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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  July 10, 2009 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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captioned by the national captioning institute live, local, late-breaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news at noon in hd. president barack obama is controversial among catholics. today, he will meet the pope for the very first time. good afternoon, everyone. i am jennifer franciotti. africa and the pope all figured
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to president barack obama's agenda today. pope benedict has reached out by phone to the president and telegrams since november. obama will make one last up at the vatican before departing italy. >> president barack obama leaves l'aquila, calling the three-day summit highly productive. >> we have agreed to take significant measures to address some of the most pressing threats facing our environment, our global economy, and our international security. >> his final stop before leaving is that the vatican. >> the president has been looking for an opportunity to visit the holy see and to meet in person with the holy father. >> pope benedict is setting aside rest over birth control, and stem cell research. he sees a chance to team up with president barack obama on problems like climate change. >> one of my highest priorities. >> the present program agreement to slash climate-warming emissions.
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he could not get developing nations to go along. >> his strategy is to curb global warming in america and then china will follow. china is not falling as any place barry >> >> we each have our national priorities and policies to deal with. >> what we need to do is to start in congress by stopping job-killing legislation like speaker nancy pelosi's legislation tax. >> it is an admirable example of strong democratic governance. >> the president will highlight an african success story. he will visit a former of the slave trade. >> he is the answer sent to us. >> there has a major cleanup of the ghana capital. >> he will deliver a speech to the ghana government .
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it is the continent where his father was born. >> gm arose today exiting bankruptcy after 40 days. a person close to the process said that gm signed the official documents early this morning, transferring the bulk of its assets to a new gm company for the new company will have purebreds, fewer dealerships, and less debt. the u.s. government is now the majority owner of the company agreed the obama administration says it had no -- it has no plans to run the bottle maker. there is a zero tolerance for bus or train operators who use cell phones. there will be fired even for a first offense. the mta says it took the action shortly after the washington metro system may changes yesterday. a spokesperson said the agency will inform its operators' union of the change but will not bargain. officials say in the fall,
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the number of cases of swine flu will rise again. the obama administration is gearing up to spend $8.5 billion to prepare for a vaccine. they say their target is kept and that shot should be given out in school. >> somehow, the young people are getting preferential affected. the median age of people who are affected with the h1n1 are teens, which is unusual for. >> hospitals will be stretched to the limit. >> the obama administration will announce $50 million in grants to states and hospitals today to begin preparing for a possible fallout rate. there was a gathering in nashville to remember steve mcnair. rather than dwell mobile and to his life at the hands of his 20- year-old girlfriend, the focus was on his positive influence
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during his football career. a former teammate vowed to take care of the children left behind. >> michelle, tyler, and trenton -- today is the day of your husband and father's general. when i woke up this morning, my thoughts and prayers turn to you and your voice. b.b. --boys. you love your boys and your dad. >> a private funeral will be held in mississippi today. michael phelps has withdrawn from the 100-meter freestyle at the u.s. national championship. he competed in the 100-meter butterfly race with a sore neck last night. he withdrew this morning after he was still experiencing pain. he said a world record last night, beating the old one by almost 2/10 of one second. you contest of video coming up at 1:00.
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it is another nice day the. we strung together a few of them. the two. temperature is 57 degrees. when it is in the 50's, that means it is rather dry. the combination is great with the sunshine. there are clouds over virginia and the mountains of west virginia and even western maryland but that is not affecting us. you can see them on the horizon but they are not drifting in this direction. they are not producing any rain. we will have one more good day before things change. tomorrow, will be different. we will detail that, coming up. prosecutors have withdrawn three subpoenas against mayor sheila dixon. the state prosecutor's office was alleged to have abuse the process. the issue is about gift cards. a city firefighter is among
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possible this afternoon after being injured during a garage fire. that blaze broke out in the 700 block of east cold spring lane. there is no word on his condition very officials say an additional medical center to treat a second entry. there's no word on that person's condition or what sparked the fire. howard county police are investing -- investigating a shooting during a basketball game. it happened at 7:00 last night. an unidentified 18-year-old male was shot. there is no word on his condition or a suspect or motive. anyone with information is asked to call howard county police. the man accused of pushing his sister out of a car on the ball like only -- on the beltway will face minor charges. he was facing attempted second- degree murder, first-degree assault, and reckless
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endangerment. it will go to circuit court and no date has been set. >> coming up, you have seen a hybrid cars. could there be a cleaner alternative? could diesel become more popular vote -- fuel source? a cemetery
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prosecutors in illinois charge the manager of a cemetery and three grave diggers with felony charges to resell burial plots. the suspects dug up hundreds of bodies at the ceremony, don't come in graves and then resold the plot to unsuspecting mourners. investigators say could be months before they fully understand what took place is the final resting place for several notable black-americans. two camp counselors and texas are out of a job after taking an ax and killing an opossum and her baby. the two were coming of a trash can at a camp when one council reportedly hit with a stick. another counselor grabbed an ax and killed both of them in from a group of campers. a new ad with the late billy
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mays has approval to be broadcast. he is coming back to tv and is the commercial after passing away last month other ads were polled after he died on june 28. a spokesperson said that everyone wants him to go on. the pri recorded commercial -- still to come, >> more than half the people who drink bottled water think it is healthier, say for than tap water. by law, it is not required to be those. >> do you really know what is in your water? coming up, is pure water worth the price? >> big storms in the midwest, a few clothes or va. but the sun shining over baltimore, for now. the forecast for the weekend is the head.
