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tv   11 News  NBC  January 24, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> a live look over downtown baltimore beheaded is more than just rain. it is enough rain to trigger a flash flood watch tonight -- over downtown baltimore. it is more than just rain. john collins is in the insta- weather plus weather center.
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how widespread is this? >> the threat of flooding is throughout most of the viewing hour over the next 18 hours or so, because most of the rain will be coming in tonight. we have had rain at the airport so far, and most of the rain is west of the bay at this stage of the game. the darker shades of green, are where the heaviest rains are falling. -- the darker shades of green are where the heaviest rains are falling. how much? maybe enough to threaten some records but the record rainfall amounts for sunday -- threatens some records. the record rainfall amounts for sunday -- part of it is going to fall on sunday and part of it on monday, so we will see how close we come to those records. stick around. >> all right, get out those galoshes. you can use our interactive
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radar. go to it is right on our home page. a person was killed in a house fire in anne arundel county that started around 2:30 this afternoon. they saw smoke and fire coming from the top floor of the two- story home. the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. because of the fire is still under investigation. baltimore city police have announced three arrests in a murder case. 11 news reporter kim dacey is live in baltimore at central booking. >> baltimore police are proud that this case was solved in about 24 hours. the three suspects arrested early this morning. michael wiggins, nicky woodward, and anthony
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gugliel gugli guglielmi wherease death of darius ray. -- more arrested in the death of -- were arrested in the death of darius ray. we just do not want these people around, and we have to start holding these people around -- >> we just do not want these people around, and we have to start holding them accountable. >> coming up tonight at 11:00, we will hear from the coach at the high school where darius ray was a star athlete. >> thank you, and now to haiti.
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doctors without borders says its medical teams are beginning to see more patients with infections and complications, which also means more work for the navy hospital ship, the comfort. lowell melser said in this final report from haiti -- sent in this final report. >> we thought we knew what to expect when we got out here to haiti. it turns out, we really knew nothing at all. here is a look back at the preparations, the surprising up's, and a mission of hope. days before we got to haiti where spent practicing, last- minute adjustments for the core -- horror that laid ahead. a mock drill went relatively
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flawlessly. then, it really just crept up on us. the first patients were brought on board before we even anchored in haiti. >> i have got a 9-year-old at home. >> after that, it was nonstop action. they brought in patients around the clock. we also saw a disturbing sight in the ocean. this ferry was chased away by navy patrol boats, but that was nothing compared to what we saw when we got off comfort and toward port-au-prince -- toured port-au-prince. >> it is more of the same and more of the same, and it feels like a bottomless pit. >> the main staging area for
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people trying to get on comfort. only the sickest will make it. >> it is very sad. >> outside the compound of the hospital, chaos, people trying to get inside, the army keeping crowd control. our second date, we ventured off the beaten path with a catholic relief services to the hospital which was destroyed by in the earthquake. there was a maternity ward that collapsed onto the surgery war, so people were treated -- on to the surge toward -- onto the surgery ward. there was a group of children led through the streets. >> there are journalists here.
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our homes are broken and destroyed. we have lost our mothers, brothers, sisters, but god loves us. >> so as we head back to baltimore, many of the men and women on this ship will stay here and try to complete this mission. the question is, can they do it? off of the coast of haiti, i am lowell melser hour, wbal tv 11 news. >> -- i am lowell melser, wbal tv 11 news. >> rescuers pulled a 24-year-old from underneath a collapsed coastal grocery store. he told his rescuers that he is survived by eating snacks -- under the a collapsed hotel grocery store -- under a collapsed hotel grocery store.
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he told his rescuers that he is survived by eating snacks -- he survived by eating snacks. 7.5% for the month of december, a 26-year high. according to new numbers, 44,000 people in our state lost their jobs last month. however, the maryland and plan the rate still remains lower than the national average of 10% -- the mayor and unemployment rate still remains lower -- the maryland and unemployment rates -- maryland unemployment
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>> this week, president barack obama delivers his first state
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of the union address. will the president changes direction? 11 news reporter brian mooar has this story from washington. >> will he change the game plans and wednesday night's state of the union address? -- will he change game plans in wednesday night's state of the union address? >> most people thought washington was about other things, not them. >> the president reenlisted a top political gun, but administration officials insist there is no anti-obama backlash. >> what we learned from the massachusetts victory is that people are sick and tired of washington not delivering for them, so the question is really, will the republican party unwilling to come and work with us? >> republicans say they are working with the people. >> all across the people and even in the most liberal state
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in the union, -- >> i hope a lot of my friends and got the message that the american people like change but gradual change -- a lot of my friends have gotten the message. >> jobs and the economy, both expected highlights of the president's message. i am brian mooar, wbal tv 11 news. >> john is measuring lots and lots of rain. >> is just getting started. we will have the details. we will have the details.
