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tv   Eyewitness News This Morning  ABC  August 8, 2015 6:00am-7:33am EDT

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and developing now at 6:00 a.m., a baby is dead after being thrown from a window in queens. police are now questioning the baby's mother. another case of legionnaires' pops up this time outside of the bronx. >> good morning, everyone. looking at a gorgeous shot there of lower manhattan, one world trade, brooklyn bridge
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and the sun is just glistening off. >> yes , it is. >> good morning, everyone. thank you for being with us. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm toni yates in for michelle charlesworth. >> good to have you back again. michelle is wrapping up her vacation, good to see you. >> that is a long vacation. >> she is enjoying it. she's a shore girl in her heart. she's having a good time, perfect weather. >> you have given her a nice week off. >> reporter: the weekends we have had, looks so nice. there was one weekend i was off. i can't be responsible for that when it rains, but every other weekend has been so nice. the temperatures are right on the climate average, normal for this time of the year. let's get started, august 8th,
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and wow, 84 would be the normal, going for 85 today. happening right now, and then sunset 8:05, should be spectacular. everyone is out on long island this weekend, and all the beaches and down the shore will be great this is right on the money. temperatures still? the 50s for the areas off to the north and northern suburbs. 68 in central park, and then we have low 60s for white plains out to the island and down the shore. upper 60s by 7:00 this morning, and 80 by noon, and a high today in the low to mid-80s. coming up, we will talk about the second half of the weekend, seeing if we can make it 2 in a row. >> thank you very much. we are following the developing story out of queens where police are questioning the mother of an infant who was thrown from the window of an apartment building. marcus solis is live from the
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102nd precinct in richmond hill with what we know so far. marcus? >> reporter: sources say the mother will likely be charged. there's been interviews going on at the precinct since the horrific incident occurred yesterday. it was about 24 hours ago that residents made the horrible discovery a 3-week-old infant was laying in a pool of blood. the boy's parents are from bangladesh and share the apartment with relatives who have two children of their own. police interviewing everyone to figure out what happened to the baby who was obviously too young to crawl out or fall out on his own. for neighbors, it was especially tough. >> i really didn't think it was a baby. i really thought someone threw something out.
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sometimes i used to see a book in high school, but i saw that,s and i just like, no. >> reporter: and again, interviews have been going on since the discovery was made. sources say the mother is likely going to be charge in the incident. marcus solis, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> marcus, thank you. a case of legionnaires' disease has been diagnosed in rockland county, and as a result the factory where the person works is shut down. the company chromalloy has shut down, and they are treating their cooling towers. officials will start in the bronx and test every single cooling tower. it's not clear if this rockland county case is linked to the current outbreak or an isolated case. >> we must get out there and
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root the problem or cut it off at the source and present further spread. rob? >> of course we will continue to follow the response to the outbreak as the city works to bring it under control. we will update your facebook and twitter feeds as we hear more. two parents are facing charges after they left their young daughters in a car while they went to a casino in queens. the two were arrested last night after police found their daughters inside of a car in the parking lot of resort worlds casino. >> reporter: the girls were okay, and they helped the police find their parents inside. >> how many cases like that have we seen this summer? >> way too many! one is too many!
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family members of a woman say that she was strangled to death by the man she planned to marry. he was spotted camera shortly after dejesus' murder. she was found after her daughter didn't hear from her for several hours. >> everything i do reminds me of her. there's points i can't look in the mirror at myself because i would see her. >> that's so sad! family members said they never saw anything out of the ordinary in that relationship. the two reconnected at their high school reunion and got engaged. it's believed stevenson went to norfolk, virginia, or myrtle beach. a violent takedown in the bronx that left four cops hurt. >> this video is only on eyewitness news.
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this was after a home invasion, and one suspect escaped, and police caught up with the other man but struggled to get him down during the takedown. one officer suffered head injuries. none of the injuries were serious. one expect is in custody and the other is on the loose. this morning we are learning more about a deadly accident at a shipping terminal in new jersey. judy jones was struck by a large top loader being operated by another worker yesterday. jones died at the scene, and several agencies including the port authority are now investigating the company. right now police are searching for this man caught on camera in a frighten robbery at a bronx laundromat. the suspect walks in on thursday, wearing a zombie-like mask, and he pulled out a gun, threaten the worker and telling
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her to give him money. >> i don't know what he is doing. there's a mask, a gun, and i'm still in shock. >> the suspect grabbed the cash register drawer, putting the entire drawer in his bag and took off with the cash. police are hoping his recognizable mask and hair or possibly a wig will help them catch him. coming up on this saturday morning, a typhoon barreling towards china today, and now people are missing in the midst of the main storm. and meteorologist feel like a kid again with dunkin's new
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cookie-flavored iced coffees. for a limited time, dd perks members can enjoy any sized iced coffee for $1.99. america runs on dunkin'. prep trauma unit 5. what've we got? bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. [african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! (narrator) only one family goes to incredible lengths to bring the thrills, the adventure and the best of africa back home to you.
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kalahari resorts. now open in the pocono mountains. book now at introducing dunkin's new fruit smoothies. perfectly blended with real fruit and low-fat yogurt. it's a delicious choice you can feel good sipping. discover the goodness of dunkin's new smoothies today. america runs on dunkin'.
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a typhoon packing as much strength as hurricane katrina is now slamming into taiwan it brought with it fierce winds and heavy, heavy rain, and it's already turned deadly. cameras were rolling as one girl was swept away by choppy water. six people are dead, four are missing, and dozens have already been hurt, and at some point, iowany, i remember reading it was the strongest storm on the planet, insanely strong. >> it was a monster storm, and it's just so huge that it's a long-lasting storm as well. it's not just making land fall and there's a quick recovery. it's so big they having enormous impacts as well, and it's even more devastating. >> how much longer will they be in the cross hairs? >> it's just coming in. they probably have half a day left, a lot of flooding and surging they are dealing with,
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and a lot of people in that confined amount of space, and that makes it tricky there. >> scary there, beautiful here. >> you really cannot beat weekends like this one. rolling into august, and our temperatures are right on target for where they should be if you look at long-term averages. we don't really have any extremes in the immediate future. whatever you have planned today, it's on. look at the sun over the city. fantastic looking, and you can see a bit of the park there, and the official readings from central park, 68 degrees. pressure is holding steady, and 50s. the air mass is dry overhead. islip. it's another beautiful august weekend, and the rain is going
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night. then overnight. no extreme heat, and then the sky conditions should be perfect for that with what we have got right now in our view, and radar and satellite picture, looking good. as far as the eye can see, it's really fantastic, and once we get into the afternoon, temperatures will climb into the 80s, and a high today of 85 degrees, and really nice. a few clouds may come and go, but all in all, it's really nice. summer perfection is what we can call this. temperatures low 80s, and it's cooler. the futurecast taking us from sunday morning, rolling through the beginning of the week, and again a few clouds will come and go through the afternoon tomorrow, but it really does look fantastic. ending the weekend with clear skies, and monday starting off nice before the clouds increase, and we watch for the showers to develop from the
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west after 6:00 on monday. the weekend getaway forecast for the catskills, 80 degrees on monday. the hamptons just shy of 80 today and tomorrow, 84 expected sunday afternoon. the northeast winds will turn up, a rough surf for much of the weekend, but it 2-5-foot we'ves are expected this afternoon. rip current risks will be moderate today. high clouds, 85 this afternoon. we will have clear, dry night. do you remember who said this, let's play 2? i think we can do that for the weekend. 82 on monday. tuesday, 80-degrees with showers and storms. that could be extremely heavy rain fall, 1-2 inches showing up on the computer model. be ready for that wet weather.
