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tv   11 News at 5AM  NBC  July 7, 2009 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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lower dew points, all in all pretty comfortable. a few more clouds today and a front will approach us by tonight. won't really change things in the way of major showers or storms but a 10% chance of near the state line we could see an isolated thunderstorm or two. 66 at the airport. 70 on the eastern shore and 66 at ocean city. partly cloudy, p.m. thunderstorm possible, 84 to 88 the forecast high but lower humidity. tonight 58 in the outlying areas. we were 58 at the airport yesterday morning. looks like 66 downtown. i have more on a cooler extendeded forecast coming up. right now good morning, sarah. >> not a lot to complain about on the roads. clear ride around the area. top side near belair about 60 miles an hour. on the west side looking at 54 miles an hour in the area of windsor mill. 62 toward 40.
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not bad at all. live view of 95 near white marsh good aheading away from us southbound traffic, delay-free there. nice ride on the north side at harford road. that is the latest on "traffic pulse 11." back to you both. >> our big story this morning, new details in the investigation of two teens found on light rail tracks in luther bill. >> a woman has come forward saying she may have information about what happened on that sunday afternoon. jennifer franciotti live at the lutherville rail station with more. >> light rail passengers are coming forward with claims they were on the train that may have hit the two teenagers. the discovery was made sunday afternoon about 100 feet south of this station. the discovery was made by a fare inspector. it remains a mystery how connor peterson and his stepbrother kyle wankmiller ended up on the
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tracks. m.t.a. officials say it is possible they were hit by a train. one passenger says she believes she was on the train that hit the boys. >> it was like a thud, thud, thud. i what we saw was either a large dog, a deer, or somebody. i thought it was like my gosh, was that a person. >> she says she saw the driver get out, look around, make a phone call, get back in and proceed to the train station. at 5:30, what else she says she saw and the latest on the m.t.a. investigation. back to you. >> late yesterday another incident involving an m.t.a. light rail car that disrupted service. a car struck a pickup truck trying to cross an intersection at conway street. family and friends of the girl shot in the head after being caught in a cross fire showed their support with prayers last
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night as little she remains in critical but stable condition. members of the community say more needs to be done to make streets safer. >> we oh an apology not being in the neighborhood sooner. the degree of crime in the community, we have to look at what created the problem. >> we have to bring more pressure on the judicial system and stop the plea bargaining, stop the suspended sentences. we have to stop letting people go. if they do the crime, they must do the time. >> family members say raven is showing signs of progress and they are hopeful she will be able to recover from the injury. the i-team learned the teen accused of shooting her has a long rap sheet. his record began at age 10 when he was charged as a juvenile with second degree assault. in the five years that followed he was charged in 10 more crimes ranging from theft to drug
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dealing to armed carjacking. he had appeared in juvenile court on a robbery and assault charges one day before the battle that wounded the 5-year-old. davis has been wearing an electronic monitoring anklet but cut it off shortly before the shooting. he is held without bail. >> toxicology reports that could reveal the cause of michael jackson's death on june 25 are not expected at least another few weeks. an investigation is ongoing but today millions will mourn as they watch a public memorial tell veilsed from the staples center in los angeles. >> the forest lawn cemetery monday night as police surrounded the area reports but no official word that it was a private service and viewing of the body of michael jackson. the crowd gathered outside. >> i was hoping to pay my respects. >> this morning a private funeral for jackson is expected to be held before his family and friends along with close to
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18,000 others will make the pilgrimage to the staples center in downtown los angeles. the star-studded event will be anything but private. the line-up of jackson's musical peers will include stevie wonder, mariah carey, lionel richie and john mayer. >> just to be there will be an honor. >> those who won't be seated there will watch a closed circuit broadcast in theatre next door. >> for some of the winners spotted by tickets and wristbands the chance of a life time. >> this is just as big or bigger than elvis. >> outside the staples center panels are covered with handwritten condolences. an extraordinary event and final farewell for a pop legend. >> that brings us to the water cooler question of the day. do you machine to watch the memorial service? e-mail your response to you can watch today's member
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rely tribute live at 1:00 right here on wbal tv 11 and on >> new details in the murder investigation of steve mcnair. investigators say they have traced the gun found on the body of had her girlfriend to one purchased in her name just days before the shooting. they have yet to say if she was the shooter or a second victim. a public member rely for mcnair will be held in nashville thursday afternoon followed by a funeral in mississippi saturday. 63 degrees on tv hill at 5:06. al franken prepares for his biggest act yet as u.s. senator. >> a robbery call helps end the search for a serial killer in south carolina. how police caught him and how many murders investigators think he committed. >> we will have more on the morning commute when we
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♪ (speaking in french) chef, come look, it's incredible. ♪ (speaking in french) how is this possible? did you do this? you did this?
