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tv   11 News at 5AM  NBC  July 8, 2009 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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dry. low humidity. high only about 080. basically the radar satellite imagery is quiet over us. the front went through, didn't generate any precipitation. we surged to 88. humidity not a problem. today only about 80 for a high. we are beginning at 71 downtown. much cooler to the west. mid 50's in the mountains and mid 60's farther northwest suburbs. looks like the 79 to 83 temperatures, for tonight could be down to 55 at the airport. so partly cloudy to mostly clear after midnight and more from where that came. tomorrow the high only the upper 70's. so enjoy this. we are blessed considering the calendar date. it is july 8. >> good morning, everyone. the big thing we have is carroll
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county marriottsville road is closed in both directions between driver road and henryton road, a downed pole and police are on the scene. definitely want to consider an alternate there. the speed sensors show that everything is moving just fine. we are up to sped on most of the major roads. we will give you a live look at green spring avenue and the beltway. you can see things are moving smoothly inner and outer loops. route 50 east of the bay bridge moving smoothly. that is the latest on "traffic pulse 11." >>♪ >>♪ >> a moving yet heart-wrenching and painful goodbye to one of the most influential
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entertainers of our time, michael jackson. >> several celebrity friends and hundreds of friends packed the staples center. leann gregg has more on the story. >> the arena turned cathedral was full of fans from around the world, a tribute fitting for a ki king. in the world of pop michael jackson wore the crown. >> offstage he was shy, soft-spoken and child-like. but when he took the stage in front of his screaming fans he turned into another person. a master, a take-no-prisoners show man. >> a list of star-studded entertainers highlighted his work that spanned more than four decades.
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>> but he will never really be gone. he's going to live forever and ever and ever and ever. >>♪ gone too soon >> a celebrated man with a sometimes troubled life. it was an outpouring of love with an emotional high point from jackson's 11-year-old daughter. >> and i just want to say i love him so much. >> a final farewell from a man who shared his life and his music with the world. >> that brings us to the water cooler question of the day. what was your most memorable moment from the michael jackson memorial service? e-mail your response to
5:04 am we have continuing coverage of michael jackson's memorial on we posted the entire memorial including performances by stevie wonder and the we are the world tribute. it is all on the front page of >> m.t.a. officials confirm the two teens found dead along the tracks at the lutherville station were struck by one of the trains. after viewing trains from cameras they can see that connor peterson and kyle wankmiller were working north along the southbound tracks sun when they were hit from behind by a train. it wasn't until a second train that ran over them a fare collector noticed the bodies. it is unclear why the train operator didn't notice two teenagers in his path. >> there are a number of factors that affect visibility, lighting, direction, height, elevation. there are so many factors that go into that so it is not that
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cut and dried to be able to say what did you see. >> m.t.a. officials say the driver of the first car has been pulled from service and given a toxicology test. >> a baltimore county high school is closing its doors. towson catholic was one of the most affordable catholic high schools in the area but decreasing enrollment and unpaid tuition are to blame. jennifer franciotti joins us live from the school with more. >> good morning. this news is really coming as a shock to the towson catholic community. the teachers apparently were supposed to be told today and now many parents and students say they are shocked and they found out through an e-mail. this broke yesterday and founded in 1922, towson catholic is the oldest co-ed catholic school in the archdiocese of baltimore and one of the most diverse with a student body that is 40% minority. the recession undermaintained
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the bottom line of the school. >> when you lose 81 students and your sole source of income is tuition and you have $160,000 that he didn't collect from last year, those things conspired into a perfect storm and feel like this is an unprecedented situation for them. they have never experienced this kind of decline. >> kane says the archdiocese will help students enroll in new schools but a lot of catholic schools face the same challenges as towson catholic. coming up at 5:30 we will have reaction from students about this very serious and shocking news for them. jennifer franciotti, wbal tv 11 news. >> january's miracle on the hudson bird encounter in new york hit close to home at b. wchw.b.w.i. yes when about 40 birds struck an engine during takeoff forcing a jet to immediately return. flight 69 was carrying about 137
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passengers at the time. fortunately no one was injured. b.w.i. says while the magnitude of this is rare bird strikes are fairly common cross the u.s. >> the airport works hard with parties to help minimize the risk and the potential impact between aircraft and birds. >> we were up front. you can hear them hit the engine. all of a sudden there is this tremendous smell. >> the southwest passengers credit the pilot with keeping them safe. they were put on another flight and landed in rhode island just after 8:00 last night. baltimore city police are searching for vandals that went on a tire slashing spree. residents in cedonia found tires slashed on close to 30 vehicles yesterday. some of them thought the tires will gone flat until they noticed other cars on the five long blocks with the same problem. >> it is terrible. that is all i can say.
