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tv   Eyewitness News First at 4  ABC  August 5, 2015 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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playing the movie mad max theory theory about life -- max theory road. the gunman came into the theater, the officer shot back and then retreated. after that a s.w.a.t. team came with another exchange of gun fire. the suspect eventually found dead. one person may have suffered a hatchet wound. all this in the middle of the day in the middle of a movie theater. the suspect who has not yet been identified had two backpacks, which right now are being checked out by local and federal authorities. >> officers are working now in hazardous devices to clear those backpacks. so far we have only traded -- treated three patients for pepper spray exposure, we believe at this point that the pepper assailant. one of those three treated was also examined for what we have described as a superficial wound that would have been possibly caused by a hatchet.
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>> you were driving and dropping someone off? >> yes. >> did you see people out that were injured? >> no. a lot of people get out from the restaurant and a lot of police. a lot of police running out. >> if there is good news here, is that there are no major injuries. it looks like three people treated for pepper spray and one also had a possible hatchet wound. the movie theater and a shopping center in a middle class neighborhood, this a copycat of the gunman two weeks ago in lafayette, louisiana, cops don't know. that shooter killed two people inside a theater, he later killed himself and of course right now in colorado a jury deciding whether a convicted killer james holmes should get the death penalty or life in prison for killing 12 people in a movie theater in colorado three years ago. but tonight more gun violence and we are working right now on trying to figure out who this shooter was and any possible motive, we will keep you posted. david. >> thanks. we have more breaking news and we may finally start getting answers on exactly what
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happened to malaysian flight 370, just a short while ago malaysia's prime minister confirmed that a piece of wing found is part of 370. >> marci gonzalez has details. >> they expect to find more but based on just that one important piece they found so far, they now know more about the fate of that flight than ever before. 550 days after the flight damaged one of aviation's biggest misteries is now partially solved. >> with a very heavy heart that i must tell that debris found on reunion island is indeed from mh370. >> reporter: malaysian officials confirming the plane missing since march of last year went down in the indian ocean, investigators making the
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determination after analyzing this boeing 777 part called the flaperon discovered on reunion island last week. >> it is my hope that this confirmation, however tragic and painful will at least bring certainty to the families and loved ones of the 239 people on board. >> reporter: but still no clarity on what caused the plane to go down during its trip. investigators at this defense laboratory in france will continue their probe, scouring that flaperon for physical and chemical evidence. >> they will look for residue. was there explosive residue? were there puncture marks? so hopefully we can rule out that there was some kind of an explosion. >> reporter: experts also assessing barn dalles on the -- barnacles on the flashon to -- flabberon to try to determine where it went down. >> and french officials won't go as far to confirm that the part was from the missing
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plane, only saying there is a strong presumption. they add experts are also still analyzing a suitcase discovered on reunion island. david and diana. >> thank you, marcy. back in our area right now hundreds of people in new jersey are without power after construction mishap. a crane crushed a 24-inch water pipe in cliffside. >> right now boil water advisory still in effect for cliffside park, englewood cliff and fort lee. agage has the -- a.j. ross has the last. >> reporter: experts now try to strategize which is the safest way to remove this massive crane that caused this huge water main break here earlier today. water to hundreds of homes and businesses remain shut off at this hour as utility crews try to complete repairs around this mess. it was an unexpected morning rush for a construction crew operating this massive crane here along anderson avenue in cliffside park. the crane, which has had sensory issues had just
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undergone repairs and was beginning to lift into the air when operators noticed a river of water bubbling below. >> i see the water here, like this kind of water. i make a video too and i make -- i push up the water, i'm very scared. >> reporter: take a look at this cell phone video this nearby business owner shot as the water main quickly sent waves gushing through his shop. >> here to here like this. too much water. the water came back from that way, from here and then -- >> reporter: city officials say the broken 24-inch transmission pipeline released a good deal of water before crews could cover the valve. the animal hospital estimates they have lost thousands in damaged goods and equipment. >> we have the fryer, the machine itself, we have suppliers -- >> reporter: about 200 people remain without water throughout this area as crews continue their repair efforts. their biggest challenge is to
