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tv   11 News at 6  NBC  July 5, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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some cooling in the debate. -- cooling in the bay. mr. the high-tech venture today by two degrees. 99 for the high on wednesday is it possible new record with this current heat wave. we will have details on when we can expect relief in a little bit. >> all right, tom. fire officials are warning this is a recipe for disaster. the number of the brush fires as on the rise and in many cases they are started by those being careless. david collins has been looking into the problem and joins us live from north east baltimore with more. >> take a look at this. this gives new meaning to a scorched earth. does it remind you of your lawn? this is a real problem. the grass and other vegetation is so dry. authorities say even once barked could ignite a water -- a wildfire. this fire emergency call is being repeated throughout the
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region. the lack of rain, live humidity, sustained unseasonably high temperatures is a recipe for disaster. brush fires, flames going through vegetation like to know tomorrow, all it takes to start one is a flick of a lift cigarette out of the vehicle window. fireworks, charcoal out of a grill, especially sparklers. >> they can get big very fast. it is difficult for us to fight it because we have to go in with the water tanks. >> fire officials say the potential of its worst by the day. this lt. advises homeowners to survey their property. remove laundry like a down branches and combustible materials. -- remove lawn and debris. the backyard barbeque could easily get out of hand. in druid hill park, someone
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could these calls in dry grass. they have been visiting parks to make sure there are doused with water. >> we checked out things when you are finished. if they fall on the floor, the paper will make a fire. it is dangerous. >> fire companies and the job could delay the response to your property. >> if you are going to play with anything, you need 10 feet around the fire that is a fire say if that is either dirk, asphalt, concrete, something that does not have anything that will light on fire. if you do that you should be fine. >> the number of brushfires this year so far cannot be obtained. according to the maryland forest service, it destroys as much as 6,000 acres every year during dry spells especially in the fall. reporting live, david collins, wbal-tv 11 news. >> to have continuing coverage on our website. there you can use the interactive radar to track
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whether down to your street. get a list of local cooling centers, hours, and the locations. we want to know how you are keeping cool. send us your summer photos by clicking on "u-local." >> this fire happened just after 12:00 p.m. today on a southern cross drive. authorities believe the fire may have started in a closet. it took 30 minutes to bring it under control. nearly one half-dozen people were displaced. >> trouble this afternoon for train commuters. a train heading to washington stalled between boston and new york. there are conflicting reports. some passengers tweeted conditions were miserable and others say the train it did have air-conditioning and police were on board passing on water. baltimore city police investigate 10 shootings since saturday, three of them deadly. the latest victim was around 1:30 a.m. this morning. if down the 17-year-old boy on garrett avenue.
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he played basketball for our lady of mount carmel high school in essex. he was taken to johns hopkins and announced a dead. they have no suspects or motives. meanwhile, baltimore get the police have charged a 15-year- old with the shooting death of a 17-year-old. they found a door in canada outside of a home on sand when a road in essex on friday. they charged a 15-year-old, pal, and is being held right now. the two were acquaintances but they do not have a motive. >> tonight, a family is mourning the death of a 23-year-old soldier. he was not killed in combat. he died after a fight near his home in glen burnie. barry simms is a lie that the police headquarters with more. >> the fight, according to police, was one block from his home. investigators are trying to determine what happened. >> messages from neighbors and friends honor the memory of a
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23-year-old glen burnie man. >> i knew him from the neighborhood. he was a young man who grew up here in the neighborhood. >> he was known to his friends as "jay." according to family and friends, he was a fun-loving young man who came back in december after joining the army and serving a 15 month tour of duty in iraq. police are still investigating. the fight, they say, happened just before 3:00 a.m. they will only confirm that this took place after a party. some neighbors say it may have started over an argument about the bridges of the military service. >> is a very tragic situation. i feel for his family. i just cannot imagine how they're feeling right now. this is a terrible situation and how things get out of hand when people, you know, get drinking
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and having a good time. things turned tragic. >> police arrested a 25-year-old man from glen burnie charged with manslaughter, assault, and reckless endangerment. he punched him in the face and then fell to the ground and his head. investigators believe the 23- year-old man died of head trauma. reporting live, barry simms, wbal-tv 11 news. ♪ >> daily commitment 2010, a new poll finds bob ehrlich leads against current gov. martin o'malley. "the washington times" finds ehrlich has a 3% lead. 750 of those polled were either undecided or preferred another. o'malley ousted ehrlich by a 6% margin. all has a margin of error of
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3.5%. we have continuing coverage on our website,, and click on politics. gov. martin o'malley receive a special honor today, the national education association named him america's greatest education governor. opec it was presented at their annual meeting in new orleans and is given to a governor who has made a major statewide effort to improve public education. >> forecasters say bad weather is slowing the bp oil cleanup of the coast of alabama, mississippi, and florida. residents in that area continue to wait. a nonpartisan groups as bp has contributed more than $6 million to candidates for federal office since 1990. in washington bureau reporter has more. >> among the dead money players in washington, bp, the company responsible for one of the worst environmental disasters in u.s.