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>> some time last night it happened. i went to take my wife's car to get an oil change. >> police say they will beef up patrols there in hopes of finding the person or persons responsible. >> 61 degrees on tv hill at 5:08. an ohio woman faces jail in the death of a fawn. >> his eyes contacted my eyes like he is going wild. and when is he going to jump and bite my head off? >> a local councilmember says she told him something different. his side of the story next. >> here is a live look at traffic. beltway at liberty road looks fine. we will have more on the morning commute when we come back.
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>> welcome back to "11 news today." cool shot from downtown, moon up there, lights shining.
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the sun will be up about quarter till. 70 downtown but incredibly dry and we are in for awesome weather when you consider the date of july 8. not a lot out there, clear start to the day and looks like today we will not be thwarted with cloud cover, mostly sunny prevailing. 79 to 83. at the airport we are call iing for a high of only 80. well below the normal of 87. i have more coming up. >> covering the nation, an ohio woman is charged with beating a young deer to death. dorothy richardson said she was defending herself when she beat a fawn with a shovel. she said the fawn was krouchld in her flower bed and she was afraid it would hurt her. a local councilmember said she told him something different. >> she said i wanted to put the deer at the edge of the yard so the other deer know not to mess with me.
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>> she could face up to 60 days in jail and $1,000 fine. a former ice skating champion faces drug charges. nicole bobikk who won the title in 1995 is accused of being involved in a new jersey methamphetamine ring. she was arrested last week in florida and faces conspiracy to distribute. she pleaded not guilty. if guilty she faces up to 10 years in prison. >> she be able to skate on those charges? all right, it is early. >> excuse him. >> 5:12. credit card companies are tightening the reins when it comes to spending. >> sound the alarm, iphone users are making a run for it. the reason behind the jail break.
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>> news from carroll county. if you are there we have a big situation on marriottsville road. it is shut down in both directions between driver road and henryton road. there is a downed pole. police are on the scene. that is what is causing the closure there. it has been shut down most of the morning. we will keep you updated. i want to give you live directive times. northbound 895 from the tunnel to 95 seven minutes. outer loop of the beltway north side 795 to 9511 minutes. northbound 95 between route 32 and 695 is about 10 minutes. we are not looking bad on the major roads. we will give you a live look at the beltway at liberty road and
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you can see things are moving ok there. not picking up yet. 95 at white marsh is usually a hot spot but we are looking pretty good and we will keep an eye on that. 83's ok as well. that is the latest on "traffic pulse 11." now for a look at the buses and trains with kurt kroncke. >> good morning, kim. good morning, everyone. smooth commute right now. no delays on the marc trains. light rely on time. metro subway on time in east and westbound. buses a delay on three running 15 minutes late and diversions affecting 22 bus at university and 41st and 17 bus at nursery and winterston both due to construction. for the m.t.a. i'm kurt kroncke. back to sandra shaw. >> welcome back, kurt. we are looking at a beautiful forecast. next three days if you have the opportunity to play hooky i would because it will be so
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nice. we are seeing a clear scan on the radar and satellite imagery. we had a weak front that got through last night. didn't generate any storms. obstetrical storming in new england but later today high pressure will sink south and that will dry us out more. we will stay dry through the end of the week. right now temperatures 70 downtown typically the warmest location. 63 at the airport. 56 in york, a couple of 63's in hagerstown and westminster. the other variable is even better today, dew points this time of year is at least 65. sometimes higher. we have been in the mid 50's but check out this morning. 47 the dew point, incredibly dry, minimal amount of moisture in the air so the humidity won't be a factor. for the mountains, 79, mostly sunny, gorgeous sky conditions. state wide the sun is constant. looks like 80 the forecast high
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for central maryland. we should be up to 87. around it will feel better because the humidity is so low. 84 on the beaches of ocean city. u.v. index elevated even though the temperatures are a little cooler than normal. winds out of the northwest on the bay 10 to 15 knots. waves one to two feet. water temperatures upper 70's. 100 is the record high set july 8, 1993. on july 8, 2000, 53 was the record low. tonight will be a beautiful night. stars will be twinge kling. 55 for b.w.i.-marshall tonight. some areas in the low 60's but partly cloudy to begin and clear skies after midnight allowing the temperature to drop. there's the front that passed through. mostly sunny today as high pressure to the north continues to build in. that will be dictating our weather pattern through the first half of the weekend. by saturday night another front
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will come through. looks like only 78 tomorrow, 82 friday. gorgeous conditions. saturday once the evening is around we have a chance for showers and storms as the front gets through. on sunday some of that will linger into the morning. other than that, partly cloudy over the weekend. >> in our consumer alert banks have pulled back on credit card lending. this year's 38 drop from last year's first quarter shows borrowers are receiving less credit than before. this is a change in how banks have gone through previous recessions where they continued to raise limits and issue cards. with president obama's recent signing of a bill restricting credit cards more the downward trend is likely to continue. there is a jail break going on by i-phone users. at&t requires i-phones to be used on its network but about 300,000 users are reported to have modified or made a jail break on their phones and are
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allegedly on t-mobile. don't look for cell phone companies to move toward unlocking them. trends are toward more phone control. >> anxious investors worrying about earnings and expecting more losses from alcoa today. michelle steele joins us live with a look at that and the rest of the business news in the bloomberg business report. >> organic, michelle. >> hey, stan. good morning. it is that time of year again, earnings season kicks off today with alcoa. buckle up. the biggest aluminum producer in the u.s. may report a third straight quarterly loss. economist saying lower demand from auto makers and construction industry keeps aluminum at about half of last year's prices. one analyst says global suppliers are overshooting demand. wall street is closely watching the numbers for any kicks of how the rest of earnings season might go.