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wednesday, thursday, and friday, temperatures in the upper 80s. let's play, too, do you know who it was? chicago banks. >> i knew that! on the tip of my tongue. i wasn't ready for trivia yet. i will be ready at 6:30 with coffee. one year after the death of michael brown, the unarmed teen killed by a ferguson cop, the city is looking different and
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reflecting so, i needed to deposit a check. i was about to head to the bank, but out of nowhere it just started to rain. like really rain. [clap of thunder] i did not want to go out. [clap of thunder] but then i was like duh, just use your phone. mobile-deposit-techno-thingy to the rescue. i'm rayna. and i bank human at td bank.
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welcome back, everybody.
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it is hard to believe, but tomorrow will mark one year since the death of michael brown in ferguson, missouri, and of course, it has sparked protests here and around the country. yesterday community members gathered to reflect on the last year and also look ahead to the future. tomorrow memorials will be held to mark brown's death, of course he was the unarmed killed by a police officer in the st. louis suburb. many say the community is healing after all the tension and violence from brown's death, but they say there's plenty of work to do. >> i do see healing and just listening to the voices and the smiles and the hugs. we have made a lot of gains, but we have long ways to go, but we have made gains, so i'm inspired right now.
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>> a report is due in less than a month, but a federal report that showed discrimination has led to several changes already. jurors were dismissed after they failed to reach a unanimous decision on the death penalty in the james holmes case, leaving it in the hands of the judge. >> we the jury don't have a unanimous decision. >> reporter: the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict for the death penalty after less than 7 deliberating, meaning the 27- year-old will not be executed. >> i think it's outray douse, and i still think death is justice for what that guy did. >> reporter: the trial was an emotional roller coaster for the victims' families. >> how about justice?
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he's breathing, and our loved ones are gone. >> reporter: ashley mosier was paralyzed and lost her 6-year- old daughter, the youngest victim. >> i don't know who i am anymore now that i'm not a mom. >> reporter: others were impacted forever for the killings. >> there will never be closure for these victims. they will carry the scars and the pain, emotionally and physically for the rest of their lives. holmes' family says they are deeply sorry this happened and so sorry the victims and families have suffered such tremendous losses. delta says the flames that forced passengers off the plane in nashville are a common problem. this was from an excess of fuel that sparked a fire ball on a small plane.
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the aircraft had not reached the runway when it happened it came back to the gate, and the flame eventually extinguished itself. all you're finally here. long way from the sandlot.
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first game in the majors? you don't know "aarp". because this family is enjoying a cross-country baseball stadium trip they planned online at aarp travel. it's where your journey begins with inspiration, planning, booking, and hot travel tips from real pros. if you don't think seize the trip when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at
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getting some love from the truck drivers outside. >> the sanitation workers everything. [ laughter ]
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>> time now for sports with rob powers. >> hi, everybody! let's start with baseball. 54 games in 58 days for the yankees. second place toronto in town, trying to track them down. the yankees were up by 4.5 in the standings, and here's the only run he gave up to josh. teixeira gets the run back, and it's been huge! his 30th home run. it counts, and it's tied. extra inning. jose batista loses it, and it's down to 3.5 games and the mets in tampa bay last night, trying to run their winning streak to 7 games to increase their own first place lead. a win last night would only help. daniel murphy, home run, and every run so far scored in this game came on a solo home run,
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including the next one, and evan longoria launches it. 3-2 in the 8th inning. not a home run, but that will do it. an rbi double, and the game is tied again, and wilmer flores is coming through again, that falls in for a base hit. 4-3, the mets win, nationals lose, and the mets lead up to 2.5 games this morning, and between those two and a half games, 8 solo home runs. the training camp rolls on. the jets open the preseason schedule next thursday. we got word yesterday ann con tone allen out, and miller in it. call this the green light practice. fans in the stands. it means something.
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>> i'm sure it does for the guys. playing at the home field. it looks different even if it's not a different practice. the fans get hyped up, and i'm sure it's excitement. >> the giants had a light walk through, and they open their preseason at cincinnati in less than a week. offensive lineman, rich flowers taking part, but any work the o linemen can get in, the better. together. i don't want to have them if injuries worse. >> the liberty on the road visiting chicago. 6. tiffany prince. her first game against her old team, and she was awesome. prince with 30 for the liberty. 77-63, and prince was 11 of 13 on the floor. finally from us, there's more
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than one way to skin a cat or dunk a basketball it helps if this is is a couple of walls to help out, and then whatever gets the job done, right? >> that was something. that's your morning sports update. whatever happens this weekend, i'm rob powers, and laura behnke will have you covered. i will see you back here on monday. much more ahead including the top stories. >> police continue to question the mother of a baby thrown out the window. i'm marcus solis, details coming up in a live a police officer bashing in windows to save a child locked in a hot car in brooklyn. we have seen this so many times, but the parent was not charged. megan kelly. the latest shocking comment
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that got his invite to a republican gathering today in atlanta taken away. you can't come! how perfectly placed. what a gorgeous sunrise we have this morning. i like it, you're going to like it, too. we will rate this day on a scale of 1-10, a perfect 10. doesn't get any better than this guys, especially in
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welcome back to eyewitness news. it's saturday morning, and the sun has stepped in and said yep, i am here, come and get me. [ laughter ] >> it's beautiful out there. good morning, everybody. i'm toni yates, in for michelle charlesworth. >> and i'm rob nelson.
