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tv   Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure  SFGTV  March 9, 2024 10:00pm-12:01am PST

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>> good afternoon it is now 1:05 p.m. and my name is vice chair ransom-scott regular meeting of the san francisco community investment and infrastructure successor agency commission for tuesday, march 5, 2024. i'd like to welcome, everyone joining us. today's meeting is held in hybri to:commissionsecretary.ocii@; all comments received will be made a part of the official record. thank you to the staff and guests will be participating in today's meeting madam secretary call the next item. >> >> thank you, ma'am vice
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chair the first order of business please respond when i call your name. >> commissioner aqunio present. >> sniechtdz present. >> snoichts and vice chair ransom-scott present chair brackett is absent but all members of the board member are two and the next order of regularly scheduled commission meeting will be held in person on tuesday,march 19, 2024, on tuesday,march 19, 2024, meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic device. of the public who are attending the meeting in person fill out a “speaker card” and submit the completed card to the commission secretary.
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any desire for public comment. audio prompts will signal to dial-in participants when their audio input has been enabled for commenting. fill out a speaker card and. >> phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2662 837 8805 # # to raise your hand, press *3 to submit your requests to speak you'll hear the following message please speak when the host calls on you when your line
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45s been unmuted you'll have three minutes stay on the line and continue to will be to live meeting or hang up would anyone like to provide comments? please come up to the podium at this time. today's materials are available on the website at the next order of business is item three. >> 3. report on actions taken at previous closed session meeting, if any. none and the the next order of business is item 4. >> 4. matters of unfinished business - none. there are no matters of unfinished business and the next order of business is item 5 including consent calendar item 5 action.
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>> 5a. approval of minutes: regular meeting of january 16, 2024. madam vice chair. >> madam secretary do we have anyone from the public who wishes to provide a comment? >> at this time star 3 on your mobile device. >> phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2662 837 8805 # to raise your hand, press >> phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2662 837 8805 # # to raise your hand, press *3 and invite anyone in-person providing comments on the minutes please come up to the podium at this time. >> good afternoon, commissioners. and community. my
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name is oscar james the native resident and i don't know. i assume that is a within the scope on the agenda workshop for the 3rr789 housing and i'd like to speak on that right now? >> can i speak on that. >> when we call the next item- >> (multiple voices). >> yes, sir. >> thank you. >> thank you. and calling any members of the public joining us by phone please if you like to provide public comment press star three on, on our mobile doesn't see madam chair, it doesn't appear any members of
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the public are wishing to comment on this item. >> hearing no more and more public comment commissioners can i get to motion for this and these consent items? >> yes. i'd like to make a motion to approve the consent calendar. >> do i have a second? >> i'll second that madam secretary, please take roll. >> thank you, ma'am vice chair announce our vote combhoichd, yes. >> commissioner drew, yes. >> chair chair brackett is absent the vote is four i's. >> madam secretary, please call the next >> 5b. workshop regarding priorities for developing affordable replacement housing units under senate bill no. 593 (discussion) >> executor director kasiofsky.
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>> thank you, madam secretary. and councilmembers of the commission and members of the public greetings today is a work show that to for development housing projects going forward or guarding and talking about the memorizes to be talking about the next step call the manager with occii. >> good afternoon. i'm the program manager here to provide a workshop on affordable housing (coughing)
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(rustling of papers.) . okay. >> sorry about that technical difficulties. >> as a reminder senate bill no. 593 the legislation was signed both law by governor gavin newsom and allows ccii to use the financing up to 5 hundred plus units destroyed and the portion of taxes were used were the approval in the city via the annual budget project and that is after funding the obligations in mission bay and transby a candle stick point. our estimate is if i understand are available in 25 and in order to fund the 58 plus units will be issuance over the following
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plus thirty years to leverage the housing units which covers 50 percent of the costs and keeping the costs in check and context the managing of other placement to expedite the distribution of those units. the housing must follow the standards in state law governing the agencies. unit maybe built in san francisco and mustache restricted to an affordable for households below the categories of people displaced and not higher than 23w07 ami. the units must are long term affordable terms means essential in perpetuity we call life of the project and they have to be in addition to the obligations to build housing. several factors
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could impact the timing of bonds issuance in the current environment and estimated revenue and other cities budget needs given the state of budget and estimated housing project costs and timing as well as costs of bond issuance and staff is in the process of working with the city regarding the upcoming budget that is funding for the initial bond and the timing of first bond issuance in order to for this discuss for the bond financing team will have a consultant has specialized knowledge of bonds and provide a determines for the bonds pursuant this is incredible for senate bill no. 593. i want to touch on the
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replacement housing on the preference for the cop the replacement housing based on the supply of housing and ccii they provide households for the first preference on 100 percent of the ccii fund housing i want to note you'll hear about cwp the feedback is making sure that the cop hollers can assess those units at the next meeting hearing more about the annual reports you'll hear me reservoir or refer to that in the presentation and will receive the replacement we've been improving the years and the efforts to locate cop holders and increased that to the - we currently have three hundred and
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12 current cop holders and as i mentioned a more thorough update for fiscal year fy2022-23 at the next meeting i want to report that between the end of the last fiscal year and the end of january one hundred and 87 cop applications were approved and we hope given everything i've mentioned to add to the cop units. >> as i reported in my last presentation we have replacement priorities that our citizens advisory committee and ship yard i'll summarize that now. all 23 adam housing units beyond the current obligation and members were poster of making sure that some senate bill no. 593 funds were focused on areas with the displacement occurred likely the
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western addition in at the meeting meet the goals of senate bill no. 593 and insuring the needs we have input senate bill no. 593 funded were used for the rehabilitation of replacement of units and incomes are take a look at when developing new heirs. we've heard the solicitations don't favor the larger construction the ccii should make sure we meet the capability for the firms and believe it or not the projects. and ccii programs and policies require nonprofit developers for the lead and all affordable awarded have knitted a nonprofit
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community-based nonprofit or community-based developers as part of the all this - all the team and the details in the packet and ccii for parcels like of rfp that was issued includes the clear scoring criteria that provides a strategy for addressing the equity and exploration as well as the approach to meeting or speeding ccii goals for outreach for policy holders and ccii are for development of affordable housing reiterate the preference for developers to select general contractors and occii requires those to follow the good faith effort steps that include breaking down scopes of work to
