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tv   Eyewitness News  ABC  October 19, 2015 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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the baby girl strapped in to her car seat. >> as a parent you're excited to see that the baby was unharmed. >> reporter: investigators say it all happened in seconds. the child's aunt entered a subway sandwich shop, leaving the child in the car with the engine running. the crime was apparently a crime of opportunity. >> witnesses individual in the driver's seat. you jump in, when the woman walked in to the store. she left the vehicle running and open. >> after an all-out search, the car was located a quarter mile away, where the mother, camille solomon, was relieved to see her daughter was safe. the little girl's aunt who had been babysitting the child was arrested on the scene and charged with child endangerment. >> as the colder weather approaches, people want to keep their car warm. they want to be warm when they get back in to it. unfortunately this is the result. >> i'm glad the baby is okay. but i think
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she'll be more cautious now and not leave her child in the car. >> maybe it's a wake-up call to a lot of people who might be watching. >> yeah, it's actually a wake-up call because you never know these days. people are crazy. >> the girl's mother could not be reached for comment late this afternoon. the child's aunt identified as gayle solomon lives with the family. she was arraigned and released without bail. this crime is a misdemeanor under new york state law. police describe the car thief as a middle aged man in his 50s. they're also seeking two other men who witnesses say jumped in to the car minutes after it was stolen. anybody with information is urged tonight to call the suffolk county police. live tonight in central islip, long island, n.j. burkett, channel 7 eyewitness news. also on long island, youngsters getting a real life lesson on deadly gun violence. one of their classmates killed today at hempstead middle school staff
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joyner, the 7th grader died after a bullet came through her window on friday. the school giving students an opportunity to express their grief on a big sign inside that school. so tragic. new at 5:00, a taxi driver facing manslaughter and criminal negligent homicide charges for hitting and killing two people in the bronx. prosecutors say emilio garcia, who had been diagnosed with epilepsy, did not take his prescribed dose of anti-seizure medication. this that day he had a seersh behind the wheel -- had a seizure behind the wheel, struck the curb and hit two people. right now construction crews are demolishing what's buildings in westchester county. build their businesses. for others it was a job they came to security. that fast moving fire in mount vernon.
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>> i can tell you certainly it is a very big deal for this neighborhood certainly because those jobs lost. they've been trying to clean up some of this but the fire officials believe here in the basement, this deli is where that fire may have started. once they clear this out hey then might be able to find the cause. >> very quickly it went from a working fire to a three-alarm fire. >> reporter: the fire that has consumed five viable businesses and several apartments that were home to about a dozen people. they were all able to escape safely but lost everything. >> under one hour the building fully collapsed. the residential area did collapse. >> reporter: throughout the day firefighters worked on putting on hotspots in the huge rubble piled in the center of the collapsed building. others found they no longer had a job. this woman telling eyewitness news reporter kristin thorne she worked at top cut salon.
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>> you're very sad. this was your job. >> she just told me, come and get me. >> reporter: she owned the can dry cleaning business for 29 years. she's glad no one was inside. >> everybody safe. >> reporter: he now thinks it's time to retire. others who frequent the deli, the dry cleaners and the pizza shop are now concerned about all those out of work. >> what about the young girls behind had counters and stuff like that go home sunday night, a job to come to monday morning. >> they worked there after school. now it's not there anymore. >> jobs lost, but fortunately no lives were lost. reporting live in mount vernon, tim fleischer, channel 7 eyewitness news. now to baseball. it's called murphy's law, anything
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but don't tell that to the mets' infielder daniel murphy. for him and the mets, everything is going right. his hitting helped them win two more games. the mets will make it to the world series for the first time in 15 years. joe torres with mets fans at citifield. and we begin with sports anchor rob powers. he's in the news room with a preview of the game. >> the mets have made their way to chicago. games three, four, and five scheduled for wrigley field. hoping for better luck at citifield which was practically no luck at all. they had the unfortunate luck of running in to a met team that was on. daniel murphy nailed another home run. it's been fun to watch. noah syndergaard followed up matt harvey's game 1 pitching performance with a big night of his own. getting early leads and settling in for the rest of the game. the goal here is to make the same formula work in chicago where the team is
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>> cubs play very well here. we haven't won a game here in two years. we understand that it's going to be certainly a deevidence atmosphere but i don't think they get caught up in anything except trying to do what they do best. >> you some of that and hear more from a team, two wins away from the world series. half the job is done in the nlcs. now they work on the second half. >> my goodness, just two games away. mets fans are getting even more amped up and the excitement is building. eyewitness news reporter joe torres continues our coverage outside citifield. >> 53 years. that's how long the mets have been in existence. we learned today, way back in '62, the team unveiled its fight song and diehard fans have been years.
