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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT

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♪ ♪ >> i've been drinking coffee since i was 17 really the only thing i'm good at i was trying to find out what i was good at i got a job at the coffee shop i decided to do that the rest of my life. i like the process of the coffee and what are those beans where do they come from oh, they come from a fruit. >> the coffee stays with me since i was a kid i grew up and opened coffee shops everybody. in the 8 i visited over 11 hundred coffee shops maybe more to see why people go to coffee shops >> we're searched the beans all
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over the world from east afghan and tokyo. >> when i wanted to do was get into aspect of the personal coffee and the processing and everything else there was multiple steps in making coffee and we did have a lighter roost because of the qualities of the keep once you roost it it home gisz the coffee. >> one thing about the coffee they were special blends and i spent seven years on one blend so that's my pleasure. each bean they were all chosen and blended with each with different cultural and beans is like people and those people
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give me a reputation i can't buy. people love you my clients love me they take me to the moves movies. >> fell in love with coffee and went to the coffee shops the community aspect i really enjoyed. >> i think it's important to have a place for people to show up and talk to their neighbors and recorrect. your surrounded with all those behalf communicated i communities >> i love my city san francisco has a good name my has every cultural in this planet living in san francisco it's a small city 7 by 7 but it's huge.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i really like the idea of staying in the neighborhood and living in the mission i've lived here the whole time and the community really stick to it people talk about seattle and portland now they talk about seattle and san francisco. or portland and san francisco but san francisco is definitely on the cutting-edge of the coffee scene in the entire nation. >> there's so many romance in coffee is surrounds the sourcing of that and thinking about where it came from and how and coffee
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is wonderful. >> i know for a fact i was born to make coffee. i have a notice from the dad let the life i live speak for me and let's have a cup of coffee and talk about it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the inteblth is a huge part of our everyday life everyone with the seniors use it for work and play. although there's a many valuable websites on line.
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>> the first thing a senior will ask me is about viruses if they go on websites what are the discharges of being on the internet. >> for instance, you see something that maybe from the bank and the first thing it starts asking you for a private information where you get intiger's offers and they're not real. the way to tell where it's a fishing scam or not is who it's from. they can fake a name that says paypal but they can't fake an e-mail address it would be from a bank if they have any issue it's not going to be over an
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e-mail. >> stay away from e-mail all the same can be said on networking sites. the user should make sure they know the person before clicking on the requests >> some of tracking software they can get argue bank account information some are more hamper full we'll get pop ups and i want to avoid those. there are many levels of protect your i s public works usually has a security looking for things you should have a updated advisor software. there are a lot of anti virus programs the number one free
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viruses program is microsoft security and microsoft has an invested interest for people to make sure their computers are safe purify you don't want to use easy to guess passwords and mix things up. you want to have a capital letter or a special characteristic like american people exclamation point and change our pass wood frequently every 6 months or so. be aware that anything on the public community someone else can be looking over our shoulder and there's memory that keeps the informational so when you log off clear the briers so somebody can't come behind you and see the information >> when your banking or
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shopping on line the browsers tells us you that this site is safe. when you're on a safe site you're going to see number one the address on top will see h h p.s. and that sustained for security and none of your information is out into the public. sometimes, you'll see a lock that the browsers has deprecated that that browsers is navigate save. because of evenly crippling item $0.31 it's actual for dangers to if you give our credit card at a waiter thank you arraignment. so a lot of people don't get that and it can make our life easier.
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if you have mobility issues that's a in his luxury to have. >> the internet provides a lot of profundities. people young and old. by following some simple rules you you can, in fact, the web safely and securely. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ for more information visit >> welcome everyone. my name is ann chronicallying burger (clapping) thank you.
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this is such a very exciting day for all of us i see lots of friends in the audience who worked with heather harvey and loved him as people part of the legacy to think we're honoring this man with a u.s. postage stamp is phenomenal thank you so much for coming. last week stewart and are were at the white house for the stamp dedication it was a inspiring dedication but to both which us it's more important to do it here this was harvey's home and city hall he loved the most. (clapping.)
