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tv   Eyewitness News  ABC  August 9, 2015 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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>> i don't want to be cut open. now, new york's number one news. channel 7 eye witness news. >> it's an accident waiting to happen. a drone spotted flying near newark airport. four different pilots calling in the siting. passengers are raising concerns about the growing problem. first, he was great on the field and in the broadcast booth. tonight, tributes are pouring in for giant's legend frank gifford. good evening, everyone, i'm sandra bookman. >> i'm david navarro. his family said frank gifford died suddenly of natural causes at his home in connecticut. he was 84 years old. >> he rose to fame as the star of the giants and later he turned his career to tv and spent time here. >> his wife of 29 years, kathy lee tweeted thanks to his fans tonight saying we are steadfast
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in our faith and finding comfort in knowing where frank is. sports anchor laura behnke here now with a look back at frank gifford's life. >> reporter: from first round draft pick to mvp, to emmy award winning broadcast, his resume is glowing. he wasn't just a player or a tv personality, he was an idol and a friend. frank gifford may have been born in southern california but he became an icon after he was drafted by the giants in the first round of the 1952 drafts. winning league mvp honors in 1956 and being name today 8 pro bowls he did it all playing wide receiver, half back and defensive back. >> it meant a lot to stand in that tunnel and see somebody who walked out of that tunnel who played so well and pleased the fans so much and over their career and brought them championships and to be in his presence, i'll never forget it. >> reporter: after his career, he made a transition to the
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broadcasting booth joining monday night football in 1971 for abc. >> the crazy business of live television when everything is going nuts and everybody is always very calm. >> reporter: gifford will be remembered as an offensive anchor for a giant's team that made it to five nfl title games in the '50s and '60s. the team president said frank gifford was the ultimate giant and the face of our franchise for so many years. more importantly he was a treasured member of our family. we loved him and we'll miss him terribly. nfl commissioner roger goodell credited his talent and charisma for helping to build the nfl into what it is today. he would have turned 85 years old in less than one week. >> frank gifford was an important part of new york city sports history. an all star quarterback for the giants and a sports anchor. here at eye witness news and one
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of the hosts of monday night football. he's still very fondly remembered here at abc. tonight walt did nooe chairman said he's an exceptional man and he will be missed by everyone who had the joy of seeing his talent on the field and the pleasure of watching his knowing him. on the upper west side. >> reporter: he was in the limelight for so many decades. first as a football giant who earned his spot in the hall of fame. then as a popular announcer for monday night football. tonight, frank gifford is being honored by those who are close to him and those who admired him from afar. >> my father was a big fan of his. in fact, he named me my nickname. it was the gif growing up. after frank gifford growing up. >> reporter: from fans who adopted his name and fans who considered him a must watch every monday night. >> i'm very sad. i really enjoyed him.
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>> reporter: the sports hero and sports caster was fondly remembered. >> i especially liked the way he wouldn't criticize the officials when they made a bad call. as you see here they got this one right. he never said they did it right. you see they pretty much caught it and you see they blew it. >> reporter: celebrities took to twitter with their condolences. larry king tweeted rest in peace frank gifford. a star player and legendary announcer. my condo lenses kathy gifford. frank sinatra's daughter nancy. so sorry to hear about the passing of frank gifford. prayers for his family. to frank, god speed. >> i thought he was a great player. he was multidimensional and he could catch the ball, he could run with the ball, he could pass the ball. >> he was a great football player, a legend, a great human being. >> reporter: no doubt frank
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legacy. i recall meeting him at an abc event many years ago. as ever. live on the upper west side, lucy yang channel 7 eye witness news. >> thank you, lucy. a classy man. thousands have been reading about frank gifford on our social pages and our web site. find more details about him and photos of his life. we're following breaking news involved a pair of serial and rape -- they lured three women to meet them and attacking and sexually assaulting them. they also robbed the victims. one of their alleged accomplices was arrested on friday. it is becoming a dangerous problem at local airports. drones spotted flying near the runways. today it happened again. this time at newark airport. four pilots reported seeing a drone close to their aircrafts
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as they came in for a landing. this comes after three sitings last weekend at jfk. eye witness news reporter rene stoll live at newark liberty with details. >> reporter: good evening. tonight the faa telling us none of the pilots had to take evasive action and all landed safely. again, this making it now seven sitings locally by pilots in the last ten days. what would you do if you look out your plane window and saw a drone? >> i'd be freak out. i'd be freak out. >> reporter: sunday around noon flights approaching newark airport for landings reported exactly that. >> we just saw the drone at 3,000 here. >> we just dropped our parents off and they're flying out. we don't want any sort of drones
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to effect their safety or the plane. >> reporter: faa officials tell us the flights were for express northwest west jet and two for united airlines. it was 8 to 10 miles out as they approached runway 4. at one point they put out a warning to all pilots. >> drone activity reported left side. >> reporter: drones are becoming more of a problem for planes. ten days ago a delta pilot landing at jfk reported a drone off the right wing of the plane 1700 feet up. that weekend two other drone sitings were reported as well. the drone seen sunday was even higher between 2 and 3,000 feet in the sky. >> we don't see it right now. >> reporter: the faa saying the drones could cause a disaster if they hit the plane or tangle with an engine. >> not a professional, you how to use it. it's easy for an accident.
