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tv   Eyewitness News  ABC  August 10, 2015 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> in all we've seen 113 cases concentrated in the south bronx 12. two cooling towers, up to 12 tested positive. >> health officials say there's a delay in compiling all the numbers. some doctors have misdiagnosed but the latest numbers they claim point in the right direction. >> our data which must be our guiding light in all of this continues to show that we are bringing this out break under control and we have great basis for our optimism and confidence that it has been contained. >> and now the city council is rushing a new law to prevent it calls for registering all cooling towers. they must be inspected quarterly cleaning them. if they refuse they will be fined.
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>> we have made strides in stopping this out break. we are not done yet. >> reporter: also the governor over the weekend said that the state would move ahead on its own containment break efforts regardless of what the city is doing. we asked the mayor today is this another example of the mayor and governor not getting along. we'll take a closer look at that tonight at 6:00. for now reporting live, dave evans, channel 7, eyewitness news. >> thank you, dave. we've got more breaking news that we told you about on eyewitness news first at 4:00. you're looking at a picture from the news copper. this is at 48th street and 2nd avenue in manhattan. the scene of an accident here. it does look like a car has kind of gone up we serious condition. we do not know what caused the car to go up on the curve or exactly what happened but of course we are trying to find out more information about this. turning to other news, is in critical condition right now after he was pulled from the
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water along the jersey shore. news copper 7 was up over the bright. two people were caught in a rip current off a part of the beach that doesn't have lifeguards. one of them was okay but it took rescuers nearly 20 minutes to find an he was rushed to the hospital. down the shore a 12-year-old boy is in the hospital right now after a sand cave just collapsed news copper 7 was over the beach where it happened in surf city, new jersey. lifeguards said the boy got stuck when he was digging. he was air lifted to a near by hospital and said to be in stable condition. developing right now, a state of emergency declared in ferguson, missouri. law enforcement is on alert and new demonstrations are expected. all of this comes after unrest in the city over night. that violence marking the one-year anniversary since the police shooting of unarmed michael brown. marci gonzales has more. >> today in
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st. louis loud protests and peaceful marches. following last night's violence in ferguson this is what happened. >> gunshots and looting, bottles thrown at police. the chaos marring a day of quiet remembrance on the first anniversary of the shooting death of michael brown by a ferguson police officer. >> he's bleeding out, man. please get him some help. he's pleading out. -- he's bleeding out. >> last night police shooting this 18-year-old who ran from this scene where two rival groups were firing at each other. investigators say tyrone harris then shot at a police suv with four detectives inside. when they got out police claim harris continued firing at them with a stolen semiautomatic handgun. police explaining all four detectives shot back leaving the teen in critical condition. >> today police are still at the scene concerned about the potential for another tense night. >> my prayer is that we can
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move forward without the violence that has unfortunately by associated with this. the stakes are very high here. i've talked a lot about the fact that you cannot do this forever without a tragedy. >> because of last night's violence a state of emergency has been declared in ferguson. that means the county steps in to over see police operation until they decide people and businesses are safe. marci gonzales, channel 7, eyewitness news. get ready for a big change with the weather. heavy drenching rain is headed our way. we could see flash flooding in some areas. it could cause quite a mess for the morning commute. the accuweather app already sending out the advisories. meteorologist jeff smith is in for lee goldberg who has the latest. >> even though we have had dry conditions lately we're expecting a lot of rain in a short period of time tomorrow morning, especially between 5:00 and 9:00 a.m. that's why we have
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for the five boroughs, nassau county, lower westchester and lower fairfield counties forwards connecticut. the radar picture showing just a couple of sprinkles over north western new jersey up into sullivan county. a lot of shower and thunderstorm activity is off to the west over the ohio valley. all of this is going to consolidate into a nasty batch of heavy downpours later on tonight as it heads into the tri-state area. through midnight just maybe a spotty sprinkle or shower. watch what happens after midnight into the wee hours of the morning. very heavy rainfall moving over parts of new jersey approaching the city by 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. this may sit over new york city for 3 or 4 hours that. can cause some flooding in poor drainage locations. even during the afternoon after the heaviest rain moves offshore we can still see a scattered shower or thunderstorm. many details in your full accuweather forecast coming up. >> thank you, jeff. you can stay one