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encourage and make tints for small minority b.s. businesses and have demonstrated scoff studying the goals and more specific information regarding our sbe steps in our packet but for example, sbes make up 76 percent and more over 67 percent of consultants to favor this development and make up three 9 percent and over 22 percent of consulting during the construction phase do we are implementing this and continue to seek ways to improve by seeking constituent in the development community among other things. >> we heard that community serving businesses and nonprofit should be awarded as i mentioned
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occii practices require the developers for the lead for affordable housing projects and in addition to the expensive affordable housing includes the commercial space o 123450i67 will continue the used for those commercial spaces no longer with the commercial underwriting guidelines that occii follows racing guidelines they're fund to support the inclusive neighborhood by prioritizing if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. community serve and other benefits to support the residents. all affordable housing projects with commercial spaces are subject to those requirements and attachment two is the information for the spacing housing since disillusion of those built that are commercial spaces two include the public been and
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caregiver on van less than and looking for ways to make the spaces easier for small businesses and nonprofit for tenant improvements and which brings me to the next request we've heard from the commission that occii should provide funding for commercial spaces the obligations funding not for commercial under applicable law under the existing contracts with occii can fund that we have leverage to - paying for most of the costs for those spaces there are limitation to the amount of funding towards the spca by like
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i said occii funds up for commercial spaces and the housing when allowed and makes sense for the project and we've included small tenant reverses wrerz for small businesses and continue to do this and with the developers seek alternative financing for those spaces. and we heard from the commission we should explore the models for all affordable housing. and we are always looking for additional or alternative was for financing minimize and allow for long term affordability and taken into consideration of a variability of those and plan to do this and encourage the developers we partner with two do this and provide replacement whourz different models like small sites and corroborative housing with - with the low
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income tax programs we may choose to have different models like i said but are more expensive due to lack of leverage funding and serving and higher ami population i don't anticipate they'll make up the budget but with the funding perhaps managing the unit and exciting financing possible for nuance with the tax credits like the housing bonds later on on the ballot and helping to make our dollars go further. >> we've heard from commission and local development community to focus on lower ami in the 2017 cropping safer and done our
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best to maintain the projects feasibility and we know that most cop seeking housing at or blow 50 percent ami so all the rental projection are 60 percent ami and include the tiers below 50 percent and exclude did state and federal and available to further address that affordability that we want to see. of the 18 hundred and 22 units offered for posted development 11 hundred are at or below ami and 4 hundred and plus over 896 of the unit offered for the - at or below the ami and will be a critical housing to meet the needs of cop we heard
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the replacement housing should be set aside for the holders and for now have the same for replacement housing units not enough holders for to qualify the remaining unit must be offered and occupied with preference with the displaced to make sure the housing units to comply with tax credits and other financing requirements and as you can see we're focused on finding cop holders and with the contract information is underway and plan to continue that work to complete an updated safer to marry we understand the housing needs and preferences of the cop holders waltz the barriers for
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access housing for isn't it true cop housing tenants. >> we heard that replacement housing units should have the same income levels and unfortunately, don't have the data for all the families and senate bill no. 593 requires the units in the same or lower income categories with the limit of 120 of ami like i said and with that said, we heard you from the ccii and regarding the income seeking income we need to focus on building housing with deeper affordability at or below 60 percent ami we intended to do that. we heard we should complete an impact pack lost from 1945 to the presents not an
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enforceable - but supporting that effort and 24, that 25 will have the project areas that makes this information more assessable for any of the efforts. (rustling of papers.) we heard to conservator the opportunities to assist with the homeless and displaced cop holders and ccii will continue it seek funding to address the needs and recently secures section 8 and help to reach the low tiers. we've heard insuring that down payment assistants and rental programs are available to cop holders another item we've received impact we are landmarking to make those down
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payment and benefits whenever possible and the staffing connects the cop applicants interested in purchasing or renting an how long or down payment assistance and hearing from pam simmons about those efforts in the next meeting during the cop regular report presentation. we've heard to mr. chair the programs for housing and businesses including technical support and ccii has a program for in time sponsors with acquisition and stabling the outreach by converting 5 to 4 units to rental property those projections can serve between 80 ami maintaining the operational feasibility as part of the planning for the senate bill no. 593 bond issuance occii will
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determine if there are potential pipeline projects that meet the goals of senate bill no. 593 where down payment occurred and technical supports for businesses not an eligible use i outlined earlier the ways we support small businesses sophomore building spaces in the affordable housing development and where we're making those spaces available for small businesses. - has helped with the process and a certificate and proof the equity not established allows for wide range of documents and last year occii reduced the numbers of applications for the proof of name change we'll continue to
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look at ways to streamline the process and removal barriers and as i mentioned we're planning to scan the documents from former project areas to make that easier to assist the tenant not able to provide eligibility. and finally, we've heard to participate with the black forum and/or create a land trust for the housing obligations and senate bill no. 593 must fund specific housing developments and 0 ccii can't create the funds for the land trust, however, the long term ownership under the affordability development is intended to make sure the critical housing resources are affordable and occii has partyed in the opportunities and encourage
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black - and issuance in the future. >> as i discussed it previously we are looking at the is built anti we need to continue to house of cop hours and with the targeting to pete the needs and well considering some housing may needed meet the needs of affordability established by senate bill no. 593. and want to start building as soon as possible but exploring ways to maximize the flexibility and we think the following categories are broad view to respond to the current and future community needs and concerns i want to highlight that all projects will go though the public approval with commission approval and recommendations when appropriate. so first, we can add units in excess of
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obligations to project areas where sites are available are f previously have sites in admission bay with land available for the affordable housing. a but not authority under the obligations to fund those units this approach has the - and parcels more affordable housing purposes and we can get started with predevelopment with the excited funds without waiting for the senate bill no. 593 bond issuance, aye. >> south lake we've issued an rfq for the mission bay to conclude the senate bill no. 593 and, second, we, develop affordable housing for development project areas in the urban replacement lying the western edition and third development the affordable housing in other areas of the city in collaboration with the mo cd that meets the standards set in the legislation and meet