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what a gorgeous summer morning . don't end. >> i know. it's august, we are counting down the days. >> let them roll on. the summer weekends have been just right. i can't even remember a weekend with a washout. it's really been fantastic all summer long, and today is another one, perhaps even better than all the rest. temperatures are in the 80s, humidity is low, and skies look fantastic. it's blue skies across the board. beautiful beach weather in front of us, the catskills to the jersey shore, hamptons all around, looking good. 68 is what we have right now in the city. upper east side, sun is splashing around. the upper lows in the 50s, and even somerville was down to 58 degrees last night because of the clear, calm conditions, and the air really settles in and allows the atmosphere to cool at the surface, and once we get
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the sun back up it heats up nicely. on the accutrack, nothing to slow us down. clouds in the afternoon, and then some coming and going from time to time. mid-70s for monticello, and then we have got low to mid-80s across the board. it will be fantastic. 81 the high, and belmar looking for the high of 82 today. planning for your day, and you can expect temperatures now in the upper 60s, low 80s by noon and the forecasted high coming up, we will see if we can do the oncore for sunday. temperatures are steady throughout the week. >> thank you so much. we are following that developing story out of queens where police are questioning the mother of an infant who was thrown from the window of an apartment building. marcus solis is live from the 102nd precinct in richmond hill with what we know this morning. marcus, good morning again. >> and good morning, tony, the
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victim is just 20 days old, and now his 20-year-old mother, sources say will be charged with doing the unthinkable, and detectives have been questioning family members here at the 102nd precinct. it was early yesterday morning where the residents of the building heard a thud. the boy's parents were taken in for questioning as were the relatives they share the apartment with, and the relatives have two children of their own. all indications are it was no accident. >> it definitely was an adult who was in the bathroom with no bars and launched the baby, threw him! and he fell down into the courtyard. oh, god! >> reporter: it appears the mother will be charged, and
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also acs is investigating as well. marcus solis, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> moving on, we have seeing video of the nypd officers rescuing a toddler locked in a hot car in brooklyn. the mother accidently locked the vialed in the car and then immediately called police, and officers were forced to break in. again, it was an accident. good to hear that. >> they got there in time. the nypd's controversial stop and frisk tactics are back in the news. they are intended to make sure the street stops are lawful and clarify a ban on racial profiling. officers want more guidance and instruction on what exactly they can and can't do under the law. >> also new this morning, a strange story, police want to find this man after they say he
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swiped 19 boxes of condoms for a drugstore in the bronx, and he attacked the security guard. it was around 1:00 tuesday morning, and police said he went into the guard stepped in, he was cut with a box cutter, and then the man ran off. three people are accused of pulling off a bizarre mortgage scheme. the prosecutors said the people broke in and changed the locks, claiming to work for a bank holding mortgage company and ordered the homeowners to sign the home over to them in order to gain access to get their belongs. donald trump is lashing out
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at the moderator of the first debate. megan kelly questioned him about his language about women. he said kelly was not very good or professional on twitter saying she bombed, and he even retweeted a tweet calling her a limbo. >> i don't have any respect. i think she's highly overrated. she starts asking me all kinds of ridiculous questions. you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes and blood coming out of wherever. >> wow! >> the moderators have actually been praised tough questions of all candidates, but trump's remarks got him disinvited from a republican convention today in atlanta. >> well now that senator schumer has announced he's voting against the iran nuclear
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deal, republicans are urging others to follow suit. >> the white house says they are still confident there's enough supporters to make sure it passes, and a spokesperson suggested that schumer's decision could jeopardize his future as the next democratic leader. >> i certainly would not be surprised if there's member of the senate democratic caucus that would consider the voting record of those who say they would like to leave the caucus. >> republicans are expected to pass a bill, denouncing the iran deal, but it's unlikely that enough democrats will join them to back the presidential veto. >> and speaking of the president, mr. obama will be making calls to congress this weekend, working to win support for the iran nuclear deal even though right now he's officially on vacation. the president and the first family arrived last night for their first vacation, renting a
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weeks. the president is planning no public events on the island. august 23rd. and tony stewart is now facing a wrongful death lawsuit over a deadly racing accident on a track in upstate new york. the family is accusing stewart of gross negligence. stewart's car slid into ward and ward got out of the car. a grand jury did not indict him in the fall calling his death an accident. that was a big story last year. we will see where it goes in court. a new study reveals how carbs could have a negative impact on women, and it has nothing to do with the number on the scale. >> look at that bagel this >> oh, no! i'm taking the preemptive strike to say no! [ laughter ] >> you're more disciplined than
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i. >> what a gorgeous day it is out there. amy is back with the full
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ava and i needed a little vacay. but we needed to watch our spending. meaning i needed to watch nikki. she's the spender. i'm the saver. so, mobile banking from td bank helps me keep track... for both of us. she was just browsing... we gotta go. i'm ava. i'm nikki. and we bank human at td bank. what?
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welcome back. check that out. the epa is analyzing tests that is now with yellow sludge from the river this is after a gold mine was shut down. they believe it's contaminated with heavy metals including lead and arsenic. officials are trying to determine if it poses health risks. the river is off limits in colorado and new mexico where the contaminated river has reached within 6 miles of the wildlife. >> they really have to get out there and clean up. they think the best thing to do is to let it run its course. some scientists say, i'm forgetting the praise now,
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dilution is the solution. they say to let it run its course, but that's a long wait if you live there and depend on that river. >> it was a dark river. >> it was like a mustard yellow. >> it's not pretty. >> well, we are lucky because beautiful around here is all we can say. our water looks good. the beaches, the waters, the lakes, the rivers. >> it will be the ocean, the ponds, the puddles. all warm now. >> the water is at 77. me, i like it around 83. >> see? that's what i'm talking about! [ laughter ] it it's get -- it's getting there. fantastic. every person i know is headed to lye, and it's one of those
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weekends where you can't beat the weather. the humidity is low, and just a few high clouds, and that's what will be in play today, just a little bit of cloudiness and the winds are calm, and the pressure is holding steady, and no real weather makers are headed in our direction. the dew point in the 50s and 60s, and this is comfortable. the dew points last weekend, and a lot of people enjoyed seeing this, and it's invigorating to pleasant. we have to get into the mid-60s to make this sticky and feel uncomfortable. we have a really nice air outside, and no showers to hold off the wet weather until late on monday when the next front comes through. central park today, the the warmest temperatures between 2:00 and 5:00, and highs today in the mid-80s, and summer imperfection is what we have to call this, all along
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the eastern sea board, it's fantastic weather. we are perfectly spaced between this coastal low that is way offshore, and we are allowed to have 2 days of this. the front will roll in here on monday night, and on the future cast, you can see it well. the clouds come and go on sunday afternoon, but no rain develops, and monday, same story, we will get a few clouds going in, and it's not until late in the evening where this front will finally make its way eastward, and it will hold off for much of the day, and then it will finally slide through. the weekend getaway for the catskills, hamptons, and the jersey shore, temperatures around 80 degrees for the higher elevations, and the jersey shore, you could make it into the low to mid-80s with sunday being the warmer afternoon. the waves up to 5 feet, and the water temperature buoys at 77 degrees, and the surf could be rough at times. be aware of what is happening on the beach you go to. the local life guard has good
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tips on what to watch out for and the best places to stay safe. 83 to end the weekend tomorrow, 82 on monday, and then the showers will move in late monday night into tuesday. this could potentially be heavy rain fall, and right now the computer models are showing 1.5 to 2 inches of rain possible. this could be something to watch monday night into tuesday. wednesday, thursday, and friday, temperatures climb, summer-like, and mid- to upper 80s those days. >> outdoors, plans, wow (. >> say if you booked your weekend or your week ahead at the jersey shore or something along those lines it will be fantastic. >> it's like hitting the summer lottery. >> it's really perfect. >> it is. >> i have a more specific question about the weather i have to ask you at 7:00. that's more for my plans. >> snap chat it up. >> we will bring it to you. >> thank you, amy. before we go to break,
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let's look at today's channel 7 community calendar. colorful dragons race to invade flushing meadows park in celebration of the 24th annual hong kong boat festival. enjoy the newest views from brooklyn bridge park with fun activities at the dumbo family fest, and the brooklyn musical will have independent musicians performing all generas of music. feast your eyes and taste budses on the hot rod food events in new jersey. food, music, and games are the way to go at mid-land beach promenade. cruise down main treat at the oldie's night car show. for more information on these
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or other events, or music: "thunder clatter" by wild cub most weekends only last a couple of days. some last a lifetime.