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>> reporter: the faa is investigating where this drone may have come from. it is illegal to operate a drone in a manner that could interfere with planes. in fact, that can give you up to $25,000 in fines and also carry criminal charges. reporting live at newark airport in new jersey, rene stoll channel 7 eye witness news. >> thank you very much, rene. new york city health officials have confirmed another case of legionnaires disease. however, the person didn't recently contract the illness. officials say there's been no new diagnosis since last monday. also, no new contaminated cooling towers have been seen. governor andrew cuomo said he wants to establish a statewide registry of buildings with cooling towers and a system och regular inspections. >> we know where the cooling towers are. we know they're inspected.
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we set up a protocol for how long they're inspected. leaving it to the authorities and the owners haven't worked. >> ten people have died since the outbreak started in the south bronx last month. one year ago today, a police officer in ferguson, missouri, shot and killed an unarmed teenager. today people gathered to make sure nobody ever forgets. >> father, touch the whole family. let them know they're not alone. in jesus mighty name we pray, amen. >> a rally gathered near the location where an unarmed 18-year-old michael brown was fatally shot by officer darren wilson. stuffed animals and prayers replacing the violence that filled the street after the shooting. demonstrations here in new york city as well. the nypd says there were multiple arrests outside the bar clays center in brooklyn. people silently laid on the ground for four and a half minutes. this symbolized the four and a half hours his body was on the street in ferguson.
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protesters say they want a different kind of policing. >> it takes us continually being out here and talking about it and bring awareness to every single solitary person that has been killed. >> in union square manhattan as well, a large banner had pictures of people protesters were said were murdered by police officers. a new analysis by the washington post says 24 unarmed black men have been shot and killed by police this year alone. a wild scuffle between soccer fans. brand new video of an all out brawl before a soccer match kicked off in new jersey. no apologies. donald trump refusing to say he's sorry for controversy comments some see as a tax on women. super swim. an athlete braves shark infested waters to accomplish what no woman has ever accomplished before. we're quiet for now. by this time tomorrow night, some drenching downpours will be
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entering portions [muted singing throughout] these girls have waited 62 days for this concert tonight. so far i've counted 32 omgs, 75 lols, 13 yolos, and i'm super tired! tweens--fun age, huh? you have places to go. [girls squealing with delight] let us worry about getting you there. bp gasoline with invigorate. fuel the journey.
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new information on the massacre of a family in houston. police have identified the family of 8, including six children killed in their home. police say david conley broke into the house of dwayne and value lee jackson last night and allegedly shot the cup and will
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six children ranging from 13 to 6 years old. conley had a previous relationship with jackson and the 13-year-old was his son. conley was arrested after a standoff with police. the search for a missing hudson river. 32-year-old ian jones and his girlfriend were kayaker near mills mansion when their two person kayaker capsized. the woman who is the rock star of daughter annie lenox got picked up by a passing boater. neither was wearing a life jacket. >> we're investigating the incident and what caused the cay yak to capsize. >> the search for jones will resume tomorrow morning. in the race for president, for the first time we are hearing from fox networks megyn kelly in becoming her latest target. despite the anger, he refusees to apologize.
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women are horrified by the remarks trump made about kelly after the republican debate but today on abc this week, trump says his comment was not about kelly being hormonal as many took it to mean. >> i made the statement blood was pouring from her eyes and blood was pouring from where ever. what it means is a person was angry. she was very angry. >> i'm a big girl, i can take it. >> meanwhile, his senior political -- a spokesman for trump says roger stone was fired. new video of soccer fans clashing in the streets in newark. an associated press reporter recorded the match. he says the participants appeared to be supporters of rival teams. the group dispursed when a police officer pulled up.
