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tv   11 News Today  NBC  July 6, 2009 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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that's the subject of our "watercooler question of the day." >> and how long can we keep this streak of mild, sunny, july weather continuing? how about forever? the insta-weather plus forecast as 11 news today continues right now. [captioning made possible by constellation energy] captioned by the national captioning institute -- -- >> good morning. i'm mindy basara. >> and i'm stan stovall. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> we'll get to the big story in a minute. let's get a check of the forecast. can we live like this forever? >> at least this week. i think we earned it. we had a washout over the spring. we're still four inches above normal for the year. we're looking at the showers now confined to our south over the carolinas and virginia. nothing over maryland right now. clear scan. it looks like we're going to see mostly sunny skies today. that will warm the temperatures up. we're much cooler than normal. 66 downtown.
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out of the airport where our official measurements are taken it's only 58 degrees. so up to 87 today, right where we should be, under mostly sunny skies. a nice reason to try to get up out of bed this morning. i know it's difficult after the fourth weekend. let's look at traffic now with sarah. >> i think some people might still be on vacation. we're not seeing a whole lot in the way of volume. a nice ride. but we do have a delay developing southbound 95 just passed the beltway. this is due to a disabled vehicle. that is now clear. so hopefully that delay will start to filter out. not seeing a lot in terms of delays. light volume on the west side. 62 miles per hour to 63. nothing really happening as far as delays or incidents. 95 just south of the beltway northeast. you can see the delay is already starting to dissipate. the sun glare could become a factor. as we check the north side, looking good. going away from us in the inner loop, problem-free as well on the j.f.x. that's the latest on traffic pulse 11. over to you. >> good morning. >> our big story a teenager
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remains in shock trauma as police continue to investigate the circumstances that let him and -- led him and a friend found on the tracks. >> jennifer franciotti live at shock trauma this morning with that story. >> good morning. the boys are only being identified as teenage boys. one that's here in shock trauma is in critical condition. their bodies were discovered lying on tracks not far from the lutherville train station sunday afternoon. it was an m.t.a. worker that made that discovery about 100 yards south of the lutherville station. a spokesperson for the m.t.a. says it doesn't appear the teens had been passengers. and none of the conductors reported seeing anything or hitting anything. >> as you may expect, we are inspecting every one of our trains to see if there's any hint of an accident or collision or coming into contact with a human. that would easily show. >> and the nature of the industries haven't been revealed. right now the m.t.a. is asking anyone with information to
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please give them a call. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. police in tennessee ruled former ravens quarterback steve mcnair's death over the weekend a homicide. but they have yet to say who killed him. mcnair was found shot multitell piems saturday afternoon by a friend who shared mcnair's nashville condo. police have yet to determine the nature of the death of mcnair's friend, 20-year-old sahel kazemi. she was found with a single gunshot wound to the head. the former waitress' family says kazemi had been dating the married football star for several months. >> she was happy with him. she said that he was getting divorced very soon about two weeks ago. they were going to move in together. >> so far police have yet to call the double shooting a murder-suicide but say all scenarios are on the table. >> new this morning, baltimore city police say they have arrested two people after a double stabbing overnight. it happened around 1:50 this
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morning. police say a group of people were leaving a club when an argument broke out and a fight ensued. we're told a male victim received a cut to his arm all of second male victim was more seriously wounded after being cut on the throat. that person was taken to the hospital and is listed in critical but stable condition. charging documents shed new light into the shooting of a 5-year-old in south baltimore this weekend. the suspect, 17-year-old lamont davis, now charged as an adult for shooting the girl and a teenager he was fighting with. charging documents show the little girl was walking on south pulasky street friday when she was caught in the crossfire and shot in the head by a stray shot. she remains on life support. >> a 19-year-old man is in critical condition after being stabbed shortly after the downtown fourth of july fireworks wrapped up. police say 33-year-old derrick thornton got into a fight with a group of people here at the intersection. when the fight broke out two people were injured. the 19-year-old and a juvenile. >> we had a 14-year-old male who
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sustained a superficial cut wound or knife wound to the chest. he was transported to hopkins hospital. he was very uncooperative with police. at this point we don't really know much about what caused the fight. >> police have yet to file charges in the cutting of the 14-year-old. those weren't the only injuries stemming from the weekend's fourth of july celebrations. state fire marshals report a string of fireworks related injuries in harford county. first incident involved a 43-year-old man. he was badly burned after fireworks ignited in his face. the other happened in edgewood. the 23-year-old suffered burns to his leg and face. both victims were taken to shock trauma. in aberdeen, fire crews were called to put out an apartment fire that was sparked when an errant fire work landed on an awning. fortunately no injuries there. in all, fire marshals confiscated more than 50 pounds of illegal fire works saturday night. >> president obama begins talks with russia's president in moscow.
