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tv   11 News  NBC  December 5, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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>> live, local, latebreaking. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the
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national captioning institute >> the heavy, wet snowflakes began falling this morning, and they are still coming down, adding up to the root first measurable snow fall of the season. i am joined by the man of the hour. what have we seen so far, and what can we expect for the rest of the evening? >> the storm is beginning to pull away. the storm is a lot lighter than it was a few hours ago. has been kind of a wet snow and heavy snow, and really hard to measure. a lot of it melted after it hit the ground or was in the process of melting while new snow was being added to the situation. whenever you stuck the rumor in the ground, it may not represent the total amount of snowfall we have had -- whenever you stuck the rumor in the ground. still selling around the area, primarily from the bay as for. when you get on the eastern
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shore, it is more of a mix of precipitation. you can see the trailing edge of the snow out around frederick. the entire lower portion is almost all rain. there may be a few places where snow may be mixing in. is beginning to pull away as the coastal storm moves towards cape cod. that is what will be working on this evening, pulling the storm out of the picture. we'll talk about the details and what will happen the rest of that evening and the rest of the weekend, coming up. >> as john mentioned, the winter weather reach -- winter weather advisory maremains in effect. >> just little while ago the snow that was coming down was a wet snow. in the last few minutes, it has changed over to these bigger
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flakes that are little more powdery. if you take a look at the roads, it looks like those legs are not sticking to the road to much at this point. -- those flakes are not sticking to the road. city and state crews are out salting roads to make sure the conditions do not get any worse. >> the snow started saturday morning and kept falling and falling through the afternoon. baltimore city and the state highway administration say they prepared based on the forecast on friday, and polk city and state trucks started patrolling roads and salting saturday morning. >> we do not have anybody but having to rush off to work. people can choose not to go out. we have some more options and will not be under so much pressure to get everything done by rush hour. >> the operations center was activated at noon to handle the first form of the season. this year baltimore city has new tools to help them predict what
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mother nature will bring. >> the city has just completed an upgrade of all of our weather stations that are used by officials to effectively manage our emergency operations. >> folks are heading to the store to stock up on their own personal supplies to help them take care of their own driveways at home. the home depot in clarksville has seen an increase in people coming into stock up on friday night. >> i have seen a lot of people coming in for rock salt and calcium chloride. a lot of people already have their shovels. >> visibility is low and the roads are slick, so they are warning drivers not to go out if possible. texted big concern is that the water on the roadways will freeze up. ice is a lot more dangerous than snow to drive in. you do have to go out tonight, use extreme caution on the roads.
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>> bridges and overpasses are some of the first to freeze. you can follow the forecast through our interactive radar read it allows you to track the weather right down to your very own street. just 02 and click on whether. wbal radio has confirmed that baltimore ravens linebacker terrell suggs has a temporary restraining order out against him. baltimore court records show that order was obtained by a woman named candace williams on friday. he is not allowed to have any contact with ms. williams. the ravens issued a statement saying they are looking into the matter and will speak to suggs. the three-time pro bowler told the baltimore sun ", heavy thing to say. it is a family matter, and family matters should be kept personal. all you guys know me and my character, and hopefully at the end of today, that stands for something. he has been sidelined for
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several weeks with a knee injury. days after it found guilty of embezzling, baltimore mayor sheila dixon remains focused. the mayor attended several public events today, including this holiday train kickoff. during a press conference on thursday, the mayor said she regrets that city residents had to go through the ordeal of her criminal trial. one of the first tourist to speak with 11 news about jury deliberations participated in a public event which then council president sheila dixon and a key prosecution witness in november 2006. a caller produce according to the baltimore sun, she received a $324 price in the sweepstakes, but she did not disclose that information prior to the trial. the article quotes her as saying she did not remember the mayor
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or her staff for being at the event, and she thought it was sponsored by the store where it was held. and capitol hill tonight, the senate held another rare weekend session, debating amendments for the health-care overhaul bill. democrats say they are cutting rates, but republicans accuse them of cutting the benefits for seniors. >> one vote at a time, senate democrats are getting closer to a health care reform bill. >> the amendment is agreed to. >> lawmakers -- lawmakers voted on a bill designed to extend health care to millions. >> the american people do not get weekends off. >> there pushing to get a bill done by the holidays.