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newark police have not confirmed whether there were any arrests or injuries. an emergency landing. coming up on eye witness news, a small plane with broken landing gear forcing a pilot to make a very risky maneuver. toxic trouble. free flowing yellow sludge spreading and heading for a major tourist attraction. picture perfect night. the weather is about to make a
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major ch [african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! (narrator) only one family goes to incredible lengths to bring the thrills, the adventure and the best of africa back home to you. kalahari resorts. now open in the pocono mountains. book now at
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we are hoping that we're going to take this wonderful weekend into at least a portion of the workweek.
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>> we can extend it a little bit into tomorrow. i'm looking late in the week for another couple fantastic days thursday and friday. between now and then it's a big bump in the road for late tomorrow night into tuesday. a live look outside. it's another beautiful night out there. temperature right now 72. the humidity starting to creep up a little bit. you'll notice if you head outside right now muggier and the wind from the south at 6 miles per hour. the high on the day up to 85 after a morning low of 68. the high/low split for the day is almost right on target for this time of the year. 84 is the normal high. 103 was the record 14 years ago on this date and the sun setting these days at 8:03. muggier tomorrow and a few afternoon showers west of the city. here in the city it's sun followed by clouds in the afternoon. downpours and thunderstorms develop late tomorrow night and last into the day on tuesday.
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it could make a mess of the tuesday morning commute. the storms will be slow moving and capable of flash flooding or localized flooding and gusty winds out there. the severe storm prediction center putting us as a marginal risk of severe weather on tuesday. 70 at morris town and 70 on the shore at belmar, 63 at tom's river. lower 60s towards monticello and the dew points rising in the 60 to 65 range and straddling between sticky and uncomfortable. they'll be heading up towards oppressive during the day tomorrow. you notice the mugginess in the atmosphere. shot showing much and partly cloudy skies over the tri-state area. there's a vigorous disturbance causing area. some thunderstorms breaking out not too far from st. louis. these two disturbances combined forces as they head towards the tri-state area late tomorrow night.
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starting at noon tomorrow not much going on around the city and along coastal areas. north and west of new york city there could be a shower or two during the afternoon. it's late tomorrow night around midnight heavier downpours entering the delaware water gap. look what happens by daybreak on tuesday. this is why the tuesday morning commute could be a mess. heavy rain in and around new york city through the mid-morning hours and becoming more scattered in the afternoon. still the shot of thunderstorms for the evening commute. accuweather forecast overnight, partly cloudy and down to 69. 70 at 7:00 in the morning and sun giving way to clouds. more humid tomorrow, 82. could be a shower west of new york city in the afternoon. cloudy, muggy and heavy showers and thunderstorms developing after midnight and we're down to 71. a mess of a tuesday morning commute. showers and heavy thunderstorms around. 72 on tuesday and becoming more comfortable tuesday night. sun and clouds and a late day shower and a couple of nice days
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thursday and friday. humidity increases and so does the heat by the weekend. >> time to pull in the outdoor cushions day so they don't get wet tomorrow. speaking of football, i can't believe it starts with a great thing and then we have this sad loss. certainly. during the golden age of new the star. the giants and the nfl are in mourning after the hall of famer passed away suddenly and left behind quite a resume and a legacy. the met's magical run
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teg]ztwvgkpteg]ztsenkpteg]ztlvkpteg]ztfokpteg]ztwfkp laura behnke on more with the loss of a giant. >> giant's chairmanman steve tish summed it up best when he called frank gifford the giant's giant. he passed away today of natural causes and left behind quite a legacy.
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he was known to a younger generation as the voice of monday night football. he did play-by-play and transitioned to analyst. before all that, gifford was an eight time pro bowler and won league mvp honors in 1956. gifford was about as versatile as they come. he played offense and defense excelling as a defensive back, wide receiver and half back. he was 84. ever since the trade deadline, it had been the mets who were the comeback artists as they had 7 straight wins. last night the rays turned the tables and tried to keep it up today. new york and tampa wrapped up their series. bartolo colon on the mound. daniel murphy the single to right. a pair of runs score and the mets take a 3-0 lead. colon trying to hang on in the 5th. in the 7th still tied and not anymore. riche schaefer taking colon deep. that's a solo home run.
