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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  July 8, 2009 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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[ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very nice! very nice. welcome!
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all right. welcome, everybody. happy monday. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." happy monday, everybody. let's see what is going on in the news. i want to congratulate general motors newest ceo, us. [ laughter ] guys, we own gm, that's true. what are we going to do with it? [ cheers and applause ] i've never owned a car company. it's nice. general motors filed for bankruptcy earlier today but it's not all bad. i kind of like our chances. they say that the company will emerge from bankruptcy in three years or 36,000 miles which ever comes first. [ laughter ] i like it. the president says the government now owns 60% of general motors. bill clinton warned barack obama, "don't do it. presidents and hummers do not mix. don't do it." [ imitating clinton ] "don't do it." [ light laughter ] president obama -- president obama and his wife michelle had a date night saturday and they flew here to new york to see a broadway play. meanwhile, sasha and malia stayed home and watched "high school musical 3" with joe biden.
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[ laughter ] "want some more popcorn, joe?" [ light laughter ] very happy birthday to morgan freeman, turned 72 today. [ cheers and applause ] great actor. he celebrated by doing something very special, not narrating something. [ laughter ] that's very nice. microsoft just introduced project natal which allows you to play xbox without using your hands. it's great because now you can play xbox and also play with your wii. so i mean it's -- [ laughter ] is that right? i was going to say, that's ridiculous. i'm so sorry about that. well, it's "wii." w-i-i. it's wii, see? [ laughter ] here, you got it. i'm giving it to the audience. here you go, come on. [ cheers and applause ] i like your shirt. that's nice, thanks. all right. i can't give all of them away, but -- i'm going to keep walking. take care.
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[ laughter ] >> steve: new gaming system, the wii -- the nintendo wii and the xbox. >> jimmy: millvina dean, the last survivor of the "titanic." she died yesterday at 97. [ audience aws ] yeah, she died doing what she does best, treading water. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] it gets worse. [ laughter ] instead of flowers the family asks that you send iceberg lettuce. that's offensive. why -- i didn't say that -- odd choice. it's an odd choice. okay. we have no -- we're cruel. >> steve: i mean, what do you got? >> jimmy: no, i am done there. well, it's happened. octomom, nadia suleman, and her children will now star in a new reality show. [ audience ohs ] it's going to be called "i'm a baby, get me out of here." [ laughter ] hey, did you hear about this? in the next issue of "rolling stone" magazine adam lambert reveals that he's gay. finally answering the question, "what's the opposite of a surprise?" [ laughter ]
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we knew. and finally, news outlets say that the financial situation in california has gotten so bad that the state is going to ask the federal government for financial assistance. that's right, the eighth largest economy in the world is asking our government for a bailout. i mean, between that and the fight over gay marriage, california is spinning out of control. >> tariq: it's like a roller coaster. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] it is like a roller coaster, you're right. it's like there on like a giant, emotional roller coaster. >> tariq: hold up, jimmy. did you say emotional? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, i did, tariq. yeah, i said, "emotional." things are getting emotional out there in california. emotional it's just -- >> tariq: then i think you know what we have to do. >> jimmy: we've got to "slow jam the news." [ cheers and applause ] hit me with something smooth. ♪
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♪ on a carousel california you're making all dizzy ♪ ♪ you can't get off of the carousel california's on a carousel and it's spinning ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ out of control ♪ crazy carousel making a late night booty calls to tim geitner ♪ ♪ california gonna stop me i don't know what's in the water out there but i do know what's in the ♪ ♪ toilet the california economy what california is asking for is an injection of funds ♪ ♪ yeah all up in their treasury cali just wants someone to massage it's financial ♪ ♪ footing to lubricate the channels of federal aid ♪ ♪ of course, you have to be this high to ride the carousel ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ and cali knows about being high cali is having an identity crisis ♪
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♪ california carousel is it bonds or bondage strapless dress or cash strapped distress ♪ ♪ that's a mouthful that is a mouthful yes ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ bit of advice to sacramento why not self stimulate your economy and instead of proposition 8 ♪ ♪ how about 8 pro positions you know what generates -- you know what generates revenue ♪ ♪ gay weddings weddings weddings ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ that's right weddings now if only there was large population out there that wanted to get married ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ oh yeah oh yeah making knots of gay nation and end your stagnation ♪ ♪ the governor was in terminator salvation ♪ ♪ and like tupac said we want california love because every now and then even a tree needs a hug ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ before california green become california blues and that is how we slow jam the news ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] thank you, everybody.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: starting the week off right tonight. the beautiful and talented anne hathaway is here. [ cheers and applause ] she's great. and also the funny will forte will be joining us. [ cheers and applause ] and my good friend and the best chef in america, mario batali is going to show us how to prepare one of his favorite dishes. [ cheers and applause ] and even more show. we even have more show. we're going to webchat with jon favreau from the set of "iron man 2." [ cheers and applause ] see what's up there. that'll be cool. it's going to be a good show. tonight is the first night following conan o'brien. it's really cool and i just want to say congratulations conan. it's going to be awesome. and thanks for watching us, if we have new viewers. welcome to the show, we like to have fun here. he's a good man.