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with the lyrics. >> reporter: it just might be the best way to distinguish the diehard long suffering true mets fan from the bandwagon jumper who joined the hit parade just yesterday, singing for us a few bars of the legendary and yes, campy mets theme song, that begins like this. >> meet the mets mets >> guaranteed to have the time of your life. >> i don't know. that's a little weak. let's finish it off with some gusto. >> because the mets are really socking the balls. >> knocking them home runs over the wall. around the town. >> to meet the m-e-t-s of new york town [ laughter ] >> reporter: frank knew all the words. he's been a mets fan
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>> trying not to get too excited because it's going to be we're going out you don't know what's going to happen. >> i'm feeling great. with our pitching, if we could get a little hitting from a couple of the guys we would be terrific. already. frank got it a little bit wrong. it's east side, west side, everybody's coming down. the song doesn't end there. there's an entire that talks about the butcher and streets. if you know that part of the strong, you should be throwing out the first pitch at tomorrow's game even though it's in chicago. you know who knows every single syllable of the song, my boy mr. met. although don't ask him to sing it because he doesn't say much. live at citifield. [ laughter ] sports anchor laura behnke will be there. we're your
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station for everything mets. coming up in a few minutes, see what students at one local school are doing to show their support for the team. new at 5:00, a long overdue honor for a new york police officer killed in the line of duty 43 years ago. >> i've always been told growing up that my father was a hero and he is. but not for the reasons i thought. >> the emotional son of officer phillip tearing up as the city named the street after his dad. phil was shot in an ambush in 1972 after responding to a bogus emergency call. mayor john lindsey was accused of largely ignoring the murder over fears of racial tensions. today commissioner branten -- bratton saying this is one step in righting the wrong. con ed ringing the closing bell.
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working in the bronx when he saw a child on the window ledge. he rescued the 4-year-old girl before she fell. the dow rose 14 points. the nasdaq added 18 points and s&p 500 climbed less than 1 point. a veteran arab citizen was responsible for that deadly gun attack in a bus station. the man killed an israeli soldier and wounded five people. he was shot dead by police. his background causing concern now because veterans have barely been involved in armed attacks in israel. nine have been killed in a string of attacks in the last month. drones growing in popularity, especially for the holidays. the new proposal and what the government now wants everyone to do before flying in. also, is he or isn't he? we're closely watching for any signs on whether vice president joe biden will run for president. a
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good company. tonight the concerns about the number of rats in new york, what the city says it's going to do about the problem. >> we'll scare them away. after the cold est morning we've had since april 1st, team starts practice today. coach called to see how i was doing. i blew out my knee last year. just as college football programs began calling me. i didn't realize i'd get hooked on the pain pills the doctor gave me. i never thought my life could change so fast. for now at least, football and college are going to have to wait.
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don't let addiction sideline your dreams. for the girl scout meeting... ok! for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! at stop & shop, prices have just gone down. the savings keep going up. which makes the checkout lane, victory lane.
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those who say don't know, those who know don't say, about
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not to run for president. a source insisting he's not reached a decision but might this week. here's abc's ken moteen. >> reporter: remarks on climate change, an afternoon meeting with president obama. still no 2016 decision from vice president joe biden, but a little help from the white house monday. >> this is an intensely personal decision for anybody to make. he understands the kind of pressure he's under. he'll make a decision when he's prepared to make it. >> reporter: recent polling shows voters think clinton is a stronger candidate but the vp is more likable. clinton is leading the national horse race. a new monmouth university poll shows her at 48%. biden, 17. clinton spent the day off the trail but bernie standers was on it in iowa discussing climate change, campaign finance reform and jobs. >> it's not my style. but on things on the table.