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hampton. we go together. always get the lowest price, only when you book direct at
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in this morning's health alert, you are what you eat. people are asking could your food choices be making you depressed? a new study finds refined carbohydrates lead to a higher depression rate in postmenopausal women. a big commuter alert this morning. subway riders will be met with service disruptions today that will impact weekend service for an entire year a long haul! beginning today, the a and c lines will run on the f track from west 4th and manhattan and j street in brooklyn. the cranberry tube needs to be repaired from sandy damage, the project with a $96 million
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price tag. the work will be done for 40 nonconsecutive weekends until summer of next year it will impact 200,000 riders every weekend. >> that's a lot of folks! a big heads up there. >> still storm damage! that's why things are so badly flooded. >> when we come back, sandy kenyon's weekend review. >> first, it's supercat saturday. over to amy, what's up? >> this is doodles on vacation in new york city. doodles is visiting, i think it's jill's sister, but that's another story. oscar from ann this morning. good morning sleepy head. i know how you feel this is tyler this morning from jen. tyler apparently has 26 toes according to the tweet. good morning, riley, to you. look at riley very, very close. nice little heart-shaped area
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of fur. perfectly place. hash tag them #supercatsaturday, and you can
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tag [sfx: bell] [burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you may find. [burke] like how you thought you were covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] but you're not even covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] or how you may be covered for this... [burke] but not for something like this... [burke] talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. [sfx: yeti noise] we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum
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well oscar winner meryl streep is on the big screen, starring with her real life father. >> -- daughter. she's a rock star who followed her dreams, and now she wants to make things right with her family. the big question is should you go see it? here's sandy kenyon. >> reporter: i love that meryl streep never plays it too safe for too long. the star learned how to play
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guitar for her role in "ricky and the flash." >> reporter: meryl streep is so cool, and her real life daughter is so true in the movie, it's easy to overlook the fact that it isn't a very good film. long ago she left her family in middle america to pursue stardom in l.a., but she didn't get very far. she did manage to record an album. now a family crisis is drawing her back to her former home in indiana. >> i've been trying to call you, it's julie, our daughter. >> reporter: her ex-husband has forged a new life with his new wife. >> reporter: her estrangement is obvious with dinner with her kids.
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>> why aren't you wearing your engagement ring? >> you two are engaged? >> reporter: mother and daughter give us transcending moments. i was so into the music and lyrics i didn't realize until later how little we learn about them and how inadequate he was as an actor. >> it doesn't matter if the kids love you. it's not their job to love you. it's your job to love them. >> reporter: what does that mean? like so many other things, you're not sure. it's been a long time since i was have been this happy leaving a mediocre movie. for those willing to forgive t an experience you're not going to soon forget. i'm sandy kenyon, channel 7 eyewitness news this weekend.
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>> i'm always so on board with him. he just nails it because even though he doesn't like the script in the movie, meryl streep, i'm going. she does no wrong. >> she's really good with that. she sings in it, too. >> she was very good in sophie's choice. coming up, we are following the latest developments in queens where police are questioning a young mother and several family members in the case of her newborn baby. another case of legionnaires' disease is reported, but it's unclear if it's connected to the bronx. it's happening in a different county in the suburbs. if it's not on your schedule to go to the beach today, go do it! it will be gorgeous, and amy
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freeze will be back with eyewitness news on this saturday morning as we continue. [african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! (narrator) only one family goes to incredible lengths to make sure your family time never becomes endangered. kalahari resorts. now open in the pocono mountains. book now at
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. and developing this morning, police are questioning the mother of a baby boy who they say was thrown from a window to his death in queens. another case of legionnaires' disease in our area, but this time not until the bronx, but in rockland county. this morning health officials will be in the bronx to test cooling towers.
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james holmes. >> good morning, everybody. a live shot of the sun soaked saturday, and you're headed to the beach and at the beach, and you're just lounge in the backyard in the hammock, grilling out, whatever you're going to do. >> did you see that shine? it's the perfect weekend to go do it, and good to have you back. good morning, i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm toni yates in for michelle charlesworth. welcome back this saturday morning. thank you for the coffee. >> someone wrote on twitter, and they were like, i know you're an old child, you remembered to buy coffee. >> people remember. >> i turn my cup like that! >> i'm just kidding. >> he's a good guy. >> speaking of good, amy freeze, we thank you for that. you gave this weekend a perfect 10. that's rare. >> it is a perfect 10. good-looking weather that feels just right, and that's spot on. happening on a weekend in august, it's all the better,
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and we start first with the climate page to show you the normals, which are basically a balance of the extremes, right at 84 degrees, and we will beat that by a degree or two. look at the record 104, and we have records lows of 57 in 1984. we can have all kinds of extremes this time of the year, and more often than not, it's hot and muggy, and we escape this weekend with the temperatures easy to take. 71 in the park. and 50s for millford, andover, and somerville, below 60 degrees. out on the island, 66 for islip, and 67 for montauk, and down the shore, mid-60s for belmar. any of the coastal locations you're going to, on the sand or in the boat, out enjoying the water, fantastic, hardly a cloud in the sky. we may have high, thin clouds going.