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work around the mass crane which they are concerned could further damage the roadway. >> one of the things we are concerned about is because of the weight of the crane, if we -- if we start to move it, we will do additional damage to the utilities that are under the ground. >> reporter: officials are now consulting with an independent crane expert to find out what is the quickest and safest way to get this thing out of here, those in this immediate area do remain without water and there is a boil advisory in effect. in cliffside park this afternoon, i'm a.j. ross, channel 7 eyewitness news. and we want to take a look now, this is a live picture from newscopter 7 and you can see that massive crane. it's more than two blocks long. it is absolutely huge. that is the crane that caused the problem, caused that water main break earlier today. things looking a little quiet, the roadway not quite as wet. as you heard a.j. say, the real question is how are they going to get that crane out of that area. we will continue to follow this and have more for you coming up later in this broadcast and of
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course on eyewitness news at 5:00. another water main problem to tell you about, this one? sunset park, brooklyn. workers opened a valve that caused water to shoot out of the street near fifth avenue and 52nd street there. the work is connected to that huge sinkhole that opened up a few blocks away. yesterday no one was hurt in this incident and unlike in new jersey we are told that water service was not interrupted in this case. a developing story, an undercover nypd detective sentenced to two years behind bars for his role in that road rage biker gang attack on the west side highway. wojciech brash cocke was one of several bikers charged for the chasing and beating of alexia lean in 2013. much of that attack as you may remember was caught on camera. brashcaulk was charged with second degree assault, criminal mischief. he testified he chased the suv because lean was fleeing after hitting a fellow biker. investigators trying to
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determine what ignited a fire that sent three buildings in new jersey up in flames. firefighters say there was heavy damage to one of the buildings and significant damage to two others. they say it appears a car behind the building started on fire and the flames quickly spread to the building. >> they had some type of canopy or some type of make shift -- they may have been working on cars and maybe the car caught on fire. at this point it's under investigation. >> it all caused a lot of problems but fortunately we are being told that there were no injuries. police are looking for the man who broke into six apartments in manhattan stealing all he could carry before he got away. he was caught on camera trying to get into a building near 10th avenue and 57th street on july 25th. a woman spotted him and scared him off. the burglary in midtown and hell's kitchen date back to february. police say he has gotten away with jewelry, electronics and clothing. meanwhile, in the bronx, police are searching for a man wanted for attempted rape.
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investigators say the man appeared to be browsing in a clothing store last saturday. you see him on the video here but then he attacked the 41- year-old clerk who was working aloin. she managed to fight him to fight him off and he ran away from the store. detectives hoping someone will help identify him. right now most of the electricity is back on on long island after a strong storm downed trees and powerlines there. pse&g has restored service to more than 75,000 of the 87,000 customers that lost power yesterday. meteorologist amy freeze in poverty jefferson -- port jefferson with more. amy. >> reporter: early potent storm for sure but a day and a half later a lot of folks here in port jefferson are still waiting for their power to come back on and the reason is the damage that was done to the trees and the powerlines, it's taking crews a lot of time to get them. you can see that right now working just above me a couple hundred feet in the air, the size of these trees just a massive height they have and
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also how long they have been alive, they are very wide, big trees and to get to them it's taking a lot of time, making for a frustrating situation. everybody is having to pitch in just to clear the streets in port jefferson. >> i see the guys doing the best they can, working hard diligently out there. >> reporter: powerlines still dangling 36 hours after the storm that snapped this pole on pat darling street. >> literally is a war zone and it literally cut like a laser, cut through all the trees. this is like a tornado. it really spun around. i mean, it threw things all over the place. >> reporter: the storms came through about 5:00 in the morning, so a lot of people were still asleep. but looking at the damage, it was likely straight line winds that tore op the -- off the top of the trees and knocked off powerlines. >> twice the amount that we had with sandy. >> mature older trees came down across roads and did damage on properties. >> the wind that came up and over the hill was a severe wind. so you can see throughout long
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island down to north shore, large root balls that were pulling out. >> reporter: the mayor held emergency meetings today to decide where to put all this debris as quickly as possible. and it is that meeting they did find out they had about 24 structures that were damaged here in the port jefferson area including the -- you can see all of the huge set of events, able to take out one or two trees that came down. this is a long line of 300 yards worth of powerlines that are downhill from where we are and of course they are working on that right now. the estimate is about 500 households still without power but it may take a long time just for a few number of the households to get back online because of the size of the problem that they are dealing with. these are enormous trees they are trying to take care of and what's surprising is that this damage is twice as bad as they had during superstorm sandy. live in port jefferson, meteorologist amy freeze, channel 7 eyewitness news.