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there is word the two will announce progress on arms control. nbc's brook hart is in washington with more. >> president obama sat down with russia media he said what he hopes to communicate today to russia's president medvedev and its people. >> both nuclear powers. with that come special responsibility that are very different from positions of many other countries around the world. >> u.s. officials confirm today the two leaders will announce progress on arms control, specifically cutting the number of nuclear warheads, securing nuclear materiel has been a priority for both countries. >> we know that people are trying to get their hands on this materiel. we get it through our intelligence community. >> but issues remain in replacing the arms control treaty that expires this december. russia wants the u.s. to scrap plans for a missile defense
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system in eastern europe, something russians see with suspicion. >> we have areas of differences. missile defense is a big one. >> americans, too, have become more weary of russia. just 29% see russia as an ally compared to 52% seven years ago. the shift came as former president putin forged closer ties with iran's ahmadinejad and resisted pressure on nato expansion. as president obama received a personal take on a tradition russian doll, he says he wants to reset the u.s.-russian relationship. just last week russia offered its airspace to flights of u.s. troops and weapons into afghanistan. the president hopes the issue of arms control helps open more agreement elsewhere. after moscow he heads to italy where he'll have an audience with the pope. then it's to ghana in africa. in washington, brook hart, wbal news. , meanwhile, political -- >> meanwhile, political analysts are still trying to figure out
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if the resignation of sarah palin will help her political future o or end it. she announced she would be leaving office after just two and a half years into her first term. palin posted on her facebook page that she was leaving to answer a higher calling. but fellow republicans wonder if she's just joined the ranks of several high-rank republicans who recently flamed out on the public stage. it is not clear what her strategy here is. by exiting governorship two and a half years through the term and putting herself on the national stage that she may not yet be prepared to operate in. >> a disaster for her both in the sense she is coherent in articulating what it is, why she was quitting, and, a what she wanted to do with it. >> papalin's resignation takes effect july 26. she still stands to make millions of dollars through a recent book deal and upcoming speaking engagements. that brings us to our "watercooler question of the day." do you think governor sarah palin's resignation will help or hurt her political future?
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email your response to >> more legal trouble for former washington, d.c., mayor marion barry. this time the d.c. councilman is charged with misdemeanor stalking after a woman flagged down a park police officer saturday, told him barry was following her. the spokesperson says the woman is a long-time friend of barry's who for some reason turned on him. barry was released and is expected to appear in court later this week. >> 6:09. coming up, the mrng's financial news in the "bloomberg business report." >> also ahead, echoes of a july uprising in tiananmen square. hundreds of protests. >> and a death at disney world as two mono did rail trains -- monorail trains collide. >> showers to our south but a pleasant and cool start around baltimore. i've got your extended forecast coming up. >> the delays dissipated on 95 after a disabled vehicle was cleared. we'll let you know if any
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volume-related delays have fallen into
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>> live at 695, green spring. a few degrees cooler. a nice start. plenty of sun out there. we're going to see mostly sunny skies today in contrast to the carolina and virginia where they've seen showers and thunderstorms. a nice clear, dry swath over our neck of the woods. high pressure is going to dictate our weather pattern meaning beautiful conditions. lower humidity and near normal daytime high. 66 downtown. at the airport we're look at 59 degrees. 55 in york, pennsylvania. yes, the calendar is right, it is july 6. this is much cooler than normal. we are going to see an increase in temperatures.