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stock index futures indicating a higher open today and sharp selloff yesterday. energy and tech stocks sinking, the s&p now at the lowest level in two months. washington under cyber attack according to the a.p. the associated press says hackers are targeting the treasury department, secret service, federal trade commission and trorg department websites. it says the attacks pay be linked to recent cyber crime in south korea where banks are also being targeted. looking like it is a renter's market out there. so, renters listen up. apartment vacancies at the highest levels in 22 years. the last time landlords had so much empty space was 1987. but job losses and falling wages are shrinking the pool of potential renters. good news for people like me. this is bloomberg news reporting for wbal tv 11 news.
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back to you. >> 5:21, 61 degrees on tv hill. another check of the morning commute with traffic and weather coming up. >> coming up, michael phelps getting ready to get back in the pool. and manny was being manny. the highlights are next. >> don't forget to e-mail us your answer to the water cooler question of the day. what was your most memorable moment from the michael jackson memorial service? e-mail us your response to wa with just a few adjustments, the plan we worked on for your retirement makes sense, just stay on track. what is...? that's the guidance you get from fidelity. thanks. stay on the line!
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whatever your destination, fidelity has the people, guidance, and investments to help you find your way. my two granddaughters are my life. they always ask me, grandma, take me here, grandma, take me there. but with my occasional irregularity i wasn't always up to it. until i discovered activia and everything started to change. announcer: activia is clinically
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proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. now i enjoy every minute. my grandkids are happy, and so am i. ♪ activia >> michael phelps is back in the pool for the u.s.a. national championships. a much lighter schedule than
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normal. he will swim in four events. 100 and 200-meter butterfly and freestyle modifying the freestyle. he won't use a kick board because the freestyle wasn't that good before. us famous for downing calories. he met jerry the subway guy and hooked up for a new commercial. he has a big smile thinking i cannot believe they pay me all of this money just to eat. joe torre was back in new york not to play the yankees but the mets. manny ramirez just back from suspension stole the headlines. he looked at strike three clearly not happy with the call. next two at-bats he was pretty productive. single with the bases loaded to knock in a couple. another run later. three r.b.i.'s for manny and apparently that was enough because when he looked at another strike three in the fifth he starts chucking pieces of equipment toward the umpire. hirschbeck didn't like robby alomar spitting in his face.
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he tosses manny but the dodgers did fine without him winning 8-0. that will do it for sports. i'm steve davis. have a great day. >> the time is 5:26, 61 degrees on tv hill. much more ahead on "11 news today." >> we are expecting beautiful sunny skies, low humidity, cooler than normal temperatures and it will last a few days. details are coming up in the forecast. >> marriottsville road shut down in carroll county. we will have the latest on that and some police activity in middle
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>> good morning, everybody. welcome back to "11 news today." i'm stan stovall. >> i'm mindy basara. thanks for joining us. we will look at weather and traffic to start the 5:30 half
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hour. we are not quite here but looks like a good day. >> if you want to wake up, it is so refreshing outside. this is july and no humidity. this is one of the cooler starts we have had of july since 2001 the lowest average temperature. >> no complaints here. >> today will be better because it will be mostly sunny. zip going on over the mid-atlantic. there are showers and storms around new england but that will be pushed offshore later as high pressure builds in. that will sink to the south and that will mean continued dry conditions, gorgeous sky conditions. 70 downtown, much cooler in york at 56. 63 at b.w.i.-marshall. 79 to 83, mostly sunny, high of 80 expected for the airport. cooler with the light northwest win. beautiful tonight, down to 55. >> ooh.


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