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tv   Today  NBC  February 10, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EST

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the wind around baltimore will start to pick up as we go through the rest of the morning. in response to that, blizzard warnings for basically the entire state and into virginia. that means expect wind gusts over 30 miles per hour, visibility under a quarter mile, and snow falling at up to 1 inch an hour. that is what we can expect. >> when we come back, i promise to give you 20 minutes. back with more coverage in a
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[ sighs ] dreaming about the taste of chocolate? then hurry into dunkin' donuts today. and satisfy that chocolate craving with any small latte, like our new white chocolate latte, for only 99 cents. america runs on dunkin'. >> welcome back to our coverage. >> we want to go to jane miller who is in downtown baltimore. i understand you have the mayor with us? >> yes, mayor stephanie rawlings
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blake -- you can see the radio microphone in front of her. this is a real time, live message. for all of you working on the city --mayor, take it away. >> good morning. as you begin your final shift change, i want to thank you for all your hard work. we have made significant progress in making the streets passable. i realize everyone is tired but our work is not done. our work is not done until every street is clear. we need to stay focused and continue working. the mission is simple. clear the road a ways to maintain public safety in the city. please remember you are the face of our great city. you are the heroes that every
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resident is counting on and we thank you for all of your efforts. let's stay focused on the mission at hand. thank you very much, god bless. >> we may be able to hear some of the response. in the meantime, i am going to walk around here to ask mayor rawlings-blake. so you just one brief, we spoke to you one hour ago. nothing has really changed. 10:00 to 2:00 is considered to be the worst. is there a concern of yours that you did that have on saturday? >> we have trees that are having with snow, wind gusts. we're looking at potential power outages, and that is why i am thankful to the red cross for
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setting up these shelters. >> i was in federal hill this morning. virtually no one is at work. a couple of those folks had seen more piling action at this point than they did on saturday. is that a different approach? what is the approach in that regard? >> we have different resources. we had to answer the call. i were big trucks were not able to get it done. we asked for contractors to call in if they had resources to get to these smaller streets. we identified seven neighborhoods that have not been touched. we have been working on this through the evening. people will see more movement . >> you put the hot line up there yesterday. >> yes, we had many people call
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in in just the last hour. if you are out there, we need you. >> 40 phone calls since i did my last line shot with sandra. -- live shot with sandra. >> let me pass that number along. folks are now calling that number to complain about their streets. >> apparently, folks are calling that phone number to complain. >> the contractor number? i hope not, but we will touch them through. you have to roll with the punches. -- pass them through. >> we were speaking to the governor. if the street is bad where someone lives, they want to
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complain or report. what do they do? >> if the street is still done where someone lives, what is the most effective way to voice their complaints and to get something done? >> i understand the frustration. we have sent all of our resources in the city. we have identified those streets. we know where they are and that is why we have contractors coming. if they feel like they need to call someone, they can, but we are working our way through those areas. >> obviously, the bulk of your effort is on the primary road. >> they are the focus, but we have not moved the contractors. that is why we are asking contractors to call us. we are going to continue to plow away while the normal the equipment is working a primary and secondary routes. they are working as we speak.
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they are tough. >> so does the mean 311? we know that people want to call someone. people are going to pick up their phone. is there a website? >> is 311 the best place to call? >> yes, only use 911 in emergency situations. >> we had a situation in dundalk, obviously, there are some situations where a response to be made. >> we are entering every call. in these types of storms we see the best and worst of us. i have heard neighbors helping each other out. i also heard that someone would not move his vehicles car because he was trying to shovel
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and there was an emergency vehicle behind him. it is not time to poke your chest out and get frustrated. we have to be able to respond to these emergency calls. >> i know you have only been in office -- well, it must feel like -- >> 10 years? >> have you seen the list of the snowiest cities in the country this year? we are in the top five. >> in baltimore, we shine in adversity. a lot of people have mentioned this to me. >> 1996, a huge snowstorm. the baltimore orioles went to the playoffs. >> is that right? >> thank you. we will keep you posted.