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i love conan. >> steve: he's a delight. >> jimmy: it's going to be fun. i can't wait to see what it is. >> steve: we've already seen it. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. [ laughter ] >> steve: it was great. >> jimmy: it was really good. >> steve: so great, oh my god. and will ferrell was hilarious. >> jimmy: ah! and having pearl jam -- >> steve: oh my god! >> jimmy: they played that song. that one song. >> steve: oh, my god, that song that i love. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i loved it, too. >> steve: i would say top ten shows ever of all time of history. >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: loved it. >> jimmy: hey, everybody, we're going to be right back. we have a brand new episode of "seventh floor west," so stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ what's the #1 mascara launch in recent history?
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it's lash blast! for the biggest, boldest lashes of your life! this big brush doubles the size of lashes. 6 million women have doubled theirs. try lash blast. only from easy, breezy beautiful... covergirl. hi. number two, please. would you like that to hurt now or later? uh, what? sir, it's a simple question. do you want heartburn pain, now or later? these heartburn medicines make you choose...
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between hurting now or later. pepcid complete doesn't. it starts to neutralize acid in seconds... and keeps it under control all day or all night. sometimes you gotta make compromises, man. no, you don't... man. pepcid complete, works now and works later. now with a great new taste.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. can we get a shot of these girls in the front row here? there wearing the -- saint rose? you guys -- do you guys go to saint rose? >> audience member: yeah, we just graduated. >> jimmy: oh i graduated with you. >> audience member: yeah. >> jimmy: because i got my diploma from saint rose. with were you guys so -- congratulations. can we cut to that? my diploma, we've hung it in the rafters. [ laughter ] there it is. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, thank you. there's my diploma, i was very happy. i've got a bachelors and my doctorate. are you guys doctors? >> audience member: no. >> jimmy: never mind then. conversation, over. [ laughter ] welcome to the show.
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reality fans? reality tv fans out there? do you guys watch -- [ cheers and applause ] i love it, right? do you watch "the hills?" "the hills" were on last night -- higgins and i -- we got together we watched the season finale of "the hills." >> steve: oh, so delightful. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we were sitting next to each other in our beanbag chairs. with our -- had a lukewarm glass of buttermilk. >> steve: and that buttermilk was -- where -- it was fresh. >> jimmy: yeah, it was so good. [ laughter ] >> steve: so fresh. >> jimmy: well on the show spencer and heidi finally got married. lauren came to the wedding. it was crazy. so much drama. but not nearly as dramatic as our very own, late night, reality series "seventh floor west." it's very "hills" like, up on the seventh floor, very dramatic, a lot of scandals. everybody's fighting. my writer miles is making fart noises at me all of the time. [ light laughter ] it's ridiculous. we should probably find out what's happening. let's check it out together on episode 4 of "seventh floor west." >> jimmy: previously on "seventh floor west." my writer miles was causing drama. [ flatulence sounds ] [ laughter ] and now nobody at "late night" was getting along. >> are you guys like breaking up with us?
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>> it looks that way. >> jimmy: all i wanted was for everything to be back the way it used to be. i love you guys. >> oh! >> jimmy: there was a big work event coming up and i hoped that it could make us all friends again. well, at least, most of us. >> come on, miles. >> jimmy: but some things are easier said than done. >> you watch your back, man. >> jimmy: on "seventh floor west." ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ [ flatulence sounds ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey lauren, can you make sure that the writers get this? it's an invite to the pizza party! [ laughter ]
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♪ pizza pizza party pizza pizza pizza pizza toot toot ♪ ♪ pizza train pizza train pizza train pizza train oy oy pizza party pizza train pizza train ♪ ♪ pizza train everybody pizza train [ makes eating sounds ] ♪ pizza pizza hey you pizza party hey me pizza party everybody eats the pizza party ♪ ♪ party pizza party this one this one pizza party mushroom pepperoni too everybody ♪ ♪ gets a pizza slice [ laughter ] okay, cool. hey, can i ask you something? do you not like me or something? >> no, you're fine. >> jimmy: okay, cool. [ laughter ]
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because if you do hate me, i was thinking i should probably just get an assistant who doesn't hate me. [ laughter ] very cool. ♪ >> jimmy: can i sit here? [ laughter ] >> okay, and here are your salads. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. >> hi.
