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tv   11 News  NBC  August 15, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> more gun violence, injuring
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three and killing one. early this morning police responded to three more shootings, and late this afternoon we are one of the victims died. all this happened just as police stepped up patrols in reaction to the violence we have seen since friday night. george has a very latest at police headquarters tonight. >> the weekend death toll just keeps rising. since friday night, a dozen people have been shot. three of them have died, and there were three sheetings and a murder early this morning all in east baltimore. it began at 2:00 a.m. on a clean boulevard. a man and woman both in their early 20s were shot. the man was shot in the face. roughly 20 minutes later, a 21- year-old man was critically injured after getting shot in a fight on route one avenue. just after 4:00 in the morning, a man identified as i said gordon was shot and killed on east chased sheet. the east chase street.
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police have very little information on why the people were shot. so far there have been no arrests in any of this weekend's shootings. >> baltimore county police are asking for your help tonight in finding a missing elderly man. 65-year-old eugene watson suffers from alzheimer's and diabetes. he was last seen on old mill for wrote. anyone with information is urged to call baltimore county police. tonight teammates of a prominent basketball player gun down in baltimore city are coming together to remember his life. 17-year-old john carter was shot in the back as he walked his sister's friend and a cousin home from an independence day party. -- john crowder. after his murder, his coach spoke about what made him special. >> he is the type of person that
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once you meet john carter, you remember him. -- john crowder. i think that speaks to him as a person, and that is the kind of person he was. >> tonight the school is holding up -- a prayer service to remember crowder. >> we had a couple of rain showers move to the area, one this morning and one this afternoon. rainfall totals were generally less than 1 inch, but at some cases three-quarters of an inch. all that is left is a little bit in delaware and southern new jersey. a couple of cells have cropped up out in far western maryland, reaching down into the mounds of virginia. they are drifting eastward, but pretty isolated. the rain chances will taper off overnight tonight, but tomorrow with the cold front coming in,
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it may be some strong thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon with the forecast -- will detail all that with the forecast coming up. >> the ge has been given the green light for its smart leader plan. the mirrors track hourly energy usage, so you can track how much you are using. the proposal was originally denied, but they change course and said the company can move forward. it is now up to be g e whether they continue with this margaret brand. the fight over the proposed mosque near ground zero has reached a new level. president obama jumped into the debate on friday, saying muslims have a right to practice their religion and to build a mosque on private property. today republican critics are taking issue. brian moore has the story from washington. >> while president obama was down in florida taking in the sights, critics sounded off on his support of a controversial
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mosque near the world trade center site. >> washington, the white house, the administration and the president himself seemed to be disconnected from the mainstream of america. >> on friday, the president weighed in on an issue the white house had been avoiding. >> muslims have the right to practice their religion as everyone else. that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property. >> he later clarified the remark, saying i was not comment and will not comment on the wisdom of placing a mosque there. >> he was simply stating the principle that under our great constitution, we do not discriminate against people based on their religion. >> i think the president is trying to have it both ways. i don't know of anyone who is saying muslims do not have the right to practice their religion, but with rights those
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responsibilities, and that is the party did not comment on. >> a presidential comment already heating up a fiery debate. in washington, i am brian moore, wbal-tv 11 news. >> british newspapers are now releasing information about the doctors who cared for the lockerbie bomb or. last week we told you house goddess lawmakers were demanding full details on the medical advice that led to his release. this weekend, one newspaper reports the doctor who contributed toward the release was not a cancer specialist. another newspaper says the four specialist responsible for his care were not consulted at all. one doctor reportedly said had he known his opinion would be treated as a fact, he would have been more vague on how he had to predict how long he had to live. still ahead, president obama wraps up his vacation in florida. plus, an all-pro race turns
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deadly -- off-road race turns deadly in california. after a quick arrest, police say they have the wrong man for a they have the wrong man for a shooting
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the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today.
