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tv   11 News  NBC  August 28, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> of baltimore city high-school reunion turns deadly. nine people stabbed, one of them killed, after a fight breaks out early this morning. it happened just after midnight as high school alumni were gathered in self baltimore.
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the south baltimore. >> police have identified the man killed here at fiorina this morning and police now have a suspect in custody. hundreds of wall work high- school graduates packed the arena. g >> we don't have a motive for the fight. >> just after midnight saturday, the party turned into way melee. >> an altercation broke on the inside where multiple people were stabbed. >> police say nine people were stabbed, and one of them died. >> security guards and witnesses were able to point out people involved and possible suspects. as it stands, we have one person we are questioning. >> minutes ago, police told us that have charged that suspect,
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a 28-year-old james l. dixon. he faces first-degree murder charges and numerous attempted murder charges. as for the other people stab in this incident, police tell us they will be okay. >> police in baltimore county are searching for the suspects in a home invasion that happened around 11:40 last night on overlooks circle. police say three men forced their way into the home while the victim was walking a dog. police say a gun may have been removed from the home. no arrests have been made. three days after he was fired following a videotape confrontation with a teenager, a baltimore county police officer is speaking out. he says he was so devastated and blindsided by the firing. he said before the taping he had warned the teenager, erik bush,
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that skateboarding at the harbour was illegal. he said the video did not show him shaking hands with bush. there was a huge gathering at the lincoln memorial, organized by conservative commentator glenn beck. it attracted hundreds of thousands of people unhappy with the direction of their government. civil rights leaders were unhappy with the timing of the rally and accused organizers of trying to put a new spin on dr. king's dream. >> hundreds of thousands crowded around the lincoln memorial to rally with broadcaster glenn beck, sarah palin, and other conservatives. the theme, restoring honor. >> something beyond imagination is happening. america today begins to turn back to god. >> the event targeted conservative tea party server -- supporters who want change.
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>> we must not fundamentally transform america, as someone once. we must restore america and restore her honor. >> a lot of inspiration for people here. i think america needs some inspiration. >> americans have gotten lazy. >> are rallying cry should be yes, we will take it all back. >> beck has said it is not a political rally, but the enormous crowds provide a good benchmark for the tea party movement in this election year. the rally took place on the anniversary of martin luther king's famed "i have a dream" speech. >> that may have the platform, but we have the dream. >> this man went to bat's rally .- beck's rally >> i could be at the other rally, but i want to be here.
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>> a group of community organizations gathered today to observe the anniversary of the 1963 march on washington led by dr. king. civil-rights organizations were among those who gathered to celebrate the organization. a new campaign headquarters opened today for citizens against -- and have released a statement saying it would create thousands of local jobs and millions in revenue. in the maryland race for governor, that to presumed nominees have yet to agree on a debate schedule but they have agreed to release their tax returns. republican bob ehrlich release
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his last night, and today governor o'malley provided his tax returns. o'malley has made nearly $900,000 since 2007, including $60,000 in pension benefits. his salary as governor is $150,000. a mallees pay is $115,000. the governor contributed $250 to the chesapeake bay endangered species fund and $50 to the fair campaign finance fund. according to a malick campaign spokesman, the zero mallees voluntarily participated in furlough days, reducing their income by several thousand dollars each. bob ehrlich released his tax returns for the past five years last night. together they reported an income of just over $821,000.
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most of it came from his job at the office of carlisle where he made about 730 four thousand dollars. his wife earn about $45,000. they brought in over $31,000, mostly from a radio contract and from various speaking fees. return show they have dug be donated nearly $16,000 to charity. a spokesman said a 4 were up to bob ehrlich, he would never have been in the private sector at all. still ahead, amazing pictures of the titanic wreckage, plus the latest on hurricanes danielle and earl and how they are impacting the east coast. crews working around the clock to protect new orleans from devastating storm damage. plus, a look back at hurricane katrina. can the ravens stay
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>> many along the gulf coast of this weekend to remember the devastation of hurricane katrina and honor the victims. work continues to ensure that the city never suffers a tragedy like the 15 years ago. >> this is what they call the search and rescue mission. pumping stations in the canal system overrun. levees to weak to hold back the surge. five years ago, chris weaver watched it all unfold from his home in the ninth ward. >> you could see the wind
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pushing the water over the levee. next thing you know, about half a block of the levee just fell. when i saw the water coming, i said oh lord, help me. >> a massive, 2 mile barrier wall that extends the first line of storm defense, 8 miles from where it was before in the lower ninth wall, 12 miles from the superdome downtown. >> this city is in much better shape than it was five years ago from the standpoint of reducing the risk of hurricane storm surge. >> the canal pumping stations have been refurbished, levees have been raised and reinforce. the new system stretches out 350 miles around the city. >> i love the ninth ward it so much, but i would be crazy to put a house back over there and talk about living in it. >> those who want to finish the project are confident.
