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tv   11 News at 11  NBC  July 5, 2009 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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lutherville station. we a report where the surviving teen is treated. >> this happened between the lutherville station and falls station. and one teen is here in shock trauma in critical condition. the light rail system came to a screeching stop on sunday after a worker made a discovery. at about 3:30, two bodies were found on the south trail track. the teens were found about 100 yards south of the lutherville train station. >> we feel they were not passengers, but don't know why on the track. >> one teen died a short time
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later. none of the conductors saw anything. they hope that the trains off up some clues. >> we expect every train to let us know of a hit or in contact with a human. >> this man was riding the train when they saw the teens. >> we heard a thump, and we didn't know what went on. so i asked the driver what was the problem. and he said if there was something wrong with the circuit breakers. >> others say they see others use the track as a short cut. but don't know if that's the case. >> yeah, i have but i tell them not to do it. >> i am not surprised, it's bound to help, as children and
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adults go back and forth. >> officials say they are still investigating this case. and asking anyone who may have seen something to give them a call. here at shock trauma. >> police in nashville, tennessee, say that steve mcnair 's shot and death and to hear about his girlfriend. >> she was happy with him. said that he was getting a divorce and they were going to move in. >> mcnair was dating sahel kazemi, mcnair was shot twice in the head and chest. his death is ruled as a homicide. sahel's death has not been
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classified . >> all deaths are on the table, as we look at results from the medical examiner's office. >> mcnair leaves behind a wife and four sons, the police do not believe that his wife is involved in the death. looking at the ravens, we have continuing coverage on the website and for reaction, and for mcnair's retirement. you can log to our website. there is the charge of a teen shot in a five-year-old girl. her name, raven is on life support. the girl was walking when shot in the head.
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baltimore police commissioner call teens like this maniac, they continue to pray for raven. with a shot last night, around 10:30 during the fourth of july celebration. an officer on foot patrol said that a group of teens were fighting, and then he found a 19-year-old on the ground bleeding. those were charged with his murder. >> we had a 14-year-old that had a cut wound to his chest. he was transferred and he was uncooperative with police. we don't know what caused the fight. >> no charges filed in the juvenile's attack. it was a change in venue after a building caught fire this
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week, parishioners moved into a facility, parts of the church was damaged before the steeple was hit and caught on fire. >> where we go, is where the peace of god and power of god. and we are stay focused with our members, and keep them positive to stay on task. >> no word on bethel's plans for next week's services. fires have claimed the lives of two people in prince george county. trying to get inside, the heavy flames forced them away. they uncovered two bodies. >> i heard yelling and sirens,
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and thought i heard two gun shots. it may have been fire works. but we got up and saw flames and a big yellow light. >> it took crews 45 minutes to get the flames undercontrol. with two bodies recovered. last night there were three incidents of illegal fireworks. one man was treated for damage to his face. and fire marshals report confiscating 50 pounds of illegal fireworks through the night. >> pretty good day today. we had clouds we didn't have yesterday. but still nice.
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all the rain to the south in scatter showers. and the clouds are slipping south and we have clear skies. the clouds brought the temperatures down, 77 at the airport. lower eastern shore and southern maryland got a few showers. what is up for the week ahead? maybe changes and talk about that in the forecast coming up. >> former washington, d.c. mayor, marion barry is in hot water again. he was arrested after a woman claimed he was stalking her. >> councilmember barry is no stalker. instead he's someone who lended his hand to assist and in the end has come back to bite him. >> a spokeswoman for marian barry says he's innocent of
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charges against him of stalking. >> this is our hope that charges of barry will be dropped or the truth of the matter will prevail in the court of law. >> the accuser is donna wats and she worked with him on the campaign. and barry said that mrs. watts has helped him over the years. >> never did mr. barry feel this would be an outcome. the best word that describes him is betray. in anacostia park, indicated that barry was stalking her. how the two came together is
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unknown. >> mr. barry was transported to the substation and after questioning and in consultation, a misdemeanor of stalking was charged. >> mr. barry was released on his own recognizant. this is a string of illegal troubles for mr. barry who is on probation for not filing taxes on time. >> in his third term of mayor, he was arrested for smoking crack cocaine but re-elected. fourth of july nightmare after bridge collapses and hear why it may have collapsed. and the former leader of honduras unable to return to
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his country. what happened and when he will return. >> plans for a public memorial and private funeral continue for michael jackson.
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>> well good news for investigators trying to figure out the cause of tuesday's plane crash. they have now located the black box recorders. the plane took off in capital of kamarus. this is the second air bus to go down in a month. it was a no-go for ousted
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president zelaya that was trying to return to hond dur as. trying to lands, it was blocked by military officials. if returned he is for treason. he is in el salvador and trying to return. disney had two trains collide in the magic kingdom around 2 this morning. officials claim that an n employee was killed. >> dozens claim that a bridge they were crossing collapsed. >> the bridge was shaking and
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then collapsed. it was underwater. >> the bridge gave way in maryland, they pulled 50 people from the lake. the bridge was made to hold 40. twice that many were on it when it collapsed. later this year the c.d.c. is expected to release new data on the prevalence of autism. one family knows how prevalent, six of their children have it, in the same neighborhood. when stephanie received a letter from an old friend, it was comforting and alarming. not only stephanie raising a child with autism, but so were a number of other moms, all from the same neighborhood. >> not only we are struggling
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and another mom has autism. and through another mom, found another mom. >> six boys under the age of eight, and a seventh is being evaluated. what is the cause? is there a common denominator? >> why is it that no one wants to investigate. we have an i-team investigation. there are huge crowds of michael jackson memorial. and many are finding out if they are on the list. >> as crews continue to work at the staple's center, los angeles police are preparing for one million people to pour into the city. part of that plan is altering buses downtown and to the arena.
