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tv   11 News Sunday Morning  NBC  September 20, 2009 5:00am-8:00am EDT

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love handles... spare tire... back rolls... middle-age spread. whatever you wanna call it, it makes us look terrible in our favorite clothes. >> i've tried diets and exercise and nothing will get rid of all this extra skin from having three kids. i mean, look at all that. i need to get rid of that. >> what's embarrassing for me is this... this... and just, all over the back, you know? it's just like there are so many rolls. >> with this area right here, and the area right here, the muffin top right above my pants... i don't feel comfortable wearing these types of shirts. i would love to be able to wear what everybody else is wearing. >> i would not waste my money on miracle diets, exercise machines or whatever like that, because i'm looking at a specific area... and if i could lose that, if i could get rid of this... amen, o.k.? [laughs] >> announcer: magic pills, diets and complicated exercise programs say that they can give you a perfect body, but who's got time for that?
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yet the fact is, the need to hide those extra pounds is something most all of us face every single day. in this fast-paced environment that we live in, we demand to see results immediately. >> hi, i'm julia parker and i'm here to let you in on a little secret. now, what if i could guarantee to smooth away your midriff bulge, create a shapely waist, eliminate all those nasty back rolls and have complete back support all day? now, what if i told you there was a way you could look 10 to 20 pounds thinner instantly? now, if you want all this to happen to you, then you need kymaro's new body shaper. >> announcer: kymaro's new body shaper is the fastest way to get your figure back. you just slip it on and watch as the inches just seem to melt away. starting from below the bustline, kymaro's new body shaper comfortably shapes all your problem areas by hugging your body to create a smooth, bump-free silhouette. this unique design focuses
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on your comfort. the new body shaper's microfiber material hugs your midsection and distributes excess weight evenly. while girdles, control-top pantyhose and other shapewear smooth one bulge but create another, kymaro's new body shaper is non-binding. there are no metal wires, pinching hooks or irritating boning, ensuring a smooth, seamless look. kymaro's new body shaper will offer all the support you need, while being totally discreet. not only is it comfortable, the breathable fabric feels like a second skin, and nobody will ever know you're wearing it. >> i've had problems buying pants my entire life. my hips are bigger than my waist. i always get this big pouch in the back. i have to buy bigger size pants to accommodate. you can look at my pants right now... it's tight here, i've got two, three, four inches hanging back here. ...i can't believe it! i went down 3-1/2 inches in my hips, three inches in my thighs. that's a total of 6-1/2 inches. i can now go shopping and buy smaller size pants...
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even linen! look at these linen pants. i'm in linen pants, there's no gap, and look how smooth this made me. it's amazing. >> i used to weigh 265 pounds. i lost 85 pounds, but i still have all of this. ...i've slimmed down seven inches on my waist! 7-1/2 inches on my hips and thighs, which is a total of 14-1/2 inches. i can't believe it, it's amazing! >> i hate my hips and my thighs, the way they connect. i don't feel smooth. i can't wear anything clingy because all i feel is all attention is here. ...i cannot believe it! i have slimmed down over 5-1/2 inches on my waist. i can fit into my little black dress again and i feel so wonderful. i owe it all to the kymaro new body shaper . >> to help you understand all the amazing qualities kymaro's new body shaper has, we have celebrity stylist evon biondi with us today to explain all these fantastic qualities the shaper has, so welcome! >> thank you, julia. thank you for having me.
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>> thanks for being here. >> i'm so excited. well, as you know, i've worked over the years on so many tv shows and i've worked with more celebrities than i can count, so i have to know what looks good, and i learned that the key to looking good in your clothes is what you're wearing underneath your clothes. now, we all have our issues, whether it's a bulge here or a little roll over your jeans here, or if you just want a sleek and toned look, kymaro's new body shaper can do all that for you and more. i want you to look at this; this material is microfiber material and it moves with your body. it's flexible, it's breathable. it's not gonna suck you in like some other shapewear. it's a silky-smooth fabric that just hugs you and then gets rid of all the lumps and the bumps, and who are we kidding? we can all use a little help with the lumps and the bumps. >> we can all use a little help. >> o.k., i see that you're holding one of these horrible dreadful old-fashioned corset things and what's up with that? >> i know, this... it's like impossible little clasps... >> oh, it's horrible. >> you can't do it up. >> no, you can't. >> and then, wait, look at how uncomfortable this boning is. >> i wouldn't go there, i really wouldn't, and not only by the fact that it's uncomfortable, but you can see it underneath your clothing
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and it's just embarrassing. people are gonna know what you're wearing. the wonderful thing about the kymaro new body shaper is that it's totally discreet. and it doesn't have boning, it's not gonna hurt you, there's no clasps trying to do something behind your back. it's so simple, you just step into it, you pull it up and you instantly have this fabulous figure. >> julia: o.k. let me ask you. >> evon: mm-hmm. >> are you wearing a kymaro's new body shaper right now? >> yes, i am-- i am! really, i'll show you. it is honestly so comfortable, it's like a second skin. no matter what my clothing... i could be wearing anything from my jeans to an evening gown, it's gonna always be comfortable no matter what the weather. i love it, i wouldn't be caught dead without it. >> absolutely. >> i can now wear my little black dress. i owe it all to the kymaro new body shaper. i couldn't fit into it before. i couldn't zip it up. i was being hugged in my hips and thighs. i did not feel comfortable at all, and now i feel fabulous. i am so thankful for having this product. i feel wonderful. >> you know, i hate those
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one-piece body shapers and i've tried other two-pieces, and you put them on and it just binds and then you get the bulge... not this one. this new body shaper, you put it on-- no bulge. >> i have clean lines, no bulges and i can finally feel comfortable in a tank top again. i'm super excited about this. this is great. >> there's no comparison to the other shapers that are out there. this body shaper works. it's really thin, it's comfortable, i can wear it all day long without worrying about it rolling or me getting hot, and i look great in it. >> now what exactly is this criss-cross? >> julia, i'm glad you asked. the kymaro new body shaper has something that no other shaper can offer: this specially designed cross over the back. it provides all-day support, keeps your shoulders back and your posture straight. so not only do you get that slimming look, but you get back support all throughout the day. >> here in the back it has these cross stitching... this pattern here, and this supports the shoulders, the upper back and that's where i have my problem,
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because i do tend to sometimes stoop a little bit, and so this just sort of holds me up taller and straighter... which i like to be since i'm just a, a short, you know, not, not real tall. i would highly recommend it to anyone watching this show. i mean, it's, it's wonderful. my back has never felt so good. >> now, evon, i notice that there's two pieces. what's the advantage of two pieces versus one piece? >> julia, i'm glad you asked. it's really important, because the two pieces actually complement each other. you can get the smoothness of a one-piece without the inconvenience of a one-piece. it's not hot, which is important. and a great feature: you can mix and match sizes so you can get a customized fit. the full coverage starts just below the bustline and goes just above the knee, and one of my favorite features is you don't have to get completely undressed when you go to the powder room. >> it's wonderful. you can mix and match with the two different colors, depending on what you're wearing, so you're always confident that your underwear's not gonna be showing.
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there is no other product out there like the body shaper. i've tried them all and this is completely different, completely unique. it helps me stand straighter, it makes me look thinner, and none of the other body shaper products out there do both of those things. >> trust me, kymaro has thought of everything while still keeping a woman's body in mind. >> exactly. now, don't go away. coming up on the show, we're gonna be hearing from some ladies who've been wearing kymaro's new body shaper and we're gonna be seeing the reactions from some unsuspecting shoppers when they try it for the very first time. >> evon: ooh. >> julia: yeah, you don't want to go away. >> announcer: stop suffering every time you look at yourself in the mirror. those days of not being able to zip up your dress or button your pants are over. kymaro's new body shaper is the only way to get your figure back. you can look up to 20 pounds thinner instantly. that's right, instantly. the soft, breathable fabric moves with you and won't curl or roll up. kymaro's new body shaper is so light and comfortable that you can wear it year-round.
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it can be worn with the clingiest of fabrics and is great for casual and formal wear. kymaro's new body shaper also eliminates all back and bra bulge, leaving you with a smooth, invisible look under your clothes. but kymaro's new body shaper doesn't just help in providing excellent support and remarkable shaping, it also helps your posture. with kymaro's new body shaper, you will have a new and improved figure instantly. call right now and get kymaro's new body shaper for the incredible low price of only $39.95. yes, for a limited time, it's yours for only $39.95. and listen to this: if you call right now, we'll even include kymaro's new bottom shaper free with your order. kymaro's new bottom shaper eliminates saddle bags and smoothes out your hips and thighs. it also has a cotton gusset so you can wear it in place of underwear, and best of all, no visible panty lines. look how they make a difference with these lightweight pants... and how about these tight-fitting slacks?
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you can even wear kymaro's new bottom shaper with white pants. amazing! this is more than a $40 value in itself, and it's our free gift to you. these two different shapers complement each other, and unlike full body suits you may have seen, kymaro's new body shaper and bottom shaper are two separate pieces. and listen to this: we'll even double this offer with a black new body shaper and a black bottom shaper to complete your wardrobe. just pay the small extra handling charges. this together is more than a $200 value for only $39.95. you can even mix and match sizing so you will always have a perfect fit. kymaro's new body shaper comes in six available sizes, so we'll have a size for you. simply tell the operator your current clothing size and he or she will match it to kymaro's new body shaper size. it's that simple. and always remember kymaro's guarantee-- if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply return the new body shaper top, and all
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the free gifts are yours to keep, no questions asked. that's right, you get to keep all the free gifts. there's no other body shaper on the market that even comes close to this. this incredible offer is limited, so don't miss out. call now! >> now, we're in a clothing store and we're about to talk to some unexpecting shoppers who are gonna, for the very first time, try kymaro's new body shaper. i'm so excited, so let's get started! we're here with lawanda, who's been shopping for new clothes, and she's looking for an outfit that'll bring her sexy back. so what do you think about the dress you picked out? >> i love the color and i love the material. it's just this pooch in the front, i tell you, my children left me, and, you know, when i go shopping, i want to have the new fashion, the new styles that are out today, but this pooch here just, you know, it causes me to have to, uh, buy clothing a size larger than i typically would. and then the butt. i tell you, the dimples and the wrinkles... you know, i don't get that smooth look that i do desire, so it can be frustrating.
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>> julia: well, we're gonna help fix that. we're gonna bring sally in to do some additional measurements. >> o.k. >> o.k.? so what do you think your husband's gonna say when you come home instantly two sizes smaller? >> julia, i don't want any more children. [both laugh] >> sally: we're at 44 inches. >> so what do you think of 44? >> oh... that's so frustrating. >> well, we're gonna have you put the kymaro new body shaper on and come out when you're ready and we'll see you in a minute. >> thanks. >> it's gonna be amazing. >> look at this! >> look at you! [laughs, applause] >> woman: wow. >> amazing. >> that's incredible. what's the best part of it? >> look at this... i have a waistline! oh... no dimples. look at that, smooth... >> smooth, yes. well, let's get sally in real quick and get the final measurement to see how much you've lost. and the final...? >> sally: 40 inches. >> julia: [gasps] four inches! >> get out of here! >> you lost four inches instantly. >> this is amazing. >> o.k., so what's your husband gonna say now... ? >> he's gonna love this. he's going to love it. but, julia, i just want to let you know. >> yeah? >> you can't have this back.
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>> four inches, instantly. amazing. congratulations. [laughs] >> thanks. >> we're here with krista, who's looking for a new outfit-- right?-- and what kind of outfit are you looking for? >> i would just, i would love to find something that just looks better on me, 'cause i, i've been feeling very self-conscious lately because of my weight, and it's really taken the fun out of shopping. i just, i want something that looks better on me. >> o.k., so let's look at the outfit you have on now. >> o.k. >> you've got low-rise jeans... >> low-rise jeans, i love these jeans. i really like how they fit, but i don't like my belly bulge. the belly bulge is not going away. i just, i would really like something that looks better on me. >> and what about the top? you have a knit top, which we know, knit is an unforgiving fabric. what would you change about that? >> the knit top, i must tell you, julia, i love this color. i get so many compliments on the color all of the time but i don't like how it shows, again, the belly bulge. it's, it's here, it's here to stay. [both laugh] i don't like the bra bulge, um, and that's not going away, because you can't suck that part of your body in, so... >> well... it actually is. >> really? >> but before
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we do that, we're gonna have sally measure you real quick for pre-measurements. >> oh... oh! oh... o.k., wow. >> julia: [laughs] we are going to get ready... >> you're not gonna say the number out loud though, are you? >> uh, unfortunately. >> uh-oh. uh-oh. [laughter] >> sally: 43. >> oh, god. oh, god. >> what does 43 mean to you? >> krista: 43 is awful. >> julia: yes. >> 43 is awful. i do not want to hear that number ever again, quite frankly. [laughs] >> good, because you're not. you won't have to... >> o.k. >> ...because we're gonna put you in the kymaro new body shaper... >> o.k. >> and we're gonna change your body. >> wonderful... i'm excited. >> are you ready for this? >> yes, i'm so ready. >> so here you go, and we'll see you in a few minutes. >> great, thank you. >> we are looking forward to this new transformation. i can't wait. ah, look at you! [laughs] [applause] >> wow! look at this! >> [laughs] what's the best part? >> i have a waist now. i just, it's so smooth. there's no belly bulge... >> julia: and turn around, you gotta see this. >> [gasps] no bra bulge either! i love it, and you know, honestly, it's supporting my back. it makes me stand up straight.