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up to where we should be, about 87. it's going to feel better than that simply because these dew points are incredibly low for this time of the year. upper 60's for a july morning. soupy, balmy. a lot of moisture. we're only in the up tore mid 50's. humidity not a factor. even the mountains is going to be beautiful. 82 degrees. mostly sunny skies. we head toward central maryland. looks like a high of 87. again, 87 is our benchmark. it's a typical high for b.w.i. marshall. 83 your forecast high. high u.v. index. that will apply to today as well. today's variable, five to 10 knots. waves a foot or less. water temperatures still hovering in the 70's. our air temperature, believe it or not, only 77 degrees. we saw a few more clouds come through the area yesterday. more sun today. 62 is how we began things. both case bees low normal.
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10 degrees below normal for a high yesterday. should be 87. today we will make it up there. 65 our average low. 101 set back in 1999. on july 6, 1979, 51 set as the record low. tonight's forecast, stars will be twinkling. there's a beautiful full moon this morning. looks awesome. 62 outlying areas. 68 downtown with winds light and out of the southwest. here's what we had in place. there is a stalled frontal boundary to our south. low pressure percolating below that. that's bringing showers and storms to our south. high pressure will continue to build in for the west that will dominate things for us today. a weak front will move through tomorrow. then it will fall out to our south. maybe we'll scrape out an isolated shower tomorrow. it's not likely. for the most part we're going to remain dry with minimal chances wednesday and thursday. some pop-up afternoon thunderstorms. by midweek we're well below normal temperature-wise again for a more humid weekend next weekend with better shots of
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showers. >> thanks and good morning. if you decide to wait until this morning to come back from the beach, good news. it's looking good. check the bay bridge. problem-free leading up to it as well. if you are doing that, a nice plan this morning. no problems to report as you check the north side there. 61 miles per hour. your speed sensor, same on the j.f.x. if you're heading out this morning on the west side, equally smooth at this hour. no problems to report on the harrisburg expressway. 795, i-70, 295. all of those major roads looking good. traffic is picking up but not enough to create any delays. we'll switch over to a live view of 95 right as you make your approach to the 895 split just south of the beltway. looking good there as well. we had earlier delays but those have cleared up. that's the latest. over to you. >> thank you. taking a look at some of our top stories, a peaceful protest that apparently spun out of control has reportedly left 140 people
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dead, more than 800 others injured in china. the news agency says the demonstration began with thousands of members of a muslim group. hundreds of vehicles and houses were reportedly attacked and barricades overturned. it's the deadliest incident in that province in decades. honorable dura's president is still -- honorable dura's president is still waiting to return to his country. his jet was trying to return but military vehicles were block the runways forcing the plane to put down, instead in el salvador. military officials have been running the country for more than a week now since staging a coup. if the president does return, officials say they will try him for treason. officials at walt disney world plan to re-open the monorail system today. park officials say two monorail trains collided in the magic kingdom section around 2:00 a.m. sunday morning. officials confirm a 21-year-old conductor was killed when the
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train's cockpit was crushed in the force of the crash. five passengers were treated for injuries. authorities still aren't sure what caused the crash. >> in this morning's "consumer alert," the fast track deal to get general motors out of bankruptcy has gotten the go-ahead from a bankruptcy judge. the plan allows g.m. to sell most of its assets to a new company that's getting out from beneath some of its debt obligations. g.m. and officials are urging a quick approval say it's necessary to keep the auto maker from selling itself off piece by piece. there's a new program that could help those of you repaying student loans. it's called income-based repayment. now anyone who has a federal student loan can apply to cap their monthly payments based on income. the department of education program forgives remaining balances after 25 years. those in public service could have their loans forgiven after 10 years in some cases students will be better off by repaying
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their loans faster. 11 news reporter michelle steele takes a closer look at that deal in the "bloomberg business report." >> good morning. a bankruptcy judge granting general motors approval to sell the majority of its assets to a new company backed by treasury department. the judge calling the sale the only option to save the struggling automaker. under the deal the u.s. government gets a 60% stake of the new g.m. the treasury department telling bloomberg -- [inaudible] wall street hoping for a silver lining. u.s. service industry, retail, home builders contracting after a slow pace since september. however, reports say there's a sign the recession is easing. the longest losing streak since
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march following concerns job cuts may prolong the recession. the bloomberg maryland index falling. we're also watching baltimore-based t. rowe price. that is your business news at the new york stock exchange. i'm michelle steele, bloomberg news reporting for wbal-tv 11 news. >> later this year the c.d.c. is expected to release new data on autism. one howard county mother and her friends are well aware of how common the disorder is becoming. cy. of their children have it and now she wants answers. >> farmers will tell you the diagnosis of awe six raise a lot of questions, including where did this come from? what happens when you find out your close friends from the very same neighborhood are asking the very same questions? >> when stephanie received a letter from an old friend, it was both comforting and alarming.
