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tv   11 News  NBC  April 17, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news at 6:00 in high-definition. >> a fire in the historic downtown district of annapolis reached for alarms. it even brought out crews from the u.s. naval academy. that is our big story this
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evening. fire officials responded to maryland avenue around 1:30 p.m. this afternoon. on the scene, they realized the flames would not be easy to get to. kim dacey is live and annapolis with the latest. >> we're standing in state circle. the fire is down the road on maryland avenue. maryland avenue is still partially blocked off with fire equipment. the blaze started around 1:30 p.m. this afternoon. it went to four alarms. firefighters say that it is mostly because the fire was in the empty space between the two buildings on maryland avenue. the flames were between the walls of the smoke shop and a pet boutique. it took firefighters nearly an hour to put it out. because the fire was in the older buildings, the fire crews say battling the blaze was especially difficult. >> there are multiple challenges.
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people parking illegally makes it tough. the crowds of people were also an issue. >> investigators had not determined what caused the fire. luckily, no one was injured in a blaze. the red cross did come in to help five people who lived in the apartments above the businesses. they say the damage was minimal. those people will likely only be displaced for tonight. kim dacey for wbal-tv 11 news. >> it was a violent start to the weekend. detectives are investigating half a dozen murders. a man was shot and killed in what appears to be a drug- related home invasion. it happened before 11:00 last night. a man was also gunned down in northeast baltimore. the victim has been identified as 30 years old. a fight inside the liquor stores sold out on to militant ave.
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in northwest baltimore, two men were shot in a drive-by shooting around 10:30 p.m. in the 4100 block of can shaw avenue -- kenshaw ave. six people were shot last night. three of them died. if you have any information on these cases, call metro crime stoppers. you could be eligible for a reward. it seems the crime victims of baltimore walk could not have come at a better time. it helps to cover costs that insurance does not cover. >> you can donate and volunteer. if you are the victim of crime, you can make application to have the fund to assist you. >> the run today coincides with national crime victims rights week that begins tomorrow. there is a walk of solidarity in
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the waverly neighborhood of baltimore. that comes after to the murders in the neighborhood last week. city leaders say they want to assure the community of their resolve to restore and maintain safety. ♪ >> it feels more like march today with the blustery wind after the cold front. the wind held the temperatures down today. we were stuck in the 60's for a while instead of 80's like yesterday. the strong winds are bringing in some other disturbances. we are on the south edge of it. there is some shower activity in pennsylvania. there is no mixed in -- there is snow in the higher regions. that is staying north of us. we've had a pretty nice day unless you do not like the wind. the wind has been gusting into the '30's in some cases.
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we will talk about the insta- weather forecast and see how things will change. >> president obama says it is time for new rules on wall street. he wants to prevent future meltdowns. if investors make bad gambles, the president insists the taxpayers should not be left holding the bag. brian moore has our "project economy" reports from washington. >> after winning the bitter fight over health care reform, taking on wall street seemed like a safe political move for president obama. >> we're going to put new rules in place so that the banks and financial institutions will pay for the bad decisions they make, and not the taxpayers. >> his approval numbers are near an all-time low. republicans are challenging is regulatory reform efforts. they are painting them as another washington power grab. >> the democrats hold every lever of power in washington. they have never met a tax they
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did not like or found a dollar they cannot spend. >> republicans are hoping to ride the wave of public frustration to victory in the congressional elections. they are aiming their message to voters like these to believe that washington is the problem. members of the tea party movement vented their anger. they are hoping to draw even bigger crowds to the polls less than seven months from now. president obama is running out of time to make the changes he says this country needs. he wants to convince the country why the changes are needed. republicans say the president is opening the door to more bailouts with claims they say are cynical and deceptive. >> can the eight-game losing streak be stopped? pete joins us for sports.
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the maryland racing community pauses to remember one of their own.
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>> is credited with making the preakness the premier event in maryland. he was remembered. dozens gathered at the jockey club to honor the former general manager. he been passed away on march 18 at the age of 83. they honored his wish to have his ashes scattered in the winner's circle. >> chick has always been very special to us at wbal radio. . he made it possible for us to broadcast from the jockey's eras. he made sure they knew that our place that day was right next to the jock's room door.