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on fox news sunday doubling down on controversial remarks, suggesting jeb bush's brother, president george w. bush, was to blame for the 9/11 attacks. >> jeb said we were safe with my brother. we were safe. well, the world trade center just fell down. i'm not blaming center came down. >> reporter: more important president. saturday is the jefferson jackson dinner in iowa. a key stop for democrats in the 2016 race. reporting in washington, kenneth moten, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> republican presidential candidates ben carson and donald trump have requested protection from the secret service. the department of homeland security is now reviewing their requests. by law homeland security secretary jeh johnson must consult with a congressional advisory committee before making a final decision. police in florida scouring cell phone and surveillance video hoping to identify the
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zombie themed festival. investigators have not yet determined a motive for this deadly shooting. happened on saturday, a 20-year-old man was killed at the charity event. five other people were hurt. cleanup is underway in california from the storms and mudslides that hit the state last week. crews have hauled away more than 100 vehicles that were stuck in mud on a highway the road remains closed as crews from the roadway. crews hope it will open by thursday. >> what a mess there. if el nino, if the rain continues, of stuff. they're in an exceptional drought right now but to get that amount of rain in that small of time is always a big problem. we head typically when you get active weather in quiet.
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rule as we head in to the next few days. shadows getting longer as the sun gets lower in the sky and you're seeing a little bit of color change on the trees. i'll show you the fall foliage in a couple minutes. 52. winds coming in from the southwest at 15 miles per hour. that's the big difference. we've had northerly and north westerly winds. that's helped to drive in the cold air mass from canada. that's going to be warming things up in a big way starting tomorrow. morning low of 35. a full 10 degrees above normal during the day today. the record was 83 in 1963. the sun setting at 6:10. check out the lows that we had this morning. this was our coldest since april, the first in central park getting down to 35 but well north and west, it actually got monticello. got down to 19 there. 20 in sussex. hard freeze basically everywhere outside of the city except for at montauk. north and west of
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the city, temperatures in the upper 40s and low 50s. low 50s down the shore. mid to upper 40s on to the island. if you're planning your evening, we're down to 47 by midnight. mainly clear skies. high clouds at times. 47 by 7:00 in the morning. we're back up to 60 by noon time. temperatures in the upper 60s by mid to late tomorrow afternoon. want to show you radar, satellite. our wind stream lines, very clearly that clockwise flow around the area of high pressure. when the highs situated over the great lakes, we get the northerly wind driving in that cold air from canada. we'll be on the backside of the high and that means strong southwesterly winds. that's warmed up places like chicago. you're 72 in the windy city but still stuck in the 50s. the high getting up to around 68 degrees. basically room temperature tomorrow afternoon.
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even warmer on wednesday. we're talking highs in the low to mid 70s. i think that will stay off to our north. if you're peeping during the week, fall colors are actually peaking north and west. you're actually past peak in parts of the poconos and catskills. not as cold as last night. we're down to 47 in midtown. upper 30s north and west. sun and clouds. breezy at times tomorrow. wind coming in from the southwest and that's going to drive in much warmer air. partly cloudy. mild tomorrow night . we're down to 55 degrees. we only have a couple small chances at rain in the next seven days. we'll detail that in your next half hour. today a u.s. senator and new york city deputy mayor honored in manhattan.
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kirsten gillibrand and lillian baoli. ken rosato, master of ceremonies at today's event. good for everyone. coming up, the grammy winning musician taking up residence at nyu. >> details on the controversial advertising for a job opening, telling one group of people to not apply. >> a slithering surprise. the scare that had an entire bus evacuated. >> this broken and busted batting cage has been on a public school playground since the summer. when parents and
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to get it r it took the rockettes years to master the kick line. but only a few moves to master paying bills on technology designed for you.