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>> this is amazing. in other news, president obama today calling out critics of the iran nuclear deal blasting them for not supporting the plan. the president spoke for nearly an hour today about the proposed agreement he is maintaining his position that if the u.s. is not -- does not reach a deal with iran it could result in military action. the president directly addressed concerns that the deal is a pathway to a nuclear weapon. >> it cuts off all of iran's pathways to a bomb. it contains the most comprehensive inspection and verification regime ever negotiated to monitor a nuclear program. >> one major opponent of the deal israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president says that his concerns that the deal helps iran build a nuclear weapon are wrong and that the agreement was created with israel security in mind. busy news day. coming up, a setback for sandra lee. find out what governor andrew cuomo's longtime partner had to be rushed to the hospital.
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a long island man says he's been harassed, followed by police after since he filmed a violent arrest. that story coming up on eyewitness news. and new information about the escaped inmate shot and killed by police in upstate new york. we are going to tell you what an autopsy revealed. and i'm meteorologist lee goldberg. nicest weather day of the week living up to its billing. it's warm but breezy and the humidity is nice and low. here's your signal if you're traveling out and about tonight. just have to worry about a pop- up shower to the north, not a big deal. beautiful in the bronx for yankees rox game too and an excellent evening. this is the nicest day of the week, we have complications
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the 100% fiber optics network is here. get out of the past, get fios.
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4:16. newscopter 7 over long island expressway in queens, shannon, maybe you can tell us why is there such a long backup there? >> reporter: this is going to be a nightmare, david. look right here, you've got construction taking out two lanes on the eastbound side of the l.i.e. out of the queens midtown tunnel so you're really down to only one lane of traffic getting through. now, i've got to tell you guys i'm having captain randy empey give us this shot. we will show you what this is doing to traffic on the city side because this is affecting you. there is your entrance there and look at the entrance from 36th street to give you an example. this is going to be at least 45 minutes getting into the tunnel and then slow on that other side so you can bet it's going to take at least an hour to an hour and a half to get through the queens midtown tunnel all because of emergency construction.
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reporting live over the l.i.e., shannon sohn, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> thank you, shannon. patience. new details today from the toxicology report sparked by the death of prison escapee richard matt. the report shows that matt was legally drunk when a law enforcement officer shot and killed him last month. his blood alcohol level at death was .18. matt and david sweat escaped from the clinton correctional facility in dannemora back in june. sweat was caught two days after matt's death. we have meteorologist lee goldberg outside with our exclusive accuweather forecast. i'm going to do my own little forecast. summer weather. did i get it? >> i love today. so nice. >> was he right, though? >> he is always right. >> i like that attitude you have there. >> that's a good response. very good. you don't say that about me. >> no. of course you know i do. so beautiful out here, lots of smiling faces on the avenue and
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sidewalk. it's a great summer day, august at its best, chamber of commerce weather. go ahead and look outside in lower manhattan, a few patchy clouds around right now, a nice breeze coming in out of the northwest, clouds a little bit thicker to the north and west, we have had a pop-up shower, westerly breeze at five, gusting over 20 some spots and the pressure on the fall. the high today 87. 89 in east rutherford, mid-70s in the poconos, 86 in clifton, new jersey and dumont as well. it will be interesting to see if newark got to 90 degrees because that would make it 90 days of a heatwave, maybe the longest since 2002. 87 in brentwood and 85 montauk but the dew points are delicious, in the lower 50s. that's pleasant. you take mid and upper 80s with dew points like this. it just feels perfect. 8:27 this evening. mainly clear overnight, a few patchy clouds early tomorrow morning and then we will notice high cloudiness midday and afternoon.
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in fact, might be a lot of high clouds to finish the day. there's the patchy cloudiness right there, you see it north of i-80, sus- setion county -- sussex county, into the five boroughs right now, westchester and fairfield county, harmless clouds, a little spec on the radar getting near poverty jefferson -- port jervis, the jet stream is dipping down to the northeast and far enough to the north that most of the rain showers are over new england but far enough south that it's suppressing the storm track right now. and initially that low you see on the left-hand side of your screen is going to stay to our south. notice high clouds fanning northward from it later in the day tomorrow and then the majority of the rain is going to go down through virginia and the delmarva, i can't rule out a shower on friday, central, southern new jersey but for the most part the rains will be offshore. there will be more cloudiness and i think we should stress there will be more sunshine and the best chance of the driest weather being north of new york city. the problem will come over the weekend.