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that way we can get them coming onto and off the racetrack. >> for more on the life of the it londonderry chick lang, the to our web site and click on sports. >> cold temperatures and precipitation to the northwest. there is no involved. the forecast is coming up. c wb11
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>> there is a reminder to protect your personal information. identity theft is becoming a big business. the better business bureau came out to help people tried personal documents. rob roblin has the consumer alert. >> people lined up with documents to be shredded. >> a lot of stuff is being
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shredded. i would do it at home but it is time consuming. if i can bring it here, it is great. >> it was sponsored by the better business bureau. it was free. >> this is our effort to say to people to get the things out of their home that someone could pick up and used to steal your account numbers and all that stuff. >> lots of folks to the advantage of the freak shredding. in the first hour, over 100 cars came through with documents to be shredded. each shredder can shred 10,000 pounds of paper each. >> district and hold 5 tons. we have the other track. -- this truck can hold 5 tons. we have the other truck. we're prepared with a third if we need it. >> it is important to shred documents. she works for easy shield identity protection. >> we tell people how to protect
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their identity. shredding is an easy way to get rid of your personal information that you have all over the place. >> what the documents safely shredded, lots of people felt relieved about protecting themselves from identity theft. rob roblin for wbal-tv 11 news. >> a great day brought the matter out for the spring cleanup. community leaders and residents joined the mayor and city officials for the annual citywide event. the cleanup included playgrounds and sidewalks. the mayor emphasized the partnership between the city and residents in the effort to keep the community clean. >> here is your insta-weather forecast with meteorologist john collins. >> we do see clouds from baltimore and northward. in pennsylvania, there are scattered scours and some snow. there will be more tonight as
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temperatures drop. this is not late effect snow. the snow is also falling upstream. this weather disturbance is spinning around what is left of the storm that went through earlier. at the moment, all of this is the north of us. we expect it to stay north. we will keep an eye on it. we have blustery winds gusting to 30 miles per hour at the airport. a high temperature was 64 right after midnight. temperatures drop off a bit after that. the afternoon high was 63 at 1:00. that was only for one hour. after 1:00, to produce dropped into the 50's. 66 was the high at the harbor just after midnight. 53 and 54 or the lows at the airport and downtown. those are the current to pitchers. only a trace of precipitation at the airport since midnight. temperatures will be in the
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50's around the region. the readings of already dropped into the 40's western maryland. here is the satellite picture. the weather disturbance is spinning around. you can see this disturbance in the clouds coming out of the great lakes and pushing in. that will cause some cloudiness tonight. we expect most of the moisture to stay in pennsylvania and in the mountains. we've heard a lot of discussion about the ash cloud coming off the volcano and iceland. by tomorrow morning, if there are eruption,s the weather pattern will pull it over the northern british isles and scandinavia into russia. it will not go too deeply into europe. the air still has to clear their. they're still having trouble problems. this kind of weather problem would cause problems with transatlantic flights.
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the problems will likely continue with the ash cloud. we have partly cloudy skies. it is breezy and chilly. 35 to 40 will be the overnight low. the area of high pressure will give us several days of great weather. it will be on the cold side. there is a disturbance to the north. we're watching something to the south. that will not be an issue for several days. he will be partly cloudy during the day tomorrow. -- it will be partly cloudy during the day tomorrow. the forecast shows the disturbance to the north with snow possible overnight into tomorrow morning. the moisture will stay north of the pennsylvania line. by the middle of the day tomorrow, we may pick up some clouds and feel is sprinkled. it is not a major part of the forecast. tuesday and wednesday it looked right as well. here is the seven-day forecast. 37 will be below tomorrow morning.