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>> so, what's up, man? >> jimmy: i need a new assistant. >> you got that right. >> yeah, that lady you got now is cold. >> jimmy: well, anyway, i don't want to think about that right now. right now, what i want to think about is the pizza party. you guys going? >> oh man. >> you know it. >> yo. >> i haven't been to a pizza partied in like forever. >> jimmy: oh man, i heard there's going to be like eight to ten pizzas there. it's going to be insane. [ laughter ] >> oh, dude, im going to get my black olive on. and my colt classic on. >> word. >> jimmy: you remember the last time we actually pizza partied down together with no drama. >> i'm going to get my green pepper on. my crust on. i will not get my anchovy on. >> jimmy: it's going to be fun and everything, but do you guys think that miles is going to come? ♪ [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: honestly now that we're frenemies. that is so not okay. >> that dude needs to find a pizza party of his own. >> amen. >> the last thing i need at that pizza party is drama. ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ is this enough tears weren't stuck between you and me ♪ ♪ yeah i gave my all for this floor between you and me ♪ ♪ don't let the door hit you on the way out ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ sorry don't mean a thing when you start it ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: i am so going to this. ♪ and the best turns into the worst until you learn how to really be a friend until then until then ♪ >> hi, there. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. so much drama. apparently pizza is a pretty big deal here at late night. who knew? tariq, i mean, you guys take the pizza parties pretty seriously, huh? that's good to know. >> tariq: you know it. >> jimmy: well, we're going to be showing new episodes of "seventh floor west" on mondays throughout the whole summer. so tune in next week to find out what happened. [ cheers and applause ] and in the meantime, we got anne hathaway coming up, so stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ( conversation ) garth, you're up.
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hold on, i'm at picking a photo... for my credit card. here's one from my prom. oh, what memories. how 'bout one from our golf outing? ( shouting ) i know, maybe one of my first-born son. dad, mom says the boys gotta go. personalize your card by uploading... your own photo at what's in your wallet? ♪ over a leading old spice fragrance. ♪ ♪ new degree men's deodorant. mind-blowing fragrances.
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a little more me time. so there's venus spa breeze. with soft lathering shave gel bars. it pampers and smoothes your skin... with every stroke. so treat yourself. venus spa breeze. - mmm! - ( telephone rings ) this is kevin. hello. hello. pete, is this you? - ( stapling ) - ehh. announcer: for that one-of-a-kind crispety, crunchety, peanut-buttery taste, get your hands on a butterfinger. nobody's gonna lay a finger on my butterfinger. you guys are idiots.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: all right. hey, our first guest is an oscar-nominated actress who will be starring in "shakespeare in the park" this summer in new york city. she's doing "twelfth night," and that begins june 10th. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome anne hathaway! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you for coming. >> thank you so much. it's so great to be here. >> jimmy: you look beautiful. >> thank you. >> jimmy: so you got a couple of mtv nominations last night. >> i did. >> jimmy: i saw on the awards, yeah. for a -- not the one you almost won a oscar for. >> well, no, i got nominated for "bride wars" and i thought that the shock of my life was when i got nominated for an oscar, but the shock of my life turned out to be got nominated for anything for "bride wars." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: pretty amazing. it's pretty good. >> no really, literally. amazing. [ laughter ] but i also got nominated for "best fight" with kate hudson. i was very happy, because we had
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a lot of fun doing that scene. so it was kind of cool to have that recognized. >> jimmy: you were fantastic in "rachel getting married," too. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i know the academy nominated you and all -- [ laughter ] but i -- it should mean a lot coming from me. >> you know what? i did -- >> jimmy: "screw the academy, fallon thought it was good." [ laughter ] >> i didn't -- i didn't understand what it meant to be nominated until i heard you say it. so thanks for putting it in that context. >> jimmy: don't start crying. don't start crying. yeah. >> thank you sir, good show. >> jimmy: but i just loved it so much. i mean, i know, you were just phenomenal in that. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i felt like i was at a really dramatic wedding. >> yeah, yeah, so did i. >> jimmy: was that jonathan demme? >> oh yeah. >> jimmy: he was the director, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i love that -- i don't know. i'm not talking about it anymore. i have stock in that movie. [ laughter ] but, do you love to get into the roles and learning new things and like trying to dive in? >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah, i absolutely love it. >> jimmy: it's fun, right? >> it's so much fun. i am having a fun little time with "twelfth night," right now because my character is a girl who is shipwrecked and she arrives on, you know, a strange shore, and she doesn't know
