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tv   11 News  NBC  April 4, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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>> live, local, latebreaking. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> the faithful around the globe gathered to celebrate easter sunday as christians commemorate their holiest day of the year. it is our big story tonight, a son killed easter as christians mark this holy day here in baltimore and around -- 8 -- a sun-filled day. baltimore's basilica, was called
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a worldwide symbol of religious freedom, remains the hub, as this easter a record number of new catholics into the church at the archdiocese in baltimore. at bethel ame church, a huge crowd more this holiday with family, ms. -- commemorating the resurrection. down the road, the president and his family attended easter service at a historically black methodist church in southeast washington. the church traces its roots back to just before the civil war. and going much further back in time, in jerusalem, songs and career field the church of the holy sepulchre, the fate -- place where christians believe to be the site where jesus was crucified in derry. and rome, the fed will look for comfort from the pope or route -- about the church the sex abuse scandal. the leading cardinal spoke out
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about the pope on this easter that has been like none other in vatican city. >> and after 25 years, the easter parade is back in west baltimore. today it kicked off the return of the pennsylvania at easter parade. the baltimore christian lawyers and the women's drumming group all participated. the st. martin praise and worship team and the st. peter's choir. go to our website,, for more. a strong earthquake south of the u.s. and mexican border could be felt as far as downtown los angeles. the 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit just after 3:30 in baja california, about 90 miles southeast of mexicali. about 30 minutes ago, officials confirmed at least one death.
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as a man was found inside a collapsed home in northern mexico. the u.s. geological survey reported three strong aftershocks within the hour. it interrupted easter dinners. right now there are no reports of any injuries or major damage there. this time of year is not normally flu season, but this year the h1n1 virus seems to be making a comeback just in time for national public health week. health officials say now is the time to get vaccinated. jim joins us live at the state department of health and mental hygiene. >> marilyn just recorded its 45th swine flu death, a baltimore area adults, and the cdc says the birds is making a resurgence in the southeast. even though it feels like springtime -- say the virus is making a resurgence in the southeast. don't let the nice weather fool
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you. the h1n1 virus is still lurking around, making people sick. >> certain parts of the nation, and the south these particularly, are now seeing an uptick, for reasons that are not well understood. it is not clear whether this could probably be -- could possibly be a third way. it is not easy to predict this virus. >> merrill unsought decrease around holidays -- maryland at salt a decrease around the holidays. the total is now 45. now is the time to get vaccinated. rex is imported permission for people who have underlying conditions such as hartebeests -- heart disease or diabetes. the immunization is the one sure safe and effective way to prevent this virus. >> this time there is plenty of vaccine to go round. in every county in that state, there are free vaccination
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clinics this week. this is easily the time of year that this season is winding down, but the h1n1 is not your average virus. >> we saw cases of flu all summer last year, and we again expect to see it this summer. >> also unlike the seasonal flu, h1n1 tends to it affecting younger people more than older people, so children especially need to get the shot before the disease makes a resurgence in maryland. >> to find a vaccination clinic in your area, just dial 211. >> we have continuing coverage of the swine flu and vaccination clinics on our website, click on medical alert. officials are trying to find out what started a fire at home in rosedale. crews were called to the scene just after fog of this afternoon in the 8000 lots of ads water ave. they know that the fire began in
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the basement. officials say the fire was so intense they could only find it from the outside. there were no injuries reported. attorney events into the investigation of a big fire in emmett's bird that we showed you about last night -- a turn of events. a resident is now charged with arson. a viewer sent us a picture of these -- of the scene. we are told everyone inside the complex, which also houses a pizzeria, were all able to get out safely. john cushman was taken into custody after police learned he set fire to his own apartment. the red cross is assisting nearly 30 residents displaced from that fire. an overnight crash has claimed the life of a montgomery county police officer. he was responding to a call when he lost control of his cruiser and crashed into a tree. it just -- it happened just after 2:15 a.m. this morning in silver spring. he was rushed to a nearby
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hospital where he died. in baltimore, a city officer is among three people recovering tonight after being hit by a pit bull. officers were responding to a call of a loose dog on winston avenue just before noon on saturday. the dog bit 1 officer in that i. a man was been in the hand. he refused treatment, and a young boy received dog bites in the arm and hand and was taken to hospital where he is in good condition. the dog was captured by animal control. a large logo painted on the brass at federal hill park has been covered over now. residents and officials with the neighborhood association said the under armour advertisement was to commercial and did not benefit the city.
