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tv   Today  NBC  June 21, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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da danger zone -- a powerful tornado barrels through billings, montana, tearing apart businesses and ripping the roof off an arena. this morning the damage is well into the millions. joran van der sloot's true story -- is joran van der sloot retracting his story in the murder of a young woman in peru. what he's saying now as he prepares to attend his first court appearance in the case. and lucky dogs -- the florida heiress leaving $3 million in trust and an $8 million mansion to her dogs. how does her son feel about that? he'll it tell us in an exclusive live interview today, monday, june 21st, 2010.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome 0 to "today" on a monday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm natalie morales in for meredith. today marks the official start of summer. as you heard in billings, montana, cleaning up from that violent tornado there. >> it was a mess. the twister moved right down main street in that town in the middle of the day. we'll get the latest on the damage in a couple of minutes. also ahead, who at bp is in charge when it comes to cleaning up the gulf? there have been a lot of mixed messages from the company. we'll tell you about that and have more on the outrage over tony hayward's controversial decision to attend a yacht race over the weekend even as oil continues to spew into the sea. also ahead, here is a question, probably an easy answer, would you ever consider eating three taco supremes for
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breakfast? believe it or not, your favorite morning meal could have as many calories and as much fat as an entire dinner. what you should put on your don't eat list and then we'll talk about healthier alternatives. >> made me hungry for breakfast. it is the start of a special week on "today." al is in san fran sprcisco to s off "lend a hand." wait until you hear just how much we're giving away this morning and throughout the week. actually we'll let you know a little bit because lend a hand's biggest week ever. huge. >> al gets thinner and thinner, lend a hand gets bigger and bigger. proportional. to the top stories of the morning. willie geist is joining us at the news desk. great to have you here. >> great to be here, matt, natalie. good morning, everyone. forecasters warning of possible severe weather from montana all the way to ohio today, one day after a tornado
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ripped through billings, montana. it are tore the roof off a sports arena and damaged several other businesses. there were no reports of injuries. hundreds of people being urged to evacuate because of wildfires around flagstaff, arizona. strong winds and dry conditions are making this a tough fight for firefighters. and severe weather in brazil where flooding has killed people and left thousand homeless. well, pakistani born american faisal shahzad will be arraigned today in new york, accused of taking money and training from the pakistani taliban to plot a failed times square car bombing last month. today form er senator and famed astronaut john glenn speaking out against the obama administration's plans to scale back the manned space program. glenn wants the u.s. to keep flying its fleet of space shuttles instead of paying russia to take americans to and from the international space
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station. he tells nbc news when the u.s. has already invested more than $100 billion on the international space station ending the shuttle program just makes no sense. >> this country got to be what it is by two things -- education and research. and this is our greatest -- research is what built our businesses and industries, created new jobs, employment for the future, and that's the kind of thing we should be looking at. to me it's a tiny investment when you're talking about we've already invested $100 billion and then not to use it to our advantage, to me, is just the wrong way to go. >> u.s. space shuttles are scheduled to be retired this year or next. that would leave the u.s. without a manned spacecraft for at least five years. well, a smoky fire sunday in chicago's subway system sent at least 19 people to the hospital. it's still not clear this morning how exactly that fire started. overseas markets looking higher this morning. cnbc's erin burnett is at the new york stock exchange. erin, what are you watching? >> reporter: there's a lot of enthusiasm here today. we're going to have a stronger
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morning at least because china is letting its currency go up in value. the down side may be prices at walmart go up because things made in china will cost more here. america is still the biggest manufacturer so everything we make china will be able to buy more cheaply so this is a very big issue, could be big for the u.s. keep in mind china didn't say when or how much they're going to move. we will still have a little bit of an optimistic opening. oil prices are higher which means you're probably not going to get any relief through the july 4th weekend. back to you. thanks so much. and graeme mcdowell won the u.s. open sunday at pebble beach. he is the first european to win it in 40 years. tiger woods finished tied with phil mickelson for fourth place. and now we send it back over to matt and natalie. guys, tiger made a run on saturday but couldn't get it done on sunday. >> the guy only had to sink a one-foot putt. what's the big deal? >> he was so calm all the way through, though. >> by the way, willie doing the
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news on his knees today. outstretched our lighting design. >> they had to rekconfigure the whole thing. >> they literally redesigned the studio for me in just one day. >> he stands up, he bangs right into the lights. willie, good having you here, pal. let's check in with al who is lending a hand today, all weeklong, so on the first leg of the journey, good morning to you. hey, good morning, guys. we are in san francisco as we kick off our
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>> we are off to a quiet start on this first day of summer. temperatures in the upper 60s and of 70. humidity lower than over the weekend as well.
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from our lend a hand charity and, matt, one of those three trucks is an 18-wheeler. that's how much stuff we've got. >> you're getting bigger and better every year. al, we look forward to this. day 63 of the disaster in the gulf. bp says it's now spent $2 billion on the oil spill as its embattled ceo comes under renewed fire this time for attending a glamorous yacht race. nbc's chief environmental affairs correspondent anne thompson is in venice, louisiana, with more on the story. anne, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. bp's ceo tony hayward famously said he wanted his life back. well, he got that and a whole lot more this weekend as the oil spread east and on to some of te
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most beautiful beaches in the world. this morning parts of florida's emerald coast are dotted with oil, tar balls tainted on destin's spectacular beaches. these are not the souvenirs billy smith wanted for his family. far from the gulf oil slicked waters tony hayward's attendance off england's east coast would keep the ceo it at the center of yet another storm of controversy. >> i felt that was the height of stupidity. >> this has been part of a long list of pr gaffes. >> reporter: in louisiana the words were even stronger. >> i think that's disgusting. it's like he don't even care. >> reporter: bp officials scrambled to explain the race around the isle of wight was a rare private moment for hayward with his son. the ceo's 52-foot yacht came in
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fourth. there was more confusion over just what role hayward is playing in the spill after bp's chairman said in an interview that hayward would turn over day-to-day operations to managing director bob dudley. >> it is clear that tony has made remarks that have upset people. >> reporter: bp clarified the comments in a statement saying the ceo tony hayward will continue to oversee the operation and that dudley will lead a separate, stand alone organization to manage the ongoing and long-term business response. two months after the explosion that caused the spill, debate still rages about how much oil is coming out of the well. >> i actually have a document that shows that bp actually believes it could go upwards of 100,000 barrels per day. >> reporter: bp says he is misrepresenting the documents pointing out instead that would only happen if the blow-out preventer is removed and there is no way it will remove the blow-out preventer. now over the weekend bp
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continued to collect oil from the leaking well, but its efforts were slowed by a t ten-hour shutdown of the discovery enterprise. kenneth fineburg is the choice to run the $20 billion escrow fund for claims against b bp and he ran the 9/11 victims compensation fund. it's good to see you again. your official is chief of the independent claims facility. just give me an idea on a daily basis how do you expect to be spending the bulk of your time? >> in the gulf with local people processing these claims so that eligible claimants get paid quicker with the certainty they don't have now. >> there are a lot of people based on the impact of this oil spill are teetering on the brink of financial disaster. how quickly can someone get money to help save themselves
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financially? >> well, give bp some credit. they've already set up a program in the gulf that's paid out over $100 million in emergency payments. so in response to your question, matt, anybody who is on the brink of financial ruin should be filing a claim last week with bp in an effort to get some emergency money to sort of hold them over until we immediately set up this new program. >> and in terms of bureaucracy here, these are hard working people. these aren't lawyers. are they going to be able to file these claims themselves? are they going to have to hire an attorney? how complicated or uncomplicated will the process be? >> this process is not complicated and it's not going to be complicated. you don't need an attorney. you can certainly have one you want. but this will be a very transparent process where you will walk into one of numerous local offices strewn throughout
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the gulf, file a claim, file online -- we'll be able to do it electronically if you want -- and we will immediately be able to process that claim. we're setting this up now. bp has already something in place we'll build upon, but there is no reason, no reason, that a local fisherman or any businessman or individual can't file a claim properly. that's what the president said he wanted and that's what we're going to do. >> and mr. feinberg, some of these will be easy, a business that goes under because of the oil spill. that person or that business deserves relief. others are a little less office, more in the collateral damage area. so if someone is watching this morning, kenneth, what are the absolute criteria they need to keep in mind to know whether they qualify for filing a claim? >> well, they should file the claim anyway. obviously we haven't worked out every variation of what you say correctly is collateral
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causation. but one thing we learned from the 9/11 fund, you'll recall, congress passed that law and said that when it comes to whether or not an injury, financial injury, was caused by the terrorist attack, look to the local law of the state where you live. so if a boston restaurant says we're losing business in our restaurant because we can't get sh r shrimp from the gulf, let's take a look at massachusetts law. would massachusetts law recognize that claim? if it would, i will. if it wouldn't, i won't. >> there are going to be a lot of situations. you mentioned the 9/11 fund. how hard was it it then and will be today, mr. feinberg, to take the emotion out of each of these situations and deal with them on a dollars and cents level?
