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tv   11 News at 5AM  NBC  April 5, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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>> we have seen a rising number of these very violent gangs in our city. prosecutors in maryland lack the tools to seek convictions and penalty that are appropriate for this level of violence. >> the bill showed strong support on friday. if passed, it will head on to the senate. but not everybody believes it will curb criminal activity.
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we'll have more on that later in the newscast. kerry cavanough, wbal-tv 11 news. >> a frederick county man is hipped bars after allegedly set being his apartment building on fire. the saturday fire was arrangely -- originally believed to have been started by a cigarette but now investigators say it was intentionally started by john bushman. all apartments were inhabitable. damage is estimated at about $1.5 million. meanwhile, investigators are trying to determine the cause of a fire at a home in rosedale. the fire was so intense, we're told crews were forced to battle it only from the exterior it took them less than an hour to bring that fire under control. >> three people including a baltimore city police officer are recovering this morning after being attacked by a loose pitbull. officers responded to winston avenue just before noon saturday after receiving a call about a
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loose dog. the pit ball attacked one of the officers in the thigh. he was treated at mercy. a young boy was taken to hopkins hospital for bites to the arm and hand. a third victim, a man, was bitten in the hand but refused treatment. the dog was captured by animal control. >> ehrlich announcessed saturday morning he'll be signing off his weekly radio show in july when he signs his candidacy papers. the news comes on the heels of his announcement last week of a political rematch against governor o'malley this move. ehrlich's wife says she'll continue to host the show after july. governor o'malley has not responded to an offer for equal time on the radio station. that brings us to our "watercooler question of the day." do you think former governor ehrlich's radio show provides him with an unfair platform for candidacy? e-mail your response to >> tiger woods' return to golf not only leaves him practicing for a chance at a fifth masters
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title but also preparing for those long avoided questions from reporters. woods quietly slipped into augusta yesterday. he'll continue to practice today, but his first major test could come this afternoon when he faces reporters for his first press conference since the sex scandal erupted. sure to surface, questions about the night he's been avoiding. it's unclear if he'll finally give an answer. >> i'd love for him to clear up what happened. how do you wind up barefoot in the car of your driveway, backing up and hitting a tree at 2:30 in the morning. >> woods' return despite a spike in ticket prices. we'll be streaming the press conference at 2:00 this afternoon live on our website. log on to >> just an absolutely gorgeous easter sunday filled with lots of sunshine and warm weather. after 25 years the easter parade returned to west baltimore.
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groups from the milford mill honor guard and drill team, the baltimore christian warriors, the women's drumming group all participated. there were also performances by several churches including the st. martin praise and worship team and the st. peter choir. and there were celebrations yesterday in the catholic church despite the ongoing sex scandal plaguing the vatican in rome. yesterday the archbishop said the church was trying to repair the damage and easter sunday was not the time to discuss the accusations. the archbishop spoke outside baltimore's basilica, considered to be america's first cathedral. >> 5:07. coming up, a father jumps into a manhattan river to rescue his young daughter. all caught on tape. >> plus a wake-up call for the station of the discovery. details when we "covering the nation." >> a live look at traffic. beltway at harford road so far
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so good
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we're never gonna catch anything. patience, son. ah! [ female announcer ] sometimes, you can get so much out of so little. woohoo! [ female announcer ] especially when it comes to charmin ultra soft. its ultra soft design is soft and absorbent. it has so much absorbency, you can use 7 sheets versus 28 of the leading value brand. so your family can get more out of less. mom's never gonna believe this one. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft.