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i'll address that in a moment. a few clouds overnight, it's comfortable, even 50s in the coolest spots. the night to open the window. sun mixing with high clouds tomorrow, still seasonably warm, in the mid-80s and the humidity low, but you will notice high clouds filtering the sunshine especially here in the afternoon. tomorrow night turns mostly cloudy for a while, might be a period of rain sneaking into central and southern new jersey, down to about 69 degrees. coming up at 4:30, i thought we would be done with this storm once it was sliding to our south on friday. the problem is it is going to try to come up the coast. how close is it going to be to us? are we going to have to worry about rain and clouds at the beaches and sunday morning? we will address that the next half hour with the seven-day accuweather forecast. meanwhile it couldn't be nicer and tomorrow looks pretty nice as well. i'll see you inside in a bit, guys. >> thank you. >> okay. coming up do the natural sunscreens really work? jessica alba is fighting back against the backlash against her company's product.
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how much protection do they offer? and our friends talking about john is just two weeks away from walking down the aisle with emily. didn't see that one comin'. now we're groomsmen. we're just 475 short miles away from... shenanigans. it's not going to get too crazy. might get a little weird. you have places to go. let us worry about getting you there. bp gasoline with invigorate. fuel the journey.
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pope francis is opening up a discussion on divorce. he declared today that divorced catholics who remarry deserve better treatment from the church. current teaching says divorced catholics who remarry are living in sun and are not allowed to receive communion. the pope says that makes
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raising children catholic a lot more difficult. some people are saying they are getting burned by so-called natural sunscreens. this comes after complaints made by a company that was founded by superstar jessica alba. >> it raises questions by all sunscreens that market themselves as natural and begs the question do they really work. >> reporter: jessica alba on the hot seat this morning fighting back amid controversy over the effectiveness of his company's spf30 sunscreen lotion. the criticism began earlier this week after parents weighed in online claiming the product is ineffective. it was like baby oil, this mom says, posting a review on, another writing, my daughter's back looked like a tomato and even blistered in one spot. alba and her honest company cofounder defending their product, explaining hers is one of many so-called natural sunscreens on the market. >> my dream was to create the ultimate family brand.
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>> insisting the sunscreen has gone through extensive third- party testing and passed all requirements writing on their website we develop and use honest sunscreen to protect our own children. but this morning those pictures reigniting a heated debate during the peak of summer. do mineral based sunscreens work differently than sunscreens that use chemicals in minute -- they are often zinc or titanium based. while -- consumer reports did not test the honest company's product, but recently tested five other natural sunscreens where zinc oxide and or titanium dioxide are the active ingredients. the magazine concluding mineral based sunscreens are less likely to offer skin the complete protection it needs. >> one of the reasons why mineral sunscreens may not perform as well as the ones with chemicals is because the
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mineral particles form an uneven surface on your skin and you may not be getting good coverage. >> reporter: in the end, most dermatologists agree any sunscreen is better than no sunscreen. >> sunscreen is really important and you need to use it every day all year round, even on cloudy days and no matter what your skin type is. >> such a critical question to get it right in terms of one versus another is -- we are getting brand-new information about the suspect in the tennessee theater shootout. one in trouble. governor andrew cuomo's partner sandra lee rush ava and i needed a little vacay. but we needed to watch our spending. meaning i needed to watch nikki. she's the spender. i'm the saver. so, mobile banking from td bank helps me keep track...
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for both of us. she was just browsing... we gotta go. i'm ava. i'm nikki. and we bank human at td bank. what? the spinning pinwheel of death. the disappearing wi-fi icon. the frozen download bar. you don't need a magician to fix these things. you need fios internet. get fios 50 meg internet, tv and phone now for $79.99 a month, price guaranteed for 2 years. or, double your speeds for just 10 dollars more a month. and only fios gives you uploads speeds as fast as your download speeds. the 100% fiber optics network is here. get out of the past, get fios.