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anyone, and it occurs to her that the best way to take care of herself is to pretend that she's a boy. so i've had a lot of fun getting into that. >> jimmy: how are you figuring that out? >> i'd be lying if i hadn't said i had walked around my apartment with a sock shoved down the front. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i know what you're talking about. i know all too well. [ laughter ] i do it every night on television. >> so then you know, all of the sudden, you're just like, "yeah. oh, i understand." you stand differently. everything changes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? i don't. you've got to show me how to stand. yeah. >> oh, i'm going to butch you up, fallon. just you wait. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you, yeah. i'm going to be on the cover of "rolling stone" next month. no, i'm just kidding. [ laughter ] a reference to the monologue joke. >> i don't watch your show. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i know, i know. even here. even being here, you don't watch it. that's so lame. >> and wasn't conan great? >> jimmy: yeah, he was awesome. yeah, that was the best show ever. >> ever. >> jimmy: so you're doing shakespeare -- i mean, that's
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insane. >> yeah, that's so huge. it's like, it's insane. and -- >> jimmy: i've been a couple of times. it's just the best thing ever. >> oh, isn't it just the best feeling? i've been a few times, as well -- >> jimmy: outdoors and -- >> the last production -- no, it wasn't the last production. one of my favorite productions was "a midsummer night's dream" and our director dan sullivan did that one. and it's just the best feeling, i mean if any of you are here you should -- you should make it. it's one of the best new york experiences you can have. >> jimmy: what time is the play usually? afternoon, right? or is it at night? >> it's in the evening at 8:00. >> jimmy: it is, at 8:00, yeah. i have been. i didn't forget. like, "when i was there was the sun out?" >> it's really fun. the sun sets during it and -- >> jimmy: during the show, ah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's awesome. >> there's bugs, raccoons -- >> jimmy: yeah. is it tough learning shakespeare? like, shakespeare? shakespeare. >> shakespeare. [ jimmy with english accent ] >> jimmy: "shakespeare. you're a the shakespearean actor? [ laughter ] anne hathaway." [ laughter ] >> oh my god, i know who i am now. now, that i've heard that. >> jimmy: see, good. i'm good. >> it's really tough, actually, it's -- and it is one of the -- i -- i did it -- i -- i -- okay, so i used to go to musical theater camps, yes, more than once.
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>> jimmy: hold your applause. hold your applause, everybody. [ laughter ] what was it, camp? >> camps. and at one of -- >> jimmy: more than one camp? >> more than one, multiple. and at one of them we had a wonderful shakespearean coach and when i was 16 i thought i knew everything and so when this opportunity came up i was like, "i was great at that. it came so naturally." and it turns out i was just lying to myself. it doesn't come naturally. it's not easy. and so at first i was like, "wouldn't it be so cool if i turned out that i was some sort shakespearean prodigy." and now my expectations are like, "wouldn't it be great if no one threw fruit at me." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what i say, again, every night that i come out here. [ laughter ] we don't let the audience bring fruit in anymore. [ laughter ] we banned it, yeah. >> and now i'm just like, "if they do, let the fruit be fresh." >> jimmy: and not hard, yeah. only tomatoes, yeah. but it's supposed to be tricky and you're also -- i know you're trying to learn stuff, too. tried learning -- you're learning the guitar right now, right? >> yes, yes, yes. i learned -- this is going to making me blush a little bit --
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so i learned for my boyfriend's birthday, i learned how to play a song for him. well, i had never heard the song before and he played it for me. and it's the beatles song "blackbird." >> jimmy: sure. >> and like any girl with a pulse, i'm like "it's about me!" [ laughter ] oh my god. and so i thought for his birthday it would be nice to learn how to play it for him. >> jimmy: that's a tricky song to learn. >> it -- yeah, it really is. so i -- so i -- kind of -- i studied it for a while and i figured out how to play it. >> jimmy: that's good and you -- it's always tough. it's embarrassing learning something for the first time and then trying to figure it out and play that. >> oh, i'm terrible. i get so -- >> jimmy: yeah, i know. it's so embarrassing. [ laughter ] so lame. come on, come on. please. [ cheers and applause ] play something. can you play anything? can you play something? >> okay. >> jimmy: not something by the beatles. >> well, i actually, i play two songs -- i don't use a pick. i love you think i'm that good. [ laughter ] i play two songs. hi, roots. how are you? i'm very excited to play guitar in front of you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're not intimidated or anything are you? only the best band in world. >> and so, i'm not going the play -- i know two songs.