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history. researchers say the top congressional recipient of bp cash in the last election cycle was mary landry -- mary landrieu. >> money buys access. >> it is not just the bp lining campaign chests. oil and gas companies to drill bit more than $35 million to congressional candidates in 2008. they doled out not much -- not even half as much as exxon. >> i apologize. >> the top house recipient since 1990 is joe barton his apology to bp during his congressional hearing causes such an uproar that he retracted it. >> absolutely no beyond a shadow of a doubt is that when people spend money on politicians, politicians are going to listen to them a heckuva lot more than
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people who are not cutting checks. >> a spokesperson says such courage additions have enough -- have no impact to response to this unprecedented disaster. others in congress say is [inaudible] >> if you are worried about bp, said the political contributions back. that is what is influencing policy. >> adp spokesperson says there is no quid pro quo. decisions noncandidates are based on canada's that advance sound energy and business policies. -- based on candidates that and dance sound energy and business policy. >> i would not criticize the representatives from louisiana about taking bp money. the critical element now, given the system, is that you have disclosure and boaters know where the money is coming from. >> the center for responsive and the politics say the all time
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federal level of dp related cash is president obama. he received more than $77,000 from the company, much of that coming during his presidential campaign. reporting from washington, i am sally can. >> epoxy prowess stands beyond contribution. it was one of the biggest spenders on federal lobbying investing more than $60 million to ensure its voice was heard. that amount was nearly 3.5 times as they spent on federal lobbying activities earlier. >> still ahead, dozens of people spend the holiday becoming a u.s. citizen. >> city officials say july 4th at the inner harbor was a major success. we look back at last night's spectacular fireworks display. >> a wild game in detroit today. the orioles and tigers combined for 31 hits, 21 runs.
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the birds hit one home run. that is coming up in sports. >> record-setting heat could be selling into our region for a few more days. we track the heat wave and see if we can find relief coming up. right now, and i've looked at the traffic coming back from ocean city over towards the western shore. 98 degrees at the airport, 98 downtown. insta-weather plus is coming up. insta-weather plus is coming up. try cortizone-10 easy relief applicator, the strongest itch relief medicine with no-mess healing. cortizone-10 easy relief apicator.
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>> one day after the nation's celebrated its 234th birthday, some call the fireworks at the inner harbor a peaceful success. it drew a huge crowd. 1000 shells burst said over the harbor time it to music.
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police officers and stories from other state agencies were on hand. there was plenty of entertainment, some families made their own fund. >> we played the card games. >> what makes this spot good? >> we can see the fireworks and we have shade. >> early numbers show this year's attendance surpassed last year and there or were no incidents reported. >> perhaps there is no better day to become a citizen than on the nation's birthday. 40 people from countries from sierra leone, cambodia, can the -- canada were sworn in. they received thunderous applause after taking the oath in annapolis. >> i am feeling great. i am excited and deflated. i am so happy. >> nearly 4000 people became citizens across the country
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yesterday living at the american dream and do the theme "a spirit of independence." >> now your 11 insta-weather forecast with your chief meteorologist, tom tasselmyer. >> the third time we had trouble digits. still not a record. -- the third time we hit triple digits. we need to get into the low 100's to talk about records. 102 degrees with the record set in 1999. tamara's record 101 degrees. -- tomorrow's record is 101 degrees. mid 70's downtown overnight. it is warm all around the region from the pennsylvania border, no. baltimore, said rogers are in the low to mid 90's south down toward frederick county, 100 degrees, 97 in college park, 97 and at the airport. plenty of heat and more humid over there with larger off the bay. chester town, centerville,
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eastern, and centers will -- and stephenville. eighties in the mountains if you can get high enough into the mountains. east of the mountains and towards philadelphia, this shaded area has an excessive heat warning. we have advisories' for baltimore city and washington, d.c., where temperatures will soar again. it will not cool off overnight to give any relief. you can see a few wispy clouds in the area. warm overnight with 65 in the outlying suburbs but about mid- 70s's downtown with light winds. the sun will go down at 8:36 p.m. typically in the summer -- the bermuda high sitting over here which pubs in the humidity. this -- which pushes in the humidity. our heat release will probably come down the coast at of new
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england. the system thursday might get close enough to bring us some clouds and showers. we are hoping for that. right now, this area of high pressure is locked in. notice the area of low pressure over louisiana. the hurricane center is watching that. it may turn into a tropical storm. you can see numerous showers and storms. at that develops, that would be tropical storm body. we will watch that over the next 12 to 24 hours. it should not last very long. hazy and hot tomorrow with more pollution in the atmosphere. akko of red air quality alert tomorrow. be careful with the heat, humidity, and air quality. 97 to 102. the record tomorrow as 101 degrees. not much of a breeze with 1 foot waves. the water temperature will keep the air cooler. 87 near deep creek tomorrow. around chesapeake, 101.