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the needs that the cop folks have and add to the diversity units increase in legislation and many of the projects can get started with the predevelopment without waiting for that initial senate bill no. 593 issuance and finally, well a priority for all the work by plan an impediment the cop enhancements i've described but when pam presents you'll hear more on march 19th. so our next steps to work with the timing of revenues will be available pursuant to senate bill no. 593 and to work with the partners to begin to identify near term projects that maybe candidates and to solicit the team for the initial senate bill no. 593 and finally, prepare a new cop study for next
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year. so identifying as i said to we're excited to get started that concludes my presentation. i'm available for any questions that you may have. with pam senior specialist and george to answer any questions. you might have. thank you. >> madam secretary anyone in the public would wishes to provide a the public who wish to provide comment, please call: >> phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2662 837 8805 # # to raise your hand, press *3 know when it is your turn to
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speak. if by phone,*3 and we will begin with members of the public who are in person. we're going to invite everyone starting with mr. james. >> thank you again oscar james thank you, commissioners um, and public. two things i really want to speak on (coughing) i support this um, project for the um, replacement housing but my concern is for community to be advised on this. i'm asking the commissioners to set up a meeting in bay view hunter's point an overview advances and
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third - to for hunter's point and the immunization to participate and listen and put their input and the contractors to voice their opinions and their concerns but like that to happen and also like, you know, i'm going to be in town for it is 19 for the commission to change the meetings but the second to make your final approval on this program so i can be here to hear pams proposal and want to be focused on this particular issue but like for, you know, you guys come out to the community been over a long time over 10 years
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when cane was here you guys causality to the community i - i think would be an honor for you guys to come out and alone to the community concerns before we pass any of this um, that's all i have to say. thank you. >> thank you, mr. james my in-person members like to comment on this item. >> moving to the remote oh, excuse me - >> oh. >> hello, i'm norman owner and vice president of san francisco local contractors and here on a for the of occii having an opportunity for the 5 hundred
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plus units and will lead to nothing but they do good with working with the local contractors and hire local contractors and i believe will support economic growth and community government and simple math hire public contractors are the local workforce and helps to build our community and once again in support of occii and at the. >> thank you very much. >> good afternoon. my name is len net and want to say i'm listening i'm on the other side of cop and i think that is an amazing to have this building
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those buildings so many displaced folks and homelessness decendents and doing the research but i think that is a great opportunity to house some of those i want to say. thank you. >> hello, my name is sophie and came in for something else but this is really about community and it is about building san francisco. i'm always concerned again how are we going to sustain ourself? this is part of that i think that definitely worthwhile and many cities will probably be about this so, thank you. >> good afternoon my name is
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detries williams an owner of c i w finance and the point oecht 6 hyper contractors and in support of occii having jurisdiction of the developing those 800 and plus units and i want to definitely support the local contractors to come out and do be part of the development phases so therefore the local workforce could. for the community contractors because, you know, as we all know that, you know, all been dropped off the contractors having the opportunity to do the work for community so um, i want to say commissioners like oscar said a privilege and honor and privilege to see you guys anti to sites you can see that and i
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have a commission meeting there also so again, thank you all and look forward to seeing you. >> thank you. >> anyone else like to come up and provide a comment members of the public who joined us remotely, if you would like to provide a public comment, press star 3 on your mobile device. >> >> appear any members of the public are wishing to comment on this item. >>. thank you, madam secretary and hearing no further requests to speak on the item i will close the public comment. and i'll turn now to my fellow commissioners for their comments and questions. >> dmirgz we are not going to take action think this item this
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is a workshop. >> drew. >> thank you i'd like to commend the staff for listening to the members of the public the commission and in terms of prioritizing our cop hollers and been thoughtful in our approach. you've heard us loud and clear and welcome those folks to san francisco and make sure we have affordable place to live thank you for doing that as well as and prioritizing the local businesses with the trades and folks will come up the commercial stays spacing in the future projects. i am going to my lawyer might be showing with the questions i have i want to just to be clear, such a large undertaking with the 800 units of housing and it seems to me
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that is done hand in hand with the city and whether that comes to approve of um, understanding the financing selection of projects, i want to just to be clear, about what can this commission do? like our power and authority and where do we need to influence our city partners to make sure that those priorities are honored and carried out i imagine might be different we're talking about projects in the redevelopment areas versus the form areas and versus other places in the city and i'm sure the complex issue by provide mow our thoughts about what is um, in the good like what do we directly control in terms of approval authority maybe that is more a question again for excuse me for the
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general counsel i look forward to your thoughts. >> thank you commissioner drew that's a great question. we don't address that in the memoranda but about the framework of policy um, (coughing) but as that is laid out today, i on you alluded to it many existing project areas like the hunter points ship yard not only own the lands but land use authority we come projects come to here for approval and title we will continue it experience all those powers women and children the existing projects areas and outside of those project areas, especially an mo t a hourgs community project we have been working with them and
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senate bill no. 593 allows us to do the financing so we can dots bond issuance and roundabout for the debt service for the project and in the past, prior to 2012 my understanding we would sit with the financing and pay mpdu to implement the project and is implementation of project where we're doing the financing is writing a check is a collaborate approach but not doing the construction been likely we are notes experiencing land use authority outside of project areas at a thresholds perspective that's we haven't decided on what projects outside of any project areas we will undertake that is the next step when the commission feels comfortable with the probable causes and priorities and initiate a conversation with mpdu so see what the potential
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and do the financing and don't have land use authority in the project areas but i don't believe we own project at this point in fulfilling we'll be working on that and that others project by project for a memorandum of understanding we have existing ones and might augment that with existing authority. >> i guess this is a question about possibilities could this christmas go work towards creating a priority project list with the mayor's housing we have a understanding not only for the goals they would as they come forward or are projects outside of o ccii have to get aide approval with the financing and
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the city has itself own list of priorities so for financing when they're ready to execute. >> not we have note thought about that. this is in light future but most of financing available will likely go the mission bay and mpdu for the projects but looking at may do a solicitation and the next - because of financing is depending on the city fiscal sidewalks we're not sure in the next bond issuance will be allowed in the next 5 years and so therefore working on those projects that comes to this commission for approval and the first was the bond issuance approval and any agreements for
