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tv   11 News at 5  NBC  July 9, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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sister of one of his 11-year olds which led to a texting relationship. >> the day exchange members or got the numbers and at that point they started exchanging text messages. >> that was back in june. her father called police and an undercover detective continued to exchange text messages with charles friedel. he sent her pictures of his private area and asked her to send pictures of hers. in meeting was set up here. charles friedel planned to meet the girl there to have sex, but instead was arrested. neighbors described him as a
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nice, happily married man. we try to contact him but nobody was home. >> it is really scary. it is the first time i have come face-to-face and talk to someone who is accused of this. >> the soccer club told us -- unfortunately, baltimore county police tell us there may be more victims out there. they are asking parents of kids who were coached by charles friedel to talk to their kids with similar incidences occurred. charles friedel has been released on $250,000 bond. charles friedel passed all of
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the background checks. >> within the last half-hour, baltimore city police have found the suspect they were searching for inside of a city elementary school. police evacuated william paca elementary school this morning. officers -- the man fled and ran inside the school building. about 200 students were attending summer school and a camp and were dismissed for the day. >> a carroll county man faces first and second-degree assault charges. a 37-year-old tried to run down a police officer and another woman, which is when the officer fired back. melissa carlson is live with the details. >> the suspect is in still shock trauma tonight. as you mentioned, maryland state police said this all started
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last night when the suspect tried to run down an officer and one of his acquaintances. >> we heard pop, pop, pop like three times. >> it was about 10:15 when they received a call. >> one of our officers responded to the area. he went to an access road near the grocery store. he sought a woman lying in the roadway. >> the officer got out of his car and tried to assist the woman. >> within moments,a ,acura integra came directly at him. >> the corporal then yelled for him to stop. when he didn't, he fired his
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service weapon and hit the driver in the arm. >> he was moaning and groaning and holding his arm. i bet this young man was shot. >> witnesses tell police that they were fighting and it was the suspect that pulled her from his car and left her in the middle of the street. >> ultimately, the woman that was in this altercation was also found to have a warrant on her from harford county and was arrested. >> the corporal is an 11- year veteran and is currently on leave, a routine process. >> a man is recovering after an
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early morning shooting in pasadena. the man was shot around 1:30 this morning. the victim was shot in the arm and a stomach, taken to shock trauma, and no word on his condition. police are investigating a homicide in west baltimore. an officer responding to another incident heard a gunshot in the area. that is when the officer found an 18-year-old man lying in the street, shot in the chest. he was pronounced dead. no word tonight on a motive or suspects. >> another july day with sunshine and temperatures is still running below normal, highs in the upper 70's and low 80's. the normal high would be closer to 90 degrees. 80 up at hagerstown. all across the mid atlantic and
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northeast, comfortable temperatures continue to show up. some storms have been breaking out in the mountains of west virginia and western virginia. we will check the seven-day forecast coming up in a little bit. >> prosecutors have withdrawn three subpoenas issued to city employees in their case against mayor sheila dixon. attorneys filed a motion challenging those subpoenas. they argue the state prosecutor's office was abusing the grand jury process. the mayor is accused of stealing gift cards intended for needy families. the city solicitor says his office was informed late yesterday that the subpoenas had been withdrawn. >> fans wearing tennessee titans jersey's anti should have been lining up all day to pay respects to steve mcnair, shot to death on july 4 by a 20-year old girl friend who then took
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her own life. his closed casket is on display today. pete gilbert joins us live with more on the memorial. >> an outpouring of emotion all day long. five days of mourning with the memorial service tonight. the public viewing is just under way north of nashville. fans began arriving about 45 minutes before the scheduled start. thousands of fans to take one last visit of the casket for steve mcnair. an entire cross section of the area. even his fraternity from around the country, there were here for support. they chose to remember steve as an athlete, a philanthropist, and a friend, not the sort of way he tragically died. >> we are all human and he was