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they stayed at 4-3. curtis grander son grounds out to end the game. they drop the second in a row. the nationals also lost. david wright will begin playing in rehab games starting monday. he'll be the designated hitter in tomorrow's night game and play third base on tuesday. barring any setbacks wright could rejoin the mets in as little as ten days. just under two months remain in the regular season. the stakes were high as the first place yankees hosted the second place blue jays and it was toronto who sent a message. this afternoon the yanks were just trying to avoid a sweep. tanaka got the ball and saw trouble right away. josh donaldson taking him deep. jays up 1-0. tanaka facing bautista. another solo home run and made it 2-0.
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a fan threw field and hit brett gardner. he was okay though. the yankees had three hits in the entire game, 2-0. yanks shut out in back to back games for the first time since 1999 and the jays are a game and a half back. >> you never assume it's going to be easy and you're going to go through good times and bad times and you have to come back and play well when we go to cleveland and go from there. it's not our first three game losing streak of the year i don't think. we have to bounce back. time. the pre-season under way we'll take you to the hall of fame game. training camp. it's over. geno smith heard some boo's. don't worry about his confidence.
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training camp took the day off today for the giants who return tomorrow before heading to cincinnati before workouts with the bengals before they clash friday night. as for the jets they were off today as well after last night's green and white scrimmage. the team finally seeing game type action. geno smith started slowly and had a few incompletions. that prompted boo's from the crowd. the qb was quick to remind us it was just a practice. >> we have to keep working.
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the expectations are high around here. it's a long process we have to go through. i keep talking about the process because it's true. we have to stay steadfast in our work. >> the long way is over. football is back. with the preseason kicking off tonight we won't have another football free sunday until after the super bowl in february. the vikings and steelers in the hall of fame game. football is back. 14-3, the vikings win the first game that doesn't count. the inaugural season of the inaugural new york soccer rivalry is complete with the red bulls and football club meeting for the final time. the red bulls were looking for the sweep. scoreless until the 21st minute. bradley wright phillips, he's been an nyfc killer. his fourth goal. insurance came in the 85th minute. that's your final.
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the red bulls too sweep the season series. golf's final major of the see tees off thursday. let's consider today the final warm up in ohio. the biggest mover on the day, shane lowrey. all of this after barely qualifying for the event. he now has earned a pga tour card for the next three years. always good to see an underdog. show of solidarity on a grim anniversary. rallies in manhattan and brooklyn to mark one year since the death of michael brown in ferguson, missouri. courage under fire. how a neighbor helped rescue people from a roaring house fire. the wonder
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[african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! (narrator) only one family goes to incredible lengths to make sure your family time never becomes endangered. kalahari resorts. now open in the pocono mountains. book now at
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here's a look at the stories making headlines. frank gifford died today at the age of 84. he led the giants to the title in 1956 and became a fixture on monday night football and was a sports anchor here at eye witness news. the federal aviation administration is investigating after crews on four different flights spotted a drone at newark liberty international airport. none of the flights had to take
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e vase sieve maneuvers. it's been one year since the deadly police shooting of michael brown. today people gathered in ferguson, missouri, to remember brown's life and call for changes in policing. brown's death sparked weeks of protests in ferguson, missouri, and around the country. new demonstrations were held in brooklyn and manhattan to commemorate his death. kemberly richardson has the story. >> reporter: from downtown brooklyn to harlem and union square, hundreds mobilized in new york city today here with promise. >> the movement is having an affect and it's powerful and we'll continue because the stopping. >> reporter: it's a movement that started with a battle cry following the fatal shooting by police of michael brown in ferguson one year ago. his death ignited a spark, which
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spread like wild fire, heated up the debate and forced officials to change the way they investigate similar shootings. >> we're starting to get more indictments and we're starting to. it's slow, it's graul. it's not something that's going to take place overnight. >> reporter: outside of the bar clays center silent protesters laid down on the ground for four and a half minutes symbolizing the four and a half hours brown's lifeless body was on the street in ferguson. others say over the past year they haven't seen a difference in policing particularly when it comes to people of color. what they have witnessed they believe something just as important those in these communities saying enough is enough. >> this country has been shaken to its core in the way that hasn't happened since 1960. it is wonderful and tremendous that people have said no more, this must stop. >> reporter: a strong reaction from many of you on social media today.