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that disbursement comes to the commission and the project is very, very - the mayor's mayor's office we've not gotten to the stage of negotiating with the highest priority we know that the western edition likely be one of the earlier projects and after that not must bonds money left based on the situation so like to be 5 years for nothing beyond that. >> if i can suggest you're considering reopening or having discussions about memorandum of understanding with mpdu that a prioritized list that is from this commission for some type of approval action. the
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will be helpful for transparency and for the circumstance which how those few minutes are used and the projects go towards. to have a level of transparency and public forum in which to discuss that privilege and honor. >> absolutely that would be great we'll bring in the fall for a bond issuance proposal this is the amount of the money the city hesitate available and the controller's office and mayor's budget office to look the costs and propose the project for the bond issuance for the commission that is the time that the commission will be able to look at what has gone through an evaluation and how much money it is available. >> we say the city's budget for bonds who in the city is
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making that determination about whether or not they are an inincriminated available to fund those projects? >> two layers how much is the absolute amount of residual the portion of taxes for the city not the other tax but the replacement housing relies own that funding with the availability of tax increment that is the maximum amount that millennium goes to the city for other cities needs so in in conjunction with the i'll have mayor's office of budget allocating money for programs and budgets we are in the throws
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how to say how much money will be made available for replacement housing projects. >> okay. in order for us to have funds for the priorities projects and rattlers housing we need to advocate it through the city budget process for the mayor and the board of supervisors. >> yes. commissioner drew that correct unlike impossible obligations we're more of a buyer to issue the infrastructure for housing will be built will be on the land. and the funding is ignoring its somewhat of a new obligation but at the city's. >> 16. items initiated by commissioners (discussion only)
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incarceration and they only. >> i'm wondering if it makes sense to pull back and have a higher level of the list outside of bond issuance just like the city has a list of affordable housing projects and housing projects pipeline similarly do that long range planning for the bond issuance through had is our priority projects be long-term for this replacement. >> so a single list might expand bond issuances.
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>> thanks commissioner drew we'll get back i think that list - we have opportunities in the project areas and everything else is either an unknown or project that on the city knows about maybe 75 of what your asking about exists but give them sniekts both the pipeline. >> that is a great right away for the commission to understand what are the opportunity housing on the horizon and near term or long term to fund. >> thank you for the time to ask questions. >> >> thank you so much elizabeth your presentation was very clear easier to follow and
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i really thank the commission for this. um, and i have some questions i'd like to ask about this is so important housing for the low and extremely low income for the verbiage is can you talk about more about what that extremely low looks like because what we're hearing from the community is extremely low we're told when we make on $23,000 or um, absence less we don't make enough to get in and to them that is extremely low and especially now that um, the bar has been raised like what one hundred and $9,000 considered low income? 200?
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>> so i can speak to the amis as i mentioned in my presentation um, we really focus on housing um, at low amis as we can fined get a range of amis and so in projects average ami and little laboratory percent of our portfolio at or under 50 percent ami so 50 percent ami to give you. >> an idea it is $72,000 a year for one person and 50 and try to conclude income tiers below that for 40 percent for a family of four is 64 thousand dollars and um, we have some thirty percent units that gets down lower to $43,000 for a family of four to reach this
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extremely low households we tend to operate responsibility subsidies is a lot of the last units have an operating bulb for families to pay a percent of their income not the full rents um, we set aside the projects after they started contradiction will help us to serve the extremely low households and will the subsidy about pay a portion of their rents than they can afford a combination of tiering swuch the project with afford and make sure the project can support itself and pay for operating costs and incorporating whenever possible for the senate bill senate bill units we have also in areas we
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can video a few higher ami units we use those 0 subsidies having a project has a little deeper affordability so um, hope that answers your question but happy to add to it. >> what a you say for example. >> for 50 percent of my name is family of two at 50 percent of area medium income is $57,000 per year to be specific. and madam chair, can you have pam talk about the income. >> other 0 subsidy taking advantage in addition to thank you for reminding that executor director kasiofsky is the recent the city has established and i a senior subsidy is many seniors are own fixed income and very
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low rent. um, so it is operating subsidy that um, works like a project based section 8 subsidy fund by the city we have a project with 60 sros that is trappings transbay west and have set aside a number of high subsidized units and the sros are at any rate and 15 and 20 percent for ami for seniors we really tried to reach down and do a combination of some operating and rental subsidies to help keep those rents affordable for the people that need them. >> thank you. >> and just hitting a little bit more upon what mr. james said to get out and allow the
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people to know what we're doing and how we're doing that because so many disappointments you're not going to get a lot of people to answer the phone or return a call they feel like it is set up for failure so how have i throughout about advertising and getting the word out as well as getting out senate bill 9 community where the buildings will take place and help to get this message how do we communicate that? and have you thought of the new ways of communicating it? getting into the churches and the outreach centers they can start talking to people as well. >> yes. that is definitely something we incorporate into our marketing plan and early outreach reports plans we
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require to be submitted for every project on a project by project and i have an entire plan that outreaches to the cop holders and involves community outreach you're discussing we require they fill out those options in the plan and review them and um, inc., try to work together to the best amount of advertising we can to reach the community we need and especially the cop holders and always looking for new and better ways to do that um, and certainly pam is here if you like to hear more about that. >> if i may madam chair, i world-class the 9 a a remedy
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active michael simmons speaking for the outreach strategies she was depeople of color the outreach that is ownership funds those units going if from $200,000 and home ownership to $500,000; right? and there are 1, 2, 3 bedrooms and log on and get that marketing applied but which she mentioned a great template and the commission respond the medium to communicate and given him direction to reach anti churches and trying to get out to organizations to spread the word with the housing opportunity by especially that affordable housing opportunities and we usually do if around the project what happens is you tell people about affordable housing and
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taking the information by miss whether the applications - people respond well when is hey in the next two months go to this place and fill out this application so an action item and call to action that is generally what we do that kind of outreach and chair brackett and yourself have met with the director to ask him to work with us to do an affordable housing workshop in the community and something we've been thinking how to - owe committed to look at that and i'll talk about the outreach in the community and had multiple-generational cac meetings with the affordable housing that occii administrators and out in hunter's point with the shipyard and the subcommittee talking about that replacement housing getting feedback from the community and also in the