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oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. this is breaking news from channel 7 eyewitness news. we have some new information right now on the breaking news we brought to you at the top of the show. a man armed with a gun and a hatchet killed by police inside a movie theater in tennessee. we have just learned that the suspect is a 51-year-old man from the nashville area. police say he was wearing a backpack that was turned to the
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front of his body and he had a surgical mask on his face. the mask may have been on because he was spraying people with pepper spray. at least three moviegoers were treated for pepper spray and one person may have been had a minor hatchet wound. there were 20 people inside the theater at the time of the incident. we will have much more coming up on eyewitness news at 5:00. >> hopefully will know a motive. >> yeah. our top story this half hour, a cell phone recording by a man on long island resulted in that phone being taken away. the man captured this violent takedown by suffolk county police and as a result he says he was pulled over and police took away his phone and kept it for several weeks. >> long island reporter kristin thorne in hauppauge with the story. >> reporter: dave and diana, we spoke with thomas demin here at his attorney's office. he says after he took this video he was arrested and charged with obstruction of justice and resisting arrest. he says over the last year he's had to deal with police
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following him and harassing him. thomas demin says he was on way his to work when he saw police arresting one of his friends so he pulled out his cell phone and started recording. >> i wasn't there to expose anybody or to make anybody look bad. i was there because these cops are being violent with him. >> reporter: demin says both times officers told him to back up, he did. >> back up, back up. >> i'm videotaping. i'm just videotaping. >> reporter: demin says the last time the officer told him to leave, he put his phone in his pocket and walked away. >> the way police officers jumped him on the back, threw him down to the floor and cuffed him, cuffed him and they arrested him charging him with obstruction of justice. >> reporter: demin says while he was on the ground, an officer -- >> came over and took my phone out of my pocket and went to the last video on my phone and deleted it but when i had got tackled to the ground, my phone
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took two accidental videos and muffled me being on the ground so they deleted the wrong video. >> reporter: two weeks later he was pulled over for rolling through a stop sign. >> they asked me about my phone and after they had got my phone, the police officer said well now i have the video and you will be seeing more on me and you can count on that. >> reporter: demin says police had his phone for six weeks. >> i called almost every -- twice a week for every week trying to get my phone back and they were like, they either told me that the detective wasn't in for me to talk to or that i would have to call back at a later time. >> reporter: demin's attorney says once they get the charges dismissed, which he is positive they will, they plan to the suffolk county police department for false arrest and violation of civil rights. we of course reached out to the police department about all of this and they did not return our calls. we are live in hauppauge, i'm kristin thorne, channel 7 eyewitness news. governor andrew cuomo's
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longtime partner tv chef sandra lee back in the hospital, for problems stemming from her recent double mastectomy. a spokesperson told eyewitness news it was a setback due to what may be an infection. the food network star is expected to remain in the hospital for a couple of days. new at 4:00, animal cruelty charges filed against a woman on long island after her horses were found emaciated and sick. the suffolk county spca says 61- year-old helen ma lazo -- malazo kept her horses at a boarding facility that had no running water. one of the horses was so ill and abnormally thin that it is not clear if it will survive without veterinary care and it is getting some care. all three horses were seized. they are all now in foster care. she is due on court on october 5th. a final farewell for frank ma cella. sanitation and police officers process -- processed into the church for the funeral.
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mayor de blasio spoke at the service. the 37-year-old mozilla died on the job last week in staten island. he suffered from heart disease. he was the first worker to die while on duty in the 34-year history of the its enforcement division. we turn now to the race for president and we are less than 30 hours from one of the most anticipated primary debates ever. the debate airs tomorrow night and because there are so many republican candidates in the race, this debate actually has an a list and b list. the b listers will have their own mini debate starting at 5:00. the big event, though, will air at 9:00 and feature the top 10 candidates based on several recent rolls. taking center stage literally will be donald trump who on "good morning america" this morning said he's ready to go. >> i don't want to attack anybody and, you know, maybe i'll be attacked and maybe not. i'd rather just discuss the issues. >> reporter: trump will be surrounded on stage by the two men closest to him in the polls, former florida governor
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jeb bush and wisconsin governor scott walker. the last two candidates who made it into the debate are new jersey's chris christie and ohio governor john kasich. he said, quote, imagine a nascar driver mentally preparing for a race knowing one of the drivers will be drunk. that's what prepping for this debate is like. now, the advisor did not mention trump by name, but the businessman and former reality store has -- star has made questionable comments on the campaign about everything from immigration to john mccain. >> he's a war hero because he was captured, i like people that weren't captured. >> reporter: despite those marks trump -- those remarks trump has had a lead in the polls. >> i respect the guy who is the front runner on the republican nomination but i think to win and to governor the right way we have to unite rather than divide. >> reporter: this is the first of nine republican primary debates for the 2016 presidential race.