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on the lower eastern shore, you get the cooling effect of the ocean and it will only be 90 degrees there. triple digit heat england. 101 degrees will tie the record high. hardly five months ago today that we had the big blizzard getting under way, february 5th and sixth. five months later, record- setting heat. a chance for showers and storms talking the talk rogers back down on thursday and friday. -- taking the temperatures back down. >> and now other than sports and. >> the orioles needed a blizzard today to cancelthe game in detroit. the kick that the second half of their season today. they finished the first half 24-57 tied with the 1988 orioles for the worst record in franchise history. all you need to know today is that by the second inning both starting pitchers were gone. kevin milanee pitched to nine batters and gave up -- kevin
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millwood pitched to nine batters. cabrera launched a one. they beat the relay. 71 rbis. markakis cannot hold this one in. this hops over the fence. five-one after the first inning. the birds and knocked out of their starter. bodine comes in and ty wigginton drives in two. home run no. four. a-seven tigers with still a long way to go. -- eight-seven tigers. this one hops defense. santiago scores. the tigers build on that. the next batter, ordonez, a
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least one hit for every starter. a 12-9 the tigers win it. and other rough day at the tour de france. lance armstrong started in fourth place. he was involved in a crash that affected almost half of the 200 riders. he is going for his eighth championship. you see the shot from the sky there. a major crash triggered a chain reaction of crashes and to route the race. armstrong among the dozen riders who hit the ground. he was a neck that. -- knicked up. he wins the stage and takes the yellow jersey. the world cup continues tomorrow as the netherlands played europe why in the first of two semifinal games. germany and spain to the second semifinal on wednesday. what a wild day on coney island. the national hot dog eating contest was yesterday. joy chesnutt wins the fourth
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year in a row. the big story was his longtime rival who was in court today because he got arrested yesterday. he got arrested for charging the stage. he did not compete in the contest because he refused to sign a contract with major league eating, i kid you not. >> there is a of the? -- there is a league? >> he arrives in court today. he pleaded not guilty. >> i think he wants the attention. what can we say? we will be back with more right after this.
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my guess here is a look at what we are working on. and local basketball shot and killed in baltimore city. claiming to town your body just from walking in sneakers? do they really work? we will have that
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[ male announcer ] achin' for steak & bacon? try the subway steak & bacon melt. tender juicy steak, sizzlin' hot bacon, fresh veggies on a blanket of bubbly cheese on freshly baked bread. and when morning rolls around, the new steak and bacon muffin melt with fluffy egg, melted cheese, and, oh yeah, bacon. all on a fresh toasted english muffin. mmm. guess we should leave you lovebirds alone now. crank up the flavor at subway.
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>> we have been blessed with this low humidity. >> it will not be as extreme as it could been. this is the hottest time of the year, so when you talk record
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heat you are talking hot stuff. heat advisories across south pa., these metro areas. an advisory for baltimore city and washington, d.c. the record today was 102 degrees and we miss them by two degrees. tomorrow, 101 is the record and 99 on wednesday. here is the forecast for the next seven days. two days of tough weather. in little more human each day. 90 with scattered showers possible on thursday. the other 80's going into the early part of next week and which will feel much better. >> we do not want to be number one when it comes to the records. we will see you back here at 11:00 p.m.
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