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>> we have made progress. we have on the telephone with us this state school superintendent. good morning, doctor. how are you? >> just fine. snowed in, as many people are coming on this difficult day. >> are you privy to what i have been saying, as far as kids getting community service to help in their jurisdictions, getting rid of the snow and ice? >> i am, and i would support the idea, however, i would say that we need documentation. we think this requirement seriously. we are the only state in the nation that requires it. each local superintendent has a plan for students to acquire these hours. this is an extraordinary circumstance and we know the people engaged in this work of
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saving lives, clearing the road, etc. have worked to the full extent of their capability. because this is extraordinary, the state would clearly support the idea that students will be helping neighbors, particularly the elderly or those who have disabilities. we would need documentation that the student did that, but i think all the superintendents would support the idea. >> we do not want kids watching tv and claim that they are shoveling. understand that fully. so what do you recommend they do in terms of documentation? does it have to be from a homeowner other than their parents? a police officer? how does that work? >> i think they will need to have some documentation from
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the individuals they assisted. to be able to take that to school, we will be speaking with the service coordinators throughout the state and setting up some consistent way of registering those hours. we do need that documentation. i am sure that people would be more than willing to do that. we do think that our students can be helpful and we consider this an emergency situation. of course, we would be willing to accept these hours as part of their service learning requirements. >> i wanted to shift gears what do we realistically think we can get these kids back in school? monday was already a holiday. tim has been trying to keep up,
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but what can you tell us about when we can realistically get them back? >> we are hopeful they will be able to go back next week. however, some of the superintendents, as recently as yesterday, has petitioned me to allow the student to come in on president's day. i have agreed to bacthat. in those particular jurisdictions, they have notified families. but of course, the problem is school buses going up and down these narrow streets picking up students. the ability to park cars on parking lot in the school. there are some challenges associated with this. because it is a state of emergency, we are going to look at the possibility of forgiving some of these days. that will be a decision between
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myself and the state board of education. we have all lot of concern about instructional time. the system has built in extended days if they exceed those that are typically built into the schedule, but we have issues surrounding that. if we extend in june, some schools do not have air- conditioning, and the temperatures are really prohibitive. so there are a number of challenges. we do have some professional days built into the schedule will and many systems are deciding to abandon the idea and have students come on those days. we are working individually with work -- each of jurisdiction in terms of their schedule. we are hopeful that our students will come back next week, and that our bosses will be able to, in a safe way, pick up the students and bring them to school. >> are the parochial and
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independent schools going to have to abide by the same rules in terms of days off? >> we do not have any oversight of the parochial schools. however, independent schools are beginning to make requests as it relates to certain days because of the weather conditions. we do have a relationship with the independent schools, and we do not have a relationship or oversight over the parochial schools. >> thank you. i want to thank you for taking an idea that i had a few hours ago and making it possible. they need the approval from you and the governor. thank you very much for that. >> thank you, stan. thank you for thinking about the potential of our students. >> ask and you shall receive.
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>> i think we are going to go back to carroll county -- can we see him? there you are. how is it going? >> date is great. i am standing here too long. look who pulled up next to me. >> we ar having a blast. >> you cannot do this very often. >> very few opportunities. you said that you were in canada. >> it is much better here. >> you are going up and down the road? >> yes, no problem. these things need about 6 inches to move. we have plenty of that. you are getting something to eat? >> i think we may go over to dunkin donuts.
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>> let me take a spin with you. get on the back? sami, walked out. we are having some fun. -- sammy, watch out. i love this, nick! we are out of here. >> that looks like fun. when i suggested that kids go out and help, i think a lot of them would like to do that. i did not mean for your parents to drive half way across town. just in your own neighborhood. keep it simple, keep it safe.
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>> denver francium in reporting in the end of where overnight a fire station caught fire overnight. i am with me chief of the fire department. this was a devastating situation. >> yes, the efforts of our people save the living quarters. we lost two major pieces of apparatus. we lost a fire engine, a medical unit, and a humvee from the state. our people were awakened early in the morning, did a heckuva job, pulled the burning truck out of the building. they did a terrific job. >> had a question -- is pretty ironic, a fire in a firehouse.