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>> a massive fire broke out overnight, catching two buildings on fire in no. 0 virginia. to cover 100 firefighters to battle the blaze. at least two people suffered minor injuries. and off-road race car lost control and crashed into the audience laced -- late last night near lucerne valley, california. authorities said the car lost control and plowed through the audience. at least six died at the scene and many of those injured had to be airlifted to nearby
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hospitals. >> we heard everybody start screaming, and that trucks started slipping. we looked over, and everybody to scramble away. people came running down from the rocks over there and they started flipping the truck over. there were people lying there knocked out. people were scrambling everywhere. >> the driver and passenger of the car were not injured and the event has been canceled until further notice. charges have been dropped against the man suspected in the shooting death of four people in buffalo, new york. the erie county district attorney dismissed murder charges against kevin johnson this morning. initial evidence link him to the scene, but now other leads are being looked into. he had been accused of shooting eight people, including four fatally. the suspected craigslist killer has died in an apparent suicide. an official with the suffolk county sheriff's department said he was found dead in his cell this morning. he was a former boston
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university medical student and pleaded guilt -- pleaded not guilty last year in the arm robbery of a nevada woman. his trial was set to begin next year. after quick trip to the gulf coast, president obama is headed home, but not before his message to america was echoed across the region. we will explain. >> clouds and rain today, and look at all this moisture in the eastern part of the country. an old tropical depression looks like it is charging its batteries again. right now, clouds and a little
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>> look at this. it was, for some california people as to zebras and galloped around town, dodging police and putting on quite a show. at one point, deputies did capture one, but it did not last for long. the zebras took a dip in a swimming pool during their day of fun, but eventually both were caught.
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it has been a busy weekend along the gulf coast. president obama visited the region for the fifth time since the collapse of the deepwater horizon rig. fishing waters have reopened in many places, but on the eve of the fall of shrimp season, there is still some concern about the catch. at this bill sought, there is concern about what happens next. we have the latest from venice, louisiana. >> it was a picture-perfect day off the florida coast this morning, the first family sharing the gulf waters with a school of porpoise. they wrapped up their visit to the beach with a scoop of ice cream. the president hopes his weekend visit will convince tourists to come back to the gulf coast. louisiana shrimpers are making their way back out on the water. >> they are saying that the water is clean, the seafood is safe. all we can do is try. >> as capt. is prepared to lower
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their nets, many for the first time since the well collapse, they must deal with the same problem that base for almost four months, uncertainty. fears over the safety of the seafood have filtered down from the consumers to the distributed, is still have not figured out how they will handle the catch. >> when we come in tomorrow, we'll find out whether we can sell the trembley kedge, or if we have to dump them overboard. as far as the price, no one knows -- if we can sell the shrimp we catch. >> the effort to permanently sealed well could still be a full week away. >> now, you are insta-weather plus forecast. >> a little wider view of the radar satellite, nation. we had clouts all day, finally
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ending out to the west. we never made it into the 80's. out west, they made it to the 80's. maybe a rumble of thunder developing in the higher elevations out west of frederick. still a lot of rain activity from new york state all the way down into delaware. some bigger storms out in ohio. the cold front has not come through yet, that is tomorrow. what happened today? airport,hs, 77 at the 78 at the inner harbor. 77 was just an hour ago. the temperatures have just risen to this level in the past hour or 2 cents the clouds have spent a little. just over 0.75 inch was measured at the inner harbor. so it seem like a lot of rainfall, but it was generally less than an inch around the area.
