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tv   11 News  NBC  August 1, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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>> live, local, late breaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news. >> if you drive in baltimore, be where. big changes will affect the way you get around. good evening. it is all in preparation for next year's grand prix race. it will loop around the inner harbor of west baltimore and those roads are about to get a makeover. georges live downtown with what drivers need to know. >> city transportation officials pleading for people to be patient as roads go under the knife starting tomorrow to make sure things look good for the big race one year from now. anyone who has driven the
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streets of downtown baltimore know it can be a bumpy ride. not the core suited for a grand prix race. baltimore will post it on the same streets one year from now. the city will begin an improvement project to take on the top speed. >> those cars go up to 200 miles an hour. >> the work will smooth things out. it could take at least nine months to get there and that means lane closures, detours, and delays. there is never lacking a traffic jam in downtown. >> we know there will be pain involved. we ask that people be patient. >> the first phase begins this week arm pratt street. in a week, it will be a of -- leaning closure. >> that will be crazy.
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things will be pretty crazy. >> the lane closures will shift and utility work underground will move on to five other heavily used commuter routes. the transportation department says the grand prix deadline expedited the planned improvements. >> some of the work has not been completed in 35 years. >> put people to work. >> are you ok with the combustion? >> i think it is fine. it will be a good thing for baltimore overall. crazy but fine. the detoursk about around pratt street. use russell street to get downtown. use 395 instead. if you travel from west to east, use mulberry street or baltimore street. this construction will affect bus routes. we are live downtown. wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. two people are dead after an
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accident in queen anne's county. state police say two cars crashed this morning on rte. 8 near great neck road. two men were pronounced dead and three others were flown to shock trauma. no word on their conditions. police are investigating an accident that left a motorcycle is dead. it happened before 11:00 last night on pulaski highway. the motorcyclist rented a truck and the cyclist was taken to the hospital, where he died. no other injuries were reported. a bagel shop was severely damaged after a fire. firefighters were called to the 500 block of ritchie highway to the einsteins bagels around 1:00 a.m. when firefighters received minor injuries and was taken to the hospital. the cause is being investigated and the business is not expected to reopen soon. baltimore leaders will join community members to celebrate the life of milton hill. he was shot down early friday
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morning near the church where he volunteered. police believe he was killed for his scooter, which is family says he would have willingly given away. we spoke to the family hours after the incident. they just want answers. >> i don't think it is right, what you did. you took away my father. he is our father. he is all we had left and now he is gone. >> a prayer vigil will be held tomorrow at the ark church at 6:00 p.m. the search is on for a baltimore woman with alzheimer's who is missing. the family of virginia poole have not seen her since saturday, when he want -- she wandered away from her home in northwest baltimore. she was wearing a blue blouse and beige pants. she requires a number of medications. if you have information, ask --
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we ask you to call baltimore city police. another lawsuit has been filed against the federal government as a result of the 2008 medevac crash that killed four. the widower of the volunteer paramedic filed a wrongful death lawsuit. he is seeking millions of dollars in compensation on what he calls grounds of negligence. relatives of the paramedic filed a $50 million lawsuit. the only survivor filed a $50 million personal injury claim that was denied by the faa. state officials agreed to review a proposal for new juvenile detention center in baltimore. the $100 million jail is designed to hold 230 teenagers. advocates say the money should be spent on intervention programs instead. this is video from a protest in
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june. all ideas are welcome, but the project will most likely move forward. construction is scheduled to begin in the fall. crews in the gulf are working to start a procedure that has potential to permanently seal the fractured well. there is growing concern over the chemicals used to fight the mess that has plagued the gulf for 104 days. we have the very latest from louisiana. >> this week and come in arenas across south louisiana, a blessing. >> asking god's protection on our waterways for the restoration, the cleanup efforts. >> the entire gulf coast could use divine intervention. crews have cleared away debris from the relief well, a process that has delayed the start of this data kill -- static kill. >> systems will be needed to
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inject the mud. >> mud and cement could permanently seal the well. on the surface, the search for oil continues, along with concern that crude is hiding below, weighed down by chemical dispersant. ed markey issued a statement blasting bp and the epa for using the dispersants. it says, "bp often carpet-bombed the ocean with these chemicals and the coast guard allowed them to do it." thad allen pushed back. >> we established jointly in may that we would seek a reduction of 75% in dispersant's use to -- dispersants used. a 72% reduction was achieved. >> the most important goal, shutting down the leak, could come this week. wbal-tv 11 news.
