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tv   11 News at 6  NBC  November 24, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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uncovered baltimore's apparent gift card issuer. i'm live at city hall on how all of that is about to change. >> and the weekend hit-and-run leaves a teenager in columbia hospitalized. the search for the suspect next. >> live, local, late breaking, this is wbal tv 11 news at 6:00 p.m. in hd. >> our big story tonight, get another day of deliberations in the trial of sheila dixon. >> the jury was dismissed with again no verdict. >> here is a little guidance to jurors provided about their work today. the judge sought to put it on the record what sort of peat's of the jurors have for lunch. -- of pizza the jurors had for lunch. >> after sending 10 notes to the
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judge, today they send just one, at the end of the day, asking to go home. no other clues were offered. >> today showed how for a visit was to try to speculate yesterday about the substance of the notes that came in yesterday. >> they may have reached a verdict on one count were perhaps more, but the remainder is that people feel one way and probably a smaller group that feels the other. >> the length of their reparations -- the length of deliberations is good news about how serious the jurors take their work. jurors are deciding whether to install or misappropriated gift cards, some by the developer, some others intended to be given to the port. >> that is a victory for the justice system of baltimore city. >> it jurors do not reach a decision by tomorrow, they will face a four-day break for the
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thanksgiving holiday. >> does this create a deadline for the jury? >> the only other deadline i can think of would be tomorrow by lunchtime, by midday. beyond that, they have already taking into account the thanksgiving holiday. >> speaking of the calendar, tomorrow is a furlough day for the state. state prosecutors will be here without pay. jurors return at 9:00 a.m. >> the response to the trial is coming into city hall even before the verdict. it is directly related to the gift card issued and how widespread the lack of oversight is. kate amarah joins us live from city hall. >> the city solicitor says he is trying to figure how many city departments handout gift cards and if any of them have any rules. we know the health department
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does and for at least a decade now, they have adhered to a meticulous gift card protocol. the question is, if they can do it, why cannot anyone else? >> the mayor trial will change the way baltimore does business. 11 news has learned a citywide plan for all charitable activities will be implanted by the end of that eat -- and of the year and part of that will be dealing with gift cards. they serve the king of the issue last spring and said while the mayor's trial was not the impetus, yet dollars the proceedings certainly move things along. drug>> we want to be sure that e overcome that and that our purpose -- public servants are confident that they have the mechanisms in place from the mayor down to the health commissioner to the intermediate level public service. but also so that private
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supporters feel comfortable. i'm sure there will be a bit to get over. >> during testimony, the former housing official in charge of gift cards for the 2007 harley charlie toward testified that there was no accounting of how many gift cards were given or how many were left over after the tour. the judge noted this seeming presence of gift cards everywhere in city hall. gift cards are just flowing in, he said. everyone is just kind of swimming in gift cards. that practice is about to end according to the solicitor's office, which may use the incentive card policy as a citywide mullis -- model. just last week, the board of estimates reminded a $10,000 gift card by for the health department's ryan white program, which according to long standing protocol mandates that every single card is spread cheated with serial numbers and who got
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them and who gave them an exactly when that happens. gift cards are a well accepted nationwide public health practice used to incentivize what other people may otherwise be reluctant to do. city officials tell us all of this is under review. they hope to have guidelines for the ethics board in place by the end of december. >> we have continuing coverage of the trial -- of the trial of mayor dixon on our website. you can follow that proceedings at >> toxicology results have been released in that death of former raider -- former reagan tony fine. the results of -- former r aven tony fein. he died of a heroin overdose
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accidentally. cracks in baltimore city's police officer was arrested -- >> a baltimore city police officer was arrested in a sting, but tonight denied charges against him were dismissed. >> prosecutors found inconsistencies in the evidence. baltimore city police say that does not mean the investigation of officer michael sylvester is over. >> we're working very hard to be sure that we police ourselves and others. >> at first -- efforts to hold police accountable lead to an undercover sting operation targeting michael sylvester. prosecutors declined to take the case to trial. >> there are inconsistencies in the evidence that was collected. because of that, the state was forced to enter and all across this morning in court. >> the defense is not saying much about the investigation. >> everybody has got to do their