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-- is a head.
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in the consumer alert, banks are offering courtesies' to customers but some watchdogs say they are not racist. most banks offer courtesy overdrafts which will cover the accounts when it comes up short. banks have started to look at overdraft protection as a major revenue stream, to the tune of a projected $38.5 billion this year. the federal reserve is looking at overdraft practices. there are concerns that any action by the fed will not be enough to rein those practices in. aig is reportedly set to pay millions of dollars in bonuses and what the government to sign off on that. the company wants to pay out more than $2 million to about 40 executives. aig is already received about $180 billion from the federal government. there were heavily criticized
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for bonuses given back in march. the bonuses are set to be paid out on july 15. it seems like everyone drinks bottled water. do you know what is in it? bottled water is an $11 billion industry. the fda does not require makers to tell consumers where the water originates. 25% of bottled water is actually tap water. government officials say be wary of claims that the water provides unique health benefits. the fda is considering beefing up its label requirements. tool efficiency and environmental concerns the auto industry to develop alternative sources of energy. car makers are taking a look at an older fuel, diesel. >> since toyota unveiled the prius in 2001, the fall hybrid electric car has become the top seller for green vehicles. while more companies have rolled out their own electric or
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hydrogen model, a new survey shows that clean diesel alternative vehicles have arrived and are giving hybrids are run for their money. >> clean diesel is more efficient, cleaner, and it is an application that is ready right now. >> two months ago, audi launched their clean diesel vehicles. there are a dozen diesel choices for u.s. consumers. 2010 will bring our models. >> i am planning on buying a car for the first time when a graduate college. i will get a diesel. >> automakers face an uphill battle when it comes to pass perception. people think diesel engines are noisy and the engine -- the fuel burns smoky. >> it is incredibly clear. it is fuel-efficient. >> 30% more fuel-efficient than gasoline and 20% clear. >> this is something the
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environmental protection agency has made clear. >> there is one other bumper in the road -- diesel has this same potential when it comes to global demand and market volatility as gasoline. experts say the difference is that one, of diesel take you farther. >> once on the market are probably in the 50 m.p.h. range. 75 miles is around the corner. >> more miles per gallon and city to the environment may be too good for consumers to pass up. >> york 11 insta-weather + forecast. >> we are close to half way through july. we have had the cool is beginning to july in the last 15 years. it is very comfortable at 87 degrees. the record set for july 10, 107 degrees. that record was set in 1936.
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the all-time hottest day was july 10, 1913 for north america. that was 134 degrees. we are not close to that. annapolis is 71 degrees. at the airport, 76 degrees. gaithersburg is 73 degrees. we are in the mid-70's, plenty of sunshine, out to the west some clouds that produced sprinkles earlier. that is not the case now for the air is too dry. the clouds are hung up. it will be another nice day today. we have a big area of high pressure sitting over us, giving as good conditions. there are big storms out west. there is a cold front that is developing. that will start moving into the area tomorrow as high pressure moves out.
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tomorrow, a slightly more humid air moves in. today is like yesterday, partly cloudy skies and pleasant we are having a hard time making it to 78 degrees. the forecast shows the chance for a chance of showers out west of us. tomorrow, it is more organized precipitation coming in. we could see scattered showers and thunderstorms moved through late in the day saturday. sunday looks like a dry day. tomorrow, a slight risk for severe weather. the primary threat would be for damaging wind and hail west of the baltimore area. today, great, 81 the high. it is sunny now. partly cloudy tomorrow but by late in the day, scattered showers and thunderstorms, 86 degrees. try on sunday and maybe a few thunderstorms monday.