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>> it's very emotional. you remember yourself how difficult it was with families so soon after the 9/11 attacks having to calculate the value of lives. here in the gulf, do not underestimate -- i was down there this week. i'll be there tomorrow. do not underestimate the emotionalism and the frustration and anger of people in the gulf uncertain of their financial future, as you point out. it's different from 9/11 but the emotion and the anger and frustration is very pronounced. i witnessed it firsthand last week. >> chief of the independent claims facility, kenneth feinberg. mr. feinberg, i really appreciate your time and good luck. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> and now here's natalie. matt, thank you. accused murderer joran van der sloot is scheduled to make his first appearance in a peruvian court today as we hear from his mother for the first time since his latest arrest. nbc's michelle kosinski is in lima, peru.
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good morning, michelle. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. joran van der sloot is now telling a dutch newspaper he is retracting his confession claiming police here made false promises to get him to cooperate and his attorney who at one point quit but then reconsidered is now playing hardball, advising him to say not a word today until the judge agrees to have him reinterviewed by police with his own attorneys present. in the meantime, we're hearing from two parents of joran and his victim speaking surprisingly candidly. joran van der sloot waits in prison for the case to progress, for his mother to come visit. he may be waiting a long time. his mother speaking to the press for the first time in years tells the dutch newspaper "the telegraph" i will not visit him in his cell. i can cannot embrace him, saying he is not a monster, is sick in his head but wanted no help.
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she is the one who always stood behind him saying even now i believe joran despite his many lies. i felt he had nothing to do with the disappearance of natalee holloway in 2005. he left her on the beach. i still believe that. adding stephany, he may have killed. she tells the paper that after the holloway case joran was traumatized. we then made a big mistake and sent him to the netherlands to study. he should have gone for treatment in a closed clinic. he already needed psychiatric help back then. from there she says her son unraveled, he was lying, addicted to poker, and then severe psychological distress after the death of his father in february from a heart attack for which, she says, joran blames himself. according to anita, he finally agreed to be committed to a
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dutch psychiatric hospital last month but two days before going he instead took off for peru. the next time she saw him was on television in handcuffs for murder. in lima, the father of victim stephany flores is also speaking out. >> translator: what has happened to me can help parents so they don't make the same mistake i did. so trusting, to show them there is an evil side to this world, the truth. >> reporter: he says he didn't talk to stephanie about dangers, wanted her to see the best in people. anita van der sloot also sense in a sense she has lost her son, that it might be time to let joran go. that he has killed stephany, then he must bear the burden. my wish is that he is treated humanely and that he gets psychological help.
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if it could be proven this was a crime that happened during a robbery, which police claim it did, it could carry a potential sentence of life behind bars. joran van der sloot's lawyer wants to show it happened under the influence of extreme emotions which would then lead to a considerably shorter sentence. by the way, insanity is also a defense under this system. natal natalee? >> michelle kosinski reporting in lima, peru. it's 7:19. once again, here is matt. if you like to follow news of the royal family, two royal milestones. one popular princess ties the knot as prince harry breaks up with his longtime girlfriend. nbc's dawna friesen is at buckingham palace. dawna, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. it was billed as the biggest royal wedding since charles and diana, sweden's princess victoria married her longtime boyfriend. it happened the same weekend that britain's prince harry split up with his long-term
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girlfriend. as royal weddings go, this one in sweden was stunning. 32-year-old princess victoria led down the aisle by her father. she wed her longtime boyfriend and former personal trainer. a slightly nerve-racking moment especially for him. their relationship initially raised eyebrows in sweden because he is a commoner, the son of a farmer. he met victoria at the gym. after a solid eight-year relationship, her family and the country has grown to accept him. >> you've got to be able to sort of choose your own love in life, i think. and i think that's the thing that's happening and it's accepted in these modern monarchies. >> reporter: but tradition reigned. the two rode by barge to the palace. where the king presented the newlyweds to the people. then it was on to a lavish banquet for 1,000 guests, a
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picture perfect wedding, something victoria's siblings have yet to pull off. her sister madeline called off her wedding after her fiance cheated on her and her brother, phillip, who loves racing cars, dumped his long-term fiancee for a reality tv star. romantic trouble has hit britain's couple, too. prince harry has split from chelsea. >> she wants to be closer to her parents and she doesn't really want to be a kate middleton waiting around for her prince. i don't think she's ready to get married yet and so this is, i think, essentially a moment where they decided, or she's decided, enough is enough. >> reporter: their six-year relationship has been volatile and they've split up before. with harry, who just finished a trip to africa with william, committed to his army duties and she pursuing a career as a lawyer, this split may be final. >> the hottest young bachelor probably in the world really. so he won't be short of female company and he certainly won't
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be short of girls throwing themselves at him. >> reporter: and today is that other prince's birthday, prince william. he turns 28. that's the age he once considered getting married. will he? well, everyone including kate middleton still waiting. william is expected to spend the day at work continuing his training as a certificasearch a helicopter pilot. mat senate. >> dawna friesen in buckingham palace. dawna, thank you very much. by the way, back to prince harry for a second, prince harry newly single comes to new york this week. coming to a polo tournament. >> waiting up to see him out there. >> he will generate a lot of attention. on a more serious note, kyron horman's mother speaks out. the emotional letter she is sharing with us written to her missing 7-year-old boy.
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just ahead, how would you feel if your mom left millions
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of dollars to a dog? also, we're going to talk to a man who knows the feeling. where do gummy bears hide? under the seat. look! yeah! ♪ [ telephone rings ] [ male announcer ] the all new chevy equinox. [ man ] guess who? dad! [ man ] enjoy the trip! okay, daddy! [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] a consumers digest best buy. with a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. it takes you farther... and brings you closer. with a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. [ female announcer ] when the more options you have,ght, the more likely you are to stay on track. that's why there are 9 delicious kinds of special k® cereal. ♪ ♪ because every girl could use a little variety. ♪ special k®, now in 9 delicious flavors. ♪
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hey. thanks, mom. you're welcome. ♪ ba da ba ba ba >> live, local, latebreaking. this wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. here is sarah caldwell and traffic pulse 11. >> pretty nice ride out there. usual delays. one accident in howard county. trotter road, watch for delays there. clear at madison street and central ave. 11 miles per hour on southbound 95.
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not too bad of an outside. -- not too bad on the north side. no delays to report on the j.f.x. 17 minutes to get you to the west side. 10 minutes to travel southbound 95. here is a quick look at truck. old court, very slow go on the outer loop. so far so good on the inner loop towards the j.f.x. hefty delay in the white marsh area and 95. >> we are off to a quiet start on this monday. humidity has gone out from over the weekend. 76 at the airport. 74 degrees in edgewood. summer solstice takes place on just about an hour. stan, start celebrating.
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high temperature between 87 and 92 degrees. humidity is going to go up tuesday and wednesday. mid-nineties on wednesday. front goes through on thursday. >> you got the party hats, right? back at pfeifer -- 25 minutes for an update.
