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tv   11 News  NBC  April 3, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> is a billboard on a local landmark has some federal hill
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landmarked -- federal hill residents up in arms. we are used to seeing federal hill painted in raven colors during the playoffs. now, a new site on the kill is taking things too far. we are joined live from federal help. >> neighbors here in federal hill say this logo went up on the hillside on thursday. the department of parks and recreation say the city is not getting any money for the logo, but they have been a good corporate partner and the son was put up to welcome athletes at the convention center. neighbors say the advertisement conflicts with the park's historic nature. they also say it is illegal. >> i think we are generally supportive of under armor. it is a local company. the fact of the matter is that the signs presence is a violation of the law.
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there is a zoning ordinance that prohibits general advertising signs in open space, including public parks. >> the parks department is aware of that ordinance and did not realize the logo would cause neighbors to be upset. the paint used is water based and will only stay until they mow the grass. i am reporting live from federal hill. >> kim, thank you. police in annapolis have made an arrest in their first murder case of 2010. he is charged with first and second-degree murder in a stabbing death of kim davis. she was found stabbed multiple times on pleasant street. she was pronounced dead a half hour later. police have not said what may have prompted the attack. baltimore city police are working to track down the person who shot a man in the north east
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of town this morning. shots were fired just bfore 11:00 on the 3500 block of manchester avenue. the victim suffered from a gunshot wound to the abdomen. a single cigarette is believed to be responsible for setting off a dramatic fire in frederick county that sent 50 people into the street. a viewer sent these pictures of the fire as crews worked to contain the blaze on east main street in emmett's berg. everyone in the complex was able to get off -- get out safely, although one suffered a hand injury. smoking in bed may be because. an official ruling is yet to come. an executive is home after a hospital stay. he had been there since thursday, after undergoing surgery to undergo damage from a massive nosebleed that caused a drop in blood pressure. a howard county spokesman says
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he will rest at home. as the door to his political future reopens, the door on former governor bob erlich's broadcasting career is poised to close. he will be throwing his hat back into the ring for a rematch with governor o'malley this november. he told his audience on a.m. 1090 wbal radio that he will be ending his show in july when he officially files his candidacy papers. >> we had a conspiracy to hold the temperatures down. we thought would get into at least the mid 70's, if not warmer. to the north and west, temperatures were higher. in the immediate metropolitan area, some clouds this morning were thicker and lasted longer
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than they thought -- longer than we thought. they interfered with the sun. a baby's this afternoon held temperatures down. we only made it to around 75. the rain from a good sized storm to the west of us has all but dissipated as a cold front approaches. it looks like overnight we will see clouds. the rain chances are minimal to none. we will talk about the forecast for easter sunday. >> for many folks tired of being shut in all winter this is the type of weekend we have been waiting for. despite people all over town getting out enjoying today's weather. it was ideal for walking the dog, getting out with the kids, and washing winter sold off the car. as temperatures continue to rise, a warning about warm weather burglaries. baltimore county police say open doors and windows create the
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right climate for burglary this time of year. the open doors to attract suspects. police urged residents to stay close to rooms to leave open. >> people were outside doing long work. they leave date back window open to get there through. somebody will break in through the screen and go into the house wall people had no idea. >> police warn of those who pose as workers to perform home repairs. you should always ask for id and support suspicious activity to authorities. in tonight's "project economy" report, news from the unemployment report is not bad. employers are starting to higher but in modest numbers. many in washington agreed that is not enough. brian moore is in washington with details. >> job fairs are still big business. the latest labor department
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numbers show there is reason for these job-seekers to keep looking. >> last month, for the first time in more than two years, our economy created a substantial number of jobs instead of losing them. we have begun to reverse the slide, but we have a long way to go. >> employers added 162,000 jobs last month, but with 15 million americans still out of work republicans say washington is not happening -- not helping. >> where are the jobs? at this time of high unemployment, when we need to focus on jobs, which should not be expanding government spending and government promises. >> economists are encouraged. >> the healing has started. it is a step in the right direction. a lot of people are still out of work, but we are seeing an uptick in jobs created in the private sector. that is step one in all of this.
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>> unemployed americans continue their search. >> right now, i would take anything. >> the only news they want to hear -- you are hired. more than 200,000 americans will lose their unemployment benefits on monday because the senate could not reach an agreement on an extension before leaving for easter break. >> lines were long at apple stores across the nation as consumers clamored to get their hands on the latest tablet-style computer device. the ipad combines aspects of the iphone and macbook air laptop. this was the scene at columbia mall, where shoppers led to spend anywhere from $500 to $830. an arrest in the shocking case of a gang rape of a 7-year-old girl. the beaches of ocean city are
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being put on hold this season. people were inside this home when a devastating explosion turned it into kindling. we will tell you what happened. you may be missing some of the protection you need for a healthy mouth. with crest pro-health toothpastes, you don't need to make that trade-off. [ sela ] crest pro-health is the first and only leading toothpaste to protect against sensitivity and all these areas dentists check most. and with crest pro-health sensitive shield, you get a smoother formula. sensitivity protection and more for a healthy mouth. new crest pro-health sensitive shield.
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>> to adults and three juvenile numerous charges in a disturbing gang rape case out of new jersey. a 15 year old girl has been charged with promoting prostitution after she allowed several men into gang rape her 7-year-old stepsister. at least seven men raped the girl at a party earlier this week. a 20 year old man has been charged with sex with the 15 year-old. people are in a hospital after an explosion leveled this house in new jersey friday afternoon. if the occupants were rushed to hospital with severe burns over
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80% of their bodies. authorities are still trying to determine what sparked the explosion. early indications suggest a gas leak. it is a green light for space shuttle discovery. >> a perfect screen day. great to get outside. serious battles across the region in sports. >> a lot of rain and head earlier today, but that has all but dissipated now. it looks like we're going dry on easter sunday. we have clouds overhead. temperatures cooled down at the airport and downtown -- 66 degrees.