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mission bay cac i want to you know say we've had quite a bit of outreach and have 4 meetings a month so always an intelligent for the chair and others to come in and provide employment and hire the local folks is this group they come here and advocate for the community desires and goals i wanted to offer that up. >> thank you thor and elizabeth and lektd when you said a timeframe the 5 thousand 800 and 42 down payment housing units funded for 9 for coping holders only in reaching out to them at a certain point you don't reach them move on giving that we need
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to build up those relationships we need to meet with the as dan met with the naacp that moved mow i was amazed to here that and the african-american coalition more of pastors - so that timeframe have you thought about rnc zone that and louse the community to know there are different phases and organization working with you to do this like in nc l f and linked together and that is huge but nobody knows don't know how to respond to the information they're hearing. what is the timeframe of getting people aware of that and the same for
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the small business owner that are here whereas the timeframe of finding more work like the gentleman said mr. duo nick and mr. norman what is the timeframe for meeting more of them and finding as many as you can we may never find all of them but i never know what is a development and like i do not know that. i said i didn't think what you were doing so the information is falling there the cracks. what are we doing to kind of level that and make sure we are reaching as many as possible the outreach organization that are here? >> churches again. so i think your outreach work i mean it
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constant to for each project we will um, we'll there take that project but process parts of why, you know, we report reserving to the cac and come to the commission um, but i think um, as far as extending the amount of time that people have to whoops all right. um, to apply for housing um, once we're in the contract for the housing project um, we need to go through the lease process um, reasonable amount of time that's why we're seeking the cop holders um, they're ready when those opportunities do become available. >> as a sam is coming i see len net by have the bayview reporters they've got this information to see like
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immediate something so people can hear and let that ongoing and something that is not posted today and we never see that again. >> correct um, and as executor director kasiofsky 4 hundred they've gone to that length um, to reach different um, communities different newspapers, different um, neighborhoods um, to share the information about this project. and that's very project specific. um, and with um, that template that michael simmons priority to the commission i think that is such a great way to start thinking i'm outreaching and marketing for all of our projects. but before that i also think that is important i'm going to realize the impact that nc l f on the cop programs not only are they
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finland's original dams they're confirming they're contracted information but unfortunately, the down payment happens decades co-ago to the adults (coughing) were displaced um, they're unfortunately, psas practice social distancing away the children displaced getting a little bit older um, hard to convince them to apply for an affordable housing stint their lives are established by the different group of people i really be building the work that links is doing and the volunteers and sharing their stories and listening to the stories is impactful and compact full in a way none of us anticipated i want to i wanted to put that out there. >> thank you len net.
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>> this is important we are definitely doing the outreach the research of find people. that is hard work and we're content but we're finding them the problem is once we find them we turn them over to the mayor's office of housing that's the problem they're not producing it so really in reality is not fair to say we go out and find you and, yes your eligible but no one to process you that means the housing coming up now you're not eligible because not processed over here. because the mayor's office is not able to function as much paperwork as we're sending through i'm one of them i have been in the process. okay. and i started this before this project. but they have not
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process me my brother is processed but i'm not thank god we refer to the mayor's office we referred them and the mayor's office is full they tell me had i talk it them they're backed up and i can only do so many how do we not bring more people over to the mayor's office to process if this is a priority at it end should be a priority on that end. >> i'm not sure who i should be saying that to but i wanted to say that we're definitely out doing the work and um, i after hearing everything and everything i'm honored to be part of this project. just wish that was a way that the mayor's
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office could hear that we need more workers on their side to process what we went through. >> if i may through the chair. >> so speak to some of that so march 19th the mayor's office housing community developments will talk about the efficiency and improvements to the program had some staff issues and been staffed up and than that bringing this up. today especially. um, they've streamlined the adoption we've heard the feedback the adoption so a bunch of streamlining to work through what was you know what, a backlog but got to speak to that on march 19th and pam and mrekt may have more information but i wanted to say they took a bunch of hiring
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opportunities and now staffed up and streamlined and produced not only the kinds of things documentations they're asking for but the number of things and owes the sequence for processing those applications. >> i wanted to add really quickly in addition to that have hired um, person to staff the cop hotline and cornerstone is lovely and all the information and mpdu website you can get all the information for the cop hotline i will present more on this on march 19 it is important to know and amazing to know that um, with the addition of 2 1/2 additional staff people that
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they have increased their efficiency by 200 percent. >> so and the very last thing i believe you're speak on this one is 19 more information will be requested um, for coping hollers to identify themselves and seemed a birth certificate you wanted to speak is that. thank you.. the school you went to part of traerld process enormous required downtown support special use district just the document for lineage and some ids that's it and out of i believe why have any numbers about 200 and 92 people in processing all they need to do it to confirm they need to show they're id and not coming in so the mpdu staff is calling
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people to just us your id and we will issue that certificate. so it is striper existing. >> sounds good thank you so much for the clarity and there thor. thank you very much. >> mandatory discretionary reviews call the next item. >> >> the next order of >> the next order of >> the next order of >> the next order of calendar. each speaker shall have up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments unless the commission adopts a shorter period. the public who wish to provide comment, please call: >> phone
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number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2662 837 8805 # # to raise your hand, press *3 know when it is your turn to speak. if by phone,*3 and we will begin with members of the public who are in person. would anyone like to provide comments? please come up to the podium at this time. if i like to provide a comment. >> mr. james sorry. >> i have two comments one you guys already passed. >> can you move your phone. >> oscar james again, i had 8 people's some family members are certificates and have grandkids and trying for the 4 hundred india or indian baseline housing and having problems getting introduce that they are certificate holders they have grandkids and some great
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grandkids what i want to speak on i don't know if this is about ms. >> not yet and not yet not yet sir. >> okay. >> through the chair if i may mr. skraimz there the presidential port own the agendas. >> always jumping the gun. >> any other munoz want to provide comments provide comments device. madam chair, it doesn't appear any members of the public are wishing to comment on this item. >> um, and you'll call the next item. >> >> yes. >> the next order of business is item 7.