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many adults don't meet the recommended daily intake for all vitamins and minerals through diet alone. that's why there's... it helps provide key nutrients your body could be missing. one serving of boost contains twenty-six essential vitamins and minerals plus 10 grams of protein. these nutrients help promote bone health and muscle mass to help keep your body moving. achieve a balanced diet so you can live life to the fullest. find boost in the nutrition isle. >> the locals are calling it the best snowfall they have seen in decades in california after a storm dumped several inches of snow, several feet up in the ski areas. it caused such a gridlock that the california highway patrol was forced to restrict traffic
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in the mountains. >> and is pretty up there when they do get the snow. -- and it is pretty. us, while they are getting snow, we are getting those same pacific storms. it is picking up additional moisture now from the gulf of mexico, and it is now just beginning to pull moisture off of the ocean. this is coming our way. most of the rain is west of the bay, but this whole thing moves eastward. you can see this will be coming in over nine tonight. once you get down around the level of georgia and south carolina -- coming in overnight tonight. once you get down around the level of georgia and south carolina, they have the potential for some severe weather. our temperature high 43 at the airport, 45 at the inner harbor.
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actually, we should just change it. the temperature is just going to keep rising through the night time hours. morning lows were down around freezing or sell -- through the nighttime hours. look at these temperatures. morning lows were down around freezing or so. we will not necessarily make it into the 60's, but it is definitely a rainmaker, not a snow maker. it does not start to dry out until you get back into illinois. this will be coming in tonight. the lay of the land this evening, lots of rain, moving eastward. as long as it is west of us, we keep rain in the forecast. 48 to 52 the overnight low. that means temperatures will be rising a little bit. all of these pink areas go over
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1.5 inches. that is what flood watches, advisories are in effect overnight and into tomorrow. but virtually our entire viewing area has some watch or another -- virtually our entire viewing area. some of the gusts could be strong at times. the temperature is in the low 50's in the morning and then starts to falloffs -- to fall off. it starts moving offshore opie and the eastern shore gets the last of the senate again reigns. -- it starts moving offshore. the eastern shore gets the last of the significant rains. we could even see a flurry org two on tuesday, as well, but what is -- see a flurry or two on tuesday.
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look at where the temperatures go, down. it looks like there will be a storm south of us, so from the baltimore area southward, we could see some snow. we just have to wait to see exactly how that positions itself. >> all right, putting on your skating skirt. >> i think that should fit, especially with the olympics right around the corner. with the olympics less than three weeks away, the skirts firt. if they
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>> he saw his father go to the super bowl as the first-year
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assistant coach with the new york jets. unfortunately, he will not get the chance to extend the family tradition. they came up short. the colts will go to the super bowl. we cannot show you the highlights until 11:00 because another network paid more. we can, however, show you this nifty graphics that accurately reflects of the score. peyton manning had thrown for 377 yards today and three touchdowns before he put the game on ice for the running game. there were 24 unanswered points. the championship game kicks off in a few minutes down in new orleans. brett favre wants to make 40 the new 30 by taking the vikings to the super bowl. this gives you a perspective of how long the saints have waited for a spot.
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they were playing a losing season when brett favre was born. five in new orleans. the saints coach knows he probably will not have the same skills as he did when he was younger, but it still makes opposing head coaches nervous. >> i cannot think of someone playing this many years into it at the level he is playing. he is in great shape. you see the velocity on his throws, the decision making. >> and he hopes to create a trip for minnesota to the super bowl, where they will face the indianapolis colts. earlier this season when the terps lost, fans got nervous. they now find themselves in the first place of the acc. the work courtside last night
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for gary williams' 1000th game. the terps starting to pull away from n.c. state. marilyn demolished them, so the terps are now 3-1 -- maryland's demolished them. -- maryland demolished them. rafael nadal had one of those rare days. in this case, he was facing a tall challenge, literally, against a player who was 6' 10". nadal near court, proving a beast at the net. you do it like that if you are rafael nadal.
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what's the back can. perfect game. -- watch the back in game. the winter olympics begins in 19 days right here on tv 11, and it will not include a comeback for sasha. her competition is the new darling of the sport, and she skates to a championship along with the second-place finisher as the new generation of skating stars from the u.s. again, the olympics are starting in just 19 days, and you will see an all right here on tv 11. coming up, the insta-weather plus forecast.
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>> all right, rain, wet. that is the forecast. >> thank you, gentlemen, and thank you for watching.
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>> this is a wbal tv 11 editorial from general manager jordon wertlieb. >> in baltimore city, the issues of past and present are already before the soon to be mayor. the police commissioner and fire chief have answered the tough questions and have made difficult decisions since taking their posts. the incoming mayor will be casting a critical eye on pension funding, and while no one wanted to transition under the circumstances, a new era of politics and policy will be ushered in, affecting the relationship with annapolis and possibly the white house. her family's legacy looms over
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city hall and our state capital. we believe her steady hand and with the support of leaders, it will provide rawlings blake the tools necessary to continue to
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