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i know "blackbird" and this other one. i'm not going to play "blackbird" just because that was his present, but -- >> jimmy: yeah, can't sing that to me. >> this other song -- i learned this off of the internet. literally learned this -- they have youtube lessons, "how to play guitar." i'm not kidding. >> jimmy: really? what lesson are you up to? >> i'm almost done with the first one. so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so this shouldn't be embarrassing at all. >> so i learned this song -- i got the chords online. i'm not good at though, so it goes. >> jimmy: can you hear it? ♪ come with me my -- [ laughter ] love to the sea the sea of love ♪ >> jimmy: nice. ♪ i want -- >> you can laugh, it's fine. [ laughter ] ♪ want to tell you how -- >> i actually never can remember this chord -- do you know what it is? best television ever. [ laughter ]
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♪ i love you [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: whoa! that was romantic. that was romantic. i feel like -- you have a very lucky boyfriend. anne hathaway will be in "twelfth night" starts june 10th in central park. tickets are free! so get yours! we'll be right back with will forte. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (announcer) we speak car. sure, but do we speak hybrid? yes, we do. and we can say 700 miles on a single tank and epa estimated 41 mpg city and all the words stick because they're true. we speak the most fuel-efficient midsize sedan in america. we speak the all-new 2010 ford fusion hybrid. get in... and drive one.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. the greatest. all right. everybody, our next guest is an insanely funny comedian, who's "saturday night live" characters always stand out. one of the characters goes by the name of macgruber. check it out. >> vicky, hand me that battery. >> coming right up, macgruber. >> meryl. that bottle cap. >> you got it, macgruber. >> vicki that rubber band. >> coming right up, macgruber! >> okay, now does anyone see any oil or any grease, or petroleum-based substance? >> 10 seconds! >> come on, dig deep. we need this now. here you go, macgruber. >> nice job, son. anal lubricant? [ laughter ] >> seven seconds, macgruber. >> okay, right, right. so you just kind of had this? [ laughter ] >> i've been doing some experimenting. >> so who's the lucky girl? >> scott. [ laughter ] [ explosion ]
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>> macgruber! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: put it together for mr. will forte. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> that sounds very nice. >> jimmy: that was very good. dude, macgruber. you're making a macgruber movie. >> that's right. yeah, we just finished writing it. >> jimmy: is it funny? >> pretty excited about it? >> jimmy: or is it a drama? >> it's a "dramedy." [ laughter ] no, no, no. john soloman, jorma taccone and i just -- we just finished writing it. we're going to make it in albuquerque. it's me and kristen wiig and cast to be determined. >> jimmy: a lot of explosions? no? >> well, that's a surprise. >> jimmy: it's not a surprise at all. [ laughter ] every macgruber ends in an explosion. >> well, i will tell you this is probably not what -- it's maybe a little different than people are thinking. >> jimmy: what? i am thinking like set in
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the '80s. >> you're thinking wrong. [ laughter ] you're thinking wrong. >> jimmy: and i'm thinks there's going to be a lot of good comedy. >> possibly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and then i'm thinking a lot explosion. >> well, the best way to describe it is -- can you say the word [ bleep ] on your show? >> jimmy: no! [ laughter ] thanks for flying in. you're flying in and -- [ laughter ] going back and forth to your family, what's going on with your family? >> my sister's having her baby. >> jimmy: come on. [ applause ] this is exciting. >> no, it's her first child, my first niece. i could not be more excited. she was actually due yesterday. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and why do you -- i mean, she wants you there? >> well, this is kind of a controversial aspect of this -- i'm supposed to videotape the birth. >> anne: oh, no. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: and what are you talking about, will? [ laughter ]
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>> well, i mean, it seems like certain people you say, "i'll be videotaping my sister's birth?" and some go, "oh, that's great. that's so wonderful that you are both so comfortable to have that kind of relationship." and some people just say, "that's super gross, that's disgusting. you're a bad person, get out of my face." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. "get out of my face." no one says that. but she gave you -- >> quote, unquote. >> jimmy: this is your sister here. >> yes. so we've actually kind of planned it out. it's not some slap dash thing. that's her yesterday. she is -- as you can see, she's ready to pop. >> jimmy: yep. >> this is an angle -- well, you'll see. this -- like we had a discussion as to -- [ laughter and ohs ] -- as to appropriate versus inappropriate camera angles. this is one we're not going the go with. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no, no. she's actually yelling at you. do not do that. >> we've been told -- >> jimmy: don't do that. >> we don't need that and she doesn't want it. i frankly don't want to shoot it and potential watchers are not into it.