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>> 7. report of the chair. madam chair. >> yes. thank you. >> we're on item 8? >> thank you. >> we are now here today principles to make acknowledgement and diverse recognition to one of our city leaders that has passed away transitioned this is doris vincent and our chair will give to read from the mayor's office and then i will share the um,
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obituary and maxwell is here and mr. oscar james is here if we can follow that order. mr. thor. >> thank you, ma'am chair and yeah. i want to acknowledge the great human being a great leader in the passing of mr. - and offering condolence to the vince vent with the honorable lobbed printed the condolence and i read that letter at the funeral and i see ms. lisa in the as in the today's presiding i'll begin
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and dear vincent family one of the on and off for the passing of ms. doris she was a beacon of hope and going forward kinds of and responsibility and instilled by her parents from a young age for uplifting to actions of selflessness is remarkable and opening her home to those in need and tailoring serve her church community in various gaps had a strong sense of duty and organization such as the naacp and model cities and bayview community development and the metropolitan transit authority and citizens of advisory committee and the project air
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committee the hunter ship yard is a so many boarders like the housing koerms exemplify over and over dedication to making a impact on the lives of others i had the pleasure to work with her and you guys remember the honorable lobbed was once of of up here with all of us here. i sought here consist approach of putting the neighbors first with credibly valuable and her grandmother was an advisor to the mayor's and here friends and governor gavin newsom made remarks and i went to the family to understand that and an advocate for the community long before to help to shape a generation of leaders to make
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sure the city for the hunter's point community i'm confident will uphold the legacy and may her memory provide solace and motivation and guiding folks in the enar during spirit of kiensz and service with regards london breed mayor. >> thank you. any other words you'd like to add to that? >> would you like to me to read the program. >> i have is an 0 obituary and impressive the planning to her life as gift 80 from god in the san francisco area and booker
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vincent shoulder of honor and love and dignity amazingly her home come during black history month and time of celebration of the impact african-americans have made upon the communities, our city and nation. doris booker was born in 19 three three to samuel and- i can't think baker in georgia. doris is elder of the three children. growing up in the rural south with little to do she turned to books for entertainment and doris had a passion for education and learning she excelled and graduated if brook high school in 1950 and at age
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16 and enrolled institute in alabama that same year (sirens) she met and married melvin vincent and she bore three sons and one daughter the vincent family moved to san francisco bayview hunter's point in 1961. her journey. doris lived a full and exciting life and taylor home confirmation nursery and hotel cookery spent a divorced mother of 4 show purchased a home in bayview and doris continues to exposure her interest by completing courses in small businesses and minority communities real estate law and
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introduction to early childhood curriculum and deck top publishing and also took a mini medication course and graduated in the san francisco police department citizens academy. doris enjoyed gaining first hand knowledge about cultures and religions which they was not taking courses. her curious led to at risk and the caribbeans and several utopian criticize a bible study tour of israel and including alaska and hawaii her work of faith as a certainty
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doris worked experience included peddling vegetables fruits and melons as a child and performed housekeeping duties for room and board in college and in 1961 doris became the first madam chair, person hired as a sales clerk by san francisco white house department store and has a girl friday for a construction company a seam trees for a dry cleaner and clerk for a print shop. a billing clerk for a sausage manufacturer and a spiritual counselor for a welfare to work program she didn't miss any level of work or experience socially doris last
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job was working with the western conference force teamsters during thorough tenure sought really change and use her position for a department supervisor to hire african-americans asians and latinos whose skills were overlooked. doris retired open may 31, 1996, after 28 years of conference with the teamsters and her love for god putting into practice of bible principle at the center of her life opposite side here home to many families and individuals people needing a place for the various reasons and holdings bible studies with neighbors she
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helped seniors with shopping and doctor's appointment and important downtown support special use district sheets been a choir member a big sister and baptist training union secretary a assistant and co-superintendent of sunday school and junior mission of spiritual business and professional women a new member coordinator a youth choir counsel a trustee and church treasurer and a youth decision sunday school and vacation bible school teacher. 931 years and movnl with phase two seeking the welfare of the city for in their welfare a sense of humanity was
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instilled at a young age by watching her father advocating for the needs of everyone both black and white and doriss community involvement started while she was in college and continued to the through the late 80s and doris has been a chaperone for many school activities a cub square foot member and historian and works tiny tots and naacp and model cities the san francisco oregon project and residents of the southeast serthd and circle of positive women, project open hand and behaving senior centers and brown bag and mission by a
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and i miniy advisory groups the uc sf served two terms as a board member of the bayview opera house and patrolled bayview streets as a part of bayview hunter's point citizens patrol was appointed to the mayors hunter's point shipyard vouk and was lebtd to the being sure hunter's point project area committee. she says as a part of those groups we plan for the revival of bayview hunter's point and we make sure the voices of the residents of this communities are heard she also worked every year the voting poles. love for her family was
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her groundwater gift out of all the accolades she took every opportunity to show her threatens and privileges to have her granddaughter her and encouraged them to follow their dwraemz and live up to they're fill potential and had a special way of making sure everyone of the seen and heard, appreciated and most importantly loved doris was proprietor in death by her parents and too sisters. she leaves to cherish her memory
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children michael and others ronnie and others enabling white as well as nephew and her grand vince citizen and track and dj
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and: >> (calling names). >> as well as extended colleagues and friends rest well a mentor to me and see you later. >> thank you. >> ms. sophie maxwell and mr. oscar james. >> for the a lot left to be said (laughter) this woman was certainly a woman of subsequence and had the opportunity to work with her when we were apart of project area committee and had to get
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out and get neighbors and friends hello james how are you? excuse me - it is good to see you. we have to go out and get neighbors to come to the college and vote for us and, of course, mrs. eventually century had neighbors but she had more neighbors and friends than everyone and was a study at the helm and plotted her course about community it was about love and caring and, yes she taught me so much never leave a meeting early and not get there late. this is conveniently citizen was brilliant a brilliant woman well-read and a decision had to be made we of the comfortable following her lead but the you're not sure she
