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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  July 7, 2009 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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an autopsy is under way to see if he suffered a medical condition while in the water. still no word on what happened along a set of railroad tracks that left two teenager is dead. connor petersona dn were found
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near the light rail tracks just south of the lutherville station. it is possible a train hit them and one passenger believes that is the case. >> it was like a flood. a -- it ayth -- it was like a thud. they say they are reviewing video and audio from several trains that are in the area at the time. we're learning more about the murder of steve mcnair. investigators traced the gun found on his girlfriend's body to one purchased in her name day before the shooting. they have yet to say if she was the shooter or the second victim. those close to the quarterback are trying to make sense of it all.
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>> i am still in disbelief now. just the idea of knowing that he is gone. >> i will miss him. we will all miss him. i ask you to honor what he did on the field and in the community. , and what he was as a tremendous teammate. that is his legacy. i am proud to have been a part of that. >> a public memorial will be held in national thursday afternoon followed by a funeral in mississippi. -- will be held in nashville. another lovely afternoon, that kind of a dry heat going on with temperatures in the 80's. >> north of philadelphia there is a severe thunderstorm watch, but we will be a reprieve from
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that. it looks like high pressure will dominate our weather. a friend will be living through tonight could we will be lucky if we can get precipitation. -- a front will be moving through tonight. the sun will set at 8:36. partly cloudy tonight and 58 in the el lying areas. we will have -- and cooler in the outlying areas. president obama is meeting with vladimir putin and delaying and his foreign-policy views. [no audio] [no audio] [no audio]
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[no audio] [no audio] [no audio] [no audio] recent laws changing the way
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banks do business may be backfiring on consumers. why he made to keep an eye on your checking account, but first a church wants answers after in man is recorded analyzing a statue. wait until you see what else he is caught doing with that statute. >> i heard one gun shot and it was coming from this end. >> police believe they now know who terrorized a south carolina community.
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it hard to breathe. but now that i'm breathing better with advair... i can enjoy the zoo with my grandkids. (announcer) for people with copd including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, great news. advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers
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for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. we had a great day, grandpa! we sure did. ask your doctor how advair helps improve lung function for better breathing. (announcer) find out how to get your first full prescription free at
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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute you are looking at a man seen vandalizing and stealing a statue of the virgin mary from a california church. you can see him toppled the stature and comes back minutes later to steal it. the church hopes to catch the man and also wants the statue back. police in south carolina state killing spree is over. officials say they shot the man who killed five people last week. police believe this man is the one who terrorized a small community. police shot and killed him during an attempted robbery last night. they say he shot an officer in the leg and it was later revealed it was the same weapon used to kill five people last week. >> the anchor i felt when i saw this individual's iraq sheik.
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-- the anger i fetl. >> police are trying to figure out why someone was not in jail with this extensive history. one -- when i saw this individuals rap sheet. we're here to answer your gardening questions. you can e-mail your questions to us at >> we're looking at a nice clear sky over the state of maryland. strong storms to our north but we will probably be a mean to that, so enjoy the low humidity. it is 85 already at the airport, 87 downtown. winds out of the
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be sure to keep an eye on your checking account. your bank may be adding on fees in an effort to stay profitable. that is according to one bank
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watchdog website who says higher at&t's and the annual credit card memberships are also being increased. -- hussain hire atm fees -- who say higher atm fees. >> it is a great new way of using technology to make sure people have that direct contact with the city. >> with a few clicks, a photo of the problem will be sent to the city ahll. -- to the city hall. it costs $25,000 to develop the application. it should be up and running by august. you probably know in water and electronics telmex, but a day at the beach may be more fun with water-proof cameras. more people are using them and have the photos to prove it.
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>> it does not look much different than a standard camera, but this one has a strict up its sleeve. >> people looking at this would not have any idea it was an underwater camera. >> this one does not mind getting wet. >> a lot of people used to rely on an underwater disposable film cameras. you would spend $15 on that and get one good picture. you can shoot all day with this and get the images on your computer. >> i took the camera into the surf and this is what i back back, action shots of servers in the water -- this is what i got back. and took me awhile to get a feel for the camera. it works best when i was taking portraits of people in the water. with their pictures of other servers or myself, -- whether pictures of others or myself,
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>> it is definitely becoming more widespread among different manufacturers. >> i even tried at the camera on land and it worked like any other digital camera. the only problem in the surf, sometimes i got drops of water on the alleged -- of water on the lands. you will generally pay about $100 more than the others. -- water on the lense. most of the cameras, run between $300 and $400. it can even reach depths of up to 34 feet. cannon is rated as one of the best picks. york afternoon -- i hope your afternoon is going well. we are already into the mid- 1980s cost of we are nine dealing with the humidity.