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job. the police department decided to do what they did and we make no comment on that. >> city police conducted an integrity test in september of this year. according to documents, they said officers of vester to the 3900 block of carlyle ave to investigate a suspicious vehicle and an act -- and a man acting strange the man was an undercover officers in inside a police vehicle. sylvester searched the vehicle and police claimed later that he sold $7 in marked bills from the car. -- he stole $70 in marked bills from the car. he was also apparently found with packets of cocaine in his uniform shirt. >> this underscores that we can always do better as far as investigations. >> officer sylvester has spent four years on the baltimore city police officer -- police force. he's currently on administrative
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duty. >> police have arrested a man accused of shooting his girlfriend. jeffrey alan newborn attacked and shot his 44-year-old girl from inside their apartment on halsted road. the victim is at the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. newborn was on the run, but police caught up with him in prince george's county. >> eight people were injured in an accident involving an mta bus. the bus collided with a car around 10:00 p.m. last night, sending the bus down an embankment. four people were taken to hopkins, four others were taken to another hospital. there is no word on their conditions tonight. police are investigating. and please. to find a man who ran down a 30- year-old man and left the scene. -- police want to find a man who ran down a 30-year-old man and left the scene. it was believed to have been
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before explorer or mercury mountaineer. a trip have damaged -- it should have damage to the driver's side and possibly windshield damage. the family says this will be difficult especially on his 3- year-old daughter. >> there is no closure for her. >> we have pictures of a description of what the possible suspect vehicle may look like. if you have information, call the police at 410-222-8573. >> howard county are still looking for the driver who ran down a high school student and kept going. >> police say three teenagers or walking in the middle of the columbia road wake early sunday morning when a car came from behind and had one of them. it happened on farewell road in
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colombia and by what witnesses say, it is clear the driver knew they hit something. >> there were three teenage boys when it happened. the boy was struck from behind. he was in the eastbound lane, but walking westbound, the same direction this car was traveling. when it crossed the double yellow line, it hit him from behind. the boy may not have it even realized that the car was coming from behind him. >> it is with the driver did? that leaves many with questions. >> leonor stand -- did next that leaves many with questions. >> we understand that he did a u-turn and came back to the scene before fleeing some are asking whether or not it could have been an intentional situation or maybe if they doubled back to see if they struck something or someone. either way, we need to know who the driver is. >> the victim sustained non-life threatening injuries. >> witnesses say they saw a red honda, civic or a court driving in the westbound lane -- or an
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accord driving in the west emlinbound lane. >> any time a driver hit something significant, i did the driver's responsibility to stop and deal with the consequences. >> it is a serious situation if you strike someone, even unintentionally. but it's chiefly the scene, is more serious. -- if you flee the scene, it is more serious. we need this person to come forth and give us details as well. >> the honda may have the letters "a0z"in its license plate. >> be on the lookout for dangerous choice that need to be avoided. -- dangerous toys that need to be avoided. >> not heavy rain, but still low cloud cover and drizzle, light
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showers in the baltimore area. fog will be forming overnight. humidity is at 93%. woman: i don't know. dealer: you know, volkswagen takes care of the scheduled maintenance at no cost. and during the sign then drive event, you can get a cc, jetta, or top safety rated tiguan for practically just your signature.
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it's that easy. woman: i can't believe it. woman: i can believe it. yep.
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>> students from polley high school are helping to feed the homeless this thanksgiving. they're collected food and cash totaling $4,000. this morning, they loaded vehicles to deliver food to people in need. dangers and toxic torts are on store shelves this holiday season. this public research group unveiled their list of dangerous toys in washington. they're fighting fewer dangerous and toxic torts than in years past. they credit the new law cracking
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down on toy safety. >> the change in the marketplace is not going to happen overnight, but we're seeing some very positive signs. >> the toy industry has been working hard to make sure that toys in the stores can follow our tough standards and we're finding that is true. consumers should feel comfortable -- comforted. >> the u.s. public -- the research group, that is, helped put together a website to help parents avoid dangerous toys. you can find a link at our website >> a seybert jumper inside local stores and when she came out she had some opinions about the service you received. tonight at 11:00 p.m., she is back with more. >> tonight, the secret chopper hands out grades on more than six stores. one of them will get the best grade yet. >> the secret shopper
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shops for toys and household goods and gives her opinion of the overall experience. tonight, one story particular gets a wonderful great. but a slow check out at another store does not cut it. >> i'm going to have to give them an "f" because nothing was provoked a close to getting out that door. -- was remotely close to getting me out that door. >> more at 11:00 p.m. >> now, the insta-weather start -- the insta-weather + forecast with chief meteorologist tom tasselmyer. >> low clouds with drizzle and fog possible overnight. a city east wind has brought this murcer of the ocean we're dealing with the same basic weather pattern.