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>> your posture's amazing. >> yes, and, you know, they do say that when you stand up straight that your self-confidence goes up, and i can tell you now, i feel, i feel like i could take on the world. i love it, i love it! >> oh! there's another great part. >> this is wonderful. >> julia: you don't have to go shopping. >> krista: very good... >> you get to keep your beautiful pink shirt and your pants and you look amazing. >> thank you, thank you! and you know what, too? i can go in my closet and i'm sure i could find so many other outfits. >> it's like your own store. >> that's right, that's right! >> hey, let's get the after measurements real quick, just to see the... >> o.k., sure. >> i know there's a huge difference just by looking at you. >> i bet... this is probably gonna be a number i want to hear. [laughs] >> sally: oh, my... 38 inches. >> wow... five inches! >> you've lost five inches... instantly! >> five inches by just putting this on. that is wonderful. >> julia: well, now, krista can have a lot more fun shopping. five inches! we're here with sandrea, and she's shopping for a new outfit. now, what kind of an outfit are you looking for? >> i am going to a dinner party tonight with some girlfriends and i have a pair of cute jeans that i'm wearing now but i haven't been able to find a really good-looking top because i have, you know, bulges in the front and bulges
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in the back and that's not cute when you're going out with your girlfriends, so... that's what i'm trying to look for right now. >> are you ready to impress your girlfriends? i've got something for you. >> uh... what's the catch? >> no catch whatsoever. you just have to try on the kymaro's new body shaper... >> o.k. >> and you will lose two dress sizes instantly. >> really? >> yes, but we're gonna do some before measurements if you don't mind. sally is gonna do some measuring. >> oh, you didn't say there was measuring. [laughter] >> it's painless and we're gonna get to see the great results afterwards. >> o.k. >> 49 inches. >> o.k., so what does 49 inches mean to you? >> too many donuts, too many donuts. >> [laughs] o.k., keep your donuts but try the kymaro new body shaper on. >> o.k. >> and you'll see the amazing results, o.k.? >> o.k., perfect. >> we'll see you in a minute. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. be ready to see another instant transformation in just a minute. [gasps and cheers] [applause] >> woman: wow! >> look at you, you look great! >> i know! oh, my gosh! >> o.k., speechless. and this is your
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boyfriend, kenny. >> yeah! >> kenny, what do you think? >> absolutely gorgeous. >> thank you. >> yeah, good enough to take her out for dinner or... >> and shopping. [all laugh] >> oh, o.k., so... >> i'll hold you up to that. >> so what's the best part of this? >> um... two notches on the belt loop... two notches. and i didn't believe you. i didn't believe you, and when i went in there and tried it on, i put it and i opened it and i closed it. i'm like," o.k.," but... >> and you're wearing the jeans you love. >> i love these jeans. with the top-- i love this top, but i thought because, you know, with the roll, but it just... i don't even feel it. it just feels so good. >> well, your girlfriends are gonna be totally jealous and you don't have to go... >> oh, they are because... we're going out tonight. yeah, totally. >> you don't have to go shopping tonight. >> oh, i love this outfit. it's gonna look good. >> this is gonna work great. let's... o.k., so let's do the, the after measurements. >> o.k. >> so sally's gonna take your... oh, lookit, now she's saying o.k. [laughter] she wasn't like that in the beginning. >> i know! two notches! >> sally: oh, hold on... that doesn't look right. let me just check again. >> o.k. >> whoa, 44-1/2... that's 4-1/2 inches. >> 4-1/2 inches!
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>> sandrea: that's awesome! that's so cool! >> julia: and i love the fact that you're so happy and you look incredible. >> i am. it feels so good. >> and thank you so much for... i'm so glad. >> thank you very much. ...this thing is so awesome. when i first came in, i didn't believe it, but i'm so shocked right now because i went down 4-1/2 on just my top alone, on the top portion, and i look so fabulous. so i'm gonna tell my girlfriends about this tonight when i see them. or... i won't even need to tell 'em, they're just gonna look at me and know that there was a complete change. >> if you're looking for something to smooth, slim and lift for that totally sexy look, you don't want to miss this incredible offer coming up right now. >> announcer: stop suffering every time you look at yourself in the mirror. those days of not being able to zip up your dress or button your pants are over. no more confining girdles or control-top pantyhose or endless dieting. stop hassling with complicated exercise programs. now you can feel good about how you look without spending thousands of dollars on plastic surgery.
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all you need is kymaro's new body shaper. kymaro's new body shaper is the only way to get your figure back. you can look up to 20 pounds thinner instantly. that's right, instantly. this unique design focuses on the comfort of your body. with its amazing shaping power, the microfiber material hugs your midsection and distributes excess weight evenly. while other shapewear may smooth one bulge but create another, kymaro's new body shaper is non-binding, leaving you lump- and bump-free. just slip it on and watch as the inches just seem to melt away. starting from below the bustline, kymaro's new body shaper comfortably shapes all your problem areas by hugging your body to create a smooth, bump-free silhouette. there are no metal wires, pinching hooks or irritating boning, ensuring a smooth, seamless look under any type of clothing. >> it's not hot. i don't feel sweaty, it doesn't itch. um, it actually fits, fits pretty well all around.
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i like how it makes a clean line, and also, if you can see, on the back area, um, i don't have to worry really so much about my bra line. >> one of the best things about the new body shaper is no one knows you're wearing it... see? >> announcer: the soft, breathable fabric moves with you and won't curl or roll up, and it's even long enough to tuck into any of your pants or skirts. kymaro's new body shaper is so light and comfortable that you can wear it year-round. it can be worn with the clingiest of fabrics and is great for casual and formal wear. kymaro's new body shaper also eliminates all back and bra bulge, leaving you with a smooth, invisible look under your clothes. but kymaro's new body shaper doesn't just help in providing excellent support and remarkable shaping, it also helps your posture. with kymaro's new body shaper, you will have a new and improved figure instantly. call right now and get kymaro's new body shaper for the incredible low price of only $39.95. yes, for a limited time,
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it's yours for only $39.95. and listen to this: if you call right now, we'll even include kymaro's new bottom shaper free with your order. kymaro's new bottom shaper eliminates saddle bags and smoothes out your hips and thighs. it also has a cotton gusset so you can wear it in place of underwear, and best of all, no visible panty lines. look how they make a difference with these lightweight pants... and how about these tight-fitting slacks? you can even wear kymaro's new bottom shaper with white pants. amazing! this is more than a $40 value in itself, and it's our free gift to you. these two different shapers complement each other, and unlike full body suits you may have seen, kymaro's new body shaper and bottom shaper are two separate pieces. and listen to this: we'll even double this offer with a black new body shaper and a black bottom shaper to complete your wardrobe. just pay the small extra handling charges. this together is more than a $200 value for only $39.95.
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you can even mix and match sizing so you will always have a perfect fit. kymaro's new body shaper comes in six available sizes, so we'll have a size for you. simply tell the operator your current clothing size and he or she will match it to kymaro's new body shaper size. it's that simple. and always remember kymaro's guarantee-- if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply return the new body shaper top, and all the free gifts are yours to keep, no questions asked. that's right, you get to keep all the free gifts. there's no other body shaper on the market that even comes close to this. this incredible offer is limited, so don't miss out. call now! >> we're about to hear from barbara, who's been wearing kymaro's new body shaper. let's hear what she has to say. >> before kymaro's new body shaper, i had problems: i had rolls around my back, i had extra rolls on my tummy. i needed a butt lift. i don't like the way my clothes are fitting and i just needed some help.
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>> evon: oh, my god! barbara, you look so good. you look amazing! o.k., now, this is why everybody needs to wear kymaro's new body shaper. you look fabulous. come on here. >> thank you. >> look at this nice, flat tummy. we've got no sagging in the derriere, no back rolls and this fabric is not forgiving. look how the fabric just hangs and looks on her because kymaro's new body shaper smoothes out all those lumps and bumps that we all have. you look, you look so good. >> well, thank you. you know, i love beautiful, stylish clothing and i had just gotten so discouraged trying things on in the store. >> evon: it's easy to get discouraged... >> barbara: absolutely, but now, i'm two sizes smaller. >> two sizes! you go, girl! you look really, really, really wonderful. >> thank you. >> i've got a question for you, though. after wearing kymaro's new body shaper, how has it changed your self-confidence? >> well, as a woman, you know, we have... our image is everything. >> it's huge. >> yeah. >> you want to walk out the door feeling "i'm gonna conquer the world, i look good!" [laughs] >> yes, and even my husband has given me second glances. >> evon: oh, i love to hear that.
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that is so good! barbara, i'm so glad that you love kymaro's new body shaper, and i guarantee that anyone who tries it is gonna love it too. >> now, everything you own in your closet and everything you buy in the future is gonna fit and look better, and it all starts with kymaro's new body shaper. now, why haven't you gotten yours yet? >> with the new body shaper, i've slimmed down four inches off my waist, 5-1/2 inches off my hips and thighs, for a total of 9-1/2 inches. that's incredible. >> i am so happy. i saw the difference right away, as soon as i put the body shaper on. in the mirror, you could see, but then when we measured... i lost six inches in my waist and 7-1/2 inches in my hips and thighs. that's 13-1/2 inches just by putting on the new body shaper. [laughs] >> look! look at this change. this is amazing. i've never had pants that are this loose before. this is pretty amazing. this is a lot of extra jean
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that i didn't have before. i have slimmed down 9-1/2 inches with the new body shaper. it's amazing. >> i've slimmed down five inches in my waist and six inches in my hips and thighs. that's 11 inches. i can hardly believe it! >> four inches... four inches in a couple minutes. would you believe that? unbelievable. >> ladies, sincerely, i would recommend this product to you or anybody else that you thought needed it. um, it is very comfortable and it helps make you feel so much more confident about the way you look in your clothing. um, if you have a stomach that you're trying to hide, if you have hips and thighs that you're trying to cover up, if you have a butt that's sticking out and you just feel completely uncomfortable in your jeans, buy this product. i promise you, you will feel so comfortable in it and feel so much better about yourself. >> so what are you waiting for? get your measurements ready and call now.
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it's your last chance to take down the number and get yours today. it's completely guaranteed. there's no risk involved and it's all possible thanks to kymaro's new body shaper. >> announcer: call right now and get kymaro's new body shaper for the incredible low price of only $39.95. yes, for a limited time, it's yours for only $39.95. and listen to this: if you call right now, we'll even include kymaro's new bottom shaper free with your order. kymaro's new bottom shaper eliminates saddle bags and smoothes out your hips and thighs. it also has a cotton gusset so you can wear it in place of underwear, and best of all, no visible panty lines. look how they make a difference with these lightweight pants... and how about these tight-fitting slacks? you can even wear kymaro's new bottom shaper with white pants. amazing! this is more than a $40 value in itself, and it's our free gift to you. these two different shapers complement each other, and unlike full body suits you may have seen, kymaro's new
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body shaper and bottom shaper are two separate pieces. and listen to this: we'll even double this offer with a black new body shaper and a black bottom shaper to complete your wardrobe. just pay the small extra handling charges. this together is more than a $200 value for only $39.95. you can even mix and match sizing so you will always have a perfect fit. kymaro's new body shaper comes in six available sizes, so we'll have a size for you. simply tell the operator your current clothing size and he or she will match it to kymaro's new body shaper size. it's that simple. and always remember kymaro's guarantee-- if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply return the new body shaper top, and all the free gifts are yours to keep, no questions asked. that's right, you get to keep all the free gifts. there's no other body shaper on the market that even comes close to this. this incredible offer is limited, so don't miss out. call now! >> and remember this, ladies:
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don't be fooled by other imitation products out there. there's only one kymaro's new body shaper, a name in health and beauty you can trust. >> announcer: the preceding has been a paid program for kymaro's new body shaper. just remember-- that's
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>> do you gain weight easily and have trouble losing it? >> yeah... [laughs] yes, i do. >> it's always a struggle, um, and women have it harder than men, obviously. you know, so it's just a battle. >> i have tried exercising, giving up carbs, no pasta, no alcohol, nothing-- and i'm still retaining that extra 10 pounds. it's quite frustrating. >> have you ever used a diet pill and then it worked for a little bit andou lost a little weight and then you gained it right back? >> yes, absolutely, but it's, it's even worse than the weight coming back. it's the side effects, i mean, the heart beating, the sweating. it's overstimulation and, um, really, kind of, one time
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i felt very nauseous. >> does it take you a few hours in the morning to really, really wake up? >> i guess it takes... almost, yeah, two to three hours to really get wide awake and, like, in the groove. >> do you feel sluggish in the morning? >> i do, yes. i don't sleep well at night, so that's why. >> yeah, it's really hard to get out of bed. but the kids get me up, so, you know, i get up. >> weight you put on and find next to impossible to take off, no "get up and go" during the day when you're supposed to be getting up and going, an overall lack of energy but a lot of desire for sugar and salt... if you're feeling this way, don't be surprised. it's estimated that over 80% of americans-- and those are epidemic proportions-- suffer from the exact same things. hi, i'm chuck winston. what's going on? what is this problem that no one is talking about? we'll get to that in a moment. the cause of the problem is your everyday life. we're bombarded with stress 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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we find it incredibly difficult to eat the correct foods in the right amounts at the optimal time, and honestly, who really has much time to exercise, regardless of what machine the exercise gurus on tv come up with? so what happens? in spite of our best efforts, we gain weight. we feel exhausted. we try to fight back food cravings and all the while, our bodies are becoming more and more depleted. by now, you're probably asking, "so what's the problem?" it's called adrenal fatigue. it's estimated four out of five americans have it and don't even know it-- or know what it is. >> we're here on the street asking real people what they know about adrenal fatigue. ...have you ever heard of adrenal fatigue? >> no, i haven't. >> no, i've never... i never heard of that. >> what, what is it? >> no, i have not. >> there seems to be a lot of confusion about adrenal fatigue. chuck, back to you for the latest news on this silent epidemic. >> thanks, megan.