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>> anyone who doesn't have the proper credentials or not have tickets, will not be allowed in the zone. those who think they can come out and get in, that won't happen. >> those who will get a seat inside the memorial and a simulcast find out tonight, winners in the lottery are finding out by e-mail. they will show up at several locations to pick up wrist bands for tuesday's memorial. already there are scalpers on ebay about the tickets, already at $20,000. >> there is a lot we don't know what will happen at the memorial. this is a major challenge to put together thousands of
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celebrities and regular people. all coming together on tuesday to honor michael jackson. and say one last good-bye. >> as plans continue for the public memorial and a private service, so is -- so does the investigation. they want to talk to doctors to figure out if prescription drugs played a role in jackson's death. >> now your 11 forecast. >> that was a close called it -- call today as far as rain, and now it's south of virginia beach. but the skies are clearing and this is pulling out of the picture.
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setting a stage to a good start of the workweek. in the past 15 days we have had just under a half inch of rainfall. we are beginning to dry out, we are roughly an inch short of the average for that 15-day total. it wouldn't be totally bad to get a rain, but not in the forecast. temperatures have dropped to the 60's, on the board walk in ocean city, it's 72. and 64 in westminster. here are the clouds slipping to the north. a lot of sun in pennsylvania. but we had the thin clouds overhead, and from the south we have warmer air from the cooler air in the north. and the rain stayed south, it wasn't significant at all.
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in this warm humid air, a lot of heat. in many towns in east texas went over 100 degrees for the afternoon highs. we are cooler, 58 to 62. for the overnight low. for those with clouds overhead, they'll pull out. and mostly sunny during the day. 84 is the high, and the humidity will be low. north winds variable, 5-10 knots for the boaters in the bay. and the future cast shows the departing weather system, the drying conditions overhead. monday looks like a good day. tuesday shows a disturbance passing across the area, maybe a sprinkle. something stronger out to the west, a hint of that coming in
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on wednesday. mid-week we have a chance of an isolated thunderstorm. temperatures in the 80's. and over the weekend, we have a chance of scattered showers, and on sunday. increase the rain-odds as we hit the weekend. >> more on the loss of steve mcnair. >> looking at his time in baltimore, one healthy season in 2006. but what a season it was, but what a season it was, leading times may be tough today, but the things we all look forward to haven't changed. like owning a home.
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watching our children grow. and retiring with confidence. so whatever you're looking forward to, m&t bank is here to help you get there. m&t bank. understanding what's important.
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>> now 11 sports. >> despite moments of excitement and flair, the orioles visit ended as you will others, lost the series to the angels. and in the top of the one, the birds lead. and with matt, he goes yard. and then the bull pen blew up,
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and with a walk and another. and orioles fall 9-6. but a bright spot of the day, adam jones can be considered a rising star no more. he's risen. jones is the orioles representative for the all-star game. tiger woods often talked with a smug grin to be a greedy host with a victory in his own tournment. mission accomplished. tied for the lead, and with 13 under. dropping that long birdie. and on the 18th, hunter mahan finishing. but on the 16th, tiger 12
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under, takes the lead at 13 under. and pars from there. tiger woods wins as the role of the greedy host. >> so, tiger how did you play today? >> well, it was a tough day, and hunter really put the pressure on us. >> oh, did he really? >> what did you think about that? >> well, i always wanted to do that. >> tiger does have a sense of humor. rodger federer took the title at wimbledon. 14 overall in the majors, and andy roddick failed to pass. federer in white, and sampras
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ready to pass it. and here takes the first 7-5, and federer takes the next two. and forces a fifth set. no tie-breaks in the fifth, the wizards trading tough shots. and now in the fifth, and federer pounding away. he gets it done, rodger federer claims his fifth title. had holiday season football fans will be feeling sorrow after the loss of steve mcnair. and what we saw in 2006, is why he earned the nickname, the mcnair.
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>> he brought intelligent quarterback play. and his enthusiasm and solid effort let raven fans know this would be different. and in week three in cleveland, he rallied the ravens with the field-winning field goal. and next the same thing, mcnair marched them down. how many times had raven fans felt the thrill of having their offense lead the charge. this is new. mcnair didn't just manage the game. he through for the yards, and lead the way for a victory in pittsburgh. but his greatest moment was in his return from tennessee, down
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26-7, those in nashville knew he wasn't done. he through the ball 47 times and the game-winning touchdown. defeating the team that cast them off of their turf. >> if you can have number 11, and you can win a bunch of games. >> steve mcnair's final game in nashville gave them a chance to say good-bye and gave the ravens the best victory of their year. >> the circumstances surrounding his death is not how we want to remember steve mcnair. but his time in baltimore, he was a warrior and champion and played football for this team. as a city they embraced him. >> thanks. and we have more on the
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jody was always healthy. her pap was always normal. still, i recommended she also get the hpv test. her pap looked fine. the hpv test showed... she had the virus that could cause cervical cancer. (mamie) most hpv infections don't cause problems, but another exam confirmed she had cervical disease. but jodi's story has a happy ending. (jodie) we caught it before it became cancer. (mamie) so, if you're 30 or over make sure you get the hpv test along with your pap. (announcer) the digene hpv test from qiagen. take the test. not the risk.
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>> rain chances pretty skimpy until next weekend.
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