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for the most part, nothing to slow down the temperatures, low to mid-80s, and it looks like it could be a repeat for tomorrow. coming up, the accuweather forecast showing how long we can hold the pattern, and the planning forecast is 85 in the city. i will see you with more weather in a few minutes. >> thank you,. >> and we are following developing, and there's a heart breaking story out of queens this morning. police are questioning a young mother and several other members in relation to the death of a 20-day-old baby, and authorities said the boy who was less than a month old was thrown from an apartment window in richmond hill. marcus solis is live from the police precinct there with details this morning. marcus? >> good morning, toni and rob. it appears the sources say the mother will be charge in the incident. it was just about this time yesterday that police were at the scene after the horrific discovery. it was early friday morning
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that police, the residents actually made the discovery, and a 3-week-old infant lying in a pool of flood. the boy was thrown from a window on the fourth floor. the baby's body was found in the courtyard of 115th street, and the parents are from bangladesh and share the apartment with relatives who have two children of their own. police have been interviewing everyone to determine what happened to the child, who was obviously too young to crawl out or fall out on his own, and for neighbors it was tough. >> i honestly didn't think it was a baby. i thought someone threw something out. i used to throw out books in the high school, and i was like maybe someone threw out a book, and i saw that, and i was just like, no! >> reporter: again charges are expected to be filed against the mother, and in addition to a.c.s. is involved as will. live in richmond hill, marcus solis, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> tough story to hear.
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new this morning, two parents are facing charges after they left their two young daughter in the car to go into a casino in queens. the two were arrested last night after police found their daughters inside of a car in the parking lot at resorts world casino, and police say the 6-year-old and 8-year-old are okay, and they helped police actually find their parents inside the casino. they have now been charged with endangering the welfare of a child. a case of legionnaires' disease has been diagnosed in rock land county, shutting down the factory where the person works. chromemalloy is now disinfecting its cooling towers. it's not clear where the person contracted the disease. they will start to test every single cooling tower in the bronx today.
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it's not clear if the rockland county case is linked to the current outbreak or it's a single case. >> we must root out the problem and cut the problem off at the source and prevent further spread. >> 101 people have contracted the disease, and 10 of them have died. a developing story in california where police shot and killed a man accused of attacking several people, and investigators said the man stabbed six people before officers shot him, near a home in long beach, and police have not yet identified the man and at least one of the victims is in critical condition. the man convicted of killing a dozen people inside of a colorado movie theater will spend the rest of his life behind bars, and the judge's decision was made after the 12 jurors were able not able to unanimously agree for a death penalty against james holmes. the courtroom was shocked when
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the decision was but one juror was steadfastly opposed to the death penalty, and two others were not able to make a decision. >> i think the issue of mental illness was everything for the ones who didn't want to impose the death penalty. >> the same panel of jurors convicted homes of killing 12 people and injuring dozens more during a midnight showing of the dark knight rises 3 years ago. colorado has only executed one person since the death penalty years ago. toni. family members of a new york woman who was found dead in her home are pleading with the man herself in. >> olga dejesus was strangled to marry. her fiancee was spotted on camera just after her murder. she was found dead along with
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the family dog after her daughter didn't hear from her for several hours. >> everything i do reminds me of her. there's points where i couldn't even look in the mirror at myself because i would see her. >> family members say they never saw anything out of the ordinary stevenson's relationship. the two reconnected at their high school reunion. it's believed stevenson may be in norfolk, virginia, or myrtle beach, south carolina. police want to find a robber who had his sights set on one particular item in the bronx but ended up attacking a security guard. this man swiped 19 boxes of condoms for a rite aid on tuesday morning, and a security guard stepped in when he noticed the man putting the condoms in his bag, and that's when the thief cut the guard with a box cutter and took off.
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the guard was treated for his injury at the hospital. sometimes you just want to ask why! >> 19 boxes? you hear of busy weekend plans, but good lord! [ laughter ] now it's china's turn to take on a typhoon that swept through thailand, disrupting power and leaving many without wate
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china is bracing for a powerful typhoon that left at least eight dead. the storm left millions without power when it slammed into taiwan yesterday, bringing down trees and power lines, and that's an incredible amount of water. hundreds of flights in and out of taiwan have been canceled. it is expected to hit mainland china with hurricane-strength winds later today. >> can we get right to the point it doesn't cause a lot of problems in china? >> absolutely not. what is fascinated by this is the punch when it hits land fall.
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a lot of times it causes destruction and problems, but hurricanes and tropical storms themselves can be worse when they get inland because of the flooding they create, the property damage, and also people have a false sense of security that the storm will weaken, and then there's flooding. >> this is one of the tallest buildings, somewhere in that region, they were worried could be the building of that size withstand the winds? >> that's very fascinating for people into physics and maths because you know the chances increase. you're dealing with incredible winds that could do major damage, blowing out windows and that sort of thing. >> it makes us feel guilty it's flawless here, no to the be selfish about it.
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>> no, but we have good weather. okay? >> let's do it. we will take it. >> we are not going to give it back. i mean -- [ laughter ] it happened on august weekend, and it just makes it that much sweeter. 71 is what we have in central park. i love this shot. looking up the hudson to the gwb, and visibility is right on. we could have high, thin clouds today, ask that's all that will slow us down. winds out of the east, and pressure is holding steady. we could be ahead by a degree or two the official reporting stations in the 50s north and west. those numbers are at 60 degrees, but pushing 70 in the city. the boroughs are warming up quickly this morning. 66 for belmar, and toms river, 63. i think we can add 15 to 20- degree from the temperatures we
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have right now down the shore. probably low 80s for places like belmar. night. late monday into tuesday. no extreme heat in the extended forecast for now. it's really smooth sailing as far as dealing with temperature, not having overload on the air- conditioning bill and those things, and accutrack shows we are storm free. through the futurecast, 85 today, perfect summer weather, and storm, low 80s as well. we are positioned between these two low pressure systems, one well offshore, and the next one monday night, and we will start tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m., and we may have a few clouds come and go through the afternoon, but not a big deal. sunday, back into the low 80s, and monday morning a beautiful start to the workweek, and and we will be watching all day monday, the slow moving front will hold out to the west, and likely late monday into tuesday. it will present wet weather for us, and that's one to watch.
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for now the weekend getaways, you can still make it. the jersey shore, looking great. beautiful drive no maturer you're head -- no matter where you're headed. water temperature, 77 degrees, and a moderate risk of rip currents toe. we could have rough surf. be aware of that the reason is the storm system that is well offshore. tonight, down to 68. 50s again north and west, mostly clear skies, and we have 83 to end the weekend, sunny and nice for the afternoon. accuweather forecast, there's monday night into tuesday, and put the rain icon on tuesday morning, and that's what you will wake up to, the rain beginning late monday night, and the computer models are showing 1.5 to 2 inches of rain, and that looks like it could come in quickly for monday into tuesday. that's something to watch out for, and then the middle of the week, temperatures rise again.