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i wanted to introduce our mayor, mayor ed lee who is going to speak to you and give some opening remarks we're lucky to have mayor ed lee represent us here in the city of san francisco we really understands obviously civil rights issues by understands the kinds of principles that harvey also talked about we as individuals don't have the same kind of superdelegate or power when we collaborate together and minority groups and disables individuals and lesbian or gay straight whatever with we come pathotote with w we have become the majority so mayor ed lee thank you very much
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>> (clapping) thank you, ann well to the people's palaces another wonderful occasion to see all i have you but also a unique one. i want to begin by tang ann and stuart for your wonderful leaders when i saw the pictures from d.c. and i've been there before on anothers cargos this was pretty unique for san francisco. well deserves phenomenal nor harvey milk but your city has been about and what harvey milk attempted to do in his short life but look at who we are today and if harvey were here he'd be proud of the diversity not only in the elected officials but also in our department heads and our lgbt
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caucus at the board of supervisors i would actually know that attorney general pamela harris would join me in a unique opportunity for our city and to see the national and international stage of a step named after supervisor mimic not only a stamp but a forever stamp a forever stamp (clapping) rose marie thank you for being part of the postage service because this is pretty unique it also means that we confidentially ourselves inform being a city of quality and making sure we do everything we can to do what harry taught us he saw the significance of changed and he had that door open and all he asks us to do
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was to keep the door open when we come walking through it that's our commitment we've seen the millstones just a year ago we were here celebrating the instruments decision an dermoand prop 8 and a if i months ago we celebrated 10 years of w45er7 doing here to lay the foundation for change across the country lovd 18 its in the united states of america have seen it there's more to be done (clapping) today, this forever stamp puts us and harvey milk stamp autonomy face and name in
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history but your culture of of tolerance and acceptance for the world to understand we have to educate more people and bring more people along and keep the doors of opportunity open and it's centered right here in this wonderful, wonderful city of san francisco so thank you, again. and ann and stuart to the positively services and all of who you who are here you'll see a stamp that you'll have to reproduce more of those stamps i'm in line because i want to be part of this exhibition of history but the reminder let's keep working together and making sure that everybody experiences this wonderful celebration and feels the power of equality this is an and congratulations for being here. thank you
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(clapping) i'm stewart imagine i've been going on known a envelope of harvey milk (clapping) and my friend ann and i are could hosting we're splitting back and forth on introductions. two years ago we were invited by the post office there would be a harvey milk stamp and the team is are volunteers they've been living and breathing the post office we had to keep it secretary no one can know you can't tell anyone anything but we had an amazing group even if people leads lift ev'ry voice and sing by miriam working with an incredibly talented team of people so if someone asked me what quasi governmental
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intermits that have amazing talented and highly engaged and prospective modern be prospective folks i wouldn't have immediately thought of the post office by those folks have been trembles most people are proud and the design was by the post office folks we were honored to have the post office general in d.c. and equally happy to have rose marie he recorded to the chief of human resources in her roll she's responsible for the united states post office talent and training and development and diversity and personnel services
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and medical everything h.r. we have folks in training to get jobs so for you guys from the treasure island center the woman i'm about to introduce is who you want to know please join me in welcoming someone i've only spent a few moments with please welcome rose marie (clapping.) thank you stewart and ann and mayor ed lee thank you and the post office is proud to pay tribute to one person of change harvey milk. i have to say thank you harry we really are to bring cool back to the post office he think with the stamp we're going to do that there's a lot of reasons to admire him its unique ability to
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bring folks together look at the crowd here. it started in the early 70s when he joined forces with temperatures to work on anti labor and anti gay practices. soon union truck drivers and lgbt t people were working together soidz towards a common person on harvey milk would have made things possible. in the years that followed mr. anything expanded his coalition to include senior citizens and young people and ethnic minority and more. there was practical reasons, of course, mr. milk was a politician. and he knew he needed folks whether or not we could find them but people from different backgrounds that got to know