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not only was stephanie raising the questions of autism, so were other moms. >> not only are her two boys struggling rt but my son as autism. another neighbor and her son two doors down had autism. and still another mom, found out there is another family with two boys. >> six boys under the age of 8 and a seventh is being evaluated what is the cause? and is there a common denominator? tonight at 11:00, what the families think happened on that street and how come no one wants to investigate it. for the 11 news i-team, i'm deborah weiner. >> 6:20. 61 degrees. another check on weather and traffic is straight ahead. >> also, the foarlz continue to take their ball games all the way down to the wire. did they wind up on the right side of the scoreboard against the angels? keith mills has highlights coming up. >> don't forget to e-mail your answer to the "watercooler question of the day." do you think governor sarah palin's resignation helps or
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hurts her political future? email your response to (announcer) people are learning to lose weight and keep it off with alli. food was always my comfort for whatever happened to be going on in my life. i have been taking alli for ten months and i have lost 75 pounds so far. it doesn't do it for you. it works with you to take
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some of the fat you eat out of your system. you can still eat all of your favorite foods, but you can learn how to eat them. it's been a really long time since i actually looked into the mirror and liked what i saw. it really, truly has changed my entire life. (announcer) start losing weight today. alli.
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>> good morning. it's a nice one so far some. debris that we're learning about on the west side right on the southwest corner of the outer loop. we're pointing it out as you make your approach will otherwise still up to speed. i-70 toward the beltway still a smooth ride. checking drive times. 11 minutes on outer loop west side. 11-minute ride as well on the
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outer loop. about 13 minutes on southbound 95 to get from the 895 split. a nice ride there as well. here's a look at the southwest corner just prior to this. moving well at least here. we'll switch over to a live view of traffic in the white marsh area where we are picking up in volume, getting close to some delays. that's latest on traffic pulse 11. over to you. >> thanks, sarah. adds we look at our water vapor imagery, it is telling the tale of what's going on. we see a nice dry swath over the mid-atlantic. baltimore specifically. high pressure will be building in. there's a stalled frontal bowntry to the south over virginia and north carolina this morning. we're seeing showers and storms. they will remain well to our south. we will see mostly sunny skies today. right now a cool start. consider the calendar date. it is july 6, 55 degrees in york, pennsylvania. that's more of a march type of reading. 59 at the airport. 66 downtown. 84 to 88 before it's all over. 87 is our normal high.
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we're right on target to hit our benchmark for today. seasonable. feels better because of that light northwesterly flow. sewn joy. i think you're going to like the rest of the weekend as well. >> and the orioles with a dry sloth when it comes to winning games the last couple of weeks. the birds in seattle this morning to open a three-game set with the mariners tonight. adam jones named to the american league all-star team. the orioles lost again to the angels. but it started out well. brian roberts off joe saunders. first batter of the game. first of three r.b.i.'s. 1-0 orioles. in the sixth it was tied. starting to drive the ball all over the ballpark, drives one opposite field. his third home run. 7-6 orioles. the bullpen can't get it done. he walks juan rivera.
