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tv   11 News  NBC  December 19, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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>> live, local, late-breaking. this is wbal tv 11 news at 6 in hd. >> we do not need to tell you our big story today. snow, and lots and lots of it. one of the biggest storms on record is showing potential of
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being the biggest storm. so where are we now in relation to the storm, and when will it end? our coverage begins with tony. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> let's take a look at the numbers up to this time. one of the highest amount down in croft and is 24 inches. up in carroll county, 17.45. let's switch over to doppler. we have been waiting for the merging of energy. we have the upper level near richland and service level about 104 miles out store -- offshore. when this happens, the snow here could deepen and take off to the northeast.
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we have to pass this line before it tapers off. it could be up to 11:00 the next four hours or five hours. coming back, we will see what happens as we go into next week. >> most mayor lenders did stay home and enjoy the storm. road crews have the job of keeping things up and running. david collins joins us live from the emergency operations headquarters in baltimore county with the latest for us. >> this hour, statewide conference calls are underway to assess the storm needs for tonight and into tomorrow.
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gov. o'malley declared a state of emergency allowing the state to activate the national guard. 200 students have -- soldiers have been called up for active duty. at least 10 requests have been made for national guard assistance. they're preparing to hit the streets in prince george's, montgomery anne arundel countyarundel, and baltimore city. in some cases, they could be paired up with police and paramedics. snowfall, 2500 pieces of equipment, and emergency crews have at least 300,000 tons of salt at their disposal. gov. o'malley today provided an assessment of the roads. >> one big challenge we're seeing is onramps, to get on to the interstate. the rams have a lot more snow on them than the main roads, so people need to be careful. it is a big challenge right now.
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>> we just received word from the mta, reported that metro service is running with no disruptions. the light rail, however, has a switching problem at camden yards. calls here indicate that the storm appears to be lightening up in southern maryland. wbal-tv 11 news. >> now we are going to switch gears and asked a question on every football fan's mind -- what is going out tomorrow? it is going to be tough for the monsters of the midway to make it to baltimore before the game tomorrow at the stadium. we're joined now with the latest. where are the bears? >> stuck in chicago. they tried to leave friday but waited too long, they had claimed problems, and they missed their trouble window -- travel window.
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they have their own issues, clearing snow from the stadium. i traded emails with the director of public relations. the bears will get there as soon as they can. they had better find some way to find a way to baltimore sun.. if they cannot make it, league policy says that the game will be rescheduled within two days of the original date, and that would likely mean two names on
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monday night, one in baltimore, as well. >> let's begin our check on area conditions. we're in canton checking out conditions with jane miller. what does it look like now? >> what have you done today? >> it was very busy. there were tons of people out. >> i just got here. actually, i wonder if you are supposed to travel to their -- today? >> yes, to miami. it was canceled. it is my birthday weekend. it is all right. >> what would you have done today if it was not for this snow?
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>> i would have done some extra christmas shopping. and gone to the gym. >> the guy in the redskins' coach is from prince george's county. the question aron your mind is? >> is there going to be school monday? >> we do not have the answer, but we will be live from seven to eight, so we will passalong information that we have. stay tuned. thank you very much. for those who did stay home, road crews are making things comfortable for those on the road. but now we are going to go to anne arundel county for the latest. what is going on where you are? >> we are at a shell station break by the airport, the north cargo area. this morning, when we got here
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the convenience store owner parked his car here and it has been here ever since 10:00 this morning. this is deep. he has got at least a foot of snow on the roof of his car. you can imagine how much snow. at bwi, things are going on as well, and it has been closed on and off throughout the day. there was also a nightmare on a jamaican air jet actually got stuck in the snow as it was trying to get deiced. passengers had been on since early in the morning and were on until the afternoon, when they were able to get off. a lot of these dump trucks are coming, full of snow, taking on runways or other parts along the area.