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morning, the 21st day of june, 2010. summer official arrives today. welcome news for everyone who is gathered outside our window on the world, rockefeller plaza. hot and sticky out there today. we'll go outside in just a couple of minutes. inside studio 1a i'm matt lauer alongside natalie morales. meredith will be back tomorrow. and coming up, the question a lot of people ask every day, what are we going to have for bre breakfast? if you're not careful, you could be consuming the calorie equivalent of eight beers or 11 ice cream cones. just ahead, the breakfast food
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blunders you could be making and some healthier options. natalie, we're talking about some breakfasts that are served at very popular restaurant chains. >> okay. although the croissant and that cappuccino looked pretty good. how would you feel if you pound your mom left her pets more in her will than she left you? we'll talk to a man whose mother did just that, giving her dogs millions in cash and property. a programming note for you, tomorrow a "today" exclusive, we'll sit down wh jon metz, the man from connecticut who attempted to amputate his own arm when it got stuck in his basement furnace. doctors say his bravery probably saved his life. he's going to share his amazing story. that's tomorrow right here only on "today." all right. first, let's begin in san francisco where al roker is lending a hand today. hey, al, good morning. hey, good morning, nat and matt. we are here in the visitation valley middle school. it's a classroom a lot like
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classrooms we all grew up in. however, the one difference is it needs a lot of work. the school here, the classrooms need work. one of our charities is going to really be doing some really nice things for this classroom and, in fact, our chirt itself is really involved with this school. we'll tell you about that coming up. you won't believe all the stuff we have for our charity today. it's really fantastic. first, let's take a look at your weather as you guys mentioned today is the first day of summer, begins 7:28. well, it's already here now. summer is officially here. above normal temperatures for the summer the way it looks right through august through the southwest, the gulf coast, along the east coast. below normal temperatures in the central plains. precipitation wise, normal throughout much of the country although the gulf coast, the southeast look >> it is going to be another war bay this first day of summer --
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mormon day this first day of summer. summer. and if you want to check your weather anytime of the day or night weather channel on cable or online. natalie? now to new details in the disappearance of 7-year-old kyron horman as police try to come up with new leads. horman's mother is sharing the emotional letter she wrote to her son. nbc's miguel almaguera is in portland, oregon. good morning. >> reporter: sunday, father's day, was an especially one difficult one for kyron's
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father. today it's his mother crying out to her son. 7-year-old kyron horman was last seen at school 17 days ago. his mother, who hasn't made a public statement, has now released a letter to nbc news that she wrote to her son. dear kyron, i am so sorry that this has happened. i am sorry that i was not there to protect you. i will never be able to forgive myself for being so many hours away when you needed me the most. now in its third week, once massive search effort has been scaled back. but kyron's mother holds out hope. i pray that you come back to me because i'm afraid i can't live without you. i miss you every second of every day. i would give my life for you. i just want you back safe. you must come back to us. kyron's parents are both divorced and remarried. he was dropped off at school by his stepmom when he went missing, but a week after he
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disappeared his mother and stepmom were side-by-side as his father asked for help in finding kyron. >> please help us bring kyron home. >> reporter: in a statement to nbc news, kyron's mother says of the divorce, we did what was right for our family and for kyron specifically. we are a united family working together for a mutual goal and that is to bring kyron home safe and sound. kyron's stepmom, terri horman, who hasn't spoken publicly is pictured on a flyer released by detectives since investigators say she is the last person to see kyron, they hope the flyers and a questionnaire will generate new leads. meanwhile, sources say kyron's stepmom has taken two polygraph tests. >> i want people to know that she's a good person, she's a devoted mother, and has always been at school volunteering, you know, very active in his life and she's a great person. >> reporter: a case generating national attention. >> let's give this family some answers tonight. >> reporter: saturday kyron was
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featured on "america's most wanted" and his photo was on the cover of "people" magazine. but it's the words of a mother's letter that hit home. when you come home, i will show you all the things that everyone did for you, just to find you. si would give anything to run my fi fingers through your short hair again. i miss having you to hug anytime i want. i love you very much. momma. while the search for kyron has been scaled back, it does continue this morning. the sheriff's department saying this case will not go cold. natalie? >> miguel almaguera, thank you. cliff van zandt, good morning to you. >> hi, natalie, good morning. >> as you heard, there are reports now that the stepmother, kyron's stepmother, terri horman, has submitted to a second polygraph test. given this, what does it indicate to you after they took
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a polygraph test already, the fact that they're asking for a second one? >> well, it's kind of normal procedure, anyone involved in a case like this especially family members are going to be polygraphed. when you go back a second time it suggests there may be some discrepancies, some areas they didn't cover in the first, more information has come up, so they want to use that polygraph probably to try to verify and validate the stepmother's time line for the day that kyron disappeared. >> and there are some discrepancies, the time line. what are they? >> well, some of the challenges are going to be where did she go after she dropped him off. hypothetically if she said i went to the gym, i went to a 7-eleven and i went home, let's say, for example, her cell phone showed she was some place other than she said, that could have been a lapse in memory. she's been under so much pressure but it's something law enforcement is going to have to resolve by investigation and one tool they use, of course, is the polygraph. >> and the fact that as miguel mentioned in his report kyron's biological mother desiree young
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issued this statement in support of terri horman and with all the innuendo surrounding kyron's stepmother, what does that signify to you? >> this is a very frightened family. they've wrapped their arms around each other. today it's not uncommon, 50% of marriages end in divorce, so many times you have biological and stepparents but they are all standing together, number one, trying to send a message out there hoping that kyron would hear this, number two. and, number three, they're sending the message to whoever may have kidnapped him or whoever may have knowledge of him. they want to say this little boy is loved. we care about him. if you have him, the bottom line is take him to a fire station, take him to a school, take him some place and drop him off. we love him. we all love him and we want him back. you know, this sends a message for all of us every day with our children we need to hug they will, we need to kiss them, we need to tell them we love them. >> and we need to tell them what to do in cases like this when
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strangers or somebody may approach. cliff van zandt, we appreciate your time. >> thank you. up next, we'll switch gears and talk about what you're eating perhaps. are you eating the equivalent of four cheeseburgers for breakfast this morning? the shocking amount of fat and calories in your favorite morning meals. for a ride that's jet-smooth! it's got reclining rear seats! and such a quiet cabin! ♪ bluetooth wireless audio makes every trip a delight! ♪ the new toyota avalon... comfort is back. ♪ comfort is back. sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry.
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try clean makeup -- lightweight coverage made for your skin type. for normal skin, oil control, and new clean for sensitive skin. it's makeup that works for you 'cause it's made for you. easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. and we love rollbacks. the new game that everybody is talking about is here. super mario galaxy 2. this kid's a natural! mario's got all these new tricks. it's rated e for everyone. even yoshi's back! [ yoshi ] whoo! i love that guy! plus rollbacks on five other mario wii games.
