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tv   11 News  NBC  August 14, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal tv-11 news at 6:00, in hd. >> another violent weekend in this city. it tonight, but two are dead and six injured, with police officers on administrative
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leave. a traffic stop turned into a police-involved shooting. two officers to stop a 20-year- old man after they say he turned a gun on them. we have the details. >> police say the unidentified man shot by police is expected to live. no word yet on whether he will face charges for pointing, but not firing a gun at officers. it happened this morning in southwest baltimore. the two officers approached the vehicle with people inside. suddenly, the man in the backseat pulled out a gun and pointed it at the officers. the car sped off and officers fired after it them. one of the people inside the car was hit. >> they acted quickly and appropriately. >> an hour after the shooting, police in baltimore county alerted city police of a man that wanted to northwest hospital with gunshot wounds.
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police -- that walked into northwest hospital with gunshot wounds. police say he is expected to live. the officers have been placed on administrative leave as the department looks into what happened here. >> city police tell us more officers will be on patrol tonight in an effort to help curb the recent violence. eight people were shot overnight, two of them murdered. one of these happened in baltimore, the other near rather street. no word on the suspect in any of the cases. in arundel county tonight, police are searching for a suspect twho shot a young man. the victim was approached by someone in a tan sedan. three men allegedly robbed, beaten and shot him before the victim ran home. he suffered a gunshot wound
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to the back and was taken to trauma with a non-life- threatening injuries. meanwhile, at the animal communit-- the and a run the community is coming together to ann arundel - and a rent community is coming together to pray for an end to violence. they voiced their concerns. >> we are tired of the violence that is going on in this county. we have all come together today to say enough is enough. it is time to act stop the violence. >> the victim leaves behind a wife and $3. 7-eleven is offering -- a wife and three daughters. 7-eleven is offering a reward for any intimation that will lead to an arrest. michael davenport turned himself
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in earlier this morning. he fled from an officer last tuesday. the officer was killed during pursuit.f he is currently being held in a detention center awaiting extradition. we are told a minivan and a cadillac crashed into a hospital. a man, two women, to the boys and two girls were transferred to a local hospital with non- life threatening injuries. the cause of the accident is under investigation. a 10-year-old fredricks boy injured during a bizarre fishing accident is recovering at home this evening. was released from johns hopkins earlier today following a treatment for an infection he received after being stung by a stingray. a fisherman in nearby caught the stingray. apparently, he tried to remove existing air and it flew nearly
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10 feet, hitting it a little boy in the stomach. >> i do not have words for what it felt like. i pretty much started screaming and get it out of me. >> unearthed nearby advised the family to leave the stinger in. it was -- a nurse nearby advised the family to leave the stinger been. it was later removed at a hospital. >> today we had thought that a little more sunshine would poke through. that was not the case, at least west of the bay. the clouds were in very persistent. this held the temperatures down a little bit today. we were in the 80's. there were some sprinkles in northern virginia. they were not very successful in increasing the rain in kansas, despite the cloud.
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-- the rain at chances, despite the clouds. we will have your full forecast coming up in just a few minutes. >> today, the well is captured. oil is no longer flowing into the gulf. has not been flowing for a month. i am here to tell you that our job is not finished, and we are not going anywhere until it is. >> and today the first family spent the day at panama city beach in florida encouraging citizens to vacation at the spectacular beaches and help the region recover from the oil spill. as the president spoke, he abolished a recent report that said that a majority of oil has been burned -- he acknowledged the recent report that said that the majority of the oil had been burned, evacuate it or it skimmed.
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>> after another round of tests on the floor of the gulf, work at the spill site is not quite finished. what we're trying to assess the options we have. >> engineers say that the mud and cement pumped in to the well and backup through the piping has worked well. as much as 1,000 barrels of oil may be trapped, and they're concerned that pumping in more men and cement could force that oil out into the gulf. this morning, engineers are still working for a fix. >> we could put another block on, because we have sealed the well at this point. that would take a longer period of time. we are walking through the risks associated with that. we have weather out there. it is the same set of circumstances almost at every step. >> the governor of louisiana wants to make sure that federal responders understand it is not the last step.