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hot, humid, and the threat of rain wednesday. >> thank you. if you have had chronic brain -- pain you know how tough it could be. getting rid of depression could ease your pain. >> it feels like someone had injected my veins with gasoline and ignited it. it is the most intense burning pain. >> the unbearable pain started shortly after this woman's injured her leg. >> boy. >> he developed a condition known as rsd, reflex sympathetic dystrophy. >> it is like dipping the bottom of your cabs into a pile of fire ants. it does not go away. >> the pain got so bad that she could not go for a walk. it's hard to put on a pair of shoes. she was 25 years old and bedridden. that is when the depression set in.
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>> when you are in that kind of intense pain, the pain combines with depression, with anxiety, because i need to work and make money. >> doctors accept -- doctors estimate that anywhere from 30%- 50% suffered from the depression after the pain. >> it is like the amplifier has been turned up. if you had a previous pain, you feel more. >> according to a new study, patients who took anti- depressant were more successful in reducing their pain. >> there are more able to actively engage in therapy sessions. they could do other things to get their mind off the pain. they don't feel the pain as much. >> it worked for this woman. physical therapy, pain management, and medication for depression combined to get her back on her feet. >> i often say that i am happier and healthier now.
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i walk my dog. i have all those things back now. i have a normal life. >> up next, your maryland lottery pick three and pick 4 numbers. we will also get a look at the forecast again. here's a look at h are you making it easier for bacteria to grow on your dentures? you are if you use toothpaste instead of soaking them in polident. toothpaste is abrasive on dentures look, scratches
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where bacteria can collect and grow and bacteria can cause bad breath that's why i recommend replacing toothpaste with polident. only polident is proven to clean without scratching and kills 99.9% of odor causing bacteria don't scratch your dentures clean use polident every day ]phtpññ have you heard about miralax? it's a different kind of laxative that's kindto your body. miralax relieves constipation with no bloating... no cramping... and prescription. announcer: restore your body's natural rhythm withmiralax.
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clocks are ticking for the space shuttle endeavour. nasa is planning their third launch tomorrow. previous attempts were scrapped because of a hydrogen leak. they hope the weather will hold. there could be some thunder storms in the area during launch. coming up this afternoon on " oprah", it is oprah's sandwich showdown.
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that is today at 4:00. coming up tonight on 11 "news at 5," it can be tough to work and that is what job-seekers are forced to come up with creative ways to make themselves standout in this crowded market. tonight at 5, what people are using to land a job. now, york maryland pick 3 and pick 4 numbers. -- now, your maryland pick 3 and pick 4 numbers. >> your pick 3 numbers for today are -- zero-6, as printed on the ball -- and at 9. that makes your pick 3 number069 in a moment, your pick 4. here is an important lottery
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message. >> are you ready to win cash and prizes? after the living lucky promotion. >> by the ticket and go on line. >> good luck. >> now, your pick 4 numbers are -- 0 - 8 - 0, again - and 0 again . that makes your pick 4 numbers0800 a maryland, let yourself play. >> a beautiful dated do just about anything today. >> that's right. it cannot last forever. live up today. 81 is a highlight yesterday.
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tomorrow, scattered showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening. some could be strong and it will be 86 and a bit more humid. sunday looks nice. we could use some rain. >> not so bad for the vegetables. thank you for joining us. (announcer) worst-case scenario. so i'm thinking we need a better way to save money. better than subleasing office space? ideally. (announcer) best case solution. switch to verizon high speed internet and phone for business-- with a dedicated high-speed connection from our office to yours, so you won't be slowed down because your neighbors are online. as low as $79.99 a month for 12 months with a 3 year agreement. plus, get over $180 back in available online rebates. call 1-888-845-8854. you'll also get unlimited nationwide calling,
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24/7 tech support, and our advanced internet security features all backed by the reliability of the verizon network. call 1-888-845-8854. for as low as 79.99 a month for 12 months, you'll receive over $180 back in available online rebates when you get the verizon single line business pak and data protection pak. one of the many tools in the verizon small business toolbox. two little birds wearing a couple little hats. that looks like my windshield... when i made my trip back from phoenix.


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