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walks in another run. 9-6, the angels win it. the orioles in seattle. roger federer winning again at wimbledon. roddick and federer an absolute classic. federer trying to pass pete sampras with the 15 grand slam championship. first set federer serving far court wins when roddick hits it wide, 7-5 federer. roddick far court. back in and breaks federer's serve, dead even 2-2. the final set took 30 games. that's 30 games. that's like a -- finished at that point. then match point, four hours, 16 minutes after it started. it ends on a mis-hit of all things. grand slam number 15 in the books for federer. he wins the final set 16-14. tiger woods won his tournament. again, interesting question. who is the most dominant?
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tiger or federer? >> that's a tough question. i thought about it. >> what's your answer? >> for the sake of diplomacy, they're both very good. [laughing] no. they're at the top of their game. what can you say? >> people around here would say tiger because they're more familiar. what federer has done is incredible. >> is that the longest match? >> not the longest. there's a five-hour match. but that was engaging. >> 6:27. 61 degrees. there's much more ahead in the next half-hour of 11 news today. >> one teenager is dead, another critically injured. now the m.t.a. wants to know why they were on light rail tracks in baltimore county in the first place. details are next. >> looking at a nice ride as you
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head out. not a whole lot happening. we'll update you on your morning commute coming up. >> and there are things happening on h.d. doppler, just not where we live. good news. mostly sunny today. i've got your extended forecast as well, coming up. >> plans in place for tomorrow's celebration and memorial for michael jackson. find out how some fans are getting the chance to take part. >> and a look at the winning maryland lottery numbers.
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>> good morning. welcome back. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thank you for joining us. sandra shaw has a quick look at today's forecast. >> think you're going to like it. a high near 87. a cool start. 66 downtown. 59 out at b.w.i. marshall. we should be 65. 55 in york, pennsylvania. there you see it. plenty of sun. beautiful for the start of this workweek. i've got your seven-day. >> thank you. one seen it dead, another in critical condition. they were found on the light
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rail tracks in lutherville. >> 11 news reporter jennifer franciotti joins us live from shock trauma with more. including why it's still a bigamistry as to whether the boys were hit by a train. >> you're right, nature has not been revealed. but it was sunday afternoon when an m.t.a. worker knead discovery on tracks not far from the lutherville train station. the light rail system was ground to a halt after an m.t.a. worker made a grewsome discovery. >> about 3:15, one of our inspectors found two bodies. the two males have only been described as being in their late teens were found lying between the two rails south of the lutherville train station. >> we are fairly confident they were not passengers. we just don't know what circumstances led them to laying on the track.
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>> both teens were in critical condition. one of them died a short time later. none of the conductors reported seeing or striking anything. >> we are inspecting every one of our trains to see if there is any hint of an accident or a collision or coming into contact with a human, because, you know that would easily show. >> we heard this big thump but we didn't know what was going on. so the train stopped. i asked the driver what was the problem. he just pretty much said, well, you know, there's just something wrong with the circuit breaker but he wouldn't tell us whether or not somebody was hit or not. >> m.t.a. officials say this is still a very accountive investigation. they are asking anyone with information is urged to give them a call. live in shock trauma, jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> two people are dead after a fire ripped through a nome prince george's county. firefighters say they tried to get inside the home saturday night after hearing people were inside but say the heavy flames
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forced them away. officials later recovered two bodies. it took crews about 45 minutes to get the fire under control. >> last week's church fire certainly didn't extinguish the commitment of the congregation after a lightning strike damaged the steeple of the church and surrounding structure. services were moved to the pier 6 concert pavilion. plans to repair the church are underway. church leaders say it's not the location of the congregation that matters. >> wherever we go that's where the power of god is, the peace of god. so we're committed to remaining positive and focusing, staying in touch with our members and keeping them positive so that we can stay on path. >> no word on the church's plans for next week's church services. >> thousands of michael jackson fans are finding out if they are the lucky ones who are invited to attend tomorrow's public memorial. e-mail noticeses are being sent as more than a million fans