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>> obviously, the progress that has been made is a good news for our state. this is a marathon, and the fight is not over. >> the fight to restore the wetlands will continue for years to come to come. >> the ravens will spend the day off tomorrow thanks to their coach. training will redeem -- resume on monday. stick around. we will have more on sports. plus, tonight at 7:00, our special on the ravens heirs with exclusive energy is. -- airs with exclusive interviews. moreg up, we'll have information on the dramatic exit by a jack lew flight attendant. first, an anniversary dinner
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>> new video from the jetblue incident where the flight attendant cursed passengers and then slid down the emergency exit. we have enhanced the video so that you can see it better. you can see the door open and the emergency slide deployed. then a person goes down the slide. that is how the flight attendant said goodbye. by the way, he was arrested at his own, following the incident. but the police have charged a man in a shooting restaurant -- a shooting a great at a restaurant that left four people dead. eight people total were shot. >> i believe that we will bring the individual or individuals
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who are responsible for this to just is very quickly. i know the men and women of the buffalo police department will not rest until they make an arrest in this case. >> authorities arrested a 25- year-old keith johnson this afternoon and he faces numerous charges. 8 is here on a very big day. >> we are getting ready for a bit special. -- a big special. >> there is a lot of grain around the former tropical depression. we will talk about the instaweather plus forecast for the weekend. right now, it is
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>> if you have been craving and
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new food or restaurant to try, now is the best time to do it. it is the summer reston week in baltimore. -- restaurant week in baltimore. to find participating restaurants, log onto our website, however, a crisis is facing the maryland food bank. the shelves are bare. a virtual fair drive allows you to lock online and pick a place and the city you want to donate. it is bought at wholesale prices. >> this shortage right now is very serious, very severe. we are reaching out to the people of maryland to help right now. >> to donate to the maryland food bank, you can log onto our website company >> now, your instaweather plus
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forecast. >> let's take a look at the radar. as a pulled back view. clouds held the temperatures down today a little bit. some of these clouds did produce a little bit of an sprinkles at the higher elevations to our west, nothing of any significance. there is a cold front in the ohio river valley down to cincinnati and down to the south. there is a line of thunderstorms that will move to the east. this line will dissipate later tonight. probably will not make it all the way to chesapeake bay, but it is out there and an indication of where our weather is headed. let's take a look what happened today. with all that cloud cover, things did not warm up as much as we expected them 81 was the high at the airport. morning lows were in the six depots and 70's.
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it almost felt shelley. typically, 86 is the high at this capital-letter -- morning lows were in the 60's and 70's. it almost felt chilly. typically, at 86 is the high at this time of year. tomorrow, temperatures will warm up again. we are expecting them to begin the 80's. some places will reach the 90's. tomorrow, we will have a fair share of clouds from the system coming in from the west. you can see the storm clouds and thunderstorm cells in ohio back toward kentucky. there is a break in the clouds in western maryland. an easterly wind is bringing moisture off the atlantic ocean. that is in the moister
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generating the clouds. but the high pressure producing these wins it is also slowing up the storm activity and the front is not moving in a rapidly, although eventually it will come into the area and increased our grain chances. overnight tonight, 60's and 70's for the lows. tamara, cloudy skies once again, probably more clouds van sunshine in the afternoon. -- tomorrow, cloudy skies once again, probably more clouds than sunshine in the afternoon. by monday, the front approaches and the rain chances to go up on monday. next week, it looks like we will be dealing with on-again off- again range chances throughout a good chunk of the week. we will be in the mid-80's tomorrow if we get another son. there are too many clouds, it will be more like today.
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rain chances diminished at the end of the week. temperatures spike around 90 by friday. >> and now, sports. >> the most remarkable metamorphosis since dr. jekyll and mr. hyde, your baltimore orioles. they look like a team that plays baseball. this was highlighted by phenomenal pitching and timely hitting. they had a win today in tampa, their fourth consecutive victory. the results speak for themselves. adam jounce correct the left -- ripped the left.jones second home run of the year is memorable. a grand slam.
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it could have been worse. adam jones fires. the perfect throw gets the job done. 5-3 after 4. now in the sixth, the birds are traveling. they need a rally. practices sunday have been canceled. it did not make a trip at westminster. a player who has been with the ravens for five years was cut today. he was a great asset for four seasons, but an elbow injury left him shaky. he is now replaced by morgan cox. this shows why the ravens ticket in the third round. him into the third
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round. >> my objective was to catch everything that comes to me, and i think i did that today. >> much more at the top of the hour with the 60 minute special on the baltimore ravens. plus, a thorough recap of the ravens win against carolina. a long day of golf banks to delays earlier in of the week. we got to the end of two rounds, and headed into round three. tiger woods return to glory begins now. also making a major comeback, this player has a second round at 6 under. tiger woods resumed his second
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round this morning. he made that a birdie putt. he is desperate for that big roar, and this one is scratching right in the the threat. it stops short. tiger is struggling. we will have that story for you tonight at 11:00. the former almvp who exemplified the steroid era has a new job tonight. he will act as a bench coach and the designated hitter. what could go wrong there? i generally support and admire the creativity of the pr department, but i do not think this can end well.
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stay with us. we'll see how your forecast then is when we come back.
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visit today. >> here is a look at some of the stories we are working on for 11:00. we will have more on the violent weekend, and it tends to decrease the violence. plus, how you can take part in any contest. we will have those sto
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>> it was a nice break today. >> cool, comfortable. it will be 85 tomorrow, with the chance of rain. then, the range chances go up monday, tuesday and wednesday. but it will not be all the time. >> dead. -- good. >> do not forget to join us at 10:00 for the ravens special. we will have a rebroadcast for you as well. that is coming up in just about half an hour. >> that is up for 11 news at 6:00. we will see you back here tonight at 11:00. >> follow breaking news and weather any time
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