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>> there is much concern over damage to seafood from the oil and chemical dispersants. when asked about the progress and whether the coo would put the seafood on his plate, this was his response. >> they need to open these waters -- they will not open these waters to fishing if it is not safe to eat the fish. i trust their recommendations and i would be to the seafood out of the gulf. i would feed it to my family. >> some have started reopening the waters to fishing, most recently, florida. in the project economy report, the economy took center stage on "meet the press."
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michael blumberg says the reason it does not feel we are recovering from the recession is because america is in an economic paralysis. >> you have the public not wanting new spending. you have the republicans not wanting to taxes. you have democrats not wanting new spending cuts. the markets do not want new borrowing. the economists want all of the above. that lead to paralysis and paralysis leads to uncertainty. uncertainty is not good. >> bloomberg says the use of stimulus money for operation is putting a damper on recover. president obama's frank answer about his first year reflect the uncertain state of the economy. during a television interview, he would not give himself a grade and said it is too early to judge. brian has that story from washington. >> it is the time of question presidents hate. how would you grade your time in
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office? >> it is incomplete. until the economy has rebounded fully, and people are feeling better, we have a long way to go. >> the question from cbs is the same one voters will answer in the congressional election. in recent weeks, the president has been making stops around the country explaining what he has done so far and wide. >> the reason i did that was because i have confidence in you. i have faith in you. >> in detroit, he defended the bailout of gm and chrysler, which is -- which are now adding workers to keep up with demand. he is talking about health care reform and the economy. >> the president's policies are killing job creation in america, killing our economy, and the people know it. >> congressional republicans are turning up the heat as they head home for their summer break. >> the election today, we had a
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good day. it is a long way until november pickup -- november. >> president obama has three months left to make the grade. wbal-tv 11 news. >> president obama graded his past 18 months as incomplete. we want to know what you would give him. take part in our survey. it is on the lower left side of 47% gave the president an f. 11% gave him an a. sales tax. consumers have a chance to buy with no sales tax on certain items come in line with back-to- school shopping, beginning august 8. clothing and shoes purchased will be exempt from sales tax. thee o'malley explained initiative. >> it is great because it is an incentive to get the small businesses and large businesses, people out there shopping to help stimulate the economy.
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>> purchases must be under $100 to be included. another tax holiday scheduled in february and will only apply to energy star appliances or solar water heaters. still ahead, the surprise guest on one new jersey beach. a mother arrested for child endangerment. she landed behind bars. a rude awake for astronauts. the mechanical problem they are facing now. fear rises as more rain heads toward pakistan. floodwaters are consuming the land. >> another reasonably nice day. rain was minimal. it only got a little warmer. higher humidity. right now, a quiet evening.
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>> aid is on its way to pakistan following flooding that killed more than 1000 people. officials say more than 30,000 have been stranded and distribution is difficult with roadways washed away. $10 million worth of meals and supplies were delivered to the area today. storms and flooding have also killed dozens in afghanistan. more monsoon rains are expected monday. covering the nation, six people were injured following a plane crash in new york. the plane took off from a runway about 35 miles north of buffalo on a sky diving trip. the plane crashed shortly after takeoff. these photos are from the sheriff's office. one person is in critical condition. the others are released a book condition.
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the causes under investigation. nearly two dozen were injured when a balcony there were standing on collapse. 30 people were standing on a balcony at a texas condo when the balcony gave way. the structure just could not hold the weight. >> it is obvious there was too much load on the structure. we do not know if it was a legal structure or not. >> officials say it was completed one week ago when they are investigating a that was properly built. 23 were taken to the hospital. a new york mother has been arrested for writing derogatory words on her blind son's forehead. the mother, cecilia pierce and come and her boyfriend would write vulgar words on his forehead, who then went to summer school with the words printed there. both have been arrested on child endangerment charges and must appear in court. half of the international space station's cooling systems such
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-- shut down last night. video shows a glimpse inside when the crew arrived last year. the cooling system prevents the electronic equipment from overheating. the space walk may be needed to repair the system. there are six astronauts there. there were in no danger. a surprise for swimmers in new jersey. check out the video. a shark swam onto the shore in seaside park. it looked around, perhaps for a snack, and decided to go back to sea. the shark was about 7 feet long. no one was injured during this trip ashore. >> now, your instaweather plus forecast with john collins. >> it was a rain-free day around the area. we did have clouds. there were couple of showers here and there and there is one remaining in the bay. here we are all around the beltway.