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so what exactly is adrenal fatigue? here to help explain is noted m.d., author and lecturer, dr. noelle holly. >> thanks, chuck. it's my pleasure to be here. let's start at the beginning. these are the major systems in your body and the ones that you're probably most familiar with: the circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive, nervous and reproductive system. but there's another system that no one ever talks about and it's actually command central for your body. it's called the adrenal system. your adrenal system helps regulate your metabolism, your energy production and even your moods. this is accomplished by the release of hormones through the adrenal glands. >> do you know where your adrenal glands are? >> um... maybe somewhere around upper... >> neck? >> mmm-hmm. >> it's like i'm really bad at bio... no, no, i've no idea. [laughs] >> i don't. [chuckling] >> dr. holly: these are
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your adrenal glands, on top on your kidneys. because the adrenal system is associated with energy and moods, it is particularly susceptible to stress. and we all know about stress. if it's unrelenting, the adrenal glands are never idle and constantly at work, producing adrenaline, cortisol and the other hormones. ultimately, your adrenal system can become worn out and you're left with adrenal fatigue. >> megan: have you ever heard of adrenal fatigue? >> i haven't. >> no, i haven't heard of adrenal fatigue before. >> no, but i'm very interested now. >> i don't know what that is. >> dr. holly: the early signs of adrenal fatigue include sudden weight gain because your cortisol levels are going through the roof and you're becoming resistant to insulin, which means more insulin production and that leads to more fat. you develop severe food cravings which just leads to overeating and, yes, increased weight gain. and taking diet pills to lose
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weight... let's talk about them for a second. whether they're called fat burners, cortisol controllers or appetite suppressants, they all do the same thing: address the symptoms, not the cause, of weight gain. the vast majority of these pills contain caffeine and some other stimulant that do the same thing stress does. they cause your body to release stimulation hormones. with stress already overworking your adrenal system, these pills compound the damage, so you see little or no weight loss. >> have you ever tried a diet pill that worked right away, you lost some weight and then, in a few weeks, you gain it right back? >> i actually did. and i'm so disappointed it hasn't worked. i've tried more than one. >> i've tried a couple of diet pills but i didn't even do the couple of weeks thing because they do that thing, they're like, um... and i think it's a matter of not having natural ingredients, i'm a big natural girl. >> yeah, i have a hard time sticking to weight loss plans. >> you name 'em, i've tried 'em. or someone in my family has, so... >> dr. holly: so, how can you relieve adrenal fatigue,
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finally lose weight, not be tired all the time, not crave sugar and salt? the answer to these questions are in this book that's been prepared by the adrenal fatigue institute. it's called adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life. the adrenal fatigue institute has also created a safe natural product called cylapril. it's a unique formulation of ingredients that will revitalize your adrenal system and restore it to optimal effectiveness, so you can finally lose weight. >> please stay tuned to learn how to get your very own free copy of this remarkably important book. you're also going to learn how to get a free supply of cylapril, so you can get back to a less stressful life and healthier adrenal system. >> announcer: do you know why adrenal fatigue causes you to suddenly put on weight? >> just recently, i dieted, dieted, dieted and then looked a plate of cheese and like, two pounds-- i don't know where it came from. it's really frustrating.
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>> announcer: do you know why adrenal fatigue prevents you from losing weight? >> i... i don't know. >> what is it? [♪...] >> uh... >> announcer: that's why you have to read adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life. written by the experts at the adrenal fatigue institute, this easy-to-read book contains the information you need to understand how you can finally beat adrenal fatigue and lose weight. >> it looks really good. the picture on the front is great 'cause she looks like she's just loving life and living it to the fullest. >> announcer: by calling now, you'll receive a copy of this informative and valuable book absolutely free. and as a special bonus for calling right now, you'll also receive a free supply of cylapril. unlike dangerous diet pills, cylapril works on the cause of weight gain and not just the symptoms, so you will lose weight. in fact, we guarantee you'll see results in 15 days. >> safe, natural and effective cylapril revitalizes and
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restores your adrenal system to peak health so you lose weight quickly. thanks to cylapril, you'll feel healthy and lose weight, and you don't need fat burners, cortisol controllers or appetite suppressors. >> it's estimated that four out of five americans experience adrenal fatigue. now you don't have to be one of them. >> announcer: call right now for your free copy of adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life and your free supply of cylapril. >> i'll take it. if it's free, it's for me. [laughs] >> for free? hey, why not? lose 10 pounds for nothing? i'd take it. >> for free? >> yes! [laughs] >> announcer: remember, cylapril works on the cause of weight gain and not just the symptoms so you will lose weight. in fact, we guarantee you'll see results in 15 days. call now and ask how to get your free book and free supply of cylapril. this offer is not available in any store and is only being made available for a very limited time through this special program. call this number now or
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visit [♪...] >> do you know where your adrenal glands are? >> on my back, i guess. [laughs] >> maybe behind your ears? like, the upper neck? >> perhaps they're here, perhaps they're there. i'm really not quite sure. >> i would say near your belly button? i mean, your tummy, your stomach? >> adrenal sounds like draining, so i'm gonna say neck. >> it's with the saliva, basically, to... i don't know, swallow, i guess? i don't know how it helps you. >> do you know what your adrenal glands do? >> tell me. >> [laughs] ...put that over to you. >> megan: have you ever heard of adrenal fatigue? >> i think i have, i still don't know what it is, though. >> no-- fatigue in general? yes, absolutely, but adrenal fatigue, no. >> i'd like to hear more about it. >> adrenal fatigue: it's been estimated that over 80% of americans have it. that's four out of five people,
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which means the odds are that you might have it as well. but how do you know if you have adrenal fatigue? >> do you gain weight really easy and have a real hard time losing it? >> been up and down with weight, and um, that's something that is always on my mind. >> i try to lose it. >> i never used to have a problem, but since i hit my 40s, i'm like, yeah, i have a big problem with weight gain. >> megan: o.k., how about this? in the morning, do you have a hard time getting started? are you sluggish the first couple hours? does it take you a little while to wake up? >> i snooze for about an hour and a half before i get out of bed. so, yes. >> absolutely, it takes me a few hours and probably three to four cups of coffee. i fight with my husband over the coffee pot for who gets the last drop. >> absolutely, it takes me forever to wake up in the morning. i'm a big fan of coffee. >> do you know that all the symptoms that we've talked about are symptoms of adrenal fatigue and that up to 80% of americans suffer from adrenal fatigue and they don't even know that they have it? >> well, i'm in that 80%. >> no, but i mean, if those
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are the symptoms, then i'm thinking like my mother, my sister, my dog, my boyfriend are probably in that 80%. >> well, now that you're telling me, it's somewhat familiar to me 'cause i often have a little bit of those symptoms but i didn't think that was the name for it. i didn't know. >> that's incredible. i didn't know that, i didn't know that it was affecting so many people like that. >> those are just some of the examples of the effects of adrenal fatigue. now the big question is what can you do to fix it? here to talk to you about overcoming adrenal fatigue is author and lecturer, dr. noelle holly. >> thanks, chuck. it's a pleasure to be here. let me ask everyone watching: do any of these conditions sound familiar to you? morning fatigue-- do you get out of bed and feel like you haven't really woken up until a couple of hours later? how about the mid-afternoon blahs? do you feel sluggish and is your thinking cloudy in the middle of the day? do you suddenly get a burst
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of energy around 6 p.m. and then get sleepy around 9 p.m. and then get a second burst of energy around 11 p.m.? do you find yourself gaining weight and not being able to get rid of it, no matter how hard you try or what you do? these are the signs of adrenal fatigue. now what do you do? the first thing you should do is read this book, adrenal fatigue: why it's keeping you from losing weight and enjoying life. why does adrenal fatigue cause weight gain? what foods should you eat to help relieve adrenal fatigue and what foods should you avoid? what role do antioxidants play in the adrenal system? how do sugar, salt, carbs and fat impact your adrenal glands? what's the best way to keep your metabolism functioning at a healthy level without caffeine or so-called energy drinks? and how does cylapril, a proprietary product developed by the adrenal fatigue institute, revitalize your adrenal system and restore
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it to optimal effectiveness so you can finally lose weight? >> megan: if there was a book that you could read-- spend one hour of your time and read that book-- and it would help in this area, would it be a book that you would read? >> yeah, absolutely. >> it looks really good. the picture on the front is great 'cause she looks like she's just loving life and living it to the fullest. and that how we all wanna be. [megan chuckles] >> it seems like it would really be easily digestible information. >> nice big print. >> this looks like a really quick read. >> would you be interested in a natural product that's not a diet pill or stimulant and it would help normalize your adrenal glands? >> absolutely, and i love natural. i mean, i really try to eat all-natural foods, organic, that type of thing. where is it? >> i have that product right here. would you take a look? >> oh, wow. wow. >> go for it, tana. >> how many boxes do we have? >> [laughing] that's great. >> "revitalizer, weight management, stress regulator... fatigue inhib. fatigue
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inhibitor"-- i like that! >> so how much something like this costs? >> megan: what if i were to tell you that it's free? >> [laughs] anything that will help out my pockets, yeah, i'll take it. >> i would try it. for free, hey, why not? lose 10 pounds for nothing, i'd take it. >> wow, this feels like santa claus just came in! [laughs] this is fabulous... awesome! and you're gonna let me have it? >> the adrenal fatigue institute has put into this one easy-to-read book the vital and important information about your adrenal system that will change your life for the better. you'll also learn about a breakthrough formulation developed by the adrenal fatigue institute called cylapril. cylapril is a two-step system that revitalizes your adrenal system and then nourishes it. you'll not only feel better, you'll finally lose weight. >> announcer: do you know why adrenal fatigue causes you to suddenly put on weight? >> just recently, i dieted,
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dieted, dieted and then looked a plate of cheese and like, two pounds-- i don't know where it came from. it's really frustrating. >> announcer: do you know why adrenal fatigue prevents you from losing weight? >> i... i don't know. >> what is it? [♪...] >> uh... >> announcer: that's why you have to read adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life. written by the experts at the adrenal fatigue institute, this easy-to-read book contains the information you need to understand how you can finally beat adrenal fatigue and lose weight. >> it looks really good. the picture on the front is great 'cause she looks like she's just loving life and living it to the fullest. >> announcer: by calling now, you'll receive a copy of this informative and valuable book absolutely free. and as a special bonus for calling right now, you'll also receive a free supply of cylapril. unlike dangerous diet pills, cylapril works on the cause of weight gain and not just the symptoms, so you will lose weight. in fact, we guarantee you'll see results in 15 days.
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>> safe, natural and effective cylapril revitalizes and restores your adrenal system to peak health so you lose weight quickly. thanks to cylapril, you'll feel healthy and lose weight, and you don't need fat burners, cortisol controllers or appetite suppressors. >> it's estimated that four out of five americans experience adrenal fatigue. now you don't have to be one of them. >> announcer: call right now for your free copy of adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life and your free supply of cylapril. >> i'll take it. if it's free, it's for me. [laughs] >> for free? hey, why not? lose 10 pounds for nothing? i'd take it. >> for free? >> yes! [laughs] >> announcer: remember, cylapril works on the cause of weight gain and not just the symptoms so you will lose weight. in fact, we guarantee you'll see results in 15 days. call now and ask how to get your free book and free supply of cylapril. this offer is not available
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in any store and is only being made available for a very limited time through this special program. call this number now or visit [♪...] >> 100 years ago, there would have been no need for a book like this or a product like cylapril because there would have been very little adrenal fatigue. that's because 100 years ago, we didn't have the stress we have today. >> do you have a lot of stress in your life? >> i'm a mom of three. so it can be extremely stressful. >> tell me on a scale of one to 10, what is your stress level? >> [laughs] on a scale of one to 10, maybe 100? >> how would 22 suit you? 'cause that's where it is about today. >> 24-hour non-stop news and information... endless messages... demanding bosses... worry about jobs, the economy, relationships... and all the while, we're trying to cope by taking stimulants like caffeine and devouring sugar and carbs. ultimately, we put on weight. so we yo-yo diet or over-exercise, skip meals,
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change around the foods we eat and we still gain weight. why? let's relax for a moment and meet dr. noelle holly. >> you might have heard of the expression "core muscles". it's a term personal trainers use to describe the muscles in your body that have to be built up first in order to achieve a state of overall physical fitness. but there's only one core system that has to be maintained and performing at peak function for the rest of your systems to be healthy. i'm talking about the adrenal system. this is literally the command center for your body. when stress is constant, your adrenal glands are constantly working, but overwork can lead to an adrenal overload and ultimately to adrenal fatigue. the early signs of adrenal fatigue include sudden weight gain because your cortisol levels are going through the roof and you're becoming resistant to insulin, which means more insulin production. and that leads to more fat. you develop severe food cravings
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which just leads to overeating and yes, increased weight gain. and taking diet pills? they just work against your adrenal system, triggering the production of more stimulation hormones and that means less chance of weight loss. so what can you do to relieve adrenal fatigue? the answers to these questions are in this book that's been prepared by the adrenal fatigue institute. it's called adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life. the adrenal fatigue institute has also created a safe, natural product called cylapril. it's a unique formulation of ingredients that will revitalize your adrenal system and infuse it with a special formulation of needed nutrients so it can once again be working at its best. and that means you're going to see weight loss. >> announcer: do you know why adrenal fatigue causes you to suddenly put on weight? >> just recently, i dieted,
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dieted, dieted and then looked a plate of cheese and like, two pounds-- i don't know where it came from. it's really frustrating. >> announcer: do you know why adrenal fatigue prevents you from losing weight? >> i... i don't know. >> what is it? [♪...] >> uh... >> announcer: that's why you have to read adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life. written by the experts at the adrenal fatigue institute, this easy-to-read book contains the information you need to understand how you can finally beat adrenal fatigue and lose weight. >> it looks really good. the picture on the front is great 'cause she looks like she's just loving life and living it to the fullest. >> announcer: by calling now, you'll receive a copy of this informative and valuable book absolutely free. and as a special bonus for calling right now, you'll also receive a free supply of cylapril. unlike dangerous diet pills, cylapril works on the cause of weight gain and not just the symptoms, so you will lose weight. in fact, we guarantee you'll see results in 15 days.