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no different. for us to make it seem like we should make him a martyr or something, it is not true. he was human. that one act should not outweigh the acts of kindness and what he did, the influence he had on america. >> the ravens will be well represented at tonight's memorial service. derrick mason will represent the team at the podium, speaking at the microphone. >> you can watch today's -- tonight's tribute tuesday but they're beginning at 8:00 p.m. on the wbal plus. we will also be alive streaming
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the memorial on our website. >> president obama is negotiating climate change and trade with world leaders but here and the united states, his administration is trying to convince the public that the stimulus plan is working even though the economy is losing jobs. >> at the summit in italy, president obama and other world leaders agreed on some calls to fight climate change and opening up trade. >> it is more difficult in the context of a global recession. >> back at home, the talk is about jobs and whether his stimulus plan will start growing the economy. vice-president joe biden fired back at critics. >> when they say we are not saving jobs, count the cops who still have their jobs, and the
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teachers. >> ohio's unemployment rate is now above 10%. there are plenty of naysayers asking when taxpayers will see a return on their $787 billion investment. >> let me ask a rhetorical question what would they do prove >> we probably could have created 10 times as many jobs. >> the republican party lost the stimulus battle but now they are paving the energy plan as job killers. >> at a time that we are getting the economy going, creating jobs in america, we don't need to be moving policies that make it more difficult. >> the obama administration insists that the stimulus plan will work. >> which are only 140 days into this deal. >> the house speaker is playing
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down speculation that there would be a second stimulus bill. she says the first is just starting to kick in. >> still i had, one advocacy group says they know how to solve california's multibillion- dollar budget woes. >> an ancient treatment from the far east is gaining popularity among young people in the u.s. >> did you think this one flu was over? think again. the government is gearing up for a bigger outbreak in the fall. >> a devastating fire in pikesville. that story is coming up. >> a new program in howard county keeps kids active and out of trouble.
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>> the maryland transit administration is adopting a zero tolerance policy when it comes to operators using cell phones while on the job. any operator found to be using a cell phone will be fired even for a first offense. the mta took the action after the washington metro administration made a similar policy yesterday. >> you may have heard that the
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man that plays in a harry potter film contracted the h1n1 swine flu virus. while many think it is gone, it is not. the white house is putting all 50 states on alert for it to return this fall, possibly in a more virulent form. tracy's has the latest. >> clinical trials for the h1n1 flu vaccine start one month from now. the obama administration expects to spend $8.5 billion to produce it. >> we want to make sure that we are not promoting panic but we are promoting vigilance and preparation. >> president obama called in from italy today to address officials now learning what they need to do.
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>> you can't wake up in october and see a real bad problem on our hands. >> the biggest concern is children. >> somehow, the young people are getting infected. the median age is in the teens. >> officials haven't decided if they will give them in schools yet. >> emergency rooms, doctors' offices, hospitals will be stretched to the limit. >> what about parents with critical jobs? >> one very practical thing that employers should be thinking of now is not only backup for critical employees, but also telecommuting. >> president obama will announce grants for states and hospitals preparing for a fall outbreak.
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because the government is trying to get the word out of this vaccine, they are using twitter, facebook, and a youtube video contest. >> an aging treatment from the far east is being used by more young patients here in the u.s. more children are undergoing acupuncture. five tiny needles that stimulate the nervous system to release the body's own weapons to fight the pain. >> i was kind of scared at first because it is needles and the thought they were going to be bigger but they are actually pretty small. >> research shows that acupuncture does help many patients, but often health insurance does not cover its. if a child has an aversion to
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needles, acu-pressure could be used. it appears that women that have migraines have a reduced risk for breast cancer. scientists study more than 4500 women between the ages of 34 and 64. those that were diagnosed with migrants had a 26% reduced risk of breast cancer. doctors do not know why about four months to affect both conditions. >> now, your 11 insta-weather plus forecast with tom tasselmyer. >> another unusually comfortable july day in the mid atlantic. not the typical heat and humidity. the pollen count is helping out, too. low counts for both weed and tree pollen.