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step ahead of the rain by tracking wit the eyewitness news weather app, which is free. don't forget eyewitness news this morning will be on the air at 4:30 with up to the minute information on the storm and any traffic problems. well, what a wild scene in the bronx river in westchester county today. news copper 7 was the driver of an suv may have swerved to avoid a stalled car when he went over the guardrail and straight into the river. police say he managed to climb out and was standing on top of arrived. tonight. we are learning more about a queens. a driver of a box truck was killed when he headed into oncoming traffic and slammed into several parked cars on francis louse boulevard this morning. this driver identified as frederick harris of maryland. he suffered a medical emergency at the time of the crash. three cars were damaged. no one else
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was hurt. new details on the servile high school hazing scandal in new jersey. two of the seven football players charged have that's attorneys. the trial ended friday. some other cases have been resolved. the case caused servile high to cancel its football season last year. we have new information. new york senator charles schumer speaking publicly for the first time about his decision to oppose the nuclear deal with iran. >> this ugly regime has held on for 35 years. the odds are too great to hold on another 10, 15 or 20 and try to use this agreement unfortunately to achieve dual goals, getting rid of the sanctions but creating trouble, nuclear and nonnuclear in the middle east and around the world. >> senator schumer said he
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reached his decisions after meetings. the agreement is supposed to curve iran's nuclear program in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. now to the 2016 presidential campaign. donald trump not backing down about his comments about megan kelly. he said she should apologize to him. this as trump forges ahead with his campaign. this week he will make stops in michigan, iowa and new hampshire. his latest about women are the latest to threaten his campaign. he told abc news he has no problem with women. >> presidential contender hilary clinton always weighing in on the controversy calling trumps comments about kelly offensive, over board and outrageous. this as clinton unveils a massive $350 billion she claims will make college more affordable. the democratic president come contender said the proposal would also cut student loan interest rates. billions in federal funds would
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go to loan tuition at public schools colleges. do you see a homeless person sleeping on the subway or a take a picture. they plan to document what they see as the decline of new york city. they plan to place the blame squarely darla miles is live right now in central park. darla. >> reporter: the sergeant association will be collecting those pictures, posting them on members. >> this city is not going to go back to the way it was.
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>> how about an afternoon nap right outside on an old mattress on the sidewalk? why not pick up a trash can if you can't get to the bottom of it? these are the types of photos the nypd sergeant's association is asking its members in this e-mail to send them in a new initiative called peek a boo, we see you. >> the website location will take a lead in trying to address some quality of life issues and more importantly try to establish the trust in a relationship between the police and communities of color. >> ed mullins said this is a first step in dealing with quality of life issues like public urination and aggressive panhandling. they aren't the only organizations taking an extra step to deal with crime. >> we haven't been patrolling central park for 25 years. i
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started going in at the day and night and assessing how beside things have become. >> starting toing tonight two six person teams from the guardian angels will patrol the park. >> i was shocked to see these problems in broad daylight between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. >> i don't think you decriminalize the minor offenses the way they're proposing. i think that's the wrong signal. >> and why the nypd said over all crime is down 5.6% city wide former nypd commissioner ray kelly said it's the perception that counts. >> new york has to be careful about that. you keep giving these sick -- or the perception changes that new yorkers are not dynamic centers of the world that it used to be. there's homelessness and other life issues are putting an impact on people. if you -- you can see a
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corporate flight take place. >> reporter: mayor de blasio pointed out there's no law against sitting on a park bench or asking for spare change. this is what he had to say in defense of himself. >> i listened to commissioner bratton, that is who is running the nypd. i have faith in him and he's made it clear and i have pushed hard on this point as well that we're going to have very consistent quality of life enforcement all over the city for any kind of offense, that includes if a homeless person commits it. >> reporter: now in terms of the sba's peek a boo we see you initiative they're asking for members of the public at large to e-mail them photos. you can find that e-mail address on our website at reporting live in central park, darla miles, channel 7, eyewitness news. >> thank you. a violent day in turkey including a shooting at the u.s. consulate following a gunfight with police.