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the number down sharply from the last presidential race because many thought 25 debates was just too many, including the candidates themselves. and one more note, hillary clinton's campaign says she will not be watching tomorrow night and moments ago we just learned that donald trump is not doing any rehearsal, no debate prep whatsoever. we understand he's not even reading the memos from his staff on the issues which only makes it more exciting. >> wow. this is going to be one interesting debate. >> one interesting debate. >> a lot of people will be watching. >> yes. up next dr. besser joins us to answer your health medical questions. plus we will have the latest on the legionnaire's outbreak. is the worst of it over? and a basketball team forced out of a tournament all because one of the players is a girl. see who is now throwing their
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support ava and i needed a little vacay. but we needed to watch our spending. meaning i needed to watch nikki. she's the spender. i'm the saver. so, mobile banking from td bank helps me keep track... for both of us. she was just browsing... we gotta go. i'm ava. i'm nikki. and we bank human at td bank. what?
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time now for our weekly segment with a-b's chief -- abc's chief health and medical expert dr. richard besser. >> we've got to get an update on legionnaire's disease. no new outbreaks today, but where do we stand in terms of the outbreak? >> legionnaire's disease can take 14 days from the time
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you're exposed to the bacteria to when you develop symptoms. so it depends on a couple of factors, one, they found five cooling towers that have legionella, cleaned those towers. the last day that the cleaning took place and then you count two weeks after that so we are still in that window where i would expect we are still going to see more cases of legionnaire's, it doesn't mean transmission is still going on but it means that there are people out there and if they have symptoms they need to be seen right away. >> good to know, 14 days. >> a viewer wants to know how accurate are temperature readings from ear thermometers? >> it's a pediatrician one of the most frustrating parents can do is take their child's temperature and there are a lot of ways you can go. first step back and review the different ways you can take a temperature. first mercury thermometers we don't recommend them at all anymore. they can break, they are dangerous. the digital term ter can be used -- thermometer can be used in the mouth or in the bottom, bottom up to age three years.
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you don't want to use the same thermometer in the mouth and bottom. >> no. >> under the arm is the least accurate way to go. i tend not to recommend that but you will see some schools using that because it's easy and then the last is ear. so let's focus in on that ear thermometer. it registers the temperature by reading infrared heat coming off of the eardrum and so you have to use it correctly. it's not accurate in children who are under six months of age. in older children you have to use the right angle so ear wax can throw it off so i tend to recommend digital as the way to go. it's really pretty easy. >> yeah, yeah. definitely. and we have got this other question from a mom and she says can you provide information on a throat clearing tick? she says my daughter turned 4 and she clears her throat all day long. >> these are not very uncommon. there are many causes of throat clearing in children. so let's run through those so that you know what to be looking for. allergies is the most common,
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seasonal allergies, food allergies, post natal drip -- nasal drop, asthma can come out in this way. a child and a parent responds and they will do it again. and tick disorders like tourette's can also present that way. here's what you do if you see your child is having that throat clearing. you want to watch when it's occurring so you can figure out if there's a food, allergy, something they are exposed to in the environment that will be causing that. don't reinforce it. if your child does it, don't say stop doing that. but tell your child's doctor when it's occurring so they can check out and see is it one of those treatable things. most common that i see are the behavioral ones and there the best thing is ignore it and it will go away. >> in the end go through the check list. >> yes and check it out with your doctor because if it's asthma or allergies, those things needs to be treated -- need to be treated.