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>> safe, natural and effective cylapril revitalizes and restores your adrenal system to peak health so you lose weight quickly. thanks to cylapril, you'll feel healthy and lose weight, and you don't need fat burners, cortisol controllers or appetite suppressors. >> it's estimated that four out of five americans experience adrenal fatigue. now you don't have to be one of them. >> announcer: call right now for your free copy of adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life and your free supply of cylapril. >> i'll take it. if it's free, it's for me. [laughs] >> for free? hey, why not? lose 10 pounds for nothing? i'd take it. >> for free? >> yes! [laughs] >> announcer: remember, cylapril works on the cause of weight gain and not just the symptoms so you will lose weight. in fact, we guarantee you'll see results in 15 days. call now and ask how to get your free book and free supply of cylapril. this offer is not available in any store and is only
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being made available for a very limited time through this special program. call this number now or visit [♪...] >> let me ask you this. do you gain weight really easy and have a real hard time losing it? >> i've been up and down. >> uh, yeah... yeah. >> if i eat, i gain weight. >> yeah, probably. >> yeah, i, i have a big problem with weight gain now. >> if you want to lose weight, it's not likely to happen as long as your adrenal system is working at less than 100% efficiency, not even with exercise and eating less or taking harmful fat burners or metabolism boosters. >> have you ever used a diet pill and then it worked for a little bit, you lost a little weight and then you gained it right back? >> um, yeah, i did a diet where i was basically having shakes and, um, for, like, three meals and then having dinner and then, you know, that gets, obviously... boring and, you know, you're like... >> [laughs] >> "all i want is, like, you know, a real lunch,"
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you know, um, and then you start eating again and you're like, "oh, great, i went up five pounds." >> i've tried, um, over-the-counter and i tried, um, prescription pills and doesn't work. um, my heart starts beating fast and, um, i get nervous. i feel like i'm gonna have a stroke or something, so i don't take them. >> it's even worse than the weight coming back. it's the side effects. i mean, the heart beating, the sweating, the, the... it's overstimulation. >> i've been on every diet that's ever been out... really. every diet, but i somehow don't stay with it. >> do you have a lot of stress in your life? >> that's a number one question, and i got the number one answer: yes. >> i'd say. i have a divorce coming, my properties are being foreclosed on and i have to have back surgery and i just lost my job. >> i work, family, trying to get time, a lot of time... i have so much on my plate. just... i don't know where the day goes. >> do you know that all the symptoms that we've talked about are symptoms of adrenal fatigue and that up to 80% of americans suffer from adrenal fatigue? >> well, i'm in that 80%.
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>> no, but, i mean, if those are the symptoms, then i'm thinking, like, my mother, my sister, my dog, my boyfriend are probably in that 80%. >> you're saying up to 80%? that's incredible. it's... i didn't know that. i didn't know it was affecting so many people like that. >> would you be interested in a natural product to help lose weight? >> i would try it. natural is very important to me. >> yeah, i definitely would be interested in something like this, definitely. package is lovely, too. >> absolutely, i would try it. yeah, i mean, you know what? if it's gonna work for me, i'm gonna try it. >> the adrenal fatigue institute has prepared this special book called adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life, written by experts in the field. you'll learn all the causes of adrenal fatigue, what are the key symptoms, what is the effect of adrenal fatigue on your weight, what foods you should eat and what foods you should avoid. most importantly, you'll discover a safe, natural product called cylapril that the adrenal fatigue institute highly recommends
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to revitalize your adrenal system and to strengthen it. >> this book is imperative to understanding the importance of your adrenal system and cylapril is vital to revitalize and restore your adrenal system to peak health so you can feel better, live better and lose weight. >> please keep watching and find out how to get your free copy of adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life and a free supply of cylapril, the safe, natural and breakthrough way to restore your adrenal system. the adrenal fatigue institute wants you to have both in case you are one of the estimated four out of every five americans who have adrenal fatigue. that's why you should call right now. thank you for watching today. >> announcer: do you know why adrenal fatigue causes you to suddenly put on weight? >> just recently, i dieted, dieted, dieted and then looked a plate of cheese and like, two pounds-- i don't know where it came from.
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it's really frustrating. >> announcer: do you know why adrenal fatigue prevents you from losing weight? >> i... i don't know. >> what is it? [♪...] >> uh... >> announcer: that's why you have to read adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life. written by the experts at the adrenal fatigue institute, this easy-to-read book contains the information you need to understand how you can finally beat adrenal fatigue and lose weight. >> it looks really good. the picture on the front is great 'cause she looks like she's just loving life and living it to the fullest. >> announcer: by calling now, you'll receive a copy of this informative and valuable book absolutely free. and as a special bonus for calling right now, you'll also receive a free supply of cylapril. unlike dangerous diet pills, cylapril works on the cause of weight gain and not just the symptoms, so you will lose weight. in fact, we guarantee you'll see results in 15 days. >> safe, natural and effective cylapril revitalizes and
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restores your adrenal system to peak health so you lose weight quickly. thanks to cylapril, you'll feel healthy and lose weight, and you don't need fat burners, cortisol controllers or appetite suppressors. >> it's estimated that four out of five americans experience adrenal fatigue. now you don't have to be one of them. >> announcer: call right now for your free copy of adrenal fatigue: don't let it keep you from losing weight and enjoying life and your free supply of cylapril. >> i'll take it. if it's free, it's for me. [laughs] >> for free? hey, why not? lose 10 pounds for nothing? i'd take it. >> for free? >> yes! [laughs] >> announcer: remember, cylapril works on the cause of weight gain and not just the symptoms, so you will lose weight. in fact, we guarantee you'll see results in 15 days. call now and ask how to get your free book and free supply of cylapril. this offer is not available in any store and is only being made available for a very limited time through this special program.
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call this number now or visit [♪...] [♪...]
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is a country music superstar, a singer and songwriter who rose to fame at age 13. she's won two grammy awards, has over 40 chart-topping singles, and she has literally grown up in the public eye. in 2008, leeann revealed a lifelong struggle with psoriasis. >> i don't think you would notice it with me sitting here right now, but, you know, i had psoriasis and eczema on 80% of my body, and it's something that i've struggled with my whole life, and still struggle with. but with sheer cover i never have to second-guess. i know all day long it's hiding your biggest flaw that you're trying to keep secret. >> leeza gibbons: join me now in welcoming leann rimes and celebrity makeup artist lisa garner to discover how sheer cover can be your secret to flawless-looking skin. >> i'm so happy to have you here, leann. >> thank you. >> very excited to have you here too. >> ( applause ) >> i have been a fan for a long time. >> thank you so much. >> and then i heard you were a fan of sheer cover. >> yeah.
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i've been in this business for 13 years now, and i have tried so many different types of makeup, 'cause i have really sensitive skin. i've struggled with psoriasis and eczema my whole life, and to find a makeup that finally will soothe my skin is just a blessing. >> i know the feeling. >> yeah, and i just happened to come across sheer cover, and i just fell in love with it, and it gave me my confidence back. >> well, you look completely flawless, but we know... that's not the reality for any of us. >> no. we all have things we struggle with, with our skin, and things we want to cover. >> let's look at the things that you maybe are covering. >> okay. >> ( laughter ) >> leann allowed us to shoot her bare-faced before production, so let's put that up. you guys watch. >> ( audience murmurs ) there's a lot of redness. i have a lot of broken capillaries around my nose, and my cheeks, and that big zit on my chin is really beautiful. >> you look airbrushed. i mean, you really do look absolutely flawless. i'm going to that, and i'm going back to you, and i'm thinking, "wow!" >> yeah, that's exactly how i feel. with sheer cover i feel like i can smooth out and even out all of my flaws so that i can put my best face forward
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every time i walk out the door. it's just this naturally beautiful me. >> it is the naturally beautiful you. >> ( applause ) >> let's turn it over to you, lisa garner. you're a professional makeup artist, and we've seen your work in vanity fair, in cosmo. what is it that you love about using sheer cover on yourself and on your clients? >> i love how easy it is. it's so quick, but it's so effective. it's so beautiful and smooth, and it does give you that coverage. >> let's talk about the blurring of flaws business, because i know, at my age, i love that. >> "at your age," or just at any age? >> okay, we love that. but it's the mix of the minerals, the mica, which takes the light away from your flaws. >> you're right. it's the way the minerals sit on top of each other, the way they layer against the skin-- it's so fine-- and then the mica reflects the light away from those fine lines and any blemishes we might have. and that's what gives you the radiance and the glow. >> yeah, and it really does make a major difference. every woman should have the opportunity to look beautiful, and that's what sheer cover gives you.
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>> woman: sheer cover is a breakthrough in cosmetic science. it was first developed as a corrective cosmetic for skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, and post-surgical scars. >> one of the things that set sheer cover apart from other mineral makeups and also from traditional liquid makeup is the fact that it has a natural spf, soothing botanicals which can help calm redness, and it also has anti-oxidants which help minimize photo-aging and photo damage. >> i was in a car accident about a year ago. the skin care specialist, everyone, was like, "minerals. use mineral-based makeup. it's gonna protect you. when i found sheer cover, it changed my life. people don't notice the scar, and my skin looks great. it's an amazing thing. >> ( audience applauds ) >> okay, i want you to think about your day, and i know it's busy. you're in an out of the car, you've got appointments, you've got errands, groceries, picking up kids.
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the bottom line is, your makeup gets quite a workout, so to prove that sheer cover can stand up to your busy day, we sent twinmaria and helena out for a 5k run right outside our studio here in southern california. one is wearing sheer cover, and the other is wearing a very popular liquid makeup, and we're gonna see which makeup lasts the longest. now, while the twins are out running, let me show you how sheer cover works so that you can see just how easy it is. these are three sheer cover customers, our beautiful ladies, who have a range of skin issues. but i want you to watch as they put their makeup on, and you'll see how they transform their look. so, ladies, you ready? >> all: yes. >> okay, let's do it. now, if you'll notice, everybody is starting with their concealer. it is so creamy that the ladies are applying it with just a little light touch. julie is covering up what right here? >> i have freckles, and i do have dark circles, so i do want to cover those up. >> how important is a concealer to you, deshaune?
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>> extremely important. >> extremely important. concealer, your best friend. now, check out shannon. she's gonna cover that birthmark. >> it's so light that when i first tried it, i thought, there is no way this is going to cover my birthmark, and sure enough, it covers it right up. >> look at this. shannon spends how much time in the morning putting your makeup on? >> not much. >> yeah. now she puts the brush into the mineral powders, swirls it right on. the minerals blend so easily, and they rest lightly on top of the surface of your skin. it's that simple. shannon is flawless. that's how fast it is. >> ( audience applauds ) >> look how pretty your skin is. she looks like she has no makeup on at all, and yet she's covered up those little blemishes. now, look at julie. she's flawless. >> thank you. >> you're beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. >> i had some help. >> ( laughter ) >> okay, brushes down. i want you to look straight out into the audience so that you can see the sheer cover difference. there it is-- a beautiful, silky, flawless, fresh complexion.
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this is the look of natural skin, only better. >> i think the thing that made me fall in love with sheer cover was the coverage. i have very fair, very sensitive skin. i also battle having dark rcles, which i think a lot of us do, so i begin with the sheer cover concealer i do under my eyes, and then i swirl the brush, start working it around and working it around, and it's just such a great feeling. sheer cover gives a sheen and it gives a glow and it gives a freshness. it is better than any liquid foundation i have ever found. it is amazing. sheer cover is amazing. >> leeza gibbons: coming up in just a bit, our twins finish their 5k run, and we'll see which makeup wins the challenge. and those "we've seen it all" women from new york city put sheer cover to the ultimate test. >> wow. >> happy endings at a wine country wedding, and more about what celebrities might be hiding. >> i inherited the deep circles,
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and i'm really self-conscious about it, and i've tried every product. this is the secret weapon. >> up next, your chance to start airbrushing your own flaws away in just seconds with sheer cover. >> woman: say goodbye to heavy, goopy liquid foundation and get set for the amazing sheer cover, the lightweight mineral makeup that gives you the coverage of a liquid but feels like you're wearing nothing at all. watch as freckles or spots simply vanish. blotchy or sun-damaged skin, now smooth and flawless. redness or rosacea? not anymore. and sheer cover works like magic on under-eye circles, acne breakouts, even leg veins, scars, and birthmarks. >> whatever skin problem you have, it can cover. there's nothing, i don't think, that sheer cover hasn't seen that it can't fix, which is really good.