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really, it is a house just like any other house. >> and they were out on their last call just one hour before this call was dispatched. this fire was fast-moving and our people had to respond. >> what is going to happen now? >> we will try to determine a cause. our concern is all the equipment that was here that is damaged, we will have fire protection and medical services in dundalk. we are making arrangements now. we will certainly be restored and the station to its glory. >> we know this is a paid fire department. so no fund-raising efforts for this, but no less heartbreaking. >> that is right. again, i cannot say enough about our people. we had people report last night
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who were not on duty, but they were looking to contain the fire. >> i am also here with a councilman. you have been speaking with some of the residents. what is their concern? >> they are concerned, but we have assured them that their services will not be affected. we have some volunteer services in the area and they will be making some contingency plans to make sure that if anything arises, they will be taken care of. first, i want to applaud the efforts of the men and women who saved some of the equipment. there were oxygen tanks in their going off. to go into a situation like that and to pull a piece of equipment out like that has a lot of great things for our men and women. >> what does it look like inside? >> half of the roof has fallen in on some of the equipment.
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the most important thing is nobody was hurt. you can always replace equipment but you cannot replace lives. >> thank you. i did just get off the phone with state highway. they are putting out the plea for people to stay off the road to. they say it is getting worse out there. not that we expect it to get better, but conditions are deteriorating. they have over 2000 pieces of equipment on the roadways doing piling operations and it gets tricky for them. they say it is much easier is people just stay home and off the roadways. back to you. >> thank you. we cannot even imagine the loss they are feeling. ok, i know you have been following along all morning.
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>> i did not just magically change. >> morning to you. >> you guys have been doing a tremendous job. >> we are just getting into the meat of the storm. we have been talking about it for several hours. we are about to get into the worst part of it. take a look at hd doppler. it is pretty deceiving because you see the back edge near washington, d.c. area of low pressure that is causing this is out of ocean city, tracking up the coast. we have to wait for the storm to get past baltimore, past parallel. the wind will pick up, the snow will stay with us. at times, visibility will be down to 0 for a quarter mile.
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-- zero or a quarter mile. we have been reading 40 mile per hour wind gusts down in washington. take a look at some of the computer models. 31 at the airport. 43 miles per hour just a moment ago. all of that energy that is closer to the center of the storm represented by the strong wind gusts is drifting up to baltimore. the wind will pick up in intensity within the next hour, hour-and-a-half. of course, the blizzard warnings are in effect. a blizzard warning until later on this afternoon issued by the national weather service. basically, the entire state other than the lower eastern shore and garrett county under winter weather advisories.
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the other story is the temperature. we have been steadily falling. right now in the upper 20's, low 30's. as it comes up the coast, it will tap into that arctic air mass. it will take some of that here and pull it into the center. temperatures will actually go down today, not up. as the big storm pulls up the coast, and eventually it will take the precipitation along with it, but we do not expect it to taper off until after 4:00, 5:00 this afternoon. until then, it will get worse before it gets better. this is all new snow as of last night 10 inches in manchester. 5 inches here at the television station. 6 inches in belair, and of course, more on top of that. storm totals, 10 inches to 16
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inches of new snow from baltimore, north. on the eastern shore where there is more of the indexing situation, 5 inches to 10 inches. 3 inches of new snow in southern maryland. blizzard warnings have nothing to do with the amount of snow, more with the wind. if there is going to be a clobber zone, a bull's-eye, it will be sell these pennsylvania, into cecil county, where up to 20 inches of snow could fall. on average 8 inches to 16 inches for most of you before this tapers off this evening. windy, cold temperatures. high temperatures in the 30's. tonight, the snow and, maybe a flurry overnight. when do we get a break? tomorrow and friday, i think it will be dry.
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temperatures in the mid 30's. i have to say, most of the models keep this storm to the self on saturday, predicts health, but it is still something to watch -- storm to the south on saturday, but it is still something to watch. i do not mean to laugh, but it is sound and that we will need to watch. sarah, you have some news of a jackknifed tractor-trailer? >> yes, the bulk of the traffic we are seeing is a result of this type of accident. it is in the northbound lane of 95 just past white marsh boulevard. the right three lanes are closed. it will be slow in that area. we first want to update you on some problems we had. this is in the southbound
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direction at caton ave. frederick and agusta, that is closed. it is slow around the area. if you can avoid being on the roads, i recommend that. not only is that layer of the frozen rain there, but the snow is also question in. east ramp to washington boulevard, a disabled vehicle is blocking that. westbound on the bay bridge, they are doing some snow removal, so it will also be slow. bridges and overpasses are the tough spots. continue to be careful if you have to be out there. here is a look at the white marsh area. barely recognizable. normally, there are tons of delays, but right now there is nothing. here is what it looks like on the top side of the beltway,
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harrisburg expressway. visibility is getting worse, of course. that is the latest. >> thank you. donna hamilton has joined me. lisa robinson was here for about five hours. what time did you wake up today? >> a little bit after 6:00. >> i woke up at 2:00 and got here early and we thought we had dodged a bullet. as you can see from the pictures, it has gotten worse. >> i love his praise -- phrase ology. let's go to the executive director of bwi. paul, how are you? what is happening? >> we are very busy.