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submitted their names for a lottery drawing for the 17,000 available tickets. some will get a seat at the tapele center, others an adjoining theater for a simulcast. meanwhile, jackson's family is planning a private ceremony. that could happen as early as this evening. >> he spent two of his 13 years in baltimore but in that short time former ravens quarterback steve mcnair made quite an impression on fans and teammates. pete girl bert has more on his death -- gilbert has more. >> steve mcnair's debut with the ravens while not spectacular proved a sign of things to come. he offered the quarterback play, something new to these parts. mcnair's home opener again not lighting up the record books but his enthusiasm and solid record let fans know this season would be different. the magic at quarterback that lacked for so long came to light. he rallied the ravens from 11 down, including a drive to set
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up the game-winning field goal. next week, the same thing only this time against one of these premiere teams in the nfl. air mcnair marched the ravens down the field against the san diego chargers. the game-winning touchdown with 43 ticks left. how many times had fans felt the thrill of watching their offense lead the charge? this was something new. mcnair didn't always just manage a game. in kansas city he threw for 283 yards and this touchdown. he also led the way, the last time the ravens celebrated victory in pittsburgh, a 31-7 win. but his greatest moment unquestionably arose from his return to tennessee. one time down 26-7, those in nashville knew he wasn't done. mcnair racked up 373 yards, throwing the ball 47 times and the game-winning touchdown. to his aid, teammates. defeating the team that cast him off on their turf. >> if can you have 11 guys that
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wore number nine on the field, you know, you were winning a whole bunch of games. >> steve mcnair's final game in nashville gave him the chance to say goodbye to his fans in tennessee and gave the ravens their most improbable victory of the year. >> checking on your morning commute. if you delayed your departure from the beach until this morning, it's really nice out there it is picking up in volume just a bit in spots but a pretty smooth ride on the harrisburg expressway. checking speed sensors, 57 miles per hour. nothing major on the west side, even with the debris. watch fohoward county no proble7 to 100. wilkens avenue, with that debris, problem-free heading through the southwest corner of
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the beltway. a live view of the white marsh area, that's where we're starting to look a bit heavier. we'll let you know. that's the latest on traiic pulse 11. now we check in with sandra. >> and we're looking at a gorgeous forecast for the start of our workweek. mostly sunny skies. 84 to 88. 87 is normal for july 6. we're right within that range. it's going to feel less humid than is typical. sewn joy it. nice northwesterly flow at five to 10 miles an hour. for tomorrow it looks like 86 degrees. the slightest chance of an isolated shower. the front stalling to our south. maybe some pop-up thunderstorms. and cooler temperatures wednesday through friday as well. hiewmentdy and heat returns in time for the weekend. back to you. >> thank you. 6:37. 62 degrees on tv hill. coming up, after this wild race -- there you go, husbands have a new reason to tell their wives to get off their back. we'll explain. >> i'm nikole killion in washington. president obama makes his first
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trip to russia. i'll tell you more about his trip today, coming up. >> and we're still taking your answers to our "watercooler question of the day." do you think alaska governor sarah palin's resignation helps or hurts her political future? email your response to
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>> a pair of california sea lions are making a splash in germany. these month-old cubs made their public debut over the weekend. visitors crowded around. the male might become a problem for them. he's 2 to 3 years old.
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the cub's father will make it clear he's the herd leader and may force him out. not exactly seabiscuit versus man of war but this water buffalo race is quite the event in thailand. it was originally intended ans act of praise to the water buffalo that thais believed brought about good harvest for local farmers. >> there's no saddle. ouch. >> wow. >> to word whether they'll saddle them up anytime soon. >> as soohappy to have his wifes back and take on the prize. they are the winning contestants in the annual world wife carrying championship. his husband carries his spouse around an obstacle course. 36 competitors from 13 different countries took part. the event gained international attention and attracts as many as 10,000 spectators every year. my husband and i would be very good at that. because of the size difference.
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he's a big guy and i'm tiny. i want to train. >> starting tomorrow. 6:41. 62 degrees. coming up, a look at the morning's headlines. >> as far as your morning commute a nice one. we'll get you up to date on the bit of a delay on 95. >> and we're going to see plenty of sun today. nice temperature highs minus the humidity. i have your extended forecast just ahead the right now it's 66. 59 at the harbor. 93% relative humidity.