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we have seen a lot of folks jammed up. can we ask you a question? we are live right now on channel 11. are you hollings know? >> -- hauling snow? >> yes. i have seen worse than this. worse than this. [inaudible] it is rough back there. >> be careful. all right. got to jump up on the truck. that is pretty cool. anyway, we're seeing snow come down at a steady clip. they are plowing this underneath for everywhere they go. you can see it piling up. we will have another update next
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hour, but again, everyone has been saying, please, if you do not have to go out, do not. just be safe. >> kim is joining us from westminster. >> there was powder coming down, then its switched over to frozen, wet snow. we are not for what that means, but it definitely is accumulating. right here we have the bordering building, and you can see where you can open defense. this shows you the volume of snow we are going to deal with.
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this has been plowed a several times throughout the day. there have been ploughs coming through this gas station, and you can see it piling up here from the wind, still accumulating. deftly very treacherous. we're seeing cars go by from time to time, but it does not look good. the service is covered. it can be very dangerous. again, you want to stay inside it all possible. people are coming in to get a box or food. we even saw some people come out with bags of ice, ironic. the family stay out of these conditions if you do not have to be out. back to you.
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>> stay with us. much more coverage.
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...with the magic of three. soothing lotion with a touch of shea butter, aloe and e. plain tissue can irritate the sore nose issue. puffs plus with lotion is a more soothing tissue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus indeed. and try puffs plus with the comforting scent of vicks. >> welcome back to the coverage of this major winter storm that has blanketed the state. we want to ask how bad is the storm. they actually close to the malls.
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-- close to the malls. what is the status? -- they close to the malls. >> not any employees are left to doing any christmas work inside. they decided it was too dangerous to have anybody out and about on the road. trucks have been outside for a while. the falling snow has icicles, and people have been cruising, driving 15, 20 miles an hour. we have seen all kinds of accidents, seeing a petraeus go into a still -- a prius going
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into a snowbank. the parking lot has been plowed several times. conditions are getting bad. plus, it looks pretty from your window, but now that it is nighttime, it is starting to go harder, and it is amazing how many fender benders and accidents we have seen. remember, your car is out there, versus the buses. the common sense as to state- owned -- is to stay home. we had a handful of people inside, although you could have shot a cannon off and not hit anybody. the egg had been ransacked, and all of the christmas cookies, it seemed. but everyone we have seen, you have to be out to work in this, it would make their jobs easier
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to plow and clear and make road safer. >> effects on advice. -- excellent advice. more coverage ahead. >> doppler confirming more snow. stay with us. 26 degrees at bwi, north wind at nine. yeah, my son's got all that and he's on his first date. will new pepto instacool cover him? what's he got, a little bit of the nervous stomach? the chimichangas probably aren't helping either. ouch. well, when he feels the instacool sensation, he'll know that pepto's about to kick in. oh, ah-ha. honey, do you feel... the instacool sensation -- yes, mom. thank you, mrs. wagner. you're welcome, sweetheart. [ pepto guy ] have a great date, everybody. [ male announcer ] new pepto-bismol chewables with instacool. yup, you're covered.
6:18 pm use new crest extra white plus scope outlast,
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like me. like her. whew. it's minty! it whitens your teeth and gives you a fresh breath feeling that actually lasts. mm-hmm. and he likes to drink a lot of coffee. [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. for a whiter smile and a fresh breath feeling that... [ inhales deeply ] lasts up to five times longer than ordinary toothpaste. [ inhales deeply ] ok she's right. ok. oooh, "she's right." my breath still feels fresh. and how could i resist that smile?! [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. >> now, your forecast. >> welcome back. good evening. for the first time since this morning, i am seeing the beginning of the end. that is good, when you see the beginning of the end. let's take a look at hd doppler. it is still snowing hard up and down the i-95 corridor. it will continue doing that for the next hours, at least break
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up and down 95, and 70, we're going to be affected. if you look at western maryland and virginia, you can see the back edge, with precipitation coming from the edge, and it is moving to the east. so it is going to take, i would say, three or four hours to make it to the baltimore area. we're taking a look at the total by the time it is said and done. we have picked up 15 inches or 20 inches of snow, and the corridor, the bull's-eye is 20 inches to 30 inches before it is over with. across the eastern shore, where we started out, is a mixture of rain and snow. southern maryland will pick up 18 or 20 inches, with impressive
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snowfall members, to say the least. the way it ends up in the all- time list is in question, because bwi is the target, and they have not put in any numbers, so we do not know how much smoke -- snow has fallen. the biggest number was a few years ago in 2003, 28.2 inches in february. there was a three-day storm. then there was the 96 blizzard, number four, january 7 and eighth, a 22.5, and a 1942 storm ties that one. whether we make it to the top spot or not, i do not know, but we certainly are going to make it in the top-10 as snowstorms bill in maryland. temperature, 20's, cold, windy, 25 in westminster, and wind is still kicking up, no winter conditions anymore, but steady wind from the north at 15 miles an hour or 16 miles an hour.
