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tv   11 News  NBC  February 20, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] >> good evening, everyone. i am kate amara. tonight, baltimore police are looking for the gunman who shot and killed a security guard in the bank of amerca building. it happened downtown early this morning in the block of light street. kim dacey is live at police
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headquarters for us. >> police say this wasn't an attempted bank robbery, but rather a dispute over a girl that left a security guard dead. he was working the night shift at the bank of amerca building on light street. around 2:00 a.m. a man and woman were walking back to their car parked in front of the building. the pair stopped and started talking to him when a group of men came up and started making advances on the woman. that is when the things went awry. >> the security and the intended victim went to confront one of the suspects. one of the suspects went into a vehicle, pulled out a hand gn and fired multiple shots. we believe they were trying to strike the person and the security guard was hit and killed. >> police are questioning witnesses and reviewing security camera footage from the area to try to identify the
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suspects. tonight we will hear from the victim's family who police are calling a hero. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. former secretary of state alexander haig has died. the retired four-star general, who held top posts in the nixon, ford and reagan administrations died this morning from complications of an infection. president obama has called haig a great american who served his country with distinction. he is survived by his wife and three children. alexander haig was 85 years old. there are new developments tonight in the stint pro verse at st. joseph's medical center. montana senator milwaukee baucus, and iowa senator charles grassley have asked the hospital to turn over three years of records. this comes after hospital officials revealed that more than 350 patients may have received unnecessary heart stands. the lawmakers are investigating possible medicare fraud as well as ties between the hospital and extent makers.
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>> a nice day today. plenty of sunshine. temperatures made it into the 40's again. we melted more snow. there is a storm developing out west. part of it is just west of the minimums -- mississippi state river. there are parts further west. all of it has yet to come together before it can make a move on the region. that will be early next week. it looks like we get one more decent day, which includes the weekend, and that is coming up. >> december's record snowstorm led president obama to declare a disaster in eight maryland countles. that decoration makes baltimore, caroline, cecil, harford, kent, montgomery and queen an as counts eligible for
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eight. anne arundel county has not been cleared. baltimore hand even applied for it. the mayor's office said even before the february storms began, the mayor's office of emergency management made the case that we should be included in the decoration for the storm. we are optimistic that by working with our state part mers we will be able to get the proper reimbursement for the storm. mema said the door is still open. calls to anne arundel county have not been called. president obama is depeering up for a political showdown at next week's health care meeting. this is seen as a chance to bridge a divide. the g.o.p. sees it as an opportunity to flex new muscle. >> president obama is campaigning to save health care reform. he is unveiling his plan before this week's summit with the
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republicans. he is challenging g.o.p. lawmakers to bring their own. >> show me what you've got. but don't let the american people go another year, another 10 years or 20 years without health insurance reform in this country. >> republicans suspect the summit is a charade and believe they have democrats running scared in this election year. as they wrapped up a big conference in washington, they urged g.o.p. lawmakers to keep the heat on. >> they hope we are so foolish, timid or weak that we either will allow them to maneuver us into being the bad guys or wall-e cave and help them pass a bad bill. >> a summit or a showdown with a lot more than health care at stake. republicans are looking beyond the health care fight. they want to win back congress this year and the whitehouse in 2012. broon moore, nbc news.
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not one but two buzzer-beaters at comcast center. pete gilbert has the ending. >> i am brian hicky in vancouver. memorable moments have been
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>> we pick up here at the olympics, there is so much so much so celebrate, but there are things organizers would look to forget. brian hickey shows us the one thing that is clear, the pride and excitement in the city of vancouver. >> as we look forward to the second week of the games here in vancouver, the olympic spirit is at an all-time high. but in the first week there were some lows. before the opening ceremonies, the games were off to a somber
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start when a luger died in a crash. in vancouver, protestors shattered this store front and overturned newspaper machines in an isolated incident. >> the unfortunate it happened. nobody was hurt, and we will move on. >> there was a breach in security in the opening ceremonies when police say a man tried to contact joe biden. >> it is spring in february. >> no snow one day, too much the next, shredded the ski schedule. after days of rain, high pressure has exposed amazing views of the coastal range. ridership on public transit have more than doubled, and yet the lines are small. >> it has been a happy thing. energy is still high, so that's good. >> a chain link fence that once obscured views of the olympic ma flame has been modified and
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moved closer to the caldron. >> now it's a wonderful thing. i got some great shots. >> there have been lows, but at an all-time high is canadian pride. the events for the second week include bobsled, women's figure skating, and around canada, who can forget hockey. brian hickey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. that brings us to our olympic text question for the weekend. what do you think was the most memorable moment in the first week of the winter games? grab a cell phone and send a text for 88509. trblingt a for the death of the luger, b for the opening ceremony. c is a volt for lindsey vonn winning gold. text d if you think the best moment so far was shaun white's gold domination of the halfpipe. or e for the gold medal in figure skating.