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in tonight's 2010 report, a bill designed to help curb gang violence in baltimore city is set to hit the house for tomorrow. the baltimore city state's attorney's office announced today the 2010 gang act is scheduled for a vote in the house of delegates on monday. the bill will make it illegal to organize, manage, our finance a criminal gang. gang leaders could receive up to 20 years in prison if convicted. >> a rising number of these very violent gangs in our city, and prosecutors in maryland and black the tools to seek convictions and penalties that our program for this level of violence. >> the bill showed strong support during a reading in the house on friday. if passed, the bill will head over to the senate. local officials continue efforts to get residents to complete this year's census. today maryland state senator bert jones stressed the safety
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of the senses. correct the census is very say. we cannot share information among agencies. the record is sealed for 72 years. individuals cannot come out and find out anything about you. if you do not fill out the census form, i cannot stress how much money the state will be losing, and more importantly, baltimore city will be losing. >> to see the complete interview, check out the senses return rate in your area, picking up to our website, >> the howard county executive is back home after a two day hospital stay, undergoing surgery to repair damage done from a massive nosebleed that caused a severe drop in his blood pressure. a spokesman says he had a scheduled vacation on the books and is now resting at home. as the door to his political future reopens, the door to former governor bob ehrlich's --
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he will be throwing his hat back into the ring for a potential rematch with governor o'malley this november. he will be ending his saturday morning radio show in july, the day he will officially filed his candidacy papers. wbal radio has offered governor o'malley equal time on the station, but had no response. justice john paul stevens announces his retirement from the supreme court, it gives president obama a second time in june 2 chance to make his mark on the high court, but it could also lead to a huge political fight. >> after a yearlong shouting match over health care reform, president obama wants to change the national conversation. >> we are beginning to turn the corner. >> he would like to focus the nation on jobs and the economy, but a looming retirement on the supreme court is threatening to drown out his message and widen the political divide. justice john paul stevens represents the left wing of a delicately balanced court, and the nomination of like-minded
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liberal replacement could set off a senate free-for-all. >> i think the gridlock in the senate might well produce a filibuster, which would tie up the senate on the supreme court nominee. i think if you are passes, there is a much better chance we would come to a consensus. >> senate democrats have lost their filibuster proof majority, and republicans could stonewall any nominee who seems too liberal. >> it is not dominate someone who is overly ideological, i do not think it was the republican voting against the nominee, but i don't think you will see them engaging in a filibuster. >> it sets the stage for another partisan showdown in an election year that will decide who controls congress. act -- asked when he might be leaving, justice stevens says he only wants to do what is best for the court. >> still to come, the video
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shoot calls quite a bit of controversy. not tonight that same shoot has landed erykah badu in hot water with the police. what she is being charged with, and how much she may have to pay. a new york toddler falls into the river, with her father not far behind. details as we cover the nation next. >> we have had some terrific whether the and the last few days and there's no reason not to believe it will continue. we'll talk about the details for the week ahead in the forecast coming up in just a few moments. the airport checks
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>> three car bombs exploded near embassies in baghdad today, killing at least 35 people and wounding more than 200. this closed-circuit the closed-
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circuit video shows a tathe att. a distraught father and jumped into new york's east river yesterday to rescue his young daughter. he was able to reach his 2-year- old after she fell from the gangplank of a storage ship. witnesses say anderson was in the water within seconds and came up with the young girl. he rescue her on his chest faceup s that were helped out of the water by strangers. to-year-old bridgette was taken to hospital and released a short time later. another person has died as a result of a fatal crash involving a city bus in colorado. witnesses said the bus ran a red light yesterday, hitting a car and a pickup, pushing it into a parking lot. the truck driver was seriously injured, along with 10 others on
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the bus. denver police say they are considering charges against the bus driver, who is still in hospital with serious injuries himself. a michigan woman has got the story to share at a hair salon after she crashed into it. 82-year-old marion was pulling into a parking space in grand rapids michigan when she drove right through the front window. she admits her foot slipped off the brake and on to the gas pedal. she said to receive a citation that will cost four. on record and likely a hike in your insurance premium. >> this is my first in 60 years of driving. so i am very upset with that. >> fortunately, no one was injured in the grass. she was shaken up, but she managed to have her hair done shortly after was over. >> the striptease in dallas's dealey plaza is going to cost
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erykah badu. she is being charged with a misdemeanor after a woman who watched the video shoot complained to police. she told police the seen discussed at her. >> when she disrobe in a public place with this regard to individuals and small children who were close by. >> the fine could cost up to $500. she has the option to fight the charge in court or to simply send in the payment. you would expect to see floats at a traditional easter break, but not this year in the big apple. hasted center stage at the easter parade on fifth avenue. all types of headwear are on display. some sported animal that, while others could not decide on just one. the parade dates back more than 100 years. it was originally away for wealthy new yorkers to strut their stuff on fifth avenue after church services.
