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tv   11 News  NBC  December 12, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> this is wbal-tv 11 news at 6:00. >> our big story tonight, some messy weather is on the way. the big question, will that be a wintry mix or a lot of rain? jim has hour alert. >> there is some good news. the majority of it looks to be plain old rain. take a look at the radar picture. this is the winter radar picture. you see a little bit of rain in
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indiana. the rest of this is rain. the warm air is coming from the south and most of this for us in baltimore is just going to be rain. we can take a quick look at temperatures. we managed to get into the 40's. 42 right now. warmer to the south. upper-30's. that is where the air will be coming from. 40 in annapolis. 36 at frederick. the higher elevations toward the mountains, we might see that start and i see mix, but most of the day will be plain rain. that will be bringing with it problems. i will have more about that in your full instaweather plus forecast. >> you can follow the forecast and our interactive radar that allows you to track the weather to your a street. go to cold weather might be to blame for a series of water main breaks in the past several days. frigid temperatures could expose major aging
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infrastructure problems around the area. jim joins us live from falls road, where water main break caused headaches. >> the good news is, most of the areas are back open. the bad news is this time of year, the water main breaks can happen anywhere at any time. it happens in an instant. water main snaps and sends water flying into the air, even into people's homes. >> [unintelligible] my grandbaby is two years old. my friend lost everything. >> debra lost everything in her basement in september. on thursday, another one, thankfully smaller it will benches, broke in the same area. on friday, two more pipes snapped, one on falls road, that was fixed at night.
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the other was on east seminary avenue and took longer to fix. it sent water feet into the air. >> i have never seen anything like this before. >> the wild water -- why are the brakes now? officials blame the cold weather. >> it is that time of year. you have to be prepared for when they occur. >> most likely, it is the typical situation you find this time of year. the ground is freezing, falling, shifting. pipes are moving a little bit. every time that shifts, decade after decade, this will ultimately snapped. >> 16 brakes are part of the department of water main -- department of public works budget every year. homeowners are sometimes stranded because of road work and many times have to go days without running water, or deal with flooding in their homes. >> we do not have any water right now, but i have bottled water. >> we have been here 30 years
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and i have never seen nothing like that. it was devastating to everybody. the whole neighborhood. >> this time of year, especially, officials say you need to keep emergency supplies on hand, things like bottled water. wbal-tv 11 news. >> four days after an elderly man died in an early morning fire, firefighters were back in that was baltimore neighborhood to educate residents about fire prevention. the fire chief join the crews that were going door-to-door. they distributed information about fire safety, smoke detectors, and urged residents to check them regularly. the cheap addressed continuing controversy over steep cuts to his department's budget and the resulting fire company closures. >> i want everybody to know that every fire station has at least one fire truck. some of them had two but there
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will only have one until we get out of what we are in now. >> city residents can get a free smoke detector by calling their local fire station. baltimore city recorded its 221st and 222nd homicide of the year today. overnight, police say a 32-year- old was killed during a home invasion in the 3300 block of woodstock avenue. the victim has been identified as glenn johnson. police say his 34-year-old sister was shot in the chest. four unidentified assailants ran off on foot. they are asking residents to come forward with information about the case. baltimore city police investigating a murder number to under 22 in northwest baltimore. officers were called to the 2400 block of shirley avenue of around 7:15 this morning. they say they found the body of the 27-year-old unidentified man with gunshot wounds to the head.
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he was pronounced dead at the scene. also in northwest baltimore, police are trying to determine who shot a man in the chest. this happened around 10:00 last night. no word on his condition and no word on a motive or suspects. attorneys for sheila dixon have filed a motion for retrial. her lawyers cite juror misconduct as one reason for the request. defense attorneys contend two jurors lied during jury selection. one said she had never been charged with felony theft, but records show she was charged with theft in 2007. the defense team says another juror did not disclose that she won a shopping spree from the city in 2006 and the event was attended by sheila dixon and a city employee who testified at the trial. terrell suggs will have to pay the mother of his two children
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$35,000 per month. that was the order on friday when they appeared in court after a restraining order was filed. the judge made the order permanent, meaning the pro bowler is forbidden to have contact with ms. williams. both agreed to share custody of the children. the family of the truck driver killed last year in a crash on the bay bridge amended his multimillion-dollar lawsuit. the suit means maryland and the state transportation authority. the family claims bridge barriers could have been better maintained to prevent the truck from going into the bay. the suit claims two-way traffic on the bridge at the time of the crash was inherently dangerous and has led to other fatalities. the $7 million lawsuit was filed in june. it originally involved in the 19-roll driver because the crash. tiger woods learns another sponsor is taking a break. the latest company pitching him
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out of their advertising. a federal judge rules against a federal judge rules against i'm challenging my husband... that'll be me. use new crest extra white plus scope outlast, like me. like her. whew. it's minty! it whitens your teeth and gives you a fresh breath feeling that actually lasts. mm-hmm. and he likes to drink a lot of coffee. [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. for a whiter smile and a fresh breath feeling that... [ inhales deeply ] lasts up to five times longer
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than ordinary toothpaste. [ inhales deeply ] ok she's right. ok. oooh, "she's right." my breath still feels fresh. and how could i resist that smile?! [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast.