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one of the two accused shooters, a 51-year-old woman, was hit by a bullet. she's expected to recover and was taken into police custody. run. other attacks including stations. it follows the u.s. announcing a stepped up fight alongside turkey with isis. a new jersey man accused of trying to join isis is back in the u.s. and under arrest. he was placed in federal custody this morning. he was in jordan where investigators say he was trying to link up with the terror group. his brother of west new york was arrested two jordan. a criminal complaint links to two to terror activities. new at 5:00, two jumpers confused of leading from the one world center in 2013 have avoided jail time. they were each sentenced to pay a $2,000 fine.
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they will have to perform 200 hours oh of community service. prosecutors recommended 60 days in jail. a third defendant is scheduled to be sentenced next week. the worker nearly pinned underneath a car that came crashing into a starbucks talks to us about his close call. >> a boat sinks off long island, a family rescued. hear from rescuers about what they did to save them. >> plus, no mail for months. why residents say they're join the millions who have already switched. we switched.
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and now, we're streaming netflix. who knew time warner cable's internet was so fast! mom switched. and now, we can watch our favorite shows together, on demand. i switched. so i can connect to the internet just about anywhere with my free twc wifi hotspots. join the millions who switched to time warner cable. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100meg internet, and hundreds of hd channels. you'll also get unlimited calling to the us, mexico canada, china, and now india. call today. i switched. now i have a free app that lets me watch tv whenever i have the time. for $89.99 a month you'll get tv, internet and phone. and if you call now, there's no risk, no contract, no catch, no kidding. i switched to time warner cable and knew exactly when they were coming. thanks to their one hour appointment window. switch to time warner cable today. and now, for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card. call today.
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new details on that frightening crash on the upper east side. tonight the worker who narrowly avoided getting hit is talking to us about his close call. the man was working on the corner of the street when the car came right past him and ended up in a starbucks at 1st avenue and 69th street. kimberly richardson joins us what the victim said. >> reporter: it's incredible, about 3 hours ago author knight walked out of this hospital. he told me at first he thought a jogger had simply gotten too close and bumped into him. the 26-year-old works for fresh direct. he was in this neighborhood this morning making deliveries when without warning he was hit from behind. >> out of nowhere i just felt a smack come against my leg.
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>> author knight is a little sore but the 26-year-old knows just how lucky he's to be alive. >> as soon as it happened i was mad. i was so angry. all the sudden i looked and seen there was a serious car crash. >> surveillance cameras captured it all, a black toyota camry was heading south on 1st avenue just after 9:00. as the driver got to 69th street he veered left across the bike lane and side sweeped you -- sideswiped author. the video. car. >> i had a case of water on the floor. i just so happened to pick the box up first. that would have been me right there. interview right now. >> after hitting author the car crashed into the outside of starbucks. >> i started running down the blocks. >> tiesha works with author. someone told her there had been an accident. >> my reaction is like i'm
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going to get my friend from under the car. to see him on the side was a relief. >> as for the driver, he may have suffered some kind of medical emergency. he was also taken to the hospital. as for author, a father of two, he's laughing about this now but realizes how serious it could have been. he is grateful for those who stayed with him until paramedics arrived. >> that's why i love this neighborhood. i've been working here for years. i had people rushing by my side. y'all know who you are. thank you. >> reporter: he really means it. author told me plans to be back out here tomorrow on the job, that staying home for a day or two would be quote, boring. kimberly richardson, channel 7, eyewitness news. >> thank you. >> i'm just glad he's smiling and he's okay. >> yeah, that's a good thing. we have jeff smith filling in for lee goldberg. we have bad weather coming down tomorrow. >> it could be coming down 1 to
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2 inches per hour during the morning commute. a lot of concrete in new york city and it getting flooding. we head outside right now. not that bad of an evening. there could be a shower or two north and west of new york city. the real rain waiting until 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. city. there's a look at the temperature right now, 77 degrees. that's off of a high of 84 that we had earlier this afternoon. the sea breeze came in strong southeast, 8 gusting up to 17 miles per hour. it increased our humidity at the same time. that muggy air mass is going to provide fuel for the fire for this system. 83 is the normal high. we were 1 degree above that. 98 the record back in 1949. sun going down 1 minute past 8:00 tonight. slow moving showers and thunderstorms