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mama mia! [ laughs ] i'm darrell, and i save people money so they can live better. think i should grow a mario mustache? >> announcer: today's be well, be healthy is brought to you by splenda no-calorie sweeter. imagine life sweeter. this morning on our special series "be well, be healthy" picking the right breakfast. who better to help you than author of the popular "eat this not that series." david, good morning. good to see you. >> great to see you, matt. >> we always hear breakfast the most important meal of the day. if you're starting your day with a lot of calories, fat and sugar, you're in trouble the rest of the day. >> that is going to be a very rude awakening. the only thing word would be not
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having breakfast at all. you're 450% more likely to be overweight if you don't eat breakfast. but what you need. >> because you're going to gorge the rest of the day. we're going to show the worst offenders and the healthier options at the same restaurant. so this is cozy and this is their cinnamon raisin squagel with light cream cheese. >> you are talking about 550 calories because what it is, it's a big mass of processed dough. it races into your bloodstream where you have to either store it or burn it off. >> that's a bad thing? >> that's a bad thing. >> because it looks good to me. >> it is very good but the calorie equivalent of having three taco supremes if you start your morning off that way. so when you're there you want to get the spinach florentine wrap. start breakfast the way you need to, protein, fiber, good fat,
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and you're saving 220 calories. >> i get it but you know if you have your heart set on a cinnamon raisin squagel, the spinach florentine. talk about an offender here. what are we looking at? >> some banana walnut bread with a nonfat peppermint white chocolate mocha coffee drink. >> that sounds bad. >> even though you have nonfat, walnut, banana, 990 calories. half your day's calorie allotment gone. >> which is the equivalent of what most of the guys on the crew start their day off with which is the eight guinness. >> that's what you're doing right there. so if you are at starbucks, what you want to do if you're hankering for a baked good and a coffee, a fancy coffee drink, get a butter croissant, a nonfat coffee. a big mac's worth of calories
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hacked out of your day. do that over the course of a week, that's a pound that you're going to be losing a week. >> let's move on to mcdonald's, the mcdonald's sausage burrito. they come two in an order. >> two in an order. what you have here is 600 calories, 32 grams of fat, 14 grams of saturated fat, three-quarters of your day. it's the equivalent -- >> saturated fat -- >> of all these roast beef sandwiches. >> nobody could be sitting at home saying that's what i would want in my body for breakfast. >> right. but i you don't realize what you're taking in. you don't necessarily have this information. you have to seek out the smarter choices. >> while still at mcdonald's the smarter choice. >> the egg mcmuffin, low in carbs, high in protein. >> do you get the hash brown, too? >> if you lose the hash brown you go from 450 calories to 300 and if you avoid the coffee drink, the fancy coffee drink,
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it's five calories. >> these two choices look similar. >> yes. >> but we're starting with this one and that is the dunkin' donuts apple crumb doughnut. what's the problem with this? >> anytime you have a word like crumb before doughnut or cake before doughnut, all sugar. you're sugar-coating the sugar. so in this case it's 450 calories right there and with that coffee you end up with the equivalent of these nine kiddie ice cream cones -- >> melted ice cream cones. >> melted cones from mcdonald's. still, it's not good. >> what is the better choice? >> it may not sound healthier but the cream doughnut with small caramel coffee is 260 calories, you save 320 calories with this one swap. >> okay. well, that's a big deal. let's go to ihop now and the first thing that comes to mind here is that's a huge breakfast. >> huge breakfast, a garden omelet. i don't know whose garden it's coming from, the witch from hansell and gretl.
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the pancake has 450 calories. you're going to blow through more than half your day's calories with something like that. it is the equivalent of these four bacon cheeseburgers, junior bacon cheeseburgers, so if you're there, go to the menu and get this tomato, spinach, and mushroom omelet which still sounds like it comes out of a garden and save yourself a half day's worth of calories. >> and that's fruit salad, by the way? i drop that much fruit salad every time i eat fruit salad. it's tiny. these are really, really important choices. if we make these choices on a daily basis, does it pay off over the year. david, thanks. appreciate it. and we're back right after these messages. blueprint's free and exclusively for chase customers. for a big purchase, there's split. it lets you decide how much... or how many months you want to pay. so you can be comfortable managing all of your large purchases.
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if having a plan matters, chase what matters. design your plan at 866 blueprint. i'm darryl willis. i oversee bp's claims process on the gulf coast. we have to make things right and that's why we're here. we're replacing the lost income for fishermen, small businessmen and others who aren't able to work until the spill is cleaned up. our claims line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. and we'll help them figure out what information they need to file a claim.
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i volunteered for this assignment because this is my home. i'll be here in the gulf as long as it takes to make this right. it's harder my doto build bone densityge... with calcium and vitamin d alone. he recommends citracal plus bone density builder... the only calcium supplement with genistein found in nature in soy and proven to significantly build bone density. citracal. and we love rollbacks. the new game that everybody is talking about is here. super mario galaxy 2. this kid's a natural! mario's got all these new tricks. it's rated e for everyone. even yoshi's back! [ yoshi ] whoo! i love that guy! plus rollbacks on five other mario wii games. mama mia! [ laughs ]
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i'm darrell, and i save people money so they can live better. think i should grow a mario mustache? [ male announcer ] welcome to the pepsi refresh project. this year, we're giving over $20 million to fund your ideas to make the world a better place. here's how it works. you submit ideas. you vote for ideas, that you like the best. and each month, the ideas with the most votes get a pepsi refresh grant. the pepsi refresh project. it's happening now at it's being called one of the greatest feats in world cup history, new zealand pulled off a stunning draw against italy on sunday. the score is not what's causing the most buzz. >> that goes to the italian players for their over-the-top falls during the match including
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one flop that led to a game-tying penalty kick. now in all fairness, it's not just the italian players -- >> look at the elbow. >> but this is the drama these fakers on all these teams, a guy goes by another guy, brushes him, next thing you know arms flailing, the guy goes down like he was hit by a gunshot. it's terrible. >> but it's worked because it led to that tie in the end. so for the italian players, it paid off. but this has been going on for years. this is nothing really new, these dramatics and antics. >> one of the newspapers in new zealand said it was the greatest theatrical performance by an italian since solini. they're very upset in new zealand. >> but we all have children so you're watching one of these games with your impressionable 8-9-year-old kids and they like sports and they're seeing this just outright faking on the part of all these -- what are supposed to be world class athletes. i think it sends the wrong
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message. >> it definitely is unsports n unsportsmanlike conduct. >> it's a bad message. the other thing you hate is the referees continue to fall for it. you see it coming and they buy into it. it's like in an that i anyway game when the guy fakes the charge. >> it happened in the ivory coast game with brazil. the brazilian player actually got ejected from the game, and ejected from playing in the next match against portugal so they're down their most important player. >> the guy hits him here and he grabs his face and falls back. imagine in the nhl, hockey, if the guy went like this and the other went flying on the ice -- >> usually their teeth has been hit. >> they have to change this. they really do.
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have you tried honey bunches of oats yet? every spoonful is a little different. mmm. they got three kinds of flakes. this is delicious. it's the perfect combination of sweet and crispy. i love it. this is so good. this is great. the magic's in the mix. in fact, it protects you from the most damaging rays across 100% of the uva uvb spectrum. coppertone outshines. so you can enjoy the sun. we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a ski trip twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. ( thuds ) i'll take this. ( crashing ) double miles add up quick. and all of those. so we brought the whole gang. one adult, one goat please. it's hard to beat double miles. everyone knows two is better than one.
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introducing the venture card from capital one... with double miles on every purchase every day. go to what's in your wallet? oh, poor baby. yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. but there's one that makes your skin look better even after you take it off. 98% of women who tried neutrogena healthy skin makeup thought so. does your makeup do that? neutrogena cosmetics.
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. here is sarah caldwell and traffic pulse 11. dealing with problems in howard county. all lanes closed in the eastbound direction. there is an overturned vehicle and heavy delays in that area. parksville pike, watch for an accident and the clarksville region. we are dealing with one in linthicum and hamdan road and charleston road. if you are going to travel on the outer loop at 795, watch for delays due to an accident.
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that may attract some attention. normal delays throughout the west side stretch. if you are going to travel i-95 coming out of the northeast, eight miles per hour on average. let's give you a quick live look at traffic. view atitch to a live white marsh, where is inching along southbound from approaching white marsh down toward the split. >> we are off to a quiet start on this monday. the humidity has gone down from over the weekend. it will still be a warm day. 69 in parkton, 69 in taneytown. we shall make it into the upper 80s and low 90s this afternoon. because of the humidity, a little bit lower, it will not feel as bad as it did on sunday. temperatures will jump on tuesday and wednesday. mid-nineties through the middle of the week. scattered thunderstorms are
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possible in the afternoon each day. >> back in 25 minutes with another live update.