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al sharpton saying as of today no justice has been served with regard to this case. in union square, kemberly richardson channel 7 eye witness news. police have arrested a man accused of a terrifying armed robbery in the bronx. 36-year-old jose munes ran into a laundromat wearing a halloween mask last thursday night. surveillance cameras recorded the suspect grabbing the business owner and threatening her with a gun. he stole about $250 from the register. police said he was arrested today and charged with second degree robbery. a massacre in houston. a family of six children and their parents handcuffed and shot one at a time in the head in their own head. a man with a violent criminal history is in custody and charged with their murders. tracy clemons reports from houston. >> reporter: investigators say the man behind the rampage climbed in through an open window on the side of the house,
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handcuffed the entire family inside and then shot each one of them in the head. we're talking two adults and six children, including his own son. a welfare check inside a home in a quiet neighborhood turned into a three hour standoff saturday night. that standoff included shots fired at deputies. when the dust settled eight people were found dead inside and this man, david conley was in police custody. >> telling everybody about this guy and my doidz stay away from him. >> reporter: family of one of the victims valerie jackson were marry and had had two children together. he killed one of those children in this rampage. >> we had last periods of school together and then we always said we would try to make it to the nfl together. >> reporter: hours after the most horrific scene anyone in this neighborhood could have
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imagined a local pastor led friends of the family in prayer on the doorstep hoping to find peace. >> my prayer to this family in the midst of this horrible situation would feel the love of this community and the city of houston and we would uplift them in this difficult time. >> reporter: david conley is charge withed three counts of capitol murder. the da's office said the death penalty decision will be made months from now. tracy clemons, channel 7 eye witness news. in queens a quick moving fire gutted two row houses. more than 130 firefighters responded early this morning after flames broke out at a home on 152 avenue and spread next door. everyone inside got out safely. one person on the scene refused medical attention. two firefighters sustained minor injuries. no word yet on a possible cause. in suffolk county, four people were hurt after fire
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burned through their home in st. james overnight. the fire broke out after 2:00 a.m. and went onto destroy the house. firefighters rescued three family members that were later treated for smoke inhalation. one sustained serious burns. firefighters suffered a minor injury. the cause is under investigation. a veteran rapper sean price being remembered with a memorial in brooklyn. today an artist created this mural today in 5 points create had gotten permission from the building's owner. he was 43 years old. he's credited with influences new york's rap influence in the 1990s. proof that you can't fight the tied. the off road driving adventure that cost some would be rescuers their ride. new details on the toxic sludge stretching more than a hundred miles and heading for
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one of america's most popular destinations. taking a live look outside now. meteorologist jeff smith will
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return john is just two weeks away from walking down the aisle with emily. didn't see that one comin'. now we're groomsmen. we're just 475 short miles away from... shenanigans. it's not going to get too crazy. might get a little weird. you have places to go.
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let us worry about getting you there. bp gasoline with invigorate. fuel the journey. tonight the epa says the amount of waste water that leaked from a gold mine into a
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river in colorado is three times their initial estimates. three million gallons of yellow sludge has contaminated the river there. they also say they don't believe there's any health risk to animals. the run off stretches 100 miles. mary bruce with the story. >> reporter: tonight new fears that this thick yellow sludge is rushing down the amamis river towards the crystal water in utah. concerns it could reach as far as the grand canyon. one million gallons of toxic waste water spewing from an colorado. >> it's scary and dangerous. >> reporter: the environmental agency is to blame. a clean up crew was digging and it accidentally ripped this hole releasing the mustard colored sludge. >> we misjudge and had this is something that i'm owning up to. >> reporter: the epa under fire after waiting almost 24 hours to
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notify state and local officials of the spill. the contaminated waste water snaking its way over 100 miles into new mexico. the water contains heavy metals including led and arsonic. the acidity as strong as black coffee. municipal drinking water is safe. the epa has warned people to stay out of the river. mary bruce, abc news, new york. a small plane landed safely without wheels in ft. lauderdale, florida today. it came down smoothly because the landing gear didn't work. the fire burned off fuel to reduce the risk of fire. firefighters were on hand just in case they were needed. they were not. in australia a couple of four wheel drive vehicles are likely ruined after getting stuck in the sand there. look at this.
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the life guard went out to see if anyone was inside. no one was hurt. first the suv trying to help a jet skier and then the suv got stuck. >> walked on the beach and saw this car was stuck and we try today lift it up with 25 guys and tried to push it. didn't work. >> did not work. at low tide the vehicles were towed to dry land. local police say driving below the high tide mark not recommended for this very reason. a family from tennessee traveled across several states to be reunited with a dog they thought was gone forever. they spent nearly a decade searching for her. boozer the boxer was traced back to his original family from the microchip embedded in its body. vets looked at it after he was
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dropped off at a shelter. he had been taken from a tennessee's family's home when he was 8 months old. it's like he remembers them. >> yeah, he definitely remembers his owners. it's great to see. a shattering the glass ceiling with a gruelling test of stamina in the water. >> the super swimmer completing what only men had done before her. get this. i was at my shop tied up with a customer
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when i realized the time. i had to get to the bank before it closed, so i made a break for it. when i got out it was almost closing time. traffic was bad. i knew i was cutting it close. but it was ok. i use td bank. it's got the longest hours and stays open an extra ten minutes every day. i'm sid. and i bank human at td bank.