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abortion and the public option are threatening party unity. republicans are happy to let the democrats fight it out. >> we are not going to blink. >> republicans argue the plant will cost taxpayers billions and cost some seniors their coverage. >> they are cutting medicare to fund a new government program. >> democrats insist they are cutting waste and fraud, not services. >> saving lives, saving money, saving medicare. that is what we are fighting to do. >> in the senate, the long fight over health care continues with the holiday deadline weeks away. in an effort to keep the party and health care bill on track. >> american student amanda knox found guilty of murder in an italian court.
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>> we are extremely disappointed, upset about the decision. we are all in shock. >> more reaction from her camping is no fun... ..when your nose is raw and sore. plain tissue can make it burn even more. but mom knows there's puffs plus... ...with the magic of three. soothing lotion with a touch of shea butter, aloe and e.
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plain tissue can irritate the sore nose issue. puffs plus with lotion is a more soothing tissue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus indeed. and try puffs plus with the comforting scent of vicks. its foot-mapping technology identifies the areas you put the most pressure on, then recommends the right custom fit orthotic, guaranteed. that's why footcare scientists are behind it. for locations, see
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>> the family of amanda knox visited her today and in italian present hours after she was convicted of killing her british roommate. she was sentenced to 26 years for the murder of merit kercher. her co-defendant was also found guilty and given a 25 year prison sentence. knox's mother said she was shocked by the verdict, but encouraged by the outpouring of support. >> the media has been supportive. >> a third defendant in the case was convicted last year and sentenced to 30 years in prison.
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>> real football weather as a >> real football weather as a couple [ female announcer ] there are few guarantees in life. here's one for your skin that's clinically proven. olay professional pro-x wrinkle protocol is as effective as the leading wrinkle prescription brand
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at reducing the look of wrinkles. that's because olay has teamed with a highly specialized group of dermatologists and created a wrinkle protocol that gives you the results of the leading wrinkle prescription brand, without a prescription. olay professional pro-x. this is a guarantee you're guaranteed to love. it's time for holiday bargain hunting. which requires a razor sharp eye and blazing speed. especially if you're shopping for a chevy. can we speed this up? not only do they come with the best deals of the year, they come with the best coverage in america. you snooze you lose. hey! i'll take it! let the chevy red tag event begin. now during the chevy red tag event, get 0 percent apr for 72 months on most '09 models. see red and save green. now at your local chevy dealer.
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>> let's take a look at the doppler radar once again. it is still snowing out there, but it is not as heavy as it was. the storm is in the process of pulling away from us now. the trailing edge is out near frederick. as has been the case most of the day, the peninsula has mostly had rain or a rain-note mix. right around the bay where the temperatures are warmer, there is some rain mixed in with the snowfall. the snowfall is generally lighter that has been, so we are not going to see a lot more accumulation. it has been hard to measure the snow during the day to day because as it fell, it settled an was wet and heavy, and it was
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melting as new snow was being added. it was changing scenario all day long. let's take a look at what happened during the day today. 44 was the high at the airport, the inner harbor 47. 33 and 35 were the lows today. that was in the middle of the day. temperatures have been steady at these readings all day long. as far as water is concerned, 0.73 inches of liquid precipitation fell today and 0.56 at the harbour. that would eagle about 7 inches and 5 inches of snow, but this is a high water content storm. the snow on the ground was hard to measure because it was melting and being added to and settling down because of the weight of the snow all the time. the best estimates we have for snowfall depths around the area,
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savage had 1.5 inches, 5 inches woodlawn. 2.5 at owens mills, for at sykes bill, and three at westminster. it is a varying figure of exactly how much snow fell in the area. it was a very dynamic storm, not a severe storm. temperatures now are still in the mid 30's mostly around the area, still just above the freezing point. the reason we are still getting snow is because 1,000 feet up, temperatures are at or a little below freezing. the clouds are still reaching all the way back into western maryland and parts of ohio at this time. the storm is pulling out the area, so the moisture pulls away with that and fair weather comes in behind it. tonight the snow ends.