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8:00 on a monday morning, the 21st day of june, 2010. it is a bright, sunny, sticky morning out here on the plaza. a good start to the workweek here in the northeast. i'm matt lauer along with natalie morales. we have meredith enjoying the last day of vacation. >> ann is enjoying vacation. >> al has abandoned us. >> who's on first? >> we're like the four in the deodorant commercial. we'll check in with all those people in just a little while. we're happy to have natalie here. and coming up, it's a huge day for lend a hand. it's a huge week. this year bigger and better than
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ever. al is joining us now from san francisco. give us a little sneak preview, al. well, matt, we are here at the visitation valley middle school and it's one of the things you never know what you're going to see. like guys flying through the air. oh, yes. wow. that's what i'm talking about. this is the charity that is so intertwined with this community and this school doing great things and we are going to tell you it's more about it's more than just dunking basketballs. it's one of our biggest days ever for lend a hand. more than a million dollars worth of donations on a week that's going to see more than $4 million donated to five worthy charities. guys, back to you. >> i don't know how he does it year after year. >> it's great, al. good work. we'll see you in a little while. speaking of fortunes, have you heard about the florida heiress who left a $3 million trust and an $8 million mansion to her dogs.
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her only living son believes his mother was manipulated into doing that. he'll tell us why in an exclusive live interview in a couple of minutes. seven seemingly harmless habits that could be aging you faster. we'll show you how to break those habits and turn back the clock in just a little bit. before we get to all of that, let's get a look at the headlines. msnbc's willie geist is filling in while ann is off today. good morning. good morning to you, matt and natalie. good morning to you at home. bp says another system to capture oil from the gushing well in the gulf of mexico should be operating by early next month. the company also reports it has now spent $2 billion responding to the leak. meantime, oil reached another popular tourist spot this weekend with tar balls beginning to show up on the beaches of destin, florida. on this program this morning attorney kenneth feinberg, picked by president obama to distribute bp's compensation fund, said no one should underestimate the frustration and anger of people along the gulf coast.
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we did get some encouraging news for wildlife. 38 brown pelicans once coated with oil off the coast of louisiana were released sunday at a wildlife refuge in texas. it was the largest pelican release since it began 63 days ago. well, a helicopter crash in afghanistan today killed one american service member and three australian commandos. nato said there was no evidence of enemy involvement but the crash is under investigation. national guard troops patrolling downtown billings, montana, where a tornado sunday made a mess of main street. at least ten downtown businesses and a sports arena were heavily damaged. no reports, thank goodness, of serious injuries. the risk of more violent weather stretches from montana across to ohio. well, there's no letup expected today in the high winds fanning an out-of-control wildfire near flagstaff, arizona. heavy smoke sunday led to evacuations and health advisories. chicago transit officials say subway service is back to normal
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this morning following a sunday track fire that sent 19 people to the hospital with breathing problems. well, "toy story 3" went to infinity and beyond the competition at the box office over the weekend taking in a whopping $109 million according to early estimates. "the karate kid" was second. "the a-team" was third. well, it's now 8:04. let's get another check of the weather from al in san francisco. >> announcer: today's weather is brought to you by children's advil. relief you can trust. our ninth year of lend a hand today. we're so excited. we're talking about today alone almost $1.2 million worth of donations and we're not going to tell you about the charity just yet but we have so much stuff to give away, we're starting the giving early. joining me right now is mr. anthony morrow, he's the star point guard for the golden state warriors and you guys have
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something for this charity that you've done very nicely. >> yes, on behalf of the golden state warriors we would like to present this brand-new basketball court with our brand-new warriors logo to the lend a hand foundation and the children of this community. >> well, that's awfully nice. this is beautiful. this court is a state-of-the-art basketball court. you have done such a wonderful job. and what's your season look like next year? >> we have a draft pick coming up, so we're excited about that and we're just glad to be playing in front of these great fans out here in san francisco and oakland. >> thank you so much. we're going to still reveal -- we have our charity to reveal in the next half hour. let's get a look at your weather and see what's going on. we're talking about temperatures that are -- this is our pick city of the day, san francisco, some morning clouds and then sunshine, temperatures in the upper 60s, and as we look at the weather maps today, the satellite, you can see we have showers in the pacific northwest. big storms moving through the central plains where they could see more tornadoes again in montana where we've got a risk
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of strong storms from there all the way into western indiana. sunshine up and down the eastern seaboard but record high temperatures from the >> we are off to a quiet start on this monday. it is going to be a warm day, but the humidity will be lower than over the weekend. mosely sunday as the fo and in the words of al pacino, we're just getting warmed up. we have a whole lot more to give away on our first day of lend a hand today. natalie? >> you're building up the anticipation. can't wait for the big reveal,
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al, thank you. we'll check back in shortly for that. up next, an heiress leaves the majority of her multimillion-dollar fortune to her dogs and staff. now her son is crying foul. we'll talk to him exclusively right after this. [ female announcer ] fact: children's advil® brings your child's fever down faster and keeps it down longer than children's tylenol®. not even children's motrin® is proven better. for relief you can trust, look for children's advil® in the cough/cold aisle now. ♪ daisy, do-do a dollop
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our family-owned company makes daisy... with 100% natural farm-fresh cream. no artificial ingredients. no preservatives. and no added hormones. ♪ better with a dollop here ♪ fresher with a dollop there ♪ ♪ wholesome in every way ♪ daisy, do a dollop ♪ daisy, do-do a dollop [ male announcer ] your mouth is amazing. did you know that 40% of tooth surface is hidden between teeth, where inter-dental stains can form? that's why aquafresh created iso-active whitening. a breakthrough gel that transforms into an active foam. it not only helps prevent cavities, it whitens 33% better between teeth. whiten beyond toothpaste. try triple protection iso-active whitening from aquafresh. amazing.
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and we love rollbacks. the new game that everybody is talking about is here. super mario galaxy 2. this kid's a natural! mario's got all these new tricks. it's rated e for everyone. even yoshi's back! [ yoshi ] whoo! i love that guy! plus rollbacks on five other mario wii games. mama mia! [ laughs ] i'm darrell, and i save people money so they can live better. think i should grow a mario mustache? so they can live better. the forecast is full of ifs. retirement these days, if i'm too exposed to downturns. if i'll go through my savings too fast. to help you feel more confident consider putting a portion of your savings in a metlife variable annuity. when the market goes up, it gives your assets a potential to grow. while protecting you if the market goes down with a steady stream of income.
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metlife annuities have helped over a million people stay on course with guarantees for the if in life. get answers about annuities at it makes my skin really silky and velvety. this is my body wash. what do you mean? this is it? why?! oh, don't do that to me! dove creamoil body wash. now with nutrium moisture. nutrium moisture. i'm a believer. the nourishment in dove creamoil goes somehow deeper. i'm happy about the change. change is good. dove creamoil body wash. we are back now at 8:10 with the legal battle over the estate of a miami beach heiress who left millions of dollars in cash and property to her dogs and staff. her only living son is now fighting his mother's will in
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court alleging she was manipulated into changing it. in a moment, he'll speak out in an exclusive live interview. first here's nbc's mark potter. >> reporter: behind the walls of this miami beach mansion lies a story of ostentatious wealth, and allegation as dying woman was manipulated by her staff. heiress gail ponser died of cancer. in a trust written in 2008, she left her multimillion-dollar mansion and $3 million to her three dogs including conchita, a chihauhau who with her wigs and diamond jewelry was once promoted as the world's most pampered dog. in addition to this mansion and the money for the dogs, the trust also gives another $26 million to gail ponser's bodyguards, housekeepers, assistants and a personal trainer. one of those bodyguards alone gets $10 million, one of the housekeepers taking care of the dogs gets another $5 million.