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will bring drenching downpours. after the storms develop they the heaviest rain late tonight into tomorrow morning's commute. the heaviest rain in the city is from 5:00 to 9:00. earlier to the west, later than that time island. flash flooding of streets, highways and especially areas. right now 79 morris we have at monticello where the cloud cover is thick up there. you've had a couple of showers already. that can continue through the evening hours. west of new york city from the city out on to the island, down the shore it doesn't look like that bad of an evening out there. we zoom into the sprinkles across warren county, sussex county and over sullivan county some sprinkles. a lot of thunderstorm activity over the ohio valley. that runs off to the east. that means a heavy rain event setting up
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centered right on the urban areas right around new york city. showers and thunderstorms tomorrow. the heaviest of which will be during the morning commute. even during the afternoon with a front yet to pass through there could be another scattered shower or thunderstorm. a spotty shower early tonight and then numerous and heavier thunderstorms coming in after midnight from west to east. the low getting down to 71. watch for flash flooding during that morning commute tomorrow. showers, heavy thunderstorm, a break around midday, maybe some more scattered activity during the afternoon and a high up to 80. partly cloudy, down to 70 tomorrow night. we have a couple of fantastic days later on in the week. we'll detail that in your accuweather 7 day forecast. >> thank you, jeff. coming up, diet pepsi making a major change for people concerned about an artificial sweetener. >> breaking news on the search
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for the missing kayaker and his connection to rock star annie lenox. >> new details on the deadly bear attack. >> a hospital back in business for the first time s
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comfort keepers can provide a variety of custom in-home services for your aging loved ones, including medication reminders and transportation to the doctor.
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inin a team of experts is being send to france to determine if debris is connected to missing flight 370. several small objects were found on the shore about a week after a wing from a boeing 777 washed up on another island in the indian ocean. experts are studying that wing to find out if it belongs to the plane that disappeared with 239 people on board in march of 2014. the fate of a washington post journalist on trial in iran is unclear tonight. the final hearing was held today for jason resion, an iran-american. he's charged with espionage and been detained for more than a year. his mother and wife went to the end today but were not allowed in the closed door hearings. so far there's no word on a verdict. pepsi cola is removing artificial sweeteners from diet pepsi. they said the bottles
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and cans will soon be on shelves as early as this week. there's no proof that it's harmful but a lot of consumers have been trying to avoid it. this new recipe is a blend of suclcrose. new revelations in the disturbing death of an infant tossed from a four story building in queens. the shocking statements from the child's mother coming up. >> a long island family goes out for a day on the water and they end up becoming heroes. i'm kristen thorn and i'll explain coming up. >> brooklyn residents calling
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eyewitness news when they a quick thinking family hailed as heroes after rescuing a family of five as their boat sank off the coast of long island. >> that family expressing extreme gratitude tonight to their rescuers who jumped in to help when they spotted them all clinging to a small part of the boat that was still above water. >> eyewitness news reporter kristen thorn spoke with the men who sprang into action and is live. kristen. >> reporter: this all happened about a quarter mile offshore in the great south bay. the endgine -- the engine stalled so the boat began taking on water. five people on the boat including a grandmother and two young girls. >> we were heading back to the marina and i see something floating in the water in the distance. it looked like someone laying on a paddle
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board. as we get closer it was five people holding onto a piece of boat. >> as bill deep got ready to pull the victims on his son jason jumped into the water with his friend while justin deek called 911. >> there's five subjects in the water with their vessel submerged. they reportedly have life jackets on. >> my first thought was to grab one of the little girls because she couldn't swim very well. i put her around my neck and she held onto me. when we goat to -- boat she didn't get to get off so she clung onto me. >> the family all had life jackets and they couldn't have justin, jason and their friend michael fire department. scscuba rescue team. >> the grandmother was going into shock. they wrapped her in shock.
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>> they thanked us over and over for helping them. >> it was the same thing guadalupe vega who was on the boat told us. >> i think that's very nice to they are good people, you know. >> reporter: i asked justin and jason if they were nervous throughout this entire or deal. they said they really just relied on their training. we're live, kristen thorn, channel 7, eyewitness news. >> thank you, kristen. we have just learned of a sad ending in the search for a man missing after a kayak accident on the hudson. inside the kayak was the daughter of rock star annie lenox. a body could be that of her boyfriend ian jones. >> two subjects in the water yelling for help.