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morning lows were comfortable. if you were out early, 50 degrees in most areas. 54 would have been a record. within two degrees of a record low. only 79 degrees in downtown baltimore right now. a comfortable 82 degrees in frederick. there are some clouds, showers, and storms out here holding the temperatures down in the mountains. those showers and thunderstorms are going to be there through the evening and start to dissipate after sunset. insta-weather plus futurecast shows and mostly clear sky around baltimore through the overnight and into tomorrow morning. other than that, a very pleasant evening ahead of us. mid 50's in the outlying suburbs by morning.
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there is an area of high pressure that is pushing down out of the northern sections of upstate new york and through new england. it should dominate the weather seen tomorrow until the next front in the upper midwest makes a run into our region on saturday evening. partly cloudy skies for most areas tomorrow. a little warmer and more humid on saturday. that line of thunderstorms pushes south and east and starts to slide into central maryland by saturday evening. most of saturday will be not too bad. if the fund keeps moving at that pace, things clear up nicely for sunday. a day with temperatures running below normal again and a good deal of sunshine. the sun rises at 5:49.
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insta-weather plus seven-day forecast -- 81 degrees for most areas tomorrow, a chance for a thunderstorm on saturday evening. a little bit cooler and less humid with clouds on sunday. scattered storms on monday, and perhaps, we will see temperatures of around 90 the next wednesday. >> if you are looking for a roommate or to rent a summer home, you have to be careful. >> one california group is calling it a fix for budget issues. >> hall -- how well our catholic schools doing financially out of baltimore?
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>> some say california is $26 billion in debt. one advocacy group is thinking outside of the box by taxing marijuana sales. >> a new tv ad is asking lawmakers to tax marijuana. >> the tv ad was made in the state's largest media markets and makes the argument that the fiscal disaster in california could be helped if the state legalized and then taxed one
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specific product -- marijuana. >> taxes from the marijuana industry could pay the salaries of 20,000 teachers. >> the ad comes from the marijuana policy project. a bill was introduced in the state legislature by a democrat. >> i think you are going to see the coming together of a perfect storm. we may in fact have some very beneficial legislation. >> governor schwarzenegger called the commercial a distraction. >> let's legalize marijuana just because we can make some money, i think it is a wrong way to go. >> in the meantime, there appears to have been little
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progress in negotiations on howling to close the deficit. today, the governor insisted that any plan contains reforms to cut abuse of the welfare program, prompting democrats the administration was trying to close the deficit on the backs of the port and the disabled. it is estimated that california -- that marijuana is california's biggest cash crop. 56% of state residents want it legalized and taxed. >> we would like to hear your thoughts on the subject. it should california legalize marijuana and then tax it? hour -- the survey is on our website. >> concerns about thieves predicting your social security number. >> the controversy over a swim club's decision not to allow some students a chance to swim.
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>> the community athletic program is bringing reparation of all kinds to students in howard county. >> a fire closes a landmark . america, whattaya say to big cheesy-steaky-ness! - subway. eat fresh! - eat fresh! when you wanna kick it up with zesty chipotle sauce. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! the flavor-fullest sub only subway can offer. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! try the new subway big chipotle cheesesteak. an updated all-time favorite: juicy steak layered with zesty chipotle sauce... and melted cheese, piled high with only... the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh!
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>> it was breaking news at 5:00 yesterday. heavy smoke poured in from -- poured out of their roofs and a well-known restaurant in pikesville. the restaurant is closed even though the fire was in a storage facility next door. rob roblin is live with more on the story. >> the suburban house has been
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here for at least 50 years. it is much more than just another restaurant. the fire struck the suburban house restaurant late yesterday afternoon and quickly went to two alarms. it took firefighters 30 minutes to bring the blaze under control and everyone got out safely. when one of the owners sought it, it was devastating. >> i sat there and i cried. >> it is more than just a restaurant. it is an icon here in pikes fell. >> everybody enjoys coming here. they have the best soup in the world. >> i have been coming here since i was three or four-years old, almost 40 years ago when every tuesday night, my cousins and grandparents would all come here and have dinner.