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25-32 the overnight low. the advisories are still in effect for a few hours. partly cloudy tomorrow, 38-42 for the high. the sunshine will help to melt some of the accumulation we have. the forecast calls for maybe a rain shower late monday. on wednesday we could see some morning snow followed by some rain in the afternoon. when the in cold after that was some snow showers in the afternoon on thursday. -- windy and cold. >> high school football this week and comes with an arctic blast. they could not care if there was a tsunami mixed with an earthquake, they would play. the mavericks showing some spectacular defense in the first half.
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jake breaking through for the sack. he does will not go down. not before he reaches the end zone, a nine-yard touchdown run. tyler german -- a great catch. hangs on for 37 yards. he refuses to go down. 27-yard touchdown, a two-point conversion is good. the defense holds on from there. the third time is the charm. the mavericks with their first title, 16-8. the 1-a championship earlier in the day. in the driving snow he goes 31 yards. knock off the reigning champ dunbar.
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just like the previous two kickoffs, you have the fumble. offense possession. the mariners trailed 18-0. the mariners got back. now on the comeback, 7-yard touchdown. he could not get it done. the final was 37-12. two weeks in a row, johns hopkins went on the road and knocked off the undefeated team. wesley dominates defensively, holding hawkins at just 136 total yards for the game. four turnovers were forced.
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cincinnati -- first the business for the bearcats in the business of coming from behind. 40 yards to jonathan baldwin, 21-10 panthers. for the touchdown, but he botches the extra point. with 33 seconds left, tony pike, 29 yards. cincinnati finished the regular season unbeaten, but out of the national championship picture. 11th ranked north carolina and kentucky delivered on the hype. the cats would lead by 19 in the second half.
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john with his first big win as the head coach. 68-66 was the score. another check on that forecast coming up right after this. coming up right after this.
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only $100. but am i wearing them now? hello. i'm wearing my older sister's jeans that she ruined with bbq sauce... or so i thought. see, my mom washed them with this tide stain release in-wash booster stuff. she's all, "you use it with your detergent to help get stains out the first time." are you kidding me? so now the stains are magically gone. and my sister passes on her jeans to me. what a life. [ female announcer ] tide stain release. stains out. no doubt.
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>> coming up, continuing coverage of our region's first measurable snow fall tonight. how keeping the roads clear will impact but is there already strained. walmart is firing another round and the competition. what they are offering to get into their stores this holiday season. that is coming up tonight. first, here is a look at what is coming up next on nbc nightly news. >> the first reaction from the family of american college student amanda knox after she was convicted of murder in italy
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(voice #1) you have low arches. i do? (voice #2) yes, you do. really? (voice #3) yes you do. and custom fit orthotic #410 is recommended for you. (announcer) footcare scientists are behind new dr.scholl's custom fit orthotic center. oh, and you overpronate a little. i concur. you overpronate. ok. (announcer) its revolutionary foot-mapping technology identifies the areas you put the most pressure on then recommends the specially designed custom fit orthotic that's best for your feet guaranteed. for locations, see >> the lights note that we have now will be ending. tomorrow, the sun breaks through and will melt some of this stuff. an increasing cloudy day on monday, and maybe some rain. >> be careful driving tonight. even if it stops, everything is wet and can freeze. we will see at 11:00. we will see at 11:00.
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>> also noted game is a private institution, the staggering amount of money owed to charlie white in the balance of the contract -- it is time for college coaches to fill the same economic reset as others.
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the $36 million that mr. white would be paid over the course of his contract is the equivalent of 900 full scholarships are two new dormitories. governor o'malley stated that university should not use any public funds for potential by else. the university's athletic department had decided to keep the coach and responded to the governor's comment that public funds will not be used in any potential by else. it is clear the amount of money needs to be reexamined. to many universities are falling in and out of love with the latest coaching prospect of buying out an expensive and lengthy contract. although public funds cannot be used, it is hard to believe that any university athletic department could not help
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support it other than spending millions on buying our coach. families and businesses are tightening their belts. perhaps it is time for some coaches to take one for the team. team.
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..when your nose is raw and sore. plain tissue can make it burn even more. but mom knows there's puffs plus... ...with the magic of three. soothing lotion with a touch of shea butter, aloe and e. plain tissue can irritate the sore nose issue. puffs plus with lotion is a more soothing tissue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus indeed. and try puffs plus with the comforting scent of vicks. it's new red baron fire baked crust pizza. fire baked for a crispy crust. new red baron fire baked cru pizza.


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