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a number of showers rolling through this weather system. we'll have to get through those the showers as well. we're running about 9 inches above the total precipitation. it has been a saudi 2009. -- soggy 2009. we're still right around the 50 mark up and down 99 and up interstate 83. 50 in the columbia area and 51 in pasadena. the same basic pattern, though 50's a run the eastern shore. just a couple of cooler response to our north and west. we will stay in the 40's on my long. maybe an occasional brief shower rolling through. east wins gradually ease up a bit during the day tomorrow. the next weather system approaches. the range return to the south.
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-- the rain should it turn to the south. thanksgiving evening, the brunt itself will come rolling through. that brings more clouds and -- the front itself will come rolling through. that breeds more clouds and rain. >> not a big heavy snowfall, but some significant heavy snow showers in the lakes from minneapolis to chicago and cleveland to detroit and buffalo. the northeast corner with low clouds and showers. big trouble spots like atlanta, dallas, denver, those airports should be fine. same thing with the southwest. the great lakes, the northeast, the south and the west looking pretty nice, only a few scattered showers near seattle. closer to home, the possibility of a few showers tomorrow. a bit of sunshine on thursday. turkey trot thursday morning,
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the green valley north turkey trot gets underway thursday morning. comfortable running temperatures. the showers start to come back in from the west. these will likely be snow showers in the mountain thursday night into friday. west virginia and maryland might pick up several inches. you can see those shares coming through the legs and hitting the mountains. a few flurries could reach baltimore during the day friday. but the areas of west virginia into western maryland could have up to a foot and a half us know by friday evening. -- of snow by friday evening. tomorrow, cloudy skies and an occasional shower. about 50 at the kreag tomorrow. if you're heading to the mound, no problem getting there. much colder on friday and saturday. if you're headed to the coast for the weekend, look for a few scattered showers and then gradually clearing up thursday
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through saturday at the coast. 54 around baltimore tomorrow. 57 thanksgiving day with sun breaking through. scattered showers thursday night. wende ann coulter friday with scattered showers. -- wende and colder friday with scattered showers. >> now, 11 sports with jerry sandusky. >> with you from the reagans training facility in the wings mill where the team made a roster milmove and added carey o the roster. washington is out for the season. he is not likely to pick up much to be covering wide receivers sunday against the steelers. when the steelers are arrived in baltimore, a bit different scenario than last year. both teams red hot running into each other. this year, not hot at all.
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this year's come to doubt on a two-game losing streak. -- the steelers come to town on a two game losing streak. and for the ravens, this is a six-game season, a season that starts sunday. >> it is the final six games that make this season as far as the regular season and that is where we are. >> when the steelers are right, they will have been rothlisberger as the starting quarterback. he suffered a concussion oriented injury last week. it is apparently not a serious thing because they will have him sunday and will need him after losing backup charlie batch for the next six weeks to a wrist injury. for the maryland basketball team, this is shaping up for an impressive holiday trip to md.
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-- to malley. -- to maui. the chain hansen training the three. a six point lead early on for shaman on. a 10-point lead by halftime. sean moseley went 19.40 terps. the blended easily -- with 19 points for the terps. the win it easily. the terps take on the bearcats in round two. tipoff at 7:00 p.m. tonight the 70 forecast coming your way next. -- the seven-day forecast coming your way next. woman: i don't know.
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dealer: you know, volkswagen takes care of the scheduled maintenance at no cost. and during the sign then drive event, you can get a cc, jetta, or top safety rated tiguan for practically just your signature. it's that easy. woman: i can't believe it. woman: i can believe it. yep.
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>> it is the largest ever crib recall in u.s. history. tonight, 2 million drop side cribs are being recalled. four babies have suffocated. local consumer advocates rate -- weigh in on what parents should know. before you buy the toys, make sure you check to see if there on this year's hazardous waste. these and much more
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>> 53 tamara with some scattered showers. 57 on thanksgiving day as the son tries to play -- breakthrough. flurries and snow showers on friday. heights only in the 40's. breezy and cool with dry conditions on the weekend. >> thanks for joining us. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute
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