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but ponser's son and only surviving child gets $1 million and he is crying foul. >> the estate doesn't belong to nine bodyguards and maids and a trainer who brainwashed my mother and tried to pickpocket h her. >> reporter: in a lawsuit carr claims his mother suffered from mental disorders, psychosis, paranoid delusions and bi-polarism and that her staff convinced her to include them in her will. carr says video he shot on his cell phone shows his ailing mother being controlled by others. >> do you want me in the house or out of the house? >> in the house. >> i'm doing my job. you're not obeying her orders. >> i'm doing my job. >> mom, do you want him to leave or me to keep the phone? >> stay. >> they're trying to control you. >> oh, i know. >> no, we're not. >> reporter: a lawyer defending the trust told nbc news as a matter of policy we do not comment on pending litigation other than the claims will be vigorously defended. a bodyguard at the mansion also
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wouldn't comment on the nasty fight over what occurred behind these walls. for "today," mark potter, nbc news, miami beach. brett carr is with us exclusively along with his attorney alan kluger. good morning to both of you. what was your relationship with your mom like in her final days, months, and years? >> yeah, i'm just grateful i was able to see her in her last few days because they blocked me. after that video, that you saw the bodyguard wrestle the camera out of my hand and i screamed at him and i got it back, luckily, and they never let me in the house. they locked the front gate after that. the attorney schlessinger had me barred even after he sent them a copy of the video. >> i heard your relationship with your mom described as rocky. is that an incorrect term? how would you describe it? >> well, it was rocky like sylvester stallone rocky but it wasn't rocky in any other way
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because she was a fighting spirit, a champion. she grew up in the worst possible circumstances and only surrounded by a lot of money. her father was a predator both wall street and the girls in the family and i always channmpione her. as a matter of fact, i wrote a book that exposed him as a child molester on the front page of "the wall street journal" in '92 to protect my sister and my mother. >> i'm paraphrasing but you are alleging that this staff, these people she had around her in her final days and months brainwashed her and even drugged her. when did you start to see a change in your mother and her attitude, if any, during -- toward you? >> well, i was making the film "revolution" and my mother got sober for the first time in her life, not fully but she attempted sobriety and i took her to some aa meetings in about 2001. and she was so proud of me and i was so proud of her. she said, listen, the past is
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the past. i have a new lease on life. i love you. i want to make up for it. i know that you tried to protect me and tina. >> she said to you directly at one time that you were going to be getting the bulk of her estate? >> i told her until she gave me an alcoholic anonymous i wouldn't talk to her because she was destroying her life. for seven years approximately between 2000 and 2007 she said i know you've been working so hard, you made this movie that's great, let me reward you. and she gave me about 700 grand to finish it up and promote it and we had a great relationship. >> and did she talk about the bulk of her estate and where that would go? >> she said half of everything i get, i'm going to give it to you alive when i get my settlement. she got $123 million. the bodyguards and the maids, i dot think it happened all of a sudden like a conspiracy. they saw a frail woman who is
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vulnerable, who had a delusional ego, she thought she was a movie star, and slowly they got into her world and then they saw, okay, this is working, now it's growing be a then they completely took advantage and kept me away. >> let me bring alan in. this video we played, shot from your cell phone -- >> i'm shocked by it when i watch it. >> is that admissible in a court? >> yes. brett can testify that this reflects exactly what he saw and, matt, you look at the video, it's pretty powerful. you don't see things like that normally where gail ponser is saying, don't leave, they're controlling me. that's exactly what happened here. and, matt, the real problem in the case, what's sad, these people -- their job was to take care of her. >> see, i think the most powerful part of the video is not even what your mom says, it's the fact that someone tried to grab the camera out of your hand as she was saying it. >> give me that phone or something like that. >> he took it, he grabbed it, ran out of the house and really was not allowed back in.
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he couldn't get back in. really the threat of his physical welfare. >> footage not on there where i walk in and she says they're trying to kidnap and kill me. >> but you've also said she has delusional personality. >> of course, and she was in and out. i mean, listen, the second i was out of there, they probably went into her ear and said, see, he's dangerous. >> what is your feeling in terms of the strength of your case to get this will overturned? >> i think we're in really good shape. two things you don't normally see in the case, you have this video and he's the natural object of her affections. he's her son. all relationships are rocky. all moms and sons have fights. but this is her son and she loved him. >> and you asked me how i felt. i was grateful to simply be able to have her pass away in my arms. it it was the most spiritual experience of my life and that's because they couldn't stop me from walking into the hospital on her deathbed. >> we are going to follow this story. brett carr, alan, thank you for being here. we appreciate it. >> you were great in "land of
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the lost." >> thanks. a juxtaposition there. i appreciate that. thanks. up next, we'll lighten things up with lend a hand today. al's million-dollar reveal for the terrific charity in need. come on up here, where your brothers sit. wow! chevy traverse. a consumers digest best buy, with a 100,000 mile, powertrain warranty. it seats eight comfortably - not that it always has to. ow, get 0% apr for 60 months on a 2010 traverse with an average finance savings of around fifty four hundred dollars. see yo local chevy dealer. from more hotels for my withperfect girls' weekend. plus i can compare dates to find out when i can save the most cash. done and done. we should do this more often. where you book matters. expedia.
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[ female announcer ] when the more options you have,ght, the more likely you are to stay on track. that's why there are 9 delicious kinds of special k® cereal. ♪ ♪ because every girl could use a little variety. ♪ special k®, now in 9 delicious flavors. [ woman ] jonny is an inventor. [ jonny ] i had an idea to reduce co2 emissions by putting an aerodynamic shield on old school buses. up there. he submitted the idea to the pepsi refresh project. [ jonny ] and got tons of people to vote. and greenshields won a $25,000 pepsi refresh grant. i can't remember a time
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when jonny wasn't blowing something up. i mean that affectionately. [ female announcer ] every time you drink pepsi, you support the pepsi refresh project. every pepsi refreshes the world. ♪ (laughing through computer) good night, buddy. good morning, dad. (announcer) oreo. milk's favorite cookie. ♪ hey. thanks, mom. you're welcome. ♪ ba da ba ba ba blend it. sprinkle it. sweet! [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar
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you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. [ male announcer ] savory. fluffy. yummy. sweet! [ female announcer ] splenda®. america's favorite no calorie sweetener. ♪ somebody lend a hand back now at 8:21 with the first stop on "lend a hand today" tour, al's weeklong cross-country venture to help out some deserving charity. >> as we told you already this morning he is in san francisco about to do great things. al, good morning again. >> hey, matt and that thely, thank y thank you so much. real options for city kids, r.o.c.k. san francisco -- the iconic city by the bay with its picturesque vistas, golden monuments and
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classic symbols. as a city idyllic, but there are parts of san francisco where the trademark fog covers more than just homes, places tourists never see. >> visitation valley, it's historically underserved neighborhood. it's considered at risk. ♪ when you're raised on a dead end street ♪ >> a small neighborhood just a little over 1 1/2 square miles, about 15 blocks. but over the last three years it has become an urban killing field, accounting for close to 20% of the murders in san francisco. >> this is a tough place to grow up in. hey rock eers! >> it's also where this man, a pocket-sized force, has helped build a giant rock for the community. as the executive director of r.o.c.k., real options for city kids, he and his staff seek to create a climate of safety and hope through sports, outdoor activities, academics, and friendship.