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>> what a terrific easter sunday we had. beautiful, beautiful weather. looking to the west on radar, just a few scattered clouds over the area and that is it. out to the west, there is another weather system producing a little thunderstorm activity. as it moves east, a lot of it will break up. not a big threat to our weather, but we may see something out of this during the day tomorrow. let's look at what happened during the day today. 76 from a high at the airport. 78 at the inner harbor. the typical high is 71. cambridge is a 61, up chestertown 60, 57 in annapolis. still 63 at westminster. frederick has dropped to 52 and in the the's ad in far western
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maryland as well. scattered clouds moving into the area, holding the heat in. here are the rainmakers out to the west. there is some thunderstorm activity associated with that, but the system is not ravin moisture from the gulf of mexico. -- not grabbing moisture from the gulf of mexico. high pressure is really the thing that will dominate our weather for the next few days, and warm air coming up from the south. scattered clouds tonight, cool, 48-55 for the low. here is what the map will look like for tomorrow. here is the system out to the west that will be edging in. this is the morning map. with this war front coming in, that is when we could see a shower develop, but only a small chance. the last time we made it into the 80's was october 9 last year. mated to 83 that point. as far as records are concerned
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-- it made it to 83 at that point. wednesday is 93. i think the tuesday and wednesday records will be tough to tie our break. i do not think we will be close to 90. monday is somewhat vulnerable, 77-81 is the predicted high. scattered clouds on monday, a shower late in the day, mostly north and west of us. the rain thread is not very big tomorrow. even if it does occur, it will not amount to very much. pennsylvania is a better target. the futurecast shows the clouds tomorrow, and part of it is this warmer air coming in. maybe a shower will develop, a better chance out in the mountains. tuesday morning, maybe some showers, and this is advancing warm air coming in up in
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pennsylvania are down around the pennsylvania line. in the have a couple of days of really nice, warm weather before the next significant rain threat comes into the picture. 79 tomorrow, 85 tuesday, 86 wednesday, short of what we feel will be the records. a slight chance of rain north and west of us monday and tuesday morning. wednesday is a great day. thursday evening in to friday, rain chances, and in cooler temperatures over the weekend. >> donovan mcnabb has a new phonhome. his surprisi
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>> mike shanahan had yet to make a huge splash in washington, but that changes to nine. the redskins getting stability. donovan mcnabb giving up a second round pick this year. it is a treasure to washington, but many in philadelphia are happy to see mcnabb go. he spent 11 seasons in philadelphia. despite incredible numbers an almost annual trips to the playoffs, he was never to be loved by the city. a great starting quarterback lying in wait. despite all the nice things said by the eagles, they still think
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they can be him twice a year. an odd scenario for baltimore. they open at home on monday. this year, a day later on the road in tampa. yankees and red sox open the season tonight. right now in the seventh inning, and leave for the red sox. 8-7 is the score. the aces for each team struggle tonight. the men's national championship game arrives tomorrow night, delivering a delicious matchup. life imitating art as the hoosiers a story compels. opposite the bulldogs, duke. the blue devils seeking a fourth national championship. duke has decimated west virginia
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on saturday. butler plays a rather slow, plodding offense of style. getting this far is an absolute dream for a school from the verizon conference, and maybe a little overwhelming. head coach brad stevens chair -- shares opposed the moment with his wife. >> she was just kind of staring at the wall. when i walked in, she's there at me like, you guys are playing for the national championship. i said yes, but we are playing duke. >> butler knows they can win monday night. the women's final four underway. oklahoma vs. stanford. we get up in the second half. the cardinals building a big lead, but paying a big price. the sooners make a valiant effort coming back. robinson driving this court in a
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three-point game, but the cardinals break free. 38 points and the clinching play up. stanford on to the title game, likely to play conn. 73-66 was the final there tonight. a quite easter sunday, but tomorrow tiger woods will face the media. the final round of the houston open today, anthony him leading much of the day. taylor from 20 feet. in the clubhouse at -12. kim came under with a par at the last, a five footer. taylor knows he had liked. no issues there, and he taps then. now he has this love for par to extend the playoff, not his
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finest effort. he will not sleep tonight. professional bowling in baltimore today, a championship match at country club lanes. pete weber, one of the all-time greats, is on fire. he had five straight strikes and then as bear. the 35th victory of his career, putting him at third place in all-time wins. one more check of the forecast coming up right after this.
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