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>> tally lenox and her boyfriend ian jones. >> a female subject has been rescued by another boat, male subject missing. >> 22-year-old lenox was picked up by a passing boat. >> we're looking into all possibilities. >> the couples tandem kayak capsized sunday morning. neither was wearing a life jacket. once in the water they got separated after 15 minutes by the strong currents. more than 50 law enforcement officers have been searching the river ever since. >> jones is a photographer and artist. they often posted their life together on instagram. tally was often seen on the red carpet alongside her mom. tonight while no one is speaking police don't expect foul play, saying it's simply a horrible accident on the river. >> the sheriff's office just told us they recovered a man's body from the river near the yacht club. that body matches
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the description of ian jones but they will do an autopsy. two rape and robbery suspects are in jail. police arrested joey cruz and isaiah navarro last night. after meeting people they sexual assaulted and robbed victims. new details about the mother in queens accused of throwing her newborn son out of a window killing him. according to court evil spirit had taken over the boy. he was tossed out of the fourth floor of an apartment building last week. he had been in the hospital for three days with a viral infection but released the day before. children playing picked up what they thought was a rock. authorities evacuated the area and it was a grenade. they used a robot to detonate the grenade.
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it's not clear where it came from. new tonight, the man attacked by a grizzly bear now identified. the latest on the investigation next. >> and triple threat, instead of triplets born on the same day their mother had to undergo open heart surgery. >> coming up here the passenger jet flying through a hailstorm, the pilots flying blind, the shattered wind shield, landing by computer. you got to see the pictures. the american river turned yellow.
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get this. i was at my shop tied up with a customer when i realized the time. i had to get to the bank before it closed, so i made a break for it. when i got out it was almost closing time. traffic was bad. i knew i was cutting it close. but it was ok.
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i use td bank. it's got the longest hours and stays open an extra ten minutes every day. i'm sid. and i bank human at td bank. join the millions who have already switched. we switched. and now, we're streaming netflix. who knew time warner cable's internet was so fast! mom switched. and now, we can watch our favorite shows together, on demand. i switched. so i can connect to the internet just about anywhere with my free twc wifi hotspots. join the millions who switched to time warner cable. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100meg internet, and hundreds of hd channels. you'll also get unlimited calling to the us, mexico canada, china, and now india. call today. i switched. now i have a free app that lets me watch tv whenever i have the time. for $89.99 a month you'll get tv, internet and phone. and if you call now, there's no risk, no contract, no catch, no kidding. i switched to time warner cable and knew exactly when they were coming. thanks to their one hour appointment window.
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switch to time warner cable today. and now, for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card. call today. happening now, police in manhattan are looking for two men caught on surveillance camera firing shots in a crowded courtyard of a public housing building on the upper west side. it happened early yesterday morning at the douglas houses on columbus avenue. they opened fire on a large crowd of people. no one was hurt.
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surveillance video shedding light on the minutes leading up to the death of an unarmed texas college student. it shows 19-year-old christian taylor climbing over a barricade at the dealership. he was seen jumping on the windshield of a mustang before driving his car into the showroom. >> that could have been too much drinking or the wrong place at the wrong time, could have got something you don't know what you're getting. i don't know. >> 49-year-old rookie cop brad miller and his training officers responded to the scene and confronted taylor off camera. miller fired four rounds striking taylor multiple times. the fbi is now investigating. officials have identified the man killed by a grizzly bear in yellowstone park. 63-year-old lance crosby was attacked by a grizzly in the park last friday. he was an experienced hiker who worked at a company that operates urgent care clinics in the park.
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wildlife biologists believe they have caught the grizzly responsible for the deadly attack. >> we caught a female adult bear. we are in the process of doing testing with the bear to make sure that we have in fact captured the right bear. >> the trail where crosby was attacked remains closed while park officials continue their investigation. the tributes continue to pour in for nfl legend and sports journalist frank gifford. he died of natural causes yesterday at the age of 84. he's being remembered for his talents as a star on the new york giants and his a broadcaster. this morning nfl hall of famer and live with kelly and michael cohost michael strahan called him a trail blazer and friend. >> as an athlete he was a giant and i was a giant. on the personal level to be able to spend time with him and his family and have them come to games, he was a guy who did what i'm doing now before i ever did it. he's a guy that did everything. he's kind the guy who set all of us up for what we do now.