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>> woman: call now and receive our amazing mineral foundation in two blendable shades. based on formulas developed for doctors, sheer cover contains 100% pure natural minerals. no parabens. no talc, no fillers, and no fragrances. and sheer cover has a proprietary blend of spf 15 sunscreen, soothing botanicals, and green tea anti-oxidants, to help fight the visible signs of premature aging. and the minerals go on smooth and silky with our professional studio brush, featuring all-natural bristles. >> the sheer cover brush is so natural and so soft, and i think that's why the powder feels so silky going on. >> woman: you'll also receive the famous duotone concealer customers are raving about. just a couple of dabs, and the toughest of flaws vanish in seconds. >> it's a creamy, dreamy concealer. it has amazing coverage, and yet it looks so natural. >> woman: sheer cover comes in four kits--
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light, for fair skin; medium, our most popular shade; tan, for olive complexions, and dark, for rich, deep skin tones. it's easy to choose, and we guarantee a perfect match for your skin tone. plus, sheer cover comes complete with our popular conditioning cleanser and nourishing moisturizer, to give your skin a youthful, radiant glow. you'll also receive our amazing extra length mineral mascara, for strong, sexy lashes. and using sheer cover is a breeze with the sheer perfection application guide and our quick-start dvd. a complete system of high-quality cosmetics, brushes, and skin care can easily cost $250 or more at retail stores. but because we sell direct from our own sheer cover studio with no retail markups, we'll send you a one-month kit of sheer cover, all nine products, for the incredible price of just $59.95.
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and if you call now, you'll enjoy free shipping on us, through this exclusive, limited-time tv offer. >> after i tried it, i was just hooked. with sheer cover, it goes to prove, you don't have to spend a lot of money to get an amazing product. >> woman: we stand behind sheer cover with a risk-free, two-month money-back guarantee. you can use up everything you see here, and if not absolutely delighted, send back the empty containers within 60 days for a complete refund. and this deal gets even better, if you act right now, because you won't pay our already low price of $59.95, not $49.95, or even $39.95. when you order in the next 15 minutes, you'll get sheer cover for the amazing price of only $29.95. that's right. $29.95. >> sheer cover's incredible, because it can fit any woman's budget, and it's a high-quality product, so you feel like you're being good to yourself. >> woman: and here's the offer you've been waiting for.
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be among the first 500 callers, and you'll get over $100 worth of professional cosmetics absolutely free with your paid order. first, you'll get our brand-new traveling pocket duo, to hold concealer, minerals, and brush in one portable compact. >> now i just use this little pocket duo. that's all i have to have, and i look fantastic. and look-- look at it! it's tiny! >> woman: next, you'll receive this ultra cool sheer color compact, with highlighters, eyeliner, and lip glosses. we'll also add two more professional studio brushes to your sheer cover kit. and you'll get this stylish makeup case-- perfect for taking sheer cover with you, anytime, anywhere. this incredible gift collection has a $100 value, yet you'll receive these gifts and the complete sheer cover kit-- over $250 worth of high-end cosmetics-- all for just $29.95. and for a limited time, shipping is free. >> i was amazed. i thought, "am i getting all of this product?
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are you sure?" brushes, the two powders, concealer, awesome. and a great price. >> woman: so what are you waiting for? with free shipping and a money-back guarantee, there's no downside to trying sheer cover right now. >> try it. you'll see the difference. it's like bare skin, only better. >> woman: don't wait another second to get beautiful skin you'll love. act now, and start airbrushing your flaws away, with sheer cover. >> this is new york city, the fashion and beauty capital of the world, and when it comes to makeup, new yorkers expect the very best. let's see what happens when they try sheer cover the very first time. tell us what's going on with your skin, and what your makeup does and doesn't do for you. >> i have a little bit of red that i'd like to cover up. >> have rosacea. >> dark eyes. >> i have adult acne. >> are you ready to try sheer cover? >> absolutely. >> let's work our sheer cover magic. >> to start with,
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we're gonna use our fantastic concealer. >> leeza gibbons: it's so creamy, it's so blendable. it's like a flaw eraser. >> and already we're taking the redness right down. >> wow. it doesn't cake or clump or anything. >> that looks great. you're on your way. >> it's quick and it's easy. >> leeza gibbons: sheer cover mineral foundation is 100% natural. grab it with your brush, work it into the bristles, and then buff it on in a circular motion. you'll look like you, only perfect. take a look. what do you think? >> oh, i love it. and my redness is completely gone. >> the redness is gone! yay! >> thank you. >> leeza gibbons: do you see the luminosity, this kind of radiance that you have? >> yeah, i glow! >> that's the mica. >> i glow! >> this is wonderful! >> you look really pretty. >> i love it. this is great. >> sheer cover gives you that airbrushed, luminescent look of perfection like that. >> when you try sheer cover, you're going to be pleasantly surprised. it is not like other foundations. it's like nothing you've ever tried. the fact that the minerals reflect the light, the glow you're gonna see, the radiance, it's completely different
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than anything i've seen. >> technology now means you don't have to wear a thick and heavy foundation base to have flawless skin. sheer cover will give you that luminous effect. it's going to last all day. you're gonna look great. people are gonna comment about that. >> ( applause ) >> earlier in the show, we took twins helena and maria, and we sent them out for a 5k run, and now we're ready to reveal the results of how sheer cover compares for staying power with a leading liquid foundation. >> helena and maria, come on out, girls. >> hi, ladies. >> hi. >> i love it. you're still running, running, running, running. okay, ladies, look straight at this camera here. let's take a look. can you see, audience, the liquid makeup? >> audience: yes! >> i see a huge difference. first of all, maria has been wearing the liquid foundation, and i see streakiness, shininess, the makeup is wearing away around your nose, underneath your eyes and your cheeks. it looks cakey. it's not looking pretty like that.
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however, helena looks gorgeous, flawless. >> doesn't she? >> absolutely. >> did you even break a sweat, girl? >> i did. >> and yet the sheer cover hasn't changed at all. it hasn't sweated off. you still look glowing and radiant, but you don't look streaky at all. but that's looking incredible. >> so the headline here is, lisa, sweat-proof, lasts all day, and it's not gonna rub off on your clothes or... >> your boyfriend. >> ...or your boyfriend or husband or whatever. girls, thank you so much. >> what's amazing about sheer cover minerals is that, as you go through the day, instead of becoming powdery, which is what you might think would happen, it's exactly the opposite. it blends in with your natural oils, and it almost ends up feeling like you've got a soft glow, like a moisturizer, like you've put a moisturizer on. >> the best thing about after using sheer cover, it immediately conceals all my skin blemishes and gave me that "girl next door"- but-celebrity look that every woman wants. >> i inherited the deep circles.
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see these dark circles under my eyes? i had people saying, "are you tired? maybe you should get some sleep." and i'm really self-conscious about it. for me, the first thing i grab is the concealer duo. it gives me beautiful coverage in a really easy, light way. it makes me feel very natural. then i just brush on powder foundation. this is something that is very healthy and light. it's just beautiful, and i love that. >> you know, there's one day in a woman's life where she absolutely has to look her most beautiful, her most radiant and glowing, and that is her... >> all: wedding day! >> absolutely. and one very special bride got a celebrity-style sheer cover makeover, not just for herself, but for everyone in the bridal party, and it was beautiful. here's how it went. >> okay, we're going for our makeup and our hair right now. >> hi, guys! >> woman: good morning! >> good morning. >> woman: consuelo, what are some of your concerns for your wedding?
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>> my biggest concern is, i get really dark circles under my eyes. >> woman: look at that. completely covered, completely taken care of. sheer cover will make it look absolutely beautiful. >> it's my wedding. >> ( cheers and applause ) >> woman: here we go. we'll get you hooked up, baby. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. sheer cover is going to even out your skin tone. >> you know what's amazing, is it feels very light, actually. it feels like i'm not really wearing any makeup. >> and it looks great. >> you know that sheer cover thing i was telling you about? all the bridesmaids have gotten makeup done, and jen, and mom, and everyone. >> i love it! thank you! >> i'm getting married! >> woman: it's beautiful. >> consuelo: i just looked around the room, and there was my mom and all my bridesmaids, and they looked so beautiful. i have never felt more gorgeous. it was just perfect.
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>> ( wedding guests cheer and applaud ) >> i hope that many other brides in the future get to have the same experience that i did. >> all: whoo! >> consuelo: thank you so much, sheer cover. >> woman: now it's your turn to airbrush your skin to perfection with sheer cover. watch as freckles and spots simply disappear; under-eye dark circles fade away; acne breakouts--gone. and sheer cover works like magic on leg veins, scars, and birthmarks. sheer cover comes in four kits-- light, for fair skin; medium, our most popular shade; tan, for olive complexions; and dark, for rich, deep skin tones. it's easy to choose, and we guarantee a perfect match for your skin tone. call now, and receive
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our natural mineral foundation inwo shades. you'll get thetudio powder brush, the duo concealer, the conditioning cleanser and nourishing moisturizer, the extra-length mineral mascara, plus our convenient application guide and quick-start dvd. >> sheer cover feels as if i have nothing on, yet it just hides all of my imperfections. it smoothes everything out. i just dust it on, and i'm out the door. >> woman: a complete system of high-quality cosmetics, brushes, and skin care can easily cost $250 or more at retail stores. but because we sell direct from our own sheer cover studio with no retail markups, we'll send you a one-month kit of sheer cover, all nine products, for the incredible price of just $59.95. and if you call now, you'll enjoy free shipping on us, throughhis exclusive limited-time tv offer. >> sheer cover is really such a wonderful alternative in makeup, because it is
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so natural, and i think that's a trend that everyone's starting to recognize as being important. >> woman: dermatologists agree that mineral makeup is safe for sensitive skin, and sheer cover has a proprietary blend of spf 15 sunscreen, soothing botanicals, and age-fighting anti-oxidants, designed to give you the most beautiful skin ever. and this deal gets even better, if you act right now, because you won't pay our already low price of $59.95, not $49.95, or even $39.95. when you order in the next 6 minutes, you'll get sheer cover for the amazing price of only $29.95. that's right. $29.95. and smart shoppers can lock in that discount price and never pay a penny more. each new season, you'll receive a new 3-month supply of sheer cover at the low price of just $29.95 a month, guaranteed. >> sheer cover is extremely affordable, and that was wonderful to know
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that packet was coming. just as soon as i needed sheer cover, there it was in the mail. >> woman: and here's the offer you've been waiting for. be among the first 500 callers, and you'll get over $100 worth of professional cosmetics absolutely free with your paid order. first, you'll get our brand-new traveling pocket duo. >> good things come in small packages. this little mini duo concealer, that's all i keep in my purse. it's amazing if you can think that that's all you need to actually do the whole thing. >> woman: next, you'll receive this ultra-cool sheer color compact, two professional brushes from sheer cover studio, and you'll get this stylish makeup case, perfect for taking sheer cover with you, anytime, anywhere. this incredible gift collection has a $100 value, yet you'll receive these gifts and the complete sheer cover kit-- over $250 worth of high-end cosmetics-- all for just $29.95. >> sheer cover is a great product. i like how fast it is, i like how convenient it is, and i felt like
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it was a really good investment. >> woman: we stand behind sheer cover with a risk-free, two-month money-back guarantee. if for any reason you're not delighted, you have 60 days to send the products back for a full refund. >> you can actually use up the whole product and they'll give you your money back. try it out. why not? i mean, it really is that simple. >> woman: so what are you waiting for? with free shipping and a money-back guarantee, there's no downside to trying sheer cover right now. don't miss out. call now. >> sheer cover is helping countless women experience the beauty and the confidence that's literally changing lives. >> when you feel confident, then you can smile, and i can smile a lot when i have sheer cover on. >> this is a good choice. it's natural, it's good for your skin. give it a try. >> sheer cover makes me happy, because it lets me look like i feel inside.
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>> every woman out there should expect the best for their skin, and they shouldn't settle for less. sheer cover makes you look like that naturally beautiful woman that we all aspire to be. >> this is your moment to experience gorgeous, glowing skin. i promise, you're gonna love it, so give us a call and let sheer cover help the real you shine through. thanks for watching.
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closed captioning provided by production west.