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mid-80s to close out next week at 87. the accuweather forecast, what a weekend! i like the timing. it's just right. >> uh-uh. perfect. >> i'm an only child, and i want to bring this back to me. i'm hitting the jersey shore tomorrow for a few days, and the girlfriend's birthday is tuesday, the 11th. >> no, no there's no proposal! relax! dinner. >> tuesday hi plan -- tuesday i had plans, but is it going to be rained snout. >> you're starting the beach on sunday, going until tuesday? >> we are not coming back until wednesday! >> tuesday it's going to be rainy. >> morning? >> morning and most of the day. >> stay inside and be romantic. breakfast.
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>> it's the jersey shore, it doesn't matter if it's raining or anything. >> it's relaxing. >> so much to do. >> go to the avenue and spend the whole afternoon over there. >> there you go. >> all right! enough of that! enough of that! [ laughter ] coming up next. you know my social security number! [ laughter ] >> straight ahead on this saturday morning, a young couple ties the knot in texas. yeah see? this is great! perfect segway. but not exactly after a very special proposal. the groom has to choose between saying i do and going to jail. uh-oh. >> also coming up in sports,
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the mets music: "another sunny day" by belle and sebastian such a shame it's labeled a "getaway." life should always feel like this. hampton. we go together. always get the lowest price, only when you book direct at this morning, people on medicaid who might otherwise be struggling to care for themselves won't have to. because homefirst, a product of elderplan, is there... helping them with bathing, dressing and meals so they can remain safely at home. homefirst, a product of elderplan
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continuing the work of the four brooklyn ladies caring in so many ways. call 1-866-386-4180 or visit some new video this morning shows an american airlines plane safely making an emergency landing in philadelphia. according to the faa, the crew declared an emergency shortly after taking off for seattle and then turned around to land just after 9:00 last night, and american airlines says the plane burned off unburned fuel as it took off, but the plane was never on fire, and it never lost power. all crew members were simply put on another flight. >> very good. >> a pair of newlyweds in texas
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are celebrating their vows and freedom. >> the groom got into a fight with his exboyfriend and said it was only because he was defending the woman he loved. the judge ordered him to follow his heart in order to avoid jail time. >> what if we don't want to get married right now, we're not ready. will he go to jail? i wonder what would have happened if we said no, judge, we would like to get married on our own terms. >> oh, lord! >> shotgun marriage. >> they missed the episode of mama's family. >> the couple did decide to tie the knot, but they are upset about the rushed ceremony that was nothing like what they would have planned, and a constitutional law attorney says there's no way the judge
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could have enforced the ruling. >> i know. >> but that's really not the judge's right to say that. that's overreach. >> that's a little much.
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>> come on feel like a kid again with dunkin's new cookie-flavored iced coffees. for a limited time, dd perks members can enjoy any sized iced coffee for $1.99. america runs on dunkin'.
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welcome back, everybody. time now for all the morning sports headlines. >> here's rob powers. >> hey, everybody! let's start with baseball. 58 games in 54 days for the yankees. second place toronto in town, trying to track them down. the night began, and nathan gave up this run. solo shot from the red hot josh donaldson. six homers from the last 8 back. that's huge. his 30th home run.
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it counts, and it's tied. that. extra innings. or that's extra inning. the yankees lose 2-1 in 10. the first place lead this morning, down to 3.5 games, and the mets in tampa bay last night, trying to run their winning streak to 7 games, up 1.5 games on the nationals, and the 8th inning. murphy's home run. every run scored in this game comes on a solo home run, including the next one. longoria launches it, and it's in the 8th inning. to the 9th. not a home run, but that will do it, and an rbi double, game is tied again until wilmer flores comes through again. that's base hit, and that's a 7- game winning streak, and mets win, and the mets lead by 2.5 games this morning. between the 2 games, 8 solo home runs, and the nfl training camp the roll on, the jets
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opening their preseason schedule next thursday. we got word next thursday allen is out with the rest of the season with a torn tendon, and dean had surgery, keeping him off the field 6-8 weeks, and it's been a long week of hitting. the jets switch it up today. they have practice at metlife stadium, call it the green- white practice. it means something special. >> i'm sure it does for the guys. they are playing on their home field, and it's a different place from practice. a least it looks different if it's not a different practice, but the fans get a lot of guys hyped up. i'm sure there will be excitement. >> the giants with a light walk through yesterday after a couple of days of hard hitting practice, and they open the day in cincinnati. the offensive lineman is able to battle injury, and any work they can get in, the better. >> we want to get the comradery going. i don't want them out there if they are going to reinjure
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themselves or make whatever injury they have worse. the big game for the wnba last night, the liberty in 1st place, it's tiffany prince, her first game against her old team, and she was awesome. two-time all star in chicago, and that's 30 for the liberty, 77-63, the liberty win, and prince was 11 of 14 from the floor. and finally from us, there's more than one way to skin a cat. or dunk a basketball, and for 5'5" cal mathison, it helps if there's a couple of walls to help out. whatever gets the job done, right? >> that was something. that's your sports update. whatever happens this weekend, laura behnke will have you covered. i'm rob powers, and i will see you right back here on monday. >> my knees would be killing me! >> that's amazing what that boy did. off the wall, behind, and wow! the kid got up.
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i like it! >> get me some joint medicine. much more ahead including a look at the top stories. questioning continues of a mother suspected of throwing her baby out of a window in queens, and i'm marcus solis with details coming up in a live report. >> thank you, marcus. also, there's new allegations against bobbi kristina brown's partner. a wrongful death count has been added to an ongoing lawsuit. and meteorologist amy freeze has your accuwe [sfx: bell] [burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you may find. [burke] like how you thought you were covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] but you're not even covered for this...
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[man] it's a profound statement. [burke] or how you may be covered for this... [burke] but not for something like this... [burke] talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. [sfx: yeti noise] we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum
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welcome back, everybody to eyewitness news, early on this beautiful saturday morning, and it's lower manhattan there bathed in sunshine, and this morning, nothing wrong with that. it's a beautiful saturday, august the 8th, and the dog
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days of summer, but no complaints here. >> none! >> the jersey shore kind of day. >> belmar kind of day. >> i have heard belmar is the party spot. >> yeah t is, and so is asberry park. whatever you want on the jersey shore, it's there. >> the chamber of commerce for new jersey. >> you and michelle hard core. i love it. >> yes, in deed! >> good morning, everybody. thank you for being with us. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm toni yates in for michelle charlesworth. we are always glad to see you. we talk to you all the time on social media. >> people are tweeting in facebook, and that's always good. >> no matter what shore town you like, perfect weather for it amy, tell people the good news about their summer weekend. shore town beaches across new york. one of my favorite places is island. >> and you like the pizza.