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stronger down along the coast. when you factor that incommode wind chill is running in the teens. these of the temperatures you want to dress for. the forecast for tonight, we will cease no ending late, tapering off. low temperatures will drop back, and they will not move much more from where they are right now. waking up, you'll see snow showers are ground, and accumulating snow should be gone. so the actual temperature should be able to sneak into the teens. little disturbance will, of the northwest, giving us a disturbance, but basically it is a quiet snowstorm. nice and quiet tuesday and
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wednesday. christmas day, there will be another snowstorm. >> stay with us. much more right after this. yeah, my son's got all that and he's on his first date. will new pepto instacool cover him? what's he got, a little bit of the nervous stomach? the chimichangas probably aren't helping either. ouch. well, when he feels the instacool sensation, he'll know that pepto's about to kick in. oh, ah-ha. honey, do you feel... the instacool sensation -- yes, mom. thank you, mrs. wagner. you're welcome, sweetheart. [ pepto guy ] have a great date, everybody. [ male announcer ] new pepto-bismol chewables with instacool. yup, you're covered.
6:24 pm
here's one for your skin that's clinically proven. olay professional pro-x wrinkle protocol
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is as effective as the leading wrinkle prescription brand at reducing the look of wrinkles. that's because olay has teamed with a highly specialized group of dermatologists and created a wrinkle protocol that gives you the results of the leading wrinkle prescription brand, without a prescription. olay professional pro-x. this is a guarantee you're guaranteed to love. >> here is a look at some of the stories for tomorrow night. we are going to continue to fall the monster snowstorm of 2009. tony will have the latest on the storm, and we will have live reports and a look at road conditions around the area. we will have an update on the bears. and health officials are preparing for tamari hospital ga [ telephone rings ] pepto-bismol. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, and diarrhea. yeah, my son's got all that and he's on his first date.
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will new pepto instacool cover him? what's he got, a little bit of the nervous stomach? the chimichangas probably aren't helping either. ouch. well, when he feels the instacool sensation, he'll know that pepto's about to kick in. oh, ah-ha. honey, do you feel... the instacool sensation -- yes, mom. thank you, mrs. wagner. you're welcome, sweetheart. [ pepto guy ] have a great date, everybody. [ male announcer ] new pepto-bismol chewables with instacool. yup, you're covered. ♪ ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ ♪ i'm cool like that [ female announcer ] there's a smarter, cooler way
6:27 pm
to get your clothes brilliantly clean. and it's a turn for the better. ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ [ female announcer ] tide coldwater. it's specially formulated to clean in cold better than the other brand does in warm. ♪ cool like that and by washing in cold, you can save up to $10 on your energy bill with every 100 oz bottle. and that's cool. tide coldwater. get out of the old and into the cold. ♪ i'm cool like that >> if you look on the left-hand side of your screen, you can see this note tapering off, perching winchester. that and is going to move to baltimore. timing that out, you have to give it at least another four hours before the snow tapers. >> i want to be on the left-hand side of the screen. all right. thank you very much for watching.
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nbc nightly news is next. back here live at 7:00, so stick around. ♪ ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ ♪ i'm cool like that [ female announcer ] there's a smarter, cooler way to get your clothes brilliantly clean.
6:29 pm
and it's a turn for the better. ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ [ female announcer ] tide coldwater. it's specially formulated to clean in cold better than the other brand does in warm. ♪ cool like that and by washing in cold, you can save up to $10 on your energy bill with every 100 oz bottle. and that's cool. tide coldwater. get out of the old and into the cold. ♪ i'm cool like that its foot-mapping technology identifies the areas you put the most pressure on,


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