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>> jimmy: no. >> not to demean her area, or anything. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. you're not allowed to say area on our show. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> jimmy: this is an approved angle? >> ah, yes. that's over the shoulder shots. that's good, because it leaves a little to the imagination. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, you can figure it out. >> it's kind of like in the movie "jaws." >> jimmy: no, no, will, will, no. [ laughter ] this is my favorite one. >> kind of like in the movie "jaws" -- oh, this is the end result. this is when the baby comes out. that's the shot. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i love it. that's your mom. >> that's my mom. that's patty forte, right there. >> jimmy: playing the role of the baby. that is the greatest. see, i just think it's so cool. that's going to be awesome. >> yeah. >> jimmy: now you -- i just want to say, you're a good friend and thanks for coming on and being cool. >> thanks for me, you know? >> you supported our show back we were doing the webisodes when we first started. before we were on the air. doing the web things. you had a pitch for a theme song -- >> i did. it was a great song.
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>> jimmy: the facts were totally wrong in the song. you thought we were on a different network and you thought that my house band was a different band. you thought they were the -- >> well, i admittedly got some of the facts wrong. [ laughter ] but that was several months ago and over those months, i have kind of let it simmer in there, and i changed nothing. [ laughter ] and i come back again to see if you changed your mind. i'd like to sing it for you. >> jimmy: go for it. yeah, will forte. [ cheers and applause ] we will see if i like it. >> i liked to, first, i want to thank the tubes over here, because they rehearsed with me all morning. >> jimmy: the roots, actually, the roots. [ laughter ] you called them the tubes. m♪ ♪ lights camera jimmy late night jimmy show on qvc
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three great hours of comedy twice a week ♪ ♪ tuesdays and fridays and every third week we'll do a show on wednesday ♪ ♪ late night jimmy show on qvc the first late night talk show with a medical dramedy element his house band is going to be ♪ ♪ the tubes and ed mcmahon's sidekick is is frigging tom cruise ♪ ♪ remember it's on tuesday and friday from 10:30 to 1:30 in the morning and every third week ♪ ♪ a show on a wednesday late night jimmy show on qvc the best part of the show is the theme song written ♪ ♪ by will forte ♪ what a minute will forte wrote that song he sure did what a talented guy ♪ ♪ will forte friggin will forte what an absolutely amazing guy ♪ ♪ lights camera jimmy
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, you are getting a standing ovation. will, you're getting standing ovation. this is insane. look at this. this is insane. >> these guys know theme songs. >> jimmy: they are standing up. this doesn't make sense. that's our first standing ovation for a guest. that was will forte with the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] up next, from the set of "iron man 2," john favreau. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ those are new. oh, yeah i got the env 3 she has the env touch from verizon wireless. the one thing i do not need is a new phone. ok, that's hot. the apps are really cool. you got twitter... "need for speed" i like "need for speed". i make calls, that's it. show him the "gpsgolf" thing. oh, yeah, this is really sweet. see, i'd never use that stuff. do not set that down, i will take it. verizon introduces the app-friendly env touch and env 3.
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only from america's largest 3g network. would you hang out with your mother in law? what would you do now that is has... a thicker, more chocolatey shell? right there. i got it. ♪ what would you do-oo-oo for a klondike bar? ♪ ( tires squealing ) the first-ever is convertible from lexus. live a little-- a lot. i don't think so a pair of capri pants:
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never in a million years one pair of khaki shorts: ain't gonna happen the perfect pair of jeans: priceless use your mastercard and you could win the perfect pair of jeans and a trip in mastercard's break in your jeans promotion. live a little... a lot. hi. the first ever is convertible from lexus.
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there's the other stuff. ♪ and then there's kraft macaroni & cheese. ♪ kraft has more cheese than those other guys. no wonder they call it the cheesiest!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we got a huge show, huge show tomorrow. comedy icon, my favorite, steve martin is going to be here tomorrow night, and music legend paul simon will be here playing some tunes for us. beautiful actress and singer vanessa williams will join us as well. i love her too. it's gonna be a great show. see you here tomorrow night. but first, we're super excited for our next guest. we are going live via webchat to the top secret set of next summer's blockbuster, "iron man 2," for a sneak peek. i can't believe we're getting this. here we go. jon favreau is here, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] the actor, the writer, as well as the director of the awesome first "iron man." how you doing, buddy? >> i'm doing great. how you doing? >> jimmy: doing great. are you allowed to tell us about the set? where are you? >> well, we're out here in manhattan beach, and we're shooting in hammer industries, that's tony stark's rival, played by sam rockwell. it's our first time in the set. >> jimmy: oh, interesting.
