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tv   11 News Sunrise  NBC  July 10, 2009 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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sinkhole from yesterday so if you travel along the south side the ramp from camp meade to the inner loop is shut down. but not seeing a lot, which is nice. enjoy the quiet ride while you can. let's give you a live view. looking good here. we will switch to a live view of traffic at the beltway at b.w. parkway not far from the camp meade exit moving without delay. >>♪ >> our big story this morning, a heart-felt final tribute to one of the nfl's greatest quarterbacks steve mcnair. >> last night hundreds filled the mount zion church in nashville to capacity. a host of family, friends and
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former teammates who came to say a final goodbye. >> michelle, tyler and trenton, today is the day of your husband and your father's funeral. when i woke up this morning my thoughts and prayers turned to you and your boys, tyler and trenton. i know you loved your husband and boys you loved your dad. >> funeral services will be held saturday in mcnair's hometown of mount olive, mississippi. there is continuing coverage of the member rely on our website, you can hear fans react to his death, hear more of the moving tributes by some of his former teammates. >> a baltimore area soccer coach is charged with soliciting sex from a minor. police want to know if there are more possible victims. kerry cavanaugh has the report from county police headquarters. >> those who know the married father are shocked by the
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allegations. police say charles friedel sent obscene pictures of himself to a 14-year-old girl over a cell phone and tried to get her alone. >> this is a person who betrayed that trust of the parents and actually tried to exploit a girl who he wasn't even coaching but was the sister of one of the girls he was coaching. >> he was known as mr. chuck to the players. now police say the 32-year-old coach is a sexual predator. charles friedel is charged with sexual solicitation of a minor and distribution and possession of obscene material all linked to overtures which police say he made to a 14-year-old girl. >> he thought she was cute and somehow they exchanged numbers or got the numbers and at that point they started exchanging texts. >> charging documents say the girl told her parents when he sent naked pictures of himself and asked her to accepted her own. an undercover officer lured him to a royal farms on the pretense
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of sex. >> truly shocked. >> his neighbors are stned by the accusations. >> it is scary. it is the first time i have ever come face to face and talked to someone who had this accused of them. >> the greater baltimore soccer club issued this statement about the former volunteer. chuck coached during this year's spring league. as far as we know he was not scheduled to coach had fall. >> friedel has bonlded out of jail. police want to hear from anyone else who believes their child may have had inappropriate contact with him. >> prosecutors have withdrawn three subpoenas issued to current and former city employees with the case against baltimore mayor sheila dixon. attorneys have filed a motion challenging the subpoenas. they ashgd that the state prosecutors office was abusing the grand jury process. dixon is accused of stealing gift cards.
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the subpoena sought records and testimony about gift cards under their control. the solicitor says his office was informed late wednesday that the subpoenas for the city employees had been withdrawn. baltimore city police are investigating the murder of a teenage boy in west baltimore. about 11:00 wednesday night an officer responding to another incident heard a gunshot. when the officer arrived they found an 18-year-old man lying in the street suffering from a bullet wound to the chest. the victim was taken to shock trauma where he was pronounced dead. no word on a suspect or motive. in anne arundel county police are looking into a shooting in pasadena. shots rang out near whitaker and huff road thursday morning. officers found a man shot in the stomach and arm. he was taken to shock trauma. no word on his condition. >> a new ad on california air waves promotes a fix it idea touting tax revenue from the sale of marijuana as solution.
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the argument is the fiscal disaster can be helped with legalizing and taxing marijuana. >> to say let's legalize marijuana to make money is the wrong direction to go. >> it is estimated marijuana is california's largest cash crop at $14 billion a year. that brings us to the water cooler question of the day. what do you think of legalizing marijuana to fill in a state's budget gap? e-mail us your response at in italy global problems, africa and the pope all figure in the president's day. the whole first family will have an audience with pope benedict xvi. >> the working breakfast put president obama within feet of the one time international outcast of libya. his final stop is at the vatican. >> the president has been
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looking for an opportunity to visit the holy sea and meet in person with the holy father. >> pope benedict is setting aside things to team up with barack obama on problems like climate change. >> one of my highest priorities is -- >> he brokered a broad summit agreement to slash climate warming emissions. he could not get developing nation to go along. >> curb global warming first in america. china is not following us anyplace. >> the president hinted at his own head winds at home. >> we each have our national priorities and politics to contend w. >> critics of u.s. admission caps are not backing down. >> we need to start in congress by stopping job killing legislation like speaker pelosi's national energy tax. >> the president heads to ghana, his choice. >> such an admirable example of
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strong democratic gone instance, >> he will highlight an african success story. visit former hub of the slave trade. fans eagerly await. >> he is what the answer is sent to us. >> there's been a major clean-up of the capital in anticipation. he will deliver a speech on democracy to ghana's parliament. aides say it will be the start of his putting his policy stamp on africa, the continent where his father was born. >> it is 62 degrees on tv hill. coming up, want to know where to find the secret to living lon r longer? the exotic location researchers claim you have to go. >> any parent wouldn't want to voluntarily allow their children to be pricked with a needle but there are keys to easing the pain. >> we have a pretty nice commute on tap. that is 50 at sandy point.