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>> we pick up with good news for acorn. a judge ruled the government ruled to cut off the funding and it is unconstitutional. the judge issued the preliminary injunction, saying it is in the public's interest for the organization to continue to receive funding. the group has been mired in controversy with a video showing two people posing as a pimp and a prostitute. mark sanford is responding to his wife's announcement that she is seeking a divorce. he says he takes responsibility for the "moral failure" that led to the divorce paperwork filed by his wife. the governor praised his wife, saying she has been gracious of
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the last few months since he went public, admitting an affair with an argentinian woman that he called his "sole maker "today, gillette is dropping tiger woods from its advertising. it is honoring the wish for privacy, but the loss of the blue-chip endorsement is the biggest blow yet to his billion dollars endorsement empire. >> hours after tiger woods announced he was taking an indefinite hiatus from golf, gillette announced it was phasing him out of his advertising. as tiger takes a break from the public eye, gillette said they would support his desire for privacy by limiting his role in the marketing programs. >> i think gillette really has no choice in the matter but to limit his profile, considering how egregious this whole situation has been an the indiscretions he has admitted to. >> it was an extraordinary week
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of bad publicity. a parade of alleged mistresses sullied his squeaky clean image. nike is standing behind its billion dollar man. at&t says it is evaluating its relationship. tiger was the face of the global management firm accentor, but now he has been banished from the company website. woods met the scandal had on, admitting to infidelity in a message on his website. "it may not be possible to repair the damage i have done, but i want to do my best to try. i need to focus my attention on being a better husband, father, and person." tiger woods taking a hiatus, but not getting a break. he is paying a steep price. his absence will hurt the bottom line of the pga to work at a time when it is already struggling. in washington, i am brian more, wbal-tv 11 news. >> we are talking tiger woods.
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you are talking army navy. >> a much more fun story. it is one of the greatest rivalries. we will check in philadelphia. the ravens, and jim, what about his coaching future with stanford? >> lots of sunshine ahead. that will be changing with the rain getting to move into the area. take a look outside right now. temperatures, 36 degrees at the airport. 40 downtown. humidity is low. we will talk about the upcoming camping is no fun... ..when your nose is raw and sore. plain tissue can make it burn even more. but mom knows there's puffs plus... ...with the magic of three. soothing lotion with a touch of shea butter, aloe and e. plain tissue can irritate the sore nose issue. puffs plus with lotion is a more soothing tissue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus indeed. and try puffs plus with the comforting scent of vicks.
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here's one for your skin that's clinically proven. olay professional pro-x wrinkle protocol is as effective as the leading wrinkle prescription brand at reducing the look of wrinkles. that's because olay has teamed with a highly specialized group of dermatologists and created a wrinkle protocol that gives you the results of the leading wrinkle prescription brand, without a prescription. olay professional pro-x. this is a guarantee you're guaranteed to love. >> and give away too old folks in need happened today, thanks to members of the baptist church. it is christmas -- it is the christmas outreach empowerment committee. many of the participants were students of the program. the pastor says it is an opportunity to help make the holidays brighter for those involved.
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>> we are able to serve over 500 families and we will make sure they have toys, that they have close. and food, that it is a wonderful christmas day. >> the program is assisting in neighborhood schools and senior citizens. so much snow fell in upstate new york, 12 inches on friday, more than 100 people had to spend the night in their vehicles on a stretch of highway. people were moving around i-90 today. some residents who were out this morning were trying to clear the snow off their driveways. others decided to have fun in the snow and build a snowman. >> now, your instaweather plus forecast. >> the snow is to the north of us, to the west. there will not be any here, good news. a very large storms down to the south. all rain at this point. that will be heading our way
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from late tonight throughout most of the day tomorrow. our sunday does look to be a bit of a washout. we're expecting the rain to a ride across the southern maryland border between 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. from southern maryland dr. baltimore. it will rise between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. between 5:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. it will reach the northern part of maryland. there is an exception to all of this. some of the higher terrain we will see to the north and west could see some of this start as a little bit of ice. the key word is "start." warm air from the south will continue to move in over the next 24 hours. as that starts, it will be changing over to rain as we go into late afternoon, especially in northern areas. not really concerned about that, but something we have to watch closely. the faster the storm arrives, the better chance we have for all rain. nobody wins with an ice forecast. temperatures in the third's and 40's right now to the south.
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38 in d.c. the freezing point down toward salzburg. a little bit of ice to start. there are isolated areas to the north and west. most of this will occur whenever when sleeping. early tomorrow morning, maybe brunch or church, it will be all rain. it will be a wet day. 43 is our high at the airport today. 45 in the inner harbor. 47 is typical of what we see this time of year. we will see an increase in clouds for tonight. the rain arriving very late. some of that could be a little bit of a mix, especially the higher elevation. for most of us, rain. here's the storm complex to the south. it will be wet on sunday. this continues to of the coast and make its way through as we get to the late-night hours on sunday. we will start to see a little bit of drying. monday, we're looking at plenty of sunshine.