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>> for the owners, they say they will be back. because of the damage, it will take time to reopen the dining room but they start to -- but they hope to start the catering soon. >> we have functions book 6 or 8 months in advance. we don't want to disappoint these people. >> fire investigators are still trying to determine what caused the fire. >> here is a look at some of our other top stories. it is soccer coach faces charges of soliciting sex from a minor after he was caught sending text messages and photos to her. charles friedel send the messages to a 14-year-old girl.
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an undercover detective assumed the identity of the girl and are arranged to meet with him. when he arrived, he was arrested. one man is dead and another is injured after a double shooting in baltimore. one died from his injuries and the second victim is recovering in hospital tonight. no word on a possible motive. bernard madoff has decided against appealing his 150-year sentence. his lawyers say there will be no appeal of his sentence. he was sentenced last week and pleaded guilty to charges that he duped thousands of investors out of billions of dollars. >> school may be out for summer, but some kids are not just sitting around the house. the howard county police have launched an athletic program last week to keep young people occupied and hopefully out of
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trouble. kim cayce has the story. >> centennial park north is filled with activity, to ping- pong to video games. it is the second week of the community athletic program. howard county police launched the program with a grant. they are at in the county monday through friday all summer long. >> in the past, we have had an increase in disorderly conduct so we want to be a positive presence in that area. >> to keep them out of trouble and it still them away from potential gang activity. >> it gives students positive activity in a safe environment for a way to pass the time during the summer. keeping teenagers busy will help prevent gang activity before it starts. >> it gives me something to do
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so i will stay out of trouble. this is good. i like it. >> id is so fun because we get to have regular fun with our friends and just hang out. >> it also creates a good relationship between the students and their school resource officers. >> i think it puts another face on our police department. >> i feel kind of safe and protected. we do a lot of sports out here, and it is fun to be with the police. >> the program has been successful, averaging 20 to 25 students per day. police plan on bringing it back next summer. >> we have breaking news and cecil county. let's go to captain roy taylor. >> the mouth of the northeast
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river, there was a fire on a boat with an explosion. we don't know if anyone was hurt. the coast guard and fire crews are on the scene, trying to distinguish what is left of this vessel. we are going to try to get a little bit more information about what transpired here in cecil county. >> federal prosecutors have dropped charges against former washington d.c. mayor marion barry. u.s. park police arrested him last week on a stocking charge after they said a woman said to be his ex-girlfriend complained that she was being stalked. his lawyer denied the allegations. the washington post reported the woman that made the claim was hired last fall to work for marion barry shortly after the two began dating. >> get ready for another change in the credit-card industry. it could increase your monthly
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bill. >> and illegal business at this cemetery. employees are facing serious charges. >> and man is in the hospital after maryland state police say he tried to run over an officer. >> kids are outside more often and they are staying out for longer periods of time, making them vulnerable to dog bites.
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>> five people are dead after a car and a train collided in southern michigan. all five adults were killed inside of the vehicle. amtrak officials say none of the 170 passengers and crew on board the train were injured. passengers were bused to another train. >> a disturbing story out of illinois where authorities say someone was digging up graves and trying to resell the grave sites to run it -- to
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unsuspecting customers. the sheriff's department said the workers we sold more than 100 plots. three grave diggers and one manager face felony charges in the elaborately scheme. it could be months before they understand everything that went on. a group of philadelphia parents are outraged after their children were denied access to a swim club. more than 60 kids were granted weekly swimming privileges, but when they showed up, they were turned away. one overheard people making racial remarks. a senator is looking into the discrimination allegations. >> will fixed rate credit cards be a thing of the past?