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when you take a bigger, thicker slice of the best potatoes, people notice. introducing alexia crunchy snacks. a giant leap for snack kind.
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>> welcome back to "11 news today." 70 degrees downtown. so it is mild but the dew points are very low. a minimal amount of moisture in the air making it quite bearable. we will have another nice day but feels more like spring with the low humidity. the high up to the mid 80's. storms are still circulating around south carolina this morning. around wilmington, north carolina, 6.43 inches so flooding concerns there and in the deep south. for us we are dry for the most part. about a 10% chance of isolated evening thunderstorm mainly north of the city. don't think it will happen. only looks like 84 to 88 today. a front will approach so partly cloudy. a thunderstorm possible. 66 downtown, toward tomorrow 78 to 83. so, cooler with a chance for isolated afternoon and evening
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thunderstorms. more on that seven-day for you in a little bit. >> covering the nation, a man shot and killed by police during a burglary call is the serial killer linked to five deaths. this is a previous mug shot of patrick tracy burris. he was one of the suspects in a burglary in gastonia, north carolina, monday after an officer was shot in the leg. he was shot and killed. officials say evidence at the scene helped identify him as the serial killer. >> finally, al franken is scheduled to be sworn in to the senate today. he arrived yesterday and said he is ready to get to work. he defeated republican incumbent norm coleman after an eight-month recount battle. he will bring with him that crucial 60-vote majority for the democrats. it is now 5:10, 63 degrees. best buy is going green. details on its new line of products that could have you pedaling home from the store?
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and banks jack up fees to stay afloat. the extra dimes and nickels you might be paying. >> what can you expect from the commute? we are scanning the roads to let we are scanning the roads to let you know my two granddaughters are my life. they always ask me, grandma, take me here, grandma, take me there. but with my occasional irregularity i wasn't always up to it. until i discovered activia and everything started to change. announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. now i enjoy every minute.
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my grandkids are happy, and so am i. ♪ activia
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>> you going to the big celebration of the ramp opening? >> when there is a big ramp opening it is huge actually. so, if you are heading out to the northeast side outer loop ramp to southbound 95 we are excited about that. but that is it.
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you can see the speed sensors looking very good around the area. northeast corner 60 at bel air. 55 at windsor mill toward 40. outer loop west side about 11 minutes, same northeast outer loop and southbound 95 about five minutes from 895 split to the fort mchenry toll. live view out of white marsh and we are enjoying that new rafr opening. so hopefully you can adjust and look for possible changes in traffic pattern but the outer loop to southbound 95 now open. another live view heading out on that northeast side and so far looking very good this morning. that is the latest on "traffic pulse 11." now let's check the latest of the buses and trains with vanetta brooks. >> we have a few bus diversions. 17 line is diverted at nursery and winterston. 22 at university and 41st street and 77 at washington boulevard
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and hammonds ferry. good for rail. light rail and metro problem free and no problems on the marc train. metro is best from owings mills and in between with free parking at old court, rogers avenue and other stations to the metro subway destination. i'm vanetta brooks. back to sandra. >> weatherwise we will see sort of a repeat of yesterday. the only difference a few more clouds, maybe an isolated thunderstorm to the north. it is centered over the great lakes this morning. we are seeing activity in the carolinas, significant amounts of rain yesterday. more than six inches in wilmington yesterday. so, really flooding risks there. and flooding risks in the deep south while we are under the presence of high pressure and haven't seen rain in the last few days. so looking god so far for july.
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we are in excess for the year so not in any worrisome situation. we are looking at 70 degrees downtown right now. big contrast. cooler in york at 56. 70 in annapolis and feel in easton. certainly milder than yesterday when at the airport we began at 58 degrees. our average low for july is 66, so we have been cooler than normal. 84 degrees in the mountains today. absolutely spectacular day out there. for us really pretty nice. partly cloudy, a few more clouds by this afternoon. 87 the forecast high. that is right on target. that is the normal high for july 7. as we across the chesapeake on the map it looks like 84 degrees on the shores of ocean city, another really nice beach day, very comfortable out there. on the bay today wind out of the southwest 10 knots. water temperature continues to be in the mid 70's.
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the record set in 1993 of 99. july 7, 1980. 53 the record low. 66 is where we should be. tonight we are certainly going to be below that in the northern suburbs. looks like 58 in some of the northern and western suburbs. potentially 66 downtown and thunderstorm is possible tonight as that front does approach. that front will cool us down for the middle part of the week as high pressure builds in over new england. winds out of the southwest. at the surface we've high pressure in control for us. there is the front to the north and very weak front so it probably will not generate any sort of activity except maybe an isolated thunderstorm to the north. in contrast where they are seeing significant steamy moisture in the deep south so very clearly defining things is that stationary front. we are far removed from that. what we will see happen is a high pressure build in in the wake of the front over new england is that will give as you flow to make it cooler.