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em a snake slithers loose on a bus. the 4-foot long boa constrictor was draped around a man's neck. the owner said he didn't realize the snake got seat. >> she got stuck in between the chairs. some people freaked out. they started talking about
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snakes on a plane. >> the bus was evacuated as the transit officers searched for the naik. -- for the snake. passengers are not supposed to be bringing snakes on public property. batter up heads up taking on new meaning. by new meaning we mean dangerous. >> a baseball backstop collapsing in a ball field this past summer. it stayed on the ground, metal pieces jetting out. >> a huge hazard until they went to the bullpen and called for relief. nina pineda. >> the last time 7 on your side asked the new york city parks department for help they moved an abandoned boat for us. that boat was causing a hazard in sheepshead bay and they towed it away days after we sent them an sos. when we got calls about a busted backstop, parks was the agency. we threw a fastball to fix it. >> reporter: students throwing the ball outside ps 161 in
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avoid the mangled metal covering the southeast corner of the field. >> it needed to be removed immediately. >> reporter: principal price said the eyesore collapsed over the summer and she struck out trying to get the broken backstop out of there. >> no one wants to be reported for something that happened because of negligence of something that could happen to a child. that's my bottom line. these are my kids. >> reporter: the parks department immediately responded by putting safety barricades up but parents and teachers say they keep getting knocked down. >> our biggest concern is these sharp points. i think a kid tumbling on to that, i have this terrible image by them getting impaled. >> this is crazy because our kids is in danger. >> reporter: the pta says parents have complained to 311 for weeks. >> i've seen them come by and look at it like it was some kind of specimen but no one said it's going to be removed in two weeks. >> there's a huge batting cage
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>> reporter: we put in a call to the parks department. >> the new york city parks department got on top of it. by the time the bell rang next morning, the backstop was out of here. >> we were elated. people ran to the window and said yay. >> guys were out here this morning. took them less than an hour. field was clear. all the kids were smiling. >> reporter: now the coach's football team can finally host a home game. and aside from athletes, both students and the community can enjoy the park space safely. yes, they are . and i thank you so much because now this is the place for children. >> thank you 7 on your side. woo! >> the teams used to have to go from harlem all the way to the lower east side just to practice and play. a parks rep thanked the principal for telling them at the start of the school they had secured the area and were taking steps for approval but after our cars they went the extra step. >> now the kids are safe.
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>> truth is it should have been done day one. there are new concerns tonight about an item that is expected to be the biggest hit of the holiday season. now the government is stepping in. we're going to break down the new rule under consideration for all drone owners. >> an ominous warning from railroad officials about a possible rail shutdown. we'll tell you what could face the trains off the tracks. >> oprah teaming up when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain,
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>> and you dirty rat. conventional wisdom is there's one rat for every person in new york city. now the number may have gone up. those stories in a moment. first a big change for anyone who buys a drone. federal government now cracking down. >> a new law will require those who buy drones to register them in their names. this is a big deal after the close calls between irresponsible drone operators and passenger planes. incidents up 400% this year. >> 750,000 drones expected to be sold this holiday send. jim is here with the latest. >> the faa is playing catchup when it comes to regulation of drones. this today is a big step forward. the task force giving just two months to come up with a plan for buyers to register drone purchases. the number this year alone could reach 3/4s of a million. >> reporter: the stupid things that people do with drones.
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from flying them recklessly above crowded busy streets, to flying them near airplanes. >> we almost got hit by a drone just to let you know up here, just about 20 feet. >> reporter: to landing one in the white house lawn or crashing it at the u.s. open. >> seemed as though that fell from somewhere. >> reporter: the growing increase in close calls involving popular store-bought drones has prompted the faa to call for the registration of these unmanned aircraft. >> registration will help us enforce the rules against those who operate unsafely. >> reporter: here at pilotage in midtown, news of the mandatory registration of drones comes with the fear of a heavy handed government along with an admission that some regulation is necessary. >> i'm fundamentally against the use of drones around airports, over sporting events, large crowds of people, parades, because there's a certain amount of danger. >> reporter: in new york alone, more than 50 drones have been
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pilots of kennedy and laguardia airports. >> we just saw a little drone. >> reporter: the faa fears these close calls could increase as the price of drone keeps dropping and the popularity soars, especially this christmas when drone sales are expected to year. >> a lot of people are going to get drones this year. a lot of people got drones last year. does it mean the skies will be filled with drones? absolutely not. >> reporter: the faa already behind the drone boom is finally moving with urgency, giving its new task force till december to come up with rules for registering drones as a way to make them safer. >> finding the drone has not been as much of a problem as finding the person who's using the drone and the registration is designed to close that loophole. >> few rules currently govern the use of drones expect they are not to fly within 5 miles of an airport or above 200 feet.