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the number once again is 88509. results immediately following tonight's olympic coverage. i'm going to put you on the spot. >> we are going to hear from him coming up in sports and the controversy over his gold medal won't go away. today in college park, something special. you don't see guys running around like this for an ordinary game. the terps celebrated because of that. later. >> we have been busy melting some snow. there is a big area of high pressure over us. we will see if we can wash some of it away in our forecast. right now, generally clear, and at b.w.i. marshall
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>> i'm not sure today made up for all the snow we got, but it sure helped. nice high pressure giving us some good weather today. there is some unsettled weather out west.
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there is indication of a new storm trying to put itself together out there. with this big high pressure over us, it is not making any progress on us. so we benefit with the sunshine and mild taxes. the temperatures play a key role in our weather as the next storm approaches. it doesn't look like it will be a big samoa maker, at least the first part of it. here are the statistics. at the airport, 42 was the high, inner harbor, 46. morning lows were down around freezing or so, no precipitation. cambridge, 41, ridgely, 37, annapolis 43, chestertown 43. westminster, 37, and it is only 29 in mchenry. they were in the teens this morning for lows. satellite picture, only a few spotty clouds. here's that storm developing out west, or at least one part of it. the leading edge has moved into the matt: valley.
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there was a -- mississippi valley. there was a piece in the ohio refer valley. the main part of the next storm coming in, which is going to be a monday-tuesday and then wenleds-thursday type thing, it is still way out in the southwest and getting put together. it has a ways to go, and we have to break down this area of high pressure before it can come in. that means more good weather for a while. scattered clouds tonight, upper 20's to around 30. tomorrow again low 40's for highs. mix of clouds and sun. west winds tomorrow at 5-10 miles an hour. boaters in the bay, west winds at 10-15 knots, diminishing in the afternoon. waves at 1-2 feet and that should subside a little bit. water temperatures in the bay are generally in the mid 30 as. here is the insta-weather plus
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futurecast. sunday we stay dry. we begin to see some moisture move in first in the way of clouds. this computer model holds most of the moisture north of us monday morning. temperatures may be around freezing, so we may wind up with a brief period of freezing rain before rain comes in. it looks like the bulk of this storm will be more an afternoon and evening situation, and temperatures will be warm enough with the rain-snow line up in pennsylvania. that will persist into tuesday. and then we have another system coming in wednesday-thursday, when temperatures will be colder. >> tomorrow, high 42. enough sun to keep you happy. then that mostly rain situation, maybe a mix at the start on monday. and then rain on tuesday. so cold, wet and cloudy. temperatures will only be in the upper 30's around 40 monday and tuesday.
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wednesday and thursday mostly a snow maker, snow showers. there may be mix at the start. and then friday and saturday looks dry, and the temperature bumps up a bit. >> perfect at home are the terps this a.c.c. season in play. dominating so much at comcast center, their average margin of victory a robust 19 points. today against georgia tech, they did not match up so well. that is when you need to find the intangible and maybe luck. that delivers the finish of the year in college hoops. in the first half, vasquez, we have seen this a lot. knocks down a three. and with it, he cracks 2,000 points for his career. the sixth terrapin in history to do so. tight game. derrick favors, 21-18. terps up three. now two. a lovely drive, ties the game,
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68, 68. moments later, vasquez finds hayes in the corner. the senior with 15. terps in front, 71-68. now we go to the last second, and it gets interesting. maryland up one. shum period of time, no. favors, no. the rebound, put back, vasquez going the other way. desperation three. good! but waved off. gary williams had called time-out before the shot. so heartbreak but redemption. to cliff tucker. oh, my. you can run, but you can't hide, cliff. the 28-footer is pure. maryland wins it 76-74. tucker only played nine minutes, eight points, the last three of which handled the terps their ninth a.c.c. win. morgan state at murray state. first half, they goo boom, boom. tied at 15-15.