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>> yes! >> what's that spot you always tell me about? >> which one, coney island or tatono's pizza? it's just off the board walk. i love tatono's. >> do you still sell frog legs down there? >> i don't know. i'm more of a mushroom on my pizza kind of girl. rain will stay away all weekend long, not coming back until monday night, and it us. no extreme heat, at least in the immediate forecast. looking over central park, what a fantastic day. the great lawn will be fantastic with low 80s and low humidity. that will be nice to play frisbee or just hang out.
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greatheck, up to 70 already, quickly. expecting low to mid-80s, and inland new jersey numbers, 65 for trenton, and newark at 69 and the other than counties last night are still mid- to upper 50s right now, radar and satellite, clear, and we go for temperatures about normal or a few degrees shy of the normal, and it's a fantastic afternoon. a lot of sunshine, and going for the high of 85 in the city. more to come in the accuweather forecast in just a few minutes. rob? >> amy, thank you very much. developing this morning in queens a young mother is now in police custody, and authorities are questioning several family members all of this in relation to a heart breaking story, the death of a baby boy who was less than a month old, and marcus solis is live now from richmond hill with more on this extremely tragic story. marcus? >> and in deed, rob, the baby was just 20 days old, and the mother 20 years old, and he's
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been questioned by police since this horrific incident yesterday, and detectives here at the 102nd precinct are continuing to question family members, and it was early yesterday morning that residents of the building in richmond hill heard a thud and of blood. the baby was thrown from the fourth floor window. the baby's parents were taken into questioning. the parents share an apartment with relatives, and they have two daughters of their own, but all indications are it wasn't an accident. >> it was an adult who pulled down the window, with no bars, and launched the baby, threw him! and he fell down into the courtyard. oh god! >> reporter: and again sources say the mother will be charged in the incident, in addition to the police investigation, acs is investigating as well.
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live in richmond hill, marcus solis, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> thank you, marcus. new this morning, a nassau county father is accused of driving drunk with two children in the car. 31-year-old gio gossi was arrested last night after police pulled him over on glencove road and old westbury. his 1-year-old and 3-year-old were in the backseat at the time. they were released to their mother who was also in the car, and he was charged under leander's law. there's new acquisitions against the partner of bobbi kristina brown after her death. the administrator of her estate has filed a new wrongful death lawsuit against nick gordon, accusing gordon of giving brown a toxic cocktail is putting her face down in the bathtub where she was discovered unresponsive. of course gordon has not faced any criminal charges, and tony
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stewart is now facing a wrongful death lawsuit from an accident last year. the family of kevin ward jr. is accusing stewart of gross negligence. his car skidded into ward after the two crashed at a race and ward had gotten out of his car. the grand jury did not indict stewart in the fall calling the death an accident. right now police are searching for this fan caught on camera at a frightening robbery at a laundromat in the bronx. he was wearing a zombie-like mask when he pulled out a gun, threatening a worker, telling her to give him money. >> he grabbed me and say give me money. i don't know what he is doing, and i tell him, i'm in shock. >> the suspect grabbed the entire cash register drawer taking off with 250 pucks.
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police are hoping his mask will help them catch the man. governor cuomo is turning up the pressure to kick in for a new hudson river running tunnel. aging systems have been blamed for delays on amtrak and new jersey transit, and now in a better to the financial transportation secretary, cuomo says it's the legal responsibility of the federal government to shoulder the cost and the government promised to cover just 1/5 of the $15 billion needed for the tunnel. commuter alert to pass along to you. a big one and a long one this morning the subway riders will be bet with service disruptions impacting service for an entire year. the a and c lines will run on the f track from manhattan and j treat in brooklyn. the agency says the cranberry tube needs to be repaired from sandy damage, and this project has a price tag of $96 million.
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it's a big endeavor. work will be done for 40 nonconsecutive weekends, lasting until next summer, and it's expected to impact 200,000 riders every weekend, and again, big work on the a and c line brooklyn into manhattan, and check the signs a the the station if you use that train a lot. >> sandy damage, and a lot of families trying to get into their homes. >> it's almost 3 years later. >> yeah a lot of people. coming up next on eyewitness news on this saturday morning, at 100 years old, a singing staple is still entertaining audiences in manhattan, so what was his big birthday wish? >> that's amy's story, and you're going to love that speaking of amy, she has the accuweather forecast in
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prep trauma unit 5. what've we got? bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
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come to sesame place before little kids become big kids. and celebrate our 35th birthday with our new neighborhood birthday party parade. save $10 on admission and get a free 2nd visit at sesame place. go before they grow. 7:41 is the time. the oldest performing musician here in new york city just turned 100 years old. what a big celebration, but the real honor goes to those who get to watch him perform. check it out. where else would a world class pianist celebrate his birthday
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other than tickling the ivory keys? >> i did it! congressman maloney honored him for being a new york institution. he plays here nightly it's just a 2 minute walk from his apartment, and he can play anything. celebrities come regularly, and this week, birthday card wishes for famous politicians and celebrities. >> donald trump has always sent me a birthday card. >> reporter: what's the best part about being 100? >> the best part about being 100, you get all this attention. >> reporter: he wrote a catchy hook to make the ramba a hit in the '50s, and he has played everywhere. in the '80s he was a fixture at plaza's oak room. and he just keeps getting better. >> i took advantage of learning things every day. >> reporter: you can do things
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now more technical than you could years ago. >> yeah, i was afraid to do it, and now i take a chance, and it works. >> reporter: as for 100 years young, he is married to his wife ruth, he has children and great grandchildren. he'ses ice cream, drinks martinis, and he's never retired. >> do something. but do something you love. if you love it, you will be very happy. >> reporter: his birthday wish? do have another 100 years just like the first. >> wow! >> that's awesome! >> he was so awesome. >> can see irving fields, and he actually holds down two jobs in new york city. one at nino's fantastic food by the way, and also on park lane. both spots are just minutes for his apartment. on the weekends, friday, saturday, and sunday, he's in park lane during the afternoons noon to 3. people come from all over the world, and he will play anything you request, and a lot of celebrities have
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gathered to hear him over the years. eyes, too. >> you should have heard the stories about the rat pack back in the day playing in vegas, and born in brooklyn, and, yeah, he actually, at the age of 18 started to travel the world on cruise ships as a piano man, and then he caught the flare down in havana. he helped libarache get his start. >> it's the light in his eyes, and it's still there. >> it's the light from the ice cream and martinis. i like this guy. all right, let me get you the information you need here. by the way, irving, if you're walking to work today, the weather is just right, about suitly gorgeous out there, and temperatures low 70s right now, but going for highs today mid- 80s. looking over the park, i mean i