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tomorrow's forecast we are near 80 for a high and then as we look at the seven-day forecast we are only by thursday at 77 degrees for the high. friday back up to 81. each afternoon a slight chance of afternoon thunderstorm but by the weekend july-type conditions return. >> in our consumer alert the big blue store is going green. best buy will soon sell bikes, electric scooters and segue transporters. one, the $11,000 inertia electric motorcycle will debut in portland. they won't be a big seller in the near term but may prove wise over time. best buy improved by two percentage points in april picking up a lot of customers from circuit city. your bag may be -- your bank may be adding object fees. websites say they are charging more by raising checking account fees.
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some other banks are increasing fees for a.t.m.'s, overdraft, annual credit card memberships and using human tellers for transactions. for the best rates shop different banks. >> health stocks focuses as the white house nears a deal with care givers. michelle steele joins us with the bloomberg business report. >> good morning, everybody. we are watching of course president obama in moscow and watching his healthcare plan this morning because the obama administration and groups representing hospitals nationwide may be near an agreement on almost $150 billion in cost savings and that would lower the price of revamping the nation's healthcare system. all this according to the "new york times." an announcement may come as soon as tomorrow so listen up for that. meantime, computer users, a security flaw in microsoft's internet explorer prompting a warning about cyber crime. this according to "u.s.a.
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today." the paper says microsoft is telling users it has no way of patching a security hole in p.c.'s using certain windows operating software saying the flaw allows hackers to remotely take control of p.c.'s and computers may get infected by simp simply visiting certain websites. this is just going to certain websites. moving to the markets, index futures indicating a quiet open. stocks mixed yesterday. goldman sachs, j.p. morgan chase, bank of new york helping financial shares erase a slide. finally, big story, fans are celebrating the life of michael jackson. the "l.a. times" reports that the king of pop's assets o outweigh his debts by about $200 million, saying his after-death earning power could expand his fortune more as people snatch you have music and memorabilia.
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that is bloomberg news. i'm sure michael jackson is something pretty much everybody will be watching today. back to you. >> pretty much. >> see you back at 6:15 for the next report. >> 5:21. 63 degrees. coming up another check of the morning commute with traffic and weather together. >> coming up we will hear from steve mcnair's old coach at tennessee, jeff fish are. >> don't forget to e-mail us your answer to the water cooler question of the day. do you plan to watch the michael jackson memorial service?
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>> good morning, everybody. when steve mcnair retired last year people started making the case as a possible hall of famer in a few years. former m.v.p., three-time pro bowler, one of the best running quarterbacks and epitome of toughness on the football field. he came within an excruciating foot of leading the titans to the title. who will forget his center touchdown that could have won the super bowl. yesterday his old coach jeff fisher said what he whispered to mcnair after the game is something only the two of them will ever know. he also hopes people won't judge mcnair, who was married, based on these pictures. >> steve mcnair that i knew would want me to say sorry, not
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perfe perfect. we all make decisions sometimes that are not in the best interes interests. please forgive me. the steve mcnair that i knew would want me to say celebrate my life for what i did on the fie field, for what i did in the community. >> that is jeff fisher. mcnair will be remembered at a memorial service thursday in tennessee. the ravens two players will speak. >> it is 5:25. 63 degrees on tv hill. in the next half hour of "11 news today" -- >> the two teens found on light rail tracks in baltimore county have been identified and there has been headway with the investigation. details are next.
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>> president obama meets with russia's prime minister today and lays out to students his vision of u.s.-russian cooperation was i will have that coming up. >> we are in storer another high pressure day. the sun will be up shortly. i have the details. >> still pretty quiet on the area roads. we will get you ready for the morning commute and let you know about a new ramp
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>> good morning, everybody. welcome back to "11 news today." i'm stan stovall. >> i'm mindy basara. we are going to check of weather and traffic together and start with weather. >> we want to be near you. >> we want to box you in. weatherwise, if you liked yesterday you will like today. the main thing is the humidity,
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absence thereof. it feels more like the spring without the moisture in the air. so, only about a 10% chance of isolated thunderstorm. any time in july and you have a 10% chance of isolated thunderstorm that is good. showers to the south over the carolinas. right now 59 in downtown. 60 at the airport and 68 on the eastern shore. before it is over, it looks like mid to upper 80's again. benchmark is 87 for july 7. we are on target to hit it and a front will affect us in the middle part of the week. so, we will be cooler. highs in the 70's by thursday. >> no complaints. >> traffic is looking pretty good so far this morning. we have a new ramp opening so if i had an icon with fireworks we would probably use it. outer loop southbound 95 hopefully it will alleviate some of the flow out of white marsh. that is when it gets


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