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tv   11 News at 11  NBC  September 9, 2009 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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we were sent here to do. now is the time to deliver on health care. >> president obama delivered his prime-time speech on health care reform tonight. that speech was made before a rare joint session of congress. >> it was viewed as a make it or break it moment for the president. washington bureau reporter has the details. >> the president took on critics of reform directly addressing republicans trying to debunk some of the controversy surrounding his plan. >> the time for gain has passed. now is the season for action. >> president obama tried to find common ground. he accused opponents of using scare tactics and invading in confusion instead of honest debate. >> i will not waste time with those who have made the calculation that it is better
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politics to kill this plan than improve it. >> he said the most controversial aspect of this plan is the government run plan. >> it would only be an option for those who do not have insurance. no one would be forced to choose it. >> the president is willing to consider a medical malpractice reform. >> it will not back down on the basic principles that if americans cannot find affordable coverage, we will provide you with a choice. [applause] >> we can do better with a positive approach that tackles the biggest problems. >> 1 louisiana congressmen slammed the democrats plan a big government takeover. >> it creates 53 new government bureaucracies and hundreds of billions to our national debt. it raises taxes on job by $600 billion. >> the president was heckled at
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one point during his speech. that is when south carolina congressman shouted that the president was lying about not covering illegal immigrants. reporting from washington, wbal tv 11 news. >> elisha cummings gave more details about the government run option. he said the reason for the push comes down to the wallet. >> if you do not have a way to provide competition for these insurance companies, you cannot control the prices. over the last two years one out of every three americans have had some lapse in their insurance. some of that is due to the fact that they cannot afford it. >> to hear the president's comments from tonight, you can go to our web site to and click on national news. >> at the debate plays out nationally, and one county
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continues to pioneer coverage for low-income residents. >> the healthy howard program architect is showing what he knows about the plan and its strengths and weaknesses. >> the healthy howard program has been fielding calls about the local approach to universal health care. they have been able to reflect on what is working well and what can be improved. >> have you been having any headaches? >> checkup is the cornerstone of the healthy howard program. this doctor believes that regular primary care visits and help action plans save health- care dollars down the line. >> by doing that, you are reducing risk factors that may lead to problems down the road or mitigating effects or minimizing the effects of chronic disease which costs 75% of all health-care costs. >> the kickoff had a surprising side effects.
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many realized they did not need help the howard because they already qualify for government programs. >> they were not enrolled for a variety of reasons. we need to get them in. >> healthy howard is aimed at residents from 19-64 in seven annual income under $31,000 for an individual, or $64,000 for a family of four. if you have been uninsured for six months or recently unemployed, you are eligible. many participants are struggling to meet the modest premiums. >> 10% of our members are on -- in danger of not being enrolled because they cannot afford their debit card balances or the premiums per month. >> those are critical to the programs. it amounts to three under $50,000 in a budget that includes half a million and counting funding and other
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donations. healthy howard is a success overall for offering affordable care and redirecting others to government programs. >> during the eight months we have been in existence, about 3000 now have health coverage. it in prison and drop -- a 15% drop. >> reporting live in the studio, and kerry cavanaugh, wbal-tv. >> could more budget cuts be in the future of maryland? the governor says he would not be surprised if they need to cut another 100 million-$200 million. that is when the state revenue board meet -- next week. some have already approved $706 million in budget cuts. our slot headed to an anne arundel mall any time soon? they took the final tour of the
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proposed site and they have a final public hearing. our reporter has more details. >> this was it, the last tour ended last public hearing concerning the proposed site for slots around the state. tonight, we learned that the whole argument concerning this mall may be moot at this point. anne arundel county commissioners have not approved the zoning yet. >> it was one final chance wednesday night. some members of the public voicing concerns. >> property values and traffic are a major concern. >> others had excitement about the opportunity. >> i have watched friends and neighbors lose their jobs and houses because of the economic downturn. i believe this project will increase and help turn things around. >> about 60 members of the public showed up to voice their
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opinion. the crowd seemed divided on the issue of slots at the mall for all sorts of reasons. >> we believe the state would be better served by locating the facility at a destination that as growth opportunity for spin- off businesses. >> it will bring much-needed revenue and jobs to discount rate, the construction of the venue will create a large number of the immediate jobs. >> the company showed of renderings of what the proposed slot parlor would look like, calling it a world-class gaming facility. there is one major problem that was brought to the service in the public hearing. the company seems to have most of its ducks in a row, the county commission has yet to approve the zoning for the casino, which is not sitting well with some slush commission members. >> there is considerable concern that the county council has not moved forward. we think that is not the way to
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process it and we urge them to move forward. >> these lots commission has a lot of paperwork to go over, including a background investigation conducted by the company concerning this site. it is anyone's guess as to when a vote might take place. we are live outside of the mall tonight. wbal tv 11 news. >> this story is news tonight. baltimore city police are searching for the person who shot a man in west baltimore. it happened around 7:30 this afternoon. he got a gunshot wound to the test. he was rushed to the hospital. no word on his condition at this hour. because of the severity of his injuries, homicide detectives were notified. >> mother and her son were charged with 42 counts of animal abuse. they were arrested after animal control rescued 21 dogs from their home in the 7900 block of seabreeze drive.