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bears get the run. holmes knocking down the three. 31-23, morgan state. easy lay-up tomorrows, and murray state knocks off the bears. spring training goes well for the orioles in sarah society. players arriving in shape. mike gonzalez certainly on board and believing good times are not far away in baltimore. 12 straight losing seasons have taken their toll, but he likes what he sees and relish shes the opportunity to own that closer's role. >> definitely. that is definitely where i feel most comfortable. it is one of those things where it is do or die. you get it done or you are going to be looking bad. you have to have a short memory and go out there and get it done the next day, and i love that. >> the spring sport, but not enjoying spring-like weather.
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lacrosse, loyola knocks off navy at annapolis in overtime, 8-7 the final. delaware winning 11-10. and the terps get a win on the road, 12-7 your final. evan lysecek continues his medal media tour, and he continues to take heat from the reigning champ, evgeni plushenko for not attempting the quad jump. >> i just hope that he realizes how incredible it is for him to have won a third olympic medal. that means for 12 years he has been on top of the sport. for me he has been such a positive role model just because of his consistency and the way that he continually performs under pressure. >> a look now at your medal count through saturday afternoon. team u.s.a. remains in front with 21 medals.
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germany, norway and canada follow. johnny damon has signed a one-year deal with the detroit tigers. the forecast is wet. stay tuned. host: could switching to geico really save you
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15% or more on car insurance? host: does elmer fudd have trouble with the letter r? elmer: shhhh, be very quiet; i'm hunting wabbits. director (o/c): ok cut!!!!'s i'm hunting "rabbits," elmer. let's try that again. elmer: shhhh, i'm hunting wabbits. director (o/c): cuuuuut! rabbits. elmer: wabbits director (o/c): rabbits. elmer: wabbits. director (o/c): rabbits with an "r." elmer: aw...this diwector's starting to wub me the wong way. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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>> coming up tonight after the loisms, a bank security guard shot and killed during a despite downtown. you will hear from the victim's family as the search for suspects continues. plus, swipe a credit card on monday, and you are doing so under a new set of rules. tonight, how the feds are triling to protect your credit. a look now at what is coming up on the news. >> coming up tonight from vancouver, an entire sport tries to get back up after a deadly accident. we will have the action
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>> john l is rain in our future >> yes, but not tomorrow. we are going to finish the weekend in good shape. excuse me. partly cloudy tomorrow, not a bad day. 42 the high. tomorrow some rain starts primarily. if it starts early enough in the morning on monday, there might be a brief period of freezing rain. but again, mostly rain monday into tuesday. then a second part of the storm comes in wednesday and thursday. the air looks colder there. so late wednesday into thursday we could see mostly snow. it may start out with a little mix wednesday evening before
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temperatures drop off. >> it is not feet, is it? >> no. it doesn't look like a big storm. most of it looks like rain. >> i don't think baltimore could take any more snow than they have. >> weapon, winter is not over yet. >> don't say that. thanks for joining us. the nightly news is next. we will see you back here tonight after the olympics. >> this is an editorial by the president and general manager. >> within hours of mayor sheila dixon stepping down, the administrative judge in baltimore city's circuit court handed down a new restriction.
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it has decided to extend its ban of cell phones and pagers as communication devices, adding new technology such as twitter and facebook. the timing is significant in that stations use those networking tools to bring viewers up to the minute coverage of the trial. these new restrictions in combination with the state's ban on cameras in courtrooms, it is clear that the legal process in maryland is far from transparent. we believe the twitter ban is akin to the court's sensoring coverage. citizens are left-hand with the lawyer spin on the courthouse steps. in baltimore city, reporters are now denied access to transcripts of bench conferences, adding another layer of the legal process that is no longer transparent. social networking sites are powerful tools. twitter and facebook were instrumental in raising
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millions of dollars for disaster relief in haiti, helped reveil the iranian crack down on civil protests, and delifert news of mayor sheila dixon trial. appropriate use of social networking is not dangerous. sensoring how and when the citizens of maryland can obblings the judicial process is.
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