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each other discovered how much they had in common the most important alonzo lesson he taught everyone has something that makes them different and one group that has held down the he thought rest of us have the ron responsibility to stand up and fight back we all have a stake in equality that's why mr. milk spent time you're going lgbt people to come out of the closest we knew when more straight people economy more gay people sense would prevail over division and hope would conquer fear and more than anything mr. milk gave people hope. there's one of the reasons he ran for office in the first place but showing the world he
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wasn't afraid to be himself he helped other to take pride in would and who we were that was easier said than done there were many dangerous times for the lgbt gay people were harassed and no one understood that better than harvey milk as one of the nation's first openly gay elected officials we lived with that death threat everyday analytic a year before it's death a fascination he said if a bullet should enter my brain then let the bullet destroy every closest door almost 40 years later (clapping)
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almost 40 years later there are far fewer closets doors today left in america. i spuktd everyone in this room knows someone that's a lesbian, gay or 11th hour people teach our children and help keep us safe and deliver our mail (laughter) (clapping). >> and represent our interests on school boards easy city council and statehouse and in congress they're part of our everyday lives and our lives are better nor it i'm pursuing proud to be here and decade the stamp on behalf of the united states post office this is our long standing commitment to diversity
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and he joined others pioneers including molecule and caesar chavez who have both been honored on stamps you'll see the harvey milk stamp is a black and white image of him in front of the castro story it was taken by daniel (clapping) now interesting enough that picture was for his 1977 campaign but was rejected because his tie was blowing in the wind it's extremely appropriate that that picture today is now on a post office stamp. so today my post office
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colleagues will share this image with you through the harvey milk forever stamp let that be a power reminder of the lessons he taught us when you're not afraid of being yourselves and give others encourage let this stamp remind us of fundamental truth behind under imagines milks message let this stamp inspire a new generation of harvey milk legacy to keep working toward a world that gives one way or the other way to acceptance and where fear gives way to hope thank you for being here today (clapping) and now i'd like to invite all
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the honored gifts to join me in the dedication of the harvey milk forever stamp. (clapping.) >> so i have the great honor of introducing my uncles campaign
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manager a dear friend of not only any usage of the san francisco days but thought milk family that was chosen in a political will to fill the seat that was vacated by my uncle's death from the assassination she's your executive director of medical emergency services but ann like me has the belief that my uncle's message is needed globally and so when we were at the white house 5 years ago and december man too-too through those speckle glasses pointed at me and said you've got to do more. he's a martyr and there's a lot of lgbt heros but there are very few that knowing put their lives on the line evidence and took
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bullets and that his message can free lgbt people across the world i said i would only do that if ann joined me ann is an inspiring leader and will bring forgot humor i didn't inherit if my usage but that you could my uncle's humor please welcome my uncle's heart and soul of those days going forward please welcome ann (clapping) >> i think we should start a new campaign perhaps you'll all join me and make the harvey milk stamp a permanent exhibit in
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city hall wouldn't that be great (clapping) i know that's something that harry would have loved. harry changed my life. i mean with one phone call from harry said come and talk to me and mob maybe you can work with me on the campaign i've dedicated my life to public service if i hadn't hooked up with harvey i have no idea what direction i would have taken he instilled the hope we've talked about and it's like absolutely such a part of my core that i am here to serve the citizens in what ever role i'm in to serve the public and that's something
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that's an honorable job something that's a profession illicit proud of and harvey milk did that for me (clapping) harry did instill hope in us telephone pole hope for the future and hope for lesbians and gay men will be treated equally with dignity and respect he said his message was come out of the closet he was the first to say publicly you have to counted out of the closet because i knew his friends and family knew upper gay or the neighbor next was a bio sex all would change the norms and standards in our culture he said within those they realize we're tare children
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we are there ever myth and lie and unyund would be destroyed once and for all. harry was right. i mean look at you tell 35 years later his legacy of hope is taking fruition and becoming a reality. i see harvey's legacy everyday in our changing society. a break off men and women like michael sam and like elaine page and mary lamborghini had the courage to 125u7bd and declare their love while we made really good strives here in the united states for equal rights for lesbians and lgbt lgbt the message is needed harry's message of hope is needed around the