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two weeks ago the faa fined a chicago-based video company for flying drones in crowded air space including here in new york city. the proposed fine, nearly $2 million. we also have an update this evening on another transportation safety issue. railroad industry leaders today send an urgent warning to lawmakers and the federal railroad investigation that the majority of passenger and freight rail lines will be unable to meet the december 31st deadline to install positive train control and that could mean wide scale shutdowns. positive train control could stop trains automatically and it's believed the technology, had it been installed, could have prevented the deadly derailment in philadelphia this year. seven years ago congress gave all railroads till the end of this year to install the safety system or face shutdown. today the president of the association blamed the complexity of the technology and
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the failure of most railroads to meet this deadline. the mta says it will take until 2018 and cost nearly $1 billion to install positive train control on metro north and the long island railroad. >> thank you. local lawmakers launching an investigation tonight over a controversial help wanted ad. it read no haitians need apply. not only is this discriminatory, it's illegal. lots of people sharing their outrage with us. it's a top story on abc ny and here's details. there are state and federal laws that prohibit an employer from refusing a potential candidate ethnicity. even as the apologies start to roll in, officials and the haitian community aren't taking this answers. >> reporter: the overtly offensive message was posted in
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october 2015 edition. the interim healthcare ad calls for a laid back nurse followed by the words no haitians. it's sent off a firestorm of protest both online and through the tri-state area. today he held a news conference with haitian leaders demanding a full investigation, calling it a direct violation of civil rights. assemblywoman solage spoke to us via skype. she's the first haitian-american elected to the state legislature. she said not only is it disgraceful to haitians but the entire medical community. >> to exclude a type of individual is ridiculous. that's like excluding someone because they're left-handed. >> in-term healthcare has issued an apology. in a statement they call the ad totally unacceptable and vow to launch their own investigation
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in to how it got published. the rocklin pennysaver posted an apology on its website. we just learned the attorney general's office is looking in to it. tougher gun control laws passed in new york and connecticut after the sandy hook gun massacre, upheld today by federal appellate court. the court found banning semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity magazines did not violate the second amendment. the court ruled on remington 76-15 is unconstitutional along with a seven-round load limit in new york. that's big. it comes on the heels of a gallup poll showing 55% of americans polled said gun laws should be stricter. among gun owners, 36% want stricter laws. a white house visit all set for tonight for the muslim teenager arrest ed after he built a clock for a school project, a clock that was
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mistaken for a bomb. it came on social media for president obama after he heard the story. the texas teenager will take part in astronomy night. it appears lamar odom on the road to recovery, more good news coming out today about his condition. and caught on camera, a motorcyclist nearly run off the road by a car. the bizarre reason why the driver swerved. >> and the rat population getting out of control. what new york city officials say they're doing to get get this. i was at my shop tied up with a customer when i realized the time. i had to get to the bank before it closed, so i made a break for it. when i got out it was almost closing time. traffic was bad. i knew i was cutting it close. but it was ok. i use td bank. it's got the longest hours and stays open an extra ten minutes every day.
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i'm sid. and i bank human at td bank. i'm bobby flay and new york is my home. there's no place like it in the world. come fall, i like to get a taste of everything the state has to offer. like this famous winery nestled in the hudson valley. or the award-winning vineyards of long island. this cooperstown brewery belongs in every beer lover's hall of fame. you can even try new york's exceptional cider and spirits. this fall, drink in the beauty of new york state. plan your trip at there's something for everyone. that's a big bull. i think that's old cyrus.
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a dramatic crash caught on a motorcyclist was passing two cars when one of the vehicles appears to deliberately swerve and collide with the motorcycle, causing it to crash. the rider and his girlfriend were thrown to the ground. he said he swerved at that exact moment because he was stung by a wasp. police are investigating the video, now key evidence in the case.
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unconscious at a nevada brothel, a dramatic turn around in the condition of lamar odom. sources telling abc news odom is now able to text, smile, and communicate with his loved ones. he reportedly told his estranged wife khloe kardashian, i love you. his aunt releasing a statement saying each day lamar is getting stronger. sources say the plan is to move him from las vegas to a los angeles hospital asap. a re-enactment of a gun fight turns frighteningly real when an actor is shot by a real bullet. in the historic city of tombstone, arizona actors are supposed to fire blanks at each other. but live rounds were loaded in a gun used yesterday. the actor shot is in good condition but how did this happen? the guns are supposed to be inspected beforehand but the gun used yesterday was not. all gun fight skits are now on hold.