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have a health or medical question you don't want to ask your doctor, we got one for you right here, send to to abc new york, twitter, instagram and we may answer a question during a future segment. coming up next, a basketball team forced to sit out of tournaments because of the gender of one of players. you're going to see the moving show of support for the team and hear what the coach now has to say. plus, find out why matthew mcconaughey says he is one proud husband. and lenny kravitz is on
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stage -- kravitz's on we have some breaking news, traffic news as you can see, this is on the gowanus expressway, shannon sohn newscopter 7 over it. what can you tell us, shannon? >> this is the inbound side of the gowanus expressway. you can see the fire department and ems are taking one person out of the vehicle now that was injured in a four car crash. we have also got fire department in one of the other cars as well so several people injured in this accident on the gowanus parkway, all of this approaching the brooklyn battery tunnel. we can show you here quickly with sky rider 71 of the problems here, the emergency crews have shut down this side of the roadway which is the ramp that gets you to -- from the prospect expressway to the gowanus and that's causing a really bottleneck as you head through this area because it's the gowanus and there's a
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problem on it. so that means you're going to sit in bumper-to-bumper delays. look at this volume all the way past district city and going now past develop parkway merge getting worse. going to be a rough ride this evening. reporting live over a jam packed gowanus expressway, shannon sohn, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> thank you, shannon. and an inspiring show of support from a boys' basketball team from virginia after being forced out of a national tournament because one of its members is a girl. the charlottesville cavaliers wore pink uniforms for a teammate. decided to put 10-year-old camo camore johnson in the game. a new rule that girls can no longer play in the tournament. >> you have taken away from the kids that worked so hard to get to this point. >> i think it's crazy because if you're good enough you should be able to play. >> the team won five games in a row before it was disqualified over the weekend.
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so we ask what do you think? join the conversation on our abc7ny facebook page, this is one you got to have an opinion on. >> yeah, i love the pink uniform. she would bench herself she would -- it's a stupid rule. i think they would design it to protect young ladies initially, you got to make your exceptions just common sense with these things. >> see how he's always right? i told you. he's on a roll right now. >> should i put that on facebook facebook. >> you talking about this weekend's issues? >> in my segment we present the issues. yes. it's time for weather therapy. outside we go right now where we have what is clouds and sunshine, a pretty good breeze, shadow over new york state and the reservoir right now, no showers or anything like that, we have a couple sprinkles north. it's at 86, really nice out there right now, feeling like august, mostly sunny skies, westerly breeze about five, gusts over 20, patchy clouds this evening and mainly clear
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for a while, couple of patchy clouds toward down, down to the upper 60s and very comfortable. in the bronx tonight, 82 degrees first pitch for sox and yankees, should be nice for baseball tonight, wind blowing out of the west meaning going to blow into right center so good home run win. 71 degrees 8:00 in the morning, 73 by 9:00 a.m., i think it will be mostly sunny first part of the day and then high clouds will start to gather during the afternoon and filter that sunshine. there could be a lot of high clouds by day's end into the early evening hours. radar is clear right now, most of the showers once again in the north, wouldn't be shocked to see a sprinkle pop up and for the most part dry into the evening hours, overnight mostly clear. tomorrow morning start the day in the 60s, some 50s off to the north and west very comfortable. during the afternoon hours see the high clouds spraying in from the south and west but should get into the low and middle 80s again the humidity comrveg. air quality great tomorrow. pollen count moderate to high because we've got the breezes and low humidity, grass pollen kicking up. here's the story with the weekend. this low that's sliding to our
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south thursday and friday, some high clouds tomorrow, clouds especially along the coast on friday, might be some rain over central and southern new jersey but instead of heading offshore due east, it is going to take a turn to the northeast of cape cod so we are going to be in the fringe -- on the fringe of it, at least its shield of cloudiness and in a worst case rain along the coast during the day on saturday, even into early sunday morning and then it pulls away. that would be the worst case scenario. otherwise for right now i'm just keeping it a cloudier forecast along the coast on saturday and early sunday and you can kind of see that on this futurecast. there's some rain on friday south and there's the clouds kind of hugging the coast right into the day on saturday. here's your seven-day accuweather forecast, so sun and high clouds in the afternoon hours tomorrow, still a very nice day, friday clouds, limited sunshine but more sunshine to the north, a little cooler because of the extra cloud cover, not bringing rain into the forecast yet on saturday but i am concerned that the coastal areas do have some rain that would leave the scene on sunday morning. right now sunday afternoon is the best part of the weekend, especially the jersey shore
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looking nice on sunday afternoon, eastern long island may take a little while to clear out. update an 5:00. >> thank you, lee. >> you got it. today is a special day. >> really? >> yes. and dave is going to tell us all about it once we get off this weather graphic. >> yeah, such a good weather graphic, why would you get off of it? we got the trend. get that in there. here's what's trending on this wednesday, actor matthew mcconaughey proud husband, his wave became a u.s. citizen and he couldn't be happier. all right, all right, all right. the happy couple and their family posed for a picture that mcconaughey posted on his facebook page. after the ceremony he congratulations camila in getting your u.s. citizenship today, a another fellow and great american. >> nice. meanwhile another celebrity is celebrating her image being captured in wax. you can add nicki minaj to the long list of famous people now on display at the "modern madam tussauds' wax museum. the pose inspired by the singer's anaconda video. were you saying something? >> i wanted to know how it was inspired. >> is this what you do on the trend? >> this is all i do in the
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trend. speaking of which you're going to love this. today's national underwear day but i don't think lenny kravitz got the message. he split his leather pants during his performance in stock home and -- stockholm and in the process the audience got to see a lot more than expected. and social media has a thing or two to say about it. one follower say he literally rocked his pants off during the show. i wish i could show you half the hashtags tied to this but this is a family show so sorry. finally "back to the future" hub report is here. we have teased this and talked about it on the trend in the past but now lexis, the car company, released video of a skate park outside of barcelona, spain where they have turned movie fantasy into reality. the park, you see, is magnetized and when you use one of these special hover boards maybe for the park, basically you turn into marty mcfly from "back to the future." how cool is this?