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enjoy the go. >> welcome back. 5:10. 58 degrees downtown. always quiet on this monday morning. a few clouds, but we don't expect any weather trouble there. could be a few showers coming in tonight, but i think we're going to stay dry during the day and unseasonably mild. we're in the low to mid 50's in most spots. 51 at the airport. 55, westminster. a mix of sun and clouds. we expect a high of 75 this afternoon. again there could be some rain tonight. we'll talk about that and check a summer-like seven-day forecast when i come back in a few minutes. >> "covering the nation" this morning, locked and loaded. the crew of the space shuttle discovery is ready for this morning's liftoff. the seven-member crew will deliver eight tons of science experiments, equipment and supplies to the international space station. the 13-day mission is one of the four remaining missions and will
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most likely be the last launched at night. the shuttle is expected to take off from kennedy space center at 6:21 this morning. >> police are considering pressing charges against the driver of a bus who caused a deadly crash in denver when he ran a red light. two people were killed following saturday's accident. police say the city bus flew through the red light, t-boning a car and pittin -- hitting a pickup truck. the driver of the pickup truck as well as 10 people onboard the bus were injured. the bus driver remains in serious condition. a dramatic scene in new york city when a distraught father jumps into the east troifer rescue his 2-year-old daughter. the girl apparently fell from the gang plank of an historic shift. the father quickly jumped into the waters. she was examined by the hospital and released. that's so hard to watch. >> what a story they have for the rest of their lives. 5:11. 51 degrees on tv hill. despite concerns of scams,
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lawmakers are reassuring the census is safe. >> plus a new trend on investing that's being considered gambling on debt. how some people are cashing in on life insurance pol policies. >> if you're traveling on pratt street, we do have an accident. we'll update you. if you've taken your sleep aid
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while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. stop fighting with your sleep. get a free 7-night trial on-line and ask your doctor about switching to lunesta. discover a restful lunesta night. >> it's a little hard getting into the groove this morning.
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>> it is. it's all the sugar i ate yesterday. i confiscated after the eggs. >> the eggs? >> yes. anyway, it is a nice ride out there. despite one accident. let's check on that. in the city along pratt street at calvert street. watch for delays there. 51 miles per hour on 895. looking good on the west side at 54 miles per hour. we're traveling with an easy start on the northwest corner. 47 miles per hour. right around 795. no problems on 795 or i-70. we're at 11 minutes on the outer loop north and west side. 11 minutes southbound 95 down to 32. let's give you a live view of traffic and see what's going on. not a whole lot other than building volume in the outer loop coming toward us. no delays to report here. everything moving well on 95 coming out of the northeast. a pretty smooth ride so far on the west side outer loop. coming toward us is outer loop traffic no. delays to report down toward 95 on the southwest side. that's the latest on traffic pulse 11.
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now let's get the latest on the buses and the trains. good morning, kurt. >> good morning. great news. light rail back to full service. we are operating on schedule on the light rail metro. on time as well. the 55 bus with a 30-minute delay. the 21 bus diverting southbound at caroline and madson. on the marc, on-time service. there's an m.t.a. or m.t.a. commuter bus in service near to you help you avoid daily parking hassles and added mileage on your car. let the m.t.a. dot daily -- do the daily driving. call or go to the web. for the m.t.a. team, i'm kurt kronke. back to tony pann. >> good morning. pretty quiet on this monday as everyone heads back to work. should be smooth sailing in the weather department. there could be a little rain coming in tonight. during the day we're going to stay dry. the current temperatures are in
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the low to mid 50's. 51 at the airport. 54 in edgewood. it's 55 in rock hall in the eastern shore. you'll probably see a little high, thin cloud cover. there's no rain in the clouds. it's not going to be a crystal clear morning. there is some precipitation off to our west that will probably come through here, like i said, tonight. after 6:00, a chance for a couple of rain showers. you can see that activity going across ohio. it's moving eastbound. if we time it out, it looks like some time this evening we'll see a chance for a little bit of that rain to come through. this is a weak system going through the great lakes. at thit will pass by to our norh this area of high pressure will be the dominating factor in our weather story. that's going to push the temperatures to summerlike levels. by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday, we'll show that you in a second. but for today, a mix of sun and clouds. the high temperatures in the mid 70's. that's pretty good, still. average high is 61. we're a good 14 or 15 degrees above the mark again today. sunrise at 6:45.
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tonight, a chance for a couple of rain showers. that only put it at 30% or 40%. it's not going to be heavy rain. a chance for a few showers. temperatures again dropping back into the 50's. during the day tomorrow that little system that's going to come through tonight dissipates this big area of high pressure takes control off the southeast coast. that's going to pump the warm air in. the high temperatures are going to make it into the 80's on tuesday and wednesday. eventually some of those thunderstorms out in the plain states will catch up to us but probably not until thursday. the next couple of days basically dry and unseasonably warm. 75 today. 82 tomorrow. 84 on wednesday. again, keep in mind the average high temperature is 61. we'll be near 80 on thursday but a good chance for thunderstorms. a strong cold front goes by. that front will knock the temperatures back to near 60 by the time we get to the beginning of next weekend.