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all right, jeff. i really don't want you to do the weather. i know what you're going to tell us. >> you don't want me to do the weather? >> we want you to do the weather. >> i want to put it off. >> we have to deal with tuesday morning's commute. that's the problem. that's going to be a wet one out there and ponding of water. it's going to be a mess out there tuesday morning. tomorrow not so bad. 72 right now and partly cloudy skies. the wind from the south around
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6 miles per hour. highs today up to 85 in the park. your warm spot, poughkeepsie at 87 degrees. 85 was the high at newark and low 80s before the sea breeze kicked in during the afternoon. right now temperatures in the mid-60s. 67 at west hampton and a pair of 6's at montauk and fallen to 72 in the park and a lot of upper 60s and mid-60s to the north and west of new york city. the radar and satellite right now not showing much over the tri-state area. you see a lot of activity. severe weather breaking out near st. louis and minneapolis you're getting showers and thunderstorms. these two pieces of energy will consolidate by late tomorrow night into tuesday. a lot of rain around here. it's going to get so humid ahead of this system moving off to the east and that energy in the atmosphere will be able to work off the humidity. lows tonight down to 61 in
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morris town and upper 50s well north and west of new york city. we're down to 69 in midtown. 63 will do it for the low in islip. highs tomorrow back in the low 80s. cooler than it was today but the humidity will be significantly higher. we'll start with sunshine and clouds will increase and there could be a shower west of the city during the afternoon. again, that high up to 82. as we head into late tomorrow night and tuesday, a nasty band of heavy showers and thunderstorms move into the area. we can't rule out showers and storms really at any point during the day tuesday. the most consolidated area of heavier rain moves through during the morning commute and another line moves through in the afternoon. the high up to 78 but muggy. if you're heading to the beach waves 1 to 3 feet. water temperatures ranging from 70 to 77 at the beaches of monmouth county, new jersey. here's the accuweather 7-day forecast. sun giving way to clouds
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tomorrow and the heavy downpour situation develops late tomorrow night and lasts into tuesday. another batch of storms tuesday afternoon, 78. it's stormy on tuesday and sun and clouds on wednesday and a nice day shaping up. bill evans has an update starting tomorrow morning at 4:30. >> all right. not too bad. one bad day and the rest of the week is a trade off. >> we need a little rain. >> you'll have to make it up to her with better weather. a woman in california accomplishing an incredible feet. she's become the first woman to complete a swim from the shark infested waters. >> it's a gruelling 30-nautical mile swims. kim chambers says she was determined to finish. a warm welcome home for kim chambers and her first step on land in over 17 hours.
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>> i'm completely overwhelmed. this is something i've wanted for so long and i can't believe i did it. >> her hands shook and eyes glistened as she described her brutal 30-mile ocean journey minutes after it ended. in fact, she had doubts she would be able to finish what she started. >> it was a really tough swim. i was pretty ill in the middle of the night and i couldn't keep any food down. i thought my swim was over because i needed to feed every 30 minutes and i couldn't take everything down. >> her spirits were kept high by the crew that followed her the entire way starting at 11:00 p.m. friday night until about 5:00 p.m. today when she reached the golden gate bridge. on the boat, her mother who flew in from new zealand. >> she had such mental fortitude and million determination to finish.
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she was freezing cold, you could tell it. she's exhaust and had aches and pains but she wasn't giving up. i totally admire her for this. she's an inspiration. >> four others have completed the swim. kim is the first woman to do it. >> this is what happens when you are scared of big dreams. you just do them and then this happens. >> wow. inspirational. >> very inspirational. that's it for grandma, your biscuits are the best. oh, these are from dunkin'. granny! i have a life, you know. [ ringtone plays ] oh. that's for me. oh! dunkin's chicken biscuit sandwich -- tender breaded chicken on a southern-style biscuit. grab one for $2.99 today. america runs on dunkin'.
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[african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! (narrator) only one family goes to incredible lengths to bring the
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