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did her homework and about community. and sometimes she was everywhere go to a community meeting and that is over - she was listening and, yes, i was a part of the women that she mentored. and to this day and also i have an opportunity to name one of the buildings after ms. vincent. >> you need to name one of the affordable buildings after her. that's important because that's part of legacy. she was and will be a very special part of san francisco and as the mayor mentioned she is is a gift we were gifted and thank you very much. and thank you very much for calling me californian less than scott and giving me the
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opportunities. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> mr. eventually citizen was is an gel and went to glory to receive her wings that's where she is she loves everybody with community and she loved everyone in the community and anyone she could help she helped good advice or give a whole lot of good advice i'd be at meetings and the old oscar would come out and brought the new oscar back out the mother in our communities that really done things in our communities. and ms. vincent was one of the lasts
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besides this young lady i'm saying not young ladies listening on the radio or whatever we need to step up because those are from hard shoes to follow and every time she would see me when will i finish my book so i really miss ms. vincent and i'm going to miss you god bless. thank you. so much. >> are there any others? >> madam secretary. >> thank you. >> elizabeth. >> i want to voice any gratitude for the record she was
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- drives the kids for candle stick point and meets the needs of cop holders and residents that's hard to be without her and condolences on behalf of the team at occii and thank you for sharing her with us all those years. >> i'm sure she is blessed by all this said and again so gratitude for your friends. >> just to um, quickly say a few words before serving as a commissioner on occii i was the project manager for the hunter's point shipyards and spent evenings guided by ms. vincent and we have and very gracious expertise and thought about how
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you the projects should move forward. on a person level i look forward to her as hero and i can't imagine a woman i wanted to emulate myself tobacco so smart wise caring and so giving towards her communities to her family and it is huge loss to san francisco. and i think all of us can continue to carry her legacy forward and we'll do see and thinking of her as projects continue i know she continues to guide us as we move forward thank you for thank you for being here. and thank you for sharing your grandmother with
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us. thank you. >> anyone else? >> madam secretary would you call the next item. >> the next order of business is. >> 8. report of the executive director. >> thank you, madam secretary. >> commissioners members of the public. um, i want to give a brief report update on a new initiatives i poke to the commission before in january and different improvements at occii and shared the investing staff and hiring for critical positions that are current filling the options in housing and project management and closing out those soon and planning a staff retreat for comrades and we'll discuss the state of agencies and many topics what stories about the work or out in the community and relates to the outreach and the
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agency and also asking the questions of how our work bones the larger community from the small contractors in bayview want to make sure the benefits of projects want to make sure we are asking that question about the lining of those goals what do we do well and can do better and looking for constant improvements opportunities (coughing) we'll be planning those meeting with the staff on a regular basis and only last year, we are back in the office and a lot of of the work from home preceded last year and on the information technology looking at modernizing and investing in many of the systems with the technology and last year, we have been overhauled the websites making more relevant to
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make updating more seamless and has more work to be done but the phase two with the offer haul completing in the next self would see 340z with the incarceration for the website company back to the commission we can complete that phase two and the records management our data records environment is really decentralized and the systems are developed updated and kind of being faceted out by technology companies. so beginning next fiscal year we'll begin critical modernization projects and transition with the microsoft databases to have a database with the contract database and resolution and compliance databases and we'll digitize our trials to make them for assembly and searchable for
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the preference work and you heard about some of the digtion of the koufrpz and all those projects make sure that the data is secure, assessable in the future supports our projects that evens my report. thank you. >> call the next item. >> >> 9. commissioners' questions and matters. madam chair. >> any questions? >> thank you i had two items i wanted to um, request the first is for the cop item into the next meeting request adams attend that will be helpful to hear from the leadership in
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terms of the locations of the projects person blocks towards the program and hear how his team is going to implementing some of the improvements we are heard become and um, i would i think we heard as commissioners the information we're receiving may not be get efficiently out to the community a topic of your staff retreat but ask you examine needing what more to make it engaging to increase is turn out and frankly having basis information present to the commission around how many folks attend those meetings would be helpful i know takes a lot of staff time make sure we are
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efficient and making sure the county members are informed and engaged for the work. thank you. >> commissioner lim. >> if i may madam chair, commissioner drew i believe owe has a conflict but i believe a conflict and okay. if i can let him know that is important for the commissioners that we hear from him and the importance of cop program and is housing obligations we're about to undertake that is appreciated. >> very good. thank you. >> the next order of business. >> 10. closed session. to closed session items and the next order of business. >> 11. adjournment. madam
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chair. >> fellow commissioners i need a motion and second to adjourn the meeting in honor of mrs. doris vincent and like a moment of silence. and quiet (moment of silence.) if you will bow (moment of silence.) >> thank you. second to adjourn the commission meeting. >> i motion. >> to adjourn the meeting. >> second? >> and i'll second. thank you. (coughing) [meeting adjourned] at 247. thank you, thank you for being here. and sophie i have
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something for you [meeting adjourned]
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>> i am iris long. we are a family business that started in san francisco chinatown by my parents who started the business in the mid 1980s. today we follow the same footsteps of my parents. we source the teas by the
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harvest season and style of crafting and the specific variety. we specialize in premium tea. today i still visit many of the farms we work with multigenerational farms that produce premium teas with its own natural flavors. it is very much like grapes for wine. what we do is more specialized, but it is more natural. growing up in san francisco i used to come and help my parents after school whether in middle school or high school and throughout college. i went to san francisco state university. i did stay home and i helped my parents work throughout the summers to learn what it is that makes our community so special.