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>> gifford appeared on live several times. his wife kathy lee gifford hosted for 15 years. long island residents regain access to around the clock medical care for the first time since super storm sandy. we'll take a look at the new facility coming up. >> brooklyn residents claim their management company abandoned them. garage piling up and they haven't gotten their mail, paychecks and bills for months. can 7 on your side coming up. >> the clouds are lowering and we're waiting for this activity over flash flooding tomorrow morning. we'll time it out for you
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retail giant target is making some major changes to its signage based on gender. it was sparked by one mom who took a photo gone viral. it showed building set, one for boys and one for girls. the mom did not want gender branding to dictate the toys her kids want. >> as my kids got old enough to notice there was a distinction my boys didn't want to go down the girl aisles we had conversations about it's okay for kids to play with any toys they want to. >> good for her. target is vow vowing to make changes by getting rid of gender references and revamping signage in the aisles. a happy reunion today on a set of triplets and their mother met with the medical team that saved their lives. in 2007 rose ann was 7 months old with triplets when she began having chest pains.
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she was diagnosed with a tear inside her wall. they delivered the triplets via c-section and performed an open heart surgery on their mother. >> we had so many miracles in that short period of time i told her we're not going to win the lottery because we used every bit of luck right then and there. >> i think they're right about that. despite the complications to birth everyone is now healthy. next week the triplets turn 10. >> who needs the lottery? >> yeah. >> all the stars aligned for that. >> yeah, they really did. this bad weather is on the way but the big issue is really going to be that flash flooding you were talking about. yes, right? >> yes, especially in the urban areas. it's the urban areas and smaller streams that can rise quickly. the water just runs off low lying areas, the fdr,
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bronx river parkway, places that typically flood. we're getting 1 to 2 inches per hour tomorrow morning. there's a view of the sky looking for threatening. that's our view from queens looking over midtown. 77 degrees, the wind coming in from the southeast at 8 gusting up to 17 miles per hour. speaking of queens, if you're heading over to citi field the mets hosting the rockies. cloudy skies for you have temperatures in the upper 60s at monticello where you already had dew points have risen up to about 60 they will continue to rise over night into the uncomfortable and oppressive categories into tomorrow morning. that's the humid air mass that the front and energy will work on when it comes into the tri-state area to cause soaking downpours tomorrow
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flash flood watches in the five boroughs of new york city, nassau county, south western connecticut, north eastern urban areas of new jersey right through 4:00 p.m. radar not showing much for the time being. through the evening hours there could be one or two showers north and west of new york city. that would be about it through midnight. here's our high resolution future cast, one of our best tools. it's only a 12-hour model but it's sharp and has a resolution of 3 kilometers. you can see the rain coming in at 3:00 a.m. this is really what we're concerned about, 6:00, 7:00 in the morning all of new jersey covered in drenching downpours and then they start moving into the urban areas around new york city. that can cause flooding for the morning commute. it expect the heaviest of the rain to last through 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. lowing tonight getting down to about 71 or so in the park, highs tomorrow getting back up to 80 again. drenching downpours in
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the morning could be a peak or two of sunshine in the afternoon. that could spark off another shower or storm. if you're heading to the beach tomorrow not going to be a great beach day. the rip current risk is actually high. we've had concerns about that the past couple of days and heard about people being swept out. tonight a spotty shower west of the city early and then numerous showers and thunderstorms developing later on lasting through the morning commute. a spotty shower wednesday and 83. as promised fantastic days later on in the week, 82 and 87 for thursday and friday. >> lovely. thank you. more now on that breaking news we told you about just a short while ago, a car has jumped a curve on the east side. >> jim dolan just arrived on the scene at east 48th street jim. >> reporter: a wild scene here on 2nd avenue. take a look this car driving down 2nd avenue this afternoon when the driver claims
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that he was cut off by a blue four door nissan maxima and it had to swerve to avoid that car. it hit two people who were on the sidewalk. one of those people -- both of one suffered minor injuries but the other suffered a serious leg injury. both were taken to bellevue hospital. you can see investigators on the scene here. police are looking for that blue vehicle that the driver of this car claims cut him off and forced him to swerve. there are a lot of people on the street at some of those are still standing by officers. two people hurt when this car had to swerve to avoid claims cut him off. one of injury. reporting live from the east side, jim dolan, channel 7, eyewitness news. >> thank you, jim. s raise a red flag after they stopped receiving mail for