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>> this morning's consumer alert, a new website allows you to build and manage your office reputation while also allowing you to research how others work in the workplace. unvarn people -- critics claim it could ruin a reputation saying there's little to prevent postings from becoming a hate fest fueled by dris -- disgruntled workers. some people are cashing in. here's thousand works. investors pay pennies on the dollar for life settlements, most cases from a senior who can't afford payments any longer. when the insured dies, the investors receives the rest of the money. however, liquidity is limited. critics argue selling insurance policies to a third party with a conflict trf should be illegal. >> it just sounds bad. >> it does sound wrong. thank you. >> well, some refreshingly good news from the job market may
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give stocks a boost today. jane caning joins us with the -- king joins us with the "bloomberg business report." how are you and how was your weekend? >> hi, stan. very nice. weather beautiful here in new york this weekend. it was nice to see after the winter we've had. stock futures this morning are looking positive. this is our first chance to be able to react to that job growth number that we saw on friday. stocks overseas are higher as well. the labor department said on friday employers added over 160,000 workers to the payrolls last month. white house economic advisor said companies will start to hire more workers in the coming months. latest unemployment rate in maryland, 7.7%. that is lower than the national average. stocks rose back on thursday. energy companies got a big boost for the first time since october 2008 that up side continuing for crude this morning. crude right now at 52 cents a barrel.
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also a stock to watch is apple. shares were already at 52-week highs and are poised to rise today. this morning jpmorgan raised the price target to $305 a share. the ipad, of course, making its debut over the weekend. an analyst telling us apple fans may have taken home 700,000ipads, more than double the sales expected. even one graphic designer here tells us he bought the ipad even though it's ridiculously expensive. staying at a baltimore hotel may cost more soon. baltimore is considering raising taxes on hotel rooms. report says as soon as next week baltimore's mayor may raise the hotel tax as a way to plug the city's $120 million budge he had deficit. that's business. i'm jane king, bloomberg news for wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. local officials continue their efforts to get residents to
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complete this year's census but citizens are still expressing concerns. a maryland state senator, vernon jones, joined lisa robinson on sunday morning to stress the safety of the census. >> the census is very safe. we cannot share information among agencies. matter of fact, your record is sealed for 72 years. individuals can't come and find out anything about you. and, you know, like if you do not fill out this census form, can i not stress how much -- i cannot stress how much money the state will be losing and, more importantly, baltimore city will be losing. >> to see the complete interview and check out the census return rate in your area, go to our website, confidential for 72 years. i just saw the returns from my first census from 72 years ago. >> you remember that? >> yeah. i used a crayon. >> a feather pen. 5:22. >> a quill. >> right.
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coming up, another look at your morning commute with traffic and weather together. >> donovan mcnabb is traded that story straight ahead. >> and don't forget to email us your answer to our "watercooler question of the day." do you think former governor bob ehrlich's radio show provides him with an unfair platform for his candidacy as he makes another run for governor? email your response to
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>> happy monday to you. so on sunday we're enjoying a nice, quiet easter. and on sunday night things got a little bit interesting. a quiet news night no more. the redskins, ffer forever it
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seems looking for stability at quarterback and they land a trade. they land donovan mcnabb. did not see that one coming. mcnabb, a treasure to washington but many in philadelphia happy to see him go. spent 11 seasons in philly. doubting the logo of the city of brotherly love every day. he was not beloved by the city. the eagles part ways believing kevin kolb is their aaron rogers, i.e., a great starting quarterback lying in wait. for certain, despite all the nation things said sunday night about the eagles, they don't think of mcnabb's skills anymore, believing they can beat him twice a year. very interesting. the fact that it would have in division. that kind of trade rarely happens like that by the way, tonight duke-butler. a very expelling game. we'll have highlights coming up. does it have to wait until tomorrow? stick around until then. i'm pete gilbert. have a great day. >> some former ncaa players are
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taking to a different court this time fighting for money for royalties. at least 11ex-college athletes are part of a lawsuit looking to force the ncaa to pay royalties for images and video games on tv and other merchandise. lawyers argue the players should get their fair share which could amount to millions of dollars. for their images. >> wow. interesting. 5:27. 51 degrees on tv hill. coming up in the next half-hour -- >> new anti-grang legislation is scheduled for a vote today but not everyone believes it will hit the mark. that's next. >> the white house easter egg roll. that and more. >> and i'm tony pann. things are pretty quiet on this monday morning. we have a touch of summer in the seven-day. >> we're still waiting for one accident to wrap up in the city. we'll let you know if anything new has developed.
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