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a strong stance, in part because of the commitment from those on the crew, a third who call new orleans home. >> my children and grandchildren live behind this wall. i guarantee you, they would not be putting their children and grandchildren behind this wall unless they believe in it. >> so many on both sides of the wall pray it will never be tested. the entire protection project is now complete -- should be complete by the start of hurricane season next fall. >> from the days before katrina made landfall to the devastation that followed, our interactive timeline shows katrina's puree in pictures. tomorrow morning, brian williams will moderate a special edition of "meet the press" from new orleans. still ahead, some amazing video out of hawaii as crews battling
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a fire tornado. it is the end of the summer, which means time for the maryland state fair. >> the ravens get set to take on the new york giants tonight in preseason game no. 3. we will have a preview straight ahead. >> the rain is nowhere near us. the forecast for the rest of the weekend and we get is coming up. very
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>> is back, and better than ever. the maryland state fair kicked off yesterday. the riptide is bigger than any other in years past. the standard fai activitiesr never get old. >> we love the caramel apples and corn dogs.
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>> also new this year, a coupon book will help attendees get the most out of their trip, and a different approach to conserves. gretchen wilson kicked off the fare last night. if you are one of the many people who did not get those justin bieber tickets, we are offering the chance to get a pair of tickets to the september concert. go to our facebook page, become a fan, and then enter for your chance to win. you must be 18 to enter. in light, a combination of strong winds and brush fires created a fire tornado on the big island of hawaii. this video was shot sunday by workers with the department of land and natural resources. the brush fire has burned 1,400 acres so far. an expedition is underway to create the most detailed map of
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the titanic wreckage using 3 d images. using a special camera to miles below the ocean's surface, this camera sends live pictures back to the ship. hurricane danielle is forcing crews to head back tomorrow morning, but they said they do plan to return. lifeguards along the east coast are on alert this weekend with danielle pushing in some strong waves, creating dangerous rip currents. beachgoers are being encouraged to swim only on beaches where lifeguards are stationed. forecasters say the rough surf could stick around for the middle of the week. >> more on danielle and a minute, but let's look at our situation here. the doppler radar, just a few little clouds building up during the afternoon, but not to interfere with the sunshine. we have a big area of high pressure that reaches from new england all the way back to the central part of the nation.
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there is a lot of tropical moisture that cannot break through right now. the highest keeping all this stuff away. there is a little weather disturbance producing a lot of rain in that part of the world. it will take almost all week before any of this rain threat can come our way. some of this tropical moisture will start to sneak in starting tomorrow, monday, and tuesday. let's look at what happened during the day today. we did have some scattered clouds, holding the temperature down maybe one or two degrees. 84 at the inner harbor. typically 83 and 62 or the high and low. we were right in that range today. today was statistically a typical day for the end of august. 75 on the boardwalk. 79 at parton, 84 at westminster. the satellite picture shows
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clear conditions over us, no rain, just a couple of scattered clouds, and this big area of high pressure. the high will start to slide a little further ease, allowing the winds here to become more southern easterly. the heat goes up and the humidity goes up. nothing terribly extreme, at least for a while. extremes' out in the atlantic ocean. this is daniel, a beautiful storm. bermuda is very lucky. this powerful storm, category to at this stage, about 300 miles away and now pulling away from the island of bermuda. a wider view of what is going on in the tropics. tropical storm beryl is expected to become a strong hurricane by the time it gets to the caribbean islands. we have always figured berle
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would wind up west of bermuda. now that eastern seaboard is going to have to -- it brushes right along the virgin islands and puerto rico by monday afternoon, and then we carry the forecast a little further and the storm strengthens to category 3. tracking for the rest, folks around the outer banks will have to keep an eye on how girl behaves by the end of the week. the forecast tonight, at 8:00 it will be about 80 degrees. tomorrow, clear skies, seasonably cool, warm and dry tomorrow. the humidity starts to go up on monday, tuesday, and wednesday. rain chances with a cold front at the end of the week. we will have to see what earl is doing by it at the end of the week.
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>> with you at m&t bank stadium as the ravens get set to take on the new york giants in the third preseason game. by far, the most important preseason game for every nfl team. there is a twofold objective to the game. you want to give the veterans as much work as possible. you'll see joe flacco throughout the first half. many starters will make their return in the first half. the second part of the game is for young players to make impression on john harbaugh and offensive coaches. cam cameron says it is partly by design. >> the preseason sometimes puts us in difficult situations. i have made a mistake in the past where the ball came out
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against the right coverage. i want to see the quarterback the completions when the defense really has the advantage. i am trying to put on some ankle weights at times. >> ray lewis and the regulars will get their biggest night of work defensively. after they can things of in the second half, it will be up to the younger players to try to play their way into regular season games. cary williams has made a big impact in the first two preseason games with an interception in each one of those games. if he can pull off a trifecta, greg mattison will start to think of ways to put him to work come the fall. six straight preseason winds for the ravens coming into this game. the real focus for john harbaugh is to see if his office can put together three straight quarters without turning over the ball. they have had far too many turnovers.
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it is usually not that pretty in preseason, but if you want to have a game that is closer to perfect, they should be the game for the ravens. pete gilbert will have the preseason for you. kickoff is at 7:30. stay with us.
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>> here's a look at some of the stories we are working on for 11 news tonight. police are looking forhe man who stabbed people at a high school reunion. school reunion. the slots
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>> we start with the heat, and getting well into the 90's. heat and humidity, but not extreme. some thunderstorms by the end of the week, into next weekend. next week in could be interesting, especially for the outer banks. >> that is it for 11 news at 6. thanks for joining us. nightly news is next.
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