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i am the legendary dyson. i am the new shark navigator. i have no loss of suction technology. hey, me too! with my yellow ball i can out maneuver. well actually independent lab tests prove i'm just as easy to push and pull. deep cleaning carpets? yup, same lab tests, same deep cleaning. i have a 5 year warranty. me too. ah, but i cost nearly $500.00. really? i'm less than $200.00. oh. the moment you begin to vacuum your vacuum bag begins to clog and you lose suction power. even bagless vacuums have filters that clog, then you lose the power to clean. dyson solved that problem with the first no loss of suction vacuum, but that technology was expensive. nearly $500.00. until now. introducing the new shark navigator. the first no loss of suction vacuum at a price you
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can actually afford. you'll save hundreds of dollars over the leading vacuum. now you can have amazing deep carpet cleaning and superior bare floor cleaning all in one easy to use lightweight vacuum. plus, the navigator has lifetime filters and a 5 year warranty. but wait. it gets even better. stay tuned to find out how you can get the world's best selling steam mop, a $99.00 value, absolutely free. but it's only available during this exclusive television offer. so don't go away. in toady's program you'll meet people who really put the navigator to the test. this is reality tv navigator style. unscripted and unrehearsed. including some interesting comparisons to today's leading vacuum brands. and here to tell you more about the navigator by shark is your host amy motta. hello and welcome. you're about to see for yourself how the shark navigator is truly an amazing innovation in cleaning technology, performance and value. shark is the company that's committed to creating products that are not only
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innovative but easy to use every day. products that really work like you want them to. that's why millions of people love their shark steam mop. and you know what? they've done it again with the navigator. and to prove it to you, today we're not in a tv studio. we're in a real home because this program is about real life cleaning. you're also going to meet some pretty interesting people with their real unrehearsed navigator stories. and now i'd like you to meet the ceo of shark, mark rosen. and there's nothing mark likes better than cleaning up a mess. oh mark! hey amy how you doing? hi! let me take care of this for you. thank you. my incredible shark navigator has true deep cleaning power, is easy to maneuver, it's ultra-lightweight and it never loses suction power. mark it
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looks like you love that vacuum. amy i absolutely love my new shark navigator. lots of people love their navigator. so let's take a look at a real story about how well the navigator performed in real life. check this out. her name is casey and she's 7 months old. and we rescued her and she's kinda taken over. it's her house now. that's casey. and the worst part is this. look at that. and it pulls it right up. all of her dark hair. that's awesome. look at that. it is, it's a different rug. look how much you enjoy vacuuming. this is my favorite part is getting to see how much we've actually gotten. all the bedrooms. look at that. i think the controls are easy. where they're located it's easy to use, easy to find. and it's lavender. i knew he'd like that. that you know it would be his favorite part of it. amy that's a great story. anyone with a pet will really love the
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cleaning power of the navigator. absolutely. so now let's see what some more people have to say about the cleaning power and the suction power of the navigator. this thing's amazing it's, it picks up in the little bevel cracks of my wood floor, my stairs have never looked so good. it picks up all this dirt in an instant. all the dirt is coming up. it is so easy. i mean you can see the brushes just really, really getting into action there. see what this machine really can do. no problem at all. isn't it, that's amazing. look at that. nothing left. i think the carpet looks brighter because the weave is being lifted up because of that nice suction power. i really cant' get over the suction on the vacuum. that's some serious suction. look at that carpet kevin. that looks good. looks real good. mom would be proud. everything that i've wanted my other vacuums to do, this vacuum does. oh, here flip it over. i could spend all day vacuuming my wife! many vacuum cleaners when they're brand new, they
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have great suction power. the problem, is after just a little bit of usage, they start to lose their suction power. they do. i want to show you a demonstration of true no loss of suction. earlier we sucked up 4 cups of flour in each of these brand new vacuum cleaners. and i even asked amy to empty this dust cup from whatever was inside there, into the bin over there. i did. and so now this vacuum cleaner is full of the fine dirt and this one is empty. now let's see what happens when we try to suck up these metal balls. ok. this will be fun. are you ready to go? i am ready. ok, here we go. ready, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. look at that! 8 metal balls. 2 metal balls. 2! look at that
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suction power difference. that's an amazing difference. now you can see what's happening amy. even though we emptied the bin from the dirt in that competing vacuum cleaner, it still lost it's suction power. because the fine dirt particles are stuck inside the filter and inside the vacuum cleaner. so it lost it's suction power. right. not the navigator. no. but you know what? i think i can suck up even more dirt. ok. would you mind helping me out with that? yes, let me get this out of the way. now here you see i've got the 4 cups of flour still inside the navigator. and even after all that fine dirt the navigator can handle even more. watch this. here's a tray of fun. alright here we go, watch how fast this works. ready? ready. go! wow look at it go. look at this. as fast as i can
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move it. wow. there's no loss of suction power there. none at all. unbelievable. amazing. but, wait. can you still pick all 8 metal balls? whoa, i think so, let's see. ok let's try it. alright here we go. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7and 8. amazing. look at that! 8 metal balls no loss of suction power there. yes. now i understand why people are so frustrated with their vacuum cleaners and why it's so important to have no loss of suction technology. exactly. now don't go away. when we come back you'll see the navigator go to school and get an a+ in cleaning. stay tuned for more reality tv, navigator style. i am the legendary dyson. i am the new
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shark navigator. i have no loss of suction technology. hey, me too! with my yellow ball i can out maneuver. well actually independent lab tests prove i'm just as easy to push and pull. deep cleaning carpets? yup, same lab tests, same deep cleaning. i have a 5 year warranty. me too. ah, but i cost nearly $500.00. really? i'm less than $200.00. oh. the moment you begin to vacuum your vacuum bag begins to clog and you lose suction power. even bagless vacuums have filters that clog, then you lose the power to clean. dyson solved that problem with the first no loss of suction vacuum, but that technology was expensive. nearly $500.00. until now. introducing the new shark navigator. the first no loss of suction vacuum at a price you can actually afford. it's not $500.00. not 400 not even 300. the shark navigator is under
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$200.00. that's hundreds of dollars less than the leading brand. plus, if you're one of the first 500 callers, we'll give you the world's best selling steam mop. it sanitizes and kills germs, a $99.00 value, free. why do vacuums lose suction power? because the moment you turn them on, fine dust and dirt begin to clog vacuum bags and bagless filters. and the more they clog, the less suction power you have. and they never work the same again. but shark's advanced technology keeps dust and dirt away from the filters so you never lose suction power or cleaning power. with shark, you get the next generation of no loss of suction technology. guaranteed. the navigator is the next generation no loss of suction vacuum. so you can have superior bare floor cleaning and get powerful deep carpet cleaning too. it's perfect for above floor cleaning and those places that are hard to reach. the turbo power brush removes pet hair like magic from upholstery and look how the navigator is so agile and easy
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to maneuver. and with it's large capacity dust cup, you can clean your entire house with just one lightweight and compact vacuum. because the navigator will never lose suction power, you'll never lose cleaning power. and you saw it for yourself. in a side by side comparison, the shark navigator took on the competition and blew it away. with 4 times the suction power. and, when you're done cleaning the dust cup empties with the push of a button. it's that easy. i'm so sure that you're going to love the navigator that i'm also going to send you my best selling shark steam mop for free. and, if for any reason, you are not completely happy with the navigator you can keep the steam mop as my gift to you. all i ask is if you do love the navigator, tell a friend. this is a very special offer that i have never done before so i urge you to call now. order now and you'll get the shark navigator brush and crevice tool on board attachments, an extra 24 inch crevice tool, the versatile turbo power brush, plus
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lifetime belt and filters, a 5 year warranty and the free steam mop. it's like getting a complete cleaning system for your entire home, that's a total value of $350.00 for only 5 payments of $49.95. but wait, it get's even better. if you call right now shark will actually take off 1 payment. so you make only 4 payments of $49.95. you save over $150.00! with a full 60 day money back guarantee you have nothing to lose and you still keep the free steam mop. they made no loss of suction technology, but shark made it affordable! to order the shark navigator with the free shark steam mop call the number on your screen. or go online to today. do you know what you get when you take a bunch of kids and you put them together in a fun arts & crafts class? if you're thinking a pretty big mess, you've got it. so let's take a look at how the
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navigator handles this one. i'm here with my arts class and i find doing projects is sometimes cumbersome and we do often make a mess. i have kids who volunteer to stay after school and help me pick up. well here's the vacuum that i've had to use and i find that it often kind of spits everything around. alright guys, here's the shark navigator. oh. you're not going to have to stay after school today. and help me pick this up. can i try? can i try? now the principal won't be mad. and i just use the hose for the finishing touches, in all the little crevices that i can't get to. i don't even have to bend over. this vacuum is so easy to use, it works so much better than my other vacuum cleaner. go shark navigator. mark has set up another comparison for us using 2 vacuums and a whole lot of sand. that's right sand is one of the best ways to test rue deep carpet cleaning. what i have set up for you over here
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is a pretty heavy duty vacuum cleaner. it is heavy. well that's alright we adjusted the carpet height so it's a bit easier for you. thank you. alright ready to go? yes. ok. ooo, this is really heavy. look at that. i don't adjust the carpet height, it's very easy to push and i can still deep clean the carpet. wow, mine is so hard to push and pull. you see, you don't have to give up true deep carpet cleaning in order to have easy push and pull. that's right. the navigator is easy to push and pull and it's also light weight. people love how the navigator is taking the work out of housework. it's very light, i don't feel, like, exhausted when i'm done vacuuming. i can carry this thing up the stairs with one arm. it's very narrow so it gets in all the corners. just kind of pulls by itself. notice
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this, i can lift this up, one hand. it's really light. i might even go pinky here. it's just so light weight and convenient. the navigator is a good name, it's so light. very light and easy to maneuver. and i like t price too. the navigator really is amazing. it's fast, easy to use and it is so light weight. but it gets even better. it turns on a dime and, as luck would have it, mark has found another mess to clean up. which is also a great way to show you just how easy the navigator is to maneuver. so check this out. ok mark, ready, go. that was easy. we should see that again. now let's see what some more people have to say about the shark navigator and how easy it is to
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maneuver in their homes. navigator navigates very easily. i can be here on the carpet like this. i can just switch a button and be all the way under the table. look at this hose. it stretches longer and longer. just go right into these tiny little spaces. i can even get the dust off my fan. this is a huge problem. so it really allows you to maniplate your hose and get it in the places you want it. do you see those cobwebs? all i have to do, i'm not even on my tippy toes. this has probably been about 4 months since i've cleaned this and i'm not gonna lie. don't judge me by that. i've set up another challenge for mark. a maneuverability challenge. kind of like a vacuuming obstacle course right here in the living room. the question is, are you up for it?