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oprah winfrey now hooking up with weight watchers. the former talk show host has bought a 10% stake in the country. actually 10% stock. winfrey consulting, weight watchers says it hopes to reverse the falling profit trend in the last couple years. tonight's announcement immediately changing one thing. the stock price was up, more than doubling since the morning open. >> that magic touch. a grammy winning recording artist heading to nyu. >> we'll tell you why this famous singer is taking residence at this prestigious school. plus this. >> i'm michelle charlesworth. you know why the mets have been winning? it's because these kids at ps 144 in queens have been writing them encouragement letters. >> it was just too cold for the cubs. i'm meteorologist lee goldberg. the sun sets at 6:10. looks like another beauty. we're at 52 degrees and not
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getting as cold tonight. look what's headed our way. baby! i love that we're spending the weekend together. oh i know! hey, why don't you turn off your phone and all your stuff. good idea. it's off. mom? oh my internet is so slow when anyone else is using it. did you like want to do something? i am doing something. leave slow downloads behind. it's good to be back. the 100% fiber optics network gives you the fastest internet available for all your devices.
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isn't that amazing? bath fitter will measure and make you a new custom bathtub that they install right over your existing one, with beautiful matching walls. that means you don't have to rip out your old tub. so there's no demolition or ridiculous costs. and they do it all in just one day. that's my favourite part. plus, you get to choose everything here's a before and after photo. this is a gorgeous acrylic tub that fit right over the old one. and only bath fitter has seamless walls, which guarantee a watertight fit. when you change your tub, you change your bathroom. and that can change your life. i know because i did it. does this $20 family fill up meal have eight pieces of original recipe chicken? yes. [ding] two large mashed potatoes and gravy? yes. [ding] and are you the real colonel sanders? yes...
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it's finger lickin' good. this one is really cool. a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for music students at tisch school of the arts. pharrell in residence. williams said in a statement he's honored and excited to have the opportunity to spend time with students. that's so great. >> wasn't that long ago pharrell was a student. >> it wasn't that long ago that dentistry. >> very nice. >> had a lot of recommendations for me. i have to start a whole >> i've
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>> i'm sure you do. you keep [ laughter ] we have a beautiful evening and we look at new york harbor oh, i'm sorry. see, i told you i'd forget. newscopter7 is over beautiful citifield. that doesn't look like new york harbor. the cubs two straight games here, big wins by the mets. now it's starting to warm up. there's new york harbor and let's hope they have the same fortune as they head out to the windy city which is going to be breezy and warm. as we look at the sunshine, beautiful sunset which happens at 6:10 tonight. 52 degrees. southwest wind at 15 miles per hour. planner through the evening hours, mainly clear. patchy clouds. that's actually good because that's an indication of some of the warmer air coming in ahead of a cold front. 12 degrees above last night's lows. we'll start out with a crisp morning.
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30s in the suburbs. mid 30s the coldest well north and west but no freezes tonight. then temperatures respond nice to that. southwest breeze and fair amount of sunshine. probably more high clouds in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon. that will propel us in to the upper 60s. going to feel great tomorrow. beautiful october day. overall this nice high is getting off the east coast. we're at return flow and that means our southwest winds will keep us warm not only through wednesday but thursday as well, then temperatures will take the nose dive again as we go in to friday. although not as cold as this last weekend. 37 in poughkeepsie. that's mild compared to last night. 43 in belmar. highs tomorrow after the cool mortgage, mid and upper 30s. you're back to the light fall coat again. don't need the heavy winter though it's a little chilly tomorrow morning. we have a front sitting over upstate new york. going to try to settle to about i-90. what will happen is some of the high clouds will blow off from that front and introduce
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the warm air. might be more of a filtered sun tomorrow morning. then the sunshine comes in to full play during the afternoon. still a few clouds well to the north. should be a partly sunny afternoon. on wednesday that front stays to our north. that's key. if we stay sunny we'll go past 70 degrees. some of the warm air is in chicago. first pitch tomorrow for mets-cubs will be 65 degrees. 30% shot of a shower. nothing that would cancel or delay the game. just a passing shower. 68 tomorrow. how about pair of 73s wednesday and thursday. it will feel great. then we got the heavier fall coat coming back friday. 58. nice weekend. pretty much dry across the board with the front thursday. late in the day might be a passing shower. no significant rain in the 7-day accuweather forecast. just changing jackets every day. the cubs may have been the country's sentimental favorites but one reason the mets did so well this weekend, local fans cheering them on.
