magazine ranking baltimore second in a study of most unattractive
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people? here is what some of you have said so far. sarah writes, all i have to say is i am from here, and i am keep. all right. mike rights, i think they were very kind. i would not put baltimore -- i would have put baltimore in first place. remember, we opposed all the answers to our wall -- are water cooler question -- we post all the answers on our website. up next, your maryland lottery midday pick three and picked four numbers. plus, another check of the insta-weather + forecast. first, and look at how wall st
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>> coming up this afternoon on oprah, for the first time, marie osmond and speaks out publicly about the heartbreaking loss of her son. then she takes the stage for a stunning tribute. plus, the encouraging words from her brother. and now, your maryland lottery midday pick three and picked four numbers. >> today, the maryland lottery celebrate this special purple thursday with a purple drying and raven's cash fantasy scratch off. >> hello. i am with you on this special purple thursday. ravens. now let's figure picked three numbers. we have got a 5, 2, and the final number is 1. recapping, 5, 2, and 1. pick four is next. first, did not miss your final
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chance to win a club or a skybox tickets to the ravens game on november 28. a visit the web site and enter today. moving right along to the pick four games of drawing. 1, -- a 7 rather. next number is a 1. followed by a 3. final number is 2. recapping the big four numbers, 7, 1, 3, 2. the maryland lottery, let yourself play. >> and john has one last look at the forecast. >> even though we shaved a couple degrees off the high, we will still be up around 60 or so. 60s to near 70 on friday. plenty of sun on saturday. most of sun that looks good. 60s over the weekend as well. rain in chances may be sunday and higher tuesday into
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wednesday. that is how things look. >> ok. thank you. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> join us tonight for 11 news at 5. ♪
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