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workers have done a fantastic job. we have kept 11 -- runway open through the night and that has allowed some cargo planes to go in and out. all the other commercial airlines have canceled flights for today. we are in full operations and will be for several days. southwest, our biggest carrier, will resume service at 1:00 on thursday, but i caution everyone to carefully monitor their airlines website. as you can imagine, much of their business will be affected by the storm. check-in at home if you can, as well. if you do have to come, i recommend parking under cover. >> we have been telling folks that if you have to get out of time, be sure to park in covered
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parking. our folks heeding that advice? >> we have signed up all over, reminding people there is another option. it is relatively cheap compared to what you have to deal with when you come back home. >> if you are one of the lucky few, it should not be a problem. >> remember, we have that red light, green light system in the tower garages, so it should be pretty easy. monitor the airlines by the hour. they are changing by the hour. >> i am sure people will be hanging on that. >> yesterday was relatively smooth. having noticed ahead of time, it helps people make decisions as opposed to coming here. >> it is smart for an airline to
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say for two days, forget about it. make other plans. >> you have one runway open now. is that the game plan, keeping that one open, are you trying to open more? >> we will continue to work. we have to keep ahead of this thing. if it stays open, it stays open. we're just working as hard as we can. particularly some of the cargo guys, they continue to fly. we want to keep them coming in. >> even with all the equipment, you have to keep one runway open. >> it is a tremendous effort by our staff. these men and women have been working all week. they are special. there are specialists. we cannot just bring anyone to do this job.
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>> this is a picture at 695 and the jfx. we are starting to see freezing rain. that is starting to hit the runway and freezing, isn't it? >> yes, we have some different chemicals that we can use on not, so we will have to change our tapped as the conditions change. >> best of luck to you. >> we will take a break. back with more coverage in a minute.
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>> and welcome back to our special extended coverage of
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snowpocalypse, whenever we want to college. sandra is outside the city operations center down sound. you are doing a great job this morning. i hear a shovel chipping away at the ice. >> you have got it. what have you noticed in the last hour? it has picked up, hasn't it? this is a layer of ice to get through with the snow over the top. how are you going to make it through? >> yes, i am sore from the last snow. i want to go home and soak in some epsom salts. >> it is treacherous. even walking up and down here. it bears repeating. >> the cars -- if you're older,
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you have doubts issues anyway and you are maintain your balance, it is difficult. and visibility is another issue. we watched the deterioration. but on a positive, clouds are still on the road, and you can see them going on through the city operations center. we can tell it is good they are responding to that, but there are still calls for people with medical needs. i will say that the city reports they have responded to each and every call of an emergency nature, averaging about 600 to 700 and night. they have a large operation, and nerve center is under way. jane miller is in sight, i am outside. we are at the heart of this thing as it starts churning.
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that is my new vehicle, rob. >> you like that snow mobile? it is really snowing, and the wind is picking up and we're getting into a blizzard conditions as we speak in carroll county. it is starting to get nasty, and estonia has mentioned, the one part was early this morning, and it is getting colder back here. wind chill, you can see that visibility is not good at all. that is the reason they are saying do not ride. do not get out in cars or drive, because you will not see far, and this is just the beginning of wind picking up and blowing snow or ground. when you look down there on the street, you cannot see far at all. you're talking about getting close to a white out, and that is the way it is here in carroll
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county, really snowing. it has been selling since about 3:30 this morning when i drove in from towson, and none of that freezing rain stops here in carroll county. it has been snow the vast majority of the time, mounting up. the past hours, it has been coming down steadily. when that wind picks up, it does hurt. i'm telling you. so get ready for a long day, folks. if you do not have to get out, you can see from the camera shot here how nasty it is. visibility is not very good at all, especially when the wind picks up. it gets cold, you want to shiver. i am a cold snow bunny.