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we've all heard about the trouble in the housing industry. the fact is, with all the talk of a national real estate market, your town, your neighborhood, your home, or the home you'd like to buy, are each unique. the national conversation may not apply at all. if you've been worrying about what your property may be worth, or wondering if your dream home may finally be affordable, ask a re/max agent or go to nobody sells more real estate than re/max.
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>> welcome back. it's 6:44. detectives in nashville say former baltimore ravens and tennessee titan quarterback steve mcnair was a victim of murder over the weekend but haven't said who killed him or why. mcnair and 20-year-old sahel kazemi were found shot to death in mcnair's condo saturday. kazemi, a waitress whom her
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family said had been dating the married nfl star for months was found with a single gunshot wound to the head. police have not ruled her death a murder or suicide. police say 33-year-old derrick thornton got into a fight with a group of people around 10:30 herein near the intersection of baltimore and charles street. two people were injured. the 19-year-old and a juvenile. thornton is charged with attempted murder. political analysts are still trying to figure out whether the sudden resignation of alaska governor sarah palin will help her political future or end it. the alaskan republican stun misdemeanor on friday when she announced she would be leaving office two and a half years into her first term in office. yesterday palin posted on her facebook page that she was leaving to answer a higher calling. she'll hand over power july 26. >> that brings to us your answers to our "watercooler question of the day." >> we asked, do you think governor sarah palin's resignation helped or hurt her political future. >> dan writes, as a republican,
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i'm hoping she's not attempting to advance her national political career this resignation can only make her appear as a quitter and one who doesn't have the tenacity to fight for her constituents. the republican party may be redefining itself but i'm hopeful she's not part of that answer. >> in the world of politics, palin's resignation sin significant. nothing ever really changes in state or national pleks. what i have a problem with iser being a quitter. i don't have respect for quitters. palin had a moral to the citizens of alaska. >> "i think her political career is over. no one wants to vote for a senator who quits in the middle of her term no apparently no reason." we'll post more answers on the front page of our website, president obama begins a week-long trip overseas today. his first stop, russia. he arrived less than an hour ago in moscow where he'll meet with the russian president.
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11 news washington bureau reporter nikole killion joins us live with that story. good morning. >> good morning. the meeting set to take place momentarily. after years of strained relations, both leaders are hoping to make progress on several fronts. and a senior u.s. official seas -- says that includes a deal which could be announced today on nuclear arms. president barack obama arrives in russia today with a key objective, to reset relations with the soviet nation. as he sits down with russian president medvedev this morning, he tells a russian newspaper "i believe americans and russians have many common interests, interests that our governments recently have not pursued as actively as we could have." >> both presidents have an interest in having the relationship improve. the problem is there are still mower issues -- core issues. >> one of the core issues to resolve, arms control. according to u.s. and russian officials both leaders are poised to sign an agreement to reduce their nuclear warheads. >> we are seriously interested
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in cutting the offensive nuclear arsenals if that is possible. >> deep divisions remain over a controversial missile defense system. and there are still rifts following the conflict last year between russia and georgia. there's also the issue of iran. >> the russians don't control what goes on in iran anymore than we do. we have to be careful not to expect the russians to do something we can't deliver on. >> russia's president says he's hopeful for a new chapter in cooperation. we expect to hear more from both leaders later this morning in a news conference. >> just out of curiosity, will the president be meeting any of russia's former presidents while he's there? >> he is. it should be interesting. in in ition to medvedev, president obama will be meeting with former president gorbachev and putin. it's that putin meeting that is drawing attention. in an interview prior to this trip president obama kind of criticized him saying he had one foot in the old way of doing