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months. when the supervisor was let go of their building the mail carriers were locked out. >> if i'm paying rent it needs to be clean. i need to have access to my mail. >> an ana started to lose her patience when the trash started to pile up. >> look at that. it's disgusting. >> she stopped getting her mail delivered. >> we have not gotten mail since july 9th. >> the super of her building was let go. >> we have no super now. the keys were change d. >> looking out the mail carrier for two months. >> they don't have the front entrance key. >> no mail is reeking havoc on their lives. her husband patrick has not received his paychecks. june 9th. >> mail return ed as undeliverable when they couldn't get to the post office a mile away during business hours has their
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first door neighbor had his cable cut off. >> i couldn't pay my bill. >> they claim complaints to the management company went nowhere. >> when you call them we feel like they're nonchalant, don't care. >> when we called the management company locate in the bronx. >> there's garbage everywhere, people can't get their mail. their fault. >> we were told the post office was given keys a week ago. the u.s. postal service said it's been waiting since june. we called the agent back. >> can you have somebody get the keys, the correct keys, to the post office today so people can get their mail. >> the very next day -- >> did we deliver >> it's the first piece of mail in 9 weeks. >> you know you're happy when you're glad to get the phone bill. >> 7 on your side worked. i'm very, very happy . thank you. >> channel 7, eyewitness news . >> she got a letter. still to come
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in long beach. >> now residents have access to around the clock care three years after super storm sandy destroyed the medical center. we will take you there next. >> i'm bill ritter and new at 6:00, a new warning to hundreds of thousands of commuters who use new jersey transit. the problems of this summer, this is what the warning is, they could get worse. >> we hear from a brave man who rushed into a burning building to save a neighbor who was trapped in her burning home.
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that and more next at 6:0 an emergency room resuscitation involving not a person but the facility itself. >> super storm sandy destroyed the long beach medical center. tonight just what the doctor ordered, a new er nearly 3 years after the storm. >> eyewitness news reporter m.j. burkett has more from where residents have access to around the clock care. >> i'm here five days a week, more hours than i'm home. something could happen to me here. >> people worried about it for nearly 3 years. if you needed emergency medical care in long
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beach the nearest emergency room was up to 20 minutes away. >> we sped up this video ten times and it would still take the length of this tv segment to reach south nassau county's community hospital on the mainland in ocean side. that's why the new long beach er is a lifeline for the people who live, work and visit here. >> when long beach closed people did feel vulnerable. ems felt as a rule now we can be not only a stopping point for those who need care but we can be an end point, help them, resuscitate them and get them back into the community. >> the super storm sandy destroyed long beach medical center where all of its vital systems were in the basement. the new emergency room is meant to survive a 100-year flood and it's back up generators are elevated. >> it will be staffed 24/7 prepared for trauma cases that
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can't make it to the mainland and patients like patricia with symptoms. >> this morning i was extremely dizzy. quickly. there's a lot of old it's them. >> not glad to be here but glad it's here. >> the trip from anywhere in less. for routine emergencies and critical cases that can't wait to get to the mainland it could prove life saving. >> in long beach, m.j. burkett, channel 7, eyewitness news. there's still much more ahead including major train woes. why there's so many problems. >> eyewitness news at 6:00 starts right now. this is new york's number 1 news, channel 7 eyewitness news with bill ritter and liz cho, rob powers with sports and lee goldberg with the exclusive accuweather forecast. now
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eyewitness news at 6:00. it was definitely the most intense fire i've ever seen in my life. >> new at 6:00, he rushed into a burning home to save a neighbor's life. tonight we hear from this local hero. >> two more deaths from city. the mayor now insisting the worse of the worse legionnaires out break in city history is now behind us. >> a warning about new jersey transit. as bad as delays have been it could get worse if a new tunnel under the hudson isn't added. good evening. i'm bill ritter. a blent warn -- a blunt warning coming from am e -- from amtrack. a huge push for a second tunnel to double the number of available tracks. anthony johnson is in newark


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