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the dogs had a multitude of ailments including fleet is the station and warms. if convicted, -- flea infestation and worms. >> a statute was stolen in the cal ripken ballpark. our reporter has the details of how the suspects made it pretty easy for the police to find them. >> a famous no. 8 at camden yards, the finance statue of honor was made of aluminum. we learned that after it was stolen tuesday night. >> you do not expect that kind of stuff to happen. >> it is a travesty. >> it had to be a very fast hit. a grab and run. >> it was ripped right off of its base. it occurred at a 10 at 40 7:00 p.m. tuesday night.
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-- tennis club 40 7:00 p.m. tuesday night. -- 10:47 p.m. tuesday night. they almost got away with it. two hours later, police say. >> we received a call on lombard street. four intoxicated white males were fighting with each other. when officers arrived they found a giant no. 8 statue in the back of the pick up. the case was closed after that. >> police arrested four local man for stealing it. their ages were 18-20. >> do not come to baltimore to act like a moron. i hope everyone takes this serious because it is a serious. >> wbal tv 11 news. >> a vaccine used to prevent
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cervical cancer in women may be used to help men. >> more than half a dozen men who hijacked a plane with several american on board are in custody. >> purple profit-taking over baltimore city tonight. how you can get into the fun later. >> for the first time, we are getting spectacular pictures from outer space. >> of showers continue to move through parts of maryland tonight. the wet weather looks like it will stick around. the seven-day is coming up. 67 at the airport. 69 do
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>> eight men hijacked a plane from cancun to mexico city. they are in custody. some americans were on board. earlier reports believe the men had explosives on board, but none were found.
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the suspects told police they hijacked the plane after receiving divine intervention that today's date is a satanic number, 666 turned upside down. >> a plaque was unveiled honoring the victims of flight 893. all of the passengers and crew members were killed when they joined together to take back control of the plane from hijackers. families and lawmakers were on hand to honor their sacrifice. >> the men and women of that place came together. they came from different backgrounds and ethnicities. the unified as americans and sacrificed their lives to save the lives of countless other fellow citizens. >> light 93 crashed in pennsylvania. -- flight 93 crashed in
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pennsylvania. the capital or the white house were the likely targets. >> in the "medical alert" guard asilardasil could be used to hep men in addition to women. it may be helped to treat genital warts. it can also cause rare cancers in the genitals of men and women. women may get a choice in vaccine when it comes to preventing hpv. one appears safe and effective for girls in ages 16 to 25.
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if approved, it would completely compete directly against gardasil. >> these are some of the most stunning pictures captured in outer space. >> nasa release of these pictures near the hubble telescope. our reporter shows us these amazing pictures. >> they are almost detailed far from galaxies. the stunning star clusters and beauties like this butterfly nebula. incredible images crystal clear that show the birth of stars billions of light years away. what may be most astonishing is that we have the pictures at all. they are the works of the new improved hubble telescope. it is back in action. the new pictures new evidence
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that the missions worked perfectly. >> thank god we did not break it. >> it was the most complex space repair ever. the mission was almost scrapped for good because it was so dangerous. it said five complicated space walks with plenty of curve balls. a bolt did not want to budge. >> it is safe to say that some many scientists worked to fix this. >> the new pictures are just the beginning for the 19 year-old telescope expected to live another 10 years. looking back into the universe and building towards a future it may find life on other planets. >> in this century, we will have the capability of a finding a planet that may have a life on it. >> scientists say the new lease on life for hubbell is the first step toward that, a journey that will capture more finds along
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the way. wbal tv 11 news. >> a few scattered light showers along the beltway moving to baltimore today. a couple of showers continue to track their way through. some more substantial rain in pennsylvania and persistent shoppers coming in from the east going back to the west. -- showers coming in from the east going back to the west. you can see the showers writing in from the clothes come off of the ocean in the new jersey and delaware area and down the maryland beaches. look at the almanac today. only a trace of 1 inch at bwi marshall and even less at the harbor. the temperatures were down from the persisting showers and clouds.