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>> all right. you know what is fascinating, we saw this shot of carroll county and downtown, and one was pretty clear, carroll county is super blurry because of the conditions that were talking about. >> carroll county has been taking a major hit in the area. or are we going to take a break here? jane is at the emergency operations center downtown. >> it just so you know, a couple of minutes ago, we can see in the briefing room everybody in the room, including the mayor and other officials were glued to something, obviously paying a lot of attention, and now we know what that is. this statement was issued by the national weather service an hour ago, and what they are concerned about in this city is the safety of crews on the street, plus
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anybody who might be stuck somewhere in a vehicle, and this follows up with what robb just talked about what those conditions in carroll county, with blizzard conditions. according to the weather service, the statement is extremely dangerous winter weather warning. if you get stranded, do not try to leave your car. you can quickly get disoriented. wait in your car for emerges to help to arrive, run your engine for 10 minutes each hour for heat, and insure that your exhaust pipe is clear of snow and ice. according to officials, this is not the kind of thing we see all very often in this city in terms of this kind of winter weather conditions. sure we have a lot of snow over the weekend, all lot in december, but we are dealing with -- this is the jfx at
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northern parkway. we have protection, because we are surrounded. a lot of wind, and you can see road noise caught up with snow, very hard to see if your driving on that. it is snow-covered, but you could get around. again, what city officials tell us is they are becoming concerned about folks in the field. there are emergency crews out there working and working, trying to keep up with what has been happening since last evening and again early this morning.
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the priority is to make sure that employees are safe based on but winter conditions on the hazardous conditions we're now seeing in the area. so that is the latest from here. we will certainly keep you posted as we move through the 10:00 hour. you know, it sometimes goes beyond description. how many times can we say how unprecedented the weather situation is that we now face? back to you. >> do not go out in these blizzard conditions. you do not want to be struck. wait until the blizzard conditions have passed and then walked out your door to the nearest streets. martin o'malley says this qualifies as an emergency.
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help to shovel. stay inside right now, and let the blizzard past. >> obviously when we were driving in from the hotel, coming across the 41st street bridge, you could not see the bridge, really, from about 50 yards away. deconditions really are not good, and that was a couple of hours ago. not good. the right back.
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>> from wbal-tv 11 news, this is an instaweather plus alert.
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>> the peak of this storm is between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.. in other words, right now, intensity will start to pick up to its worst level in the next couple of hours. the center of the storm is down south of ocean city, and it must progress all the way up the coast, parallel to us, before we get conditions to improve. so it is going to take at least another four hours, five hours before we get any improvement at all in the weather conditions around here. so snow that you see here on hd doppler will continue at current intensity and wind will pick up even higher. take a look at some of the wind gusts we recorded in the last couple minutes. 43 at dulles airport, 46 mile an hour gusts at the naval air
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station. the wind is now picking up, and blizzard conditions are coming to fruition. temperatures will continue to fall for the rest of the day, snow will continue, the stability down to a quarter mile for the rest of the morning into the afternoon, and wind gusts steady, and snow should taper off sometime this evening, 8 inches to 16 inches of new accumulation before it is over with, and a lot of blowing and drifting, very difficult to measure how much new snow is falling at your house. it will get worse before it gets better, and this will be the secret storm over the next couple of hours. sarah has some information. part of the beltway's close down? >> yes, right at the back river neck bridge, power lines down, and that is what we expected when we talked on the phone. power lines are now down on the
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east side of the beltway, working on how to reroute traffic. we will let you know when we get more on that. but again, avoid the roads. they are getting treacherous by the minute. let's give you a life look. take a look at the met. northbound 95 before you get past white marsh boulevard, three lanes closed with a jackknife tractor-trailer and a slick ride, and that is what we're seeing out there as far as volume. the have to continue their work, of course. an accident reported on i-70 at woodbine road, and fire activity continues to close frederick avenue at agusta in the city. take an alternate if you have to travel, avoid it if you do not. a vehicle fire eastbound 100, disabled completely blocking the ramp and heavy delays around the
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area. it is a tough ride out there. southbound route two, down power lines at owensville-sudley road. >> hopefully there is not a drive at all. jane miller was saying that they issued something we rarely hear in this area, that extremely dangerous winter weather warning. in other words, if you are in a car and get stuck, which she could very easily, do not leave your car. keep your heat on, check your tailpipe to make sure you are not getting carbon monoxide in your car, and do not get out unless you absolutely have. >> people are calling family and friends and asking them to get them. we will check on that and get with the best advice is. right now we want to get back to jennifer, she has been in the adult area this morning were
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unfortunately a real tragedy -- in dundalk. they lost a lot of equipment. >> they sure did, and firefighters will tell you one of the worst situations they can go into is a fatality, especially with children. they have been through worse, but this is considered their house. it is fire station no. 6. they lost a lot of equipment. this side here, you cannot even see the bulk of the damage, but we're tied into where we are, so we cannot get around that to show you how bad it is, but certainly bad enough. no injuries, a good thing, and they are investigating because of a fire and have made arrangements to make sure that residents are well-protected. i have regard here with me, was nice enough to walk over to the camera. your part is at 711, and there are a lot of trucks out there.