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giving kids something to do that doesn't involve running the streets. >> it's really a good lesson for them to see people that are stable in life, an organization that's stable in their lives. >> i think hope is a good work. r.o.c.k. represents hope. >> monique started at r.o.c.k. when she was 8 years old, a safe haven away from the violence and drugs of the neighborhood. >> the thing i like about r.o.c.k. the most it's like a family. >> with r.o.c.k.'s help monique was accepted into a private high school where she became captain of her state championship basketball team and just last month graduated from college with a degree in kineseology. >> that helped me push to the next level. i will always love them for that. >> it's all about bringing in adults who are positive role mode models, showing they can go to college, have good jobs. >> it's been such a success that r.o.c.k. has taken over the after school program in two out
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of the three schools in the neighborhood. >> the majority of the kids in this neighborhood would go home, stay at home. they can't play outside. it's not safe. the r.o.c.k. program allows them to explore a lot of great activities, get tutoring assistance, do a lot of life experience skills they normally wouldn't have or be exposed to. >> all of that without ever having to leave school. the idea is to create a seamless day where the kids get everything they need in a safe environment. >> they build huge relationships with the kids that go all the way from elementary school to high school. so that's invaluable. >> r.o.c.k., a neighborhood safe house creating real options for kids one child at a time. >> it's family. anytime you're new coming in, you're part of our family. >> all right. here we go. we have not one, not two, three trucks to open up. open them up, ladies and gentlemen. from our friends at target $
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$175,000 with school supplies, art supplies, sports equipment. from gymboree $100,000 and more worth of clothing. a very generous donation. from our friends at toys 'r' us, they brought in an 18-wheeler. 24-hour fitness donating $70,000. toys 'r' us $90,000. 18 computers coming off that penske truck. they donated $65,000 worth of computers, monitors, desk tops and printers, dry erase markers, $20,000 worth of markers and learning white boards. wells fargo, $15,000 worth of stuff. columbia sportswear, always great to us, $14,000. nathan performance gear, $14,000. old navy, $11,000 worth of clothes. we're going to get to the rest of our nation coming up on the other side of your local news and weather. all that for r.o.c.k. as lend a
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hand continues. -- > >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. let's get traffic with sarah caldwell. >> we will start on westbound 32. telegraph road, accident coming into was there. another one being cleared involving an overturned vehicle. it involves all eastbound lanes on 100 near snowden river parkway. pulaski highway, accident reported at rosedale. another reported crash at liberty road. checking on the delays. 19 miles per hour on 795.
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once you get on to the northeast side. -- once you get on to the northeast side, he will have delays on dulaney valley. what -- southbound 795 back on owings mills towards the beltway. north side is looking good at providence. every now and then you will find a slowdown on the north side. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> things are quiet on this monday morning, the first day of summer. the summer solstice took place at 7:28. it will still be a warm day. 80 at the airport, 72 in parkton. high temperatures this afternoon range between 87 and 92 degrees. without the humidity, it will not feel too bad. he muttered to come back on tuesday and wednesday --
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humidity will come back on tuesday and wednesday. scattered storms, and that will cool things off on friday and saturday. >> another update at 8:55. you need the patch. (announcer) icy hot patches. targeted no-mess relief. icy to dull pain. hot to relax it away. pain's no match for the icy hot patch.
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for the latest news and entertainment, start your morning with "today." flotv, live mobile tv that goes where you go. check out our special offers at amazon, best buy and radio shack. 8:30 now on a monday morning. it's the 21st day of june, 2010. you know what that means. the first day of summer. a lot of people on the plaza welcoming summer in in style. a little warm and humid here in the northeast, but we like it. and out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer along with natalie morales and msnbc's willie geist. the first time joining us during the weekdays, i believe.
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>> it's great to be here. this is my first day, matt. good to be here. >> a pleasure. how would you like to climb a mountain not just any mountain some day i aspire to do that. >> i wouldn't do it at any age. >> we'll meet a guy who didn't climb any mountains until the age of 60, then decided he was going to go for the world's tallest peak which is, of course, mt. everest and one little thing to throw in, he's had a hip replacement. >> wow. >> so this is crazy stuff. we'll find out why and how he did it. >> and he looks great. he's in great shape. clearly it's well worth it. >> we'll talk to him in a second. >> also, boys will be boys and some longer than others. that's right. it's a new tag line from the new movie "grown-ups" with an all-star comedy cast. we'll catch up with one of the stars david spade. >> you know the home water
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purifiers, how safe and clean they're making your water and are they worth it. we'll put those to the test. >> lots to get to. al is out in san francisco lending a hand today. something great he does every > hey, guys, we have so much stuff this first day. more than almost $1.2 million worth of donations. folks from squaw valley, usa, donating more than $10,000 worth of ski lift tickets and stuff like that, advance donating $10,000 of helmets, naked juice, $10,000 worth of juice, funky monkey snacks, $10,000 of snacks. microsoft donating $10,000 worth of office 2010 student. marvel edge e-reader tablets. that's pretty cool. penske donating the truck, dyson donating vacuums. friends at sara lee donating water bottles. lots of facial stuff for the
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kids. home goods donating furniture and shopping spree. glidden paint to spruce up the paint. and now we want to bring in kurt yagi. you have done such a tremendous job. what do you think this enabled to you do in the coming years? >> this is just overwhelming right now. we can do so much. this is more than just a year. this is several years worth of equipment that we don't have to u have a good friend of yours riding a bike cross-country. >> dave quit his job to ride a bike across the country for r . r.o.c.k. this is a big thing. he decided to encourage people to donate, individual corporations. 0,000 of donations and that's $50,000 is going to be used for the scholarship fund for college scholarships. >> that is terrific. so people can go to our website click on r.o.c.k. and donate. whatever you do dave will be
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matching it. >> $50,000. a guy with no job. >> that's fan ttastic. wow. what can the rest of us do? also, our friends from jazz sport are here. what's your name? backpacks and decorated apparel. 5,000 backpacks and 5,000 t-shirts and sweatshirts. >> you guys joined up with us last year and what was it about r.o.c.k. that made you want to jump back in? >> we were thrilled with lend a hand and saw what r.o.c.k. was doing outside of the classroom whether it be outdoors or other extracurricular activities, that's what jamsport is all about. >> a volkswagen minivan. we appreciate that. we're not done yet. like i said, we have almost $1.2 million >> it is going to be another war bay this first day of summer --
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mormon day this first day of summer. summer. hey, matt, by the way, the jamsport donation is worth more than $330,000. that's the biggest single donation we have ever had for lend a hand today. unbelievable. >> hats off to them and to you and good news for those nice people out there. way to go. we'll check in with you in a little while. thanks. when we come back, david spade is all grown up.
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what happens when five friends get together after three decades apart for a fourth of july reunion. in a word, chaos. "grown ups" stars chris rock, adam sandler, kevin james, rob schneider, and david spade who plays marcus higgins, the only member of the group who is still single. what happened there? >> hey, lenny, remember we used to come here in high school late night after we got wasted? >> what's wasted? >> wasted, kids, is something that happens when you have a hankering for ice cream. >> well, i want to get wasted. >> i want to get wasted every single day of my life. >> i want to get chocolate wasted. >> and more to follow. david spade, good morning to you. >> blow-dryer malfunction.
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>> you look great, though. you look good in the movie. movie about childhood friends coming together after -- we saw the clip there -- after their basketball coach passed away. but in real life you guys are all real friends, you adam sandler, chris rock, kevin james, rob schneider so it had to be an automatic yes for you. >> it is because adam just has this kind of funny idea and he warned me that we were going to maybe do it in the summer last year. have not done a movie with adam and we have been buddies since before "snl" and it's always good to go safety in numbers and i think everyone there is funny and then you get salma hayek, maya rudolph, and maria bello. adam starts it at the top, and adam is a pretty loose guy. he likes to have fun. we're all there at 5:00 a.m.
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there's 13 of us and sometimes adam has to make sure we're all -- rock and i are talking in the back trying to keep everyone settled. that's the only time it was wrote the script of the he's been behind a loft your lot of your projects including "rules of engagement." so he's the boss in a way. >> he's a good guy and it's funny, though, his movies usually do a little better than some of mine, but -- >> it's going to be great them. >> this one sounds like a super fun time and i've seen it and you've seen it. so i'm glad that it worked out the way we kind of pictured it and that crowds liked it. i'm excited for it to come out this weekend. >> are you really all grown up now? >> i think i'm the dumbest one. we voted like rock is the best dressed and sam is the most responsible because he has kids and he runs that whole company.