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>> one of the last space shuttle missions begins monday. nasa has cleared discovery to lift off before sunrise on a trip to the international space station. the crew is scheduled for three
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space walks. it is set to lift off on monday at 6:21 a.m. eastern time. only four shuttle flights remained. city officials in ocean city say an unusually long bidding process has forced them to delay the town's annual beach replenishment project until after the summer. efforts to restore damage to bridges done by winter storms would be completed before the summer crowds, but delays could have kept workers pumping cubic sand on to defeat in august. those pumps will now start flowing in the fall. >> york insta-weather forecast with meteorologist john collins. it was a conspiracy out there. clouds and a bay aubrey's held temperatures down. -- and a bay breeze held temperatures down. we have had high, thin at cirrus
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clouds over us all day. that held temperatures down. this cold front coming in and out -- there was rain ahead of it earlier. the clouds are coming in. the wind chill line is coming into garrett county. the actual front is back in ohio and will be coming through overnight and crossing the bay early in the morning. let us look at today. the airport made it to 68. the inner harbor, 67. typically, 60 was the high. it is still above normal. well above freezing for the overnight lows. you can still see the effect. winds coming from a southeasterly direction. temperatures downwind from that coming off the bay held temperatures in the 60s today. wes minter is 70. 75 in frederick. west of town, it is 75 in
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hagerstown. like i say, it was kind of a conspiracy. the system coming in is going to be dry. the air is still rather mild behind the system. temperatures are in the 50's and 60's behind it, so we will not see a lot of cooling during the day. for a while we have that southerly flow. the rain is not a threat. overnight, cloudy skies. you may get a sprinkle in the mountains. 50-55 for an overnight low. that front is offshore and dissipating. there will be a new weather system but that will not be an issue in sunday. easter sunday calls for 70 to 75 with mostly sunny skies, north to northwest winds. the front coming through in the early morning hours may bring some clouds for early morning
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services. the sun breaks through mid- morning in the rest of the day turns out nice. it may be warmer than today because the wind will be coming from a different direction. as they go into tuesday, more unsettled weather to the west. here is a look at the insta- weather plus seven day forecast. a lot of sun from late morning through the rest of the day. we might have some clouds at the start of easter sunday. otherwise, a pretty nice day. monday, a small chance of rain. nearly 80 wednesday. by thursday morning we might see a thundershower. dreier, cooler weather next week. >> 11 sports with pete gilbert. the orioles into spring training on their highest note of the season. celebrate? why not. sarasota up -- a good one.
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the stadium this spring -- stellar against the mets. jerry matthews, jr. down there. his first -- his first home run of the camp in the final game, and it is a grand slam to boot. 11-0 is the final. johns hopkins is lacrosse blue broad. north carolina is just a blue. the blue jays write a losing streak. a long run to carolina. chase response. that is 3-2 carolina. hopkins with great passing. look at him swinging around. kyle wharton -- a violent shot on goal. blue jays cannot hold on. defense leads to a goal. carolina wins, 11-7.
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a big day for mac. the greyhounds love the new digs at the ridley athletic complex. it is 3-0 loyal a. he takes the quick feet and a quick shot. loyola hold off a shot from the buckeyes. you would think they did not like and -- like each other. a pass to rob grint. the score is 5-2. back in, the shot stopped -- there is. stony brook pulled away in the fourth with the conference victory. 14-11 is the final period.
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look at steve kasmer. still able to pick a spot and hit it. seagulls ranked second on the road. they show their experience. saul's perry will take the top spot in the polls with a 16-10 win. six weeks -- just a few weeks to the kentucky derby. the likely derby favorite is loading up for the anta anita derby -- a heavy favorite. sidney's candy ran away from the field an easy winner at churchill downs. possibly one of the favorites.
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the people who walked these streets before us were just like you and me. with hopes. dreams. challenges. today, we do more than just walk the same streets. for a moment, we get to walk in their shoes. preparing us for what lies ahead. down our next road. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg.
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>> here is a look at some of the stories we are working on for 11:00 tonight. vatican officials are embroiled in a sex abuse scandal in europe that is rocking the faithful to the core. hear what they have to say on the matter. spring fever hits the city of light as
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>> a terrific weekend -- just
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perfect. >> tomorrow may be a little warmer because we will not have the bay breeze to deal with. there may be a few clouds at the sunrise. temperatures start out at the 05 -- at the50's. the high will probably be in the 70's and drop back into the 60's by evening. some thunderstorms tuesday or wednesday afternoon, tapering off thursday evening. next week we will be in the '60s for highs and instead of 70's. that is still a degree or two above normal. >> you have done well this weekend. thank you, john. thanks for joining us.
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>> this is a wbal editorial. >> which cannot move forward until e-mail us back, says the director of the census bureau, who has distributed federal funding. an accurate count of the population forms the basis for many overlooked economic and social decisions that affect our daily lives. accurate information reflecting the changes on our community is crucial in determining how many seats we command in legislative bodies. the same way it is difficult for us to function without adequate roads and sidewalks, updated census information will help with the distribution of funds to areas that need it most over the next 10 years.
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in baltimore city, it is estimated that $2,000 per year is allocated per person based on census data. the short questionnaire will take less than 10 minutes to answer. it is worth the time. please complete your census form and mail it today. it is time questions and 10 minutes that will affect you for the next 10 years. for more information, go to a tractor worthy enough to wear the green and yellow has evolved...
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from every john deere that's come before it. and it's available with 133 easy-to-install attachments, including the most popular one of all. ♪


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