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of course. this vacuum can go anywhere. that's why we call it the navigator. watch this. bravo. coming up next, we put the navigator in the hands of a vacuum professional for his opinion of the navigator's performance and value. so stay tuned for more reality tv, navigator style. i am the legendary dyson. i am the new shark navigator. i have no loss of suction technology. hey, me
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too! with my yellow ball i can out maneuver. well actually independent lab tests prove i'm just as easy to push and pull. deep cleaning carpets? yup, same lab tests, same deep cleaning. i have a 5 year warranty. me too. ah, but i cost nearly $500.00. really? i'm less than $200.00. oh. the moment you begin to vacuum your vacuum bag begins to clog and you lose suction power. even bagless vacuums have filters that clog, then you lose the power to clean. dyson solved that problem with the first no loss of suction vacuum, but that technology was expensive. nearly $500.00. until now. introducing the new shark navigator. the first no loss of suction vacuum at a price you can actually afford. it's not $500.00. not 400 not even 300. the shark navigator is under $200.00. that's hundreds of dollars less than the leading brand. plus, if you're one of
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the first 500 callers, we'll give you the world's best selling steam mop. it sanitizes and kills germs, a $99.00 value, free. why do vacuums lose suction power? because the moment you turn them on, fine dust and dirt begin to clog vacuum bags and bagless filters. and the more they clog, the less suction power you have. and they never work the same again. but shark's advanced technology keeps dust and dirt away from the filters so you never lose suction power or cleaning power. with shark, you get the next generation of no loss of suction technology. guaranteed. the navigator is the nest generation no loss of suction vacuum. so you can have superior bare floor cleaning and get powerful deep carpet cleaning too. it's perfect for above floor cleaning and those places that are hard to reach. the turbo power brush removes pet hair like magic from upholstery and look how the navigator is so agile and easy to maneuver. and with it's large capacity dust cup, you can clean your entire house
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with just one lightweight and compact vacuum. because the navigator will never lose suction power, you'll never lose cleaning power. and you saw it for yourself. in a side by side comparison, the shark navigator took on the competition and blew it away. with 4 times the suction power. and, when you're done cleaning the dust cup empties with the push of a button. it's that easy. i'm so sure that you're going to love the navigator that i'm also going to send you my best selling shark steam mop for free. and, if for any reason, you are not completely happy with the navigator you can keep the steam mop as my gift to you. all i ask is if you do love the navigator, tell a friend. this is a very special offer that i have never done before so i urge you to call now. order now and you'll get the shark navigator brush and crevice tool on board attachments, an extra 24 inch crevice tool, the versatile turbo power brush, plus lifetime belt and filters, a 5 year warranty and the free steam mop. it's like getting a complete cleaning system for
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your entire home, that's a total value of $350.00 for only 5 payments of $49.95. but wait, it get's even better. if you call right now shark will actually take off 1 payment. so you make only 4 payments of $49.95. you save over $150.00! with a full 60 day money back guarantee you have nothing to lose and you still keep the free steam mop. they made no loss of suction technology, but shark made it affordable! to order the shark navigator with the free shark steam mop call the number on your screen. or go online to today. you've heard from a lot of folks who really love their navigator. but let's take it up a notch and hear from a true vacuum professional. someone who knows vacuums inside and out. i have been managing the repair department here for 15 years. i've seen just about all makes and all models. for the money i think the shark
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navigator has a lot of features that you could definitely use. i liked how convenient the vacuum was to go from carpets to floors at the flick of a switch. we tried it on laminate wood flooring, did very well. we tried it on a berber, on a shag, on a pile. it seemed to perform and pick up very well on those 3 different types of carpeting. the length of the hose is very nice. it has a swivel neck to it so it kind of moves with the hose. and the suction's very good. i don't have any vacuum for $199.00 in our store that will do carpets, floors and have attachments on board. with rubber wheels so you don't scratch the wood floors. so for $199.00 it's a great buy. so you see even vacuum cleaner professionals are impressed by the navigator's power, performance and price. but if you've been wondering how the shark navigator compares to other vacuums, take a look at this. my old dirt devil vacuum, when i turn it on, the noise is outrageous. not only did it not vacuum it, but it sprinkled all
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of the dirt behind the vacuum. really got to use your whole arm it feels like. i can definitely feel a little sweat going on here. the thing that really kind of annoys me is that weight. it's just bulky and heavy and awkward to maneuver. we have a dyson but the shark navigator is half the price. bottom line, excellent. i love this vacuum. it's so much better. it's more maneuverable, easier to use, light weight and it's only 199 bucks. i love this navigator. it does more than any other vacuum for way less than i though i'd have to pay. that's exciting. i don't' know why anything would want to pay twice the price. the navigator is great. for many people pet hair is a real problem. but for the navigator it's no problem at all. that's why i've set up this demonstration. wait a minute. i'm gonna use the navigator this time. because i remember how hard that one was to use. ok, no problem, amy. well, we have a pretty serious mess set up over here. let's get to it and see what happens. let's do it. wow this is so easy to push and pull. and it's
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cleaning beautifully. look at that. the navigator is definitely built to handle pet hair. let me get that for you. i guess amy really loves using the navigator. yeah. he's not getting this one back. well, you've seen it for yourself. america put the shark navigator to the test and it came through with flying colors. that's because shark is dedicated to providing you with faster, smarter ways to clean, with products that are innovative, easy to use and affordable. you know the beauty of the navigator is that it truly delivers on the promise. we've shown you how light weight the navigator is yet it still delivers amazing cleaning power. you've also seen how easy the navigator is to
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maneit turns on a dime. theore, navigator is the next generation of no loss of suction technology and the best part is, it's available now. for less than half the cost of the leading brand. i know you're gonna love my new shark navigator. in fact, i guarantee it. i am the legendary dyson. i am the new shark navigator. i have no loss of suction technology. hey, me too! with my yellow ball i can out maneuver. well actually independent lab tests prove i'm just as easy to push and pull. deep cleaning carpets? yup, same lab tests, same deep cleaning. i have a 5 year warranty. me too. ah, but i cost nearly $500.00. really? i'm less than $200.00. oh. the moment you begin to vacuum your vacuum bag begins to clog and you lose suction power. even bagless vacuums have filters that clog, then you lose the
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power to clean. dyson solved that problem with the first no loss of suction vacuum, but that technology was expensive. nearly $500.00. until now. introducing the new shark navigator. the first no loss of suction vacuum at a price you can actually afford. it's not $500.00. not 400 not even 300. the shark navigator is under $200.00. that's hundreds of dollars less than the leading brand. plus, if you're one of the first 500 callers, we'll give you the world's best selling steam mop. it sanitizes and kills germs, a $99.00 value, free. why do vacuums lose suction power? because the moment you turn them on, fine dust and dirt begin to clog vacuum bags and bagless filters. and the more they clog, the less suction power you have. and they never work the same again. but shark's advanced technology keeps dust and dirt away from the filters so you never lose suction power or cleaning power. with shark, you get the next generation of
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no loss of suction technology. guaranteed. the navigator is the nest generation no loss of suction vacuum. so you can have superior bare floor cleaning and get powerful deep carpet cleaning too. it's perfect for above floor cleaning and those places that are hard to reach. the turbo power brush removes pet hair like magic from upholstery and look how the navigator is so agile and easy to maneuver. and with it's large capacity dust cup, you can clean your entire house with just one lightweight and compact vacuum. because the navigator will never lose suction power, you'll never lose cleaning power. and you saw it for yourself. in a side by side comparison, the shark navigator took on the competition and blew it away. with 4 times the suction power. and, when you're done cleaning the dust cup empties with the push of a button. it's that easy. i'm so sure that you're going to love the navigator that i'm also going to send you my best selling shark steam mop for free. and, if for any reason, you are not completely
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happy with the navigator you can keep the steam mop as my gift to you. all i ask is if you do love the navigator, tell a friend. this is a very special offer that i have never done before so i urge you to call now. order now and you'll get the shark navigator brush and crevice tool on board attachments, an extra 24 inch crevice tool, the versatile turbo power brush, plus lifetime belt and filters, a 5 year warranty and the free steam mop. it's like getting a complete cleaning system for your entire home, that's a total value of $350.00 for only 5 payments of $49.95. but wait, it get's even better. if you call right now shark will actually take off 1 payment. so you make only 4 payments of $49.95. you save over $150.00! with a full 60 day money back guarantee you have nothing to lose and you still keep the free steam mop. they made no loss of suction technology, but shark made it affordable! to order the shark navigator with
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the free shark steam mop call the number on your screen or go online to today. closed captioning provided by production west. "you know what."
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anncr (v.o.): this show is brought to you by the united healthcare insurance company, the proud provider of aarp
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medicare supplement insurance plans. susan: navigating through the medicare system is very, very difficult; it's confusing, unless you have somebody to give you some guidance. janice: i'm 64 and in april i'll be 65 so i've been doing a lot of reading up to try and decide lillian: it's not something that you can just decide on a moment's notice. susan: medicare is not adequate to cover all medical costs burt:.there are certain services that still are not fully covered by medicare tommy: .i personally think that health is the most important thing that a person can have, regardless of what else, and if you are going to talk about your health, my health, cost is not all that important. anncr (v.o.): if you're turning 65 soon, are medicare-eligible, or you're already age 65 or over but haven't signed up for medicare. or, even if you've already enrolled in a medicare
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supplement plan. we have important information for you. understanding medicare today in the following program you'll discover how medicare supplement insurance plans. .can help you keep your own doctors, select any specialist you prefer, and help pay the 20% of your medical expenses not covered by medicare part b. music comes down (to hostess) he: hello donna. (to camera) she: hi bob we're here today to shed some light on the comments you just heard from medicare beneficiaries. to help you through the confusion about medicare and the coverage options available once you turn 65. she: that's right bob. medicare is very complex. in fact, as one person just mentioned, it can be downright confusing. working through all the available options can be overwhelming without any help. he: i'll be eligible myself in just a few years, and with the help of the good people behind aarp medicare supplement insurance plans, i have familiarized myself with all the many choices available. she: and, my parents will be eligible for medicare soon, so i wanted to help them through the process.
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today, bob and i will be passing along everything we've learned about medicare coverage, to you! he: thanks to the federal medicare program, tens of millions of americans can get the health care they need. but it's not automatic. you must sign up for it when you become eligible - typically when you turn 65. as donna just said, you have many choices. he (v.o.): and, the decisions you make are important ones. over the course of this program we'll be visiting with medicare recipients from all around the country - ordinary people just like you - who've already gone through this process on their own. she (v.o.): as you will see, people across the nation have similar concerns, needs and hopes. we'll do our best to clarify the most common misconceptions and introduce the choices available once you are medicare eligible. she: according to this guide, you shouldn't "wait 'til later" to make your decisions, as you may have fewer choices available to you if you wait. if you are approaching 65 soon, you should find out about medicare now!
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he: so, your first decision is whether or not you want medicare when you turn 65. once you're eligible you must sign up, enrollment doesn't happen automatically. she (v.o.): .something i keep telling my parents. he (v.o.): that's good. lets begin with an overview of medicare basics and then we'll get the opinions from the man [she interrupting "and woman! "] on the street he (v.o.): generally speaking, medicare consists of four parts - part a and part b, plus part d which is an optional prescription drug insurance plan, and. she: [interrupting] you skipped part c. .a, b [pause] d. what happened to c? he: as for part c, i will get to that. it's also called medicare advantage. these plans are issued by private companies and offer the benefits of medicare parts a and b coverage. she: i guess that's where it gets "complicated. " and that was a key concern for my parents, as it is for many others. while medicare part a and part b are a great help, they do not cover everything. he: that's right.
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part a was intended to help with hospital costs but can leave you with a deductible to pay. part b has a deductible too, and then covers 80% of approved services like doctor visits and outpatient surgeries, leaving you to pay the other 20%. he (v.o.): that could cost you more than a thousand dollars out-of-pocket if you were hospitalized. if you can't afford that, or prefer more predictable out-of-pocket expenses, you'll probably want some additional coverage. and you have choices. she (v.o.): if you choose the first path, part a gives you help with hospital costs, part b helps with physician care and outpatient care. he (v.o.): after you enroll in parts a and b, you can add a medicare supplement insurance plan. these plans cover many of the costs left not covered by medicare part a and b. she (v.o.): and, if you want to keep your current doctors, a medicare supplement plan may be the choice for you. he: good point. she: the other path, referred to as part c, also called medicare advantage plans, are typically structured like hmos, approved by medicare and run by private companies.
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medicare advantage plans may require you to stay in a network or restrict you to a list of preferred physicians. he (v.o.): and medicare advantage plans, like parts a and b, typically have co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles. she: let's back up a bit. let's see if people around the country know the difference between medicare part a and part b? michael: one covers doctors, the other covers hospital, but i'm not sure which is which. i think a is the hospitals and b is the doctors. he: that's right! she (o.c.): part a provides help with inpatient hospital costs. part b helps with doctor's services and outpatient care. he (o.c.): the key point is this: people need to know medicare parts a and b alone don't cover everything. she: but aren't we getting ahead of our story again? he: yes, we should discuss who's even eligible for medicare. she: good point! let the people speak. he: do you know what's required to be eligible for medicare? sue: yes, 65 and have social security or have a
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spouse that has social security. he: you're eligible to join medicare when you are one, 65 years of age. two, are a u.s. citizen or permanent resident, and three, you or your spouse has paid social security taxes for at least 10 years. he: some people under 65 with certain disabilities are also eligible for medicare. she: according to this free guide - you can enroll up to three months before your sixty-fifth birthday and three months after. so, you have a seven-month window around your birthday. she (o.c.): if you meet all the federal eligibility requirements part a is available to you at no cost and part b requires a premium that is deducted from your social security check. anncr (v.o.): call now to find out more about aarp medicare supplement insurance plans. you will get a personalized rate quote and a complete information kit with the materials you need to help you make a smart, informed decision. if you're turning 65 or older, or medicare-eligible,
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get this free information kit and medicare guidebook. it will help you navigate today's complex health care environment. as an aarp member you would be part of a group plan which means you will get group rates that are competitive. this means you'll join 2.8 million aarp medicare supplement insurance plan holders who have turned to unitedhealthcare for their insurance needs. you need to be an aarp member to enroll, but you don't need to be a member to get this free information kit or compare rates. so, call now! he: okay, let's get back to where we left off. if you want additional coverage beyond medicare part a and part b. which path do you want to take? she (o.c.): just to be clear, you must first enroll in both a and b before you can apply for any additional coverage, like a medicare supplement plan. so we should review what these parts cover before we move on. he (o.c.): michael, you knew the difference between part a and part b, do you know the deductibles for them too? michael: to tell you the truth i don't.
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no, i don't. she (o.c.): let me clarify. before part a and part b start paying a share of your hospital and physician costs, you must first pay your deductibles. he (o.c.): in 2009, the deductibles were $1, 068 for part a and $135 for part b. that means, a single night's stay in a hospital with only medicare part a coverage, could cost you over a thousand dollars. she: that's why many people add coverage. like the aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. a medicare supplement plan limits your out-of-pocket costs and helps pay for some approved costs not paid by medicare parts a and b. she: medicare supplement insurance can help cover some or all of these expenses in medicare parts a and b that could cost you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. he: medicare was never intended to cover everything. and, relying only on medicare could leave you with a lot of
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out-of-pocket expenses. james: it covers 80%, it doesn't cover the full amount, so you either have to have your own health insurance or medicare supplemental insurance to cover the additional 20%. he (o.c.): so in your opinion is supplement insurance a necessity? james: oh, it is a good deal. i mean with health insurance costs somebody paying 80%, that's pretty good. but it doesn't cover 100%. he: that means you are not covered for 20% of part b expenses that could amount to thousand of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. she: but medicare parts a and b were clearly not designed to cover everything. that's why a medicare supplement plan is important. corwin: it picks up where the other leaves off. she: so in your opinion, it's worth the added expense? corwin: absolutely. nancy: definitely. (same time) he: and, medicare supplement insurance plans don't just cover your out-of-pocket costs. these plans also let you choose your own doctors, do not require referrals for specialists,
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and your benefits travel with you nationwide. she: and, when compared to medicare alone, it provides you better protection against unexpected medical costs that can happen to any of us she: . there are other solutions and everyone needs to decide what best suits their situation. he: unitedhealthcare offers medicare supplement insurance plans that carry the aarp name. but as you said.. he (o.c.): ...the right decision for you depends upon your own needs and your individual budget. lillian (v.o.): coming out of retirement and starting to research, again my background was with health benefits. . it's not something you can just decide on a moment's notice. lillian (v.o.): there are a lot of comparisons and of course, all of the supplemental insurance companies are very helpful, always willing to send a package or a brochure on their coverage. he: can you tell me what your plan is? lillian: . it's unitedhealthcare. i'm very well satisfied with it. tommy: i have for the past 18 years been on aarp and
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unitedhealthcare. 18 years, i've had 3 major operations, numerous other ailments, and i have never paid a dime. .that's why i'm sitting here. because i am thoroughly pleased with them. he: can you tell us about your medicare coverage? selma: i am on a and b he: just to review what we've already covered, can you tell me the difference between a and b? lillian: your part a would be coverage for hospital and the bills related to a hospital stay, your part b would be the doctor's office. he: right. part a helps pay for hospital costs and part b covers about 80% of approved physician and outpatient costs. and you must enroll in both a and b before you can apply for any additional coverage. carol: it supplements medicare. medicare pays and then it comes behind and picks up what is not paid of the medicare approved bill.