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i love it. i love sam. this is fun. is iron man gonna trash the place? are we gonna see any of that? >> well, robert's actually not working today, and even if he was, i really can't comment on that. it's a very secret production, as you understand. and i sometimes get in trouble for revealing too much information. i was on twitter, and i talked about scarlett johansson and her black widow suit, and i got in trouble with marvel. so marvel is actually here watching me, and i'm getting to know i can't comment on that. i'm sorry. >> jimmy: so you can't comment. how about any of the new cast? like mickey rourke? can you talk about him? >> yeah, i can't say anything. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, okay. can you tell us something new at all, like the -- the costumes? >> well, we have scarlett johansson in the film, and she's -- i'm sorry, i can't talk about that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: understood. well, can you show us, wait, whoa, what are those? that was cool. are you wearing the iron man? >> oh, um -- >> jimmy: that's the iron man costume. >> i was doing some insert work.
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i am robert downey's stunt hand. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how cool. that's awesome. do you wear it when robert's not around? >> i am not allowed to talk about that, actually. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can you tell us anything? >> i can tell you that you are doing a great job, and i am a fan of the new show, and i follow your twitter, and thanks for having me on, and look forward to "iron man" coming out next summer. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're a good man. we love you. what a good dude. >> and i love the roots, too. >> jimmy: oh, and the roots, too. i'll tell you, the roots they're listening to you. "iron man 2" is in the theaters next summer. thanks so much for taking the time. jon favreau, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we've got mario batali when we come back. stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (music playing)
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hello? (woman) in here... well, this is new... i'm working on my digestive health. whatcha eatin'? yoplus. it's a yogurt for digestive health. it's delicious. here... blackberry pomegranate. honey, i can't find my hand. (announcer) yoplus has the special combination of...
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fiber plus... special cultures... plus the delicious taste of yoplait. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a celebrated chef and restaurateur. this wednesday, june 3rd he'll host "bet the farm." a local green farmers market at the palazzo in las vegas. please welcome, chef
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mario batali, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good man, what is that green goop? >> the green things is that -- in the middle of the desert, in the largest lead certified building in the world. my three restaurants have been qualified as the first three green in all of las vegas. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's awesome. good man. >> so, it's a big thing. >> jimmy: that's so cool. hopefully people are just going to start taking after you and doing that as well. impressive stuff. >> exactly. >> jimmy: what're we making today? >> today we're making saltimbocca, classic roman dish. you're going to help me by starting to pound the meat, please. [ laughter ] that's it, take the hammer. don't be afraid. i've always ask, "anne, would you like to pound my meat, please?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: watch it! this is a kid friendly show. >> anne: oh, mario i'm a vegetarian. [ laughter ] >> that's all right, you just have to beat it a little it. it'll be fine. >> jimmy: watch it! >> give it some action there. >> jimmy: there we go. will, you just watch. >> there you go. that's going, that's it. >> will, do you have any cooking song you could sing? >> will: uh. >> jimmy: that's pretty good. [ laughter ] saltimbocca?
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>> saltimbocca, which means jump in your mouth. tradition roman dish -- >> jimmy: jump in your mouth? >> jump in your mouth. >> jimmy: and what are you putting on there? sage? >> a little bit of sage. >> jimmy: and you were my favorite chef ever, dude. every one of your restaurants is amazing. >> well, thank you. this dish is based on lupa which is in the village. it's a -- >> jimmy: so now you're putting a little -- >> now we're putting a little prosciutto on. what a lot of people -- make a mistake is that figure they got to fold this over or they have to deal with it in funny ways. and what we do is we just take the hammer like this -- dude, go ahead. and just gently -- no, no, no. [ laughter ] this one ever here. a little more -- >> jimmy: i'm like a monkey. >> pound the beef all of the way to the corner. >> jimmy: really, tightly. >> so now, very delicately -- what you want to do is put it here, because the prosciutto that, divine-salted pork, is going to become the crust. so then what we do -- you're doing good. you're doing good. you're doing great. >> jimmy: so i go to my butcher and i go, "can you give me some pork?"