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this is annapolis. southern shore line, a little shower activity. no thunder or lightning. sprinkles. that is all that is around the area. let's take a look at july. we hit number two on the warmest july on record. the warmest was in 1872. this one, 81.5. five days, 100 degrees or warmer. 84 the high today at the airport and downtown. the normal is 87. 69 and 70 to the lows. it was hot elsewhere around the country. 106 degrees in the south-central u.s. reaching into parts of georgia and mississippi. the rio grande valley. southern california. 108 was the hottest point today
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in the u.s. a few cities in texas were 106. we were nowhere near that. 75 in annapolis. boardwalk is 72. edgewood is 72. westminster is 72. frederick is 66. and there are a few clouds overhead. not totally overcast this evening. later when the moon rises, we will see that filter through the clouds. the high-pressure suppressed the chances for rain. there were showers in there on the del mar peninsula and around the bay. that was about it. this area of high pressure gave way to more heat and humidity, which is down to the southwest. disturbances will be coming in from the west. rain chances and heat and humidity will be going up. in the tropics, we have a tropical wave beginning to show signs of getting organized. it could become another tropical
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depression. cloudy overnight. an isolated shower. 64 to 71 the overnight low. clouds and sunshine. small chance for a scattered rain shower or so. wins tomorrow, 5 to 10 knots. take a look at the instaweather plus forecast. 85 tomorrow. 90, 93, 96. temperatures and humidity go up. the rain chance is spotty tomorrow and up a little by the end of tuesday. most of tuesday looks dry. wednesday and thursday are the highest rain chances. the chances taper off as we go into next weekend. temperatures will start tapering off. >> thank you. not the best start to training camp. >> not a nightmare. there was some good news today.
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mr. 86 back on the field as he gets rea what this droid does will change how you do movies. with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster.
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the next generation of does.
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>> 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> seven nights ago, almost nothing but good vibes coming from fans about the season. a week goes by and they wonder if the ravens are suffering a jinx. ed reid on the pop list.
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a very bright side. todd heap back in the mix for the first time after suffering illness. he is happy and healthy. he worked in the off-season on shoring up his timing. the offenses looking good. >> you guys can see, we have a lot of good players. that does not mean anything. that means we have a lot of good players. we have to go out there and get it done. we have a lot of weapons out there capable of making big plays. you know, we hope we all bring it together. >> the entrance kippur held his players accountable for the mistakes. -- interim skipper held his players accountable for the mistakes. millwood struggling early.
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billy butler to the wall. bring in a run. three times the royals scored. top two, luke scott continues the hot that. 18th home run of the season. millwood still in. he gives up a run. felix pie. gordon at the plate. millwood taken out of the game. i can have it? really? yes. yes, you may. priceless. top seven, wigginton. good thing see gets that one. runner on for luke scott. man on third.
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the royals when it 5-4. a disappointing finish for sanuel. >> you wish you would have ended with a victory. these guys play well. there were some tough ones. i think there are a lot of positives out of this situation. >> showalter to become the official manager tomorrow. alex rodriguez chasing career home run 600. berkman is the new yankee. shoppach bloop, not caught. pinch-hitters in the seventh looking for a home run. his record remains that 599. james shield. the pga's first op-ed greenbrier has to leave you wondering why
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they left. a new favorite course. birdie and a 59. 5th-ever on tour, second this year. here raises the seven-shot deficit. he would take the lead by one. 40-foot birdie putt slides by. apple be wins for the first time in five years with the greatest round of his life. u.s. senior open. seattle native playing it. by the second hole, his third shot is sumo. into the water. triple bogey. steady as they go into the 18th. the win. four-shot victory. back-to-back majors.
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pennsylvania 500. jack recovering at the mayo clinic for injuries suffered in a plane crash. bush spun out and headed into the wall. this was not quite as terrible as this one. a monster collision. he walked away. his engine did not. incredible crash. he was ok. 21 to go. the leader fights against some weather delays. we will check the forecast coming up.
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