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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  May 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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>> welcome to another episode of safety on today is episode we'll show you how 0 retroactive you're home let's go inside and take a look. >> hi and patrick chief officer and director of earthquake for the city and county of san francisco welcome to another episode of stay safe in our
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model home with matt we'll talk about plywood. >> great thanks. >> where are we we if you notice bare studs those are prone to failure in an earthquake we need to stabilize those they don't lean over and plywood is effective as long as you nail along every edge of the plywood for the framing we'll nail along the sides and top and on the bottom 0 immediately you'll see a problem in a typical san francisco construction because nothing to nail the bottom of the plywood we've got to wind block between the studs and we'll secure this to the mud sill with nails or surface screws something to nail the bottom of the plywood. >> i notice we have not bolted
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the foundation in the previous episode thorough goes through options with different products so, now we have the blocking we'll a xoich attach the plywood. >> the third thing we'll attach the floor framing of the house above so the top of the braced walls one to have a steel angle on top of this wall and types of to the top of the wall with nails into the top plate and the nails in this direction driving a nail it difficult unless you have a specialized tool so this makes that easy this is good, good for about 5 hundred pounds of earthquake swinging before and after that mount to the face of wall it secures the top of wall and
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nailed into the top plate of the with triple wall and this gives us a secure to resist the forces. >> so you now see the space is totally available to dots blocking that he bottom and bolted the foundation in corneas what the code in the next episode you'll see you apply
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government television.
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>> my name is kevin roger tang one live owners and at a 2 owe 50 that's it avenue in the sunset so the bayview original hip hop store we have music so every purchase counts for either the charts and the tri work chart that is acquired by 3 best friends we love k pop and why not share that and would the community here in the bay. and originally supposed to open up an eco but unfortunately, the covid hit by the we got creative with the social media and engaged and bring in people within the being sure like pop and the instagram live or hip hope to bring that connection
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with the bayview k pop community and we grow. and hello we're a collective store so the cc around us within us has the cards people like to collect and try to collect limited edition mr. sincroy manufacturers like a state university or memorial and we have which is a venue for people to kind of make new friends and open up they're a goods and invite people to stay and oftentimes see the context we're very, very fortunate and everyone is super sweet and loveable to sum up i guess two words is a second home (background noise) and a lot of people visit.
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>> and connect this place even if it is really cool. >> san francisco is a city known for music and art and we at the pop store we to go show the k love and added to the diversity of music and the way of the community. >> it is safe place it is a great way to dmrofr new things and any friends and it is saying hello 2050 carville from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and followup on the
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i brought almonds. oh. you know, my budget is. i hear you got a big old budget going. good evening. the chair has called the meeting to order. if you could please rise for the pledge of allegiance. the united states of america into the republic for which it stands. one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. president lyons, i'd like to take roll. please do. commissioner benedicto, present commissioner yanez. present. commissioner yee, nice present. vice president carter overstone. present. president lyons, you have a quorum. also with us tonight is chief scott