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>> "get me some pork scallopini or veal scallopini or thin pieces, whatever you want." take your pan, watch out. it's going to be a little warm. >> jimmy: okay. >> this on two. >> jimmy: my mom when she talks about italian food she abbreviates everything. like prosciutto, she calls it "prosciut." >> that's a very classic way of doing it. >> jimmy: yeah, but she's irish. [ laughter ] >> that's all right. she meet's some italian people. so, you get your pan nice and hot, you want it to sizzle. >> jimmy: do you remember when we went to ireland? >> why, yes, i do, jimmy. >> jimmy: and oops -- >> that's all right. >> jimmy: that doesn't bother you at all. i'd be crying right now. [ laughter ] >> we'll big deal, right? >> jimmy: and so, we went to ireland. and remember we went to go get -- we needed pans. we cooked in your room. and this is a true story, we went to the -- cooked food. >> we cooked food in our room for the record. >> jimmy: yes. [ laughter ] >> just clarifying things, my friend. i don't know what your fans are thinking. >> jimmy: no, there -- they know food. but we went and we -- what i thought was cool is that we got mario batali cookware, in ireland. remember that? >> at that great little store. >> jimmy: you bought, you bought your own cookware. >> i was supporting the brand. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, no, no. there was no other options. no options left to buy.
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and i wouldn't do it, i made him do it. i'm like, "you have the buy your own stuff." had to see you do it. >> i felt really good. >> jimmy: yeah. >> my name is on the box, you walk into the store, finally one moment of greatness. you walk up to the store and figure the the cash register person is going to say, "hey, that's you." and they didn't even say a thing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they go -- [ in irish accent ] "oh, look who it is! it's jimmy fallon." [ laughter ] no, they didn't >> all right, so we've got ourselves -- >> jimmy: i even -- i even had a "weekend update" t-shirt on and everything. [ laughter ] i was like -- >> nothing happened. >> jimmy: nothing at all, yeah. so you just fry this -- oh look -- >> it's sautee. frying something is -- >> jimmy: what do these do? >> that is our wine. oh, you should try. would you like red or white, my dear? >> anne: yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's very good. >> perfect, red dress. there you go. these are wines from my winery. this is in tuscana. this called the perossi the other one is called toakei by bacionich. now what we're going to do is we're going to make a little sauce. >> jimmy: all right. >> so we splash a little bit of that in there. >> jimmy: oh man. what is that? >> that's a little bit grappa. >> jimmy: i don't like grappa. >> yes you do. you love grappa. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's like fuel. look at it. this is why i don't like grappa. [ laughter ] it's doing that in your stomach. >> no, it's not. >> jimmy: yeah, in your lower
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intestine. [ laughter ] >> flowing through. you'll be absolutely fine. and then we take a little bit of the white wine. just a touch, one of the keys -- >> jimmy: ah, this is fantastic wine. >> to good and delicious food is not over-saucing it. one of the common mistakes that americans make is they put too much sauce on the pasta. too much sauce on -- >> jimmy: right now, this is all over my oven and everything like that. >> well, that's because you are the most recently canonized great star of late night tv -- i don't know if everybody read it, but in "new york times" it was given up this week that jimmy fallon's show is the hottest thing in tv. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, buddy. >> i'm going to take just a little more butter. >> jimmy: all about the gout. >> toss it in like that. if you'd like to add a little bit of parsley. >> jimmy: yeah, of course. like that? >> yeah. oh, oh, oh. not -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this is ridiculous, yeah. that's good. >> just sautee it like that, right? >> jimmy: this is amazing. >> move it around like that. drizzle, wizzle, shizzle. >> jimmy: a little drizzle shizzle. >> and then we move it like that.
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>> jimmy: look at this, dude. you want to finish, you want to pour. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's not going to burn you. quickly, move quickly. move quickly, quickly. >> jimmy: is it going to burn me? >> it's not going to burn you. >> jimmy: i don't know, i don't know. pot holders, look at this. >> there you go. >> jimmy: dude! >> and just a little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil on top. >> jimmy: oh, come on! higgins you got to try this. >> the world's second largest pepper mill. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: dude, nice. >> and there we have it, saltimbocca. >> jimmy: come on, everybody! that's amazing. [ cheers and applause ] higgins you got to try this. there you go, dude. higgins is the taster. he's our taster. he's amazing. >> if he doesn't drop, you'll try it? >> jimmy: oh, i am going to try it either way. it's amazing. [ laughter ] >> it was that good, wasn't it?. >> steve: it's that good. >> jimmy: everybody, mario batali, everybody! come on! the greatest. check out mario's "bet the farm" green farmers market in vegas this wednesday. my thanks to anne hathaway, to will forte, jon favreau, mario batali, steve higgins, the greatest band in late night, the roots!


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