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just don't doubt that sheeps meadow will be packed later today with people enjoying the fantastic weather. whatever your plans are outdoors, humidity is low, and temperatures will be warm but not too hot. here's the climate averages, our normals are made up from looking at extremes, what happens on hot days and cold days? we will average things out, and that's the normal, 84, considered normal for this date. going for the high of 85, and we don't have any really hot weather or any unseasonably chilly weather, but instead we are just comfortable. right now, temperatures in the 50s, and 60s. 70 for belmar, and low 70s in the boroughs. it will not take long under the sunny skies to get the temperatures into the lower 80s, and we will keep the dew points in the 50s to 60s degree range, and that means the air will be comfortable. you could almost pull up the windows and let the breezes come in and have a fantastic afternoon of enjoying what is
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happening in the atmosphere. mid-80s with the temperature profile, and it's umer is perfection. one storm is bell offshore, and one is back here. it's going to stall out and take its time. it's coming across central pennsylvania through the second half of the weekend into monday night, and then we will finally get rain. just expect the oncore with the weather tomorrow afternoon. futurecast is showing it tomorrow as well. clouds come and go especially by the fork of long island. clouds will come in through the afternoon, and then by 8:00, showers still well off to the west, and the computer models are showing late monday night into tuesday morning, we could be getting an inch to 2 inches of rain fall over parts of the area, and that's something to watch monday night. the weekend getaway forecast for the catskills, hamptons, and jersey shore, looking really nice. hatchsons could be 78 today and tomorrow. jersey shore, mid-80s, and the sea and sand forecast this is important. the boating, the surf will be
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rough this weekend, and the waves up to 5 feet. water temperature, 75 feet. rip current risk is moderate. check with the life guards. tonight, going down to 68, and the windows are open kind of night tonight, and it's beautiful. sunny and nice tomorrow, 83. the accuweather forecast, i feel like we are getting a break here with the air- conditioning bill, growing into august, where we don't have the dog days of summer, and instead, it's pure comfort. tomorrow, it's let's play, too. yeah, two days in a row. >> ernie banks. the late mr. cubs. >> i'm telling you, the air- conditioning bill. i like when it's 300 and something and as opposed to 400 and something. one bill is like that, and then the next, okay. >> the mayor said a few weeks ago, keep your thermostat at 78 --
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>> some of us can't do that! i was like eh! >> some of us can't do that. [ laughter ] >> yeah, but thank you, amy. coming up in our 9:00 hour, menu. we will have all the ingredients and the secret ingredients to the secret soup. >> i love it, but before we go, the community calendar. this is for the story we just saw. this remix of billy joel's piano man. >> i like it! colorful dragons race to invade flushing meadows park in celebration of the 25th annual hong kong boat festival. enjoy the newest views from the brooklyn bridge park at the dumbo family fest. a quick boat ride to governor's island will place
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you at the brooklyn music festival where musicians perform every genera of music. feast your eyes on the hot rod and foods event in new jersey. food, music, and games are the way to go at the staten island beach fest carnival at mid-land beach promenade. cruise down main street for the oldies nightclub show. for more information on these
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yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. well helping an animal find a loving home may be the the perfect fashion accessory today. >> the best friends animal
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society will be offering free kitten and cat adoptions at urban outfitters stores for the national cat day. the adoptions will be held today at eight stores throughout brooklyn and manhattan during regular business hours. the animal welfare organization will also be collecting donations that can get shoppers coupons at urban outfitters. speaking of cats and kittens, it's supercat saturday. >> beautiful segway. amy? >> we have an urban outfitters right up the way on the west side. this is tugar. i think i said the name right. it reminds me of my cat growing up. an orange tabby just like this. this is also the fat cat edition, i have to admit. dexter get out of the sink! you know how i feel about that. >> disgusting! >> we also have denim. what a beautiful breed of cat. the fur enhances, but the size
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of the paws, incredible. doing bird watching, but be careful with your paws. in is not stretched or otherwise enhanced this is maggie, as she is. i guess the little pillow is for size. hash tag them, and you can [sfx: bell] [burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you may find. [burke] like how you thought you were covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] but you're not even covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] or how you may be covered for this... [burke] but not for something like this... [burke] talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. [sfx: yeti noise] we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum [african-style music] take my hand to the land take my hand to the land, whoa-oh! (narrator)
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only one family goes to incredible lengths to bring the thrills, the adventure and the best of africa back home to you. kalahari resorts. now open in the pocono mountains. book now at
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coming up in a few minutes, good morning america's weekend edition.
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>> let's check in with paula for a preview. >> good morning rob and toni, i hope you're having a great start saturday. we have great fallout for donald. donald trump disinvited to speak in atlanta following the remarks made about megan kelly this is after he took part in the most watched debate in history after he was booed for refusing to pledge his support for the republican nominee unless it was him. could this be the beginning to the end of the trump campaign? a jetliner forced to land in colorado after being hit by hail. look at that, it's shattered. new developments in the trial of a police officer charged with killing an unarmed black man who went looking for help after an automobile crash. there's differing accounts emerging about what happened that night, and we will have the latest.
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talk about sparks flying! two teenage lovers out for a leisurely stroll, struck by lightning, and miraculously they were not injured. they are speaking out about the ordeal and hear what doctors have to say why they were possibly saved, and it has a little something to do with the fact they were holding hands. >> oh, man. >> reach over, rob, and hold toni's hand. you never know when it's going to be lightning. >> what a great story to tell their kids one day. we are following a developing story in queens where a mother is now in police custody after police say her baby son, just 20 days old was thrown out of a window. >> marcus solis is live in richmond hill with the latest on this. marcus, good morning again. >> reporter: good morning tony and rob. since the incident took place, detectives have been questioning family members, and sources say the mother will be in deed charge in the incident.
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it was just over 24 hours ago police responded to the building on 115th street in richmond hill. a 3-week-old baby found lying in a pool of blood after police say he was thrown of a fourth floor apartment bathroom window and the couple shares the apartment with other relatives, and there's other children in the household, and everyone was brought in for questioning as they try to figure out what exactly went on, and, of course, besides the police investigation, acs is involved as well. marcus solis, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> that sorry just kind of tugs at you, even though you have heard of the times investigating that. >> final check on the accuweather forecast. we have a lovely saturday. >> temperatures just right. temperatures low 80s with the low humidity, and if we had the sticky, high humidity, we would not be having the same brag session that we have going.
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>> my hair would be over the place. >> must be a low dew point. >> thank you very much. >> he's trying to be a meteorologist. >> ladies and gentlemen, the jr. weather badge will be awarded i think some time in the future to mr. rob nelson. he's the one who doles them out. looking outside, what a beautiful look over the east river. 71 in central park. good morning, everyone. temperatures low 80s down the shore. we are going to 85 in the city. we will call it a rough surf. monday, clouds will roll in. wet weather monday into tuesday. the accuweather forecast is heating up late next week. >> okay, we can take the rain. we have a wonderful weekend in front and behind me. no? >> nothing wrong with it. >> that's right. my lawn needs it. >> that will do it for this


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