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>> there is a growing debate brewing among car makers. why some are looking at clean diesel to compete with hybrids. >> a good deal of sunshine around baltimore bought the hd doppler shows showers out to the west. 81 degrees down and 79 at the i.
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>> here is a look at what we are working on for 6:00. a bizarre shooting involving a police officer not only landed the suspect in the jail but also the victim of the initial call. friends and family are gathering to say final goodbyes to steve mcnair. these stories and much more when
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you join us
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>> some car makers are looking at clean diesel fuel to compete with hybrid cars. how much does the volatility in oil markets factor in it? >> since toyota unveiled the the prius, the carmaker has been a top seller for clean vehicles. others have rolled out their own electric models. a new survey shows clean diesel fuel vehicles have arrived and are giving hybrids a ride for their money. >> clean diesel fuel cars are more efficient, cleaner, and it is an application that is ready right now. >> two months ago, audi launched its claim the sole model.
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in all, a dozen diesel fuel choices. >> i am planning on buying a car for the first time when i graduate college and i am going to get a diesel engine. >> of the makers face an uphill battle when it comes to past perception, that diesel engines are noisy. >> this is not your grandfather's diesel engine. it is fuel efficient and cleaner. >> 20% cleaner. >> the cause is something that the epa has made very clear. >> there is one other bond in the road -- diesel fuel has the same potential when it comes to market volatility as gasoline. experts say the difference is that a gallon of diesel fuel will take you for their. >> -- will take you further.
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>> more mpg and savings to the environment, it could be too good for consumers to pass up. >> now, your 11 insta-weather plus forecast with tom tasselmyer. >> high temperatures on this ninth day of july about 5 degrees below the average. we peaked at 82 degrees. within two degrees of tying the record of 54 degrees set back in 1984. the north american record high it is 134 in death valley tomorrow. all of that was back in 1936. that summer was certainly a scorching hot one for most of the world, especially here in the united states.
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79 degrees up in philadelphia right now. 79 downtown baltimore. currently 80 degrees at the patuxent naval air station. some of those clouds may occasionally director baltimore but the rain looks like it will stay well to the south and west. overall for baltimore, insta- weather plus futurecast indicates mainly clear skies heading into friday morning, producing cool temperatures again. 65 downtown with white east winds at 5 miles per hour or less. high pressure is pushing the cool air down to the coast. it was down in the 30's of there. the cool air is coming down the coast. this storm will try to pump
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warmer air in our way. he will see another day like today for friday, a mix of sun and clouds with temperatures below normal. saturday morning, storms are pushing into the mountains and spreading across central maryland saturday night. it looks like skies will clear up for the finish of the weekend on sunday. most of saturday, we are ahead of the front. overall, we might have to dodge a few showers on saturday night for the weekend. the thunderstorm is possible with a high of 73 in the mountains tomorrow. temperatures in the low 80's for the chesapeake bay. at ocean city, look for sunshine, 79 degrees on the beach. there is a moderate risk of riptides for tonight and tomorrow. be especially careful in the
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surf with that strong east wind producing a moderate riptide risk. a thunderstorm at the beach on sunday. low 80's tomorrow, and the committee is not bad at all. partly cloudy skies are on sunday. maybe up to 90 degrees next wednesday. >> your social security number may be easier for crooks to figure out than once thought. marianne banister has the details. >> a new study has found that there is an easy way for thieves to predict social security numbers. identity could be stolen with 1000 dresses. the social security administration is assuring people that there is no exact method to get a social security number, but it will change the way members are selected beginning next year.
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scam artists are using an excuse to steal your money. bob hansen has the warning. >> this man uses craigslist to promote his business, but not long ago, he also used the website to look for an apartment to rent. >> there was a beautiful two- bedroom apartment at some ridiculous low price. >> the e-mail that the person behind the advertisement and this is what came back. >> i am in europe so i cannot be there. i went to the address and it did not even exist. >> it was a hoax, someone trying to trick him. >> they were clearly trying to get money out of me. >> scams like this can be common during this time ofg year.