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business and that the cold war approach to u.s.-russia relations is outdated. putin had a response for that saying that we always look into the future. >> would like to be a fly on wawt for that meeting. >> might be tomorrow. >> live from washington. thanks. >> you bet. >> good morning. checking on your morning commute. we're lucking out so far on the major roadways. not dealing with anything significant. we have a bit of a delay. southbound i-95. you can see the yellow there in the white marsh area. the rest of the speed sensors still up to speed. just check the harrisburg expressway in the area of middletown that continues to move well. no problems on 895. eastbound i-70. a nice ride towards the beltway. let's give you a look at a couple of spots. you can see how light it is toward edmondson. not even the beginning of the delay. let's switch over to a live view of where it is. that's the latest on traffic
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pulse 11. sandra, over to you. >> gorgeous. you might be stuck in traffic but there's plenty of sun out there. it feels nice. a cooler than normal start. humidity will be at bay. our temperature will soar into the mid 80's. we see some activity to our south. showers and thunderstorms over virginia and the carolinas. there's a front that stalled to our south. we are getting a reprevious from that as high pressure will dominate our landscape for today. that will make for a nice afternoon after a chilly start. only 55. especially when you put it into perspective. york is at 55. 57 westminster. a little better. but 59 at b.w.i. marshall. what's our normal? 65. we're below that as we begin this morning. a pleasant day out there. it looks like the dew points are going to remain low throughout today. mid 60's. more in line with what is typical. however this dry air will continue to stay around us all week long. we're going to be hard-pressed
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to squeeze out any showers or thunderstorms despite the fact that a front will move through tomorrow. 829 forecast high. wonderful for activities that might be he ha headed to. 87, baltimore. our benchmark for normalcy this day. as we look at the shore, 83-degree reading. more of a sea breeze this afternoon. that will keep the temperatures a little at bay. a high u.v. index added into the mix. winds raw today. one foot or less. the water temperatures remain in the 70's. 101. another triple digit record high, not out of the norm. 1999. that was set. on july 6, 1979, a 51-degree record low. as far as our low goes tonight, looks like 62 in our outlying areas. still cooler than normal. maybe 68 downtown under beautiful, clear skies. so little stalled front will stay to our south as low pressure remains to the south.
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high pressure will build in throughout today. a weak cold front will approach from the west tomorrow and then stall out to our south. that translates into cooler temperatures by the middle part of the week. maybe an isolated thunderstorm tomorrow. doubtful. 86 our forecast high. 76 and 81 respectively wednesday through friday with minimal chances of thunderstorms. looks like a great week ahead. saturday and sunday we're returning to the humidity. >> thank you. coming up today on "oprah," as part of "oprah"'s "best life" seaseries what to do when you've fallen off the wagon. if you have fallen off the weight wagon like oprah has, you can get back on. first, for a look at what's next on "the today show," here's meredith viera. >> good morning. coming up on a monday morning on "today," preparations for michael jackson's public memorial service. just over 17,000 fans will be allowed in but hundreds of thousands may show up.
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we are live with more on that and the investigation into jackson's death. then the search to catch a suspected serial killer in south carolina. five people murdered in just over a week. we'll get the latest from police. plus sarah palin's high-stakes gamble. was her decision to resign as governor the right or the wrong move? and michael jackson's unheard new music. exclusive insights on his collaborator akon. that's when we get started on "today." >> it's 6:53, 63 degrees. >> just ahead, another look at weather and traffic together. stay with us.
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>> heading back from the beach? >> if you waited to come back until this morning, it was a good plan. yesterday was a mess. hectic everywhere. right now we're look at speed sensors. not indicate anything delays. the only delay is out of the white marsh area. everything moving well across the bay bridge. just check conditions there. 12 minutes your drive time. 11 minutes on the northeast
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outer loop. let's give you a live view of traffic. looks like the harrisburg expressway running smoothly at this hour. we'll switch over to where our one delay is. >> after a mild first week of july, temperatures spike up a little bit. >> for a couple of days. then we're milder and cooler than normal once again. got news is all week long the humidity will be kept at bay. even though we're going to be up to 87, it looks like humidity will not be a factor. that's a reprieve for july. beautiful, most lynn sunny. mamostly sunny. even a 76 coming in again on thursday. yesterday we were 77 degrees. >> nice. >> pretty nice for july. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> a live update at 7:25. >> have a great day.
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