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we will let you know how the rest of the c what are you doing for lunch? how about beer-battered shrimp and chips... or one of our coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad combinations? eight dishes that fit into your lunch hour... starting at just $6.99. at red lobster.
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>> 20 minutes before 6:00 and 66 downtown with clear skies, nice pleasant weather with lehumidity. very, very comfortable. in fact. july 1 through july 9 the coolest it has been in this area in the last 15 years. the average high this time of year is 87 degrees. we have some lows that are in the upper 50's around the region and we will continue this cool trend today as well. where did the hot weather go? we will talk about it in the forecast. >> in this morning's medical alert the secret to a longer
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healthier life might lie near the giant statues of easter island in the south pacific. they have enduredor centuries and now new research suggests a compound in the soil pay play a role in longevity. it is an antiantibiotic. a new study found it was able to extend the lifespan by about 28% to 38%. they were about the equivalent of 60 people years. researchers say the impact on longevity in human terms would be greater if cancer and heart disease were cured and prevented. an ancient treatment from the far east is being used on more young patients in the u.s. more children are undergoing acupuncture. in this case for nerve pain. five tiny needles stimulate the nervous system to release weapons to fight pain.
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often health insurance doesn't cover it which can mean $50 to $100 out of pocket. but if the child has an aversion to needles, need le free can be used. 5:42, 62 degrees. coming up a cincinnati restaurant is believed to be the driving force behind a labor boom. the ingredient they say is the catalyst. this is a live picture over the downtown area. an update on weather and "traffic pulse 11."
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>> good morning, we are going to check the morning commute. it is a nice commute so far. we have been enjoying a light volume, that summer traffic pattern throughout the week of the fourth of july.
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we are still looking at a sinkhole that blocks the ramp from camp meade to the inner loop. watch for that. and we have a closure in advance of artscape even though it is not going to be until next weekend. dolphin to mount royal is blocked. everything looking good on speed. let's give you a live view at sandy point across the bay bridge looking clear and easy there. no problems at any other area bridges. we will check a live view of traffic at j.f.x. at the beltway and problem free. let's check the buses and trains with kurt kroncke. >> good morning, sarah. looking pretty good so far. we have on the buses the 17 bus diverting at nursery and winterston construction related and 22 bus as well at university and 40th streets due to construction. light rail and metro on schedule and marc trains good. no delays on penn, camden or
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brunswick. there's a bus in service near you to avoid daily parking hassles. let the m.t.a. do the driving. call 410-539-5000 in the baltimore area. i'm kurt kroncke. back to john collins. good morning, john. >> thanks, kurt. good morning and we have had some nice comfortable weather the past week or so. but july 10 has several all-time hottest records. in baltimore 107 degrees, 1936. also 1936 it hit 109 degrees at cumberland and frederick, h hottest ever in maryland. today of the anniversary of that. in north america july 10, 1913 death valley hottest in north america at 134 degrees. no, thank you. we will do this trend of cool weather again tad. relatively speaking. we made it in the low 80's yesterday which is warm if it is april or may.