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you ready for a road trip? >> the smoke is an extra. >> they wrote in the video that there's no such thing as impossible, it's just a matter of figuring out how. >> just got to magnetize the plan. >> yeah,. >> we've got one park out of the way. as always check out the trend on 7online, send us your trend ideas using the #abc7. >> did i see a drone cam too? >> it's everywhere but i don't think it made it there yet. >> thanks, guys. coming up a young boy's frightening encounter. he comes face to face with intruders and it was all captured on a 911 call.
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you're going to hear tha attention america. get yourself a free half gallon of dole classic lemonade with any 10 piece meal or larger purchase. because when you buy this chicken, there's free lemonade for the pickin'. it's finger lickin' good.
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t a young boy was home alone when two men broke in. he quickly hid in a closet but came face to face with the captors. shirleen allicot has the story. >> they are at the door right now. >> they are trying to get in the house. >> yes, i can hear them. >> reporter: this frightened voice belongs to a 12-year-old boy calling 911 from inside a closet while burglars kick in the backdoor of his arizona home. i know it's hard but are they trying to kick in the door or get it open. >> i don't know. >> i think they might be inside. please, help. >> the burglars first knocking on the door monday morning before breaking in. but he didn't answer. once he realized the thieves are inside his voice quivering, dropping to a whisper. >> where are you at. >> in the closet. >> the boy, home alone listening to the burglars rummaging around his house. for 15 minutes the 911 operator
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is his life long. >> does it sound like they are in the bedroom with you. >> i think they are in the kitchen. >> then the scary situation turns more terrifying as the boy comes face to face with the crooks. listen to what he says. >> they saw me. >> did you open the door. >> they opened the door and saw you. >> yes. [ indiscernible ] >> the boy frantic as the burglars bolted. by that time police surrounded his house. both men were arrested soon afterwards. investigators say both suspects have criminal records. the boy shaken up but thankfully not hurt. shirleen allicot, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> frightening for that young man. there is still more news ahead including new details in the tennessee movie theater shooting. "eyewitness news at 5:00"
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begins right now. stopping the spread of legionnaires' disease. new at 5:00, we head back to one of the spots that tested positive. cleaning crews show us what they have to do to get rid of >> first, breaking news. new developments coming in on the shooting in tennessee. theater. officials are detailing what happened when a man walked in armed with both a gun and a hatchet. good evening at 5:00, i'm diana williams. >> i'm sade baderinwa. officials just updating us on this bizarre circumstances of this shooting. a lot of people were alerted to what was happening by this tweet to the national police department saying there was an active shooter situation in the theater and the suspect was dead. >> eyewitness news reporter sandra bookman joins us in the newsroom now.
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>> reporter: still an active scene outside the car might hickory -- carmine movie theater. the suspect was armed with a gun, a hatchet and apparently pepper spray. he was also said to be wearing a surgical mask. police say they wept to the theater in response to a call about an active shooter. >> the officer entered the theater where "mad mex" was showing. he encountered the gunman. the gunman opened fire on the south precinct officer. that officer returned fire then backed away out of the theater. the s.w.a.t. team responded. the s.w.a.t. team engaged this gunman some minutes later. there was gunfire and the


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