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a quick look on the futurepast, 5:00 a.m., there is the first batch for central maryland. by 2:00, lots of that rain. by 7:00, we see little of the clearing. we start to see the clouds moved in and out on monday. for your forecast tomorrow, plain old rain. mostly cloudy, up to 46 degrees. ravens' game 1:00 kickoff looks to be a little wet. kickoff time will be about 42. rain showers across the state with temperatures in the 40's and 50's. 50's by the shore. we are getting the warmer air moving in from the south. those temperatures in the mid- 40's and the maryland. temperatures rising overnight. slight chance of seeing a little of the ice in higher elevations. by the morning, all liquid. 44 degrees for sunday. 54 monday with sunshine. 52 for tuesday. a slight chance for an early morning rain shower. temperatures are more
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comfortable in the 50's and they continue the roller coaster of temperatures. the cold front moves through by the middle of the week. very windy on wednesday. 37. take a look of wind chills. those temperatures will make it feel like the low was 30. we will do it again thursday. very windy with birth -- with 37 degrees. our next form -- the next round of storms as possible friday. saturday, mostly sunny at 41. >> now, 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> arguably the greatest rivalries in college sports, army vs. navy. while dominating in pageantry and greater meaning, they are lacking in the competition. navy has seven straight wins. they played like they fully expected number eight to come right along. if army and the street, the cadets can earn the win. the junior quarterback as having
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a great year. 58-yard gain. it is called back. three-nothing at the break. no laundry on the field. 25 yards for curry. navy goes on to win this one by a final of 17-3. they're the commander-in-chief. they got the trophy. i have gotten to know john with the ravens. i know all of these rumors about jim lobbying for other coaching jobs. finally, the rumors were put to rest after reports he was going to notre dame. jim signed a contract extension tuesday at stanford. don't think he has time to lobby for their jobs, too busy trying to get help -- help the ravens get a call. clayton will not play sunday. just and harper was signed on to the active roster from the
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practice squad. harper has the potential to provide a game breaking experience. he has struggled to consistently catch the ball. we sought against the redskins. -- we saw its against the redskins. it has been confusing this year. the team is ranked in the top 25 and one could expect big things. they are 1-3. home today against eastern kentucky. gregor returned -- gregory returned from suspension. he is working on the jumper. six. in the first half for mount st. joe's. a career high 26 against villanova. maryland in front 13-5. it is on. billboard showing off. the team.
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7-2 on the year. late in the second half, maryland clinging to a lead. under three minutes to play. battle of the top 25 out west. the legend himself was in attendance for georgetown. the dunk did not compare to the hit taken by the cameraman. thomas was much more impressive when not running into people and instead going around them. vaughn as a season-high of 18. georgetown is 8-0. stay with us. we will check the forecast right after this.
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♪ ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ ♪ i'm cool like that [ female announcer ] there's a smarter, cooler way to get your clothes brilliantly clean. and it's a turn for the better. ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ [ female announcer ] tide coldwater. it's specially formulated to clean in cold better than the other brand does in warm. ♪ cool like that and by washing in cold, you can save up to $10 on your energy bill with every 100 oz bottle. and that's cool.
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tide coldwater. get out of the old and into the cold. ♪ i'm cool like that >> here's a look at what we are looking at tonight. the president turns his
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attention to the senate. a local expert ways in. a look at what is coming up next. >> tiger's decision to take a break from golf. will sponsors take a break from him? another blast of winter is on another blast of winter is on
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i'm challenging my husband... that'll be me. use new crest extra white plus scope outlast, like me. like her. whew. it's minty! it whitens your teeth and gives you a fresh breath feeling that actually lasts. mm-hmm. and he likes to drink a lot of coffee. [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. for a whiter smile and a fresh breath feeling that... [ inhales deeply ] lasts up to five times longer than ordinary toothpaste. [ inhales deeply ] ok she's right. ok. oooh, "she's right." my breath still feels fresh. and how could i resist that smile?! [ female announcer ] new crest extra white plus scope outlast. >> i feel like it has been raining for a month. when will it stop? >> the clouds are on the weekend. tomorrow, it will be a very
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soggy day. it looks to be mainly just grain. there was a concern about some ice. we could see that mainly overnight. by that time we wake up tomorrow morning, light rain. a sunny in nice, 50, by monday. >> thank you. thank you for joining us. we will see you camping is no fun... ..when your nose is raw and sore. plain tissue can make it burn even more. but mom knows there's puffs plus... ...with the magic of three. soothing lotion with a touch of shea butter, aloe and e. plain tissue can irritate the sore nose issue. puffs plus with lotion is a more soothing tissue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus indeed. and try puffs plus with the comforting scent of vicks.
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here's one for your skin that's clinically proven. olay professional pro-x wrinkle protocol is as effective as the leading wrinkle prescription brand at reducing the look of wrinkles. that's because olay has teamed with a highly specialized group of dermatologists and created a wrinkle protocol that gives you the results of the leading wrinkle prescription brand, without a prescription. olay professional pro-x.


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