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overnight tonight and probably for the next couple of days, the temperatures will remain around the same range. 64 rahm baltimore. sunrise at 6:43 with a shower is continuing in the area. a beautiful weather pattern underneath this area of high pressure. northern new england gorgeous clear skies. moisture is coming off of the ocean into the mid-atlantic. on the coast, the water piles up, the tides are a couple of feet above normal. some coastal advisories are in effect. you can watch the time line here up until friday. the showers will continue through friday. it may clear up on saturday. the winds will be at 25 not building to waves of 3 feet.
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65 around the bay. the low 70's and showers are likely. northeast winds coming in at 30 miles per hour. a cold day at the beach. good news out in the tropics. the hurricane which was a category three status is now down to category two. it should continue northbound and slowly weekend. it is way out in the middle of nowhere. south of the atlantic. it should not heard a very many people up there except for some ships passing by. we will gradually see the rain taper off saturday. some decent weather for the kickoff of the ravens season. >> we are counting down to purple friday. how you can get into the pregame activity of the ravens. >> and one person took on divine intervention when he took on a world famous chef in a cooking
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challenge. we will tell you more next. >> i am here from 98 rock. reimold imagine jackpot is $4.5 million. -- the multi matched jackpot is $4.5 million. 34-30-15-16-41-9 those are the winning numbers. if no one matches all six numbers, it will go to $4.6
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million. the next growing is saturday night. it will be right here on tv 11. it will be right here on tv 11. t need a lift? hey buddy, i appreciate the ride, you know. no problem. ♪ mind if i take a shortcut? yeah, sure. ♪ i knew the subaru legacy was the smart choice... what i didn't expect... was the fun. the all-new subaru legacy. feel the love.
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>> congratulations for the cooking sensation from baltimore. he defeated a world renowned chef in a fusion fajita cookoff.
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he gathered in his restaurant in little italy. it was taken back in june. it was the first time taking on him. the father has some divine intervention. >> the baltimore cheerleaders for the ravens were holding a calendar signing tonight. if you missed tonight, and other party is planned for tomorrow night to get everyone pumped up for ravens football. then it is the return of purple friday's with many pep rallies across our area. for details on the events for this week, go to our web site at and click on sports. >> anything i say after that is
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only going to get me in trouble at home.
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>> the ravens spent four weeks in the preseason to expand their passing game. they hope that continues in the regular season on sunday. as the season kicks off, they have noticed this and says that this team starts off with which
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is their defense. -- the success that this team starts off with which is their defense. it took a team and while last season to get on board with the way the coach does things. the ravens players know that transition's work in the defense. when that happens, everyone has a chance to succeed. >> we understand as a team that this is a job. it is our profession to play football. the guys understand that. when the guys buy into it, it makes it easier for us to go up there and execute. >> good news for the offense. clinton expects to play on sunday against the chiefs. he added hamstring injury. he wants to go 100 percent russian practice now. the coach -- 100% in practice
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now. another player looks likely to miss the opener on sunday. the kansas city chiefs' coach as a big decision to make right out of the gate. whether or not to start the injured quarterback against the ravens defense. he returned to practice this week after suffering a knee sprain in the thursday -- preseason game. the browns have settled on a starting quarterback. only a few know of who the coach as big as his starter. the head coach has not officially told the team who will take a snap sunday against the vikings. the former first-round pick may be the pick as the starting quarterback.
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after 12 straight losing seasons, the orioles have taken on the quality of bees in september. if you get to close to them, they will irritate you. then they are going away soon. boston beat baltimore tonight 7- 5. first inning. one player had a single. kevin youkilis, scored 2-0 boston. the orioles tried to come back down 3-1. just shy of the monster. roberts will skolecore. trouble in the seventh. the bases are loaded. victor martinez to a gap in left-center off the base of the monster. boston goes on to win 7-5.
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stick around. tom ta
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>> the rain has moved in. how long is it going to stay?
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>> a couple of days. scattered showers and some cool weather on thursday and possibly friday. we slowly take the showers of the picture saturday just in time for ravens football on sunday. partly cloudy and 80 on sunday. >> that is a look at our news. thank you for joining us. >> if you would like to see our newscast again, we have an encore presentation at midnight. the tonight show is up next. have a good one, everybody. [ cheers and applause ]


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