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-- we are already into the mid 80's, but we are not dealing with the humidity. there is a line of showers to our north. a severe and under storm watch is in our -- is in effect, but there is only a 10% chance of a random thunderstorm in baltimore. 86 around downtown not right now. 85 to the south at the airport. dew points are the real story because even though temperatures are average, we are seeing incredibly low dew points. this is more like a spring reading. normally we are near 70, but just not a lot of moisture in the atmosphere. mostly sunny in the mountains. macy's some more clouds of this afternoon as the front starts to approach closer. 87 -- we will see some more
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clouds this afternoon. 84 at an ocean city today as we take a look at the bay forecast. waves at 14 -- 1 flat or less with water temperatures in the mid 70's. -- waves at 1 foot or less. 66 is our average low and we will go that -- we will go below that tonight. yesterday our reading was at 58 degrees. there is a potential to see that again. thunderstorm possible tonight but not likely. here is what the surface features look like. high pressure over baltimore and it will be getting through here. tomorrow, once the front comes through, then we will see cooler temperatures infiltrates for the middle part of the week. tomorrows high will only be at 80 at the airport. we may be even close the upper
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seven's in the outlying areas. -- we may even see upper 70's in the outlying areas. only 77 degrees and 81 on friday. by saturday we go back up to where we should be at 87 and bring back the humidity. then for senate, another front moves through here and gives us another pleasant start to the week. we are here to answer your gardening questions. what did you bring along with you? >> this is a dragon wing begonia. they don't know how much sun they have, this is a great plant because it can go into full shade and full sun. it's only negative is that it gets too big. you have to make sure you have room for it. this part will and that in a 20- inch pot. >> what is called again?
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>> dragging wing begonia. >> let's get to the question. i have several plants outside. can they be left out during the winter? >> they cannot come up but they can be grown inside. if you are -- if there are growing too big you can cut them. >> the boxwood plans on the south side of my house or always orange. the ones on the north side have dead spots. >> the most important thing for them is they have to have drainage. the ones with the orange are probably in full sun. they might do better with partial shade. brain in a couple of examples to your garden center and try to figure at what is going on. it could be insects or fungus. >> too many issues. i have many rosebushes with brown dots on the leaves. how can i help them? >> this has happened a lot with them.
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water early in the morning and not late in the evening, because fonda's can occur when you have that witness. -- because fungus can occur when you have that wetness. double check with your garden center if you have to use pesticides. >> we always a chat about things we can do in our garden, but i have strawberriesa havent -- ants are eating them. >> you can use white bread or flower. the other thing you can do is there are some mint oils you can use that are great to use for a lot of different critters. >> for tomatoes, so they don't get those spots? >> take of any and the bad spots, plenty of air movement through the plant and water in the morning. >> we don't have to water for a
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while. thanks. if you have a question, e-mail us at and and click on the family. you can also send your questions to us through the mail. up next, your maryland lottery numbers, and we will get another check of the forecast with the sandra. but first, and look at g $úi@wú@ fios guy! where ya headed? ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now,
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you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer.
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two little birds wearing a couple little hats. that looks like my windshield... when i made my trip back from phoenix. yeah, that's it. the new depend brand. for women and men. coke coming up on "oprah" it is the story of the act complex
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controversy. the grandfather breaks his silence. -- the story of the octuplets. tonight, the obama administration promises to improve the food safety system after recent incidents of people getting sick. it makes up almost half of the work force but still makes less than men. learned money tips from women tonight at 5:00 p.m. now your lottery numbers. >> the maryland lottery, let yourself plant. >> hello, and i am here with my buddy from the maryland lottery 3. your lottery y lotteryour pick 3 numbers are 8, 9, and your final number is 6. making your numbers 8, 9, and 6. but first, here is an important
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lumbering message. >> the green bullock brings good fortune. -- here is an important message. -- the green ball brings good fortunes. look at 40 green ball draw. >> now your pick 4 numbers are 2. your next number is 4. followed by 6. you're less number is 3. recapping your numbers, 2,4 , 6, 3. let yourself play. for the latest lottery news go to our web site. it will be nice here, a high near 87. a lot of people will be watching the michael jackson memorial. absolutely beautiful on the west
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coast, but the rest of the week will be cold. only 77 on thursday. >> thanks so much for watching. be sure to come back tonight at
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