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the idea is to get you to ignore your better judgment by offering you some great financial deal for an oceanfront view. >> while there are plenty of great places to rent, what you what you are doing, don't put money up front, and check the place out. >> undercover officers say this unit investigates 25 it to 75 internet scams a week. how can you protect yourself? >> unless you can talk to that person face-to-face, that is the only way to know. >> matter what these people tell you online, -- no matter what these people tell you on line, it is all a lie. unless you meet them in person, you do not know who they are, where they live, or if they are telling the truth.
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could your fixed rate credit card become a relic? bank of america, morgan chase, and discovered have notified customers that their interest rates will be variable and will rise and fall. the changes would make it easier for companies to bump up rates without notification. if you are picking up some 1 at the airport, there is a great chance that their flight will be on time. the department of transportation announced today more than 80% of flights in may were on time, the seventh best month on record. salt lake city was the best for on-time arrivals in may. baltimore has some of the worst drivers in the nation, according to an allstate report. baltimore ranked 192nd after 193 areas.
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an area in south dakota ranks first. fort collins, colorado, came in second. washington d.c. is last with the nation's worst drivers. heat is being reflected by it cooled retail sales. five retail sectors have been hit the hardest. car dealers, home furnishings, apparel, electronics, and full- service restaurants. the grim reality of slow sales can add to real bargains for consumers. >> for more on summer bargains, you can log on to our web site and click on "consumer." also, family and friends will honor former nfl star steve mcnair during a public memorial at 8:00 p.m. we will carry live video from the home page of our website. a recent high-school graduate is not worried about finding a job.
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a newborn will have a unique story for the rest of his life. 1 - 9 will always have a special meaning for him. >> what is it? >> think time and date. >> ok, i get it. catholic schools closing due to declining enrollment. >> that may not be the case around the region. >> summer time can be a really fun time for children, but it can also be dangerous. fios guy! where ya headed?
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ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now,
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you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer.
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>> it is a busy time of year for emergency rooms dealing with accidents involving children. >> doctors say summer is when they see a spike in dog bite injuries. jennifer franciotti has more. >> this 12-year-old is talking about an attack in april that left him with some bite wounds to inches deep. it required to reconstructive surgery at johns hopkins. >> i turned and ran. >> we were in shock. it happened so fast. the dog went after him. >> most of the dog bites we see our to the face or to the arms
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or legs. >> this doctor is a pediatric plastic surgeon and says from late spring through august, dog bites are common. >> we see about four or five serious dog bites in the last couple of weeks. >> children 5 to 9 of the most susceptible. children are most likely to be bitten by a dog they know, either by their own pet or by a neighbor's dog. >> most commonly, it is a pit bull, a rottweiler, or a german shepherd. >> despite his injuries, he says he is not afraid of dogs. there are some guidelines to keep in mind for pet owners, kids, and families. >> worked very carefully in socializing your pets. teach your children to be very careful. don't pet the dog when they are eating or when they are playing
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with other dogs. >> a dog you don't know can be dangerous to your kids. that is all for us at 5:00. >> live just outside of natural, we talk to fans as they say their final goodbyes to steve mcnair. >> one man is in the hospital after maryland state police said he tried to run over an office there. >> police arrest a trusted youth soccer coach after they say he sent explicit text messages to a 14-year-old girl. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> this is wbal tv 11 news at 6:00. >> families, friends, and fans
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will gather in a few hours to say their final goodbyes to steve mcnair. >> he was killed on the fourth of july, shot several times by his girlfriend as he slept on a couch. pete gilbert is in nashville. >> what we have also learned, recently, steve mcnair found a public service announcement about suicide prevention. given that his killer, sahel kazemi, killed herself after she killed steve mcnair, it is a bizarre incident. steve mcnair leaves behind four children. thousands waited in long hot lines at a church north of nashville. an opportunity to say one final goodbye. goodbye.


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