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after graduating i worked for an investment bank in hong kong for a few years before returning when my dad said he was retiring. he passed away a few years ago. after taking over the business we made this a little more accessible for visitors as well as residents of san francisco to visit. many of our teas were traditionally labeled only in chinese for the older generation. today of our tea drinkkers are quite young. it is easy to look on the website to view all of our products and fun to come in and look at the different varieties. they are able to explore what we source, premium teas from the providence and the delicious
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flavors. san francisco is a beautiful city to me as well as many of the residents and businesses here in chinatown. it is great for tourists to visit apsee how our community thrived through the years. this retail location is open daily. we have minimal hours because of our small team during covid. we do welcome visitors to come in and browse through our products. also, visit us online. we have minimal hours. it is nice to set up viewings of these products here.
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>> the stewardship program is a (indiscernible) based program. we work with student kind r garten through 12 grade and work with scrks fusd and (indiscernible) focus on 5 themes. sense of place, plant adapation and animal adaptation, water soil or (indiscernible)
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depending on the grade level and accommodations the class may need the educators work to adapt the programming to be whatever works best for the class, so they can gain activities (indiscernible) some don't, we try to meet students where they are at and get comfortable connecting in the space and feeling a sense of ownership and safety within their (indiscernible) >> the first component of a youth stewardship program trip will be a in clasds visit where we go to the school, we give a presentation on the natural history of san francisco, we talk about the concept of a habitat, so what does a habitat contain, understood, water, shelter, space. >> children at this age, they learn best through using their senses, having the real life experience and
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(indiscernible) students also learn about responsibility and it is a great message for student to learn, if you take care of environment, the environment will take care of you. >> so, when we finally get the kids outside, we have two main components to the field trips. one is going to be the restoration component where we are working on the habitat and parks by pulling out (indiscernible) or maybe watering, and then the other side of our trip is going to be the educational component, which can range from a nature walk with a sensory theme where we are talking about what we smell and hear, to a focus on plant adaptation and animal adaptations. >> (indiscernible) >> just a great opportunity for students to learn
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more, connect with nature, and hopefully what they learn from the youth stewardship program they can take with them for the rest of their lives, and they will appreciate their environment more. hopefully, when they appreciate it, they take care of it more every day. >> (indiscernible) >> so every year we open the application up in the fall. interested teachers can apply for a classroom visit and up to two field trips to the city park of their choice. field trips are 2 and a half hours long and like i said, they can happen in any city park (indiscernible) televis
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>> (music). >> my name is vet at a original artist based in san francisco. >> i love it i love it i've never seen something else and we see how the people see which is happening and what is going on. kind of cool i wanted to be part of that. >> i saw it 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes you yeah. >> so we have you - yeah. i started going when i was young
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but not the type of kid would get food but this is something i really have been progressing on a talent from like other artists. >> this is amazing. >> this is so good yeah, it is so good like the artists. >> i love it. >> what a great project. >> part of the part for have i grants. >> yeah. i love it. >> i serve in for 2 two years now and i really am fortunate to live in a place for art. >> an effort creating places it serve san francisco soul and that makes them want to see this place; right? with the
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experience of art in san jose experience in from the get-go sometimes our environmentalist has created tests but we have an opportunity for that and have artists in the storefront part of project you can walk in and experience and hoping we'll be there for a long time. >> this is the first farther easy way of going to spaces i didn't know how it is really cool it would be and we're forced to be in the moment when we're test and creating something really cool. >> makes us feel good. >> as far (unintelligible) done all temporary and took them
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down i like the temporary aspect base (unintelligible) (microphone distorted) not permanent can enjoy it. >> [music] >> office of initiative start in the 2017 and started as a result of community advocacy. our transgender nonbinary community advocates were really letting our government know that we needed to be heard. we needed to be considered and
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policy and budget decision and so, then the mayor lee and founding director of spark created officeof initiative that allow us to advocate for equity for transgender and nonbinary communitiful we focus on 4 areas. training, education for the city employees. we focus on civic and community engagement making sure our leaders have a voice and are heard by our elected officials. we work on policies and programs to make sure our city is responsive to transand nonbinary community and add voice to departments to integrate transinclusion in policies, procedures and practice. >> we still have, lot of work to do to improve and address equity in san fran for our community upon i feel that we are on the right track and seeing how
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people's lives are improving thanks to those changes. i do think it is unique that our local government is sponsive to transgender communities so i hope that people can remember that despite the work we had, we seat progress. we seat change and there is hope for transpeople in san francisco and wherever we come together and organize to improve our lives. [music]
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>> how are you feeling? long hard day, it's so good to see all of you today. i know people had to get through traffic but as i scan the audience, i'm excite today see so many familiar faces. we are here to celebrate san francisco, there on your hill, my city, fair as the queen of ol', supreme in her 7 hill splender, you from your golden gate of gold, facing the orient sun burn and swap in the sunset gleams thrown in ultimate glory, you're a city of mist and a city of dreams. welcome to the 10th anniversary of the closing ceremony of black history celebration of san francisco!