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>> they're getting an extra piece of encouragement. >> they've been writing motivation to the players, and they've been posting their inspiring words on twitter. >> here's eyewitness news reporter michelle charlesworth. >> reporter: what a great idea for a 3rd grade lesson on letter writing, write the mets. >> dear new york mets, i really, really hope you win. >> new york state is cheering for you. if you are feeling nervous, don't be. >> dear new york mets, i hope you guys win. >> be confident and when the ball comes hit it really hard. everybody is counting on you but i know you can do it. you're so confident too. if you win we have no homework. good luck. >> reporter: these letters were photographed and tweeted to the
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thanks for the support. look at these letters to the mets. the teacher decided to take their enthusiasm and put it on paper. >> now they're motivated. >> because of the success of the letter writing they're much more engaged in this process. >> that's two of the teachers and this is the principal. >> kids with great gifts and challenges. they're always in the same kid. you'll never know they get a chance to shine. jumped onboard. >> i was really a yankees fan but because [ inaudible ] >> look, the one honest person in new york. i found her. >> reporter: anyway these kids are motivated and winning, writing about life and winning and losing. >> everyone wants you to win and we know you can do it. lucy. >> let's go mets!
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let's go mets! >> reporter: in forest hills, queens, michelle charlesworth, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> those kids have lots of mets pride. we want to see yours too. we've been getting tons of pictures from viewers in their orange and blue and keep them coming. share them using bc7ny. >> fantastic. it appears pizza has a long history. >> class mates of a 12-year-old girl hit by a stray bullet in her own home return to school
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we've all seen them running amuck around new york city, but is it getting worse? city officials say there's no crisis and they're hard at work to kick rodents out. political reporter dave evans is on the upper west side with details. >> right now we're at the park. we're seeing a lot more in parks all over new york city. and those large holes you might be able to see down there, that's where the rats come and go. when activity has picked up here, we've seen some rats and we're going to see a lot more as night falls. the number of complaints about rats in new york city, it has gone up dramatically in the last several months but the city claims it's doing something about it. >> reporter: we've all seen the
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video called pizza rat. the questions become is the rat problem in new york city getting worse? nora says absolutely yes. today she pointed out the increasing number of large rat holes in her neighborhood park. >> i see it intensifying and i see them very bold and unafraid and multiplying, more and more presence of these rats. >> reporter: the number of rat complaints to 311 has gone up this year. that's because of a new mobile app making reporting much easier. but the city controller says baloney. rats are bad and getting worse. >> there's no doubt in my mind a rat crisis and it really is because the department of health is just not responding to this crisis. >> reporter: but the mayor has responded in this year's budget. $3 million extra. 41 more city rat workers. and a new program targeting big rat reservoirs. it seems to be working in places like the lower east side, the far upper upper west side and
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the city claims an 80% rat reduction in those neighborhoods. >> you may see rats relocating because of something going on in a neighborhood but city wide we're not seeing a huge spike in rat activity. >> it's hard to spread good rat news when we constantly see video like this. >> it's a very popular condominium. low rent. delicious upper west side food. >> and for years people have tried to figure out how many rats we actually have in new york city. the old urban legend was one rat for every person. that would be 8.4 million rats in new york city. but they don't really think that's true. they think somewhere between 1 and 2 million rats in new york city. for now reporting live on the upper west side, dave evans,
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still ahead, tour a historic home on the jersey shore up for sale where the boss wrote some of his biggest hits. eyewitness news at 6:00 starts right now. prosecutors begin their case against an alleged mobster in one of the most notorious hold-ups ever in our area. the 6 million lastonza robbery at kennedy airport featured in the movie "good fellas." students grieving the murder of a classmate. a 12 -year-old girl was killed when a bullet came through her house in long island. good evening. i'm liz cho . >> i'm bill ritter.
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