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but it pleasantly cool this time of year. 87 is the typical high. typical lows are 60's. 5 in easton, 56 salisbury, 69 at ocean city. annapolis 65. new york 61. -- york 61. hagerstown 68. so there are a few 50's. big area of high pressure over us. clouds to the southwest with a few sprinkles in virginia but nothing here. weather system to the west looks a lightly defused and tomorrow it will be a cool front approaching. a cool front comes in and changes the formula a bit. ahead of the front southerly breezes will increase tomorrow the humidity and the rain chances. but today we are still in great shape with the high pressure. partly cloudy skies, 78 to 83 the high. east-southeast winds five to 10 miles an hour. for boaters on the bay an east to northeast wind five to 10 knots diminishing in the afternoon. rain chances pretty minimum. one foot or less chop on the
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bay. future cast, here is the cloudiness to the southwest down in virginia showing up on the computer model. doesn't do anything. we stay dry here through the day. with the front approaching tomorrow watch the time line. we see more clouds coming in especially toward the end of the day. then ahead of the front scattered shower and thunderstorm activity moving through late in the day tomor w tomorrow. then it moves out of picture and sunday dries out. so we have rain in the forecast. we could use some. it has been a while. 17 days since a significant rain. so, it wouldn't be a bad thing. 81 today, partly cloudy, tomorrow partly cloudy and by late afternoon or evening more humid. high of 86. mid 80's continue sunday but the humidity drops and we get sun back and rain chances go out. rain chances monday for scattered storms and hot and humid wednesday and scattered showers and thunderstorms in the forecast. for the first time in a long
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time wednesday we see a high around 90 degrees or so. >> laugh if you want but some swear that it works. pregnant women who are dying to go into labor are heading to restaurant in cincinnati. it is a family owned establishment that is helping moms and dads ready for the families it grow. karen johnson has the story. many of the recipes are top-secret but there is something in the eggplant parmesan that they can't figure out. >> it was a joke. it started as a joke. several years ago a family friend gave birth a day after eating it at the restaurant. >> then another one came in and i said it was a joke. eat the eggplant because the last time a pregnant lady came in she went into labor within 24 hours. >> it worked again. and again. >> it went that way for nine in a row. and we were flabbergasted.
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>> within 48 hourls of eating the eggplant alternative going in labor. >> it was that i believed. >> having heard of it they had to try it out themselves. >> sure enough we went on a friday night and by early monday morning at 1:30 in the morning she was in labor. >> a few hours later their daughter was born. >> ate the whole thing and it was a miracle maker. >> now we have a very beautiful healthy little girl. >> we are thinking about putting it on the menu. call it the inducer. >> i think it is psycho somatic but whatever works. when you are close to the end of the pregnancy you will do anything. >> there is still much more ahead. >> we will look at some of your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> here is a look at last
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night's winning maryland lottery numbers. ]phtpññ
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>> welcome back. let's get some of your answers to the water cooler question of the day. what do you think of legalizing marijuana to fill a state budget gap. bob writes how about the state cutting the budget to fix the deficit? seriously. taxpayers must live within a budget. why can't the state. keep e-mailing responses to we will read more in the next hour and post all of them on the front page of >> a new airline is catering to a specific clientele. jenna wolf takes a ride on pet airways. >> how would you like to ride
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coast to coast for a few hundred dollars enjoying organic meals in your own private cabin. >> snowy, good to see you. >> not exactly a cabin. it is a cage. but the food and fares are for real. and here animal behavior is mandatory. >> all mobile devices are off. we are getting ready to land. >> the couple are behind this pet only venture. >> the pet comes first. >> if you don't love pets are we are not the right place for you. >> this quieterier inspired the dream five years ago. >> we put zoe in the cargo hold when we moved from fran to florida and we had great anxiety doing it. we did a lot of research and realized there was not better way. we decided to build it. >> they did. >> pet airways pets flai in the main cab ben.
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>> pet only airline. the only people on the flights are pets and one trained attendant. >> what was once a commuter plane now looks like this. >> we have somewhere between 30 and 50 seats depending on the size of the pets. >> is it just for dogs and cats? >> right now it is just dox and cats but we intend to open it up to birds. >> the one plane will service five cities with a pilot and pet attendant on board. >> from the time the pet is boarded until it is taken off the plane they will be watched regularly, monitored. >> is your try table off. snieshgs there are no tray tables and you don't have to worry about the seat being in an up right position. but the staff does try to make the animals feel like they are flowing first class. >> if we get in that silly it is ok abby guess what they will go oh, no, i have to be scared. but if you say hey abby this will be positively great flight
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and you speak in an upbeat tone that helps a lot. >> prices start at about $150 and increase with the animal's size. >> my goal was to make this as affordable as possible to the general public. >> we know a lot of these pet owners will fly because they know there is a safe and comfortable way for the pet to be transported. >> in honor of kneel estano it is appropriate that jenna wolf did that. >> ronald burris announces whether he will seek re-election next year. >> if you are a living color fan prepare to be stoked. david alan greer joins us preview i previewing one of his shows here in baltimore. >> two brothers in rio de janeiro have decided to combine their love of climbing and art.
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>> very comfortable and no rain nearby. the forecast for today and weekend coming up. >> we are getting a check of the morning commute in the 6:00 hour as we view a live picture of the bay bridge. we will check the rest of the roads coming up.
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>> to trenton and tyler i can't teach you how to fish, i can barely swim, and i can't love you like your dad did. but i can love you like a father. >> a heartfelt address to the family of steve mcnair as teams and friends pay tribute to him. we will take you inside the tribute in nashville. >> why police arrested a local soirg coach and say he is a sexual predator. that is coming up. >> they say desperate


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