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57 will be the high. it will be dry on monday, tuesday, and wednesday. it will still be cool on thursday. on saturday, there is a chance for rain. >> it is time for 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> facebook is lighting up about the orioles today. it is not about the losing streak. the story claims the orioles' owner turned down cal ripken jr.. it was a disastrous start. cal asked to be part of the team and was told no because according to the story, he did not want to share the credit when it turned -- team turns around. rosenthal cites three unnamed sources for the star. regardless of how this plays out, enough people will believe the worst.
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the owner has tossed aside the greatest ordeal when the team needs help. the game is not on tv. he was injured in the sixth sliding into first base. we're not sure how badly yet. bair in the eighth inning. the game is tied. -- they are in the eighth inning. the game is tied. we pick this up in the bottom of the first. that was a nice catch. this is in the bottom of the fourth. it is a shot to the right. in that ballpark, it is not hard to find lots of room. it turns into a triple. the a's are up 4-0. it is a tie. he is the orioles' home run king the season with three. no one else had more than one. the birds fell 4-2. bair want and tim on the season.
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it was a day of rivals. -- they are 1 and 10 on the season. it was a day of rivals. the are -- mother of all rivals is army versus navy. they're buying for a spot in the n.c.a.a. tournament. navy takes the lead. in the second quarter, to dispel the notion of new talent. that is a gorgeous shot over the shoulder. he drives, shoots, and scores. the referee said he was in the crease. that was a bad call. army escaped with a victory. the top-10 teams are leading in baltimore. loyola at georgetown in the first. chris hurst is the beneficiary. loyola is in front. georgetown is staying in the game.
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that was nice and quick. it is a 3-2 game. we go to the third. they are tied at four. that is the third goal of the game. that is part of the run for the hounds. they get a series quality w in. the best team is an action today. the regular-season victory facing chicago. there is no title on the resume. that is what he is searching for. shaquille o'neal is back in the game. he is running on the court. the score is 11-8 cavaliers. you should not be able to do that to hundred 65 pounds. that is ridiculous. 16-10. watch and enjoy this. it just hangs in the air for ever.
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cleveland takes the first game, 96-83. that is it for sports. stay with us for a check on the forecast. it's the chevy spring event. and everyone deserves a car they can count on. one that's backed by a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. and named a consumers digest best buy, two years in a row. discover malibu for yourself and see why over a thousand people a day are switching to chevy. during the spring event, qualified lessees can get a low mileage lease on this new malibu ls for around $199 a month. call for details. the switch to chevy starts at chevy dealer dot com.
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and transforming it an impossible dream? with olay, challenge what's possible. challenge skin creams costing up to $700. olay regenerist outperformed them. challenge the leading prescription wrinkle regimen with olay pro-x. clinically proven as effective at reducing the look of wrinkles. and challenge anyone who says you can't fight 7 signs of aging all-in-one with olay total effects. love how you see yourself and feel about yourself more than you dreamed possible. with olay, challenge what's possible.
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>> here is a look at the stories we're working on for later tonight. there is a show of force in one baltimore community. there's a lot of solidarity. you hear about the plan to take back the community. their plans on a mother of a penalty in education. >> tonight, an extraordinary view from the air of the ball canada-. it goes from bad to worse. we will have reports from both sides of
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>> it will be called for the next few days. it should stay dry. there will be a lot of clouds tomorrow. we will wind up at 57 from a high. the next chance for rain is at the end of next week. >> that is it for us at 6:00. [captioning made possible
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>> this is an editorial by president and general manager jordan wertlieb. >> each year, high school students across maryland are involved in thousands of traffic accidents. textile and loud music can contribute. in the effort to save lives. wbal has joined forces with university of maryland shock trauma center to alert teenagers and their families to the dangers of driving while distracted. the project is a comprehensive series of news reports, interviews, and messages encouraging all drivers, especially students, to change their behavior and not drive distracted. for years, nurses have visited schools to share the stories of those who have become victims. educators have been encouraged to incorporate the importance of safe driving into the schools. new drivers are the focus, but we encourage everyone to talk about the dangers of driving
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while distracted with their friends and family. we pledge to keep our roads safe. please visit and download the pledged certificate. sign it and pledge not to drive distracted. practice safe driving behavior. for the pledge and more information go to
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