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he: it is important to remember that the medicare program was never intended to pay for everything, and it serves many people very well. perhaps we should explain in more detail some of the reasons people choose to add supplemental coverage. she (o.c.): generally speaking, and depending upon the plan, a medicare supplement can help people avoid some or all of the costs that part a and part b don't cover. he (o.c.): things like deductibles, co-pays and excess provider charges, some preventive services, additional days in the hospital after you've used up your part a benefits and other benefits depending on the plan. she: and, as i keep reminding my own parents, they'll have the freedom to see their own doctors because they don't have to worry about networks or referrals with a medicare supplement plan. there are many medicare supplement insurance plans to choose from. basically there are twelve standardized plans available designated by the letters a through l in most states. he: these letters have no relationship to medicare part a, b, c and d.
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she: the a through l medicare supplement plans vary in how they fill the various holes in medicare part a and part b coverage. letting you choose the plan that best covers your individual needs and budget. he: these medicare supplement policies are not government benefits like part a and part b. they are insurance policies available from private companies like unitedhealthcare. she: and it's nice to know that unitedhealthcare offers a wide range of plans. he: you are guaranteed the right to buy a medicare supplement plan during your open enrollment period - the six months following your 65th birthday and enrollment in part b. she: your policy can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums when they are due. he: you can pick the plan that best suits you. she: medicare supplement plans let you apply at any time with no closed periods. and you can drop or change your medicare supplement policy whenever you like. she: so with all these choices, you're probably wondering where to turn for advice. aarp is one suggestion- you can call or go online
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to their website. they're a great source for information. and, putting their name on these plans impressed my parents. sam (v.o.): i ahh, shopped all over. to be very honest with you. judy: everybody was sending me stacks and stacks and stacks. and it was almost, overwhelming. sam: . naturally, there are many different price ranges. you have to pick the one that suits y best. both by what you get from them and also the amount of money you want to spend. ira: we went through the internet, we called different companies to find out what might be best. he (o.c.): was the aarp name important to you? ira: that, and the fact that it was, i believe, underwritten by unitedhealthcare. anncr (v.o.): medicare is a great program that serves tens of millions of americans. but it doesn't cover everything. and, the cost of health care has continued to rise in recent years. these things make medicare supplement insurance more important than ever. finding the right coverage can be very challenging. why not call for your free information kit and medicare
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guide. and find out about the range of aarp medicare supplement plans available to you from unitedhealthcare insurance company. call today to find the right plan for your individual needs. is it important to you to choose your own doctor? does the phrase "no referrals needed" sound good to you? are you looking for competitive rates? learn why these medicare supplement plans are the choice of millions of people who know and trust the aarp medicare supplement plans for their health care needs. aarp medicare supplement plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company help to cover some of the medical expenses not paid by medicare alone. this could save you thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. and a medicare supplement plan can even work hand-in-hand with any stand-alone rt d prescription drug plan. are you looking for benefits that travel with you - nationwide? do you want a plan that doesn't lock you in and lets you apply anytime, year-round? prefer to do away with virtually all claim forms? call now to find out about aarp medicare supplement insurance plans.
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if you're turning 65 or older, or medicare-eligible, get this free information kit and medicare guidebook. it will help you navigate today's complex health insurance environment. and then feel great about making your own smart, informed decision. you need to be an aarp member to enroll, but you don't need to be a member to get this free information kit or compare rates. so, call now! he: welcome back. earlier in the show we explained that part a helps pay for hospital costs and part b covers about 80% of approved physician and outpatient costs. she: and you must enroll in both a and b before you can apply for any additional coverage. but, i think everyone is pretty clear about medicare part a and b at this point, but we have barely touched on part c. he (o.c.): medicare part c plans are usually referred to as "medicare advantage" plans. while congress added these plans to give medicare participants more choices, medicare advantage plans are issued by private companies, and offer part a and part b coverage. these plans may have co-payments,
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and the terms of coverage and benefits can change from year to year. nancy: it seems like each company offered something a little bit more, something a little bit different and until you put it all together and decide what your own needs are and where you're going to fit the best, it can get very confusing. she: but one of the biggest differences is this: typically, many medicare advantage plans restrict you to a network where you are limited to the physicians in that "service area". while medicare supplement plans allow you to keep your own doctor or choose any physician who accepts medicare patients. he (o.c.): and you don't need a referral to see a specialist. deanne: i don't want to be told who could be your physician . ann: .i just feel very uncomfortable needing to use a doctor that someone else has chosen martin: .if my primary doctor tells me that i have to see so and so, well i'm not playing games. why do i need a referral when my main doctor told me you've got
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to have this done or that done. so it's a pain. he: people generally seem to feel very strongly about choosing their own doctors and specialists. she: .and, most medicare advantage plans have network restrictions that limit yo choices. for example you might not be covered if you need to see a doctor for routine care while outside your service area or network. important to retirees who travel extensively. he: but even with network restrictions, medicare advantage plans may still be right for some people. it's important that everyone do his or her own homework. there is not one choice that is right for every person, situation or medical need. robert (v.o.): to me that's the most important, feature of the plan. that i have complete freedom. .wherever i were to go, i've got, what i believe to be, complete coverage. robert (v.o.): .i've got a, plan which i think the price is right. and, ah, it doesn't have the limitations . robert (v.o.): it's like a no-brainer. . and i'm not concerned about, any additional payments, out of pocket.
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she: but, you do get a competitive group rate if you go with a group plan, like the one offered by unitedhealthcare that carries the aarp name. robert: .i was satisfied that i was getting the right product. deanne: some friends and i did a lot of reading and i took the booklet and made a decision, you know, which one's the best plan for me. he: we started to discuss the differences between medicare supplement insurance and medicare part c, also called medicare advantage plans. she: i think some people may still be confused about the names. he: let's see. pat: .part c maybe, no virginia: no, part d is that the, uh, supplement, the, uh, uh, medicine? she: an aarp medicare supplement plan can be paired with medicare part d prescription drug coverage, to give you more complete coverage. margie: i know what d is. well, d is the government plan, i believe, for your drug coverage.
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jim: i'm not familiar with c. margie: i'm not really familiar with c either. he: medicare supplement plans are not "a letter thing" but can be purchased on top of medicare to fill some of the costs not covered by medicare parts a and b. part c is another name for medicare advantage plans. these plans are purchased from private companies and offer the benefits of part a and b, along with additional coverage, and may include deductibles and co-pays of their own. she: and these two choices have distinct differences. for instance, the unitedhealthcare insurance plan we've already mentioned is a medicare supplement plan. burt: people don't comprehend fully what the limitations of medicare are . susan: medicare is not adequate to cover all medical costs, especially for people who are just on social security. she: medicare supplement plans don't cover everything but they can help cover most, or all, of your out-of-pocket expenses.
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lillian: coverage between medicare and the statement that you get for services rendered. he (o.c.): great answer lillian. she: as you may recall from earlier in our show, medicare supplement plans cover some of the out-of-pocket expenses if you have part a and part b only. such as coverage for deductibles and up to 20% co-pays for approved doctor's services. judy: it was not price, it was what the insurance policy encompassed, and i looked at my ability to go to whatever doctor i wanted. he: generally speaking medicare supplement plans offer you the assurance of monthly premiums and, depending on which plan you choose, some may cover the co-pays or co-insurance for every time you go to the doctor. she: because most medicare advantage plans charge co-pays for each doctor visit, these fees can really start to add up if you visit the doctor often. this is something that concerns my mom.
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he: depending on the medicare supplement plan chosen, this could significantly reduce your out-of-pocket costs from medicare part a and b. she: how do you feel about your plan? selma: every year they change the formula. this year, i have no payment to see a physician, my primary care physician. but if i were to see a specialist, i believe it's 30 dollars, my co-pay. she: depending on the medicare supplement plan chosen, you may be able to get help with some of the co-pays and co-insurance not paid by medicare. anncr (v.o.): call now to find out more about aarp medicare supplement insurance plans. you will get a personalized rate quote and a complete information kit with the materials you need to help you make a smart, informed decision. if you're turning 65 or older, or medicare-eligible, get this free information kit and medicare guidebook. it will help you navigate today's complex health care environment. as an aarp member you would be part of a group plan which means
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you will get group rates that are competitive. this means you'll jo 2.8 million aarp medicare supplement insurance plan holders who have turned to unitedhealthcare for their insurance needs. you need to be an aarp member to enroll, but you don't need to be a member to get this free information kit or compare rates. so, call now! she: picking up where we left off. another difference is medicare advantage plans usually restrict you to a service area or network. but, with a medicare supplement plan you aren't limited to a network. you can choose any physician you like who accepts medicare patients and you do not need referrals for specialists. martin (o.c.): the referrals bother me because sometimes it's a necessity they set you up for an appointment and then you don't know if you need a referral - you do need a referral-last minute you find out you do need it, so you have to go scrambling. she: with a medicare advantage plan, typically you are locked into a service area and limited to the physicians in your network much like you find in the typical hmo.
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so, when my parents visit they wouldn't be covered if they needed a specialist for a non-emergency service. he: can anyone describe an hmo? alison: an hmo is a health maintenance organization where you have one physician who directs the care and you have contracts with certain hospitals and certain groups of physicians that you have to work within, you can't go off and choose. she: one type of medicare advantage plan is basically an hmo. you are generally limited to a service area and must select your doctors from within their network. adrian: it's important to me to be able to choose the doctors that i want julie: i like my independence. i like to investigate my own doctors and decide who i feel would give me the best care. she: i want to clarify another important point: both medicare advantage and medicare supplement plans cover you in the event of an emergency, but if you spend a lot of time traveling, or have a second home,
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you may not be covered for routine care with medicare advantage plans because of their network restrictions. carole: . you know, you have to take some responsibility for yourself. you can't expect, you know, the hmo's to take care of you totally. he (v.o.): true. but as you can imagine, that "responsibility" may be restricting your vacations if you require frequent doctor visits. and when you are retired, travel is one of the things you don't want to restrict. knowing my medicare supplement plan benefits will travel with me nationwide will certainly be important when i retire. she: to my parents, too. they are snowbirds. with a medicare supplement plan they will be covered coast-to-coast if they get sick while traveling. carole: we don't get sick. we're down here where we relax and do healthful things and stay well. and then we go home in the summer and get sick. he: [laughs] waiting until you get home to get sick is not exactly an option for the average person. [laughs again] many of us want coverage that travels with us wherever we go, nationwide.
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she: and speaking of going, it is time for us to sign off bob, thanks for joining us. he: and we hope you have found this program has helped you better understand medicare and your health insurance options. anncr (v.o.): medicare is a great program that serves tens of millions of americans. but it doesn't cover everything. and, the cost of health care has continued to rise in recent years. these things make medicare supplement insurance more important than ever. finding the right coverage can be very challenging. why not call for your free information kit and medicare guide. and find out about the range of aarp medicare supplement plans available to you from unitedhealthcare insurance company. call today to find the right plan for your individual needs. is it important to you to choose your own doctor? does the phrase "no referrals needed" sound good to you? are you looking for competitive rates? learn why these medicare supplement plans are the choice of millions of people who know and trust the aarp medicare supplement plans for their health care needs. aarp medicare supplement plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company help to cover some of the medical expenses not paid by medicare alone.
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this could save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. and a medicare supplement plan can even work hand-in-hand with any stand-alone part d prescription drug plan. are you looking for benefits that travel with you - nationwide? do you want a plan that doesn't lock you in and lets you apply anytime, year-round? prefer to do away with virtually all claim forms? call now to find out about aarp medicare supplement insurance plans. if you're turning 65 or older, or medicare-eligible, get this free information kit and medicare guidebook. it will help you navigate today's complex health insurance environment. and then feel great about making your own smart, informed decision. you need to be an aarp member to enroll, but you don't need to be a member to get this free information kit or compare rates. so, call now! tommy: .i personally think that health is the most important thing that a person can have, regardless of what else, and if you are going to talk about your health, my health,
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cost is not all that important. tommy (v.o.): truthfully, i'm pleased to be here and tell anybody who wants to know how good united health care and aarp are. the preceding was a paid advertisement brought to you by unitedhealthcare insurance company. cc the uso is a bond that we share to help us stay close
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here at home and far away. [male announcer] to find out how you can help visit us at uso dot org the uso until every one comes home. ♪ >> from the heartland of america


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