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76 at edgewood, 75 at westminster, but 80 degrees out west of us were the sun broke through. as far as tonight, we drop to night, andloudy over during the day tomorrow, a little hotter. we are banking on some sunbreaks coming in, and if they do, we will get up around 90 for the high. the tough part of the forecast, because we still have clouds and rain in the forecast as a cold front approaches. here are the isolated showers out to the west of us. the sun breaking through out west. the cold front is still approaching detroit, so it still has to move in. a lot of moisture in atmosphere. the winds have become more southerly, priming the atmosphere for some thunderstorms tomorrow. this rounded cloud form, that tropical depression that died and moved inland in the gulf coast is moving back out for the gulf again. it is very likely it will
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recharge and maybe become a tropical depression or something out of the gulf year in the next 24 hours or so. overnight tonight, a lot of clouds, a few showers possible, but the chances diminishing a bit. south wins will be light at 5. tomorrow a mix of clouds and son. -- clouds and sun. around 90 for the high. we are in a slight risk category tomorrow for some severe thunderstorm activity. damaging wind would be the most likely result if anything does develop. a 1 ft. chop and the winds could be stronger if any thunderstorm activity develops. the futurecast shows the front coming in tomorrow afternoon or evening before it starts to slide to the south on tuesday. we cannot take rain out of the
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forecast, but we will reduce the chance of it. the rain chant goes up tomorrow, down tuesday, back up wednesday, down thursday, and we take it out on friday. then we bring the chances back again next weekend with ti to vergers mostly in a's to near 90 -- with temperatures mostly in the a.d.'s to near 90. >> will hear from john harloare. >> will hear from john harloare.
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name something truly awful. [ bell dings ] microwave pizza! awful! [ buzz! ] microwave pizza used to be bad. [ show announcer ] but now there's red baron pizza by the slice. with a pizzeria style, fire-baked crust, it's unbelievably good pizza from the microwave. for ten points, name something awesome. [ bells ding ] [ male announcer ] red baron pizza by the slice. bring home that pizzeria taste.
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>> now, 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> should you choose to ignore the first few months of the season with the orioles and
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given the depression it calls, i recommend today's game. they can avoid the first losing skid of the buck showalter era. chuck show walter -- he seems impervious. one of the best third baseman in all of the game, seven long korea. look at his body control, making that ketch -- evan longoria. the pitch into the right-field bleachers, 1-0 tale of a lead. bottom 3, crawford again, doing some damage. rays lead 3-1. jake fox in the game, and that decision is a fine idea. a solo shot to left, cut the lead in half, making it a 3-2
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game. rips it to the right, bonds right to matt joyce. rays win 3-2. thanks stew some unprecedented training camp, and is from john harbaugh, the rays enjoy the day off. two years ago and john harbaugh's inaugural campaign, they had run to the afc title game. they ended the super bowl dream. 2009 season, again a trip to the playoffs, but the ravens clearly at outmatched by the colts in the divisional round. i sat down with coach harbaugh at camp, looking for some answers to what kept them from that ultimate celebration. his response was candid. >> we were not good enough. we were not good enough in a hundred different ways to be the colts.
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it is a process, and everything we have done the last two years to try to make ourselves as good as we can be so that when that moment comes, we are good enough. we were good enough to go to new england and went on the road there in a playoff opener for the first time since 1978. we take pride in that. we have to find a way. >> maybe they need some creativity in the drills. the running backs coach with the best alternative use of the porta-potty. start testingt teleprompter stills. michigan international, a raised without too much action, but it did offer an inspirational presence. the team owner, david -- days after his release from the hospital following a plane crash. he had three top high finishes, but none in the top two.
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hamlin takes the lead, moments later kevin, right back at you. just good clean race that ends with the 29 car celebrating for the third time this season with the rare met -- rare win at michigan for richard childress. >> is all about recycling, using things in different manners, such as the porta-potty. collinss will -- john will be back with the forecast in just a minute.
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>> here is a term for this weather -- frizzy. >> the rain chances go up tomorrow, down tuesday, wednesday, dissipate on thursday, but still a chance, and then it sneaks back again next weekend. temperatures in the eight's to near 90 if enough sun can break through. >> that is it for 11 news at 6. thanks for joining us. nightly news is back. we will see back there tonight at 11.
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