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i didn't win anything. >> you play the single, sarcastic guy who -- >> it typical of real life. i wanted to be married in the movie. he said you can't even pretend to be married. nobody will buy it. that's not good news. it's kind of funny that he kind of roughly based it on our own personalities. >> and, you know, it really seems when i watched the film last night, it seems like there's a lot of jokes that are happening under the surface because you guys do know each other so well and you have worked together on "snl" and been a big part of comedy. >> every movie is like, yeah, i'm going to make it all up, but we don't. it is fun to say stuff and then adam was loose about letting us do whatever. it is still a movie, we still had structure and have to do jokes. he has the luxury of going like kevin james has a joke here and i say one and then rock and -- >> you try to one-up each other then? >> we tried not to. we tried to just be professional and go this is kevin james'
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line, this is rock's one. it worked out. >> we see a whole other side, the back side of david spade. >> oh, yeah. >> was that hard are for you to do? you didn't get a stunt butt? >> the one day i don't, you know, spray tan and put makeup on my butt is the day we decide to shoot it. no, he comes in and goes, maybe like after the shot we'll just show you because you're used to being single so you just walk around naked. >> okay, nice. >> right now? you're good, right? >> is that in your contract? >> yeah, just quick waxing and stuff and i ran out there and did it and i said, you should have put some powder on, anything. it's rough. it's a rough ride to see that. >> there's a big basketball scene, though, in the movie. not to give it away. >> no, the basketball -- there's a big rematch in the movie. >> so are you really a decent player? >> no. no. we're mott supposed to be, i don't think. we were good in seventh grade. and so adam is very good in real
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life. we're crummy. it's good kind of family -- it's a feel-good summer -- it's perfect right now for the summer. >> it really is. >> it's about fourth of july and it's coming up. >> exactly. good reunion, family reunion type of thing. david spade, great to have you here. >> you have the mountain climber and a big show. >> are you going to do my job? "grown ups" opens friday. >> adam sandler and the rest of the cast all coming back here wednesday. >> that's right. are you up for that? >> we're wednesday so you guys stay tuned.
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♪ we're back now 8:45. this morning on "today's fountain of youth" an increasing feat at any age, one man has
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dreamed of climbing mt. everest. he has conquered the highest peak in the world. don healey, good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> your story came to us from a good source, your nephew. he called us -- he got us to think about this but when you say at 10 years old you started thinking of climbing mountains. it's not like you set yourself on a course to do that. >> no, it was just a seed pla planted when i read the conquest of everest, the first hard back book i ever read and chronicled the ascent of the mountain which sir edmond hillary and caught my attention. >> some day you'll do it. by your own admission, you were not the most physically active person throughout your life. in fact, you were kind of somewhat of a couch potato, maybe not a full couch potato. >> i was really getting there. i had never done any formal exercise through the age of 60 and i started gaining weight and
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waistline at an alarming rate and decided i had to do something about it so i started working out at the age of 61. >> most people would say i'll ride a bike a couple times of week. you seriously set your sights on that childhood dream of climbing mountains and everest came up. talk to me about the training. how rigorous was it? >> it was pretty rigorous. i worked out with some young men at my company, visual graphics systems. we had a little gym and every day at lunch time i'd go down and these guys relished beating up the boss. it was a challenge and i love a challenge and had to outdo them. >> you did ride a bike and ended up having an accident on the bike and fast forward having a hip replacement. a lot of people would say, okay, there goes the mt. everest dream and you decided just the opposite. >> it really made me more determined than ever to make the summit and i went through a lot of physical therapy and started climbing exactly 90 days after
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my hip replacement, did did mt. ra rainier and did kilimanjaro. >> all amazing feats. you spent time trekking and acclimating and it comes to the point of the climb where everybody has to decide to make a push for the summit. how tough a call was it? how tough was the final push? >> it was very tough. it was snowing like crazy. we had put off our summit day until the weather was supposed to be perfect. and a storm moved in at the last minute and we went up in a blinding snowstorm for eight hours. it finally cleared up a bit. >> can can you describe the feeling of reaching the top? >> well, that point after eight weeks on the mountain, grueling training, i was kind of numb when i got there. but on reflection, i was really very humbled by all the support i got from my sherpa team, the wonderful guides from alpine
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ascent, and the many people who followed my blog. >> i know in your climb you wanted to raise awareness and you wanted to help some children in nepal with physical disabiliti disabilities. what do you think this can can do for that cause? >> well, having benefited from tremendous medical care that allowed me to go to the summit, i wanted to give back and so i sponsored the hospital and rehabilitation center for disabled children. they take children from around nepal and fix up their orthopedic needs. it's a phenomenal institution. people can learn more about it at my website and make online tax deductible donations there as well. >> that's a great idea. are you going to sit on the couch for a little while, i hope, take a break? >> actually i promised my wife i would take a break from climbing. i also promised her i'd take salsa lessons which may be more challenging than the summit of
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everest. >> don, it's a pleasure to meet you. congratulations. >> nice to meet you, too. next up, how clean is your tap water.
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this morning on "today's consumer" your tap water.
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janice lieberman is here with details. good morning, natalie. you know there's a wave of products promising to clean up your water supply. it's a billion-dollar business and the choices can be mind-boggling. so how do you know they work and how much should you need to spend on it? we went to the experts to find out. the browns from saline, michigan, have two young boys and worry about the water they drink. >> we want to make sure the water we're giving them is clean. you know, you don't know what chemicals there are potentially in the water coming from the tap system. >> and the truth is, no one knows. experts admit there could be traces of lead, fertilizer, arsenic, and even pharmaceuticals in the water supply. george hopkins of the washington, d.c., water authority says the problem could be one that's very close to home. >> you could have an issue in your home if you have galvanized pipes. there's a certain kind of piping that can cause a problem, lead
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fixtures, lead pipes. >> think about how our water gets from here to our tap and is it clean? if it is clean, are the pipes that lead to our faucets chemical free? so it's no wonder the home water filtration business is a booming billion-dollar industry. a dizzying array from magic wands and water pitchers to under counter systems to, yes, even shower heads. all in an effort to catch trace particles and reduce the chemically treated taste. so which one is right for you? we asked tom brusema of a nonprofit public health and safety organization which tests products to make sure the claims the company makes are true to help us compare some of the most popular systems from the pitcher, the faucet filter, to under the counter unit and the reverse osmosis system. but how do these products work in a real laboratory, our home? tell me about the options
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because it sure does get confusing. >> most come down to consumer preferences. they do the same thing but some consumers may want the flexibility of a pitcher style that's portable on the counter top. others go under the sink so they're off the counter top out of sight. some sit on the counter top. most will do reduction, chlorine, some metal contaminants. >> getting cleaner water doesn't have to break the bank. for about 30 bucks a pitcher will do the trick. so, tom, this pitch er can prety much do the same thing as all these products but you'll have to keep refilling it? >> it has similar technology but, you're right. it has the slower production rate, more frequent cartridge changes. >> another option is the faucet filter. the ease of getting it right from the faucet but you don't want to spend a lot of money, is that a good option? >> it actually is a good option and it does mount directly on the fawcett in the kitchen.
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>> the next is a step up. >> they do have a faucet that comes to deliver your treated water. >> and the cadillac of filter systems, reverse osmosis. >> the ro system has broader capability in terms of the types of contaminants it will reduce. >> and it's going to cost you. the browns, who used to be bottle water users have stepped up to the reverse osmosis system just had their system tested by the company and saw almost no contaminants. and so does this give you peace of mind for your family? >> yeah. 90% of those particles that could be bacteria or anything coming through the water, is really the best we can to have the water in our house be the safest, the cleanest we can provide for our family, for our boys. >> so really all the products do the same thing but the first thing you need to know is about your own water supply so you can have it done, tested by your local water authority for free or just a f
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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. violence this weekend ends with nearly a dozen people shot in baltimore city. 10 people were shot just after midnight saturday iinto sunday morning. one of the victims, a 19-year- old, was shot and killed about 9:30 saturday night at washington ave. police have no suspects in any of the shootings and are tryin ♪ storyteller: hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle the cow jumped over the moon. then quickly fell back to earth, landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily, geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance.
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they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later sold the cow, because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. >> now let's look at the forecast with tony pann. >> the summer solstice to place at 7:28. it is going to feel like summer, but the humidity is going down from over the weekend. it is still going to be hot. it will feel more comfortable
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than it did on sunday. mostly sunny skies are forecast. next couple of this, that humidity will go up on tuesday and wednesday. scattered thunderstorms possible each day in the afternoon. strong cold front goes by, and we will be back into the mid- 80's by friday and saturday. >> another update at 9:25.
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