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>> i came here to get coffee, but i wanted to look at the fire department, because i drive your every day. it shocking to see this on the news. i want to take pictures and put them on my computer for my wife, but it is just a tragedy to see something like that happen that close to home, you know? i did not know the firefighters by name, but we spoke all the time, because i do home improvement and work up the street here, and we always come up with something on fire. it is pretty crazy. we have coffee in the house, but i like to get out. i have three children at home, and i do not drink coffee, my wife does, and i like to get out and play in the snow. i am of work, i can do what i want to do. i am just two blocks up the
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street. i am worried about getting back into my driveway. it is hard driving in it. you have to take your time and not go fast. i am all day long. i am going to be playing and shoveling all day. i will be relaxed. >> thank you for coming and talking to us. speaking of coffee, we wanted to let you know that the dunkin donuts on wise avenue was nice enough to bring fresh coffee, so the fire fighters wanted to say thank you for that. they definitely appreciated it. way to go. back to you. >> thank you very much. the weight of freezing power lines is creating lots of concern about power outages, and with that in mind, customers are urged to gather items on their snow emergency check list. stock up on flashlights with
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batteries, a fully charged phone and a cordless phone, plenty of blankets and nonperishable food items, just in case you lose service. folks probably stocked up on this over the weekend. >> hopefully. it is a great idea to keep your cellular phone charge, because if you lose or power, at least it is fully charged. >> if you lose power, call your power company right away and let them know. everybody thinks it is taken care of. >> and it is probably difficult to get through because the line might be busy, so take care. >> 1-877-778-2222. >> and the national weather service has issued safety tips for everyone. first and foremost, stay of the road. if you become stranded in your beer ", do not leave your car.
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it is very dangerous and blizzard conditions, and you can quickly be disoriented. also, avoid overexertion when you are shoveling snow. do a little bit and take a break. have flashlights available with other batteries, go find them, and do not forget to check on elderly neighbors who may not be able to get out and help themselves. >> we have the water cooler question of the day. we asked to this morning how they are planning to ride out the storm. i want to share this with you, from donning in pasadena. he said i intends to ride out the storm for my living room. the roads were dangers yesterday. all of the traffic was doing more bad than good. i've got to play games with my son and enjoy a family time. and if these storms keep coming, he will have to change his name to snowball. >> i love it.
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>> snowy winter on our website protract the storm, and do not forget to upload your photos. you can find it all on the homepage of our website, >> if you are wondering about what goes on, i have a blog at posted this morning with pictures of things in the newsroom normally do not see. >> i want to give you an update on what conditions are like not only here but on the road. i just drove in from baltimore county, and i want to give everyone a perspective on it. his car is clean. that is my car next to it, i just cleaned off an hour ago,
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and if you look here, you can see how quickly the freshly cleaned car is catching up to this note -- snow. this is the greatest football weather and the world. forget work, forget driving. play ball. this is awesome. and she mocked me earlier today, so she will pay the price. >> >> is getting tricky. the main roads are passable, but we have to pile through, so unless you have the wind kicking up, it is beautiful but brittle. >> and it will get worse. >> it looks like the intensity will kick up with this wind. look at that point. it is blowing things around.
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we have several more hours to get through. >> and the wind will really mess up my passes in the station football game. you are on. you are on. tackel football, at that. >> good times, good times. >> sinai hospital is requesting anyone with a four-wheel drive vehicle doubled like to assist them in getting doctors and nurses to the hospital, give them a call. 410 601 9791. >> i am sure there are a lot of hospitals with the same needs. if you live close to one, give them a call and see if they need help this morning. >> we are going to take another short break.


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